Exam #1 Multiple Choice Exercise Set #1

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Exam #1 Multiple Choice Exercise Set #1

Exam #1 Multiple Choice Exercise Set #1 September 13, 2009 Note: These are designed as a learning exercise and not as a representation of the actual exam. Make sure that you have tried all of the questions before reviewing the solutions. Please contact me with any questions / revisions. Enjoy!

1. (from Martini) The number and arrangement of electrons in an atoms outer energy level determines the 8. Which of the following is false with regard to ion atoms’s: channels? A. Atomic Weight A. They are typically specific for a certain B. Atomic Number type of ion C. Molecular Weight B. They require ATP to move ions across D. Reactive Behavior the membrane C. Their activity can be regulated by cellular 2. (from Martini) A sample organic molecule contains signaling Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and D. They are integral membrane proteins Phosphorous. This molecule is most likely: A. A Carbohydrate 9. In the homeostatic regulation model for the control of B. A Protein body temperature, skin is the receptor the C. A Nucleic Acid hypothalamus is the control center, and sweat glands D. A lipid and blood vessels in the skin are the effectors.

3. A sample atom has 18 electrons and 17 protons. It is 10. The question above illustrates an example of: said to be: A. Positive Feedback A. Cationic B. Negative Feedback B. Anionic C. Extrinsic Homeostatic Regulation C. Isotopic D. Autoregulation D. Chemically Inert (unreactive) E. Both B and C

4. Isotopes of Carbon vary in the: 11. (from Martini) Plasma membranes are said to be: A. Atomic Mass A. Selectively Permeable B. Atomic Number B. Freely Permeable C. Number of Electrons C. Impermeable D. Number of Bonds it Can Form D. Slightly Permeable E. Actively Permeable 5. Order the chemical bonds from strongest to weakest? A. Covalent > Ionic > H-Bond 12. Ribosomes, centrioles, and the cytoskeleton are B. Ionic > Covalent > H-Bond similar because: C. Covalent > H-Bond > Ionic A. They are all nonmembranous organelles. D. H-Bond > Ionic > Covalent B. Together they are responsible for motility. C. They are the primary protein synthesis 6. Proteins perform all of the following functions machinery of the cell except: D. They guide chromosome movement during A. Cellular Movement cell division B. Cell Signaling C. Transport of Materials 13. Which of the following is false with regard to the D. Encode genetic information sodium-potassium pump (NaK ATPase) E. Catalyze Biological Reactions A. It is both a transport protein and an enzyme B. It moves sodium and potassium along 7. The energy currency of the cell is said to be: their concentration gradients. A. Mitochondria C. It pumps 3 sodium ions out of the cell and 2 B. Adenosine Triphosphate potassium ions into the cell per cycle C. Glucose D. It is a critical component for nerve and D. Sodium-Potassium Transporter muscle cell function.

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