Welcome to the 2008-09 School Year! We Are Truly Looking Forward to Working with the Students

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Welcome to the 2008-09 School Year! We Are Truly Looking Forward to Working with the Students

Welcome to the 2008-09 school year! We are truly looking forward to working with the students and with you this year.

With the opening days of school upon us, the students seem eager to reconnect with each other. In addition to stepping up to work with the freshmen as Freshman Contacts, the seniors have set goals for their class and are committed to helping to promote all of the great qualities of this community. The sophomores and juniors are also ready to contribute their hard work and enthusiasm to make this a great year.

We’ve been busy at school this summer; a list of the physical plant improvements appears in this newsletter. From painting to classroom renovations to the locker room makeover – everything we do is for the purpose of providing the best possible facility to complement our excellent academic and extracurricular program. We will also continue to focus on improving student learning through the Professional Learning Community model we launched last year.

As we unveil new and improved locker rooms and classrooms with Smart technology, we also recall the spiritual component of our mission. As we join this year in the Catholic Church’s celebration of the Jubilee year of St. Paul, we will strive to learn more about being disciples as we honor the “Apostle to the Gentiles.”

Finally, I want to encourage you – parents and guardians – to be active in the life of the school. Please consider supporting the Parent Club activities (including the 25th Saturday Night Live), the Tomahawk club and the Music Boosters; come to see games, concerts, and plays whenever you can. Teenagers need you more than ever, and you will make a difference!

Please feel free to contact me at x113 or [email protected].

Sincerely, Margaret Williamson, Principal

Calling All Cooks (and Those Who Love to Eat): Don’t Miss the Annual Parents’ Club Potluck Supper!

As our children begin a new school year, this is a time for new beginnings for parents, too – whether you are brand new to Northwest or have been around for years. Take this opportunity to enjoy a night off from your own kitchen! Come to school on Monday, Sept. 15, at 6:45pm to learn more about the coming school year and to meet fellow parents. Bring your appetite, and please bring something to share, as well; here’s how you can contribute:

Last name begins with: Please bring: A-F Main dish or casserole G-M Vegetable, salad or side N-S Hors d’oeuvre T-Z Dessert

1 Volume XII – Number One – September 2008 Michelle M. Murphy, Director of Communications Summer Improvements

Contractors were everywhere at Northwest Catholic during the summer of 2008! As part of our ongoing classroom renovation program, the 100 Hall is now complete, as Rooms 103 and 104 were renovated. These classrooms have been completely updated with new ceilings, new floors, new lighting, new shades, new whiteboards and new Smart Boards.

You may not recognize the lockers rooms this fall! They have been completely redone with new lighting, new lockers, new flooring, a new paint job, new whiteboards and bulletin boards, and new air exchange units. Our athletes now have first-class locker rooms to match the first-class manner in which they represent our school.

Other improvements to the physical plant and grounds include the following:  The skylights in the Johnson Gymnasium have been replaced.  The bleachers in the Johnson Gymnasium have been reinforced and repaired.  The floors in the Johnson and Stosuy Gyms have been refinished.  The lacrosse/football practice field has been reseeded.  New drains have been added to the softball field and football field.  A new meeting room for coaches has been set up in the boys’ locker room.

Technology Update

Improvements to our technology continued apace this summer, as well.  Rooms 103 and 104 now have Smart Boards and whiteboards.  The school’s server was upgraded to accommodate the increasing demands for connectivity.  Office 2007 is being installed on new computers and on some older ones, as well.  More teachers have received laptops as part of our program that enables teachers to use these tools to enhance their classroom instruction.

Important Corrections

 In the July Parent Press, the names of Matthew Collins ’09 and Brendan Lemp ’10 were inadvertently omitted from the list of Varsity Golf team players who were named All-State.  Kelsey Cahalan ’08 was one of three co-captains for the Varsity Girls’ Lacrosse team; the list in the Sports Awards section of the July Parent Press inadvertently listed only the two other co- captains, Taylor Knortz ‘08 and Ashley Mara ‘08.  The reunions for the Classes of ’68, ’98, and ’03 will be held on Friday, Nov. 28, 2008; the master school calendar had an incorrect date.

Notification of Asbestos Report and Use of Pesticides

2 In compliance with AHEREA regulations, we are required to inform all parents, teachers, and employees associated with Northwest Catholic High School of the Asbestos Inspection Report and Management Plan. This Report/Plan is on file in the school office and is available for review by any parent, teacher, etc. during normal business hours of the school. If you wish to review the file, please make your request to Vice Principal Richard Callahan.

Northwest Catholic is required byWelcome Public Act to99-165 New to Facultyissue a statement & Coaches! of policy regarding the application of pesticides. An integrated pest management plan is in place for Northwest Catholic, requiring alternative methods be Asemployed we begin beforethe 2008-09 using school pesticides. year, Wheneverplease join itus is as deemed we warmly necessary welcome to apply the following pesticides, people it will to be our done faculty during … a period when school is not in session. Any individuals who wish to be notified may register in the Main Office during regular business hours. Nita Beeman joins our Social Studies Department. She is a double graduate of the University of Connecticut, where she earned her BA degree in History and Anthropology and her Master’s degree in History, with a focus on 20th Century U.S. Foreign Policy. Ms. Beeman has been an adjunct professor in History and Political Science at Quinsigamond Community College in Massachusetts.

Kara Kulpa is the newest member of our English Department. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in English at St. Joseph College in West Hartford and a Master’s degree in English (with a focus on British/French Medieval Literature) from Southern Connecticut State University. Previously, she was a teaching assistant in the Writing Center at St. Joseph College.

… and coaching staffs:

Mike Cunningham will add the role of Head Coach of the Junior Varsity Girls’ Soccer team to his coaching duties at Northwest Catholic this year. A graduate of Berlin High School and Eastern Connecticut State University, Mike currently works as a physical education teacher and Director of Athletic activities at Solomon Schecter Day School in West Hartford. In the spring, he will begin his third year as the Junior Varsity Baseball Coach.

Sue Feola takes over as the Head Field Hockey coach for Jill Mullady, who remains the Head Girls’ Lacrosse coach. Coach Feola was a longtime member of the Girls’ Basketball program under former Head Coach Craig Tanner. Sue and her husband Dan have four daughters: Alyssa ’04, Anastasia ’08, Antonina ’11, and Athena, entering 5th grade.

Mike Johnson ‘04 begins his fourth year as an assistant in the Boys’ Basketball program, having served two years as an Assistant Coach under Varsity Coach John Mirabello and one year as the team manager and statistician for the Boys’ Basketball program during the 2003 Class L State Championship season. Mike was also an outstanding player in the NWC baseball program.

Keelan Wentworth ’02 returns to the Northwest Catholic community as an Assistant Girls’ Soccer coach after a very successful career playing for the NWC Girls Soccer program. She is a 2006 graduate of Anna Maria College, where she received a B.A. in Human Development and Human Services and was a member of the Woman’s Soccer program. Currently, Keelan works as a teacher for the Little Lambs and Ivy Daycare program in Simsbury.

Patrick Williamson ‘99 returns to the coaching staff after completing his first season last year under the watchful eye of Head Track Coach Jeff Przech ’92. Patrick was an integral part of the coaching staff that led the 2007-08 Girls’ Outdoor Track team to their first league championship in school history. A veteran of many triathlons and Iron Man competitions, Patrick’s enthusiasm and passion for coaching has been a wonderful addition to our community. Patrick will also serve as an assistant coach with our Cross-Country program. He was a member of the Class of ‘03 at Fordham University.

Jennifer Vasquez works for United Technology Corporation as a Financial Analyst. Jennifer Vasquez works as a financial analyst for United Technologies. She earned her B.S. and MBA from the University of Hartford, where she completed her studies in 2006. Jennifer joins Coach Pat Douglas’s program after many years of playing volleyball throughout Connecticut.

And, a very special welcome to two new faculty babies born this summer!

 Mya Rose Montoney is the new daughter of science teacher Jennifer Montoney and her husband Matthew. 3 Born on June 18, Mya weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19 inches long. She has a proud big sister, Annabella.  Charles Peter Avery is the newborn son of Dan and Sara Demos Avery. Charles was born on August 5, Faculty News

Paul Fitzpatrick, a history and government teacher at Northwest Catholic for the past nine years, has been named Chairman of the Social Studies Department. A 1986 graduate of the College of the Holy Cross, Mr. Fitzpatrick also earned a Master’s degree from the University of Texas (Austin) in 1989. This past June, he was one of the readers of the national A.P. U.S. Government and Politics exam – the first NWC teacher ever tapped for the prestigious role of A.P. exam reader.

Karl Herbert -- a familiar face in the NWC basketball program, where he has previously been an assistant to Coach John Mirabello and just completed his first year as Head Girls’ Varsity Coach – will take on additional duties this year as the moderator of the Black History Club and as the school’s cultural competency specialist. He will meet as needed with students in the Black History Club to discuss issues of importance and to plan for speakers and other presentations, including a schoolwide assembly in February. He will also serve as a resource for students, teachers, and staff on issues related to cultural understanding.

Traffic and Schedule Reminders

Please remember that left-hand turns from Wampanoag Drive onto North Main Street are not permitted between 7:30 and 8:00 am and between 2:00 and 2:30 pm. We request this for reasons of safety and to facilitate the flow of traffic to and from school during very busy times. Please turn right onto North Main Street during these windows of time and go around the block; it will be much safer and quicker for you in the long run. You may also consider using the pathway to NWC that’s located on Sheep Hill Drive as a place to pick up or drop off your student – and to avoid traffic. Please cooperate to help ease congestion and to ensure safety. Thank you!

Also please remember that students are meant to be in homeroom by 7:50 each morning. Although homeroom is not a credit-bearing class, it is an important part of the school day – it’s not only when announcements are made and students receive messages, but it also sets the overall tone for the day. Excessive tardiness is penalized by detention, as per the Student Handbook, and tardiness and absences become part of the student’s permanent record. Punctuality is part of the personal development of Northwest students; we appreciate your cooperation in ensuring that your students arrive at school on time.

The 25th Saturday Night Live: November 22, 2008! Kickoff Planning Meeting: Wednesday, September 10

Incredibly, Saturday Night Live – NWC’s beloved fund-raising extravaganza – will turn 25 this year! Mark your calendar now and plan to be part of the very special silver jubilee version of SNL on Saturday, Nov. 22. If you’ve been before, you can count on enjoying all the familiar favorites … but with a silver, black and white twist! And if you (or out-of-state friends and relatives) can’t come in person, you can always participate virtually by bidding on some of the spectacular silent auction items (many with a silver theme) at www.nwcsnl.com. But we need your help! Parents started SNL back in 1973 – and we need current parents to keep it going strong! One way to help is by donating goods or services to the Silent Auction – we are ready to take your donations ASAP. (The sooner, the better, so we can get them up on the SNL web site; contact Maribeth Mortillaro at [email protected] or 658-7577.) Come to the first planning

4 meeting on Sept. 10 to find out other ways to volunteer. For more info, contact SNL co-chairs Carol Ciotto (216-6028)or Gail Riley (242-1120).

Students: Sign Up Now to Get Early Bird Price for Catholic Youth Spectacular

The third annual Catholic Youth Spectacular sponsored by the Archdiocese of Hartford will be held on Sun., Oct. 4, from 9am-6pm, at Holiday Hills in Cheshire. Last year’s event was very powerful for those who attended, and this year’s promises to be even better. This is a day that is not to be missed. Look for registration forms on Edline and outside the Campus Ministry Office. For more information, contact Mrs. Gillespie ([email protected] or 236-4221, x134).

Parents’ Club Officer Needed

The Parents’ Club is still looking for someone to co-chair the Hospitality Committee with Cindy Gworek; if you’re interested, or for more information, please contact Mrs. Williamson at [email protected] or 236-4221, x113. Thank you!

Introducing “SchoolReach” – New Method of Parent Contact

In our continuing effort to improve communications with parents, we have decided to institute a telephone broadcast system called SchoolReach later this fall. Details about how this will work will be forthcoming, but essentially, this system will allow NWC to notify all parents via phone within minutes of an emergency, an early dismissal, or cancellation of school events. We will not use this system for snow cancellations that are made the night before or very early in the morning of a snow day; please continue to check TV, radio, the internet, Edline, the school web site, and/or call the school for a recorded message.

School Spirit Awaits You! Get Involved with the Tomahawk Club!

The Tomahawk Club is our parents’ booster group, and we are always looking for volunteers who would like to help with our Pep Shop (where we sell a variety of Northwest logo-ed clothing and other paraphernalia) or with concession sales at games and other school events. To find out more, please contact Tomahawk Club President Carol Ciotto ([email protected] or 216-6028), or come to one of our meetings (dates will be posted on Edline). Go Northwest!

Do You Love Northwest Catholic? Do You Love to Talk on the Phone?

We could use your help! The Advancement Office is looking for energetic volunteers for our Annual Fund phonathons, which will be held on Sunday, Oct. 26 (3-8pm) & Monday, Oct 27 (5-8pm). Don’t worry: The work is really not scary – plus, we’ll train you and feed you dinner. If you’re interested, please contact Jane Leary at [email protected] or 236-4221, x131. 5

Mark Your Calendars!

Thursday, Sep. 4: Chemical Health Policy/Required Team Meeting, 6:30pm (All Fall athletes and their parents must attend)

Monday, Sept. 15 – Parents’ Club Potluck/Opening Meeting, 6:45pm Monday, Oct. 20 – Parents’ Club Meeting, special time 7:00pm Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009 – Parents’ Club Meeting, 7:30pm Monday, Mar. 16 -- Parents’ Club Meeting (tentative) Monday, May 18 – Parents’ Club Meeting, 7:30pm Tuesday, Jun. 9 – Parents’ Club Picnic (tentative date)

Non-profit Org. Northwest Catholic High School U.S. Postage 29 Wampanoag Drive PAID West Hartford, CT 06117 Hartford, CT Permit No. 246


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