No Longer Brother Branham but Jesus Christ

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No Longer Brother Branham but Jesus Christ


QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.ON.THE.SEALS_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 63-0324M 498-1 {252} And finally one day he said, "Behold, there He is. There's the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." Said, "My time's up now. I've introduced you to Him. I must decrease now; I must go off the scene. He will take over from here. The millennium will be on right away. (See?) The--the time is at hand."

ONCE.MORE_ NY.NY V-18 N-13 SUNDAY_ 63-1117 93 God cannot change His program. God deals with individuals. There were millions in the days of Noah, but Noah was the anointed one. There was millions in the days of Elijah, never Elisha and Elijah at the same time. On down, each generation! There were two and a half million in Egypt; Moses went down. See? There were millions in the days of Jesus. Even when John the great prophet stood, when he seen this great Mighty One come on, he said, "I must decrease now, my work is over; and He will increase, God." He pointed them to the Lamb.

THE.WORLD.IS.AGAIN.FALLING.APART_ SHP.LA V-17 N-4 WEDNESDAY_ 63-1127 105 And as it did it then, so has it done it again. Right. The systematics of the world, the mechanics, has got the pistons where the--where the exhaust pipe ought to be, in their big mechanics. And therefore how can it run? It can't do it. Wasn't built that way. 106 The Church cannot run without the Power of God, through the Word. And the Holy Ghost will only confirm the Word of God, for that's what It's to do. The anointing is to confirm the Word. 107 And Jesus was the Anointed One, the Word made flesh. That's the reason He walked out into the water there, He was the Word coming to the prophet. He was baptized by the prophet. And the prophet then raised up, and said, "I must decrease; He shall increase." We find that that's God's way of doing it.

SHALOM_ SIERRA.VISTA.AZ V-13 N-5 SUNDAY_ 64-0112 195 John and Jesus couldn't be the same time. Jesus... When John looked up, he said, "Now I must decrease, He must increase. He's the vindicated Light." So will this Light move on until he would find the full vindication comes. That's right. That's right. 196 He is as He was at the beginning. That's how you start, how you start learning what God was. What did He do when He was here on earth? What kind of a life did He live? Did He agree, was He a compromiser? Did He go to the organizations? How did He identify Himself? "Search the Scriptures! You think... In Them you think you have Eternal Life, and They are the Ones that testify of Me." See, that's the same thing today or any other time. When you want Light, see what the Scripture says for this hour. All right.

TURN.ON.THE.LIGHT_ PHOENIX.AZ V-22 N-3 SATURDAY_ 64-0125 45 Let me tell you. Don't refuse the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which brings the warming rays of the Holy Ghost upon you, makes you a new creature in Christ Jesus. Don't try to walk in some glare of another age. Now, that glare might have been alright in the other age, it might a-been alright for them. 46 It proved so in the day of our Lord Jesus. He was the Scriptural Light of that day. He was the Light. He wasn't the Light until He come on the earth to vindicate the promised Word. You know, He said there, "John was a bright and shining light, and you loved to walk in his light for a season." 47 Certainly, because John had been prophesied by Isaiah, seven hundred and twelve years before his birth, that, "A voice of one would be crying in the wilderness." And then also Malachi, the last of the prophets, four hundred years before his coming, in the 3rd chapter of Mal-... of Malachi, he said, "Behold, I send My messenger before My face, to prepare the way." 48 Here was John on earth, making that written Word live. He was the voice of one crying in the wilderness, and he alway... also was preparing the way before the Messiah. And Jesus said, "You loved to walk in his light, because He was that light, bright and shining light." 49 And John, he said, "Now I must decrease, my light must go out, because (why?) I have served my time that's prophesied of me. Hear ye Him! He is the One. Follow Him." It living in that day, it proved this.

THE.VOICE.OF.THE.SIGN_ BEAUMONT.TX FRIDAY_ 64-0313 71 What this is for is to get the elected people that's coming out, like in the days of Noah. Like in the days of--of Elijah, the seven thousand or seven hundred, or whatever it was, that hadn't bowed their knee, to call them out. John calling out the elected, and give it over to Christ when He come, swapped his church, said, "I must decrease, He must increase, because," he said, "I'm just a voice of Him, crying in the wilderness, 'prepare the way for the Lord.'" And Jesus come the same way. Gets the elected ready to hear the voice of God, that's what the prophetic sign is. Oh, if you follow these messages, get the per-... get the elected ready. Not the others, will never hear it. It's the elected that's called. 72 Where did that Angel come to, in Sodom, that did that sign? To Abraham and his group. "Stay away from Sodom; it's going to burn!" See? Jesus promised it to repeat, you know, again, at this Sodom. Now notice. 73 What does it do? It gets the elected ready for the shelter of God, like in Noah's time, so forth. 74 And what does it do? It condemns the intellectual unbeliever, to judgment. It always has. To spurn mercy, nothing left but judgment. So it gets the--the intellectual and the unbeliever ready for the judgment. Because, what do they do? They condemn it. 75 That's the reason the Jews eat their own flesh. That's the reason the blood run out of the city when Titus, the great Roman general, rode in there, is because they had rejected the Holy Spirit. Judgment had to come because they had made fun of It. Jesus told them, when they called Him Beelzebub, that He said, "I forgive you," the atonement had not been made, "but," said, "when the Holy Ghost is come to do the same thing, to speak against It will never be forgiven." And that generation was never forgiven of it. That's right. 76 Judgment to the unbeliever! It's put out there for that purpose, to give light to the believer, and darkness to the unbeliever. Just as the Pillar of Fire was; It made light, to cross to the promised land, and darkness to those who did not believe. God's signs always does that, put out the eyes of the unbeliever, and gives sight and light of walking to the believer. That's what It's sent for.

149 Look at John, no selfishness in him. He never took any glory. They tried to call him the Messiah; but he said, "I'm not worthy to loose His shoes." 150 But as soon as Jesus appeared, He had a sign, a Pillar of Fire, a Light above Him, like a dove come down a voice saying, "This is My beloved Son, Whom I'm well pleased." 151 Notice, and John immediately said, "He must increase. I must decrease." He presented the Church to Christ. Amen.

THE.UNVEILING.OF.GOD_ JEFF.IN V-9 N-1 SUNDAY_ 64-0614M 283 He did it in the reformers, taken on a veil, taken on a veil. Until, finally, It come down through the Lutheran age, down through the other age, then finally It comes out into the Complete. Just before It comes, a prophet arises again. What it does, it foreshadows the Word, showing back here, revealing what's been done, what's been left off, that the Church will be without... not without understanding. Then when this fades out, then, like John said, "I must decrease, He must increase," then all-in-all comes into Him. He is fully manifested, through Luther, Wesley, and Pentecostal age, and on down, on down. He is fully manifested, you see, come down, just the manifestation, God unfolding. See Him now, notice, fulfilled in His promises for this day, as they had.

THE.SEVENTH.SEAL_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 63-0324E 567-3 {325} Now, when that gets on tape, which it is, that'll probably send ten thousand of my friends away from me, 'cause they're going to say that Brother Branham's trying to put himself and make himself a servant, or a prophet, or something before God. Let me tell you, my brethren, that is an error. I'm only telling you what I seen and what has been told to me, and now, you--now, you do whatever you want to. I don't know who's going to--what's going to take place. I do not know. I just know that those seven thunders holds that mystery, that heavens was quieted. (Everybody understand?) It may be time. It may be the hour now, that this great person that we're expecting to rise on the scene may rise on the scene. Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word has laid a foundation; and if it has, I'll be leaving you for good. There won't be two of us here the same time. See? If it is, he will increase, I'll decrease. I don't know. But I have been privileged by God to look and see what it was (See, see?), unfold to that much. Now, that is the truth.

567-5 {329} And I'm sure that you've noticed the things that's been happening this week. I'm sure you noticed that little Collins' boy laying there dying the other night, that little leukemia girl. The Kingdom of God is coming. And it's becoming more from the negative to the positive as it has been. Now, that oughtn't to choke people. From justification to sanctification to the baptism of the Holy Ghost and then here--here. See? We're just drawing closer to God all the time. Can't you see, Methodist ministers, how that your message of sanctification was above that which Luther preached? You Pentecostals, can't you see your message of the baptism is beyond that which Methodists preached? You know what I mean? Oh, we've had a lot of things go forth, and that's right. And if there's anybody that despises wrong and people saying something that's actually lies and not the truth, I hate that; but I--I do love the solid truth. No matter how much it interrupts this way or that way, if it's Truth, God will finally show that it's Truth. And if He doesn't do that, one of these days soon, then my vision wasn't right. Now, you see where I just laid myself.

568-2 {335} "When will it be, Brother Branham?" I cannot tell you. I do not know. But one of these days, if we never meet again on this earth, we're going to meet yonder at the--at the judgment seat of Christ. And you'll find out that in that room, the revelation coming from God (just like all the rest of them has), that them... One of the mystery of that Seal, the reason it wasn't revealed, it was seven thunders that uttered their voices, and there it is perfectly, because nothing knows anything about it; wasn't even written. So we're at the end time; we are here. I thank God for His Word; I thank Him for Jesus Christ. For without sending Him for the--the propitiation of our sins, we'd all be in a big muck of sin with no hope. But by His grace, His--His Blood cleanses all sin. Just like the drop of ink in a bucket of Clorox, you'd never find the ink again. When our sins are confessed, it's put in the Blood of Jesus Christ; they'll never be known again. God forgets them; they never was even done. And as long as that Sacrifice is laying there in an atonement for us, then that's all... That's it. See? We're not sinners no more; we're Christians by the grace of God.

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