2010-2011 Co-Op School Year Calendar

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2010-2011 Co-Op School Year Calendar

2011-2012 Co-Op School Year Calendar

Time Music Date Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art 9-9:15 Work Social zine 9:15-9:25 Studies 1 8-9-11 Where the Sidewalk Ends In 1492, Columbus 1st Civilizations Ch.1 Exploring & Classifying Life Alphabet by Shel Silverstein made the first of four Section 1 (A-I) trips to the Caribbean There is a place where the FOR EACH WEEK: you will do ONE http://www sidewalk ends on three Spanish section per week .purposega And before the street begins, ships named the And there the grass grows soft mes.com/g and white, Nina, Pinta, and *Do scientist of the week ame/spanis And there the sun burns Santa Maria. crimson bright, h-basic- And there the moon-bird rests HW colors-quiz from his flight Wed=Read 1-2 pages from Reading To cool in the peppermint Essentials; Do 1-2 pages from wind. Active Reading Note-Taking Guide Th=Do the same as Wed HW Fri=Do the sames as Wed HW HW HW HW HW Mon=Take quiz online Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading HW Say each Giotto di Wed= Learn 2 sentences HW Essentials; answer questions p.7 Week day to Bondone Th= Learn 2 sentences Wed=Type the above Thurs= Science Notebook p.1-2 1A someone Fri= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above Fri= Science Notebook p.3-4 Mon= Learn 2/Review Fri=Type the above Mon= Section 1 Review Questions in Giotto di Mon=Memorize the Science Book p.13 Bondone above 2 8-16- Where the Sidewalk Ends In 1620, the Pilgrims 1st Civilizations Alphabet 11 by Shel Silverstein from Plymouth, Section 2 Ch.1 Exploring & Classifying Life (J-Q) England signed the Let us leave this place FOR EACH WEEK: you will do ONE where the smoke blows Mayflower Compact section per week black before landing in And the dark street winds Plymouth, and bends. Past the pits where the Massachusetts. HW asphalt flowers grow Wed=Read 1-2 pages from Reading *Do scientist of the week We shall walk with a walk Essentials; Do 1-2 pages from that is measured and slow, Active Reading Note-Taking Guide And watch where the Th=Do the same as Wed HW chalk-white arrows go HW To the place where the Fri=Do the sames as Wed HW Wed= Read Section 2 in Reading sidewalk ends. Mon=Take quiz online Essentials; answer questions p.11 HW HW HW HW Thurs= Science Notebook p.5-7 Week Say each Sandro HW Fri Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; 1B day to Botticelli Wed= Learn 2 sentences Wed=Type the above answer questions p.14 Sandro someone Th= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above Mon= Science Notebook p.22-24 Botticelli Fri= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Mon= Learn 2/Review Mon=Memorize the above Time Music Date Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

3 8-23- Where the Sidewalk Ends In 1773, colonists 1st Civilizations Ch.1 Exploring & Classifying Life Alphabet 11 by Shel Silverstein dressed as Mohawks Section 3 (R-Z) Yes we'll walk with a walk dumped tea from the that is measured and slow, British East India And we'll go where the chalk- white arrows go, Company into Boston For the children, they mark, Harbor. and the children, they know The place where the sidewalk ends. HW HW HW HW Wed=Read 1-2 pages from Reading Wed= Read Section 4 in Reading HW Wed= Learn 2 sentences Wed=Type the above Essentials; Do 1-2 pages from Essentials; answer questions p.18 Week Th= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above Active Reading Note-Taking Guide Thurs= Science Notebook p.11-14 2 Fri= Learn 2 sentences Th=Do the same as Wed HW Fri= Review Ch.1, Read Science Book Leonardo HW Mon= Learn 2/Review Fri=Type the above da Vinci Mon=Memorize the Fri=Do the sames as Wed HW p.30, do p. 31 Leonardo Mon=Take quiz online Mon= Review Ch.1, do p. 32-33 da Vinci above 8-29 Ch.1 TEST in class 4 8-30- A Birthday Poem by Ted In 1776, the Ch. 2 Ancient Egypt Ch. 2 The Living Cell Colors 11 Kooser Continental Congress Section 1,2 published The Negro= Just past dawn, the sun stands Declaration of black with its heavy red head Independence in

in a black stanchion of trees, Philadelphia, Gris= grey announcing the waiting for someone to come colonists’ intent to Blanco= with his bucket form a new nation. White

for the foamy white light, Marron= and then a long day in the brown pasture. HW Morado= Michelangelo Buonarroti Purple \ Azul=blue

HW HW HW HW HW Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Week Wed=Read 3-4 pages from Reading Wed= Learn 2 sentences Wed=Type the above Essentials; answer questions p.23 3 Th= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above Essentials; Do 3-4 pages from Thurs= Science Notebook p.15-18 Active Reading Note-Taking Guide Fri= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; Fri= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Michelangelo Mon= Learn 2/Review Th=Do the same as Wed HW answer questions p.26 Buonarroti Mon=Memorize the Fri=Do the sames as Wed HW Mon= Science Notebook p.19-21 above Mon=Take quiz online Time Music Date Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

5 9-6-11 A Birthday Poem by Ted In 1789, in New Ch. 2 Ancient Egypt Ch. 2 The Living Cell Colors Kooser York, George Section 3,4 Washington was Verde=green granted the full I too spend my days grazing, powers and Amarillo= yellow feasting on every green responsibilities of the moment presidency by the US Anaranjado Constitution. till darkness calls, = orange and with the others Rojo= red I walk away into the night, Rosa= pink swinging the little tin bell HW Verde of my name. HW Raphael HW claro= light Santi Wed= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials HW Wed=Read 3-4 pages from Reading green answer p. 34 Week Essentials; Do 3-4 pages from Thurs= Science Notebook p.22-26 4 Active Reading Note-Taking Guide Verde HW Fri= Review Ch.2, Read p.60, do p. 61 Th=Do the same as Wed HW oscuro= Wed= Learn 2 sentences Mon= Review Ch2, do p. 62-63 Raphael Fri=Do the sames as Wed HW Santi dark green Th= Learn 2 sentences HW 9-12 Ch.2 TEST in class Fri= Learn 2 sentences Wed=Type the above Mon=Take quiz online Mon= Learn 2/Review Th=Type the above Fri=Type the above Mon=Memorize the above 6 9-13-11 There is another sky by In 1803, the purchase of Ch. 3 The Ancient Israelites Ch. 3 The Role of Genes in Inheritance Animals Emily Dickinson Louisiana from France prompted westward exploration by pioneers such as Lewis and Clark and Congressman Davy Crockett.

HW HW HW Week HW Wed=Section 1 from Reading Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading 5 HW Wed=Type the above Essentials; Section 1 from Active Essentials; answer questions p.40 Wed= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above Reading Note-Taking Guide Thurs= Science Notebook p.27-30 Jan van HW Th= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for Fri= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; Eyck Jan van Fri= Learn 2 sentences Mon=Memorize the Section 2 answer p. 46 Eyck Mon= Learn 2/Review Fri= Do the same as above but for Mon= Science Notebook p.31-34 above Section 3 Mon=Take quiz online Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

7 9-20-11 There is another sky by REVIEW Ch.4 The Ancient Greeks Ch. 3 The Role of Genes in Inheritance Animals Emily Dickinson Section 1,2

HW Wed=Section 1 from Reading HW HW Essentials; Section 1 from Active HW Week HW Wed=Type the above Reading Note-Taking Guide Wed= Do the questions in Science Book 6 HW Wed= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for p.75, 83 Alberecht Th= Learn 2 sentences Section 2 Thurs= Review Ch. 3;Read p.86; do p. 87 Albrecht Durer Fri= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 Durer Mon=Memorize the Fri= Review Ch.3, do p. 88-89 Mon= Learn 2/Review that you did not complete Mon= Review Ch.3, do p. 88-89 above Mon=Take quiz online 9-27 Ch.3 TEST in class

8 9-27-11 She Walks in Beauty The War of 1812 led Ch.4 The Ancient Greeks Ch. 4 The Skin Clothing By Lord Byron the US to write the Section 3,4 Monroe Doctrine, She walks in beauty, warning Europeans like the night Of cloudless climes and not to attempt to starry skies; colonize the And all that's best of Americas. dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that HW tender light Wed=Section 3 from Reading Which heaven to gaudy Essentials; Section 3 from Active HW day denies. Reading Note-Taking Guide HW HW Peter Paul Th=Do the same as above but for Rubens Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Week HW Section 4 Essentials; answer questions p.51 7 HW Wed=Type the above Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 Thurs= Science Notebook p.35-38 Wed= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above that you did not complete Fri= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; Peter Th= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Mon=Take quiz online answer p. 54 Paul Fri= Learn 2 sentences Mon=Memorize the Mon= Science Notebook p.39-41 Rubens Mon= Learn 2/Review above

Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

9 10-4-11 She Walks in Beauty In 1820, Henry Clay Ch. 5 Greek Civilizations Section Clothing By Lord Byron worked out the 1,2 Ch. 4 The Skin Missouri One shade the more, Compromise one ray the less, allowing Missouri to Had half impaired the enter the Union as a nameless grace slave state and Maine Which waves in every raven tress, as a free state. Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express HW How pure, how dear Wed=Section 1 from Reading HW their dwelling place. Essentials; Section 1 from Active Rembrandt Reading Note-Taking Guide van Rihn Th=Do the same as above but for HW HW HW Section 2 Wed= Read Section 3 in Reading Week Wed= Learn 2 sentences Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 Essentials; answer questions p.61 8 Th= Learn 2 sentences HW that you did not complete Thurs= Science Notebook p.42-44 Fri= Learn 2 sentences Fri= Read Section 4 in Reading Essentials; Rembrandt Wed=Type the above Mon=Take quiz online van Mon= Learn 2/Review answer questions p.70 Rijn Th=Type the above Mon= Science Notebook p.45-48 Fri=Type the above Mon=Memorize the above

10-18- She Walks in Beauty The Compromise of Ch. 5 Greek Civilizations Section Numbers 10 11 1850, the Fugitive 3,4 Ch. 4 The Skin 1-10 And on that cheek, and Slave Act, and the Unit Project o'er that brow, Dred Scott Decision So soft, so calm, yet preceded the eloquent, HW The smiles that win, the secession of the Southern States. Wed=Section 1 from Reading tints that glow, Essentials; Section 3 from Active But tell of days in Reading Note-Taking Guide goodness spent, Th=Do the same as above but for A mind at peace with all Section 4 below, Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 HW HW A heart whose love is that you did not complete Wed= Review Ch.4, Read Science Book Week innocent HW Mon=Take quiz online p.120, do p. 121-123 9 HW Thurs= Do p. 99, 103, 108,117 El El Greco HW Wed=Type the above Th=Type the above Fri= Unit 2 Human Body Project Greco Wed= Learn 2 sentences Mon= Unit 2 Human Body Project Th= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Fri= Learn 2 sentences Mon=Memorize the Mon= Learn 2/Review above Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

10-25- A Red, Red Rose By In 1853, after the Ch. 6 Early India Ch. 5 Digestion, Respiration, Excretion Numbers 11 11 Robert Burns Mexican War and the 1-20 O my Luve's like a red, red Gadsden Purchase, rose That’s newly sprung in Polk’s doctrine of June; Manifest Destiny was O my Luve's like the fulfilled. melodie That’s sweetly play'd in tune. As fair art thou, my bonnie HW lass, So deep in luve am I: Wed=Section 1 from Reading HW And I will luve thee still, Essentials; Section 1 from Active my dear, HW Reading Note-Taking Guide Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading HW HW Till a’ the seas gang dry: Wed=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for Essentials; answer questions p.75 Week Diego Section 2 Velazquez HW Th=Type the above Thurs= Science Notebook p.49-52 10 Wed= Learn 2 sentences Fri= Do the same as above but for Fri= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; Diego Fri=Type the above Section 3 answer p. 80 Velazquez Th= Learn 2 sentences Mon=Memorize the Fri= Learn 2 sentences Mon=Take quiz online Mon= Science Notebook p.53-55 Mon= Learn 2/Review above 12 11-1-11 A Red, Red Rose In 1861, President Ch.7 Early China Ch. 5 Digestion, Respiration, Excretion Numbers Till a’ the seas gang dry, Abraham Lincoln 1-50 my dear, And the rocks melt wi’ the declared war on the sun: southern states which I will luve thee still, my seceded from the dear, Union. While the sands o’ life shall run.

And fare thee well, my only Luve And fare thee well, a while! And I will come again, my Luve, HW Tho’ it were ten thousand HW Francisco mile. de Goya Wed=Type the above HW HW HW Week Th=Type the above Wed=Section 1 from Reading Wed= Read Section 3 in Reading 11 HW Fri=Type the above Essentials; Section 1 from Active Essentials; answer questions p.85 Mon=Memorize the Wed= Learn 2 sentences Reading Note-Taking Guide Thurs= Science Notebook p.56-58 Francisco Th= Learn 2 sentences above Th=Do the same as above but for Fri= Read Section 4 in Reading Essentials; de Goya Fri= Learn 2 sentences Section 2 answer p. 90 Mon= Learn 2/Review Fri= Do the same as above but for Mon= Science Notebook p.59-62 Section 3 Mon=Take quiz online Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

13 11-8-11 Declaration of In 1865, General Ch. 8 The Rise of Rome Ch. 5 Digestion, Respiration, Excretion Question Independence Robert E. Lee Section 1,2 Words “We hold these surrendered to truths…..” General Ulysses S. ¿Qué? Grant at Appomattox Court House in ¿Quién? Virginia. HW ¿Quiénes? Wedi= Review Ch.5, Read p.154, do p. 155 Thurs= Review Ch.5, do p. 156-157 Ch.5 ¿Cuándo? TEST in class on ______HW Fri=Review Science Fair Project Ideas from ¿Cómo? Wed=Section 1 from Reading website HW HW Essentials; Section 1 from Active Mon=Brainstorm possible Science Fair HW ¿Dónde? John Wed= Learn 2 sentences Reading Note-Taking Guide Project ideas Constable Week Th= Learn 2 sentences HW Th=Do the same as above but for 12 Fri= Learn 2 sentences Wed=Type the above Section 2 Th=Type the above Mon= Learn 2/Review Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 John Fri=Type the above that you did not complete Constable Mon=Memorize the Mon=Take quiz online above

14 11-15- A Dream Within A Dream In 1866, the 14th Ch. 8 The Rise of Rome Ch. 6 Circulation and Immunity Question 11 by Edgar Allan Poe Section 3,4 Take this kiss upon the brow! Amendment made all words And, in parting from you now, former slaves US Review Science Fair Project Thus much let me avow- citizens and paved ¿Por qué? You are not wrong, who deem Ideas In Class That my days have been a the way for the Civil dream; Rights Movement. ¿Cuánto? Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, ¿Cuántos? Is it therefore the less gone? HW All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. HW Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading ¿Cuántas? Wed=Section 1 from Reading Essentials; answer questions p.95 Essentials; Section 3 from Active Thurs= Science Notebook p. 63-66 ¿Cuál? HW Reading Note-Taking Guide Fri= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; HW HW HW Wed=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for answer p. 100 Week ¿Cuáles? Joseph Section 4 Mallord Wed= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above Mon= Science Notebook p.67-69 13 Th= Learn 2 sentences Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 William Fri=Type the above Fri= Learn 2 sentences that you did not complete Turner Turner Mon= Learn 2/Review Mon=Memorize the Mon=Take quiz online above

NOTE: next week discusses STD’s Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

15 11-29-11 A Dream Within A During the late Ch. 9 Roman Civilization Ch. 6 Circulation and Immunity Days of Dream 1800s, tycoons like the Week I stand amid the roar Of a surf-tormented shore, Vanderbilt, Review Science Fair Project And I hold within my hand Rockerfeller, Ideas In Class Grains of the golden sand- Carnegie, and Swift, How few! yet how they creep *Brainstorm Ideas Through my fingers to the fueled the nation’s deep, Industrial Age by (Final decision due in 2 weeks) developing American Resources.

HW HW HW HW Wed=Section 1 from Reading Wed= Read Section 3 in Reading Week HW Wed= Learn 2 sentences Essentials; Section 1 from Active Essentials; answer questions p.104 14 Theodore Th= Learn 2 sentences HW Reading Note-Taking Guide Thurs= Science Notebook p. 70-72 Gericault Fri= Learn 2 sentences Th=Do the same as above but for Fri=Read Section 4 in Reading Essentials; Delacroix and Eugene Mon= Learn 2/Review Wed=Type the above Section 2 answer questions p.110 Delacroix Th=Type the above Fri= Do the same as above but for Mon= Science Notebook p. 73-76 Fri=Type the above Section 3 Mon=Memorize the Mon=Take quiz online above

16 12-6-11 A Dream Within A During the late Ch. 10 The Rise of Christianity Ch. 6 Circulation and Immunity Months of Dream 1800s, tycoons like the Year Vanderbilt, While I weep- while I weep! O God! can I not grasp Rockerfeller, Wed= Review Ch.6, Read Science Book Them with a tighter clasp? Carnegie, and Swift, p.188, do p. 189 January - O God! can I not save fueled the nation’s Thurs= Review Ch.6, do Science Book p. June One from the pitiless wave? 190-191 Is all that we see or seem Industrial Age by But a dream within a dream? developing American Ch.6 TEST in class on ______Resources. HW Fri: Research at least 3 possible science fair project ideas HW Wed= Learn 2 sentences HW Th= Learn 2 sentences Mon: Research at least 3 possible science Week Wed=Section 1 from Reading Fri= Learn 2 sentences HW fair project ideas 15 Essentials; Section 1 from Active HW Mon= Learn 2/Review Wed=Type the above Bonheur Th=Type the above Reading Note-Taking Guide Rosa Th=Do the same as above but for Review Science Fair Project Bonheur Fri=Type the above Section 2 Ideas In Class Mon=Memorize the Fri= Do the same as above but for (Final idea due next week) above Section 3 Mon=Take quiz online Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

17 11-29-11 During the late Ch. 11 Islamic Civilization UNIT 2 Review Months of “Stopping By The 1800s, tycoons like Unit 2 Review the Year Woods On A Snowy Vanderbilt, Do Test Review Sheet for the week (wksht will Evening” Rockerfeller, be made later) Carnegie, and Swift, July - fueled the nation’s December Industrial Age by developing American Resources. HW HW Week HW Wed=Section 1 from Reading HW 16 Essentials; Section 1 from Active HW Wed=Type the above Wed= Research at least 3 possible science HW Reading Note-Taking Guide Courbet Gustave Th=Type the above fair project ideas Wed= Learn 2 sentences Th=Do the same as above but for Courbet Thurs= Begin Science Fair Project Th= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Section 2 checklist Fri= Learn 2 sentences Mon=Memorize the Fri= Do the same as above but for Fri= Begin Science Fair Project checklist Mon= Learn 2/Review above Section 3 Mon= Begin Science Fair Project checklist Mon=Take quiz online

18 12-6-11 Luke 2: 8-14 In 1898, Theodore Ch. 12 Ch. 7 Ecology Phrases Roosevelt and his China in the Middle Ages Rough Riders Section 1,2 Where is the defeated the Spanish bathroom? Where is a at the Battle of San telephone? I Juan Hill while trying am hungry. I to help the Cubans am thirsty. win their Independence.

HW HW HW HW HW Wed=Section 1 from Reading Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Week Edouard HW Essentials; Section 1 from Active Manet Wed=Type the above Essentials; answer questions p.114 17 Wed= Learn 2 sentences Reading Note-Taking Guide Thurs= Science Notebook p.77-80 Th=Type the above Th= Learn 2 sentences Th=Do the same as above but for Fri= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; Edouard Fri= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Section 2 answer p. 118 Manet Mon= Learn 2/Review Mon=Memorize the Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 Mon= Science Notebook p.81-83 above that you did not complete Mon=Take quiz online Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

12-13- Luke 2: 8-14 From 1820 to 1930, Ch. 12 Ch. 7 Ecology Phrases 19 11 more than 37 million China in the Middle Ages immigrants came to Section 3,4 America seeking freedom and the opportunity to I want increase their more. I personal wealth. don’t want it. Please. Thank you. You are HW welcome. Wed= Read Section 3 in Reading I’m sorry. HW HW Essentials; answer questions p.122 Excuse me. HW Wed= Learn 2 sentences Wed=Section 3 from Reading Thurs= Science Notebook p.84-88 HW Claude Th= Learn 2 sentences Essentials; Section 3 from Active Monet Fri= Review Ch.7, Read p.218, do p. 219; Week Fri= Learn 2 sentences HW Reading Note-Taking Guide begin to research some of topics for your 3 18 Mon= Learn 2/Review Wed=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for possible science fair project ideas Th=Type the above Section 4 Mon= Review Ch.7, do p. 220-221 Claude Fri=Type the above Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 Monet Mon=Memorize the that you did not complete Ch.7 TEST in class on ______above Mon=Take quiz online Be prepared to tell your progress on your science fair proect

20 1-3-12 The Fish by William In 1917, President Ch. 13 Phrases Butler Yeats Wilson asked Medieval Africa Over the Holiday Break work on Congress to declare your Science Fair Projects war on Axis Powers Where do Although you hide in the after German U- you live? I ebb and flow Boats sank the live in…. Of the pale tide when the Lusitania killing Do you moon has set, speak The people of coming days American citizens. Spanish? I will know HW About the casting out of speak a my net, HW Week little. Just And how you have leaped HW Wed=Section 1 from Reading 19 a minute. times out of mind Wed=Type the above Essentials; Section 1 from Active I will be Over the little silver cords, Th=Type the above Reading Note-Taking Guide Renoir right back. HW And think that you were Fri=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for Auguste hard and unkind, Section 2 Renoir And blame you with many Mon=Memorize the Fri= Do the same as above but for bitter words. above Section 3 Mon=Take quiz online Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

21 1-10-12 A Choice by: Paul On December 7, Ch. 14 Ch. 8 Ecosystems Laurence Dunbar 1941, the Japanese Medieval Africa bombed Pearl They please me not-- these solemn Harbor, Hawaii,

songs That hint of sermons covered causing the US to join the Allies in up. 'T is true the world should heed World War II. its wrongs, But in a poem let me

sup, Not simples brewed to cure or

ease Humanity's confessed disease,

But the spirit-wine of a singing line, HW HW Or a dew-drop in a honey cup! HW Wed=Section 1 from Reading Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Mary Essentials; Section 1 from Active Essentials; answer questions p.125 Cassatt Reading Note-Taking Guide and Science Notebook p.89-92 HW Th=Do the same as above but for Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading HW Section 2 Week HW Essentials; answer p. 131-132 and 20 Wed= Learn 2 sentences Wed=Type the above Fri= Do the same as above but for Science Notebook p.93-95 Th= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above Section 3 Fri= Work on Science Fair Projects Mon=Take quiz online Mary Fri= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Mon= Work on Science Fair Projects Cassatt Mon= Learn 2/Review Mon=Memorize the above

22 1-17-12 Alice by Shel In 1949, the US and Ch. 15 Ch. 8 Ecosystems Silverstein its allies formed Medieval Europe Alice~ NATO to resist the Section 1,2 She drank from a bottle called DRINK ME spread of Soviet and she grew so tall. communism. She ate from a plate called TASTE ME and down she shrank so HW HW small. Wed=Section 1 from Reading HW Wed= Read Section 3 in Reading And so she changed, while Essentials; Section 1 from Active Week Essentials; answer p. 136 and other folks Reading Note-Taking Guide 21 Science Notebook p.96-100 ... Never tried nothin at all. Th=Do the same as above but for Thurs= Review Ch.8, do Science Book p. Section 2 Paul HW 248-251 HW Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 Cezanne Wed=Type the above Fri= Work on Science Fair Projects HW Wed= Learn 2 sentences that you did not complete Th=Type the above Mon= Work on Science Fair Projects Paul Th= Learn 2 sentences Mon=Take quiz online Cezanne Fri= Learn 2 sentences Fri=Type the above Mon= Learn 2/Review Mon=Memorize the above Ch.8 TEST in class on ______Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

23 1-24-12 REVIEW Ch. 15 Science Fair Presentations Today "If a man does his Medieval Europe best, what else is Section 3,4 there?" - General George S. Patton (1885-1945)

"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants HW on." Wed=Type the above HW HW - Sir Winston Th=Type the above Wed=Section 3 from Reading Week HW Essentials; Section 3 from Active Churchill (1874- Fri=Type the above 22 Vincent 1965) Reading Note-Taking Guide van Gogh Mon=Memorize the Th=Do the same as above but for above van Section 4 Gogh HW Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 Wed= Learn 2 sentences that you did not complete Th= Learn 2 sentences Mon=Take quiz online Fri= Learn 2 sentences Mon= Learn 2/Review 24 1-31-12 "Do, or do not. There In 1954, in Brown vs. Ch. 16 The Americas Ch. 9 Earth’s Energy and Mineral is no 'try'." Board of Education, Resources - Yoda ('The Empire the US Supreme Strikes Back') Court ruled that the segregation of public "I have not failed. schools by race is I've just found 10,000 unconstitutional. ways that won't work." HW - Thomas Alva Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Edison (1847-1931) HW Essentials; answer questions p.143 Wed=Section 1 from Reading and Science Notebook p.101-104 HW Essentials; Section 1 from Active Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading HW HW Essentials; answer questions p.148 HW Wed=Type the above Reading Note-Taking Guide Week Kathe Th=Do the same as above but for and Science Notebook p.105-107 Kollwitz Wed= Learn 2 sentences Th=Type the above 23 Th= Learn 2 sentences Section 2 Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; Fri=Type the above Fri= Do the same as above but for answer questions p.152 Kathe Fri= Learn 2 sentences Kollwitz Mon= Learn 2/Review Mon=Memorize the Section 3 and Science Notebook p.108-112 above Mon=Take quiz online Mon= Review Ch.9, do Science Book p. 280-283 Ch.9 TEST in class on ______Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

25 2-7-12 How Do I Love Thee? In 1969, US Ch. 17 The Renaissance and Unit 10 The Atmosphere in Motion By Elizabeth astronauts Neil Reformation Barrett Armstrong and Section 1,2 Browning Edwin Aldrin were the first men to walk How do I love thee? on the moon. Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of HW sight when feeling out HW Wed=Section 1 from Reading HW HW of sight Wed=Type the above Essentials; Section 1 from Active Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Week For the ends of being Th=Type the above Reading Note-Taking Guide Essentials; answer questions p.157 24 HW and ideal grace. Th=Do the same as above but for Thurs= Science Notebook p.113-116 Henri I love thee to the level Fri=Type the above Henri Section 2 Fri= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; Matisse Matisse of every day's Mon=Memorize the Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 answer questions p.164 Most quiet need, by above sun and candle-light. that you did not complete Mon= Science Notebook p.117-119 I love thee freely, as Mon=Take quiz online men strive for right.

26 2-14-12 How Do I Love Thee? On September 11, Ch. 17 The Renaissance and Unit 10 The Atmosphere in Motion By Elizabeth 2001, The World Reformation Barrett Trade Center in NY Section 3,4 Valentine’s Day Projects Browning City was destroyed by Muslim I love thee freely, as Fundamentalists, men strive for right. I love thee purely, as beginning America’s they turn from praise. War on Terrorism. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's HW faith. HW Wed= Read Section 3 in Reading I love thee with a love HW Wed=Section 3 from Reading Essentials; answer questions p.172 HW HW I seemed to lose Essentials; Section 3 from Active Thurs= Science Notebook p.120-124 Pablo With my lost saints. I Wed=Type the above Week Reading Note-Taking Guide Fri= Read Science Book Picasso love thee with the Th=Type the above 25 Th=Do the same as above but for Mon= Answer chapter questions in science breath, Fri=Type the above Smiles, tears, of all my Section 4 book Pablo life; and, if God Mon=Memorize the Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 Picasso choose, above that you did not complete Chapter 10 Test ______Mon=Take quiz online I shall but love thee better after death. Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

27 2-21-12 I, Too, Sing America by Preamble to the Ch. 18 Enlightenment and Ch. 11 Weathering and Soil Langston Hughes Constitution Revolution Section 1,2

I, too, sing America. I am the darker

brother. They send me to eat in the

kitchen When company comes, But I laugh, And eat well, And grow HW strong. Tomorrow, I'll be at the table Wed=Section 1 from Reading HW Essentials; Section 1 from Active Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading When company comes. Nobody'll HW Reading Note-Taking Guide Essentials; answer questions p.177 dare Say to me, "Eat in the kitchen," Wed=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for and Science Notebook p.125-128 HW Th=Type the above Section 2 Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading Week HW Then. Besides, They'll see how Essentials; answer questions p.182 Fri=Type the above Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 26 Marc beautiful I am And be ashamed-- that you did not complete and Science Notebook p.129-131 Chagall Mon=Memorize the Mon=Take quiz online Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; Marc I, too, am America. above answer questions p.186 Chagall and Science Notebook p.132-136 Mon= Review Ch.11, do Science Book p. Ch.11 TEST in class on ______

28 2-28-12 I, Too, Sing America by Preamble to the Ch. 18 Enlightenment and Ch. 12 Water, Erosion and Deposition Langston Hughes Constitution Revolution Section 3,4

Tomorrow, I'll be at the table

When company comes. Nobody'll

dare Say to me, "Eat in the kitchen," HW HW Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Then. Besides, They'll see how Wed=Section 3 from Reading Essentials; answer questions p.194 beautiful I am And be ashamed-- HW Essentials; Section 3 from Active and Science Notebook p.137-140 HW Reading Note-Taking Guide Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading HW I, too, am America. Wed=Type the above Week Th=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for Essentials; answer questions p.200 27 Winslow Section 4 and Science Notebook p.141-143 Homer Fri=Type the above Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; Winslow Mon=Memorize the that you did not complete answer questions p.204 Homer above Mon=Take quiz online and Science Notebook p.144-148 Mon= Review Ch.12, do Science Book p. Ch.12 TEST in class on ______Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

29 3-6-12 "Obstacles are those The White House Ch. 19 Industry and Nationalism Ch. 13 Plate Tectonics frightful things you Administration Section 1,2 see when you take your eyes off your goal." - Henry Ford (1863- 1947) HW HW Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading HW You must be the Wed=Type the above HW Essentials; answer questions p.209 Week 28 Th=Type the above Wed=Section 1 from Reading and Science Notebook p.149-152 change you wish to Essentials; Section 1 from Active Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading Fri=Type the above Thomas see in the world. Reading Note-Taking Guide Essentials; answer questions p.213 Eakins HW Mon=Memorize the —Gandhi Th=Do the same as above but for and Science Notebook p.153-155 Thomas above Section 2 Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; Eakins Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 answer questions p.222 that you did not complete and Science Notebook p.1156-160 Mon=Take quiz online Mon= Review Ch.13, do Science Book p. Ch.13 TEST in class on ______

30 3-13-12 "I have never let my Bill Of Rights Ch. 19 Industry and Nationalism Ch. 14 Measurement schooling interfere with Freedoms, own guns, Section 3,4 my education." quartering soldiers, - Mark Twain (1835- warrants, cannot testify 1910) against yourself, right to a speedy trial, right to a jury, cruel, unusual HW punishment, people’s Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading You miss 100 percent of right, state’s rights Essentials; answer questions p.230 the shots you never 1.Freedom of Speech, HW and Science Notebook p.161-165 Press, Religion and Wed=Section 3 from Reading Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading take. Petition 2. Right to keep Essentials; Section 3 from Active Essentials; answer questions p.235 —Wayne Gretzky and bear arms 3. and Science Notebook p.166-168 HW Conditions for quarters of Reading Note-Taking Guide Week Th=Do the same as above but for Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; HW soldiers 4. Right of search answer questions p.242 29 and seizure regulated 5. Section 4 George and Science Notebook p.169-172 Provisions concerning Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 George Bellows prosecution 6. Right to a that you did not complete Mon= Review Ch.14, do Science Book p. Bellows speedy trial, witness, etc. Mon=Take quiz online 436-439 7. Right to a trial by jury 8. Ch.14 TEST in class on ______Excessive bail, cruel punishment 9. Rule of construction of Constitution 10. Rights of the States under Constitution

Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

31 3-20-12 Happiness depends REVIEW Ch. 20 Imperialism and World War Ch.15 Understanding Matter upon ourselves. I Section 1,2 Aristotle

The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. HW Benjamin Franklin Wed=Section 1 from Reading HW Essentials; Section 1 from Active Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading HW Reading Note-Taking Guide Essentials; answer questions p.251 HW Wed=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for Thurs=Science Notebook p.173-176 Week HW Th=Type the above Section 2 Fri= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; 30 Edward Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 answer questions p.257-258; Science Hopper Fri=Type the above that you did not complete Notebook p.177-180 Edward Mon=Memorize the Mon=Take quiz online Mon= Review Ch.15, do p. 464-467 Ch.15 Hopper above TEST in class on ______32 3-27-12 "We didn't lose the REVIEW Ch. 20 Imperialism and World War Ch. 16 Atoms, Elements, and the game; we just ran out I Section 3,4 Periodic Table of time." - Vince Lombardi

You can do anything, but not everything. —David Allen HW Week HW 31 Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading HW HW Georgia Georgia HW Essentials; answer questions p.265 O’Keeffe Wed=Section 3 from Reading and Science Notebook p.181-184 O’Keeffe Wed=Type the above Essentials; Section 3 from Active Th=Type the above Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading Reading Note-Taking Guide Essentials; answer questions p.270 Fri=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for and Science Notebook p.185-187 Mon=Memorize the Section 4 Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; above Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 answer questions p.274 that you did not complete and Science Notebook p.188-192 Mon=Take quiz online Mon= Review Ch.16, do p. 494-497 Ch.16 TEST in class on ______

Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

4-3-12 Do not hire a man REVIEW Ch. 21 World War II and The Cold Ch. 17 Motion, Forces, and Simple MUSIC 33 RE- who does your work War Section 1,2 Machines VIEW for money, but him who does it for love of it. Henry David Thoreau

HW HW Far and away the best Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Wed=Section 1 from Reading Week prize that life has to Essentials; answer questions p.280 HW Essentials; Section 1 from Active 32 offer is the chance to Reading Note-Taking Guide and Science Notebook p.193-196 HW work hard at work Wed=Type the above Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading Th=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for Romare worth doing. Section 2 Essentials; answer questions p.286 Bearden Fri=Type the above and Science Notebook p.197-199 Romare Theodore Roosevelt Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 Bearden Mon=Memorize the that you did not complete Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; above Mon=Take quiz online answer questions p.292 and Science Notebook p.200-204 Mon= Review Ch.17, do p. 526-529 Ch.17 TEST in class on ______

34 4-10-12 I paint objects as I Ch. 21 World War II and The Cold Ch. 18 Energy EASTER think them, not as I War Section 3,4 MUSIC BREAK? RE- see them. VIEW ???????? Pablo Picasso

HW Andrew HW Wed=Section 3 from Reading Wyeth Wed=Type the above Essentials; Section 3 from Active I saw the angel in the HW Th=Type the above Reading Note-Taking Guide Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading marble and carved Fri=Type the above Th=Do the same as above but for Essentials; answer questions p.301 until I set him free. Mon=Memorize the Section 4 Thurs=Science Notebook p.205-208 Michelangelo above Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 Fri= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; HW that you did not complete answer questions p.307-308; Science Andrew Mon=Take quiz online Notebook p.209-212 Wyeth Mon= Review Ch.18, do p. 554-557 Ch.18 TEST in class on ______Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

4-17-12 We build too many Ch. 22 Building Today’s World Ch. 19 Electricity and Magnetism MUSIC 35 RE- walls and not enough Section 1,2 VIEW bridges. Isaac Newton

To every action there Henry is always opposed an Moore equal reaction. HW HW Isaac Newton Wed=Section 1 from Reading Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Essentials; Section 1 from Active Essentials; answer questions p.314 Reading Note-Taking Guide and Science Notebook p.213-216 Th=Do the same as above but for Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading HW HW Section 2 Essentials; answer questions p.320 Henry Fri= Finish any part of Section 1,2 and Science Notebook p.217-219 Moore Wed=Type the above that you did not complete Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; Th=Type the above Mon=Take quiz online answer questions p.326 Fri=Type the above and Science Notebook p.220-224 Mon=Memorize the Mon= Review Ch.19, do p. 586-589 Ch.19 above TEST in class on ______

4-24-12 There's no reason to Ch. 22 Building Today’s World Ch. 20 Waves MUSIC 36 RE- be the richest man in Section 3,4 VIEW the cemetery. You can't do any business from there. -Colonel Sanders

"Be nice to people Barbara Hepworth on your way up HW HW HW Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading because you meet Wed=Type the above Wed=Section 3 from Reading Essentials; answer questions p.331 them on your way Th=Type the above Essentials; Section 3 from Active and Science Notebook p.225-228 down." Fri=Type the above Reading Note-Taking Guide Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading HW Mon=Memorize the Th=Do the same as above but for Essentials; answer questions p.336 Barbara - Jimmy Durante Section 4 Hepworth above and Science Notebook p.229-231 Fri= Finish any part of Section 3,4 Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; that you did not complete answer questions p.342 Mon=Take quiz online and Science Notebook p.232-236 Mon= Review Ch.20, do p. 614-617 Ch.20 TEST in class on ______Date Time Music Memory Work History Memory History / Maga Science Homework Spanish Art zine http://www.homeeducati onresources.com/FREEs 9-9:15 Work SS panish.htm

5-1-12 REVIEW REVIEW Unit 6 Review MUSIC 37 RE- Ch. 21 The Moon, planets, and Stars VIEW TEST ON ALL OF BOOK #1

HW Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Alexand Essentials; answer questions p.347 er HW and Science Notebook p.237-240 Calder Wed=Type the above Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading Essentials; answer questions p.353 Th=Type the above and Science Notebook p.241-243 HW Fri=Type the above Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; Mon=Memorize the Alexander answer questions p.358 Calder above and Science Notebook p.244-248 Mon= Review Ch.21, do p. 650-653 Ch.21 TEST in class on ______

38 5-8-12 REVIEW Ch. 22 Exploring Space MUSIC TEST ON ALL OF BOOK RE- #2 VIEW HW Wed= Read Section 1 in Reading Essentials; answer questions p.364 HW and Science Notebook p.249-252 Wed=Type the above Thurs= Read Section 2 in Reading Th=Type the above Essentials; answer questions p.370 Fri=Type the above and Science Notebook p.253-255 Fri= Read Section 3 in Reading Essentials; Mon=Memorize the answer questions p.376 above and Science Notebook p.256-260 Mon= Review Ch.22, do p. 682-685 Ch.22 TEST in class on ______


The Gettysburg Address By: Abraham Lincoln

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

Oh Captain! My Captain by: Walt Whitman The Road Not Taken By: Robert Frost

O Captain my Captain! our fearful trip is done; Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won; And sorry I could not travel both The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, And be one traveler, long I stood While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops of red, Then took the other, as just as fair, Where on the deck my Captain lies, And having perhaps the better claim Fallen cold and dead. Because it was grassy and wanted wear, Though as for that the passing there O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Had worn them really about the same, Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills; For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding; And both that morning equally lay For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; In leaves no step had trodden black. Here Captain! dear father! Oh, I marked the first for another day! This arm beneath your head; Yet knowing how way leads on to way It is some dream that on the deck, I doubted if I should ever come back. You’ve fallen cold and dead. I shall be telling this with a sigh My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still; Somewhere ages and ages hence: My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; I took the one less traveled by, From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won; And that has made all the difference Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.

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