High School Level 1 World Languages

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High School Level 1 World Languages

CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL 1 WORLD LANGUAGES It’s All About Me! By the end of this unit, you will be able to do the following: INTERPRETIVE INTERPERSONAL PRESENTATIONAL (taking in information) (taking in and producing language) (producing language) Listening Reading/Viewing Person-to-Person Speaking Writing I can do the following through listening, I can combine my interpretive and I can do the following through speaking and reading, and viewing culturally authentic presentational skills to interact with others in writing: materials. unrehearsed interactions in both written* and spoken forms.  I can correctly say and write common  I can understand common expressions  I can Interact with others using basic expressions such as please and thank such as please and thank you. expressions such as please and thank you. you.  I can understand when others say and  I can say and spell my name. spell their names.  I can exchange information about spelling names.  I can understand common greetings and  I can correctly say and write common farewells when I hear or read them. greetings and farewells.  I can interact with others using common  I can understand introductions when I see  I can introduce myself by speaking and greetings and farewells. or read them. writing.  I can understand personal information  I can speak and write about personal such as name, address, age, phone  I can interact with others when meeting for information such as age, phone numbers, birthdays, and where people are the first time. numbers, and where people are from from when I hear or read it. when I hear or read it.  I can understand basic descriptions of  I can interact with others to exchange  I can speak and write basic descriptions peoples’ personality and physical personal information such as age, phone of peoples’ personality and physical characteristics when I hear or read them. numbers, and where people are from. characteristics.  I can understand the days of the week,  I can talk and write about the days of months of the year, numbers, and dates  I can ask someone to describe the week, months of the year, numbers, when I hear or read them. himself/herself and I can describe myself and dates.  I can understand information about when asked to do so.  I can speak and write about the families when I hear it or read it. members of my family .  I can understand when I hear or read  I can interact with others to discuss days of  I can talk and write about my likes and about others’ likes and dislikes. the week, months of the year, numbers, dislikes.  I can understand information about how and dates.  I can talk and write about how I and people feel when I hear or read it.  I can ask someone about his/her family and others feel. give information to others about my family  I can count the number of people and/or when asked to do so. items up to thirty-one.

 I can ask someone about his/her likes and dislikes and I can talk about my likes/dislikes when asked to do so.

 I can interact with others to discuss how I and others feel.

*texting, instant messaging, etc. What will you know by the end of this unit? Vocabulary Hello. I am ___ years old. good-looking red-headed chocolate Hi. Where are you from? nice blond hamburgers How are you doing? I’m from… friendly brunette french fries And you? (fam. and When is your funny I have…He/She has chicken pol.) birthday? cool black hair music (rock, rap, Fine. My birthday is… serious blue eyes country) Badly. Where do you live? athletic green eyes sports So-so. I live in (city name) shy brown eyes cars Great! How old is he/she? outgoing hazel eyes school Please. He/She is ___ years lazy short hair television Thank you. old. hard-working long hair video games What is your name? I am… intelligent What do you like? friend My name is… tall interesting I like (don’t like)… mother How old are you? short mean pizza father brother Today is (date)… a little It is… sister Months of the year more also cousin year less with/without aunt day What is the date? and uncle month What day is it? or grandfather week How is it spelled? Yes. grandmother days of the week Mr. No. dog There is/are (not) Mrs./ Ms. cat How many? Miss Numbers 0-31 a lot Who? CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL 1 WORLD LANGUAGES Where I Spend My Time

By the end of this unit, you will be able to do everything from unit 1 plus the following: INTERPRETIVE INTERPERSONAL PRESENTATIONAL (taking in information) (Taking in and producing language) (Producing Language) Listening Reading/Viewing Interacting with Others Speaking Writing I can do the following through listening, I can combine my interpretive and I can do the following through speaking and reading, and viewing culturally authentic presentational skills to interact with others in writing: materials. unrehearsed conversations in both written and spoken forms.

 I can understand and say the time of day  I can ask for and give the time.  I can talk and write about what time when I hear it or read it. it is.  I can understand information about daily  I can interact with others to discuss routines when I hear or read it. daily routines.  I can talk and write about my daily  I can understand information about parts  I can interact with others to discuss routine. of a house/apartment when I hear or read where people live. it.  I can interact with others to discuss  I can talk and write about parts of a  I can understand when I hear someone ideal homes. house/apartment. describe his/her ideal home.  I can interact with others to discuss  I can describe my ideal home.  I can understand others when they talk or the times we arrive to and leave from write about the times they arrive and school.  I can talk and write about the times I leave from school. arrive and leave school.  I can understand others when they talk or  I can interact with others to discuss write about their school schedule. school schedules.  I can talk and write about my school  I can understand others when they speak  I can interact with others to discuss schedule. or write about things they like or do not things we like and dislike about our like about their school, such as schools, such as classrooms, subjects,  I can talk and write about things I classrooms, subjects, and activities and activities like and don’t like about my school, such  I can understand information about the as classrooms, subjects, and activities. classroom and common classroom objects  I can discuss classrooms and  I can understand when I hear or read common classroom objects with others.  I talk and write about the classroom others’ descriptions of people at my  I can interact with others to discuss and common classroom objects. school. what different people at my school are I can describe people at my school. like. What will you kn o w by the end of this unit? Vocabulary Numbers: 32-60 What do you do nasty orange Arabic What time is it? (in the morning, kitchen I go to …at … Japanese (At) what time is…? afternoon, bathroom First… Latin It is… o’clock. evening, etc.)? bedroom Then… classmate It is at…o’clock I shower. living room class teacher quarter after I arrive to school apartment science student half-past at… house math sheet of paper quarter to I leave school at… big art pen (in the) morning I eat. small P.E. pencil (in the) evening I drink. my English book (in the) afternoon breakfast your Spanish notebook I get up. lunch white French board I return home. dinner yellow German computer I go to bed. delicious red Chinese book bag desk easy salad chair water meat to read soda fruit to write milk dessert to learn juice classroom to study cereal gym to do homework sandwich cafeteria difficult vegetable library CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL 1 WORLD LANGUAGES Chillin’

By the end of this unit, you will be able to do everything from Units 1 and 2, plus the following: INTERPRETIVE INTERPERSONAL PRESENTATIONAL (taking in information) (taking in and giving information) (giving information) Listening Reading/Viewing Person-to-Person Speaking Writing I can do the following through listening, I can do the following through speaking and I can combine my interpretive and reading, and viewing culturally authentic writing: presentational skills to interact with others in materials. unrehearsed conversations in both written and spoken forms.

 I can understand when someone describes  I can ask others about their free time  I can speak and write about what I and his/her free time activities when I hear it or activities and I can tell what I do in my others do in their free time. read it. free time.  I can understand information about when  I can interact with others about when  I can speak and write about when I and people are going to do future activities, people are going to do different others are going to do different such as a sport or activity, when I hear or activities. activities. read it.  I can understand conversations in which  I can invite someone to an event or  I can invite someone to an event or people are inviting others to participate in suggest that we do an activity and I can suggest that we do an activity through activities. accept or decline invitations extended to speaking and writing.  I can talk and write about what I know me.  I can talk and write about what I and how to do.  I can ask others about what activities othersknow how to do. they know how to do and tell about  I can understand the time, date, and things that I know how to do.  I can speak and write about the time, location of an event when I hear or read  I can discuss thetime, date, and location date, and location of events. about it. of an event with others.  I can speak and write about where I and  I can understand information about where  I can interact with others to discuss others go to complete different activities. people are going to do activities when I where people go to do different activities. hear or read it.  I can talk and write about the weather  I can understand a weather report when I  I can ask and answer questions about the and seasons. hear or read it. weather and seasons.

What will you kn o w by the end of this unit? Vocabulary magazines with you /you all It’s raining. to play the park Do you want to? It’s snowing! soccer the pool basketball the beach at ______’s house I can’t ___ because… baseball the field/court football the movie theater What are you going to do? Happy birthday! to swim the mall to run (track) a concert I’m going to ___. Congratulations! to skateboard a game (sporting event) What do you want to do? to hang out with friends a party Let’s go ____. to draw today I want to____. I know… to sing tonight Do you know…? to dance this afternoon What’s the weather like? to speak tomorrow to text next When is … ? cell phone on [day(s) of the week] to listen to music Numbers 61-199 The temperature is ____ to watch tv/movies the weekend degrees. to use the computer always to cook never It’s sunny. guitar sometimes It’s hot. piano almost It’s cold. drums It’s cool. with me ______It’s cloudy. CHARLOTTE MECKLENBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL 1 WORLD LANGUAGES Getting Around

By the end of this unit, you will be able to do everything from Units 1-3, plus: INTERPRETIVE INTERPERSONAL PRESENTATIONAL (taking in information) (taking in and giving information) (giving information) Listening Reading/Viewing Person-to-Person Speaking Writing I can do the following through listening, I can do the following through speaking and I can combine my interpretive and reading, and viewing culturally authentic writing: presentational skills to interact with others in materials. unrehearsed conversations in both written and spoken forms.

 I can understand requests from others  I can ask make requests and respond to  I can describe and request things that I when I hear or read them. others’ requests. need.

 I can understand when I hear or read  I can understand others when they tell about places that people go to get where they go to get things and I can tell  I can talk and write about where I go to things. where I go to get things I need. get things.

 I can ask questions about where people go  I can understand questions about where to get the things they need.  I can ask others where they go to get the I go to get the things that I need. things they need in both spoken and written forms.  I can ask about and tell where different  I can understand when someone things are located. describes where something is located.  I can talk and write about where things are  I can discuss how to get to different places. located.  I can follow directions to a place when I hear or read them.  I can give directions on how to get to  I can ask about and tell how I and others different places through speaking and  I can understand the ways people get get around town. writing. around when I hear or read about them.  I can ask and answer questions about  I can speak and write about how I and  I can understand information about where activities happen in my community. others get around town. where activities happen in my  I can ask others about people, places, and I can speak and write about where community. things they are familiar with and tell them   I can understand when someone tells about people, places, and things I am different activities happen in my me or writes about people, places, and familiar with. community. things they are familiar with.  I can tell and write that I am(not) familiar with people, places and things What will you know by the end of this unit? Vocabulary store pay street car a (music/skill) lesson bank buy to ride bike a meeting stadium money to the left/right taxi walk restaurant/café something to eat far/near train work church something to drink facing/across from subway celebrate synagogue something to wear in front of/behind salesperson prepare temple clothes above/below server practice mosque shirt in/around coach visit supermarket jeans next to a sale before bakery shorts straight ahead a dance club after______kiosk dress on foot a wedding I need… museum shoes by … a cookout/picnic I have to… neighborhood tickets bus an athletic practice It costs… Turn (command)… Continue Can I help you? Where is…? (command).. I am (not) familiar How do I get to…? It is (located)… with… Go/walk (command). Are you familiar Can you help me? with…? Excuse me?

Unit 1 Theme: It’s all about me!

INTERPRETIVE INTERPERSONAL PRESENTATIONAL Listening Reading/Viewing Person-to-Person Speaking Writing  I can understand common  I can Interact with others using basic  I can correctly say and write common expressions such as please and thank you. expressions such as please and thank you. expressions such as please and thank  I can understand when others say and  I can exchange information about spelling you. spell their names. names.  I can say and spell my name.

 I can understand common greetings  I can interact with others using common and farewells when I hear or read them.  I can correctly say and write common greetings and farewells.  I can understand introductions when I greetings and farewells. see or read them.  I can introduce myself by speaking and  I can interact with others when meeting for  I can understandpersonal information writing. the first time. such as name, address, age, phone  I can speak and write about personal numbers, birthdays, and where people are information such as age, phone from when I hear or read it.  I can interact with others to exchange numbers, and where people are from  I can understand basic descriptionsof personal information such as age, phone when I hear or read it. peoples’ personality and physical numbers, and where people are from.  I can speak and write basic descriptions characteristics when I hear or read them. of peoples’ personality and physical  I can understand the days of the  I can ask someone to describe characteristics. week, months ofthe year, numbers, and himself/herself and I can describe myself  I can talk and write about the days of dates when I hear or read them. when asked to do so. the week, months of the year, numbers,  I can understand information about and dates. families when I hear it or read it.  I can interact with others to discuss days of  I can speak and write about the  I can understand when I hear or read the week, months of the year, numbers, members of my family. about others’ likes and dislikes. and dates.  I can talk and write about my likes and  I can understand information about  I can ask someone about his/her family and dislikes. how people feel when I hear or read it. give information to others about my family  I can talk and write about how I and when asked to do so. others feel.  I can count the number of people and/or  I can ask someone about his/her likes and items up to thirty-one. dislikes and I can talk about my likes/dislikes when asked to do so.

 I can interact with others to discuss how I and others feel.

*texting, instant messaging, etc.

Unit 2 Theme: Where I Spend My Time INTERPRETIVE INTERPERSONAL PRESENTATIONAL Listening Reading/Viewing Interacting with Others Speaking Writing  I can understand and say the time of day  I can ask for and give the time.  I can write and talk about the when I hear it or read it. current and future times.  I can understand information about daily  I can interact with others to discuss  I can talk and write about my routines when I hear or read it. daily routines. daily routine.  I can understand information about parts  I can interact with others to discuss of a house/apartment when I hear or read where people live.  I can talk and write about parts of it.  I can interact with others to discuss a house/apartment.  I can understand when I hear someone ideal homes.  I can describe my ideal home. describe his/her ideal home.  I can interact with others to discuss  I can understand others when they talk or the times we arrive to and leave from  I can talk and write about the write about the times they arrive and school. times I arrive and leave school. leave from school.  I can understand others when they talk or  I can interact with others to discuss  I can talk and write about my write about their school schedule. school schedules. school schedule.  I can understand others when they speak  I can interact with others to discuss or write about things they like or do not things we like and dislike about our  I can talk and write about things I like about their school, such as schools, such as classrooms, subjects, like and don’t like about my school, classrooms, subjects, and activities and activities such as classrooms, subjects, and  I can understand information about the activities.  I can discuss classrooms and classroom and common classroom objects common classroom objects with others.  I can understand when I hear or read  I talk and write about the  I can interact with others to discuss others’ descriptions of people at my classroom and common classroom school. what different people at my school are objects. like.  I can describe people at my school.

INTERPRETIVE INTERPERSONAL PRESENTATIONAL Listening Reading/Viewing Person-to-Person Speaking Writing  I can understand when someone describes  I can ask others about their free time  I can speak and write about what I and his/her free time activities when I hear it activities and I can tell what I do in my others do in their free time. or read it. free time.  I can understand information about when  I can speak and write about when I and people are going to do future activities,  I can interact with others about when others are going to do different such as a sport or activity, when I hear or people are going to do different activities. read it. activities.  I can understand conversations in which  I can invite someone to an event or people are inviting others to participate in  I can invite someone to an event or suggest that we do an activity through activities. suggest that we do an activity and I can speaking and writing. accept or decline invitations extended to  I can talk and write about what I and  I can talk and write about what I know me. othersknow how to do. how to do.  I can ask others about what activities they know how to do and tell about things that  I can speak and write about the time,  I can understand the time, date, and I know how to do. date, and location of events. location of an event when I hear or read  I can discuss thetime, date, and location of  I can speak and write about where I about it. an event with others. and others go to complete different  I can understand information about where  I can interact with others to discuss where activities. people are going to do activities when I people go to do different activities. hear or read it.  I can talk and write about the weather  I can understand a weather report when I  I can ask and answer questions about the and seasons. hear or read it. weather and seasons. Unit 3 Theme: Chillin’

Unit 4 Theme: Getting Around INTERPRETIVE INTERPERSONAL PRESENTATIONAL Listening Reading/Viewing Person-to-Person Speaking Writing  I can understand requests from  I can ask make requests and respond to  I can describe and request things that I others when I hear or read them. others’ requests. need.  I can understand when I hear or read  I can understand others when they tell where about places that people go to get they go to get things and I can tell where I go  I can talk and write about where I go to things. to get things I need. get things.  I can ask questions about where people go to  I can understand questions about get the things they need.  I can ask others where they go to get the where I go to get the things that I  I can ask about and tell where different things they need in both spoken and need. written forms.  I can understand when someone things are located.  I can talk and write about where things describes where something is  I can discuss how to get to different places. are located. located.  I can ask about and tell how I and others get  I can give directions on how to get to  I can follow directions to a place around town. different places through speaking and when I hear or read them.  I can ask and answer questions about where writing.  I can understand the ways people get activities happen in my community.  I can speak and write about how I and around when I hear or read about  I can ask others about people, places, and others get around town. them. things they are familiar with and tell them  I can speak and write about where  I can understand information about about people, places, and things I am different activities happen in my where activities happen in my familiar with. community. community.  I can tell and write that I am(not) familiar  I can understand when someone tells with people, places and things me or writes about people, places, and things they are familiar with.

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