Assignment 1 (TMA) Block 1 and 2

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Assignment 1 (TMA) Block 1 and 2


Bachelor Degree Programme in Science (B.Sc.)

Elective Course in Animal Diversity – II (LSE-10)



SCHOOL OF SCIENCES Indira Gandhi National Open University Maidan Garhi New Delhi – 110 068. LSE – 10 Assignments 1, 2 & 3 2003

Dear Student,

As explained in the Programme Guide for B.Sc, you will have to do 3 assignments for the elective course in Animal Diversity – II (LSE – 10). Out of these, two assignments are Tutor Marked (TMA) and the other is Computer Marked (CMA). The block-wise distribution of assignments is as follows:

Assignment – 1 (TMA) Block 1 and 2 Assignment – 2 (TMA) Block 3 and 4 Assignment – 3 (CMA) Block 1 to 4

The instructions for doing the assignments are provided in the Programme Guide under Section 7.1 – Assignment. You should read the instructions carefully before you start doing these assignments.

Please submit your assignments as follows:

Assignment No. Date of Submission Where to Send

Assignment – 1 (TMA) 8 weeks after receiving the The Coordinator of your study centre printed material with assignments.

Assignment – 2 (TMA) 12 weeks after receiving the The Coordinator of your study centre printed material with assignments.

Assignment – 3 (CMA) 12 weeks after receiving the The Director (SR&E), printed material with Indira Gandhi National Open assignments. University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi – 110068.

Answer sheets received after the due date shall not be accepted.

We advise you to retain a copy of your assignments.

Wishing you good luck.

2 ASSIGNMENT – 1 (Tutor Marked Assignment)

Course Code : B.Sc./LSE-10 Assignment Code: LSE-10/AST-1/TMA-1/2003 Max. Marks : 100

1. a) In what features are the urochordates similar to cephalochordates and molluscs? (2 ½ 2) b) List five affinities of hemichordates with annelids. (5)

2. Make a chart classifying the bony fishes up to order level. Give one distinguishing feature of each subclass along with one example from each order. How are bony fishes different from hagfishes and lampreys? (7+3)

3. Describe the distinguishing features of Amphibia. What were the modifications required by amphibians to shift from a life in water to a life on land? (10)

4. Which is the single most important modification that enabled the reptiles to shift to a completely terrestrial life? In what way are they different from amphibians? (2+8)

5. Describe the main features of placental mammals. List the orders that include the living placentals giving an example from each order. (3+7)

6. Write short notes on any four: i) Horns in mammals ii) Structure of teeth iii) Digestive system in birds iv) Structure of gills in bony fishes. v) Lymphatic system in mammals vi) Visceral arteries (45)

7. Describe the respiratory organs of reptiles and mammals. In which aspect are the lungs of mammals more advanced than those of reptiles? (4+4+2)

8. a) Explain the evolution of aortic arches in fishes. (5) b) Differentiate between the amphibian and mammalian heart by means of clear and well labeled diagrams only. (no description is required). (2½+2½)

9. Giving any two characters differentiate between: (2½ 4) i) Suborder Lacertilia and Suborder Serpentes ii) Order Passeriformes and Order Columbiformes iii) Order Anura and Order Gymnophiona iv) Subclass Marsupalia and Subclass Eutheria

3 ASSIGNMENT – 2 (Tutor Marked Assignment)

Course Code : B.Sc./LSE-10 Assignment Code: LSE-10/AST-2/TMA-2/2003 Max. Marks : 100

1. Describe the basic urinary system in vertebrates. How is it different from the urinary system of protochordates and urochordates? (5+5)

2. Write short notes on: i) Reproductive system in amphibians ii) Pit organs in snakes iii) Skull of frog iv) Structure and function of thyroid (2½ 4)

3. Draw a labeled diagram of the generalised brain of a vertebrate, giving the main functions of each part. Why is the cerebellum of fishes much larger than that of amphibians? (3+6+1)

4. Give the location and functions of the following: i) Tapetum lucidum ii) Organ of Corti iii) Weberian ossicles iv) Jacobson’s organ v) Occipital condyle (52)

5. Differentiate between the following giving one example of each: i) Innate and associative learning ii) Mullerian and Batesian mimicry iii) Extinction and habituation iv) Genetic and ecological bases of behaviour v) Circadian and circannual rhythms (45)

6. Describe with the help of diagrams the pectoral girdle of frog. How is it different from that of a rabbit? (6+4)

7. Where is the pituitary gland located? With the help of suitable diagrams, describe the structure and development of the pituitary in vertebrates. (1+4+5)

8. Why do certain species of animals undertake migration journeys each year? Discuss migration in animals using two examples. (2+8)

9. What are the advantages of an arboreal mode of life? Discuss the various adaptations found in volant vertebrates. (2+8)

4 5 ASSIGNMENT – 3 (Computer Marked Assignment)

Course Code : B.Sc./LSE-10 Assignment Code : LSE-10/AST-3/CMA-1/2003 Max. Marks : 100

1. Hemichordates form a connecting link between 1) annelids and vertebrates 2) echinoderms and vertebrates 3) molluscs and vertebrates 4) arthropods and vertebrates

2. Which of the following is not a class of Urochordata? 1) Lanocea 2) Ascidiacea 3) Myxini 4) Thalacea

3. Which of the following is a representative of extinct Chondrostei? 1) Acipencer 2) Polypterus 3) Protopterus 4) Lepidosiren

4. Homocercal tail is characteristic of subclass 1) Elasmobranchii 2) Holocephali 3) Sarcopterygii 4) Teleostei

5. In teleosts elimination of nitrogenous wastes is carried on largely by 1) gills 2) mesonepheric kidney 3) mouth 4) anus

6. Among vertebrates ………………………….. are the first group to have an ectodermal adrenaline secreting as well as mesodermal steroid secreting tissue. 1) Amphibians 2) Fishes 3) Reptiles 4) Mammals

7. Embryonic amniotes possess functional ………………………… kidneys 1) pronephric 2) mesonephric 3) metanephric 4) opisthonephric

8. The only living survivors of Archosauria are 1) snakes 2) crocodiles 3) lizards 4) tuatara 6 9. Femoral glands are present on the underside of the thighs of 1) lizards 2) crocodiles 3) turtles 4) birds

10. Meibomian glands in mammals are present in 1) eye lid 2) ear canal 3) hair follicle 4) palm of the hand

11. Pigment producing skin coloration in mammals is found in which of the following chromatophores? 1) Xanthophore 2) Melanophore 3) Iridophore 4) Erythrophore

12. Which veins in fishes bring blood from the fins? 1) Abdominal 2) Cardinal 3) Vitelline 4) Iliac

13. The process of formation of blood vessels is termed as 1) Erythropoisis 2) Angiogenesis 3) Haemsynthesis 4) Epistasis

14. Pick out the false statement 1) Birds navigate by the help of stars as well as the sun. 2) Synapsids were mammal like reptiles that gave rise to present day mammals. 3) High metabolic rate is an adaptation for flight in birds. 4) Archaeopteryx is the ancestor of all modern day birds.

15. Which of the following does not have a urinary bladder? 1) Crow 2) Kangaroo 3) Spiny anteater 4) Frog

16. The vertebrate germ cells arise from the 1) genital ridge 2) extra embryonic endoderm 3) mesoderm 4) indifferent gonads

17. Androgens are secreted by 1) Leydig cells 2) Sertoli cells 3) tunica albuginea 4) spermatogenic cysts

7 18. Hair and mammary gland develop from: 1) epidermis 2) dermis 3) interaction of epidermis and dermis 4) basement membrane of the skin.

19. Snakes can swallow animals larger than the diameter of their heads because they: 1) cannot chew or tear their prey 2) open their mouths wide 3) have a flexible sternum 4) have movable bones in their jaw and head.

20. Digestive system of which of the given mammals lacks a caecum? 1) Shrew 2) Elephant 3) Lion 4) Horse

21. Match the following and select the correct option from the key given below. A B i) Ground foraging species a) Sharp hooked beaks ii) Raptorial birds b) strong thick legs iii) Seed eating birds c) muscular gizzard iv) Fruit eating birds d) Strong talons e) Sharp long beaks Key 1) i)—b); ii)—a); iii)—e); iv)—d). 2) i)—e); ii)—a); iii)—c); iv)—b). 3) i)—b); ii)—d); iii)—c); iv)—a). 4) i)—b); ii)—c); iii)—a); iv)—e).

22. Pick out the false statement 1) The teeth of scoliodon are not meant for mastication but only to prevent the escape of prey. 2) The internal surface of the intestine of the scoliodon is increased because of the presence of the spiral valve. 3) Digestion in scoliodon starts in the buccal cavity 4) The secretion of the mucous glands in the pharynx of the scoliodon has no digestive function.

23. Match the following organs with their functions: Organs Functions i) Rumen a) Fluid is absorbed ii) Reticulum b) Protozoa and bacteria are destroyed by HCl iii) Omasum c) Food lies in this chamber iv) Abomasum d) Food is masticated e) Fermentation takes place Key 1) i)—e); ii)—a); iii)—b); iv)—c) 2) i)—b); ii)—c); iii)—a); iv)—d) 3) i)—b); ii)—e); iii)—d); iv)—a) 4) i)—e); ii)—c); iii)—a); iv)—b) 8 24. Arrange the path of blood flow in air breathing squamates in a correct sequence and choose the answer from the key given below. a) After crossing the muscular ridge the blood enters the cavum pulmonale from cavum venosum b) Enters pulmonary artery c) The venous blood from the right atrium enters cavum venosum d) Goes to the lungs e) Crosses interventricular canal to reach the two aortic arches f) Blood from the left atrium enters cavum arteriosum Key 1) c), a), d), e), b), f) 2) c), a) b), d), f), e) 3) a), f), c), d), e), b) 4) b), a), c), e), d) f)

25. The excretory organ in Herdmania is : 1) solenocyte 2) neural gland 3) metanephridium 4) kidney

26. Calcitonin is secreted by: 1) thyroid gland 2) parathyroid gland 3) beta cells of pancreas 4) alpha cells of pancreas

27. Which hormone promotes the growth of alveoli in the mammary gland? 1) Estrgen 2) Androgen 3) Progesterone 4) None of the above

28. Oligodendrites in the nervous system 1) are microglial cells 2) coat the axons of nerve cells outside the brain 3) coat the axons of nerve cells in the brain 4) help to repair the nervous tissue

29. The cerebrospinal fluid is formed from the 1) brain 2) spinal cord 3) blood 4) all of the above

30. In mammals which of the organs have only sympathetic innervation? 1) adrenals and sweat glands 2) ovaries and testes 3) stomach and intestines 4) kidney and pancreas

9 31. Which of the following is not a function of parasympathetic system? 1) Dilation of the blood vessels 2) Dilation of the pupil 3) Contraction of the bladder 4) Increase in salivary secretion

32. The resolution of the eye depends on the 1) more cone cells 2) more rod cells 3) density of rods and cones both 4) size of the pupil.

33. Which of the following is a function of neuromast cells in fishes? 1) Helps in changing skin colour 2) Responsible for schooling behaviour 3) Carry sensory impulses through optic nerve 4) Carry sensory impulses through the vagus nerve.

34. Which of the following statements is false 1) Phylogenetically bone appeared before cartilage though embryologically cartilage appears earlier. 2) The protein found in bone is collagen and the matrix and the inorganic matter is mostly magnesium phosphate 3) The bone secreting cells are called oesteoblasts 4) The protein forming cartilage is chondrin

35. During evolution of terrestrial vertebrates the structures of the visceral skeleton are retained as 1) ribs 2) nasal bones 3) optic capsule and nasal bones 4) jaws, middle ear and floor of the buccal cavity

36. The condition where the jaw is directly attached to the skull is known as 1) autosistylic suspensorium 2) hyostylic suspensorium 3) autostylic suspensorium 4) amphistylic suspensorium

37. In procoelous vertebra the centrum is 1) concave anteriorly and convex posteriorly 2) convex in the front and concave behind 3) saddle shaped 4) dumbbell shaped

38. The point of attachment of the forelimb to the wrist is the 1) phalanges 2) radius 3) carpals 4) metacarpals

39. The roof and sides of the skull of frog are covered by a composite pair of bones known as 1) parasphenoid 2) frontoparietals 3) premaxilla 4) sphenethmoid 10 40. The urophysis secrete hormones that regulate 1) osmotic and reproductive function in fishes 2) osmoregulation in amphibians 3) reproductive functions in reptiles 4) reproduction in all vertebrates

41. The development of the song system in the brain of song birds is influenced primarily by 1) environment 2) age of the bird 3) hormones 4) ability to learn

42. Pick out the false statement 1) Taxes are regarded as the properties of the organism’s inherited receptors and neural connections. 2) Instinctive behaviour is triggered off by certain cues or stimuli. 3) Reflexes are always invariable responses to a set stimulus. 4) Fixed action pattern is played out to completion once it is activated by a simple cue.

43. Pick out the correct statement regarding innate behaviour. 1) Innate behaviour is performed correctly only after several trials. 2) Reward and punishment can condition innate behaviour. 3) Innate behaviour has the capacity to makes connections between old and new stimulus. 4) Innate behaviour is independent of experiences and always performed correctly the first time.

44. Which of the following is an example of imprinting? 1) Baby shrews hold on to the fur of their sibling or the mother. 2) A monkey climbs on to a window ledge to open the window. 3) The dog salivates on seeing food. 4) Birds disregard the scarecrow standing in the field.

45. Which of the following behaviour is important in establishing dominance hierarchies? 1) Monogamy 2) Polygamy 3) Agonistic 4) Polyandry

46. Sex pheromones used by animals to mark territory is an example of 1) visual signal 2) chemical signal 3) tactile signal 4) none of the above

47. The white colour of the arctic hare is an example of 1) warning coloration 2) protective coloration 3) mimicry 4) disruptive coloration

48. The chemical that is responsible for bioluminescence is 1) luciferase 2) luciferin 3) acetylcholine 4) acetyl coenzyme A 11 49. Longer legs in proportion to the rest of the body and longer distal segments in comparison to proximal segment in the limb is found in animals showing 1) scansorial locomotion 2) volant locomotion 3) cursorial locomotion 4) saltation and bipedal running

50. Which of the following statements is false? 1) Polygyny is more common in animals as the females take care of young ones. 2) Monogamy is more common in those animals where both parents take care of the young ones. 3) Monogamy is more common in mammals than in birds. 4) Birds that show polyandry have conspicuous and flashy females.


Enrolment No. Programme : B.Sc. Name & Course Code : LSE-10 Address Assignment Code: LSE-10/AST-3/CMA-1/2003 (Block Letters)

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