NOTC 2015 MTG ATTACHMENT 7I Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
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NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL KENNEL COUNCIL LTD Obedience and Tracking Committee – 2015 Meeting
[Member Body Submissions placed in approximately Rule Book order.]
General comment It would be helpful if all rules and sub-rules were numbered. It is also proposed that the Australian/English spelling of ‘Honour’ be adopted throughout, instead of the American ‘Honor’.
Proposed: Insert new heading GENERAL after Introduction Dispensations and allowances granted by any State or Territory Canine Control to a Handler will be recognised by all Member Bodies of the ANKC Ltd.
Rationale: Applications are made by members to individual Canine Controls, the matters are investigated and if dispensation is granted then this should be recognised by all other Canine Controls in Australia. To bring consistency between States and Territories a standard ANKC card/letter stipulating the dispensation and allowances should be used, thereby preventing disappointment and restrictions of members with a disability to compete interstate.
Introduction The purpose of Rally Obedience is to demonstrate a dog’s usefulness as a companion of mankind, not merely the dog’s ability to follow specified routines in the ring. Dogs who participate in Rally are dogs that have been trained and conditioned to compete at Novice level and in the presence of other dogs.
The chief objective of Rally is to provide a fast-moving and motivational sport for both Handler and dog that demonstrates a Handler and dog’s competency in basic Obedience exercises without requiring exact precision for success. Dogs in Rally events should demonstrate willingness and enjoyment. To that end, Handlers may use praise, encouragement and patting throughout the Rally course.
Proposed: The chief objective of Rally is to provide a fast-moving and motivational sport for both Handler and dog that demonstrates a Handler and dog’s competency in basic Obedience exercises without requiring exact precision for success. Dogs in Rally events should demonstrate willingness and enjoyment. To that end, Handlers may use verbal praise and encouragement and patting throughout the Rally course.
Rationale: While the principle of encouraging the dog is to be lauded, the level of ‘competence in basic obedience exercises’ demonstrated is sometimes questionable, and handlers proceeding through the run-out continually patting their leg, clapping their hands or otherwise gaining their dog’s attention denigrates the discipline.
Although “exact precision” throughout is not required to achieve a qualifying score, emphasising this point through its inclusion in the introduction gives an unfortunate implication regarding the standard in Rally-O.
1 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
If physical touch is allowed or encouraged, then it is suggested that the phrase “physical touch (other than to physically guide or correct the dog)” be used instead of “patting”.
All dogs eligible to be entered in Rally Obedience Trials in accordance with these Rules shall be eligible to receive Class Title Certificates upon qualification and application.
The Canine Control will receive applications for the use of the letters:
R.N. – signifying Rally Novice in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Novice Class
R.A. – signifying Rally Advanced in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Advanced Class
R.E. – signifying Rally Excellent in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Excellent Class
R.A.E. – signifying Rally Advanced Excellent in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received ten (10) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial.
Only the Highest Rally Obedience Title awarded to the dog will be used after the name of the dog.
Applications for RN, RA, RE and RAE titles must be accompanied by Trial Certificates indicating qualifying scores under at least two different Judges.
Applications for all titles must be accompanied by the prescribed fee (where applicable) and, upon approval, a Certificate will be issued to the applicant authorising the use of the letters concerned.
Proposed: Class Titles: All dogs eligible to be entered in Rally Obedience Trials in accordance with these Rules shall be eligible to receive Class Title Certificates upon qualification and application.
The Canine Control will receive applications for the use of the letters:
R.N. – signifying Rally Novice in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Novice Class
R.I. – signifying Rally Advanced in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Intermediate Class
R.A. – signifying Rally Advanced in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Advanced Class
R.E. – signifying Rally Excellent in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Excellent Class
2 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
R.A.E. – signifying Rally Advanced Excellent in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received ten (10) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial.
Only the Highest Rally Obedience Title awarded to the dog will be used after the name of the dog.
Applications for RN, RI, RA, RE and RAE titles must be accompanied by Trial Certificates indicating qualifying scores under at least two different Judges.
Applications for all titles must be accompanied by the prescribed fee (where applicable) and, upon approval, a Certificate will be issued to the applicant authorising the use of the letters concerned.
Rationale: Adding Rally Intermediate title, required for Rally Intermediate class.
The Rally Intermediate class gives the handler and dog the opportunity to compete at an advanced level whilst still on lead. Jumps cannot be included as it could be dangerous to jump a dog on lead. It also gives the opportunity for dogs unable to jump to gain a further title and continue to compete in Rally O. Teams could compete at this level indefinitely provided a Rally Advanced title has not been achieved.
Many dogs complete Novice in three trials, but may not be ready to work off lead. The handler and dog can gain develop their knowledge of the Advanced stations while continuing to gain experience with the dog on lead. They are also able to continue trialling while the dog is learning to work off lead. This class can use the same course as the Advanced Class, with the jump replaced by a different station.
Proposed: Class Titles R.N. – signifying Rally Novice in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 85 or more points in the Rally Novice Class
R.A. – signifying Rally Advanced in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 85 or more points in the Rally Advanced Class
R.E. – signifying Rally Excellent in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 85 or more points in the Rally Excellent Class
R.A.E. – signifying Rally Advanced Excellent in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received ten (10) qualifying scores of 70 85 or more points in the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial.
Multiplier suffices for the R.A.E. may be awarded for multiples of the ten qualifying scores gained; eg 30 RAE qualifications shall be recognised as R.A.E.3.
Rationale: The current qualifying score under the Rules is 70 points. Propose changing the Qualifying Score to 85 to bring the Rally Obedience Qualifying score in line with the other Obedience Classes.
The provision for recognition of multiple RAE titles has been relocated from the section ‘Classes’; the wording parallels that used for multiple agility/jumpers titles.
3 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Class Titles R.N. - signifying Rally Novice in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by at least two different Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 75 or more points in the Rally Novice Class.
R.A. - signifying Rally Advanced in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by at least two different Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 75 or more points in the Rally Advanced Class.
R.E. - signifying Rally Excellent in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by at least two different Judges to have received five (5) qualifying scores of 75 or more points in the Rally Excellent Class.
Rationale: There should be an expectation of a minimum standard of work to gain a qualification and 70 points out of 100 is just a bit low.
Also, for consistency, these descriptions should be clarified to include the requirement for number of different judges required to qualify under.
As a team advances through each level, there should be an expectation of increasing consistency in a qualifying performance hence the increasing number of qualifications required at each higher level.
Rally Advanced Excellent Title - RAE R.A.E. – signifying Rally Advanced Excellent in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received ten (10) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the rally Advance B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial.
Proposed: R.A.E. – signifying Rally Advanced Excellent in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received five (5) qualifying scores of 80 or more points in the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial.
Rationale: By increasing the passing score the standard required to attain this title is increase. This is a very repetitive class and decreasing the number of classes entered and passes gained will reduce the expense of the title and encourage members to participate to attain the title.
Proposed: Delete the R.A.E. title from Rally Obedience. Restructure the title system and introduce in the place of R.A.E. an upper level title called “Rally Master” which shall be its own Class AND Title.
Proposed: R.M. – signifying Rally Master in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by at least three different Judges to have received seven (7) qualifying scores of 85 or more points in the Rally Master class.
Champion Title – signifying the Rally Obedience Champion (R.Ch.) in connection with each dog which, having gained its initial Rally Master title, shall be further certified by at least three different judges to have received ten (10) qualifying scores of 92 or more points in the Rally Master class.
4 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Rationale: In the current system, the R.A.E title involves having to enter and qualify two classes in each trial and do this ten times making a requirement of 20 qualifications. This rather onerous requirement adds considerable expense over the duration of a competition career which no other discipline requires to achieve a title (other than perhaps Agility Champion with its points accrual system).
This requirement also adds significantly more time to the running of a trial and may add to the expense for clubs who require additional judges to meet the extra number of entrants required to run the Advanced and Excellent B classes.
The proposed Rally Master Title reduces the number of qualifications needed, bringing this requirement more in line with Obedience and Agility title requirements. The increased minimum score to qualify in Rally Master reflects the expectation for dogs and handlers at this level to have trained to an increasingly higher standard as they progress through this discipline.
There is currently no provision to title a Rally Obedience champion. A Rally Master class may be used after the initial RM title is gained, to accumulate qualifications toward a Rally Champion title (similar to using the UD class in Obedience to achieve an Obedience Champion).
A higher level class title presumes a higher standard and level of performance hence a higher minimum qualifying score. A Champion title assumes the highest standard of work and ability to execute complex exercises hence an even higher requirement for minimum qualifying score. At this higher level, it would not be expected that a team could qualify if having performed any station incorrectly hence a minimum qualifying score when working toward a Rally Obedience Champion title should be over 90.
As a team advances through each level, there should be an expectation of increasing consistency in a qualifying performance hence the increasing number of qualifications required at each higher level.
Proposed: R.M. – signifying Rally Master in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received three (3) qualifying scores of 70 or more points in the Rally Master Class.
R.Ch. – signifying Rally Champion in connection with, and before the name of the dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received a further ten (10) qualifying scores of 85 or more points in the Rally Master Class.
Rationale: The Proposed Rally Master Class needs to be an additional class to allow those dogs who have a RAE title or who are in the process of achieving a RAE title to continue trialling to a higher level and ultimately achieve a RCh Title. The Proposed requirement of 7 Excellent signs will add to the degree of difficulty in the RM Class.
Proposed: R.M. – signifying Rally Master in connection with, and after the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received seven (7) qualifying scores of 85 or more points in the Rally Master Class.
R.Ch. – signifying Rally Champion in connection with, and before the name of each dog, which shall be certified by Judges to have received ten (10) qualifying scores of 90 or more points in the Rally Champion Class.
Rationale: Additional new levels to enable continual improvement of the standard and skills to be trained for and by increasing the points required to attain qualifying scores the standard is further increased.
5 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: R.Ch. – signifying Rally Champion in connection with, and before the name of each dog which, having previously gained its Rally Advanced Excellent title, shall be certified by Judges to have received ten (10) qualifying scores of 90 or more points in the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial. Qualifying scores used towards the Rally Champion title shall not also be used towards multiples of the Rally Advanced Excellent title.
Rationale: It is proposed that the title of Rally Champion be introduced in addition to the RAE title. The standard of qualifying scores required should be comparable with that required of in obedience, whether for a ‘normal’ qualifying score or for a qualifying score to count towards a Championship title.
1st sentence after Titles Only the Highest Rally Obedience Title awarded to the dog will be used after the name of the dog.
Proposed: Only the Highest Rally Obedience Title awarded to the dog will be used after the name of the dog or in the case of Rally Champion before the name of the dog. However Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) and Rally Master (RM) Titles may appear together after the name of the dog.
Rationale: Rally Excellent Advanced and Rally Master Title become two different steams in Rally towards attaining the Rally Champion Title.
2nd sentence after Titles Applications for RN, RA, RE and RAE titles must be accompanied by Trial Certificates indicating qualifying scores under at least two different Judges.
Proposed: Applications for RN, RA and RE titles must be accompanied by Trial Certificates indicating qualifying scores under at least two different Judges.
Application for RAE, RM and R.Ch. Titles must be accompanies by trial Certificates indicating qualifying scores under at least three different Judges.
Rationale: By increasing the number of Judges that qualifying scores need to be attained from to be awarded a title at this level increases the standard required in addition to the higher qualifying score required.
Rally Novice For Dogs six months of age or over and of either sex which are not eligible for the title of Rally Novice (RN). Under no circumstances except where an application for a RN Title has been rejected on a technicality, shall a dog which has competed in a Rally Advanced A Class be eligible to compete in the Rally Novice Class.
All exercises are judged on lead, and all dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Novice must have between ten (10) – fifteen (15) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than five (5) stationary exercises per class.
6 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Rally Novice For Dogs six months of age or over and of either sex which are not eligible for the title of Rally Novice (RN). Under no circumstances except where an application for a RN Title has been rejected on a technicality, shall a dog which has competed in a Rally Advanced A Class be eligible to compete in the Rally Novice Class.
All exercises are judged on lead, and all dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Novice must have between ten (10) – fifteen (15) stations (start and finish not included); with no more than five (5) stationary exercises per class..
Rationale: This is an editorial change to specify requirements more clearly and succinctly; there is no change of substance.
Rally Advanced A This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Novice (RN) Title but are not eligible for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title.
Rally Advanced B This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
All exercises are Judged off lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Advanced A and B must have between twelve (12) – seventeen (17) stations (start & finish not included) with no more than seven (7) stationary exercises per class. One (1) jump must be used in this class.
Proposed: Rally Advanced A and B must have – between twelve (12) – seventeen (17) stations (start & finish not included); with no more than seven (7) stationary exercises per class; one (1) jump, selected from the Broad Jump, Solid Jump and/or Bar Jump must be used in this class at least three Advanced level stations.
Rationale: The current Rules do not define the minimum number of Advanced level exercises to be used in an Advanced Course.
As the rules stand, both Advanced and Excellent courses – except for the mandatory jump(s) – could consist entirely of Novice Class stations.
It is proposed that the Rules define a minimum number of Advanced and Excellent stations to be used in each class. Other changes are editorial only, for consistency and clarity, and do not involve any substantive change.
7 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Rally Advanced A: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
Rally Advanced B: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Novice (RN) Title but are not eligible for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title.
Rationale: To be consistent with definitions in obedience. Also more intuitive; in common usage, “A” is generally a higher level than “B”
NOTE: This change will have to be applied in all relevant places in the rules.
Proposed: Rally Advanced A: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Novice (RN) Title but are not eligible for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title.
Rally Advanced B: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
All exercises are judged off lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Advanced A and B must have between twelve (12) – seventeen (17) stations (start & finish not included) with no more than ten (10) stationary exercises per class. One (1) jump must be used in this class.
Rationale: The Rally O stations available for this class are the novice/advanced/excellent stations 1- 31, and the advanced/excellent 32-45. Twelve of the fourteen advanced/excellent stations are stationary exercises. The limit of seven stationary exercises limits the number of advanced/excellent stations that can actually be included.
Increasing the number of stationary signs in Advanced courses would permit judges to use more signs which are designated for Advance, rather than continuing to use so many Novice signs.
This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
All exercises are judged off lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Advanced A and B must have between twelve (12) – seventeen (17) stations (start & finish not included) with no more than seven (7) stationary exercises per class. One (1) jump must be used in this class.
Proposed: Rally Advanced B: Add New last sentence. “At least 6 stations in Rally Advanced A and B must be selected from exercises 32 to 45.”
Rationale: See below 8 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Rally Advanced B: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
All exercises are judged off lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Advanced A and B must have between twelve (12) – seventeen (17) stations (start & finish not included) and uses a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 stationary exercises; and requires one jump. Courses shall have a minimum of 3 Advanced level exercises, plus the required jump used in this class.
Rationale: At the stage it is possible to set a mainly novice course with jumps. This change encourages the use of the Advance and Excellent exercise.
Proposed: Off-course distractions in Advanced B A distraction may be placed in the ring in Advanced B classes at up to two locations. Distractions will be placed at least 1.55 metres away from all parts of the dog's expected path through the course.
The distractions may be food or toy, as used in the Offset Figure Eight. Distractions will consist of a securely covered container with tempting dog treats; however, a dog toy may replace the container, or may be placed next to the container.
Rationale: Dogs competing in Advanced B should be at a higher standard than in Advanced A. Teams are likely to be working towards or have achieved RAE. Dogs have already demonstrated some ability to handle distractions in the Offset Figure Eight. Addition of distractions at locations which will vary between courses increases the complexity and challenges of the Advanced B class whilst still being a reasonable challenge.
Proposed: Delete - Rally Advanced B and Rally Excellent B classes. Delete all reference to B classes in Advanced and Excellent.
Rationale: If restructuring the Title stream in Rally Obedience and replacing the R.A.E. Title, then Advanced and Excellent B classes are no longer required.
Rally Excellent A: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title, but are not eligible for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title.
Rally Excellent B: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
9 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Rally Excellent A: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
Rally Excellent B: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title, but are not eligible for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title.
Rationale: To be consistent with definitions in Obedience. The difference between Obedience and Rally O is causing confusion, with competitors continuing to enter the wrong classes Also more intuitive; in common usage, “A” is generally a higher level than “B”
NOTE: This change will have to be applied in all relevant places in the rules.
Rally Excellent B This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
All exercises are judged off lead except the Honor Exercise. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Excellent A and B must have between fifteen (15) – twenty (20) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than seven (7) stationary exercises per class. Two (2) jumps must be used in this class. Jumps may be a Broad Jump, Solid Jump, Bar Jump except that jumps may be between 1.2m and 2m wide. A station consists of a single jump. One or two types of jump may be used on the course. A single jump may be used in two stations. Jumps must not be used consecutively on the course.
Proposed: Rally Excellent B:- Add New last sentence. “At least 6 stations in Rally Excellent A and B must be selected from exercises 32 to 45 and an additional 3 stations must be selected from exercises 46 to 50.”
Rationale: To ensure that courses set for the higher classes are of a sufficiently challenging standard.
(Note: The number above may need to change if the submission below relation to additional signs is accepted.)
Proposed: Rally Excellent A: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title, but are not eligible for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title.
Rally Excellent B: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
All exercises are Judged off lead except the Honor Exercise. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Excellent A and B must have between fifteen (15) – twenty (20) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than ten (10) stationary exercises per class. Two (2) jumps must be used in this class. Jumps may be a Broad Jump, Solid Jump, Bar Jump except that jumps may be between 1.2m and 2m wide. A station consists of a single jump. One or two types of jump may be used on the
10 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions course. A single jump may be used in two stations. Jumps must not be used consecutively on the course.
Rationale: The Rally O stations available for this class are the novice/advanced/excellent stations 1- 31, the advanced/excellent stations 32-45, and the excellent stations 46-50 (50 is the honour station) .Three of the four excellent course stations, and twelve of the fourteen advanced/excellent stations, are stationary exercises. The limit of seven stationary exercises limits the number of excellent and advanced/excellent stations that can actually be included.
Increasing the number of stationary signs in Excellent courses would permit judges to use more signs which are designated for Advanced and Excellent, rather than continuing to use so many Novice signs.
Rally Excellent A: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title, but are not eligible for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title.
Rally Excellent: B This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
All exercises are Judged off lead except the Honor Exercise. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Proposed: Rally Excellent A and B: The Excellent class is performed off leash (except for the Honour). It consists of 15-20 exercises (not including Start and Finish), a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 stationary exercises, and requires two jumps (not consecutive). Courses shall have a minimum of 3 Advanced level exercises, and a minimum of 2 Excellent level exercises, plus the 2 required jumps and the Honour exercise. The honour exercise is not included in the number of exercises
Jumps may be a Broad Jump, Solid Jump, Bar Jump except that jumps may be between 1.2m and 2m wide. A station consists of a single jump. One or two types of jump may be used on the course. A single jump may be used in two stations. Jumps must not be used consecutively on the course.
Rationale: At the stage it is possible to set a mainly novice course with jumps. This change encourages the use of the Advance and Excellent exercise.
Rally Excellent A This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title, but are not eligible for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title.
Rally Excellent B This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent (RE) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely.
Proposed: Rally Excellent B Rally Excellent A and B must have between fifteen (15) – twenty (20) stations (start and finish not included); with no more than seven (7) stationary exercises per class; two (2) Stations each of which include a single jump; must be used in this class jumps may be selected from the Broad Jump, Solid Jump and/or Bar Jump; the same type of jump may be used in two Stations or different types of jump may be used in each of the two Stations; except that jumps may be between 1.2m and 2m wide; A
11 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions station consists of a single jump. One or two types of jump may be used on the course. A single jump may be used in two stations. At least two Advanced level stations and at least three Excellent level stations.
Rationale: The current Rules do not define the minimum number of Excellent level exercises to be used in an Excellent Course.
As the rules stand, both Advanced and Excellent courses – except for the mandatory jump(s) – could consist entirely of Novice Class stations.
It is proposed that the Rules define a minimum number of advanced and excellent stations to be used in each class. Other changes are editorial only, for consistency and clarity, and do not involve any substantive change.
Proposed: Off-course distractions in Excellent B A distraction may be placed in the ring in Excellent B classes at up to two locations. Distractions will be placed at least 1.55 metres away from all parts of the dog's expected path through the course.
The distractions may be food or toy, as used in the Offset Figure Eight. Distractions will consist of a securely covered container with tempting dog treats; however, a dog toy may replace the container, or may be placed next to the container.
Rationale: Dogs competing in Excellent B should be at a higher standard than in Excellent A. Teams are likely to be working towards or have achieved RAE.
Dogs have already demonstrated some ability to handle distractions in the Offset Figure Eight. Addition of distractions at locations which will vary between courses increases the complexity and challenges of the Excellent B class whilst still being a reasonable challenge.
Proposed: New Class Rally Intermediate: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Novice (RN) Title but have not qualified for the Rally Advanced (RA) Title. Dogs are not required to qualify for the Rally Intermediate (RI) title before competing in the Rally Advanced class
Competitors may not enter Rally Intermediate and Rally Advanced at the same trial.
All exercises are judged on lead, and all dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Intermediate must have between twelve (12) – seventeen (17) stations (start & finish not included) with no more than ten (10) stationary exercises per class. Jumps are not used in this class. All other Novice and Advanced stations may be used.
Rationale: This class gives the handler and dog the opportunity to compete at an advanced level whilst still on lead. Jumps cannot be included as it could be dangerous to jump a dog on lead.
Many dogs complete Novice in three trials, but may not be ready to work off lead. The handler and dog can gain develop their knowledge of the Advanced stations while continuing to gain experience with the dog on lead. They are also able to continue trialling while the dog is learning to work off lead.
It also gives the opportunity for dogs unable to jump to gain a further title and continue to compete in Rally O. Teams could compete at this level indefinitely provided a Rally Advanced title has not been achieved.
12 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
This class can use the same course as the Advanced Class, with the jump replaced by a different station.
NOTE: Maximum number of stationary exercises to correspond to RA and RE; NSW submitting that it should be ten.
Proposed: Rally Master: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) Title and may continue to complete in the class indefinitely.
All exercises are judged off lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Master must have between eighteen (18) – twenty three (23) signs (start and finish not included) with no more than seven (7) stationary exercises per class and must include a minimum of seven (7) Excellent Stations. Two (2) jumps must be used in this class. Jumps may be a Broad Jump, Solid Jump, Bar Jump except that jumps may be between 1.2m and 2m wide. A station consists of a single jump. One or two types of jump may be used on the course. A single jump may be used in two stations. Jumps must not be used consecutively on the course.
Rationale: See Class Titles
Proposed: Rally Master: This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent Title (R.E.). All exercises are judged off lead and there will be no jumps or Honour Exercise in this class. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Master must have between seventeen (17) and twenty two (22) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than nine (9) stationary exercises per class. The course must contain at least seven (7) Excellent and /or Master Class stations.
Rationale: Requirements of proposed new class.
Rally Advanced Excellent Title – R.A.E. Upon qualifying for the Rally Excellent Title, qualifying scores may be accumulated from the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class to earn the Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) Title. In order to receive the RAE Title, a dog must qualify ten times in both Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial. The RAE Title will appear at the end of the dog’s name and a numeric designation will indicate the number of times the dog has met RAE requirements ie: RAE2, RAE3 etc.
Proposed: Rally Advanced Excellent Title – R.A.E. Upon qualifying for the Rally Excellent Title, qualifying scores may be accumulated from the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class to earn the Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) Title. In order to receive the RAE Title, a dog must qualify ten times in both Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial. The RAE Title will appear at the end of the dog’s name and a numeric designation will indicate the number of times the dog has met RAE requirements ie: RAE2, RAE3 etc.
13 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Rationale: This section describes the requirements of the relevant classes. This description is already included under “Titles”, and it is not appropriate for it to be included or repeated here.
Proposed: Delete the R.A.E. title Add Rally Master Title – R.M. This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent title (R.E.) but are not eligible for the Rally Master (R.M.) title.
All exercises are judged off-lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Master must have between eighteen (18) and twenty-four (24) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than nine (9) stationary exercises per class. Rally Master class must use a minimum of seven (7) Excellent and Master exercises, including at least three (3) Master exercises. Two (2) different types of jumps must be used in this class. Jumps may be a Broad Jump Solid Jump or Bar Jump and jumps may be between 1.2 and 2 metres wide. A station consists of a single jump. Jumps must not be used consecutively on the course.
A numeric designation will indicate the number of times a dog has completed RM requirements i.e. RM1, RM2, RM3 etc.
Rationale: See previous explanation under Titles.
Making a mandatory minimum requirement for the number of higher level exercises ensures that courses are substantially differentiated for this higher level.
At such a higher level, a dog should be expected to demonstrate ability to successfully negotiate various types of hurdles or obstacles as in traditional obedience. Making a mandatory requirement for two different types of jumps ensures this expectation is satisfied. There is currently no provision to title a Rally Obedience champion. A Rally Master class may be used after the initial RM title is gained, to accumulate qualifications toward a Rally Champion title (similar to using the UD class in Obedience to achieve an Obedience Champion).
As a team advances through each level, there should be an expectation of increasing consistency in a qualifying performance hence the increasing number of qualifications required at each higher level.
Upon deletion of R.A.E. title, delete all reference to R.A.E. in rules. Replace where appropriate with R.M.
(Pages 3, 5 and 7). In addition, delete all reference to Advanced B and Excellent B classes. Add R.M. where appropriate. (Pages 3, 5, 6 and 7).
NOTE: If adopted, many competitors could be left ‘stranded’ with several legs toward an R.A.E. Provisions would need to be made so these competitors are not disadvantaged.
Providing the opportunity for the entire first year for competitors to migrate current R.A.E. qualifications and earn the required number of R.M. qualifications takes into account some of the regional areas in Australia where competitors may not have the availability and frequency of trials in which to enter and achieve the requirements. A transitional period of one year from the date of the new rules with the following should apply
Rationale: For a dog having achieved seven (7) or fewer qualifying legs toward an R.A.E. title prior to 31st December 2015, up to four (4) of those legs shall be applied toward the first R.M. title and the remaining qualifications required to achieve the R.M. title shall be between three (3) and six (6) qualifying scores under at least two different judges.
14 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
For a dog having achieved eight (8) or nine (9) qualifying legs toward an R.A.E title, two (2) qualifying scores under a judge in the R.M. class shall be required to earn the first R.M. title, provided there are at least two different judges across all R.A.E. and R.M legs.
Thus: 8 or 9 legs earned under R.A.E. shall require 2 qualifications under R.M. 4, 5, 6, or 7 legs earned under R.A.E. shall require 3 qualifications under R.M. 3 legs earned under R.A.E. shall require 4 qualifications under R.M. 2 legs earned under R.A.E. shall require 5 qualifications under R.M. 1 leg earned under R.A.E. shall require 8 qualifications under R.M.
Upon application for the R.M. title during the transitional period, the Handler shall be required to submit all qualifying certificates earned toward R.A.E. and the required number of qualifying certificates toward R.M. to the Canine Control.
Rally Obedience Pairs
Proposed: Rally Novice Pairs (R.N.P.) For Dogs six months of age or over and of either sex which are not eligible for the title of Rally Novice Pairs(RNP). Under no circumstances except where an application for a RNP Title has been rejected on a technicality, shall a dog which has competed in a Rally Advanced Pairs Class be eligible to compete in the Rally Novice Pairs Class. All exercises are judged on lead, and all dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Novice must have between ten (10) – fifteen (15) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than five (5) stationary exercises per class. Two teams will work the course there will be at least two changes of teams during the completion of the course. All retries will be completed by the other team. If a station is identified by the judge as being an IP the judge may inform the team and then the other team must take over. There will be only two retries allowed on the course. Teams can give verbal assistance to each other while on the course. Should both teams fail to correctly perform a station it will be regarded as an IP - no further attempts shall be made.
Rally Advanced Pairs Class – R.A.P This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Novice Pairs (RNP) Title but are not eligible for the Rally Advanced Pairs (RAP) Title. All exercises are judged off lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead. Rally Advanced Pairs must have between twelve (12) – seventeen (17) stations (start & finish not included) with no more than seven (7) stationary exercises per class. One (1) jump must be used in this class.
There will be three changeovers. If a station is identified by the judge as being an IP the judge will inform the team and then the other team must take over. There will be only two retries allowed. Teams can give verbal assistance to each other while on the course. Should both teams fail the station it will be regarded as an IP - no further attempts shall be made.
Rally Excellent Pairs Class – R.E.P Rally Excellent Pairs This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced Pairs (RAP) Title, but are not eligible for the Rally Excellent Pairs (REP) Title. All exercises are judged off lead except the Honor Exercise. Both dogs are to complete the Honor exercise at a distance at least 1.5m apart. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead. Rally Excellent Pairs must have between fifteen (15) – twenty (20) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than nine (9) stationary exercises per class. Two (2) jumps must be used in this class with each dog successfully completing a jump. Jumps may be any jump or any combination of the jumps that may be used as standard equipment in ANKC Ltd Obedience Classes i.e.: Broad Jump, Solid Jump, Bar. Jumps may be used consecutively on the course, this will indicate a forced change of team.
There must be four changeovers, there are no IP's permitted - a station that has been attempted and not performed successfully by either team on their attempts will deem the run non-qualifying. The 15 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions judge does not notify the competitors if there is an IP, team mates are responsible for the performance
Rally Masters Pairs Class - R.M.P. This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent Pairs (R.E.P.) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely. All exercises are judged off lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead. Rally Masters must have between eighteen (18) – twenty-four (24) stations (start & finish not included) with no more than nine (9) stationary exercises per class. Of these stations there must be at least at least seven (7) Excellent and Masters exercises. Two (2) different types of jumps must be used in this class. Jumps may be a Broad Jump Solid Jump or Bar Jump and jumps may be between 1.2 and 2 metres wide. A station consists of a single jump. Jumps must not be used consecutively on the course. There will be no Honor exercise in this class.
There must be four changeovers. An exercise that has been attempted and not performed successfully by either team will deem the run non-qualifying. The judge does not notify the competitors if there is an IP, team mates are responsible for the performance
Rationale: To allow more availability to Rally Obedience, to continue to enhance rally obedience, opening a whole new aspect - increasing team work and development of skills. Following the concept of Rally in that it is 'fun' for the dogs and handlers.
Proposed: Insert - Rally Masters Class - RM after Rally Excellent Insert - Rally Novice Pairs - RNP Rally Advanced Pairs - RAP Rally Excellent Pairs - REP Rally Masters Pairs - RMP
Rally Obedience Pairs Class:
Proposed: No Heading For Dogs six months of age or over and of either sex which are not eligible for the title of Rally Novice Pairs (RNP). Under no circumstances except where an application for a RNP Title has been rejected on a technicality, shall a dog which has competed in a Rally Advanced Pairs Class be eligible to compete in the Rally Novice Pairs Class. All exercises are judged on lead, and all dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
Rally Novice must have between ten (10) – fifteen (15) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than five (5) stationary exercises per class. Two teams will work the course there will be at least two changes of teams during the completion of the course. All retries will be completed by the other team. If a station is identified by the judge as being an IP the judge may inform the team and then the other team must take over. There will be only two retries allowed on the course. Teams can give verbal assistance to each other while on the course. Should both teams fail to correctly perform a station it will be regarded as an Incorrectly Performed Station (IP) - no further attempts shall be made.
16 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Rally Advanced Pairs Class (R.A.P) This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Novice Pairs (RNP) Title but are not eligible for the Rally Advanced Pairs (RAP) Title. All exercises are judged off lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead. Rally Advanced Pairs must have between twelve (12) – seventeen (17) stations (start & finish not included) with no more than seven (7) stationary exercises per class. One (1) jump must be used in this class.
There will be three changeovers. If a station is identified by the judge as being an IP the judge will inform the team and then the other team must take over. There will be only two retries allowed. Teams can give verbal assistance to each other while on the course. Should both teams fail the station it will be regarded as an IP - no further attempts shall be made.
Rally Excellent Pairs Class (R.E.P.) This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Advanced Pairs (RAP) Title, but are not eligible for the Rally Excellent Pairs (REP) Title. All exercises are judged off lead except the Honour Exercise. Both dogs are to complete the Honour exercise at a distance at least 1.5m apart. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead. Rally Excellent Pairs must have between fifteen (15) – twenty (20) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than nine (9) stationary exercises per class. Two (2) jumps must be used in this class with each dog successfully completing a jump. Jumps may be any jump or any combination of the jumps that may be used as standard equipment in ANKC Ltd Obedience Classes i.e.: Broad Jump, Solid Jump, Bar. Jumps may be used consecutively on the course; this will indicate a forced change of team.
There must be four changeovers, there are no IP's permitted - a station that has been attempted and not performed successfully by either team on their attempts will deem the run non-qualifying. The judge does not notify the competitors if there is an IP, team mates are responsible for the performance
Rally Masters Pairs Class (R.M.P.) This class shall be for dogs that have qualified for the Rally Excellent Pairs (R.E.P.) Title and may continue to compete in this class indefinitely. All exercises are judged off lead. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead. Rally Masters must have between seventeen (17) – twenty-two (22) stations (start & finish not included) with no more than nine (9) stationary exercises per class. Of these stations there must be at least at least seven (7) Excellent and Masters Stations. There will be no Jumps or Honour exercise in this class.
There must be four changeovers. An exercise that has been attempted and not performed successfully by either team will deem the run non-qualifying. The judge does not notify the competitors if there is an IP, team mates are responsible for the performance
Rationale: To continue to enhance rally obedience, opening a whole new aspect - increasing team work and development of skills. Following the concept of Rally in that it is 'fun' for the dogs and handler.
An Honor Exercise must be included in the Rally Excellent Class. Prior to each class, the Judge will designate either the sit or the down for the Honor Exercise as well as the placement in the ring. The Handler will stand facing the dog. The Honor Exercise must not be in the path of the dog and Handler team that follows. Volunteer dogs will be used for both Honoring the first dog in the class and as a course run – through when the last dog performs the Honor Exercise. After completing the course, each dog and Handler team may either re-enter through the finish gate, or they may proceed directly to the Honor Station. The dog must remain in the designated position to Honor the next team’s entire course. This exercise must be performed on lead. For the Honor Exercise the Honor Steward will monitor each team, record the score and immediately report it to the Table Steward In the Honor Exercise when the dog is left in the down position a dog lying on its side (dead dog position) does not incur a non-qualifying score but rather a 3 point deduction The Honor exercise is included in the total count of exercises but is not included in the count of stationary exercises.
17 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Remove the Honor Exercise as an exercise in the Excellent Class.
Rationale: The Honor Exercise is only performed in the Excellent Class. There is no limit on the time an Honor dog can remain in the position and the time can vary from around 2 minutes to considerably longer depending on the progress of the dog on the course.
There is also some confusion about when “Exercise Finished” should be called when the dog on the course is clearly not going to qualify but is still performing, slowly, each station. The suggestions to resolve this, such as putting a time limit on the Honor Exercise, only add to the administrative burden involved in setting up and monitoring the exercise.The Judge is not in a position to verify that the exercise has been completed properly.
The Honor Exercise unduly interrupts the smooth flow of the class. The Advanced Class, without this exercise, runs much more smoothly.
Consequential amendments
Classes – Rally Excellent Class – RE (Page 7) Delete except the Honor Exercise from All exercises are Judged off lead except for the Honor Exercise.
Judging procedures – Scoring (all Classes) (Page 12) Delete - Dead Dog position in the Honor Exercise from 3 point deductions. Delete - Not completing the Honor Exercise and - Substantially out of Honor Position from Non- qualifying scores (NQ).
Equipment – Honor Lead (Page 14) Delete the Rule.
Appendix A – Rally Obedience Signs and Explanations General Regulations (Page 16) Delete including the Honor Exercise but from fifth (5th) dot point.
Signs (Page 27) Delete sign number 50 and its accompanying description.
Individual Score Sheet (Page 29) Delete - Dead Dog position in Honor Exercise from 3 point deductions. Delete - Not completing the Honor Exercise and - Substantially out of Honor Position from Non- qualifying scores (NQ).
Honor Exercise:
Proposed: To remove the Honour Exercise - Please note the submissions include correction of the spelling of ‘honour’ to the English version not the American.
Rationale: The Honour exercise is currently being judged by a steward, not the judge who is signing the qualification certificate. Incorrect judging of this station or information not being relayed correctly to the table steward can result in incorrect results which can affect placings and qualifications. The Judge is not at any time in a position to judge the Honour dog as they must concentrate on the dog completing the round.
The test is not the same for every dog and is dependent on the speed and execution of the competing dog. Some Honour dogs will end up doing a very short stay and others can be in excess of four minutes.
18 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
IN THE EVENT THAT THE ABOVE CHANGE (REMOVING HONOUR STATION FROM RALLY) IS NOT APPROVED and the Honour exercise is retained, then three proposals for change to this sign
Proposed: Remove the sit stay from the Rally Honour station Honour Exercise: An Honour Exercise must be included in the Rally Excellent Class. Prior to each class, the Judge will designate either the sit or the down for the Honour Exercise as well as the placement in the ring. The Handler will stand facing the dog. The Honour Exercise must not be in the path of the dog and Handler team that follows. Volunteer dogs will be used for both Honouring the first dog in the class and as a course run – through when the last dog performs the Honour Exercise. After completing the course, each dog and Handler team may either re-enter through the finish gate, or they may proceed directly to the Honour Station. The dog must remain in the designated position to Honour the next team’s entire course. This exercise must be performed on lead. For the Honour Exercise the Honour Steward will monitor each team, record the score and immediately report it to the Table Steward In the Honour Exercise when the dog is left in the down position a dog lying on its side (dead dog position) does not incur a non-qualifying score but rather a 3 point deduction The Honour exercise is included in the total count of exercises but is not included in the count of stationary exercises.
Rationale: In obedience competitions the longest the dog has to remain in the sit position is 3 minutes, in Rally competitions there is no time limit, it is how long the competitor completing the course takes to finish the course, this can at times take over three minutes.
As Rally is not supposed to be judged as rigidly as traditional obedience it seems unfair to expect the dogs to sit for longer than they would be expected to sit in obedience competitions.
Proposed: Delete the Honour exercise from Rally Obedience.
Rationale: All exercises should be judged by licensed Rally Obedience judges. The Honor exercise is monitored by a Steward who is not necessarily a licensed Rally Obedience judge. Unlicensed persons may have less experience in interpreting the components and possible point deductions of the Honor exercise to the Judge who must make a decision which could influence pass or fail, based on someone else’s observations.
Further, there is the inequity of the time each dog may have to remain in position for this exercise whilst another dog and handler complete their course. One dog may have to stay in position as little as 20 seconds whilst another dog may have to remain 4 minutes or longer. Dogs should be able to be judged across all exercises in a like manner.
Imposing a maximum time limit does not address the issue that, even on a very hot day, the dog should still remain in a stay whilst the other dog and handler are completing their course as it would not be fair to that team to allow the honour dog to move about and possibly cause undue distraction or other problems.
Nor does it address the inequity of a shorter time allotment should the working dog be disqualified, e.g. excused from the ring for eliminating, since the point of the Honor exercise is to ‘honor’ the team working in the ring and be judged on maintaining position with another dog in close proximity. In these cases, all dogs are not able to perform the Honor exercise in substantially the same way as stated in the Introduction section of the Rally Obedience rules.
A further consideration must be assessment of potential risk to having a dog in the ring whilst another dog is working off-lead in a brisk and energetic manner with possibly increasing adrenalin which may cause it to approach the honor dog and cause problems whether by aggression or invitation to play.
Whilst this risk is present in traditional obedience group stays, none of those dogs are expected to be moving about and briskly heeling and making jumps in close proximity to other dogs.
19 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Other exercises which involve demonstrating a dog in a stay situation during a course run can be developed and implemented.
Upon removal of the Honor exercise from Rally Obedience, delete all references to this exercise. (Pages 3, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15, 26, 28)
If the Honor is not deleted we propose the following Proposed:
Honor Exercise: An Honor Exercise must be included in the Rally Excellent Class. THIS WILL BE IN THE DOWN POSITION. The Handler will stand facing the dog. Volunteer dogs MAY be used for both Honoring the first dog in the class and as a course run – through when the last dog performs the Honor Exercise. The Judge will designate the exercise placement in the ring and there must be at least 4 meters between the Honor position and any other working area.
After completing the course, each dog and Handler team may either re-enter through the finish gate, or they may proceed directly to the Honor Station. The dog must remain in the designated position to Honor the next team’s entire course. However there will be a maximum timed limit of 2 minutes for Novice – Excellent classes and 3minutes for Masters. This exercise must be performed on lead. For the Honor Exercise the Honor Steward will monitor each team, record the score and immediately report it to the Table Steward.
In the Honor Exercise a dog lying on its side (dead dog position) does not incur a non-qualifying score but rather a 3 point deduction.
The Honor exercise is included in the total count of exercises but is not included in the count of stationary exercises.
Honor Exercise:
Proposed: Change spelling from ‘Honor’ to ‘Honour’ throughout rule book Correct spelling and normal usage in Australia (Macquarie Dictionary). Honor Exercise: An Honor Exercise must be included in the Rally Excellent Class. Prior to each class, the Judge will designate the placement in the ring. The Handler will stand facing the dog. The Honor Exercise must not be in the path of the dog and Handler team that follows. Volunteer dogs will be used for both Honoring the first dog in the class and as a course run - through when the last dog performs the Honor Exercise.
After completing the course, each dog and Handler team may either re-enter through the finish gate, or they may proceed directly to the Honor Station. The dog must remain in the down position until the next team has completed the entire course, or until three (3) minutes has elapsed since the Honor exercise started. At the end of this time, the Honor Steward will order the handler to return to the dog. This exercise must be performed on lead. For the Honor Exercise the Honor Steward will monitor each team, record the score and immediately report it to the Table Steward
In the Honor Exercise a dog lying on its side (dead dog position) does not incur a non-qualifying score but rather a 3 point deduction
The Honor exercise is included in the total count of exercises but is not included in the count of stationary exercises.
20 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
(Note: corresponding change is required to Sign 50)
Rationale: Proposal (1) Maximum time of three minutes: There is a need to place a time limit on the Honour Exercise, as presently all dogs are not treated fairly. Should a dog and handler team take far in excess of the average time to complete the course, the team undertaking the Honour is at a disadvantage compared to other dogs in the class. A set time for the exercise would provide equity for every dog and handler team.
Proposal (2) Down position Dogs should be as comfortable as possible in this exercise. The principal requirement is for the dog to stay; the dog should not be required to sit for three minutes. Under the current rules, the time may be even longer.
Honor Exercise: Proposed: After completing the course, each dog and Handler team may either re-enter through the finish gate, or proceed directly to the Honour Station. The dog must remain in the designated position to Honour the next team for a maximum period of three (3) minutes if the designated position is a down or two (2) minutes if the designated position is a sit. The Honour dog and Handler will remain in the ring until the end of the team being honoured course is completed, regardless of the time taken by the team on the course. The Honour Exercise is completed at the completion of the maximum time or the team on the course is finished, whichever is the lesser.
This exercise must be performed on lead. For the Honour Exercise the Honour Steward will monitor each team, record the score and immediately report it to the Judge.
Rationale: not provided
Honor Exercise:
Proposed: Stay Exercise: The judge will nominate an area or person in charge of the lead prior to the excellent walk-through All exhibitors must be informed of where they need to proceed to retrieve their lead or from whom during the walkthrough Immediately following the Finish Sign the handler and dog will go to the Stay sign. The handler will place the dog in the nominated position and command and/or signal the dog to stay The handler will then walk forward at least 6 metres, retrieve the lead from the nominated area or person and return to heel position by walking around and behind the dog The judge will order “Exercise Finished” at which time the judging of the Stay Exercise will be complete. The handler will then attach the lead and exit the ring. In the Stay Exercise when the dog is left in the down position a dog lying on its side (dead dog position) does not incur a non-qualifying score but rather a 3 point deduction
The Stay Exercise is not considered to be one of the stationary exercises on the course.
Rationale: At this time we have Stewards judging the Honour Exercise. Yet the judge signs the sheet to indicate they have witnessed this exercise. There is no time limit for dogs to have to stay; it is up to the dog on the course. You could get one dog doing a 2 minute stay and other doing a much longer stay.
By changing it to a Stay exercise the judge judges it.
21 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Upon qualifying for the Rally Excellent Title, qualifying scores may be accumulated from the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class to earn the Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) Title.
In order to receive the RAE Title, a dog must qualify ten times in both Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial. The RAE Title will appear at the end of the dog’s name and a numeric designation will indicate the number of times the dog has met RAE requirements ie: RAE2, RAE3 etc.
Proposed: Rally Advanced Excellent Title – R.A.E: Upon qualifying for the Rally Excellent Title, qualifying scores may be accumulated from the Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class to earn the Rally Advanced Excellent (RAE) Title. In order to receive the RAE Title, a dog must qualify seven times in both Rally Advanced B Class and the Rally Excellent B Class at the same trial. Both qualifying scores must be 85 points or more. The RAE Title will appear at the end of the dog’s name and a numeric designation will indicate the number of times the dog has met RAE requirements ie: RAE2, RAE3 etc.
Rationale: Proposal (1) Increase required score to 85 points for passes to count towards RAE:
This is the highest Rally title, and therefore should be at a higher standard than former classes.
The requirement for a score which is higher than the qualifying score is in concordance with the requirement for obedience champion titles
Proposal (2) Reduce number of qualifications required for RAE title from ten to seven 7 qualifications is a sufficient challenge (especially if the required score is increased to 85) and reduces the expense of competing in at least 10 trials
Rally Champion:
Upon qualifying for the Rally Master Title, in order to receive the RC Title, a dog must qualify a further ten (10) times with qualifying scores of 85 or more points in the Rally Master Class.
Rationale: See Class Titles
Rally Champion: All exercises are judged off lead and there will be no jumps or Honour Exercise in this class. All dogs must enter and leave the ring on lead.
This class must have between twenty (20) and twenty two (22) stations (start and finish not included) with no more than ten (10) stationary exercises per class. The course must contain at least nine (9) Excellent and /or Master Class stations.
Rationale: Requirements of proposed new class.
Unless special permission of the Canine Control is obtained, the minimum size of an outdoor ring must be fifteen (15) metres by twenty five (25) metres. If the trial is held indoors the ring shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) metres by fifteen (15) metres. The non-slip floor covering or ground surface must be the same as would be suitable for an ANKC Ltd Obedience Trial. 22 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Rings: Unless special permission of the Canine Control is obtained, the minimum size of an outdoor ring must be fifteen (15) metres by thirty (30) metres. If the trial is held indoors the ring shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) metres by twenty five (25) metres. The non-slip floor covering or ground surface must be the same as would be suitable for an ANKC Ltd Obedience Trial.
Rationale: If the new classes are approved more space will be required for the additional station signs in the courses.
Commands and Signals
Unlimited communication from the Handler to the dog is to be encouraged and not penalised. Unless otherwise specified in these Rules, Handlers may encourage their dog with verbal praise and patting. Where, in the opinion of the Judge, the Handler’s touch is being used to physically guide or correct the dog, the dog must be non-qualified for failure to meet minimum requirements.
Multiple commands and / or signals using one or both arms and hands are allowed; the Handler’s arms need not be maintained in any particular position at any time. Where the dog is being substantially lured around the course, the dog must be non-qualified for failure to meet minimum requirements.
Proposed: Unlimited Communication from the Handler to the dog is to be encouraged and not penalised. Unless otherwise specified in these Rules, Handlers may encourage their dog with verbal praise and patting. Where, in the opinion of the Judge, the Handler’s touch is being used to physically guide or correct the dog, the dog must be non-qualified for failure to meet minimum requirements.
Multiple commands and / or signals using one or both arms and hands are allowed although they will be penalised accordingly; the Handler’s arms need not be maintained in any particular position at any time. Where the dog is being substantially lured around the course, the dog must be non- qualified for failure to meet minimum requirements.
Rationale: The Rules currently say “Multiple commands and/or signals… are allowed”; however the Rules also say that “Judges must make decisions based on … the theoretically perfect performance”. Therefore Multiple Commands and/or Signals must be penalised as the dog that completes the course without them must score higher than the dog who receives them.
Commands and Signals: At any time during the performance, loud or harsh demands or intimidating signals will be penalised.
Proposed: At any time during the performance course, loud or harsh demands commands, or intimidating signals or physical guidance will be penalised.
Rationale: Other than the three point penalty for loud or harsh demands or intimidating signals, there is no specific provision to penalise physical guidance.
Commands and Signals: All verbal commands must be in the English Language unless approved otherwise by the Judge.
23 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Delete in its entirety
Rationale: Australia is a multi-cultural country and therefore only being able to give verbal commands in the English language is discriminatory in this day and age.
Entering and Leaving the Ring: On the Steward's call of the dog's catalogue number, the Handler will enter the Ring with the dog on lead and take up position at the "Start Station". In Exercises that require a dog to be off-lead, the lead will be taken off and handed to the Steward. All dogs must leave the Ring on a lead.
Proposed: Entering and Leaving the Ring: On the Steward's call of the dog's catalogue number, the Handler will enter the Ring with the dog on lead and take up position at the "Start Station". In Exercises that require a dog to be off-lead, the lead will be taken off and the Collar may be removed and handed to the Steward. All dogs must leave the Ring on a Collar and lead.
Rationale: In the current climate of dog training many handlers are opting to train without the use of a collar and lead. It has been noted that dogs trained this way are having trouble to using a collar whilst in the ring. Giving the option of either working with or without a collar gives the handler more choice.
The team of dog and Handler moves at a brisk pace, with the dog under control at the Handler’s left side. There should be a sense of teamwork between the dog and Handler both during the numbered exercises and between the exercise signs; however, perfect ‘heel position’ is not required to obtain a qualifying score.
Proposed: The team of dog and Handler moves at a brisk pace, with the dog under control at the Handler’s left side. There should be a sense of teamwork between the dog and Handler both during the numbered exercises and between the exercise signs; however, while perfect ‘heel position’ is not required to obtain a qualifying score, inaccuracy will be penalised.
Rationale: The Rules currently say “Perfect heel position is not required to obtain a qualifying score”; however the Rules also say that “Judges must make decisions based on … the theoretically perfect performance”.
Therefore out of heel position must be penalised as the dog that completes the course out of position must score lower than the dog that is in heel position. There is already a deduction in place for Out of Position. Judges will already be penalising the Out of Position, however adding a few clarifying words into the Rules will make it easier for competitors to understand what is required.
While praise, encouragement and patting are allowed, dogs should remain under control. Patting is permitted for praise, but must not be used for putting or assisting the dog into position. A dog whose Handler takes food or other training aids into the ring at any time during the walkthrough or competition must be disqualified from that class.
Proposed: 24 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
While praise and encouragement and patting are allowed, dogs should remain under control. Patting Physical contact is permitted for praise, but must not be used for putting or assisting the dog into position. A dog whose Handler takes food or other training aids into the ring at any time during the walkthrough or competition must be disqualified from that class.
Rationale: While the principle of encouraging the dog is to be lauded, the level of ‘competence in basic obedience exercises’ demonstrated is sometimes questionable, and handlers proceeding through the run-out continually patting their leg, clapping their hands or otherwise gaining their dog’s attention, or having to give multiple commands for exercises or parts thereof denigrates the discipline. If physical touch is allowed or encouraged, then it is suggested that the phrase “physical touch (other than to physically guide or correct the dog)” be used instead of “patting”.
Furthermore, if unlimited verbal and physical encouragement are not only allowed but also not penalised, then a Judge has to rely on more generic criteria for deduction of points in order to differentiate between the standard of competitors; further, it provides little incentive for competitors to work to achieve a higher standard.
In addition, if it is hoped that competitors in Rally-O may proceed to Obedience trialling, then the gap to be overcome between the two disciplines is very significant.
An Incorrectly Performed (IP) station occurs when a team attempts a station and fails to perform all the elements making up the station in the correct sequence as set out in the description of each sign and/or in the Point Deductions section of these Rules. However, where a team does not genuinely attempt all aspects of a station and then moves onto the next station, they will receive a non-qualifying score. (Amended EM#075 – 02/14)
Proposed: Incorrectly Performed Station: An Incorrectly Performed (IP) station occurs when a team attempts a station and fails to perform all the elements making up the station in the correct sequence as set out in the description of each sign and/or in the Point Deductions section of these Rules. Station not attempted: Teams must attempt all stations. Where a team does not attempt all aspects of a station and then moves onto the next station, they will receive a non-qualifying score.
Rationale: “Station not attempted” should be included in the Glossary. This item states clearly that all stations must be attempted.
“Station not attempted” is not the same as an Incorrectly Performed Station and should be described separately. Remove “genuinely”; the Judge should not be required to make an assessment of the handler’s intention.
Incorrectly Performed Station: However, where a team does not genuinely attempt all aspects of a station and then moves onto the next station, they will receive a non-qualifying score (Amended EM#075-02/14)
Proposed: Where a team does not attempt a station and moves onto the next station, they will receive a non-qualifying score.
Rationale: It is almost impossible to establish intent behind a Handler’s action. Some stations have many actions and it is easy for a nervous handler to simply forget. How can a Judge possibly know if the Handler simply forgot an element (i.e. 1, 2, 3 steps backwards and they do 1, 3 steps backwards) 25 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions or they intentionally left it out? It seems unfairly harsh that a Handler would be given an NQ score if they simply forgot something. This should be an IP not an NQ. Certainly an NQ score is warranted if they walk straight past a station without even attempting it, which is already covered in the rulebook.
Where a team attempts a station and fails to perform the elements of the station correctly on the first attempt, the Handler may choose to retry that station with a three (3) point deduction. The Handler must clearly indicate to the Judge that they are about to retry the station. The station must be retried immediately, in its entirety in the correct position in relation to the station sign.
Retries are not allowed if a team has already committed an error that would result in a nonqualifying score for that station, or if it is specified in an exercise description that retries are not allowed.
Any deductions incurred as the Handler repeats the station are added to the -3 points already incurred for attempting the retry. If the Handler fails to perform the station correctly on the second attempt they will incur a total deduction of 13 points for that station.
A maximum of two (2) retries are allowed per run
Proposed: Retry: (4th paragraph) A maximum of two (2) retries are allowed per run. Where a handler requests another retry they would incur a ten (10) point deduction under incorrectly performed station.
Rationale: At present the rule states that a maximum of two retries are allowed per run, but does not state what deduction is to be given for handlers taking more than two retries. Some judges give a ten point deduction, others are giving an NQ. This change clarifies the deduction to be given.
Retry: Where a team attempts a station and fails to perform the elements of the station correctly on the first attempt, the Handler may choose to retry that station with a three (3) point deduction. The Handler must clearly indicate to the Judge that they are about to retry the station. Failure to indicate will be judged as an Incorrectly Performed (IP) Station. The station must be retried immediately, in its entirety in the correct position in relation to the station sign.
Retries are not allowed if a team has already committed an error that would result in a non-qualifying score for that station, or if it is specified in an exercise description that retries are not allowed.
Any deductions incurred as the Handler repeats the station are added to the -3 points already incurred for attempting the retry. If the Handler fails to perform the station correctly on the second attempt they will incur a total minimum deduction of 13 points for that station.
A maximum of two (2) retries are allowed per run.
Rationale: In the recent Rules Clarification wording was added to the rules saying “The Handler must clearly indicate to the Judge that they are about to retry the station.” However there is no detail as to the penalty if the Handler doesn’t indicate. Propose adding “Failure to indicate will be judged as an Incorrectly Performed (IP) Station”. The Rules currently say “If the Handler fails to perform the station correctly on the second attempt they will incur a total deduction of 13 points for that station”. This however may not be incorrect as they could attempt a second Retry at that station or incur other penalties (eg Harsh Command). Propose changing the wording to “If the Handler fails to perform the station correctly on the second attempt they will incur a minimum deduction of 13 points for that station”.
DOGS TASMANIA 26 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Retries are not allowed if a team has already committed an error that would result in a non qualifying score for that station, or if it is specified in an exercise description that retries are not allowed. Identify which exercises fall into this category and add to the exercise description.
RATIONALE: Errors that would result in a non-qualifying score for a particular station and not allowed a Retry should be clearly defined in the rules. Currently no exercise descriptions identify any instances where a retry is prohibited although one may ascertain what some of these might be from the section “Scoring (all Classes”) on page 10.
Proposed: Insert after Retry
Non-qualifying scores If a team receives a non-qualifying score on a course judging will cease immediately and no retries will be allowed. The course is finished and if a team is completing the Honour Station the exercise is finished immediately.
Rationale: to clarify that judging ceases once a team NQ’s on a course.
Proposed: Insert after Non-qualifying Scores
Dog Self Correcting Moves: A dog must not make any additional moves to reposition between the designated moves required. This will incur a penalty of an Incorrectly Performed Station, unless a Re-try is called and the exercise is completed correctly.
Rationale: To clarify what the penalty is for a dog that makes additional moves not required at a station. (For example, a dog doing sign 46. Halt - Stand – Down should not be allowed to do an additional SIT after the first one as some dogs do when self-correcting a bad position, or when the handler signals them to come closer.)
27 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Handler with Disabilities
Handler with Disabilities: Handlers with disabilities may compete, provided such Handlers can move about the ring without physical assistance. The use of a wheelchair, crutches or cane is acceptable. When necessary, an exercise may be modified in order to help the Handler execute the exercise, but the modification must not aid the performance of the dog. The dog is required to perform all parts of the exercises as described in these rules.
The heeling exercises are expected to be performed at a brisk pace and there must be a definite change of pace during the slow and fast portion. Failure to do the above will result in a penalty, the same as for any Handler. Proper heel position must be determined prior to the commencement of the exercises and this position should be maintained throughout.
A Handler who is blind may be assisted, if necessary, by the Judge or a person approved by the Judge to get from one exercise to another e.g. commands.
Proposed: Handler or Dogs with Disabilities: Handlers with disabilities may compete, provided such Handlers can move about the ring without physical assistance. The use of a wheelchair, crutches or cane is acceptable. When necessary, an exercise may be modified in order to help the Handler execute the exercise, but the modification must not aid the performance of the dog. The dog is required to perform all parts of the exercises as described in these rules.
The heeling exercises are expected to be performed at a brisk pace and there must be a definite change of pace during the slow and fast portion. Failure to do the above will result in a penalty, the same as for any Handler. Proper heel position must be determined prior to the commencement of the exercises and this position should be maintained throughout.
A Handler who is blind may be assisted, if necessary, by the Judge or a person approved by the Judge to get from one exercise to another e.g. commands.
That Canine Councils in other States/Territories recognise the dispensations/allowances permitted by a fellow State/Territory. That such handlers be issued with a standard ANKC card/letter stipulating the dispensation/allowance.
The Control Council has the authority to modify theses Rules to the extent necessary to permit disabled dogs to compete upon the production of evidence from the owner of a disability.
Rationale: Applications are made to the home Canine Council and the matter is investigated and discussed, if the dispensation is allowed then this should be recognised by other Canine Councils to bring a consistency between States/Territories and to prevent disappointment and restriction of the persons with a disability to compete interstate.
Rally Obedience Trialling is a discipline that demonstrates a handler and their dog “working as a team” and sometimes flexibility by a governing body is required. In today’s world of anti- discrimination and equality I believe this is a more than appropriate clause to include. In the true spirit of sportsmanship to include this clause may also foster an all encompassing environment which may encourage more teams to compete.
28 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
To qualify, a dog and Handler team must receive a minimum score of 70 points out of possible perfect score of 100. Three (3) qualifying scores of 70 points or more must be earned under at least two different judges in each class to earn a title. Scoring for all levels is based on a maximum score of 100 points.
Any faults in traditional Obedience that would be evaluated and scored as a one point deduction or more should be scored the same in Rally, unless otherwise mentioned in the “Rally Rules”. There shall be no ½ point penalties in Rally.
Proposed: Increase the minimum qualifying score to 80 points To qualify, a dog and Handler team must receive a minimum score of 70 points 80 points out of possible perfect score of 100. Three (3) qualifying scores of 70 points 80 points or more must be earned under at least two different judges in each class to earn a title. Scoring for all levels is based on a maximum score of 100 points. Any faults in traditional Obedience that would be evaluated and scored as a one point deduction or more should be scored the same in Rally, unless otherwise mentioned in the “Rally Rules”. There shall be no ½ point penalties in Rally.
Rationale: The current qualifying mark is too low, especially for the Novice class, a Novice course can consist of only 10 obstacles potentially three of them can be performed incorrectly and the dog and handler team can still be awarded a qualifying score. Dog and Handler teams should show a higher level of skills before elevating to the next class. A recent rule review of obedience saw the qualifying mark for CCD obedience raised from 70 points out of 100 to 85 points out of 100, so that skill levels needed to be increased before progressing. In rally obedience with the addition of being able to talk and pat to your dog whilst competing without incurring any penalty the minimum qualifying mark should be increased
Qualifying Performance
Proposed: To qualify, a dog and Handler team must receive a minimum score of 70 85 points out of a possible perfect score of 100. Three (3) qualifying scores of 70 85 points or more must be earned under at least two different Judges in each class to earn a title. Scoring for all levels is based on a maximum score of 100 points. Any faults in traditional Obedience that would be evaluated and scored as a one point deduction or more should be scored the same in Rally, unless otherwise mentioned in the “Rally Rules”. There shall be no ½ point penalties in Rally. Rationale: A.The current qualifying score under the Rules is 70 points. Propose changing the Qualifying Score to 85 to bring the Rally Obedience Qualifying score in line with the other Obedience Classes. B.The Rally-O Rules should be self-contained and not cross-reference to other rules. There is a list of deductions and deduction categories below and that should suffice.
29 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Qualifying Performance
Proposed: Three (3) qualifying scores of 75 points or more must be earned under at least two different Judges in Novice and Advanced class to earn a title.
Five (5) qualifying scores of 75 points or more must be earned under at least three different judges in Excellent class to earn a title.
Seven (7) qualifying scores of 85 points or more must be earned under at least three different judges in Master class to earn a title. Each accumulation of seven (7) qualifying scores in Master class shall result in successive titles e.g. RM1, RM2, RM3 etc.
Scoring for all levels is based on a maximum score of 100 points. Any faults in traditional Obedience that would be evaluated and scored as a one point deduction or more should be scored the same in Rally, unless otherwise mentioned in the “Rally Rules”. There shall be no ½ point penalties in Rally Obedience.
Rationale: See previous explanations under Titles and Classes. Rewording this rule would bring it into line with previous amendments.
Qualifying Performance
Proposed: To qualify, for titles in the RN, RA and RE classes a dog and Handler team must receive three (3) qualifying scores of 70 points or more out of a possible perfect score of 100, under at least two different Judges.
To qualify for the title of RAE a dog and Handler team must receive a minimum of five (5) qualifying scores, in both the Rally Advanced B & Rally Excellent B Classes on the same day, of 80 points or more out of a possible perfect score of 100, under at least two different Judges.
To qualify for the title of RM a dog and Handler team must receive a minimum of seven (7) qualifying scores of 85 points or more out of a possible perfect score of 100, under at least three different Judges.
To qualify for the title of R.Ch. A dog and Handler team must receive a minimum of ten (10) qualifying scores of 90 points of more out of a possible perfect score of 100, under at least three different Judges.
Rationale: Incorporating requirements to gain titles for the new classes proposed.
The Judge’s orders will be, “Are you ready” followed by, “Forward.” After the Judge’s “Forward” order, the team is on its own to complete the entire sequence of numbered exercises correctly.
Re-judging: At the Judge’s discretion if a dog's performance was prejudiced by peculiar or unusual conditions the Judge may, at his own discretion, re-Judge the dog on the entire course.
Scenario 30 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
At a Rally trial it was noticed that if the competitor doing the course is stopped by the judge (i.e. he noticed that the jump height hadn’t been changed for the new competitor, one of the signs fell down in the wind etc. etc.) he/she was then requested to start the course again, from the beginning?? Making the competitor start again, disadvantaged the competing dog/s somewhat, especially as both the novice dog and excellent dog had already completed over half the course when the problems arose?? The novice dog especially wasn’t as motivated on the re-run?? In excellent, the Honour dog had to stay for 2/3rds or more of the 1st round and then the entire 2nd round?? A suggestion is that the Judge, calls “Stop Clock” or sounds a “hooter” etc. which instantly stops both the competitor/s on course and the time keeper. The problem on the course could then be rectified. The competitor on course/honour dog would then take up position in the same place where he/she was stopped, and will recommence the course when the judge signals (rings bell etc.) for competitor, Honour dog, timekeeper etc. to restart
Proposed: For scoring clarifications Judge’s Orders and Signals: The Judge’s orders will be, “Are you ready” followed by, “Forward.” After the Judge’s “Forward” order, the team is on its own to complete the entire sequence of numbered exercises correctly. The judge may also call “STOP” if needed during the course.
Re-judging: At the Judge’s discretion if a dog's performance was prejudiced by peculiar or unusual conditions the Judge may, at his own discretion, re-Judge the dog on the entire course. If circumstances allow, the judge may also stop the team on the course – time keeping and honor dog (if applicable) also stopped. Recommencement will be from the stopping point.
Rationale: There appears to be some confusion by both judges and competitors when this occurs. If the rules state that the timekeeping ,dogs etc are all stopped and recommencement is from the place of stopping there is no confusion at all.
Ties: In the case of tied scores, the dog and Handler completing the course in the least amount of time will receive the higher placement and a plus (+) after the score.
Proposed: In the case of tied scores, the dog and Handler completing the course in the least amount of time will receive the higher placement.
Rationale: Separating ties is determined by time to complete the course (unless it is the same) however it is also reflected in the place attained for any awards as a direct result of the difference in that time so it is unnecessary to add a plus sign after the ‘faster’ teams score.
Scores will be posted ringside after each dog and Handler team has completed the final exercise. Times will be recorded but not posted.
Proposed: Handlers shall have access to their scores on each station as well as to their total score; this may be by posting of the scores ringside after each dog and Handler team has completed the final exercise. Times will be recorded but not posted.
Rationale: Handlers should have easy access to their results on each Station, just as occurs in Obedience trials where results for individual exercises are entered on the score board. This enables 31 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions competitors to understand where they have made errors so that they can improve their performance in the future, and is particularly important if they have more than one dog entered in a class.
Scoring (all Classes): The following deductions shall apply: 1 point deduction for each of the following: - Tight lead - Dog interfering with Handler’s forward motion - Poor sits, downs and stands - Slow or resistant response - Touching a jump, pylon or post or course distractions - Out of position 3 point deduction for each of the following: - Repeat of a station, maximum of two (2) re-tries allowed per run - Pylon/post knocked over (on Figure Eight, Spiral and Serpentine) by a dog and/or handler - Lack of control - Loud command or intimidating signal - Excessive barking - Course distractions knocked over or dislodged - Dead Dog position in the Honor Exercise 10 point deduction for each of the following: - Incorrectly performed station - Hitting the jump 1 to 10 point deduction: - Lack of teamwork - Lack of briskness - Handler error Non-qualifying (NQ) scores shall be given for: - Minimum requirements not met - Dog unmanageable, or uncontrolled barking - Consistently tight lead - Dog relieving itself in the ring - Bar knocked off upright - Handler error - Station not attempted - Using a jump as an aid in going over a jump - Failure of a dog to go over a jump in the proper direction - Not completing the Honor exercise - Substantially out of Honor position
Proposed: Scoring (all Classes): The following deductions shall apply: 3 point deduction for each of the following: - Repeat of a station, maximum of two (2) re-tries allowed per run - Pylon/post knocked over (on Figure Eight, Spiral and Serpentine) by a dog and/or handler - The dog leaves the weave poles before completion but re-enters at the next gap and continues weaving (for each occasion). - Lack of control - Loud command or intimidating signal - Excessive barking - Course distractions knocked over or dislodged - Dead Dog position in the Honor Exercise Non-qualifying (NQ) scores shall be given for: - Minimum requirements not met - Dog unmanageable, or uncontrolled barking
32 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
- Consistently tight lead - Dog relieving itself in the ring - Bar knocked off upright - Handler error - Station not attempted - Using a jump as an aid in going over a jump - Failure of a dog to go over a jump in the proper direction - Not completing the Honor exercise - Substantially out of Honor position - Going beyond the zero line of the tunnel without performing the obstacle - Failure of dog to enter weaves correctly.
Rationale: To correspond to proposed changes elsewhere
Proposed: Scoring (all Classes): The following deductions shall apply: 1 point deduction for each of the following: Tight lead Dog interfering with Handler’s forward motion 1st Missed command and/or Signal {See rationale A below} Poor sits, downs and stands Slow or resistant response Touching a jump, pylon or post or course distractions Out of position
3 point deduction for each of the following: 2nd Missed command and/or Signal {See rationale A below} Repeat of a station, maximum of two (2) re-tries allowed per run Pylon/post knocked over (on Figure Eight, Spiral and Serpentine) by a dog and/or handler Lack of control Loud command or intimidating signal Excessive verbal or physical interaction with the dog {See rationale D below} Excessive barking Course distractions knocked over or dislodged Dead Dog position in the Honor Exercise
5 point deduction for each of the following: 3rd Missed command and/or Signal {See rationale A below}
10 point deduction for each of the following: Incorrectly performed station Hitting the a solid or bar jump {See rationale D below} Walking through a broad jump {See rationale D below} Picking up a course distraction {See rationale D below} Continual and excessive verbal or physical interaction with the dog {See D below}
Non-qualifying (NQ) scores shall be given for: Minimum requirements not met 4th Missed command and/or Signal {see rationale A below} Dog unmanageable, or uncontrolled barking Consistently tight lead Dog substantially lured around the course {See rationale D below} Dog relieving itself in the ring Bar knocked off upright Handler error Station not attempted Using a jump as an aid in going over a jump Failure of a dog to go over a jump in the proper direction 33 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Walking through or on the Broad Jump boards {See rationale B below} Dog attempts Broad Jump but does not clear jump {See rationale B below} Course distractions picked up {See rationale C below} Not completing the Honor exercise Substantially out of Honor position
Rationale: A. The Rules currently say “Multiple commands and/or signals… are allowed” however the Rules also say that “Judges must make decisions based on … the theoretically perfect performance”. Therefore Multiple Commands and/or Signals must be penalised as the dog that completes the course without them must score higher than the dog who receives them.
B. Both these deductions were in the original Rules but deleted at the recent Rules Clarification.
C. Under the current Rules there are deductions in place for touching or dislodging but not for picking up the distraction. This is a major lack of control and should be NQ.
D. This proposal is consistent with earlier proposed changes to ensure the standing of Rally O and that it is not denigrated due to the low standard of performance that can nevertheless gain a qualifying score. It is further consistent with the suggestion that it would be beneficial if it there were more specific criteria through which Judges can make deductions and hence differentiate levels of performance.
Under “Exhibitors and Handlers” it is indicated that substantially luring the dog around the course will be interpreted as a minimum requirements not being met and hence a non-qualifying score. It is suggested that substantial luring should be specifically named as grounds for a non-qualifying score.
3 point deduction, maximum of two (2) re-tries allowed per run
Proposed: 3 point deduction Add after the word “run” – 1 re-try permitted at any one station
Rationale: To provide incentive to better train their dogs handlers should be allowed only 1 re-try at any one station.
Non-qualifying (NQ) scores shall be given for: Bar knocked off upright Using jump as an aid in going over the jump
Proposed: Remove from list of NQ scores and place in the list of 10 point deductions: 10 point deduction for each of the following: Bar knocked off the upright Using a jump as an aid in going over a jump
Rationale: Failure to properly clear a jump is a failure of one station and should not constitute a failure of the whole trial, just as failure on any of the other stations (with the exception of the Honor station) does not constitute a failure of the whole trial.
Moving these faults to the list of 10 point deductions will bring these stations into line with all other stations as failure to correctly complete the station.
10 point deduction for each of the following: Hitting the jump 34 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Remove - Hitting the jump from the list of 10 point deductions.
Rationale: Hitting the jump, without dislodging the bar or using the jump as an aid, should not be seen as a failure to complete the station correctly but as a minor error in the execution of the station in line with the current 1 point deduction for ‘touching a jump, pylon or post or course distraction.
All dogs will be timed by either the Judge or the Steward. Times will be used only in the event of ties for a placement. Timing will begin when the Judge gives the order, ‘Forward’ and will end when both dog and Handler cross the finish line.
Proposed: Add to the end of the Rule Electronic timing devices may be used at the discretion of the affiliate.
Rationale: Many clubs regularly use electronic timing devices for agility trials and should be able to use these if they wish for Rally O trials.
A properly compiled and separate Judging Chart must be provided for each Judge officiating at a Trial. Each Chart must be signed by the Judge who must personally enter the points on the Chart at the conclusion of each team completing the exercise. An outside judging chart will be provided to the Steward who shall keep this up to date during the running of the Class. (Times must not be posted) It is the Judge's responsibility to see that Judging Charts are checked, scores correctly recorded, signed and delivered to a responsible Trial Official immediately each class is completed.
Individual score sheets (as shown in Appendix) will be provided by the Affiliate conducting the trial and made available to each Handler.
Proposed: Individual score sheets (as shown in Appendix) will be provided by the Affiliate conducting the trial and made available to each Handler to inspect but all Score Sheets shall be retained by the affiliate in case of questions arising.
Rationale: The rules state: “It is the Judge's responsibility to see that Judging Charts are checked, scores correctly recorded, signed and delivered to a responsible Trial Official immediately each chart is completed.”
The Individual Score sheets contain all the specific details of the competitors ring run out. Should questions arise as to scoring, the Judge/ Affiliate need the score sheets to refer back to.
35 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Charts - Judging (2nd sentence) Each chart must be signed by the Judge who must personally enter the points on the Chart at the conclusion of each team completing the exercise.
Proposed: Each Chart must be signed by the Judge after personally verifying the points recorded on the Chart.
Rationale: To streamline the compilation of judging charts (and therefore of the overall running of the trial) a steward, or other affiliate official, should be able to compile the judging sheet from the information provided by the judge on the Individual Judging Sheet and the time provided by the Time Steward. At the conclusion of the ring, the Judge should verify the information so compiled and sign the Judging Chart as a true and correct record of that class.
Consequential change: No person other than the Judge will make an entry in the Judge’s Chart. The Judge will record the final scores in the Judge’s Chart and mark the time started and finished, initial any corrections and sign the Chart.
Proposed: Delete: No person other than the Judge will make an entry in the Judge’s Chart. Replace: The judge will record . . . With: The judge will verify . . .
Judges Charts
Proposed: Insert new paragraph There must be a minimum distance of four (4) metres between station signs or after completion of a station.
Rationale: to ensure that all courses are suitable for all sizes of dogs. Some courses are being set to tight to allow larger breeds to be able to complete them without penalty.
(6th paragraph) Except for exercises requiring entry with the sign on the left, exercises are performed near the designated signs, either directly in front, or in the front and to the left of said signs. (Sign 20 is performed just past the sign).
(7th paragraph) A 10 minute walk through for approximately each two hours of judging will be allowed for a maximum of twenty five (25) Handlers, without their dogs. After each two hour period of judging, Judges should allow an additional 10 minute walk through for the next two hour block of dogs to be judged in the class.
36 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
When the same course is used for A and B classes, the Judge may choose to combine the classes for the walk through time. The Judge must be available in the ring during this period to answer any questions the Handlers might have. The Judge may also choose to brief the Handlers on the course during this period.
Proposed: (6th paragraph) Except for exercises requiring entry with the sign on the left, exercises are performed near the designated signs, either directly in front, or in the front and to the left of said signs. (Signs 20 and 40 are performed just past the sign).
(7th paragraph) A 10 minute walk through will be allowed for a maximum of twenty five (25) Handlers, without their dogs. After each block of a maximum of twenty five (25) Handlers the judge will conduct another 10 minute walk through.
The Judge must be available in the ring during this period to answer any questions the Handlers might have. The Judge may also choose to brief the Handlers on the course during this period.
Rationale: Deleting the two hour limit will enable classes to proceed at a more natural rate without any unnecessary hold-ups.
Bring into line with the Exercise descriptions for Stations 20 and 40.
If restructuring the Title stream in Rally Obedience as indicated earlier, any reference to a B class is redundant.
Ring Procedure
Proposed: (6th paragraph) Except for exercises requiring entry with the sign on the left, exercises are performed near with the Handler and/or dog within 600mm of the designated signs, either directly in front, or in the front and to the left of said signs. (Signs 20 and 40 are is performed just past the sign).
Rationale: The current Rule does not say how near to the sign the exercises must be performed. There could be a case eg involving a Left or Right turn, where a competitor veers from the station before the turn to the station after. In this instance it is difficult for the Judge to know whether the Handler did not attempt the turn or it was executed badly and a long way from the station sign. By defining the distance from the sign that the station must be executed within, makes execution and judging more definitive.
Proposed: Ring Procedure (6th paragraph) Except for exercises requiring entry with the sign on the left, exercises are performed near the designated signs, either directly in front, or in the front and to the left of said signs. (Signs 20 and 40 are performed just past the sign).
Rationale: Correction in accordance with recently amended station sign 40.
Proposed: Ring Procedure (7th paragraph) A 10 minute walk through for approximately each two hours hour of judging will be allowed for a maximum of twenty five (25) twenty (20) Handlers, without their dogs. After each two one hour period of judging, Judges should allow an additional 10 minute walk through for the next two hour block of dogs to be judged in the class. 37 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Rationale: The Rules currently say “A 10 minute walk through for approximately each two hours of judging will be allowed for a maximum of twenty five (25) Handlers”.
Considering a Rally O run out is rarely longer than 3 to 3.5 mins therefore judging of 25 Handlers would take less than 1.5 hrs.
Also 2 hrs between walking the course and running the course is a long period of time, particularly if the Handler is running another Class as well, it is easy to forget the course.
Propose changing the walk through wording to allow 20 dogs per hour to be judged instead of allowing 25 handlers … for the first 2 hour block. OR as per the wording for Agility trials, don’t specify a number and state the “Judges may split the number of Handlers, to eliminate large numbers on course inspection”.
Collars and Leads The minimum length of lead will be 750 mm and it will be fitted with a quick release fastener. The lead must be made of fabric or leather and must be long enough to provide adequate slack. All dogs must have a slip or fixed collar which fits only the dog's neck and which must remain on the dog at all times. No spiked collars or collars which give additional head control shall be permitted. All dogs must enter and leave the Ring on a lead. In exercises that require a dog to be off-lead, the lead will be taken off and handed to the Steward at the Start Station.
Proposed: Collars and Leads The minimum length of lead will be 750 mm and it will be fitted with a quick release fastener or a slip or martingale type lead. The lead must be made of fabric or leather and must be long enough to provide adequate slack. All dogs must have a slip or fixed collar which fits only the dog's neck when the handler comes into the ring... No spiked collars or collars which give additional head control shall be permitted. All dogs must enter and leave the Ring on a lead. In exercises that require a dog to be off-lead, the lead will be taken off and the collar may be removed and handed to the Steward at the Start Peg.
Rationale: In the current climate of dog training many handlers are opting to train without the use of a collar and lead. It has been noted that dogs trained this way are having trouble to using a collar whilst in the ring. Giving the option of either working with or without a collar gives the handler more choice.
Proposed: Collars and Leads: The minimum length of lead will be 750 mm and it will be fitted with a quick release fastener. The lead must be made of fabric or leather and must be long enough to provide adequate slack. All dogs must have a slip or fixed collar which fits only the dog's neck and which must remain on the dog at all times. No spiked collars, e-collars or collars which give additional head control shall be permitted.
All dogs must enter and leave the Ring on a lead. In exercises that require a dog to be off-lead, the lead will be taken off and handed to the Steward at the Start Station.
Rationale: It is proposed that e-collars be specifically mentioned in the list of prohibited collars. This is in line with the current intent of the rule, but warrants specific mention.
38 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Honor Lead A Lead of 2 metres in length, fitted with a quick release fastener may be supplied by the affiliate for the Honor station. The lead must be made of fabric, leather and may be used by the handler
Proposed: Change to length of lead to at least 1.8 metres and handler to supply own equipment Honor Lead: A Lead of at least 1.8 metres in length, fitted with a quick release fastener supplied by the handler for the Honour station. The lead must be made of fabric, leather and may be used by the handler.
Rationale: 1.8 metres is a standard lead that can be purchased in all pet stores, 2m is not a standard lead, the small difference to the distance will not make any difference to the challenge of the Honour but will assist competitors in the purchase of the correct equipment. As this lead is personal equipment it should not have to be provided by the affiliate conducting the trial
Signs and Holders Twenty (20) exercise sign holders are required plus one for each Start and Finish signs.
Proposed: Signs and Holders: Twenty two (22) exercise sign holders are required plus one for each Start and Finish signs.
Rationale: Increase to accommodate new classes.
Calculation of Height and Width of Jumps:
Proposed: Insert new paragraph The jump height/width for the Pairs classes will be set at the lower height of the pair NOTE: Dogs can only jump ONE level down from their height i.e. a dog that generally jumps 400mm may compete with a dog jumping 300mm - the jumps will be set for the 300mm height. Dogs are not permitted to jump higher than their jump height i.e. 200mm dog cannot jump 300mm)
Rationale: To accommodate the introduction of Pairs Rally Classes.
Solid Jump The Solid Jump must consist of two grooved uprights 1200 mm high and fill in boards of several sizes so as to provide adjustment up to 400 mm. … Suggested size of the boards 1 x 250 mm, 1 x 150 mm, 1 x 100 mm, 1 x 50 mm,1 x 25mm combined to make each dogs required jump height. …
Proposed: Suggested size of the boards 1 x 250 mm, 1 x 150 mm, 1 x 100 mm, 1 x 50 mm,1 x 25mm combined to make each dogs required jump height. With: Suggested size of the boards 1 x 150mm (baseboard), 1 x 50mm, 2 x 100mm which combined will make up the required jump height categories.
Rationale: There are too many suggested board sizes. The sizes proposed are the only board sizes needed to make up the jump categories set out in the rules.
39 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Solid Jump
Proposed: The solid jump must consist of sliding cups on plastic uprights and solid bars which will fall when hit. The jump must accommodate size adjustments of 25 mm, 50 mm, 100 mm, 150 mm (standard minimum height), 200 mm and 250 mm up to a maximum of 700 mm.
As an interim measure (until 31 December 2016) the solid jump may consist of two grooved uprights 1200 mm high, and fill in boards of several sizes so as to provide adjustment for each 25mm up to 700 mm. The height in millimetres must be painted clearly on each side of each board in black figures. The figure on the baseboard must represent the distance from the ground to the top of the board and may be marked 'baseboard'. Suggested size of the boards 1 x 250 mm; 2 x 200 mm, 2 x 150 mm (including one baseboard), 1 x 100 mm, 1 x 50 mm, 1 x 25 mm.
Rationale: At present any dog that hits the solid jump even lightly could potentially be seriously injured and, as a minimum is likely to take away memory of the impact and any pain inflicted – it takes some time to retrain these dogs positively to re-attempt the solid jump. All Clubs should be required to move towards adoption of collapsible jumps which minimise the potential for injury.
The current height of baseboards (normally 250 mm) does not give consideration to the height requirements for small dogs (eg Chihuahua, Papillon, Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Dachshund and other miniature breeds). This necessitates make-shift arrangements which may be insecure and/or less safe than smaller boards designed as baseboards; it also means that often the dog and Handler have to wait an inordinate amount of time between exercises while a late adjustment is made to the jump. This can be stressful for the handler and demotivating for the dog. Whichever form of solid jump is used should include standard (and safe) accommodation for very small dog breeds.
This change aligns with a parallel change proposed for the Obedience Rules.
Proposed new wording Distance between stations There shall be a minimum of four (4) metres between a station and the next station. For stations which are completed past the cone, there shall be a minimum of four (4) metres between where the station is typically completed and the next station
Rationale: A distance of four metres gives the handler and dog room to complete the station. Separation between stations provides the handler with time to see the next sign and to ensure their dog is in the heel position before reaching the next cone. Separation between stations is particularly necessary for larger dogs or for a handler using a wheelchair.
40 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: Tunnel: No current wording Proposal (1) The Tunnel is to measure approximately 600 mm inside diameter and be a minimum of four (4) metres to a maximum of eight (8) metres long. It must be secured so that it will not move whilst in use. The tunnel may be flexible but it must be anchored so that it is straight. The tunnel is optional equipment. The affiliate conducting the trial should advise the judge in advance whether a tunnel is available.
Rationale: Description of tunnel required if the tunnel station is added. Tunnel description is worded to be compatible with the flexible tunnel used in ANKC agility. The tunnel is optional equipment, since not all clubs will have access to or be able to purchase a tunnel. In this proposal, there is no restriction to how close the handler may be to the tunnel
Proposal (2) The Tunnel is to measure approximately 600 mm inside diameter and be a minimum of four (4) metres to a maximum of eight (8) metres long. It must be secured so that it will not move whilst in use. The tunnel may be flexible but it must be anchored so that it is straight. Judges must ensure that the lines indicating the minimum send distance are clearly defined on the ground. One line will indicate the 3 metre distance from the front of the obstacle and the other line will indicate the 1.5 metre distance to the side of the obstacle. This line shall be placed on the side of the obstacle from the dog will approach the obstacle. The tunnel is optional equipment. The affiliate conducting the trial should advise the judge in advance whether a tunnel is available.
Rationale: Description of tunnel required if the tunnel station is added.
This version of tunnel description includes the send lines used by the Canadian Association of Rally Obedience (CARO).
Tunnel description is worded to be compatible with the flexible tunnel used in ANKC agility. The tunnel is optional equipment, since ring size may not permit its use, and not all clubs will have access to or be able to purchase a tunnel.
Proposed: Weave poles: No current wording There will be six (6) or eight (8) weave poles. The poles are to be set vertically in a straight line 600 mm apart (centre to centre). They are to be a minimum of 1200 mm in height and a minimum of 20 mm to a maximum of 40 mm in diameter. No bar is to be fixed along the top of the poles. The Weave Poles must be made of a lightweight and flexible material, e.g. similar to PVC, allowing the dog to flex the poles as it is weaving. Must be white or a light colour. The base of the pole may be rigid to a maximum height from the ground of 200 mm.
The Weave Poles will have a flat metal bar along the centre with metal legs extending laterally, the legs and bar must be fixed and secured, where possible, with a non-slip surface. The legs must be offset to the dog's path. Pegs to be fitted into holes drilled into metal base. No pegs are allowed in the dog's path.
There will be no deductions for voice or hand cues when the dog is weaving through the poles. If the dog pops out of the poles before completion, it may be cued to continue at the point but will incur a deduction. If the dog does not enter the poles correctly it will receive a non-qualifying score.
Weave poles are optional equipment. The affiliate conducting the trial should advise the judge in advance whether weave poles are available.
41 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Rationale: Description of weave poles required if the weave station is added. Description is worded to be compatible with the weave poles used in ANKC agility. The weave poles are optional equipment, since not all clubs will have access to or wish to purchase weave poles. The number of poles has been set at 6 or 8. The CARO rules specify 6 poles. However, many Australian clubs have pole bases in sets of 4 poles as needed for some agility classes.
Heeling is from sign to sign in a continuous performance. Heeling from sign to sign is Judged. A minimum deduction will be one point. Handlers may praise and pat their dogs, repeating commands and signals if necessary. The Novice Class is performed on lead, using exercises 1-31. It consists of 10-15 exercises (not including Start and Finish), uses a maximum of 5 stationary exercises. The Advanced Class is performed off lead, using exercises 1-45. It consists of 12-17 exercises (not including Start and Finish) uses a maximum of 7 stationary exercises and requires one jump. The Excellent Class is performed off lead (except for the Honor) using exercises 1-50. It consists of 15-20 exercises (including the Honor exercise but not including Start and Finish) and uses a maximum of 7 stationary exercises and requires two jumps. Exercises marked with an asterisk (*) may be used more than once on a Rally course. Scoring – Each team begins with 100 points. A qualifying performance is a score of 70 points or better and all stations must be attempted. The performance is timed.
The following exercises may be used in Novice, Advanced and Excellent Classes:
Proposed: General Regulations: The Advanced Class is performed off lead, using exercises 1-45. It consists of 12-17 exercises (not including Start and Finish) uses a maximum of 10 stationary exercises and requires one jump. The Excellent Class is performed off lead (except for the Honor) using exercises 1-50. It consists of 15-20 exercises (including the Honor exercise but not including Start and Finish) and uses a maximum of 10 stationary exercises and requires two jumps.
Rationale: Change to maximum number of stationary exercises in Advanced and Excellent, as proposed under class descriptions.
Proposed: General Regulations: Heeling is from sign to sign in a continuous performance. Heeling from sign to sign is Judged. A minimum deduction will be one point. Handlers may praise and pat their dogs, repeating commands and signals if necessary. The Novice Class is performed on lead, using exercises 1 - XX. It consists of 10-15 exercises (not including Start and Finish), uses a maximum of 5 stationary exercises. The Advanced Class is performed off lead, using exercises 1-XX. It consists of 12-17 exercises (not including Start and Finish), uses a maximum of 7 stationary exercises and requires one jump.
The Excellent Class is performed off lead using exercises 1-XX. It consists of 15-20 exercises not including Start and Finish) and uses a maximum of 7 stationary exercises and requires two jumps.
42 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
The Master Class is performed off lead, using exercises 1 – XX It consists of 18-24 exercises (not including Start and Finish), uses a maximum of 9 stationary exercises and requires two jumps. There must be a minimum of 7 Excellent and Master class exercises included.
Exercises marked with an asterisk (*) may be used more than once on a Rally course.
Scoring – Each team begins with 100 points. A qualifying performance is a score of 75 points or better in Novice, Advanced and Excellent classes and 85 points or better in Master class and all stations must be attempted. The performance is timed.
The following exercises may be used in Novice, Advanced, Excellent and Master Classes:
Rationale: (where XX is the total number of exercises after additions/deletions and renumbering). If previous proposals are accepted, this rewording would bring this section in line with those.
Proposed: General Regulations: Heeling is from sign to sign in a continuous performance. Heeling from sign to sign is Judged. A minimum deduction will be one point.
Handlers may praise and pat encourage their dogs, repeating commands and signals if necessary, but the need for more than one command or signal will be penalised.
The Novice Class is performed on lead, using exercises 1-31. It consists of 10-15 exercises (not including Start and Finish), uses a maximum of 5 stationary exercises.
The Advanced Class is performed off lead, using exercises 1-45. It consists of 12-17 exercises (not including Start and Finish) uses a maximum of 7 stationary exercises. Courses shall have a minimum of three Advanced level stations and requires one jump.
The Excellent Class is performed off lead (except for the Honor) using exercises 1-50. It consists of 15-20 exercises (including the Honor exercise but not including Start and Finish) and uses a maximum of 7 stationary exercises. Courses shall have a minimum of two Advanced level stations and a minimum of three Excellent level stations and two required jumps.
Exercises marked with an asterisk (*) may be used more than once on a Rally course. Scoring – Each team begins with 100 points. A qualifying performance is a score of 70 85 points or
Rationale: These changes are consequential on those proposed elsewhere.
Proposed Addition: Principal Feature of the exercise It is proposed to underline those parts of each exercise which constitute the Principal Feature in the Appendix A – Signs and Explanations section of the rules.
Example 30. Halt - Walk Around Dog - Handler halts and dog sits. With the dog sitting in heel position, the handler commands and/or signals the dog to stay, then proceeds to walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The handler must pause in heel position before moving forward to the next station. (Stationary exercise)
Rationale: The current Rules do not define the Principal Feature of each exercise.
43 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
To help judges and competitors understand which are the most important aspects of each exercise, the Principal Feature should be defined. If the principal feature of each exercise was underlined (as the Principal Feature is showcased in the Obedience rules), then the judge and competitor would know more easily which part constituted an “IP” deduction or just a minor deduction.
The Excellent Class is performed off the lead (except for the Honor) using exercises 1-50.
Proposed: The Excellent Class is performed off lead (except for the Honour) using exercises 1-49 and 56.
Rationale: allowing for the change in station number signs.
Proposed: Inset Master Class details under Excellent Class exercises The Master Class is performed off the lead using exercises 1-53. It consists of 17-22 exercises (but not including Start and Finish) and uses a maximum of nine (9) stationary exercises. Insert Rally Champion Class details under Rally Master Class exercises The Champion Class is performed off lead using exercises 1-55. It consists of 20-22 exercises (but not including Start and Finish) and uses a maximum of ten (10) stationary exercises. Insert Pairs under Rally Champion Class details All Rally Pairs Courses will be set using the station signs relevant to the individual levels.
Rationale: explanation of requirements of new classes.
Proposed amendments to Sign 4, Sign 34 and Sign 36
Sign # 4 Halt- Sit- Down Sign currently reads:-
Proposed: 4. Halt– Down
Rationale: If reading literally this means 2 x sits. As HALT implies a SIT, remove the word SIT from the sign and the sign name to bring it into line with all signs requiring an initial HALT.
Sign # 34 Send Over Jump – Handler Passes By Proposed: Insert additional sentence:- Should the jump bar be dislodged, there will be no retry allowed for this exercise, and the team will receive a non-qualifying score.
Rationale: clarification of the actual procedure and deduction.
44 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Sign 36 – Halt – Stand Dog – Walk Around Handler halts and dog sits. With the dog sitting in heel position, the Handler stands the dog commands and/or signals the dog to stay as the Handler walks around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The Handler must pause in heel position before moving forward to the next station. In the Advanced Class, the Handler may touch the dog, move forward to stand the dog, and may pose the dog as in the show ring. The Handler may not physically assist the dog to move into the stand. (Stationary exercise)”
Proposed: Handler halts and dog sits. With the dog sitting in heel position, the Handler stands the dog commands and/or signals the dog to stay as the Handler walks around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The Handler must pause in heel position before moving forward to the next station. In the Advanced Class the Handler may touch the dog, move forward to stand the dog. The Handler may not physically assist the dog to move into the stand. (Stationary exercise).
Rationale: Removing these words removes the assumption that moving forward is allowable in the Excellent Class (previously not specified). The ‘posing of the dog as in the show ring’ is confusing and has no value in this explanation.
It is to be noted that the current sign # 50 Honour Position will be renumber to be sign # 56
New station signs.
Sign 50 – Stationery exercise Distance Down: The Handler to command and/or signal the dog to stand leave the dog to a distance not less than 3 metres, turn, halt command/signal the dog to drop, then return to the side of the dog, then continue on.
Sign 51 – Stationery exercise Recall: The Handler to command/signal the dog to sit and stay then leave the dog to a minimum distance of 5 metres, about turn, halt and signal/command the dog to come, the dog shall sit in front of the Handler, the Handler returns to the right side of the dog, may be pivot return or return behind. Handler must pause upon returning to the dog. No finish allowed.
Sign 52- Circle Spin at Heel: The dog to complete a circle spin away from the heel position and then to return to heel, handler does not stop moving.
Sign 53 – Four Cone Figure 8: Four cones to be placed in a square each 1.5 metres from the centre point. The team must negotiate each opposite pair of cones as a Figure 8. (May be used as a change of direction)
Sign 54 – Moving Down - Walk Around Dog: Whilst heeling and without pausing, the Handler will down the dog and walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The Handler must pause in heel position after returning to the dog. The dog must move forward from the down position with the Handler at completion.
Sign 55 – Moving Sit – Walk Around Dog: Whilst heeling and without pausing, the Handler will sit the dog and walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The Handler must pause in heel position after returning to the dog. The dog must move forward from the sit position with the Handler at completion.
45 50 Stationary Exercise - Distance Control X, M, - #50 The Handler to command and/or signal the dog NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions to stand leave the dog to a distance not less than Stand Dog 3 metres, turn, halt command/signal the dog to drop, then return to the side of the dog, then Leave continue on. Down Dog
X, M, - #51 51 Stationary exercise Recall Leave Dog The Handler to command/signal the dog to sit and stay then leave the dog to a minimum About Turn distance of 5 metres, about turn, halt and Call Dog Front signal/command the dog to come, the dog shall sit in front of the Handler, the Handler returns to Return to Dog the right side of the dog, may be pivot return or return behind. Handler must pause upon returning to the dog. No finish allowed.
X, M, - #52
52 3600 Circle Spin at Heel Moving The dog to complete a 3600 left circle spin away from the heel position and then to return to 3600 Degree heel, handler does not stop moving
53. Four Cone Fig 8 X, M, - #53
Four cones to be placed in a square each 1.5 metres from the centre point. The team must negotiate each opposite pair of cones as a Figure 8. (May be used as a change of direction)
Off Set Fig 8
M, - #54
54. Moving Down - Walk Around Dog M Whilst heeling and without pausing, the Handler M will down the dog and walk around the dog to H the left, returning to heel position. The Handler MOVING DOWN Ha MOVING SIT v 46 must pause in heel position after returning to WALK AROUND a vi the dog. The dog must move forward from the WALK AROUND down position with the Handler at completion. DOG i n Honour M,X, - #55#56 DOG ng g t t o o t t r r a an ns sf f e er r p pa at t i i e en nt t s s f f o or r t t h hi i s s t t r r e ea at t m me en nt t s s i i f f n no ot t i i n n t t h he ei i r r b be es st t i i n nt t e er r e es st t i i t t a al l s so o a ad dd ds s t t o o t t h he e a ad dm mi i n ni i s st t r r a at t i i v ve e l l o oa ad d o of f t t h he e t t e ea am m, , - - # #5 54 4
M M H Ha av vi i n ng g t t o o NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions t t r a DOGS TASMANIA r an Proposed: ns sf 49. Backup 3 Steps - While heeling, the e Handler reverses direction walking backward f r at least 3steps, without first stopping, then e p continues heeling forward. The dog moves r a backward with the Handler and maintains p heel position throughout the exercise at without sitting. t i i e n Rationale: e As the exercise description says “at least 3 steps” any steps more than this eg 4 or 5 shouldnt not be penalised if the dog does not attempt to move backwards eg turns around to face handlert s should be NQ s f o DOGS SA f or 50. Honour: This exercise shall be performed on lead. Upon arriving at the Honor exerciser t station, the Handler will command and/or signal his dog to sit or down as directed. Whent h the Judge commands and/or signals the next Handler to begin the course with the order “Forward,”i the Honor Handler will command and/or signal the dog to stay and leave the dog, moving forward toh the end of a 2 metre lead, turn and stand facing the dog. The Handler will remain in that location untili s the Honor steward advises they can return to the dog. The dog performing the Honor exercise musts t remain in the designated sit or down position without moving from that location. The commandr “Exercise Finished” from the steward will be given when the dog and Handler running the course crosst the finish line. At that time, the exercise is finished and the Handler will return to the dog. The Honorr e exercise must not be in the path of the dog and Handler team that follows. ea t Proposed: a 50. Honour: The third to last sentence to read “The command “Exercise Finished”t m from the steward will be given at the earlier of the expiration of two minutes or when the dog and me handler running the course cross the finish line.” en Rationale: The current Honor exercise is not an even playing field. The time taken fornt a team to negotiate a course can vary from approximately 2 minutes up to 4 minutes or longer. Consequentlys the amount of time a dog spends carrying out the Honor Exercise can vary markedly. tIt is fairer to i allocate a set amount of time for each dog. s i f DOGS NT f n o Proposed: n t 50Stay: This exercise shall be performed off lead. The judge will nominate an area oor person in charge of the lead prior to the excellent walk-through All exhibitors must be informed oft iwhere they need to proceed to retrieve their lead or from whom during the walkthrough Immediately followingn the Finish Sign the handler and dog will go to the Stay sign. The handler will place thei dog in the nominated position and command and/or signal the dog to stay The handler will then walkn forward at least 6 metres (6) metres, retrieve the lead from the nominated area or person and return t to heel position by walking around and behind the dog The judge will order “Exercise Finished” ath which time the judging of the Stay Exercise will be complete. The handler will then attach the leadt and exit the ring. In the Stay Exercise when the dog is left in the down position a dog lying on its sidehe (dead dog position) does not incur a non-qualifying score but rather a 3 point deduction. New signe toi meet the new rule. i r b STAY r be 47 es st t i i n nt t e er r e es st t i i t t a al l s so o a ad dd ds s t t o o t t h he e a ad dm mi i n ni i s st t r r a at t i i v ve e l l o oa ad d o of f t t h he e t t e ea am m, , - - # #5 54 4
M M H Ha av vi i n ng g t t o o t t r r a an ns sf f e er r p pa at t i i e en nt t s s f f o or r t t h hi i s s t t r r e ea at t m me en nt t s s i i f f n no ot t i i n n t t h he ei i r r b be es st t i i n nt t e er NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissionsr e es st t i DOGS TASMANIA i t a Proposed: t (1) CHANGES TO SIGNS – refer to ATTACHMENT 1 al (2) SUGGESTIONS FOR NEW EXERCISES – refer to ATTACHMENT 1 l s o NOTES: s The Halt – Leave Dog sign may be used more than once. o The Halt – Down – Leave Dog sign may be used more than once. a The About Turn – Return to Dog may be used twice. ad In the interest of course design and flow, there should be no more than two (2) “Leave Dog”dd exercises in an Advanced or Excellent course and no more than three (3) “Leave Dog” exercises sin a Master course. d Proposed new class numbering s t NOVICE CLASS Exercises 1 - 32 t o ADVANCED CLASS Exercises 1 - 46 EXCELLENT CLASS Exercises 1 - 56 o MASTERS CLASS Exercises 1 – 63 or 64 t t h DOGS NSW he
Proposed: e New signs for Excellent Class a Add new Excellent stations to the list of stations ad m Rationale: There are only 5 excellent stations including Honour. Increasing the numberd of stations will add variety and challenge to the Excellent class. mi i n DOGS NSW ni s Proposed Stations and Signs i st Stations based on existing ANKC rules t r Moving sit stay (similar to current station of moving stand) a Moving down stay (similar to current station of moving stand) r at Station from American Kennel Club (alternative to moving call dog to heel) t i HALT – Leave Dog – 2 Steps – Call to Heel – Forward (At the time of circulating thisv agenda, permission was still being sought from the American Kennel Club.) i ve Other proposed stations e Distance down (from stand) l Distance down (from halt) Four way figure 8 l o Sit stay, Moving call dog to heel, oa Tunnel (no distance restriction) d Tunnel (with distance restriction) a Weaving poles d Retrieve: o Short send away to a place away from the course of f t t h he e t 48 t e ea am m, , - - # #5 54 4
M M H Ha av vi i n ng g t t o o t t r r a an ns sf f e er r p pa at t i i e en nt t s s f f o or r t t h hi i s s t t r r e ea at t m me en nt t s s i i f f n no ot t i i n n t t h he ei i r r b be es st t i i n nt t e er r e es st t i i t t a al l s so o a ad dd ds s t t o o t t h he e a ad dm mi i n ni i s st t r r a at t i i v ve e l l o oa ad d o of f t t h he e t t e ea am m, , - - # #5 54 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions4
Stations based on current ANKC Rally O rules
Moving Sit - Walk Around Dog - While heeling and without pausing, the Handler will sit the dog and walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The Handler must pause in heel position after returning to the dog. The Dog must move forward from the sit position. (Stationary exercise)
Moving Down - Walk Around Dog - While heeling and without pausing, the Handler will down the dog and walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The Handler must pause in heel position after returning to the dog. The Dog must move forward from the down position. (Stationary exercise)
Station from American Kennel Club (At the time of circulating this agenda, permission was still being sought from the American Kennel Club.)
HALT – Leave Dog – 2 Steps – Call to Heel – Forward The handler halts, and the dog sits in heel position While the dog remains sitting the handler takes two steps forward then calls the dog to heel while continuing to move forward. The dog must move briskly and reach the heel position before the next station. (Stationary exercise).
Other proposed stations
Distance down from stand
Distance down: While heeling, the Handler will stop and stand the dog using a command and/or signal. The dog must not sit before standing. The Handler will leave the dog in the standing position, move forward approximately three metres, about turn to face the dog and halt. The Handler will down their dog using a command and/or signal. Once the dog is in the down position, the Handler will walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The Handler must pause in heel position before moving forward to the next station. (Stationary exercise)
49 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Distance down from halt
Distance down: Handler halts and dog sits. With the dog sitting in the heel position, the handler commands the dog to stand (without physical handling or moving forward). The Handler will leave the dog in the stand, move forward approximately three metres, about turn, halt, and down their dog using a command and/or signal. Once the dog is in the down position, the Handler will walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The Handler must pause in heel position before moving forward to the next station. (Stationary exercise)
Four way figure eight
Four way figure 8 Four cones to be placed in a square each 1.5m from the centre point. The team must negotiate each opposite pair of cones as a figure 8. Each cone is used once. The Handler and dog will cross the centre line five times.
Moving call to heel
Halt and leave dog for moving call to heel Dog and handler halt, handler leaves dog in the sit stay and proceeds forward to next station. Dog remains in Sit position until called to heel. Halt This station must be followed by the moving call to heel station Leave dog (Stationary exercise) Forward to next station
Moving call to heel Handler calls dog to Heel without pausing. Dog must heel with handler before the handler reaches next station.
Tunnel proposal 1 (no distance restriction) Halt 50
Moving call Leave dog to heel NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Tunnel The handler cues the dog to go through the tunnel, then moves along the right of the tunnel. When the dog has completed the tunnel, the handler calls the dog to heel position and the team continues to the next exercise station. If the dog is faster than the handler in going through the tunnel, the dog may be called back to the handler. Tunnel Tunnel
Tunnel proposal 2 (with distance restriction)
Tunnel The handler cues the dog to go through the tunnel, then moves along a line 2m to the right of the tunnel. When the dog has completed the tunnel, the handler calls the dog to heel position and the team continues to the next exercise station. If the dog is faster than the handler in going through the tunnel, the dog may be called back to the handler.
Weaving poles Tunnel Weaving Poles The dog will enter the Weaving Poles through the space between the first two poles, with the first pole on the dog's left. Then the dog must weave between each Weaving Pole. The handler may use voice or hand cues when the dog is weaving through the poles. If the dog pops out of the poles before completion, it may be Weaving poles cued to continue at that point but will incur a deduction.
Proposed: ADDITIONAL RALLY SIGNS AS LISTED IN THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB RALLY OBEDIENCE RULES refer to ATTACHMENT 2 (At the time of circulating this agenda, permission was still being sought fromHalt the American Kennel Club.) Leave dog 51
Forward to next station NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
5 new Novice signs 4 Advanced signs Consideration needs to be given to the additional Novice and Advanced signs being Proposed as it will require the renumbering of most of the current signs. Additional 8 Excellent signs
Rationale: Additional Excellent signs are required to add to the degree of difficulty in the Proposed Rally Master Class and the Rally Champion Title. Their numbering can follow on from the current Excellent signs.
If the sign ‘Send to Jump” is to be included in Dogs SA Proposed additional Excellent signs the following wording will need to be added P15 ‘Jumps’ after ‘Solid Jump’.
Send to Jump The sign for this station will be placed at least three (3) metres before the jump. The sign for this station and the one after it will be set so that the handler maintains at least a one (1) metre path away from the jump while the dog performs the jump and returns to the handler. The set up and performance of the sign should not be confused with sign (currently 34) Send Over Jump - Handler Passes By.
Note: After sending the dog to the jump the handler may pause as needed, but must not pass the jump until the dog has returned to the heel position.
Additional Novice and Advanced Signs Consideration needs to be given to the additional Novice and Advanced signs being proposed as it will require the renumbering of most of the current signs.
The current score sheet has cat number, time, points lost, score (out of 100) and place Cat Time Points Score Q No Lost ( /100) (place)
Proposed: Include a section of the rally score sheet for correctly/incorrectly performed Honour New Rally score sheet
Cat Time Points Score Honour Q No Lost ( /100) Complete (place)
Rationale: Currently there is nowhere for a correctly/incorrectly performed Honour station to be recorded, however if a dog does not perform the Honour he cannot qualify in the competition, the judge has already scored the rally round out of 100 points and the possibility of giving a qualifying score to a non-qualifying dog is potentially high.
52 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
ANKC LTD RALLY OBEDIENCE JUDGE’S CHART Club: Date: Class: Judge: Stewards: …………………………………………………………………………………………… Start time: …………………………………. Finish time: …………………………….
Cat Points Score Q Cat Points Score Q Time Time no. no. Lost ( /100) (place) Lost ( /100) (place)
Signature of Judge:
Rationale: Adding spaces to this form to record stewards’ names, start and finish time of the class, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placings will make it easier for the trial manager and trial secretary to complete cards and prepare their reports on the trial.
53 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
TIME ……………………CATALOGUE NUMBER ……………….....
JUMP HEIGHT ...... …………......
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
HONOR EXERCISE COMPLETED (YES/NO) {If honor exercise retained}
POINTS DEDUCTED ...……………… TOTAL SCORE...…………......
54 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Rationale: Most changes are consequential upon changes recommended above. It is easy to lose track of whether a dog has done the honor yet or not, and there is no standard place to record a failure for this exercise which results in an NQ.
55 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Individual score sheet – correct list of deductions Current rule (Page 12) In the Individual score sheet, the list of 1 Point deductions includes: Touching a jump, pylon or post.
Proposed: Add at the end of the above: or course distractions.
Rationale: Touching a course distraction, eg, in the Figure 8, is included in this fault in the body of the Rules.
1. OVERVIEW 1.1. Australian National Kennel Council Limited (ANKC Ltd) Member Bodies will be responsible for the Training, Testing, Assessment and Maintenance of Judging licences.
1.2. ANKC Ltd Member Bodies will assess Judges in the following sequential order: 1. CCD 2. Novice 3. Open 4. Utility 5. UDX
1.3. ANKC Ltd Member Bodies may assess Judges for a CCD and Novice Judges licence simultaneously.
1.4. At the discretion of the relevant ANKC Ltd Member Body, CCD and/or Novice aspirants may be required to pass a preliminary theory examination based on ANKC Ltd Member Body Rules and Regulations and general requirements of the Rule Book for the Conduct of Obedience Trials.
1.5. If an ANKC Ltd Member Body requires a higher standard than the ANKC Ltd Minimum Standards, the ANKC Ltd Member Body’s Regulation/s will take precedence over the ANKC Ltd Minimum Standard/s.
Proposed: 1.3. ANKC Ltd Member Bodies may assess Judges for a CCD and Novice Judges licence simultaneously.
1.3.1 At their discretion, ANKC Ltd Member Bodies may assess Judges for a CCD and Novice Judges licence and an Open Judges licence either simultaneously or consecutively within the same calendar year.
1.4. At the discretion of the relevant ANKC Ltd Member Body, CCD and/or Novice and where applicable Open aspirants maybe required to pass a preliminary theory examination based on ANKC Ltd Member Body Rules and Regulations and general requirements of the Rule Book for the Conduct of Obedience Trials.
Rationale: Enabling an aspirant to undertake CCD, Novice and Open in one year would reduce the time necessary for the aspirant to achieve a full panel licence by 1 year. With the current shortage of judges, there is a real need to train new judges to at least Open standard as quickly as possible. ANKC Ltd Member Bodies can impose their own additional requirements, such as the aspirant having 56 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions personally trained and trialed a dog to a minimum of a CDX title within the past 3 years. The aspirant would still have to meet the requirement of Regulation before being issued with an Open Judges licence.
1.1. Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC Ltd) Member Bodies will be responsible for the Training, Testing, Assessment and Maintenance of Judging licences.
1.2. ANKC Ltd Member Bodies will assess Judges in the following classes simultaneously: 1. Novice 2. Advanced 3. Excellent
Proposed: 1.2. ANKC Ltd Member Bodies will assess Judges in the following classes starting at Novice level, then Advanced and Excellent level: 1. Novice 2. Advanced 3. Excellent
Rationale: It has been noted that judges who have not previously judged any other discipline need to develop their observational skills and do not demonstrate the skills to make decisions on higher performance levels in handlers and dogs.
Rally Signs
Proposed: Rally signs to be placed on the ANKC Website in PDF, to be printed as a whole or individually.
Rationale: Will ensure all signs are the same and readily available.
Declaration on ANKC Ltd Judges Licence Renewals.
ANKC Ltd Judges Regulations Section 1 General 1.4 All Judges Application Forms, both new and renewal, shall contain the following declaration to be signed by the applicant.
“ I declare that I am physically fit and capable of judging in accordance with the Rules and in the normal accepted manner, and if required I am prepared to undergo a medical fitness test and/or vision test at the discretion of the Member Body of ANKC Ltd. I further accept the Member Body may refuse to grant any renewal of licence and may cancel or suspend for any period or vary in any way any licence already granted.
Or may grant, in part, only an application for renewal of licence.” (Amended 10/13)
57 NOTC 2015 MTG – ATTACHMENT 7i_Combined Rally Obedience Submissions
Proposed: All Judges Application Forms, both new and renewal, shall contain the following declaration to be signed by the applicant.
“I declare that I am physically fit and conversant with the Member Body and ANKC Ltd Rules and that I am capable of judging in accordance with those Rules and in the normal accepted manner, and if required I am prepared to undergo a medical fitness test and/or vision test at the discretion of the Member Body of ANKC Ltd. I further accept the Member Body may refuse to grant any renewal of licence and may cancel or suspend for any period or vary in any way any licence already granted.
Or may grant, in part, only an application for renewal of licence.”
Rationale: To impress upon judges that they are required to be conversant with the current rules of the ANKC Ltd and their local Affiliate, particularly those directly relating to the judging of the discipline(s) that they are licenced to judge. This will remind judges of this requirement and place an obligation on them to maintain their knowledge of those rules. ANKC Ltd Rules pertaining to Sporting disciplines can change from time to time and judges should be aware of their obligation to keep abreast of any rule changes relevant to their particular discipline(s). The current wording is ambiguous on this point and appears to refer more to a mental or physical “capability” to judge. It is noted that the Judges contract contains a statement that “Should I not be fully conversant with the Rules and Regulations of the Controlling body, I will undertake to make myself conversant therewith prior to the date of judging and agree to observe the Rules and regulations.” This is simply an agreement between the judge and the club, not a commitment between the judge and the Controlling Body. We believe that there should be a stronger obligation between the judge and ANKC Ltd and their local Affiliate to maintain their knowledge of the Rules.