Commissioning Reference Group Meeting

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Commissioning Reference Group Meeting



Notes of Meeting Held on 13th January 2015 at 7.00pm

Present: Dr Hiscock, Dr Swamy, Dr Baker, Joan Hayward-Surry, Julia Lovett, Deborah Ridley, Cheryl Kirby, Roy Sainsbury, Harry Brett, Corinne Wheeler, Adrian Fletcher, John Brennan, June Sales and Debbie Dennis (Minute Taker)

Apologies: Hari Tanna, Howard Norton, Beverley Egan, Jillian Reeves, Dianne Blowes and Dorothy King.

Subject Action by

1 Welcome, Introductions and Apologies .  Welcomed new member June Sales

 John Peck, Robert Spiteri and Carole Fisher are leaving the group

 Joan thanked everyone for turning up for this meeting on a cold night.

2 Minutes from Last Meeting – Review for Accuracy .  Accurate and accepted

 HB praised the Prescription Ordering service for their recent support to him which was very much appreciated – this is a very good service.

3 Group Survey Results .  Roy was thanked for putting the results together

 There are 22 members and there were 12 replies. One member would like the meetings to be on a Saturday, one member would like the meetings either on a Thursday or Friday everyone else was happy with the meetings going ahead on a Tuesday night. The meetings will stay taking place on a Tuesday night as this is convenient for the majority of members

 JR feels patients are wary about joining because of the commitment. The group discussed idea from JR that it would be a good way forward to make a A5 flyer on what the group JHS does/when they meet/last’s maximum of an hour and on the other side the patients details if they would like to join. JHS will draft something and send out to all for feedback. The Practice is happy for this flyer to be put out in the surgery. . 4 GP Healthcare Alliance Strategic Advisory Forum .  Karen is now coordinating this forum which has a pot of money to bid on contracts. Currently working on: having GP’s available over the weekend. The group was asked if any patient’s views/input was needed is there any volunteers. Harry Brett, Cheryl Kirby and Debbie Dennis put their names forward.

5 Change of Practice Manager .  As Karen is now involved in the GP Healthcare Alliance Strategic Advisory Forum she will be gradually stepping down from Practice Manager and reducing her hours. JL will be gradually taking over and we were reassured that Karen will still be at the Practice. JL was wished all the best in her new role

6 Any Other Business .  A new notice needs to be produced to ensure surgery patient RS numbers clearly stand out. Thank you to RS for offering to complete this. Dr Hiscock current patient’s numbers are 11,643 and Dr Patel’s are 6,311.

 The practice was supposed to receive leaflets for patients to JL/JHS have the opportunity to complain and to be fully aware of the procedure. JL will check if these have been received and if not JHS will chase the Clinical Commissioning group for these leaflets

 We are going to try for a limited time putting out a suggestion box for patients to put any suggestions in for the Patient Reference JL Group to open and read as patients may not feel comfortable letting the practice know. JL will set this up.

 Discussed how many complaints should you mention in one ten minute appointment. As a guideline only 1 major and 1 minor complaint could be discussed however if you need longer than a ten minute appointment it would be best to book a double appointment (double slots can only happen if there are double slots available)

 The phone system is much better as you know where you are in the queue. The queue does go down very quickly. If patients ring when the surgery is closed then they could also be in a queue to find out the surgery is not open yet. HB felt the waiting music is JL really loud this but could be because he has a decent phone as the surgery cannot turn down the volume. Appointments open at 8am on line as well. RS  Information on the Patient Reference Group notice boards contains the incorrect practice telephone number, RS will update this information. JS  JS said her 12 year old granddaughter mentioned to her that she would like magazines available for her age group rather than just adult magazines. JS to ask the 12 year old girl to donate her old magazines to the practice hoping others would donate as well.

 If hospitals do have special measures in the winter this can affect the practice. The practice will get notified /informed on what they have to do.

7 Future Agenda Items .  JHS asked for suggestions/ideas on direction/involvement of this group. We are lucky as this practice runs well. HB raised concerns around missed appointments even though notices have been displayed showing monthly missed appointment figures and if you have a mobile patients do receive a text message with information about their booked appointment. If a patients misses a few appointments this is followed through by the practice. Everyone agreed the 01268 telephone number is much better. JL will compare our figures with other practices at the next Practice JL Manager’s meeting and could liaise on what other’s practices are currently doing to tackle this problem. Also can the group put their thinking caps on to come up with ideas to move the Patient All Reference Group forward and forward any ideas to JHS.

8 Date and time of Next Meeting . Tuesday 14th April 2015 at 7pm – minute taker Deborah Ridley

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