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Fulton Independent School District

Curriculum Map Common Core Standards Fulton Independent School District

Subject/Course: Music - Arts & Humanitites Grade: 1st Revision Date: 2014-2015

Timeline Kentucky Core Assessment Learning Target Introduce Assessment Lesson/Content Common Core (Days or Standard Progressing Standard(s) from an weeks/dates) Master Earlier Grade/course that Review Was/Were no Part of On Going Core content 4.1 (all must get to “M”) 1st 9 weeks AH-P-SA-U-2 I can identify vertical, What are five basic types of Students will understand that the principles of horizontal, diagonal, curved line? design and the elements of visual art are and zig zag lines in artwork. intentionally applied in creating works of art. I can use vertical, horizontal, diagonal, curved and zig zag What are the five basic AH-P-SA-S-VA1 lines to create artwork. geometric shapes? Students will begin to recognize and identify elements of art (line, shape, form, texture, I can identify 5 basic geometric color) and principles of design (emphasis, shapes in artwork (triangle, What are the three secondary pattern, balance, contrast) using visual art square, rectangle, circle, oval). colors? terminology I can use basic geometric shapes to create artwork. What is texture? AH-P-SA-S-VA2 Students will use the elements of art and I can identify the 3 secondary principles of design in creating artworks colors in artwork. What is a balance? independently and with others What is symmetrical balance? I can use secondary colors to create an artwork. What is a landscape? I can identify and describe symmetrical balance in Why do people create art? AH-P-HA-U-1 artwork. How did or do people of Students will understand that the arts different cultures use art in are powerful tools for understanding I can use symmetrical balance their lives? human experiences both past and to create an artwork. Why was or is art important to present. people of other cultures? I can identify and describe a What kind of art would be AH-P-HA-U-2 landscape. used in a ceremony or to Students will understand that the arts celebrate an event? help us understand others’ (often very I can create a landscape. What kind of art tells a story? different) ways of thinking, working, What kind of art is used in and expressing ourselves I can create an artwork that everyday life? tells a story.

AH-P-HA-S-VA1 I can create a successful Students will begin to associate artwork. How can you tell or show artworks they experience or create others how you feel through with specific cultures (Native I can tell or show you why I the arts? American, Appalachian, West think an artwork is successful African); describe in simple terms using art vocabulary. how art of these cultures reflects the cultures. I can create a 2D artwork.

AH-P-HA-S-VA2 I can use a variety of 2D media Students will begin to associate properly. artworks they experience or create with the Colonial American period in I can tell or show you how I history; describe in simple terms how feel through making art. art of the American Colonies reflects the Colonial American time period. I understand that the arts tell me something about a culture. AH-P-HA-S-VA3 Students will begin to describe artworks of specific cultures using visual art terminology.

AH-P-PA-S-VA1 Students will be actively involved in creating and artworks. AH-P-PA-S-VA2 Students will begin to learn how to use knowledge of the elements and principles of art and art terminology to describe and critique their own work and the work of others.

AH-P-PA-S-VA4 Students will demonstrate audience behavior appropriate to context and style of visual arts observed/viewed; discuss opinions with peers in a supportive and constructive way.

AH-P-PA-S-VA5 Students will describe personal responses to artwork; explain why there might be different responses to specific works of art.

AH-P-PCA-U-1 Students will understand that the arts fulfill a variety of purposes in society

Wks 10-36 • AH-P-SA-S-Mu1 begin to recognize and Pitch: I can… How is creating music similar to identify elements of music (rhythm, tempo, - imitate, explore, and identify cooking and using a recipe? Lessons melody, harmony, form, timbre, dynamics) using high and low pitches. include musical terminology How are dance and music alike? content • AH-P-SA-S-Mu2 use the elements of music from while performing, singing, playing instruments, Rhythm: I can… drama, moving, listening, reading music, writing music, - Explore, and demonstrate dance and and creating music independently and with others steady beat. music • AH-P-SA-S-Mu3 listen to and explore how - identify, and notate ta , ti-ti, changing elements results in different musical rest, whole note and half note. effects Dynamics: I can… • AH-P-PA-S-Mu1 be actively involved in - demonstrate through creating and performing music alone and with performance, loud (forte) and others soft (piano) dynamic levels. • AH-P-PA-S-Mu2 begin to learn how to use knowledge of the elements of music and music Tempo: I can… terminology to describe and critique their own - demonstrate through performances and the performances of others performing on instruments or with movement, largo and presto

Performance: I can learn the words and music to sing and play songs in an ensemble.

I can name space and time as an What are space and time in AH-P-SA-S-Da1 element of dance. dance? Students will begin to recognize and identify elements of dance (space, time) and basic dance I can name the use of space What is a pathway? forms using dance terminology. (direction, level, and AH-P-SA-S-Da2 pathway: straight, curved, or What are non-locomotor and Students will use the elements of dance in zigzag) in a dance. locomotor movements? creating, copying and performing patterns of I can copy or show a dance movement independently and with others. phrase using space (direction, AH-P-SA-S-Da3 How can I use my body and level, and/or pathway). Students will observe, describe, and demonstrate voice to create a character? locomotor (e.g. walk, run, skip, gallop) and nonlocomotor (e.g. bend, stretch, twist, swing) I can see and name movements. locomotor and non- locomotor movement. AH-P-IAA-S-1 Students will begin to recognize that common I can copy or show a dance terms are used in various arts (e.g., tempo in phrase using locomotor and dance and music). non- locomotor movement. I can name the use of time (speed, or tempo: fast, medium, or slow) in a dance.

I can copy or show a dance phrase using time (speed, or tempo).

I can recognize characters AH-P-SA-S-DT1 in a story/play. Students will begin to recognize and identify elements of drama (literary, technical, I can explain what performance) using drama/theatre terminology. dialogue is.

AH-P-SA-S-DT2 I can use my face, body Students will use the elements of drama in and voice to pretend to be creating and performing dramatic works someone I’m not. independently and with others.

AH-P-SA-S-DT3 I can explain what Students will observe, describe, and apply pantomime is. creative dramatics (improvisation, mimicry, pantomime, role playing and storytelling) in a variety of situations. I can use my body to show how my character is feeling.

I can use my body to show who my character is.

I can tell you what gestures are.

I can use gestures to show meaning.

I can use movement to define a character and the action of a play.

I understand how I can use my voice to show how my character

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