WRO # 7 and MESSAGE of the WEEK Ending Thurs 27 Oct 16

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WRO # 7 and MESSAGE of the WEEK Ending Thurs 27 Oct 16

WRO # 7 and MESSAGE OF THE WEEK Ending Thurs 27 Oct 16


We return to our normal parade night this week. Normal cadet training as per the WRO portion of the Message of the Week

A copy of the squadron dress regulations can be found under the cadets Tab of the squadron Web site: www.62phantomaircadets.ca

While last week was warmer than normal and the suggestion to dress down was presented, in looking at the forecast, temperatures will be below normal for this coming Friday Night.

Dress of the Day – Cadets - C-2 (ribbons) Officers – 3-B (Wedges + Ribbons) CI/CV – Civilian Sqn Uniform

NOTE: Cadets, not able to attend are to call the Sqn cell phone 289-440-2641 and leave a message as to why they will not be at cadets

2. Europe 2017 Fundraising Committee Activity – The Europe 2017 Fundraising Committee is excited to introduce Lucky Chance 50/50. How does it work? This is a 50/50 draw with a twist. Lucky Chance 50/50 follows the Lotto 6/49 draw. Lucky Chance 50\50 ticket holders choose five numbers 1 through 49. Lotto 6/49 numbers are drawn every Wednesday and Saturday. The 50/50 game progresses through the Lotto 6/49 draws until there is a winner. As the 6/49 numbers are drawn, Lucky Chance 50/50 tickets holders cross out their chosen numbers if they happen to show up in the 6/49 draw. Only the six 6/49 main draw numbers are used (not the bonus number). The first ticket holder to cross out all five of their numbers wins! Tickets are $5 each and are on sale now to anyone aged 18 or older. Lucky Chance 50/50 tickets will be sold at all cadet activities (band practices, range nights, parade nights, etc.). Ticket sales are not limited to cadet families, so please tell all your co-workers, family and friends. The more tickets sold the higher the jackpot. The first game begins October 22nd and progresses until someone wins. See Major Leonard, Mrs Hansen, Mrs Hannus, Mrs Freeman for tickets (Europe Fundraising Committee). Tickets are available at the end of each training event.

3. Open Range Night – Thursday Nights - As a general bullet, each Thursday Night for the next 6 weeks we will have an open range night. There are 20 slots only and cadets are to sign up with the RSO or designate each Friday Night for the following Thursday. Dress is Civilian Clothing.

Those who signed up last Thursday are to be present this Thursday 13th Oct for 1830hrs.

This will be the last Open Range Bullet until we start Range Competition Team Tryouts in mid- November.

4. March Break Trip Planning - Thank you to all those cadets who either emailed or brought in the information survey last week. Staff is currently reviewing the information to determine if we have enough cadets to make the trip worthwhile. More to follow in the weeks to come.

5. Supply Uniform Exchanges - Any cadet, who requires seeing the supply officer, will sign the supply request sheets at the duty desk prior to heading to 1st period. Though out the night, the supply officer will call those cadets down to supply one by one and handle the exchange the night of cadets. These procedures start this Thursday.

6. 2nd Squadron Bottle Drive of the Year – Tuesday 11 Oct 16 – Town of Grimsby –

The Warning Order is attached once again for your use. We are asking parents who are have trailers/minivans/pick-up who are available to assist from 17:45-21:30hrs on Tues 11 Oct to notify the Bottle Drive Coordinator, Mrs. Carolyn Hansen, of your availability. PARENTS, HELP US MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESS FOR THE CADETS. The last bottle drive, we ran out of available drivers and assistants. Even if you do not have a pickup or trailer but are able to support we would appreciate the assistance. Carolyn can be reached at [email protected] or by phone 905-563-4785.

7. Air Cadet Gliding Familiarization Flying – Saturday 22 October 16 - Our next Gliding Session is scheduled for Saturday 22 Oct 16 – AM Session. A sign up list will be out once again on Friday 14 Oct for the 20 slots on this session for cadet to indicate their interest. An announcement of selected cadets will be published on the Saturday 15 Oct evening via direct email to those selected.

8. Squadron 3rd Annual TASTE N’ BUY EVENT / Silent Auction / Dance – Sat 19 Nov 16

This event was announced last 2 weeks by Major Leonard taking place at the MRCC on Sat 19 Nov from 1830 – 0100hrs. Tickets are $50 of which a portion is eligible for a Charitable Donation Receipt. This event is not restricted to the Squadron and is open to the public at large.

The intention is to have 5 – 7 wineries present for patrons to sample their products to order their Christmas wines. We will also have a few other vendors, a live band and DJ present for the evening.

Details are still being worked on with more info to follow, however ticket sales are now open for the event with just 300 tickets available. Tickets are sold in advance only as Charity Receipts are issued and we need to inform the wineries the number of patrons.

9. REMEMBRANCE WEEK CELEBRATIONS – 01-17 NOV 2016 – This is a warning email to all cadets……we are coordinating with the respective legions regarding participation on various events, for Remembrance Day. A special email will come out in the next two weeks regarding these activities which will contain the detailed Warning Order as to maximize cadet participation in regards to the squadron activities in support of Remembrance Day, our Legions and Community veterans.

These activities range from serving meals to the veterans at the Annual Veterans Dinner, Legion Grounds Clean-ups, Poppy Sales, and the 4 parades we support. More to follow

10. Europe 2017 Trip – Aug 21-30, 2017 – This is a last call for anyone who may be interested in the Europe Trip. Those who are interested or would like more information are to contact Major Leonard ASAP for a discussion.

Registration cut off is coming fast with a hard date of 28 Oct 16. Currently there are 10 seats left open for this trip for cadets to attend the squadron Trip to Europe. At this time I am canvassing interest from the squadron to see if there is any interest from cadets who have not signed up for the trip. These seats will be given up on a first come first serve basis.

If there are parents wishing to go with us, they are being placed on a standby list. Parents on the list will be notified on 29 Oct as to the availability of slots.

11. Boot Camp Fitness Nights – Commencing Tuesday 23 Oct 16 – 1900-20:15hrs On Tuesday 23 Oct, Lt Durward has tentatively selected this date to commence his Boot Camp Fitness Nights for the 2016/17 cadet training year.

As in the past these classes are open to all cadets, and their immediate families. They run in the Hall and participants are encouraged to bring a water bottle, running shoes, a small hand towel. He does provide several layers of difficulty so if you are a beginner or novice, these will provide a challenge for all.

Fitness mats are provided as are skipping ropes, the only thing you need to bring is a positive motivated attitude. Hall will be open for 18:45 with classes starting at 19:00hrs for 1hr.

12. Parent Parking at the MRCC – We have once again been asked by Niagara Regional Police to send out the following message as a reminder:

This message is intended for all parents when picking up their cadets at the end of the Parade Night or activity.

Over the last couple of weeks the Niagara Regional Police have once again noticed a dangerous trend developing in regards to parents parking on Mountain Road waiting for their cadets to be dismissed at 21:30hrs. They have advised that while there are currently no restrictions on parking on the side of the road, the speeds at which traffic is moving up the hill leaves a high potential for an accident. They have asked us to make awareness of this a priority for all. The NRP continue to monitor the situation and may investigating parking restrictions for that area with the town as well as fault should there be an accident caused by this practice. Last year, staff had also received complaints that this practice impedes the vision of those pulling out of the hall to oncoming traffic with some parents reporting they have almost been in a collision as a result.

We the Staff and SSC have noticed that the gravel parking lot is not being utilized to its maximum extent. Each Friday Night we ensure that the lot is open for all to use.

Parents we are asking your cooperation for everyone’s safety to refrain from parking on Mountain Road as well as waiting for your cadets in the movement lanes in front of the hall which creates a backlog of traffic.

13. Rifle Drill Practice in Support of Remembrance Day and the 18hrs Vigil

On Tuesday 18 October, we will commence Rifle Drill Practice in support of the 18 hrs Vigil and Remembrance Celebrations. Future Practice dates will be shortly based on operations.

During these practices, we will be evaluating the cadets in their proficiency as a lead up to Drill Team Practices to commence shortly after Remembrance Day. Any cadets interested in being part of the Rifle Drill Team, the Squadron Guard, the National Flag Party and the 18 hrs Vigil leading up to Nov 11th in Grimsby, are requested to attend the parade practice as detailed above 18:30 to 21:00hrs on the Parade Square. Dress is civilian, but you need to bring your boots and wedge for the practice.

Junior Cadets who are interest in joining the Drill Team without arms, we will start these practices after Remembrance Day as well. Stand By for more

Message from the Squadron Support Committee

On behalf of the Squadron Support Committee I would like to welcome everyone back to a new season and thank you for your past support we hope everyone had a fantastic summer. Items to Remember:

 REGISTERED CHARITY: Just a reminder that we are a registered charity and if you are currently donating to United Way through your employer, you can request that your portion be directed to 62 Grimsby Phantom Squadron Air Cadets. Thank you to the families that are participating in this donation process, we truly appreciate your financial support.

Those who wish to make a direct financial contribution to the squadron, we also are able to issue Charitable Donation Receipts for any amounts over $20.00 at the squadron level.

 BOTTLE DRIVE/RETURNS: We will continue to collect returnable Beer, Wine and Alcohol bottles should you wish to donate them. They can be dropped at the squadron on Friday nights. (please have cans counted in clear bags) 100% of these funds go straight back into the program.

 FUNDSCRIPT: Fundscript will be available again this year and you can drop off your orders to Margaret Pyett at the end of every Friday night as well local grocery cards will be available for purchase. If you purchase gift cards for Christmas or Birthday presents, please consider purchasing through the squadron. It costs you the same and the squadron makes a percentage from each purchase.

 SQUADRON ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING AND BRIEFING: On Friday 21st October, the Squadron Support Committee and Officer Staff will be holding the Annual General Meeting of Cadet Families to give a detailed briefing on a number of topics including the following: o SSC Treasury Report o Facility Updates o Summer Training Briefing for 2016/17 o March Break Briefing – where we are going and the associated cost and activities. o Future Fundraising Events

We are asking all cadet families to send at least one adult to this briefing to take away this information. The Briefing will start at 1900hrs sharp following opening parade and end just before closing parade

If you have any questions, please feel free to call Carolyn Hansen at 905-964-6260 or email [email protected] or [email protected]. If you are interested in joining the Squadron Support Committee; I would love to hear from you.

Thank you,

Carolyn Hansen, Chair Squadron Support Committee

Up-Coming Events

Tues 11 Oct – Sqn Bottle Drive Sat 15 Oct – EAA Airport Tour – Fly Schol Cadet 18 Oct – Vigil Rifle Drill Practice – 1st sesson Friday 21 Oct – SSC Parent Annual AGM Sat 22 Oct – Air Cadet Gliding 29 & 30 Oct – Legion Poppy Campaign – more to follow 04 Nov – Commanding Officer’s Parade, Recruit Swearing In and Flight Assignments 5 & 6 Nov – Legion Poppy Campaign 6 Nov – Beamsville Remembrance Service 11 Nov – Grimsby and Smithville Remembrance Service 18 Nov – Power and Glider Crse Candidates Announced 19 Nov – Veterans Dinner 19 Nov – Sqn Taste N Buy Fundraiser 25 Nov – Remaining National Course Cadets Announced 26 Nov – Smithville Christmas Parade 03 Dec – Grimsby Christmas Parade 16 Dec – Sqn Christmas Mess Dinner/Dining In 20 Dec – GBF Food Move

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or 905-945-2893.

Major/Major David Thomas Leonard, CD

Commanding Officer, 62 Grimsby Phantom Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets Canadian Armed Forces [email protected]/ Tel: (H) 905-945-2893 (C) 416-521-5999 (Sqn) 289-440-2641

Commandant, Escadron 62 “Grimsby Phantom”, Des Cadets de l’Aviation Royale du Canada (ECARC) Forces Armées Canadiennes [email protected]/ Tel: (H) 905-945-2893 (C) 416-521-5999 (Sqn) 289-440-2641

62 Phantom Sqn Weekly Routine Orders

Weekly Activities

Day Date Start Finish Activity Location OPI Mon 10-Oct- THANKSGIVING NO 16 CADETS Tue 11-Oct- 17:00 21:30 Bottle Drive Town of SSC Chair 16 Grimsby Wed 12-Oct- 18:30 21:00 Band Practice Band Practice Band O 16 Thu 13-Oct- 18:30 21:00 Open Range Church RSO 16 Basement

Date: Friday, 14-Oct-16 Week No. 7 Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 18:55 to 19:25 19:30 to 20:00 20:30 to 21:00 General Cadet General Cadet PO Knowledge Drill and Ceremonial Knowledge Level One EO M-107.02 M-108.01 M-107.06 Instructor Location Hall Class Parade Square Church General Cadet PO Leadership Leadership Knowledge Level Two EO M-203.04a M-203.04b M-207.04 Instructor Location Church Church Hall Class Air Rifle General Cadet PO Marksmanship Citizenship Knowledge Level Three - A EO C-306.01 M-301.01 M-307.02 Instructor Location Bsmt Left Bsmt Left Bsmt left Air Rifle General Cadet PO Marksmanship Citizenship Knowledge Level Three - B EO C-306.01 M-301.01 M-307.02 Instructor Location Bsmnt Right Bsmt Right Bsmt Right General Cadet General Cadet General Cadet PO Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Level Four EO C-407.01a C-407.01b C-407.01c Instructor Location Bsmnt Centre Bsmt Centre Bsmt Centre

PO Lesson Prep / OJT Lesson Prep / OJT Lesson Prep / OJT Level Five EO Instructor Various Various Various Location

Duty Schedule

Duty Officer : CI Biggs Duty Warrant Officer : WO2 Chouinard Duty Sgt : FSgt Gardner Duty Cpl: FCpl Benard Duty Door : Cpl Clithroe Canteen Sgts: FSgt Grossi, Sgts MacKenzie, Nagy S

Weekly Activities

Day Date Start Finish Activity Location OPI Sat 15-Oct- 8:30 11:30 Scholarship Church Basement FlyO 16 12:00 16:00 Experimental Aircraft Stoney Creek FlyO/CO Assoc. tour Scholar. Cadets Airport Sun 16-Oct- 16 Mon 17-Oct- 18:30 21:00 Band Practice Church & BandO 16 Basement 18:30 21:00 Scholarship Hall FlyO

Tue 18-Oct- 18:30 21:00 Rifle Drill Practice in MRCC CO 16 support of 18 Hr Vigil Wed 19-Oct- 18:30 21;00 Band Practice Church & Bsmt BandO 16 Thu 20-Oct- 18:30 21:00 Open Range Night Church Bsmt RSO 16

Date: Friday, 21-Oct-16 – PARENT AGM and Air Cadet Fitness Testing Week No. 8

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 18:55 to 19:25 19:30 to 20:00 20:30 to 21:00 Personal Fitness and Personal Fitness and Personal Fitness and PO Healthy Living Healthy Living Healthy Living Level One To Five EO M-104.01a M-104.01b M-104.01c Instructor Lt Durward Lt Durward Lt Durward Location Parade Square Parade Square Parade Square

Duty Schedule

Duty Officer : Ocdt Vaughan Duty Warrant Officer : WO2 Bennett Duty Sgt : Sgt Abernot Duty Cpl: Cpl Doan Duty Door : AC Bajwa Canteen Sgts: FSgt Hamilton, Sgts Porter, Shuert

Weekly Activities

Day Date Start Finish Activity Location OPI Sat 22-Oct- 7:30 13:00 Gliding Niagara Central Ocdt Vaughan 16 Airport (Welland) 8:30 12:30 Scholarship MRCC FlyO

Sun 23-Oct- 16 Mon 24-Oct- 18:30 21:00 Band Practice Church BandO 16 18:30 21:00 Scholarship MRCC FlyO

Tue 25-Oct- 19:00 20:15 Boot Camp Fitness Night MRCC PeriO 16 Wed 26-Oct- 18:30 21:00 Band Practice Church BandO 16 Thu 27-Oct- 18:30 21:00 Open Range Church BSMT RSO 16

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