Adelaide Patient Participation Group (Ppg)

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Adelaide Patient Participation Group (Ppg)


Tues 24th Feb 2016 12:00-1pm

Present: Not in attendance: Hilary Lance (Chair) Robert O'Toole Margaret Bailey Vivienne Mckennel – Apologies Neville Ross Vanda Renton – Apologies Penny Wesson Michael Fletcher – Apologies Sheila Rossan Marilyn Greenfield – Apologies Carlie Newman Jemilat Heinecke – not present Peter Sibson Hazel Morfey – not present Nicola Thomas Dr Marcus Craven Potential new PPG members David Williams (Practice Mgr) Bee Thompson Sherry Ballantine Rosemary Emanuel – not present Elaine Chambers – Apologies Gwen Kaplan - Apologies

Item Outcome Action Apologies and As above introductions Bee Thompson and Sherry Ballantine were introduced to the group

1. Minutes of  Minutes were agreed. the meeting of  Previous appointment flyer now on website and by notice 12th Jan board & matters arising  Letter on name GP finalised and in use  David still needs to plan a meeting with Peter and Hilary to discuss the rollout of patient online access to records

2. Briefing on CIDR – David gave a recap in what CIDR was and the explained the Camden Integrated new process and forms (handed out in meeting) being used Digital Record – by reception to capture patient’s wishes with regard opting [Visiting project out of the scheme. Key points raised in the discussion were: team member from  Carlie pointed out the wording at the top of the overall opt  Change Overall opt CCG, Nigel Slator, did out form for the other schemes (Summary Care record and form (Dave) – not attend] could be misleading) complete  Hilary and Sheila both offered PPG support to help explain CIDR to patients. For now it was decided to see what level of queries there were and to gauge feedback at the upcoming open evening.  It was confirmed that CIDR would be a topic for the open evening in May and Hilary asked everyone to think about what questions they would like raised at the Open meeting.  Think about Qs on  Carlie asked about how sensitive data might be protected CIDR for the open and Hilary gave some assurance from her various CCG roles meeting (All) and meeting attendance that this had been considered in some detail and was restricted. (eg sharing HIV status, pregnancy terminations, some mental health data )   Peter identified that on the Camden wide CIDR opt out Feedback to CIDR

1 form, the reference to sharing information with ‘specific team on opt out organisations’ could be confusing as it didn’t explicitly say form wording other the organisation ‘involved in your care’. Dave to around ‘specific feedback to the CIDR project team. organisations’ - Dave Complete

3. Letter to  Hilary and David advised the meeting that a letter had been councillor on new sent to the council enquiring as to the progress on building. developing the area and what that may now mean for a new surgery. The letter was shared with the team for information.

4. Open Evening. It was agreed that the two items on the agenda for the next open meeting in May will be:  Create leaflet and  CIDR handle publicity  Patient online access to their own medical record (Dave/ Nicola/Hilary) David agreed to handle the publicity in the usual ways with a leaflet on the notice board and fliers on chairs/in prescriptions and notices on the railings. [Postscript: Hilary will ask for flyers to be put on the Belsize Residents Association notice board]

5. Practice news. Ideas for additional patient leaflets are being collated as part  Consider what leaflet of a survey this year. Hilary asked if the Drs could also think ideas could be useful of what might be helpful for patients. to pts (Marcus)

CQC inspection update/PRG representation. Hilary updated the group on the data capture project aimed  To reflect on these at better understanding of the demographics of the PRG ideas for future membership. It was accepted that it was unrealistic to aim to discussion (All) have a fully representative PPG or PRG as some patients do not wish to engage in this way. Instead the group agreed to encourage the practice (where relevant and with, if appropriate, PPG members help) to find other avenues to engage those groups not represented by the PPG/PRG. This might for example include: a focus group on a particular topic , open evenings targeted at specific groups, going to venues where under-represented groups meet, telephone contact on specific issues, etc

5. AOB / Q&A. Peter raised this issue of patient confusion about how and  To be raised at this when patients get test results. This confusion is caused by afternoon’s practice clinicians’ failure, at times, to explain the process. A staff meeting. suggestions were made : (Nicola)  Hand out leaflet at end of consultation – Nicola pointed out some practical limitations to this  To consider if a suggestion patient leaflet will  Possible new patient leaflet help (Dave &Hilary) Another concern was raised about a patient thinking all was  In the light of more ok because they had not been contacted by the practice information about either because results had got lost in the system or not been frequency, to decide sent to the practice. Nicola advised the group these were of any further action now rare occurrences. is necessary re lost or missing results

2 List of potential future agenda items:  Could we have open meetings for all patients or members of the PRG for some of our PPG meetings?

Next meetings: 13th April 2016 (Wed 12-1:30 pm) Open eve 24th May 2016 (Tues 7-8:30pm) 29th June 2016 (Wed 12:00 – 1pm) 14th Sep 2016 (Wed 12-1:30 pm) Open eve 18th Oct 2016 (Tues 7-8:30pm) 23rd Nov 2016 (Wed 12-1:30 pm)


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