Minutes of the Dunholme Parish Council Held on 17Th June, 2015 in the Jubilee Room of The

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Minutes of the Dunholme Parish Council Held on 17Th June, 2015 in the Jubilee Room of The

385 A Meeting of Dunholme Parish Council was held in the Jubilee Room, Dunholme Village Hall on 15th March 20.

Present: A Sawhney (Chairman), S. Barrett, B. Lewis, Mrs H Nicholls, R.Gregson, T Pache and M. Burre

Note taker: Cllr S Barrett

Also present: 9 members of the public  Charles Pickering – left letters for parish council, to be discussed at the next meeting  Malcolm Parish- explained that he had not talked to the local paper regarding the planning applications in Dunholme & Welton , and that the comments made in the papers were not his.  David Nicholls-from William Farr School made queries regarding the condition of the dyke between the playing/football pitch and wood behind the village hall , and as it runs alongside playing field to Honeyholes lane. Can some action be taken to clear it?  Cllr Steve England district councillor for Dunholme & Welton ward, gave information on grant funding and that funds are available details on West Lindsey web site. Also talked about sharing of information between the two parish councils.  PCSO Angie Law, report below.15/06/05

15/06/01 Chairman’s Remarks The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and stated that he had talked with Noel from Lincolnshire highways and that he had agreed to meet with him to discuss not only Scothern Lane ,but a number of areas around the village including the end of Market Rasen Road before it joins the bypass and Water Lane either side of the ford. Though he did point out that Noel had stated that there were no funds in place to be able to do this work and this was under review.

15/06/02 Apologies for absence On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Nicholls, seconded by Cllr Barrett following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept apologies of absence from Cllr Mrs McKay and Cllr Brumpton.

15/06/03 Declarations of Interest Cllr Mrs Nicholls declared an interest in agenda item 9b.

15/06/04 To approve notes of the meeting held on 20 th May 20 This was deferred to a future meeting, as no minutes were available at this time.

15/06/05 Report from representatives from outside bodies Cllr Mrs Nicholls reported that she had attended the last meeting of the Dunholme Old School trustee meeting and stated that their constitution does not need a parish council representative , but are happy for Cllr Mrs Nicholls to attend future meetings. Police :- Ashing lane , youths starting fires, also motor bikes up and down the lane and loud music. Report of a suspicious male on Honey Holes lane, Beware of a possible post code lottery scam, this area is being targeted.

15/06/06 Clerks Action Plan Speed Signs – the passive notice have now been put up at the locations agreed with highways. The chairman thanked Cllr Barrett. The sign on Ryland Road has been removed due to it being vandalized , it will not be put back up until the hedge is cut back allowing it to be mounted at the correct height. 386

Post Office – Notice has been given that it will shut on the 15th July, the Co-op have sent a letter 9th March saying that they are not interested in operating the PO under the term that offered. The Old School was put forward as a possible site and also the church or Cost-cutter however there is currently no feed back to report on any of these, Cllr Mrs Nicholls was asked by the chair to try and find out more information from all partys and report back at the next meeting. Village Hall lease – Melissa Thompson from McKinnells solicitor has now looked over the current lease document, whilst the language may seem a little old fashioned, if we are not proposing to change any of the terms then she would not recommend that a new lease is put in place simply to bring that aspect up to date. Given that the Lease technically has no value as only a peppercorn rent (£1 per year) Her recommendation would be to allow the current tenants to continue in possession under the current terms of the Lease, by what would be called holding over, so the status quo remains. Cllr Barrett declared an interest in the village hall as the licence for the village hall bar, but is not a trust member, it was proposed by Cllr Sawhney and second by Cllr Mrs Nicholls and Cllr Lewis. That Cllr Barrett would talk with the village hall trust with a view to understand their wishes. A working group of Cllr Lewis & Pache would look at the availability of grant funding to help the village hall with roof replacement work. Hedge & Dyke to the rear of the village hall and football pitch - the clerk has chased up Veolia regarding this work but has had no response to date. Cllr Gregson asked for clarity regarding the boundary rights to the hedge and dyke and asked whether it was possible for the clerk to contact the land registry office on this matter. Litter Bins - the bin on Ryland road has now been installed but the Lincoln road bin is still outstanding. Bus Shelter, the Lincolnshire highways have agreed to install a bus shelter on Ryland Road (Cost Cutters) , this will stand back from the current bus stop , so as not to obstructed the path way. No date given for this work to start.

15/06/07 Financial Matters a) Annual audit 2014/ approval, this to do at next meeting. Cllr Sawhney had not met with the audito

b) To agree accounts for payment On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Nicholls, seconded by Cllr Gregson following a vote, it Was unanimously RESOLVED to make the following payments:- £ Payee Detail 1650.20 Continental Landscapes Ltd Village and Play area Maintenance 111.80 J. Atkin Caretaker salary 414.77 Mrs L Richardson Clerks salary and expenses

£ Income Detail 0.32 HSBC Bowls Hall Fund Interest 0.84 HSBC 14 Day Reserve Account Interest

Due to issue with the quality of the grass cutting, On a proposal from Cllr Lewis, seconded by Cllr Gregson following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that Cllr Burre would contact the contractor over these issues before the next cut.

15/06/08 Correspondence Unfortunately the correspondence did not reach all the councillors. 387 15/06/09 Planning Matters Received:- a)133064 – Land South of Dunholme Close, Dunholme On a proposal from Cllr Burre, seconded by Cllr Gregson following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that this would be deferred to the next meeting after discussions with Welton Parish council who were suggesting a join response. b) To agree to send another letter to the Secretary of State regarding the Chestnut Homes application Chestnut Homes Development off Honeyholes Lane, it was not clear if these letters have been sent, (Cllr Mrs Nicholls had declared an interest in this matter, but asked for clarification as to when the council resolved to send these letters, Cllr Sawhney indicated that this had been done at a previous meeting, but as not all councillor had seen the previous minutes it was not possible to debate this matter any further) this is to be clarified with the clerk once she has returned from her holiday. c) Working closer with Welton PC regarding planning issue that effect both parishes On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Nicholls, seconded by Cllr Gregson following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the two parish councils should work closer together.

15/06/10 Neighbourhood Plan a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the questionnaire analysis On a proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr Sawhney following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept the finding of the questionnaire. b) To discuss and take any other necessary action No further action is currently needed

15/06/11 To adopt the amended version of the Parish Councils Financial Regulations On a proposal from Cllr Barrett Cllr Mrs Nicholls, seconded by Cllr Barrett following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the amended version.

15/06/12 To adopt a Publication Scheme for Dunholme Parish Council On a proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr Mrs Nicholls following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the publication scheme.

15/06/13 To consider the upgrade of the Clerks electronic equipment On a proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr Mrs Nicholls following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the clerk should produce a list of electronic equipment requirements (computer & software) for her to undertake her duties along with quotations.

15/06/14 To receive a report from the Play park equipment working group This was deferred to the next meeting

15/06/15 To receive a letter from the village hall committee regarding a financial contribution towards a new roof and take any necessary action This was covered in 15/06/06, and would be reported back to the next meeting

15/06/16 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding an o vergrown tree along Ryland Road, This was deferred to the next meeting

15/06/17 To receive and decide upon q uotes for work required to the Cemetery on Ashing Lane. This was deferred to the next meeting 388 15/06/18 Village planters Due to the timing of the village fete and the lack of quotation, Cllr Barrett’s wife purchased plants from Scothern Nurseries (after liaising with the Clerk and Chairman), so that the planter could be in bloom for the fete, It was agreed that this was a one off for this year and that should be done sooner in the year by the parish council in future years.

15/06/19 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the renewal of the Village Hall lease. This was covered in 15/06/06, and would be reported back to the next meeting


15/06/20 To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the lease agreements for the sports pavilions and the football pitch. On a proposal from Cllr Gregson, seconded by Cllr Mrs Nicholls following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to adopted the lease agreement for another year (2015/16).

15/06/21 To discuss and forward any necessary comments regarding the electoral review of Lincolnshire. The parish council had no comments to make at this time.

15/06/22 Village Maintenance On a proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr Sawhney following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following village maintenance is required:-  Request for the low hanging tree branches to be cut back on Mainwaring Close  Removal of dead and dying trees alongside the beck, Market Rasen Road after the bridge.  Foot path off Ryland road and after the bridge over the beck need strimming.  Removal of low hanging trees on Water Lane foot path alongside the beck.  Play area on Kennington & Allwood Road, grouting between the safety mates had been removed.

15/06/23 Other Urgent Matters  Green bin collection, liquid that leeks from collection Lorries, clarification from West Lindsey regarding safety of this?  Dog fouling around village, letter to Dunholme news, and more signs required around the village.  Removal of Co-op temporary signage from parish council land, letter to Co- op, PC will remove if we can mount notice board on Co-op building?  The Village Fete is this coming weekend

Signed by the Chairman ...... 15th July 2015

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