SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 14

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SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 14


Thursday March 21, 2016 7:00 PM South Middle School

School Committee Present: Cyril Chafe/Thomas Devin/Lisa Fiske Heger/George Kokoros/Kate Naughton/David Ringius/Mayor Joseph Sullivan

Administration: Superintendent of Schools – Dr. Frank Hackett Assistant Superintendent of Schools – Ms. Jennifer Fay-Beers Business Manager – Mr. Edward Cronin

Student Representative: Edmond Bousaleh, Brian McDermott, Erin McGinn

Recorder: Diane Intravaia

I. CALL TO ORDER Ms. Fiske Heger called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm. After welcoming the community to the meeting at South Middle School she thanked the PTO for providing refreshments and also thanked Principal Rainie for hosting the School Committee meeting. In addition, she thanked all the Directors and Principals for their attendance. Given the FY17 Recommended Budget DRAFT will be discussed tonight and their presence is helpful for any questions.

II. ROUTINE MATTERS A. Consideration of Approval of Minutes: Open Session – February 11 and 25, 2016. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Ringius and seconded by Mr. Kokoros to approve the minutes for the Open Session of February 11, 2016. ROLL CALL: AYES – 7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/ Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Ringius and seconded by Mr. Devin to approve the minutes for the Open Session of February 25, 2016. ROLL CALL: AYES – 7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/ Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

B. Communications and Commendations: SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 2.

Dr. Hackett mentioned that some of the following Communication items and Commendations are carried over from the previous March 7th School Committee meeting which was cancelled due to increment weather. 1. SEMSBA Junior Music Festival Participants 2. All Town Orchestra & Band 3. Braintree High School Students a. Bridgewater State University Science Fair: Yannis Lam, Honorable Mention b. Massachusetts History Day South Shore District: BHS History Club Winners 4. Braintree High School Student Athletes a. 2015-2016 Winter Sports Accomplishments b. James F. Mulloy Ice Hockey Team Sportsmanship Award: Girls Hockey 5. MIAA Coach of the Year Award: Dave Fasano, Boys Ice Hockey 6. School Newsletters & BHS Activity Bulletins 7. SEPAC Meeting Minutes: January 21, 2016 8. Betsey Clifford, Director of Science: Completion of Ph.D. 9. Recognition of Service to the Braintree Public Schools a. Patricia Rupprecht, Transportation Coordinator, Retiring June 30, 2016. Mayor Sullivan thanked Ms. Rupprecht for her work particularly on days such as today given the weather. Ms. Rupprecht has done a tremendous job as far as the coordination of ensuring the buses are always running, are where they need to be and on time. Mayor Sullivan expressed the appreciation for all of her hard work and wished her well. b. Donna Bonarrigo, Ross Elementary School Principal, Appointed as a Principal in Lexington Public Schools, Effective July 1, 2016. Mayor Sullivan stated they are all very proud of her. They realize Lexington’s gain is Braintree’s loss. Mayor Sullivan expressed great appreciation, thanks, gratitude and admiration for the work she has done. He is confident Ms. Bonarrigo will enrich the Lexington School’s System as she has the Braintree School System. Mayor Sullivan stated Ms. Bonarrigo has taken good care of Ross and he thanked her for all the work she has done.

Ms. Fiske Heger reviewed the wide variety of commendations and noted we have a whole lot to be proud of in Braintree.

III. PRESENTATIONS A. Update on Proposed 2016-2017 Budget, Dr. Hackett & Budget Subcommittee Dr. Hackett began by thanking all those involved in putting together the budget. He feels very good about the FY17 Recommended Budget he is able to put forth. He highlighted what a pleasure this budget process has been for him with regards to having the ability to have conversations around adding services and how to improve an already great school system versus the alternative of having to make cuts. He is excited to bring a budget forward that is both fiscally responsible and supportive of BPS’ mission and goals. He assured the Braintree community this is not the case in many other communities and Braintree is quite fortunate to be looking at a budget that endeavors to improve the system. In addition, Dr. Hackett thanked the Budget Subcommittee for their feedback and good questions that challenged the administration when necessary, and for their multiple thorough reviews of the budget. SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 3.

Dr. Hackett went on to review his FY17 Recommended Budget Presentation. The following slide provided budget comparisons as follows:

UPDATED BUDGET COMPARISONS Budget FY16 FY17 Change $ Chang Notes e % Level Service $59,508,827 $61,573,920 $2,065,093 3.47% Cost to roll over from FY16 Maintenance of $59,508,827 $62,005,720 $2,496,893 4.19% Cost to meet projected Effort obligations Recommended $59,508,827 $62,108,827 $2,600,000 4.37% Recommended FY17 Budget ADJUSTED $59,508,827 $62,195,720 $2,686,893 4.51% Highest priorities of Priority Group: ($62,755,620) ($2,849,793) (4.79%) FY17 $162,900 High Moved into Recommended Priority Group: $59,508,827 $62,755,620 $3,246,793 5.17% Moderate priorities for Moderate FY17: Preplanning FY18 Future Planning $59,508,827 Under Development Preplanning FY18- FY20

The Recommended Budget for FY17 is $62,108,827. Below are items within the budget. MOE stands for Maintenance of Effort and PGH stands for Priority Group: High. RECOMMENDED BUDGET Description Amount Budget Notes Sped Tuition* $146,507 MOE Projected PE @ BHS $55,000 MOE New Schedule implementation: Cost avoidance 1.0 Para STRIVES $16,000 MOE Support STRIVES program .5 Nurse $27,500 MOE Support pre-school STRIVES @BHS BCBA District Wide $60,000 MOE Support for in-district programs .2 Psychologist @ MSKC $12,500 MOE Brings current to full time IT Tech $52,000 MOE Brings IT staff to full .6 PE/Health MS $27,500 PGH Eliminates hared staff, lowers class sizes in both middle schools .6 Guidance @ SMS $30,000 PGH Enrollment driven – requested multiple years 1.0 Instrumental BHS & $55,000 PGH Eliminates shared MS staffing, growth of South program at BHS (tripled in last 10 years) – 400 students w/1.4 existing staff .38 Reading specialist @ $22,900 PGH Brings reading specialist 1.0 FTE MSKC Total: $534,907 *Includes only projected, NOT potential unanticipated

Dr. Hackett also stated, through cost neutral additions, 1.0 teacher for STRIVES at BHS and an ELL teacher (district wide) will be added at no cost. These additions are due to shifting populations to BHS from LINKS (repurposing existing position) and service increasing ELL compliance (reallocating grant).

Moving on in the presentation, Dr. Hackett reviewed Braintree’s per pupil expenditures versus the State per pupil expenditures. He stated when you think of the average per pupil expenditures that number isn’t necessarily a target as much a report SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 4.

of what each school system spends per pupil across the state averaged together. Included are 300 plus school systems and the range is anywhere from approximately $10,000 to $30,000 per pupil. It is clear from the slide presentation the gap is closing between what BPS is spending per pupil expenditure and the State is spending. For example, in 2010 BPS spent $10,926.58 versus the State spent $13,047.43. Whereas in 2015 BPS spent $13,837.58 and the State spent $14,919.84. The next slide indicated the BPS per pupil expenditures average went up almost 6% whereas the State per pupil expenditure average went up only 2.8%, over the past 5 years.

The timeline going forward is on March 28th there will be a Public Hearing on FY17 Recommended Budget at BHS Auditorium where the School Committee will vote to adopt the FY17 School Budget. Then on April 1st the School Committee Adopted FY17 Budget is presented to Mayor Sullivan. Finally on May 2nd Mayor Sullivan presents the FY17 School Committee & all Town Departments budgets to the Braintree Town Council.

Ms. Fiske Heger noted Mr. Kokoros is the new Chair of the Budget Subcommittee this year. Mr. Devin and Ms. Fiske Heger also serve on the Subcommittee. The subcommittee was created 3 years ago. The group has met approximately 8 times since October. The meetings are open to the public meaning anyone is welcome to attend, ask questions, etc. The subcommittee is provided a binder of Budget Summaries Reports from all the Principals and Curriculum Directors. She noted the budget has been thoroughly reviewed. She is pleased to report the Budget Subcommittee unanimously approved the FY17 Recommended Budget.

Mr. Kokoros took a moment to thank all the administrators, Dr. Hackett and Ms. Fay- Beers for all the work they have done to put together the binder of Budget Summaries Reports. The information within the binder provides the ability for the Subcommittee to work through the budget process and ultimately provided their recommendation for the budget. Mr. Kokoros noted the Recommended Budget of $62,108,827 nicely allows for coverage of Level Service, Maintenance of Effort and the ability to dip into the Priority Group: High.

Mr. Ringius reiterated Mr. Kokoros’ appreciation for those involved in the budget process and included Mr. Cronin as well. He noted the budget is one of the main tasks of the School Committees. He reminded the community this process begins in September and has truly already been a 5 month process to date. Mr. Ringius highlighted this budget is positively impacting class sizes and directly aimed at improving the children’s education. He referenced Dr. Hackett’s presentation on the slide titled Recommended Budget were Priority Group: High (PGH) is noted. Mr. Ringius is pleased to see the budget directly impact the students and he is looking forward to moving ahead with the budgetary process.

Mr. Kokoros extended a strong appreciation for not only Mayor Sullivan’s current support on this year’s budget but his continuous support for BPS.

Ms. Fiske Heger echoed the appreciation of her fellow School Committee members with regards to all those who worked on the budget. SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 5.

Mr. Devin noted each year the School Committee has to come up with a Recommended Budget to put forth even though there are still unknown variables such as the ever fluctuating number of how many students there will be in BPS come September and not knowing how much money can be expected to be funded by the State. Mr. Devin also thanked the Mayor for his continuous help and support of the Braintree School System. In addition, Mr. Devin recognized the new administration of Mr. Cronin, Ms. Fay-Beers and Dr. Hackett and expressed his appreciation for the new perspective they bring to BPS.

Dr. Hackett reminded the committee and the community this is a Recommended Budget and it is only March 21st and things can change. The School Committee has made certain assumptions, such as working off the Governor’s Chapter 70 amount, planned retirements, projected BPS staffing in September, etc. The Recommended Budget of $62,108,827 will be presented on March 28th, however he asked everyone to keep in mind things can change in either direction depending on what amount the legislature comes back with compared to the Governor’s initial amount.

Dr. Hackett wanted to personally and professionally thank Mayor Sullivan for his support in working through the budget this year, his first year as superintendent.

B. South Middle School: 2015-2016 School Improvement Plan, Principal Damon Rainie Principal Rainie presented South Middle School’s Improvement Plan 2015-2016. He began by noting what a strong supportive community South Middle School has. He provided recognition to the School Council members who assisted in pulling the presentation together. Principal Rainie briefly spoke about “Who We Are”. South is made up of many individuals from different ethnic backgrounds. His presentation provided various tables referencing breakdowns by race, gender and enrollment. In addition, he highlighted a number of activities, clubs and offerings provided to the students as extracurricular activities.

State Assessment performance data were provided and on each measure South Middle school exceeded the MA state average: CPI SGP CC & R Grade 6 MA avg. MA avg. MA avg. ELA & Literature 95.6 86.6 51 50 75% 60% Mathematics 92.1 81.2 64 50 76% 54% Grade 7 ELA & Literature 96.0 86.4 68 50 84% 61% Mathematics 86.5 72.5 61 50 63% 45% Grade 8 ELA & Literature 96.7 92.0 61 50 82% 64% Mathematics 89.6 78.1 49 50 72% 53% Science, Tech. Eng. 84.9 72.4 n/a 62% 42%

Principal Rainie pointed out the Student Growth Percentile (CPI) is strong. The school is at Level 1 status – “Held harmless” due to the middle schools transition to the PARCC testing. SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 6.

The Improvement Goals are detailed within the following groups; Curriculum and Instruction, Interventions to Meet Student’s Needs and Community of Learners. The Curriculum and Instructions Goal contains standard based learning outcomes by providing a high quality educational experience, ensuring rigorous learning outcomes and a strong focus on learning. In addition to differentiated instruction with a variety of approaches and the integration of technology. The Interventions to Meet Student’s Needs Goal will be clear with high expectations for student’s work by providing rubrics and questioning to ensure a higher order of thinking skills. Tracking participation in intervention will be done by understanding the response to intervention and interpretation of student and teacher data. Assessments will be completed, both formative assessments and district determined measures of student growth. The Community of Learners Goal begins with being a South Bulldog which ensures South Middle School always has a positive and nurturing climate as well as a safe and secure environment. In addition, family and community engagements are highlighted in communications such as Weekly Woof emails, Bulldog Bulletin newsletter and a Twitter feed: @SMSBraintree.

Principal Rainie summed up the presentation with a well-known saying from former retired Principal Ed McDonough; Be good to yourself, Take care of each other and Take care of your school.

Mr. Ringius noted Principal Rainie has carried on many of the traditions in which former principal Ed McDonough created but he has also been able to add his own footprint onto South Middle School. Mr. Ringius indicated he has spoken to many of the parents and students and they are in awe of what Principal Rainie has been able to accomplish in his first year. Mr. Ringius thanked Principal Rainie for all his hard work.

Mayor Sullivan thanked Principal Rainie for his presentation. He also stated he thinks it is quite admirable of him to acknowledge the dedication Ed McDonough had for South Middle School in addition to his love for education. Mayor Sullivan believes Principal Rainie has achieved the hopes the School Committee had for him in terms of becoming principal. He feels Principal Rainie has embraced the philosophy that not only South Middle School has but all of the Braintree school system. Mayor Sullivan asked Principal Rainie what he would consider to be the biggest ‘surprise’ since he has started here in BPS. Principal Rainie indicated his biggest surprise would be his transition into becoming a principal in addition to getting to know each of the students, their families and essentially a whole new community at a much deeper level than he expected. He also went on to say the talent pool of teachers at South has surprised him immensely. Along those lines, he would be remised if he did not mention Ms. Pagliarulo the assistant principal and how much he greatly appreciates her support, help and guidance on a regular basis.

Ms. Donna Anderson, Principal of the Monatiquot Kindergarten Learning Center came forward to recognize the tremendous team of teachers and administrators at South for all that they do on a daily basis. She has two students at South and feels the teachers go above and beyond every day.

C. Middle School Program of Studies 2016-2017: Principals Damon Rainie & John Sheehan SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 7.

Mr. Sheehan indicated there are not many changes to the Program of Studies. He mentioned changes on the cover page to reflect staff changes, science topics changes based on the revision of the Mass Science Standards. Mr. Sheehan noted Dr. Clifford provided a very thorough review of the Program of Studies. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mayor Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Devin to approve the 2016-2017 Program of Studies for the Braintree Middle Schools. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

D. DRAFT Middle School Transition Team, Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Fay- Beers Ms. Fay-Beers stated historically the Braintree Public Schools (BPS) has serviced grades 6-8 in its middle schools. As BPS begins to implement the plan to incorporate grade 5 students within our middle schools, they are looking to gather input from a variety of stakeholders. With this in mind, a Middle School Transition Team (MSTT) will be established. Ms. Fay-Beers noted the overarching goal is to develop and support a plan for the transition of our middle schools from our current grade 6-8 model to a grade 5-8 configuration. The MSTT will focus on the following components of a comprehensive, grade 5-8 middle school plan:  Curricula, program delivery & recommended staffing  Traditions (events & activities) and common practices  Parent involvement & support structures  Well-being & social emotional supports  Scheduling options  Extracurricular opportunities  Building design (opportunities to provide input to the School Building Committee). The MSTT will be chaired by the Assistant Superintendent of Schools and its members will include: elementary and middle school students, parents, teachers, principals, guidance, and directors. Additional members may be brought in on an ad- hoc basis to address specific topics, such as technology, transportation and food service.

Ms. Fay-Beers stated membership determinations will be made by May 1, 2016 and an organizational meeting will be on or before May 15, 2016.

Mr. Devin stated he feels it is important the transition team is formed. He has heard of some apprehension and concerns with regards to creating a 5 – 8 configuration at the middle school. He wants to be sure the community knows the MSTT is a vehicle to work with as the transition takes place over the next 2-3 years.

Mayor Sullivan noted coming to the decision to realign the schools was a process BPS has worked through over the past few years. He acknowledges it is a change and he sees the transition team will attempt to bring about positive change through community involvement and communication as we work through the implementation of the goal we established in terms of the realignment of the schools. Mayor Sullivan stated there was a Building Committee meeting earlier in the day and he noted the SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 8.

East Middle School Project is on a good path. The committee is looking to engage in a Statement of Interest (SOI) for South Middle School with the Massachusetts Building Authority (MSBA) with the hope they will help with the project. Mayor Sullivan mentioned there has been some great progress already made and he looks forward to the community’s involvement to continue the progress we are all hoping for. He expressed his support with regards to the creation of the transition team. Mayor Sullivan noted the document was stamped DRAFT and he questioned what needed to happen to get moving to determine membership for the transition team.

Mr. Ringius agrees with Dr. Hackett the transition team does not have to be approved. He noted anything that is prepared or proposed by this group would be nonbinding and would need to be reviewed by the School Committee. Mr. Ringius questioned what type of process would be used to engage and seek out parent participation on the team. Ms. Fay-Beers stated there are already groups in place, the school advisory boards, PTOs, etc. the thought was to choose a representative from each elementary school and both middle schools. Additionally, Ms. Fiske Heger asked how the elementary and middle school students would be chosen. Ms. Fay-Beers stated the students would not be part of the transition team initially but be brought in a bit later in the process. She stated, certainly the selection can be done by the school principals but she is also open to further discussion on the topic as they get a closer to the students joining the team. Dr. Hackett also noted there are structured groups (advisory boards, PTOs, etc.) were the transition team can draw from but also go back to and get ideas and feedback from.

Mayor Sullivan emphasized the MSTT’s work would be in addition to work the School Committee will do throughout the transition with the MSBA, public meetings, etc..

Mr. Kokoros inquired as to whether there will be checkpoints in which the team would report to the School Committee. Dr. Hackett responded that will be worked out as part of the initial organizational meeting with the transitional team.

IV. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT A. Gifts to Schools Braintree High School donations VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Mr. Kokoros to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $250 from Braintree Rotary Foundation to be used to support the Braintree High School Science Fair. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Kokoros and seconded by Mr. Devin to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $25 from Loring Studio of Photography to be used to support the Braintree High School Pre- School Program. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 9.

VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Mr. Kokoros to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $4,100 to be used to support the Credit for Life at Braintree High School. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Kokoros and seconded by Mr. Devin to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $250 from Intercultural Student experiences to be used to support the Braintree High School Foreign Language Department. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

Monatiquot School ‘Kindergarten’ donation VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Mr. Kokoros to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $15 from a parent donation to be used to support the Monatiquot School Kindergarten Center. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Kokoros and seconded by Mr. Devin to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $20 from a parent donation to be used to support the Monatiquot School Kindergarten Center. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

East Middle School donation VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Mr. Kokoros to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $50 in memory of Mary Tantillo to be used to support the East Middle School. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Kokoros and seconded by Mr. Devin to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $200.35 from TARGET-take charge of Education to be used to support the mission and vision of East Middle School. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

Highlands Elementary School donations VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Mr. Kokoros to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $1,330 from the SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 10.

Highlands Elementary School in memory of Barbara Swain, who was a volunteer at the Highlands School and who recently passed away. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

Ross Elementary School donations VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Kokoros and seconded by Mr. Devin to accept as a gift to schools a check in the amount of $202.85 from the Ross PTO Elementary School to be used to support the Ross Elementary School. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

B. Consideration of Acknowledgement of Appointments: 1. Interim Director of Curriculum & Technology: Rebecca Fredericks 2. Interim Part Time Technology Coordinator: Thomas Fallano 3. Director of Nursing: Laurie Melchionda 4. Jen Heckman – Interim Director of English, Reading, K-12. 5. Spring 2016 Coaching Appointments VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mayor Sullivan and seconded by Ms. Naughton to approve the Spring 2016 Coaching Appointments. ROLL CALL: AYES –7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan C. Update on 2016-2017 Kindergarten Registration Dr. Hackett stated the Kindergarten registration dates in January put BPS in excellent shape with regards to knowing the number of incoming kindergarten students. The registration window was opened again over the last two weeks (ending on Thursday March 24th). It is anticipated parents will know where their student sessions will be held (home school versus Monatiquot) either the 1st or 2nd week of April. Dr. Hackett stated firm numbers on Kindergarten enrollment and location of where the sessions will be held, will be provided at the April School Committee meeting.

V. SCHOOL COMMITTEE A. MASC – ‘Day on the Hill’ – Tuesday, April 26, 2016 Ms. Laura Crowley from BPS Administration Office can register anyone who may be interested in attending. B. Peterson Pool Project Update, Mayor Sullivan Mayor Sullivan stated the project is moving forward. There is a working group made up of the Planning Dept., Engineering Dept., Water/Sewage Dept., etc. along with contributions from Dr. Hackett and Mr. Cronin. Mayor Sullivan indicated they have met with the applicants and as land owners (Braintree) are co-applicants of the project. Mayor Sullivan stated there will be no action by the planning board tomorrow night with regards to the parking plan. The goal would be to have a shared parking plan in place soon. Braintree retains first rights as the land owner and specifics such as special event dates need to still be worked out. Mayor Sullivan wanted to note the site itself can accommodate traffic circulation but it needs refinement and improvements. As of today, the group has identified approximately 291 new parking spots on the site (120 spots are game day events). Additional access SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 11.

off of Franklin Street onto John W. Leroy Way (the access road) is being looked at in an attempt to balance access to the site. Braintree would look to add additional emergency and handicap parking to the site. In summary, there are a number of steps that are being taken to bring this project together. Mayor Sullivan’s goal is to come up with a plan which is comprehensive in nature and in the end be doable and reliable. Mayor Sullivan indicated there are a number of individuals on the Planning Board who have stood up to be helpful and he expressed his appreciation to them.

C. Subcommittee Reports 1. Policy: Consideration of Approval: Policy JIH, Search and Seizure Dr. Hackett indicated the Policy Subcommittee has met and reviewed the Search and Seizure DRAFT twice. There have been several changes made. The DRAFT has also been reviewed by the Braintree High School (BHS) administration. The search and seizure procedures included in the policy describe two types of searches; Random and Reasonable Suspicion searches The Student Handbook for 2016-2017 will be revised to include the approved Search and Seizure Policy. Dr. Hackett stated only the policy is in front of the School Committee tonight, not procedures, as it is administrative responsibility on how a search would be conducted.

Mr. Kokoros provided a brief update on the Policy Subcommittee. There have been two meetings. The members of the subcommittee are Ms. Naughton, Ms. Fiske Heger, Mayor Sullivan, Dr. Hackett and himself. The meetings included discussion around the purpose and role of the subcommittee. The first policy reviewed was the Search and Seizure Policy. The subcommittee feels the policy is fair based on the memorandum of understanding we have with the Braintree Police Department (BPD), what was reviewed from other town’s policies and also some direction from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees. The Policy Subcommittee did have a unanimous vote and they are recommending the School Committee look at the Search and Seizure Policy with favorable action.

Mr. Ringius noted when the topic of Search and Seizure was discussed back in November 2015 there was also discussion surrounding a separate Opioid Education Subgroup being created. Mr. Ringius indicated there will be further discussion on that topic later in tonight’s meeting. He went on to say the use of canines in certain searches really could not get underway without having a policy outlining the usage of the canines in certain searches. The case law supports certain administrators having rights within a school building as supported by the LEGAL REF: New Jersey v. T. L. O. (1985) S. Ct 733 noted on the Search and Seizure policy. In addition, Mr. Ringius is pleased to see the reference of “Except as otherwise necessary due to urgent circumstances, police questioning of students under the age of 18 will not be conducted without the presence of a legal guardian.” within the policy. Mr. Ringius noted the reference opens up the idea there may be emergency circumstances and the police have the right to talk to someone under the age of 18 without their parent’s permission. He stated that it is important to note that in those circumstances the school officials are not going to wait and the police department will do their job. Mr. Ringius feels it is an important policy to approve as soon as possible. SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 12.

Mr. Devin questioned when the Police Department has the right to question an individual under the age of 18 in an emergency situation and those questions unveil something unrelated to the emergency situation can that be admissible into court. Mr. Ringius stated if it is an emergency situation (for example a weapon in the building) the police are not required to administer Miranda Rights and anything unveiled by the student could be admissible into court. Mr. Ringius noted that is defined by case law and not something the School Committee can change. VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Ms. Naughton to approve the Search and Seizure policy. ROLL CALL: AYES –6 Mr. Devin/Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan NAYS – 1 Mr. Chafe

2. Budget: Next Steps for FY17 Budget Development Mr. Kokoros noted the Public Hearing regarding the FY17 Budget is Monday, March 28th at 7:30 at BHS. He noted the Budget Subcommittee will be breaking down the Budget for FY17 into 10 articles. 3. School Building Committee Mr. Devin indicated the School Building Committee met just prior to the School Committee meeting. The committee met with the owner’s project manager and the Architects on the project. The group discussed the maximum (square footage) areas allowed by the MSBA as far as the guidelines. The committee had discussions around what is the best way of using the proposed square footage. 4. Opioid Subcommittee updates Mr. Ringius reminded the community back in December at the School Committee meeting at Ross Elementary School it was decided there would be a subcommittee created in an effort to reach the kids and teach them about the Opioid epidemic. The subcommittee will look at the current state of the education (currently within BPS), what type of outside resources are being used, and the current interaction BPS may have with outside groups such as Braintree Alliance of Safe and Healthy Youth (BASHY). The group has been created with a variety of individuals with different backgrounds i.e. school administration, parents, students, and the Braintree Police. The subcommittee is comprised of: Ms. Melonie Bennet, Laure Melchionda, Principal Tim McDonald (Hollis), Principal Damon Rainie (South Middle), Mr. Lee (BHS), Police Officer Gillis, Police Officer Wu, Mr. Ringius, Student Representatives; Edmond Bousaleh, Brian McDermott, Erin McGinn, Parent Representatives; Mr. O’Brien, Ms. Jacobs, Mr. Hoopey. There will be a meeting this Thursday at 3:30 at BHS. Ms. Bennett and Ms. Melchionda will be doing a Power Point presentation of the current state of the education within BPS regarding this topic.

VI. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Ms. Naughton stated there are a few events coming up. The first being put on by BASHY, Braintree Youth Center and Braintree Community Partnership on Substance Abuse on April 6th at 7:00 pm. at Braintree Town Hall. The event is titled “No First Time” and “Hidden in Plain Sight.” There will be speakers present, who will talk about SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 13.

drug use and how it has had an effect on their families. In addition, a replica of a teenager’s bedroom will be setup to help parents understand hiding spots for drugs within their room.

BASHY will also be hosting the Amazing Healthy Race on Thursday May 12th at South Middle School at 4:15.

Ms. Naughton has been asked to invite the public to the Super Saturdays Road Race Sunday April 3rd at 9:30 am. at BHS for a 3.1 mile walk or run. Everyone who participates in the event is invited back to the Southside Tavern in Braintree for a free buffet and an opportunity to purchase raffles. If you would like to register you can register at Super Saturdays is a social recreational program for all students in Braintree from the age of 8 and older that are serviced through the Special Education Department. Super Saturdays is committed to providing students with a safe and welcoming environment and a wide array of activities that are healthy, interactive, engaging and fun! Every child likes to have fun activities to look forward to and friends to share them with but for many students that is a difficult goal to achieve. Super Saturdays meet for two sessions (Fall and Spring) with each session running for twelve weeks. The program is funded through the hard work and generosity of parents and family members who plan and organize fundraising activities throughout the year.

Mr. Kokoros stated SEPAC is accepting nominations for the annual SEPAC inclusion awards. Please visit the SEPAC website at Nominations close on April 1st.

Ms. Jennifer Dolan came forward and indicated there was a good turnout for the showing of the documentary titled “Beyond Measures” this past week at Thayer Academy. She was wondering if there were any reactions from the School Committee members that were present for the viewing. Mr. Ringius stated the documentary was eye opening and presented different concepts in terms of more project based type learning. It showed different school systems throughout the country that have moved away from the traditional paper/pencil type of testing model to allowing the students to be much more creative in their educational experience. Mr. Ringius stated the concept of allowing children to be more creative, think more outside the box and to be analytical in solving problems is something he has always advocated for. However the state of Massachusetts requires BPS to conduct standardized testing. He does however feel a good amount of our teacher within BPS seek to define ways to engage students to think creatively throughout the learning process. Mr. Ringius feels it was a very good documentary and was happy to see so many individuals attend. Ms. Fiske Heger echoed Mr. Ringius’ remarks. In addition, she added it is difficult for her to see ‘How’ that type of atmosphere could be created in today’s environment. Ms. Dolan responded by referencing the book in which the concept is explained and walked through in small steps. She also asked whether it would be possible to have a showing of the documentary on a Professional Development (PD) Day. Ms. Fay-Beers indicated it would not be possible this school year. However, she would like to discuss it a bit further and maybe look to incorporate it into a summer time workshop.

Ms. Fiske Heger spoke on behalf of the BHS Athletic Association, there will be the First Annual Mattress Fundraiser on Saturday April 2nd. There will be a full mattress showroom on display at BHS in the gym with a team of experts on hand to answer any SC Meeting Minutes March 21, 2016 Page 14.

questions. Savings are from 30-50% on your purchase. The flyer can be viewed on the BHS website in addition to with a coupon as well.

VII. FUTURE MEETING March 28, 2016 7:30 p.m. BHS – Auditorium April 25, 2016 7:00 p.m. Flaherty School (change from April 11th) May 9, 2016 7:00 p.m. Colbert School May 23, 2016 7:00 p.m. Liberty School June 13, 2016 7:00 p.m. Hollis School

VIII. ADJOURN VOTED UNANIMOUSLY: Upon a motion by Mr. Devin and seconded by Mr. Kokoros to adjourn. ROLL CALL: AYES – 7 Mr. Chafe/Mr. Devin/ Ms. Fiske Heger/Mr. Kokoros/ Ms. Naughton/Mr. Ringius/Mayor Sullivan

Time: 9:14 P.M.

George Kokoros Recording Secretary

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