Kiwaniscoop the Official Publication of the Kiwanis Club of Manhattan Beach
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KiwaniScoop The Official Publication of the Kiwanis Club of Manhattan Beach
Editor: Rick Block October 28, November 4 and November 11 Vol. XXXIII No. 2 Some More Catch Up
Coming Events -Don had a happy dollar that he didn't live in the fire November 18th-Regular meeting at the Manhattan areas. He had a second dollar remembering that he Country Club. Program chair of the day is Dave Si- had built a fireproof house in the San Diego area in mon. the 1970s that survived a previous fire.
November 25th-Regular meeting at the Manhattan -Chief had a happy dollar that the MBFD was per- Country Club. Program chair of the day is Dan Skora. forming well in the fire areas with its two engines saving homes. December 2nd-Regular meeting at the Manhattan Country Club. Program chair of the day is Scott -Bill Switzer was generally harassed during this Smith. meeting, for no apparent reason. He was happy that he went to his dentist, his check up was perfect, and December 2nd-We man the Santa Float. Please meet at he was told to return in a year. Many members ques- the city yard on Bell at 4:00pm. tioned whether he had mailed in his teeth, but were met with denials. December 6th-Annual Christmas Party at the Skora’s. Children are welcome. There will also be an adult -Stan was happy that "the Trojans are back." This gag gift exchange, so bring a gift (PG rated please). statement could be interpreted in many ways.
December 9th-Regular meeting at the Manhattan - I was sad that a friend of mine is the assistant man- Country Club. Program chair of the day is Ivan ager of all of Trader Joe's warehouses and that he is Stonich. quite busy during the strike.
December 16th-Regular meeting at the Manhattan - Dave was sad that an old friend, Woody McCain, Country Club. Program chair of the day is Bill had passed away quite unexpectedly. Switzer. - I was happy that my Atkins diet is starting to show December 23rd-Regular meeting at the Manhattan some results. Country Club. Program chair of the day is Engin Uralman. -The Chief was sad and questioned the President's use of surplus boxes of candy. He also questioned why a December 30th-Regular meeting at the Manhattan box of candy had not been delivered to him, given Country Club. Program chair of the day is Gene that he had celebrated his fourth anniversary during Willis. the previous week. Negotiations ensued, and resulted in the Chief contributing $20.00 for an apparently October 28th Meeting fresh box of candy, and the President being fined and Many thanks to Paul Gold for taking the notes. paying the same amount for his oversight.
The President was actually present. Also present was I pointed out to our President that he had also made guest Dick McCurdy, without his Lt. Governor's bell the same mistake for my anniversary, but rather than and gavel. receive a box of candy similar to a Scott Smith spe- cial camera, we decided to take up the matter at a lat- er meeting. vision station as well.
Birthdays for Gene Willis (Halloween), and Engin Bill Glavin had a very sad dollar. Last Wednesday, and Marty Davis (the day before Halloween) received one of his employees collapsed at her desk. Carrie what passed for a song. performed CPR before the paramedics arrived. Un- fortunately, the employee died of cardiac arrest. A Board Meeting was promised for November 6 at Good Stuffs. Gene Willis’ sad dollar was for having to cancel his San Diego camping trip. The Program Dick McCurdy presented a program about the Mac mentioned that the Community Emergency Alert Healthy Share Program, which we had previously Team program is a course everyone should take for known as the Share Program from a presentation by emergency situations. John Bowler. The previous program ended last De- cember due to financial and delivery problems. The Chief mentioned that Manhattan Beach had res- cue apparatus on alert because of the fires. The fire- Dick was very upbeat yet cautionary about the new fighter who died was caught outside when the fire program, which is now being administered by food changed direction unexpectedly. His captain went to industry veterans and retirees. They have changed look for him and suffered severe burns. the method of delivery and other procedures and Dick thinks that the program may have a chance this time I had two more dollars. The first was my racer was around. Dick also expects that the Hermosa Beach released by the mechanic and this weekend was the Kiwanis will get involved in the program again, and next race. The second was for Stan Ralls being back the McCurdy family has taken the lead and Dick is from his Southwest trip. personally involved in picking up the ordered food each month. He gave us menus for November show- Chopper Jack’s eyes lit up when he realized he had a ing a complete Thanksgiving dinner for $20, steaks chance to fine Stan. Stan argued for leniency because for $16, and other basic foods. Orders should be in he suffered from food poisoning. Stan went into de- by the first Monday of the month, with distribution tail about his symptoms, and the only way Chopper the last Saturday at local churches. Dick was hesitant Jack could shut him up was to lower the fine to $10. to recommend that our club get fully involved in this program as it may not last long, but he is optimistic. Paul Gold had a touch of conscience. Even though he was not fined for being late, he still tossed in a late Despite the fact that Dick was a former Lt. Governor, dollar. we applauded his presentation and commitment. Birthdays November 4th Meeting Nancy Smith celebrates her birthday on the 4th. Mac McClellan was proud to announce our club’s two wheel racing team is now looking for new mem- Fine Free bers. Next meeting, the fine free ticket is 424343.
The Chief had a dollar for Mac’s racing colors, puke Door Prize green, and a sad dollar that the candy Chopper Jack Ken Giss won the bottle of rum. gave the Chief for his wedding anniversary appeared to be a tad old. Program Andor Gyulai, a financial consultant, gave us an in- Mac Report teresting talk on the relationship between inflation, Don Freeman announced the Mira Costa Volley- productivity and interest rates. ball team finished third in a Santa Barbara tourna- ment. November 11th Meeting Patrick Fard owner of Power Karate was here as our I had a happy dollar for being back from my business guest speaker. Paul Gold brought his two daughters, trip to Palm Springs. I rode on the Tram at its grand Emily and Gabreille to lunch as well. reopening. I might have also gotten on the local tele- Chopper Jack announced that Scott Smith had became a teacher at age 18. Patrick feels the training stepped down as a director. He was replaced by He- his students go through can help students learn to fo- len Duncan. cus on their schoolwork.
Dave Simon gave the Matrix Revolutions a good re- Birthdays view. He also felt our last board meeting was very Fran Uralman celebrates her birthday on the 15h. productive. Fine Free Paul Blieden was invited to show his work at the Next week, the fine free ticket is 424305. Legacy restaurant. Door Prize Patrick gave us a dollar for inviting him to our meet- Engin Uralman won the bottle of vodka. ing, and he invited us to his Christmas Party at Power Karate on December 6th. The address is 1730 N. Announcements Sepulveda in Manhattan Beach. The Santa Float is ours for the evening of the 2nd. We need four elves to help Santa. Stan Ralls is still celebrating USC’s being ranked number 2 in the nation, even with a bye last weekend. The Christmas Party will be held at the Skora’s on Stan’s softball team rolled over its opponent last the 6th, starting at 6:30pm. We will have a gag gift ex- night 14-3. Stan wished everyone a happy Veteran’s change, so bring a PG rated gift. Dan and Sandy’s ad- Day, and he brought his voter’s stub to show he vot- dress is 1341 Gaites Avenue in Manhattan Beach. ed last week. A membership committee has been formed by Chop- Mac Report per Jack. The committee consists of Helen, Dave and Stan announced the Mira Costa Mustang’s Foot- Ivan. Please call Chopper Jack to volunteer. ball team is still undefeated this year. They have a 38 game winning streak going.
Paul Gold came back from a walk on the beach with Gabrielle and Emily, and their dogs.
Stan found Love Actually an entertaining picture.
Helen Duncan was happy she was asked to become a director.
I tossed in two sad dollars. One for not getting the Scoop out for a while. The second for blowing up an- other clutch at last weekend’s race.
Paul Blieden related the story of a fisherman catching an Angel Shark at the Manhattan Beach pier. The shark had a gaff injury but was nursed back to good health at the Roundhouse and was released back into the wild.
Chopper Jack has ordered his motorcycle. He was caught without wearing his badge but none of the past presidents seemed to care.
The Program Patrick gave us a talk on his journey from Iran to the United States, and how he started with Karate at the age of 7. Patrick received his black belt at age 14, and Roster I am updating the roster, please send me your current address and phone numbers, for home and business, phone numbers, cell phone number and email ad- dress. If nothing has changed from the last roster, please confirm that. My email address is rick@b- My office address is Block Consult- ing Actuaries, Inc. 3601 Aviation Blvd., Suite 3080, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266.
Kiwanis Club of Manhattan Beach Post Office Box 3492 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
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