Community Catalysts of California

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Community Catalysts of California


No. 4-25 Page 1 of 3

Subject: Workplace Violence

Community Catalysts of California will not tolerate violence by an employee or anyone else against and employee or supervisor and charges every employee with the responsibility of contributing towards a violence free environment. This policy also extends to outside parties who enter Community Catalysts of California facilities, or who communicate with employees by phone, e-mail, mail, or other methods. Employees are encouraged to notify their managers, supervisors or the Chief Operations Officer of any situation that they feel is unsafe or inconsistent with this policy.

In addition to other forms of workplace violence, Community Catalysts of California recognizes that domestic violence and sexual assault injures individuals, their work performance, and the workplace as a whole. Employees experiencing violence or abuse of any type at home are encouraged to seek help from law enforcement, domestic violence counseling, service agencies in the community and to access the Community Catalysts of California Employee Assistance Program. Referral information is available from managers and supervisors. In some cases, employees may be eligible for assistance from Community Catalysts of California to maintain their safety and the safety of co- workers.

If you receive or overhear any threatening communications from an employee or outside third party, report it to your supervisor at once. Do not engage in either physical or verbal confrontation with a potentially violent individual. If you encounter an individual who is threatening immediate harm to an employee or visitor to our premises, contact an emergency agency (such as 911) immediately. Often times, the quickest response from law enforcement will be achieved by using a regular telephone to call 911, as opposed to a cellular telephone, but use whichever will allow you to make the call safely.

Time off related to domestic violence and sexual assault

In accordance with California law, Community Catalysts of California will not discriminate against an employee who is a victim of domestic violence and/or sexual assault for taking time off work to obtain or attempt to obtain any relief, including but not limited to, a temporary restraining order or other injunctive relief to help ensure No. 4-25 Page 2 of 3 the health, safety, or welfare of a domestic violence and sexual assault victim or his or her child.

Domestic violence may include causing or attempting to cause injury or harm, or placing any family member, domestic partner or cohabitant in reasonable fear of injury. Specifically, it means physical abuse, sexual abuse, verbal or emotional abuse, threats of violence or stalking behavior, or deliberate damage to property or pets.

Community Catalysts of California also will not discriminate against an employee who is a victim of domestic violence and sexual assault for taking time off from work to seek medical attention for injuries caused by such domestic violence and sexual assault, to obtain services from a domestic violence and sexual assault program, to obtain psychological counseling related to the domestic violence and assault, or to participate in actions to increase safety from the future domestic violence and sexual assault, including temporary or permanent relocation.

Affected employees must give the community Catalysts of California reasonable notice that they are required to be absent for a purpose stated above, except for unscheduled or emergency court appearances or other emergency circumstances. In such a case, Community Catalysts of California will take no action against affected employees if, within a reasonable amount of time after the appearance, they provide Community Catalysts of California with documentary evidence that their absence was required for any of the above reasons.

Affected employees may use vacation, personal leave or other accrued time off (if available).

To the extent of the law, Community Catalysts of California will maintain the confidentiality of an employee requesting such leave.

Flex Time

Based on the business needs of their department, eligible employees experiencing domestic violence may be permitted to flex their work hours.

Business Conduct

Community Catalysts of California does not condone and will not tolerate violent conduct. Any and all threats of violence against any employee, location or property will be taken seriously and will result in immediate action, up to and including No. 4-25 Page 3 of 3 termination, as well as be reported to law enforcement. The use of Community Catalysts of California premises, telephones, e-mail or mail to commit violent acts or communicate any threat of violence to anyone, whether an employee or not is specifically prohibited and may constitute grounds for dismissal.

Approved: ______James A. Jenkins Chief Executive Officer

______Wendy M. Forkas Chief Operating Officer

Effective: January 1, 2003

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