2. Roll Call See Secretary S Records s1

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2. Roll Call See Secretary S Records s1

Molloy Student Government March 5, 2013 Minutes 1. Call to Order at 3:3 2. Roll Call – See Secretary’s records. 3. Approval of Minutes a. See New Business 4. Guests 5. Committees a. Priorities & Planning (P&P) Meeting 3/7 b. Financial Resources – 3/6/13 c. Undergraduate Academic Policies & Programs Committee (UAPP) – Meeting date to be determined soon to discuss Theater Arts Proposal. d. Community & Campus Life e. Alumni Association e.i. 3 new members sworn in. e.ii. Working on criteria for “Alumni Award” e.iii. Want to work with Global Learning Dept. e.iv. Working on ways to publicize dept. e.v. Will be contacting Business Dept to work on mock interviews.

6. Legislative Officer Reports a. Residence Hall a.i. No update b. Public Relations b.i. Stall talk – up for March. b.ii. Liz Boylan has resigned her position as Public Relations Coordinator in order to be moved to Class Historian position (see minutes from 2.26.13 meeting). b.ii.1. Will be sworn in at the next meeting. c. Community Service c.i. St. Baldrick’s Day-Donations c.i.1. Thank you for assistance to all of MSG. c.i.2. Already raided $3,700 as of now. d. Academic Board d.i. Easter Egg Hunt d.i.1. March 20th at 5PM d.i.2. Please sign up to assist Mary Kate! d.i.2.a. Barge, Connor, Gemma, Keri, Amanda, Anna, Liz, Shakhan, Amanda, Melissa, Rich, Nicole, Juliana, Craig, Joe, Rob, Jessica, Maham, Travis. d.i.3. Blow up Rabbit in AR! d.i.3.a. PR has begun. e. Class Officers e.i. Seniors e.i.1. Class meeting 3/7 at 5-6pm in K004 e.i.2. 55 Nites 3/28 at 8pm Kaseys e.i.3. Night Glow e.i.3.a. Will be purchasing beer. e.ii. Juniors e.ii.1. Toga Party e.ii.1.a. April 4th at 9 PM. e.ii.1.b. Preparing to order/buy materials from AC More/ e.ii.2. Kan Jam e.ii.2.a. Profits will be split 50/50 with Frisbee. e.ii.2.b. Flyers have been made e.ii.2.c. 20 team maximum – forms will be placed at sign in table at night glow to begin getting teams. e.ii.2.d. April 18th at 3:30PM e.iii. Sophomores e.iii.1. Bachelor auction e.iii.1.a. Postponed to either March 26th e.iii.1.b. Encouraged to reschedule event or plan a new event. At least two events must be held by the Sophomores this semester as per conditions of last semester. (See Melissa for questions). e.iii.2. Will be co-sponsoring Easter Egg Hunt with Academic Board. e.iii.3. Working on Battle of the Bands e.iv. Freshmen e.iv.1. No change f. H.O.P.E. f.i. Hunger Banquet f.i.1. March 19th. f.i.2. Sign up in Student Affairs. Also being passed around now. Please be in the Public Square Lobby during Office Hours getting people to sign up. f.ii. Boxtown f.ii.1. April 11th. f.ii.2. Would like to see a huge MSG presence. f.iii. DYA Group from Kentucky is here studying Women’s Rights movement. Would like to show the movie that was viewed at Molloy and have a member of the association skype in and talk about her experience with the association. g. S.A.A.C g.i. Playoff game tonight at 7:00 PM in Quealy Gymnasium. Please get there early if you would like to get in it will be crowded! . Executive Board Reports a. President a.i. St. Baldrick’s Day update – Fundraising will be continuing until the end of March.

PAGE: 2 a.ii. Mandatory Event: Career Development Center Event 3/7 3:30pm a.iii. Points System has passed – see email for more information and minutes from 2.26.13 for more information. a.iv. Academic Forum- 3/26 a.v. Giveaway Day – Please sign up! b. Vice President b.i. Constitution – see emails from Amanda. b.ii. February member of the month – NICOLE ALONZO! c. Treasurer c.i. Budgets and Fundraised Budget Fundraised 1 MSG $ 31,234.55 $ 22,304.34 . 2 Programming $ 16,710.78 - . 3 Seniors $ 5, 485.81 $ 1,106.32 . 4 Juniors $ 2,734.00 $ 1,323 . 5 Sophomores $ 2,930.72 $ 1,407 . 6 Freshmen $ 2,045.05 $ 454.30 . c.ii. Class budget c.ii.1. Please give to Melissa. If the tentative budgets are not received by the end of Spring Break, the budgets will be frozen. d. Student Activities Coordinator d.i. No change e. Programming Coordinator e.i. Night glow – This Thursday. e.i.1. Sign up on sheet being passed around or via email. f. Secretary f.i. Constitution Quote 7. Old/Unfinished Business a. New fax machine will be added to Student Solution Center b. On Campus smoking will be discussed further. c. Campus Beautification is being discussed. d. Air Conditioning 7. New Business a. Motion to approve minutes from 2.26.13 (no corrections). d.i. Motion by Nicole S, Second by Travis. d.ii. Abstaining: Craig, Liz, Joe. d.iii. Motion passes. 8. Announcements

PAGE: 3 i. Mandatory Events  Career Development Center is holding a kickoff event for Career Month on March 7th at 3:30pm  Rachel’s Challenge- March 18th 6:30pm Madison Theatre  Academic Forum- March 26th 3:30pm MPR o Send concerns to Lisamarie before the forum. f.ii. Hunger Banquet- March 19th 7pm f.iii. Good Luck Basketball!! f.iv. New Members: E-Board will be here after the meeting to discuss any questions you may have. f.v. Agenda – Please try to send them in by Sunday night. f.vi. Happy Birthday Matt Leeb! –take a cupcake! f.vii. For budgets being sent to Melissa, please reply privately to the email she sends out so no emails get lost. 8. Adjournment a. Motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:04 PM. a.i. Motion by Maham, Second by Matt. a.ii. All in favor, Motion passes.


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