Port of Iberia District

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Port of Iberia District


The Regular Meeting of the Port of Iberia District Board of Commissioners was called to order by Commissioner Danny J. David, Sr., Board President, at the Port of Iberia Administrative Office, on Tuesday, November 17, 2015, at 5:30 P.M.

In attendance were Commissioners Danny J. David, Sr., Board President, Larry G. Rader, Vice-President, Gene L. Jefferies, Secretary-Treasurer, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’.

Also present were Craig F. Romero, Executive Director, Tracy Domingue, Secretary-Bookkeeper, and Ray Allain, Port Attorney.

Joanna D. Durke, Administrative Assistant was absent.

Thus, with a quorum being acknowledged, Commissioner Larry G. Rader recited the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

I. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2015. The Minutes of the regular Monthly Board Meeting of October 20, 2015 are in the process of being prepared and will approved at a future Board Meeting.

II. MR. EDDIE GUIDRY, TO ADDRESS THE BOARD REGARDING THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF HIS CANDIDACY FOR DISTRICT JUDGE 16TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, DIVISION D. Mr. Eddie Guidry addressed the Board regarding the upcoming “run-off” election for District Judge 16th Judicial District, Division D. The “run-off” election is going to be held on Saturday, November 21, 2015. Mr. Guidry is running for Judge because he would like to bring the fairness and justice back into the courtroom. He also provided a brief background history of himself and his credentials. He indicated to the Board that he would appreciate their vote and support.

III. DISCUSS AND/OR DISTRIBUTE THE FOLLOWING: (a) Budget Summary for Four (4) Months Ending October 2015. (b) Listing of Tenant Lease Billings. (c) Listing of Boat Stall Lease Billings. (d) Approve Payment of Bills & Checks Issued During Interim Period. (e) Computer Summary of Lease Agreement Activity Sheet.

Page 1 of 11 (f) Status of Invoices Report. A motion was made by Commissioner Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, and seconded by Commissioner Simieon d. Theodile, to approve and authorize the payment of bills for November 2015, and ratify those paid during the interim period. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

IV. MR. TODD BRYAN, PLANT MANAGER, PRIMORIS SERVICES CORPORATION (PSC), TO ADDRESS THE BOARD REGARDING THEIR BUSINESS LOCATED AT THE PORT OF IBERIA. Mr. Todd Bryan, Plant Manager of Fabrication Operations, Primoris Services Corporation (PSC) addressed the Board regarding their business at the Port of Iberia located at 3508 Curtis Lane. PSC is primarily a Pipe Fabrication Company; however they are looking into Module Fabrication at this facility also. Modifications are currently being made to the existing facility; however, Mr. Bryan anticipates that their business operations should be opening in the near future. Mr. Bryan also indicated that he is looking forward to having a presence at the Port of Iberia.


VI. MR. BENJAMIN G. TORIAN, ESQ., EXPLORATION LAND SERVICES, LLC TO ADDRESS THE BOARD REGARDING SEISMIC EXCHANGE, INCORPORATED (SEI) INTEREST IN OBTAINING A SEISMIC SURVEY PERMIT FROM THE PORT OF IBERIA. Mr. Benjamin Torian, Agent for Seismic Exchange, introduced Mr. Shawn Richard, Project Manager, and Mr. Eric Schuster, Head Company Individual for the Project. Seismic Exchange is a Louisiana Company that was formerly headquartered in New Orleans, Louisiana and continues to operate there; however their main office is now located in Houston, Texas. The Project commenced in August of 2014 and totaled 324 square miles of which they have 90% permitted. The purpose of the Seismic Project is to evaluate the potential for oil/gas deposits in certain formations beneath the surface of

Page 2 of 11 the earth. If the results are favorable, this will assist the area in recovering from the recent downturn in the oil/gas industry and increase exploration & production in the area.

Mr. Torian indicated that Seismic Exchange Incorporated’s team mostly consists of local quality-conscious contractors, including 15-20 Permit Agents and additional individuals in the field for this Project. They also work with many State, Local, and Federal Agencies. They also work directly with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries & the United States Army Corps of Engineers.

SEI is interested in obtaining a Seismic Permit covering 614.91 surface acres (54.69 mineral acres) that the Port of Iberia owns. SEI would work very closely & directly with whomever is needed from the Port of Iberia to coordinate their operations so that they cause the least amount of intrusion or disruption. In addition, if the Port were to make a request to SEI to be added to their Insurance Policy, SEI would do so.

It is noted that a copy of the Seismic Exchange Permit as well as a copy of the Plat depicting the area (614.91 acres) being discussed was presented to the Board for review. As described in the Seismic Permit, SEI will be paying $25.00 per surface acre, which will amount to a total payment to the Port of Iberia from Seismic Exchange, Inc. in the amount of $15,372.85. Lengthy discussion ensued. A motion was made by Commissioner Mark Dore’, and seconded by Commissioner Elbridge “Smitty” Smith III, to approve and authorize the Board President to execute the Seismic Survey 3D Permit #POR0049 between Seismic Exchange, Inc. and the Port of Iberia regarding various parcels of land approximately 614.91 acres, more or less, located in or around Iberia Parish, Louisiana and each parcel being described in Exhibit A of aforementioned Permit; contingent upon the Port Attorney’s review and approval of the revisions to be made to the Permit (including Proof of Insurance & Insurance Endorsement naming the Port of Iberia as Additional Insured) and approval of the locations of the holes to be drilled; and motion further stipulates that the Board hereby requests that SEI hire as many local people as possible for the Project. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.


Page 3 of 11 ON: (a) POI ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE BUILDING MAINTENANCE REPAIRS ANALYSIS. {1} Update on Construction Contract. Mr. Gerald Gesser, Gesser Group, APC presented a letter dated November 12, 2015 which provided a Status Report on the POI Administrative Office Building Maintenance Repairs Project. The Port Attorney reported that he has received the necessary Insurance Endorsements and the Port may now proceed to move forward with the Project.

(b) LA DOTD Port Construction & Development Priority Program: State Project Number H.011756(322) Port Improvements -Site Improvements - Tracts “K”, “L”, & “M”. Infrastructure Improvements - Tract “K” (Phase II of SPN H.011756) (LOGAN INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION - TRACT “K” - 10.61 ACRES). {1} Update on Scope of Work for Property Site Improvements to Tract “K”. Mr. Gesser indicated that he spoke with the LA DOTD and they have issued an approval letter as of this meeting date and the Port should receive the letter in the near future.

{2} Update on Advertisement for Bids. Mr. Gesser reported that Mr. Marc Berard and he will be working on the schedule for the Advertisement of Bids for Tract “K” (10.61 acres) – Logan Industries International Corporation Project.

{3} Discuss/Approve Gesser Group, APC Invoices. A motion was made by Commissioner Larry G. Rader, and seconded by Commissioner Simieon d. Theodile, to approve and authorize the payment of Invoice Number 3 in the amount of $60,547.05 to Gesser Group, APC, for architectural services rendered regarding LA DOTD Port Construction & Development Priority Program: State Project Number H.011756(322) Port Improvements -Site Improvements - Tracts “K”, “L”, & “M”. Infrastructure Improvements - Tract “K” (Phase II of SPN H.011756) (Logan Industries International Corporation); in accordance with the contract dated August 26, 2015. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None.

Page 4 of 11 And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

(c) LA DOTD Port Construction & Development Priority Program: State Project Number H.011756(321) Port Improvements -Site Improvements - Tracts “K”, “L”, & “M”. Infrastructure Improvements - Tract “L” (Phase I of SPN H.011756) (RAM DESIGN, LLC - TRACT “L” - 18.13 ACRES). {1} Update on Scope of Work for Property Site Improvements to Tract “L”. Mr. Gesser reported that the Project is currently in the bidding phase (advertising) and there have been 15 general contractors to date that have expressed an interest in bidding the job. {2} Update on Advertisement for Bids. A copy of the Advertisement for Bids was presented for review. A Pre-Bid Conference has been scheduled for Friday, November 20, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the POI Administrative Office. In addition, the bids will be received on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the POI Administrative Office.

{3} LA DOTD Approval Letter. A copy of a letter dated November 9, 2015 from the LA DOTD regarding the authorization to advertise for Tract “L” – Ram Design, LLC was presented for review. The letter depicts that the Architect’s Certificate dated November 9, 2015 and Engineer’s Certificate dated November 9, 2015 were reviewed by the Department and found to comply with their requirements.

VIII. REPORT FROM MR. MARC BERARD, P.E., BERARD, HABETZ AND ASSOCIATES, INC., ON: (a) Extending the Existing Bulkhead at Slip 1A in The Port’s Marina Due to the Deplorable Condition of the Existing Bulkhead and “Wash- Outs” Located at Various Gate Slip Entrances. Mr. Marc Berard, P.E., Berard, Habetz and Associates, Inc., presented an email dated November 17, 2015 regarding an executed copy of the Notice to Proceed to LeBlanc Marine, LLC on November 19, 2015 for the Port of Iberia Timber Bulkhead Extension Project at Slip 1A in the Port’s Marina, including “Wash-Outs” located at various Gate Slip Entrances. Mr. Berard anticipates the contractor to commence construction the week after Thanksgiving.

(b) Update on Port Project Consisting Primarily of Drainage Improvements and Roadside Cleanup Along Major Roadways Within the Port. {1} Update on Drainage Improvements along Lewis Street.

Page 5 of 11 Due to inclement weather conditions there has been a delay on moving forward with the remaining work to be performed on the drainage improvements along Lewis Street.

(c) Update on Executive Director Making a Request to the Iberia Parish Council Regarding a Port TIF Priority Project to Include Infrastructure Improvements for the Drainage along Curtis Lane; Establishment of Roadside Staging Areas with Catch Basin for Installation to Accommodate a New Pipe Coating Facility, Rail Spur Rehabilitation, Perimeter Fencing, and Parking Lot. {1} Update on BH&A Preparation of Advertisement for Bids. Mr. Marc Berard presented a copy of the Advertisement for Bid for the Port of Iberia/Bayou Companies Improvements Project. The publication dates are scheduled for November 20, 2015; November 25, 2015; and December 6, 2015. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held on Tuesday, December 8, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Port Administrative Office. The sealed bids are scheduled to be opened on Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. also at the Port Administrative Office.

IX. REPORT FROM MR. ZACK AUTIN, CB&I, ON: (a) LA DOTD Port Construction & Development Priority Program: Phase II of State Project Number 578-23-0018/H.009021(322) Port-Site Bulkhead Relocation Phase II A- Bulkhead 12A (for the AGMAC Bulkhead Relocation & Design Project (Public Property). {1} Video of Construction of Bulkhead 12A. Mr. Zack Autin, CB&I played a video of an aerial of Bulkhead 12A. Anchor hole cut out and removal of timber fenders has been completed, helical anchor installation is 80% complete, excavation is complete, anchor failure tests are complete, and sheet piling installation is 50% complete.

{2} Discuss/Approve Contractor Request for Payment Application Number 4. Mr. Autin presented Contractor Payment Application No. 4 in the amount of $240,100.06. The RFP is for additional mobilization and insurance cost available to the Contractor, helical anchor installation, and sheet pile installation. A motion was made by Commissioner Roy A. Pontiff, and seconded by Commissioner Elbridge “Smitty” Smith III, to approve and authorize the payment of Contractor Payment Application Number 4 in the amount of $240,100.06 to Coastal Bridge, LLC. which includes the additional mobilization and insurance cost available to the contractor, helical anchor installation, and sheet pile installation, for the Port Site-Bulkhead Relocation Phase II A Project (Bulkhead 12A – Public Dock), SPN 578-23-0018/H.009021 (322) for the period October 1, 2015 thru October 31, 2015 in accordance with contract dated May 7, 2015; and

Page 6 of 11 motion further stipulates that the Payment Request be forwarded to the LA Department of Transportation & Development for review and approval. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

{3} Discuss/Approve CB&I Invoice. A motion was made by Commissioner Simieon d. Theodile, and seconded by Commissioner Larry G. Rader, to approve and authorize payment of Invoice Number 2329326-R8-00541 in the amount of $36,523.50 to CB&I Coastal, Inc. (f/k/a Shaw Coastal, Inc.), for the period October 1, 2015 through October 30, 2015 (Bulkhead 12A – Public Dock) regarding Engineering During Construction and Resident Project Inspection (100% reimbursable to POI by DOTD), regarding AGMAC Project Management in accordance with the contract between the POI and Shaw Coastal, Inc., dated September 3, 2002 and Amendment Number 13 (Project Management) dated December 16, 2014. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

(b) LA DOTD Port Construction & Development Priority Program: Phase III of State Project Number 578-23-0018/H.009021(323) Port- Site Bulkhead Relocation Phase II A- Bulkhead 12B (POI Public Dock- Port Canal) for the AGMAC Bulkhead Relocation & Design Project (Public Property). Mr. Autin reported that CB&I representatives will meet with the LA DOTD to discuss how to proceed with funding for the Bulkhead 12B (POI Public Dock-Port Canal) Project. Lengthy discussion ensued.

The Port Attorney has been researching the possibility of a Change Order Number 2 to the Bulkhead 12A Project to include the additional work for Bulkhead 12B in said Change Order; however, the Port Attorney is not prepared to provide an opinion/conclusion at this time. Discussion ensued. A motion was made by Commissioner Roy A. Pontiff, and seconded by Commissioner Mark Dore’, to approve and authorize the preparation of Change Order Number 2 for the Bulkhead 12A (Public Dock) Project to include the

Page 7 of 11 additional work for Bulkhead 12B (Public Dock – Port Canal) Project in said Change Order; with the amount being approximately $4.4 Million to the existing construction contract; and motion further approves and authorizes the preparation of an Amendment to CB&I’s Contract with regards to extending CB&I’s Contract with the Port of Iberia for the life of the Project; and motion further authorizes that the above stated motion is contingent upon the Port Attorney’s legal review and approval and the LA DOTD’s review and approval. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

(c) Port-Site Bulkhead Relocation Phase II B- Private Bulkheads {1, 6, 7, 11, 13, and 14} (Private Property). {1} Status of Engineering Design of Private Bulkheads. {2} Status of Acquisition of As-Builts and Right of Entry Agreements from Tenants. Mr. Autin reiterated that at the October 2015 Regular Monthly Board Meeting, Mr. O’Neil Malbrough provided an update in which he indicated that CB&I had received the results of the survey and geotechnical investigations at Bulkhead #13, and the engineering design of all the private bulkheads was nearing completion and was expected to go out for Internal Technical Review (ITR) in the near future. In addition, this project was placed “on hold” for re-evaluation of the design criteria and scope of work. Discussion ensued.

{3} Discuss/Approve CB&I Invoices. A motion was made by Commissioner Mark Dore’, and seconded by Commissioner Roy A. Pontiff, to approve and authorize payment of Invoice Number 2277548-R8-00541 in the amount of $23,149.80 to CB&I Coastal, Inc. (f/k/a Shaw Coastal, Inc.), for the period August 1, 2015 through August 31, 2015 for the Port-Site Bulkhead Relocation Phase II B- Private Bulkheads {1, 6, 7, 11, 13, and 14} (Private Property); and motion further stipulates that the Payment Request be forwarded to the LA Department of Transportation & Development for review and approval. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

Page 8 of 11 A motion was made by Commissioner Mark Dore’, and seconded by Commissioner Larry G. Rader, to approve and authorize payment of Invoice Number 2302131-R8-00541 in the amount of $41,333.00 to CB&I Coastal, Inc. (f/k/a Shaw Coastal, Inc.), for the period September 1, 2015 through September 31, 2015 for the Port-Site Bulkhead Relocation Phase II B- Private Bulkheads {1, 6, 7, 11, 13, and 14} (Private Property); and motion further stipulates that the Payment Request be forwarded to the LA Department of Transportation & Development for review and approval. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

(d) Status of the AGMAC Project. {1} Discuss/Approve CB&I Invoices. A motion was made by Commissioner Gene L. Jefferies, seconded by Commissioner Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, to approve and authorize payment of Invoice Number 882540-R8-00501 in the amount of $2,123.00, to CB&I Coastal, Inc., (f/k/a Shaw Coastal Inc.) for the period September 1, 2015 through September, 2015 regarding AGMAC Project Management in accordance with the contract between the POI and Shaw Coastal, Inc., dated September 3, 2002 and Amendment Number 13 (Project Management) dated December 16, 2014 (100% reimbursable to the POI by the LA DOTD). This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

A motion was made by Commissioner Gene L. Jefferies, seconded by Commissioner Mark Dore’, to approve and authorize payment of Invoice Number 882541-R8-00501 in the amount of $3,421.50, to CB&I Coastal, Inc., (f/k/a Shaw Coastal Inc.) for the period September 1, 2015 through September 25, 2015 regarding AGMAC Project Management (not reimbursable to POI by the LA DOTD) in accordance with the contract between the POI and Shaw Coastal, Inc., dated September 3, 2002 and Amendment Number 13 (Project Management) dated December 16, 2014. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:

Page 9 of 11 Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

X. REPORT FROM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ON: (a) Update on Capital Outlay Requests for Fiscal Year 2016 – 2017. (b) Update on the First Amendment to Lease Agreement Between Logan Industries International Corporation and the Port of Iberia District Regarding Tract “K-1” (5.0 acres) Located on the POI Millennium Expansion Phase II Property Site. (c) Update on Dynamic Industries, Inc., First Right of Refusal for Tracts “N-1”, “O”, “P”, & “Q” (Danos) Located on the POI Millennium Expansion Phase II Property Site. (d) Update on the Sixth Amendment to Lease Agreement Between Chart Energy & Chemicals, Inc. and the Port of Iberia Regarding Tract “F-1” (15.14 acres) on the Port Expansion Phase I Property Site. (e) Update on the Underground/Overhead Utilities on the Millennium Expansion Phase II Property Site being Leased by the Tenant Ram Design LLC . (f) Update on the Natural Gas Right-of-Way for System Improvements/Additions for both the Regular Station (20' x 20') as well as the Main Line Atmos Energy will run from the Station Down David Berard Road (Port Millennium Expansion Phase I & II Property Sites) (Atmos Energy Preparing Right-of-Way for the Port Attorney to Review and Advise). (g) Update on an Agreement b/t the Port of District and Moreno Properties Two, LLC. Regarding Approximately 106 Acres of Available Property located at the Dynamic Industries West Yard (former Unifab Site). {1} Executive Director Negotiations with Prospective Tenants Regarding Available Property Located at the Dynamic Industries West Yard (former Unifab Site); Contingent Upon the Receipt of the Necessary Approvals. (h) Discuss/Consider the Replacement of the Operating System “Server” at the POI Administrative Office Location & Frank’s Casing Crew Location Regarding the Port Security Surveillance System & Replacement of Security Camera Equipment at Frank’s #2 Tower Middle Camera and North Camera. (i) Executive Director’s Monthly Report.

Page 10 of 11 Discussion ensued on the above Agenda items (a) thru (i), and there was no action taken. (j) Announcements. {1} POI Holiday Open House December 3, 2015.

XI. EXPANSION OF AGENDA: A motion was made by Commissioner Mark Dore’, seconded by Commissioner Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, to expand the Port of Iberia District Board of Commissioners Regular Monthly Meeting of Tuesday, November 17, 2015 to Discuss/Consider a Request from Parker Drilling to Drive Pilings along the Canal where the Canal Bank has Collapsed in order to Tie-Up Drilling Barges in the amount of $5,000.00. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

A motion was made by Commissioner Mark Dore’, seconded by Commissioner Roy A. Pontiff, to approve the Request from Parker Drilling to Drive Pilings along the Canal where the Canal Bank has Collapsed in order to Tie-Up Drilling Barges in the amount of $5,000.00; and further authorize the Port of Iberia funding the $5,000.00 from the Port Improvements & Development Budgetary Line. This motion having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: Yeas: Danny J. David, Sr., Larry G. Rader, Gene L. Jefferies, Roy A. Pontiff, Elbridge “Smitty” Smith, III, Simieon d. Theodile, and Mark Dore’. Nays: None. Absent at Voting: None. And the motion was therefore passed on this the 17th day of November, 2015.

XII. ADJOURNMENT. On a motion made by Commissioner Roy A. Pontiff, and unanimously seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.


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