Beer Parish Council s1

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Beer Parish Council s1

Beer Parish Council

The Parish Council Meeting was held on Tuesday 5 September 2017 at the Mariners’ Hall. Copies of minutes and reports are available on request.

Present: Cllr. D Clinch Cllr. M Graham Cllr. M Green Cllr. L Harrison Cllr. U Makepeace Cllr. G Pook Cllr. M Richards Cllr. M Westlake

In attendance: A Dallaway (Clerk), Cllr M Shaw (DCC), one member of the public

1. Apologies accepted by the Council: Cllr. L Vine

2. Declarations of Interest: None declared.

3. Items to be dealt with after the public, including the press have been excluded: Council agreed that there were none.

4. Casual Vacancy – CO-OPTION There were 2 applications for the 1 vacancy. Councillors agreed that co-option should take place by paper ballot. Councillors were advised to initial the ballot papers. Trevor Wood was duly elected as a Parish Councillor.

5. Public participation: A representative of Westleigh B&B was in attendance at the meeting and wished to clarify the current Licensing application to EDDC. The proprietor of Westleigh wishes to serve alcohol to guests with evening meals and to provide a café service on an occasional basis in the daytime.

6. Police report: There were no members of Devon & Cornwall Constabulary in attendance at the meeting and no report received.

7. Approval of minutes: The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 11 July 2017 were approved and signed as a true record. The record of attendance will be amended to show the attendance of Cllr M Shaw (DCC). Action points from the meeting: 11/7/2017/6 Stock proof fencing is currently being installed along the footpath from Short Furlong to Quarry Lane. 11/7/2017/7 The permissive footpath sign for Short Furlong is now in place. 11/7/2017/7 Cllr Richards is still trying to source suitable benches to fill gaps identified in the recent bench review. ACTION: CLLR RICHARDS 11/7/2017/12 Pot hole measurements will be forwarded to DCC as appropriate.

8. Reports – Chairman, Clerk Chairman’s Report:  Numerous reports have been received regarding over-flowing dog bins. It was noted that the public can report full bins directly to EDDC through their mobile app.  A local contractor will cut back the nettles in Cowerslea Way.

Clerk’s Report:  The Parish Council archive files are currently stored in the Mariners’ Hall office. The Clerk is currently reorganising and streamlining the filing system. The office is soon to be refurbished and will in future be used as a part-time office for the Parish Clerk.  Negotiations are on-going regarding a designated emergency landing area for Beer for the Devon Air Ambulance Night Flight. The football field has been suggested as a potential landing area.

9. Financial report: Bpcmins05092017AD 1 i) The Council approved the bank reconciliation to the end of July 2017 ii) The Council approved the interim accounts to end July 2017 iii) Cheques required: 001789 £105 Terry Hoare (Ash Hill grass cutting July) 001790 £50 TRIP Community Transport (donation) 001791 £5.10 Bradfords Building supplies (Workman clothing) 001792 £70 Terry Hoare (Ash Hill grass cutting August)

The Council resolved to approve the cheques listed above. RESOLVED

10. Highways matters – to review progress and receive feedback from Highways Officers: i) Review of traffic signage to encourage HGV to avoid Common Hill Cllr Green has produced a prioritised list of road signage proposals, including some easily achievable amendments to existing signage. Cllr Richards will organise the amendments to the existing signage. ACTION: CLLR RICHARDS It was agreed that a key priority was to produce a new sign for the Court Barton/Causeway junction, directing HGV away from the village centre and the 6ft width restriction. This sign will require external funding. ii) Update re proposed traffic order for Beer Cllr Shaw reported that the Parish Council’s proposals would be included in a draft order which would go out to consultation. A further update will be provided at the next meeting. iii) Consider no-waiting proposal for Berry Hill The Council agreed that no changes should be made to the existing parking restrictions at Berry Hill.

7.45pm Cllr Shaw arrived at the meeting 11. Land at Little Hemphay – to review usage and maintenance The land at Little Hemphay is very overgrown. S106 funds are available for enhancement but this is on hold pending approval for a new development at Short Furlong. As a one-off, the CLT will pay for the area to be cleared and cut back. ACTION: CLLR POOK

12. Parish Council surgery – to receive report There was no Parish Council surgery in August. The next surgery will take place on 23 September at the Beer Horticultural Society Table Top Sale.

13. Environment Report – to receive an update and discuss community engagement initiatives Cllr Westlake provided a report including the following items:  A Brook Clearance day will be scheduled for Sat 7 October – posters will be circulated to encourage community engagement.  A shed has been donated to the Parish Council which the Volunteer Group will use for the storage of tools and equipment. Once the shed is installed, the DCC Highways Enhancement grant will be used to purchase tools and equipment.

14. EDDC asset transfer – to receive an update Cllr Pook presented an updated budget for the asset transfer for Beer which is due to take place 31 March 2018. Negotiations are on-going with EDDC regarding which assets the Parish Council will take full ownership of and which will involve the transfer of a licence.

15. Beer Coastal Community Team – update on interim projects:  Work is on-going regarding the production of a series of walking leaflets around Beer.  A shower has been installed on West beach.  Cllr Pook has had a meeting with a local marketing consultant who will produce a preliminary scope of works for Beer.

Bpcmins05092017AD 2 16. Neighbourhood Plan – to receive an update and reports from the Steering Group The Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Habitats Regulations Assessment (for the Short Furlong development site) have now been completed. Recommendations from the assessments are currently being assimilated into the draft Neighbourhood Plan, in preparation for the 6-week statutory public consultation period. Following this, the Plan will be formally submitted to EDDC for inspection. Ultimately, a public referendum will be necessary to adopt the Plan.

17. Planning: Minutes from the Planning Committee meeting held on 11 July and 31 August 2017 are available on the website. The Council resolved to accept the recommendations of the Planning Committee. RESOLVED

18. Reports of EDDC and DCC Cllrs including matters for attention Cllr Pook, EDDC had nothing further to report.

Cllr Shaw, DCC had previously circulated a report including the following matters:  The DCC Health Scrutiny Committee decided not to refer the CCG’s decision to close the beds at Seaton Hospital, to the Secretary of State for Health. Seaton hospital has now lost its in-patient beds.  The next meeting of the Seaton Coastal Traffic Group (Seaton, Beer and Branscombe) will take place on Monday 25 September.

19. Reports of Parish Council representatives on other bodies: Cllr Makepeace reported that the BBC Radio 4 ‘Any Questions’ event in Beer had been very successful.

20. Correspondence/Literature: As on Appendix A.

The meeting closed at 9pm.

Date of next Parish Council meeting: Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 3 October 2017

Date: ………………………………….. Chairman: ………………………….

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