Markfield Parish Council

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Markfield Parish Council


Present: Councillors Mr. M R Lay, Mr. R Browning, Mrs E A Cook, Mr B Gannon, Mrs M Gondolo-Gordon, Mrs A Lay and Mr S Russell.

Apologies: Mr. D A Sprason and Mr Bradley.

Absent: Nil There was one member of the public present.

1. PRAYERS; Mrs Lay


There was one amendment to last months minutes (see Matters Arising –minute ref. 5.3.1) Resolved, the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th June 2007 were confirmed and signed by the chair.


Interests were declared as follows:-

Mr M Lay declared an interest as an elected member who served as Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Councillor.


PC J Astley gave the following report; There had been two burglaries from dwellings, one attempted burglary from a garden shed and damage had been caused to a resident’s fence panels. There had been two vehicles stolen and seven thefts from vehicles; four of these were from unsecured vehicles and two other vehicles had been damaged.

Mr Lay again reported the problems of Anti Social Behaviour currently being experienced by residents of the Nook, Oakfield Avenue/Main Street and the adjacent footpaths; PC Astley agreed to ensure that these areas would be patrolled regularly and she also agreed to inform CSO. Stanhope.

Mrs Cook asked PC Astley if she had been made aware of the invitation extended to a member of the local Police Authority to attend a meeting with residents of Markfield Court. PC Astley stated that she hadn’t been aware of this but would attempt to take the matter forward.

4.1 Launde Road Open Space Area (Field Head) Mr Browning reported the discovery, at the Annual Parish Risk Assessment, of what appeared to be an apparent hideout for anti social behaviour under cover of dense shrubs and trees adjacent to the corner of the footpath leading Link Rise; PC Astley agreed to investigate the site.

Resolved, the Parish Council agreed that Mr Cooper should cut back the trees as soon as possible in order to alleviate the potential anti-social behaviour hazard.


5.1 Standards Board for England guidance on the Revised Member’s Code of Conduct. Each member of the Parish Council was issued with a copy of the guide at the meeting.

5.2 Vacancy of Parish Councillor The clerk had displayed notices advertising the vacancy on the Parish Notice boards and website. The closing date had been 22nd June 2007. There was one applicant; Mrs J Williams Resolved, Mrs Williams was elected as Parish Councillor for Markfield.

5.3 “Welcome to Markfield,”damaged road-side sign. Mr Lay stated that the Highways Department and ordered the sign which was still awaiting replacement. 5.3.1 Markfield Lane/Ratby Lane junction – missing road-side sign. Mr Gannon had reported that these signs were missing. The clerk would inform the Highways Department.

5.4 Commemorative Village Sign. The Deputy Clerk had made some initial enquiries for some types of Commemorative Signage. Littlethorpe; on average their types of Oak signs would cost round £8 000-£9,000exc. VAT. depending upon design. Timescale: around six months to build and install.

Insignia: Did not respond to our request.

Village & Urban: Did not respond to our request.

Fitzpatrick Woolmer; on average their types of signs would cost a maximum of £7500 exc. VAT.

Resolved in principle, the Deputy Clerk should make further enquiries from Fitzpatrick Woolmer to see if one sign could be designed, built and installed for a maximum cost of £3000.00 exc. VAT. Mr Gannon suggested that the Parish Council should liaise with the Local History Group for potential designs for insignia/crest.

5.6 Laptop The clerk had ordered a Inspiron 6400 Laptop Computer from Dell UK at a cost of £369.00 exc. VAT plus MacAfee Security Centre.


6.1 Decriminalised Parking Mr Lay reminded the Parish Council that the new scheme would come into force on the 16th July 2007.

6.1.1 Traffic Regulation Order TM2004/1/2006 – No Waiting Time Restrictions relating to Warner July 2007 23 Close junction with Main Street.

The clerk had obtained the original proposal dated 23rd June 2006 (July 20006 minute 212) and after consideration the parish council agreed that he current implementation of this order by the Department of Highways complied with the order.

6.1.2 Traffic Regulation Order relating to Main Street junction with London Road and Forest Road.

The clerk stated that she was no longer in possession of this order as it must have been over two years ago; she would seek clarification of the current Waiting Restrictions on these roads from the Department of Highways at the County Council.

6.1.3 Car Park, Main Street. Mr Lay reported that the lighting to the car park had been found to be inadequate by current regulations.

6.1.4 Advertising board on the footpath outside Bradgate Estate Agents. Several members of the Parish Council had received complaints from wheel-chair, push-chair and mobility scooter users about the board obstructing the footpath. Mrs Goddard had taken the matter up with the proprietors who had informed her that the board had been placed there to prevent vehicles mounting the pavement when using the chip shop next door. Mr Sprason had previously agreed to follow the matter up with the Department of Highways at the County Council.

6.2 CISWO (Coal Industry and Social Welfare Organisation) Miners’ Welfare Institute Mr Lay had received a letter from the Solicitors at the Borough Council stating that in their legal opinion a proportion of any proceeds from the sale of the Institute and land should come to benefit the parish of Markfield. It was thought that 50% would be an appropriate claim for a charitable organisation such as Markfield Community Centre Association to apply for.

Mr Lay reported that CISWO would possibly apply for planning permission to ensure that the land was eligible for development before being sold onto a developer. If this was the case then Mr Lay stated that it would be advisable for the parish or charitable organisation to engage a solicitor specialising in charity law to ensure that any proceeds would come to Markfield.

Mrs Lay asked if any developer had put in a bid for the land. Mr Lay stated that there were no bids for the land by anyone at this time.

6.3 Proposed relocation of Recycling Bins – Imly (formerly The George Inn), Main Street. Ongoing. 6.4 Parish Community Initiative Fund. Mr Lay informed the Parish Council that the Markfield Court Residents Association had successfully bid for £10 000 funding towards the cost of refurbishing the Community Hall.

July 2007 24 7 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT (Written report)

7.1 Blacksmiths Field; Mr Sprason reported that Altar Stones Lane field would be taken over by the Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust at the end of the financial year, they would maintain it from then as they do with Blacksmiths Field.

7.2 Local Policing. Mr Sprason had been informed of yet another Police change at Hinckley with an Inspector Ball replacing Inspector Hall

7.3 Markfield 2nd Guides – Shire Grant Funding; Mr Sprason reported that he had again signed off the Shire Grant application to the 2nd Markfield Guides for £475; they were proving to be a real asset for the village doing lots of surveys from a young person’s perspective.

7.4 South Charnwood School – School Maintenance Fund; Mr Sprason reported that £25,000 from the School Maintenance fund had been allocated to South Charnwood School this is for replacement windows. The new classrooms would also be installed over the summer ready for the new School year in September.

7.5 Barnett Funding Formula; Mr Sprason stated that Leicestershire and the Local government Association were lobbying the new government even harder to have the current outdated and complicated Barnett funding formula reviewed. The formula was introduced in the 70’s when Leicestershire was a wealthy manufacturing county this had now changed to a low wage economy; a new formula must address this and answer the ‘West Lothian Question’.

7.6 Charnwood Forest; The future of Charnwood Forest is currently being reviewed with the possibility of it being part of the Regional Forest, consultation would take place over the next three months.

7.7 Forthcomming events; The York Waits Mr Sprason informed the members that one of the country’s top early music groups, The York Waits, was set to perform at Donington le Heath Manor House on Sunday 8 July 2007. Tickets were £12, concessions £10 and children and students £8.

The Big Wild Read at Markfield Library 7th July to 8th September 2007; The read was a free reading challenge for children aged 4 - 12.


8.1 Planters; Main Street Mr Pattuzzi had planted a formal Summer Bedding Scheme in the planters as requested. The Borough Council were watering the planters twice weekly, as requested.

8.2 Open Spaces – Land 0ff Launde Road (Field Head). The members, who had attended the Annual Risk Assessment on 30th June 2007 had inspected the site and discussed the appropriate course of action to be taken regarding a resident who was propping up their fence with wooden stakes thus making it difficult to mow this area. Resolved, the clerk should write to the resident concerned on Link Rise to request that the stakes be removed before 30th August 2007. If the stakes remained in place at the next parish council meeting the parish council would pass a resolution to get the stakes removed and invoice the resident for any costs incurred for the removal.


9.1 Memorial Applications. Headstone - J Thomas Bronze Plaques – Garden of Remembrance - M Wardle -R Heywood. Resolved, the memorials were accepted.

9.2 Extension of consecrated burial ground The clerk had spoken to a Solicitor, Mr T Kirkman MA, the Leicestershire Diocesan Registrar. He had enclosed a general explanation of the consecration procedure and information sheet detailing the documentary and other requirements for consecration of an area within a cemetery. The estimated the costs would be £300 plus VAT. In addition, if the land concerned had a title registered at H M Land Registry, the Parish Council would need to obtain documents and searches from the Registry for which the Registry’s present fees would be approximately £12. Resolved the Parish Council decided to proceed and to let Mr Kirkman have the title deeds on loan with the planning permission for use oft he land as a cemetery. He would then prepare the Petition (application) and return it for signing as the petitioners.

9.3 Sunken Grave;

A letter from a family member was received regarding a grave that appeared to be sinking and headstone leaning. The Deputy Clerk wrote to Richard Cooper to ascertain a cost. A charge of £10.00 exc.VAT was suggested and therefore taken up.

July 2007 26 10 COMMUNITY CENTRE

A Manager’s Report was not available this month;

10.1 Office Extension It had been agreed at the Parish Council meeting held June 2007, that tenders should be obtained from the Borough Council’s Approved Contractors list. The centre manager would obtain quotations on a design and build basis only and all electrical works should be included. The tenders would be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting. This matter had to be held in abeyance until the September 2007 Parish Council meeting, as there were no quotations available to the Parish Council to discuss.

10.2 MUGA It had been noted at the Annual Parish Council Risk Assessment that some pieces of the wooden trim around top of boarding needed replacing and other pieces needed re-fixing in place to make more secure. Mrs Goddard would ask J L Wait to undertake these repairs.

10.3 Skate Park The Parish Council accepted the recommendation from Annual Risk Assessment that Mrs Goddard should obtain three quotations for: – Complete refurbishment of the current surfacing and structural improvements as required, – Possible replacement of the skate park.

10.4 Gas Central Heating Mrs Goddard had contacted Gasforce Limited to take up the matter of the malfunctioning Actuator. She was told by the company that the Actuator was working but found to be hanging loosely by their engineer, when installing the new boiler system. This was discussed with Centre Management at the time and as it was not part of the works stated under the remit of the quotation; Gasforce Ltd were instructed to leave it as it was found. The Thermostats were also left in a working order.

After further consideration it was agreed that Mr Lay, Mr Gannon and Mr Russell would speak to staff to understand how they were operating the system in order to ascertain weather the problems were operational or mechanical. If operational the Centre Manager would be requested to arrange for the appropriate training as soon as possible.

10.5 Markfield Village Fete and the Community Centre’s 20th Anniversary Event Mr Lay on behalf of the Parish Council thanked Markfield Community Centre Association and all of the other volunteers involved in the success of the Anniversary Event and particularly the Firework display by “Rocketmen Fireworks”. The clerk pointed out that the Parish Council had previously resolved to donate £500.00 towards the Firework display, which had cost £2000.00 in total. Markfield Community Centre Association had paid £400.00 deposit in May 2007, when the contract was signed by the Manager of the Centre. Due to the fact that the company were threatening to cancel the event as they had not been paid in full one week prior to the event, as agreed with the centre manager; the clerk had felt pressured into paying the outstanding balance of £1600.00 as a matter of urgency, so that the display could go ahead as advertised. July 2007 27 Resolved, Mr Lay on behalf of the organisers of the event would arrange for the sponsors to reimburse the Parish Council a total of £1500.00. Further resolved, when the above amount has been received in full, the Parish Council would pay over £400.00 to reimburse Markfield Community Centre Association. 10.6 Lease Payments – MCA The clerk stated that the lease payments had been paid to October 2006, therefore nine months were now due to the Parish Council - £4 500. Mrs Gondola-Gordon as the Parish Council representative on Markfield Community Centre Association agreed to raise the matter at the next MCA meeting.


11.1 Playground inspection and maintenance The Deputy Clerk reported that the inspection had been undertaken on June 2007, the following defects were found:  Spiders Web: Loose fittings at the base; The Borough Council had now tightened the bolts to rectify the problem at a cost of £76.00 exc. VAT. It had been now inspected again and found to be safe

 Four Seater Swings: Wet Pour Safety Surfacing had become worn underneath the swings and was in need of resurfacing and two of the seats were broken, if purchased from the Borough Council, who held these items in stock; the cost would be £25.00 each. A quote of £336.00 exc. VAT had been obtained from Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council to carry out the Wet Pour repairs and supply and fit the two flat swing seats.

The Deputy Clerk had obtained another quote from Wicksteed for two Rubber Seats £24.00 exc. VAT each plus £11.50 carriage but the Parish Council would need to arrange for the proper installation.

Resolved, the parish council agreed to the replacement of the Wet Pour Surfacing and seats by the Borough Council.


12.1 Management Committee Meeting The next meeting would be held on 17th July 2007.

12.2 Convector Heaters for the changing rooms N S A Electrical Limited completed works on 25th June 2007.

12.3 Cubicle toilet The toilet was still awaiting delivery; Mrs Goddard would take the matter up with the Committee. 12.3.1 New Flooring – Cubicle toilet The members who attended the Annual Parish Council Risk assessment felt that it would be strongly advisable for the management committee to arrange for the second cubicle toilet floor to be installed

July 2007 28 professionally and should arrange for quotations to be obtained. 12.4 Periodic Electrical Inspection N S A Electrical Limited completed works on 25th June 2007

12.5 Football Pitch Maintenance J L Wait had completed the works to the two Goal Posts repairs and re-setting at a cost of £249.00 exc. VAT. J L Wait had completed the works to repair and rebuild the Dugouts at a cost of £238.00 exc. VAT.

12.6 Hiring out the Pavilion for functions/meetings. The Parish Council had agreed to help to smarten up the interior so that income could be generated for the Jubilee Playing Fields. The Deputy Clerk should obtain quotations for blinds for the windows, look into the costs of repainting and possibly purchase two more tables from ESPO. 12.6.1 Blinds – “Rolla-blinds”

Karens Blinds £260.00 exc. VAT Blinds Direct £360.00 Inc. VAT Todays Blinds £320.00 Inc.VAT

The Deputy clerk agreed to obtain quotations to supply and fit “Venitian-blinds,” for comparison.

12.7 Flogas Ltd – propane gas tank

The gas tank was reported to be empty as the hot water had stopped coming through. Flogas Ltd had refilled the tank with 206 litres (capacity of 1200 litres); which confirmed that the tank was not empty and the internal tank gauge was found to be faulty and replaced with a new gauge. Mr Smart eventually found that the gas inlet switch had been switched off on the outside of the building, therefore confirming the actual cause for the fault.


1 The National Forest Forest Scene Summer 07 2 Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Smoke free England 3 Rural Community Council Village Voice Summer 07 4 Neighbourhood Watch Watch Word for Leicester & Leicestershire 5 Rural Community Council Suicide Awareness Resource Packs 6 National Memorial Arboretum Summer News 2007 7 Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council National Bike Week 2007 8 Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Hinckley & Bosworth Parishes Forum 9 Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council What’s going down 10 Leicester County Council Leicestershire Libraries Mobile Library Review 11 Leicestershire Crimestoppers Letter of thanks 12 Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Proms in the Park 2007 13 Trinity Hyundai Rally of the Midlands 14 Leaflets Summertime Music in Peckleton Pirate Adventures in your Town July 2007 29 Market Bosworth Festival 15 Leicestershire County Council LCC Markfield (London Rd) TPO 1974 16 Leicestershire County Council Midland Quarry Products Ltd. 17 Leicestershire County Council New Museums Guide 18 Leicester Parish Councils E-mail LRP Annual Conference – Invite 19 Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council H & B Community Plan 2007 – 2012 20 Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust Re Land behind Blacksmith’s Field NR 21 Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Expression of Interest – Land for Development 22 Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Standards Training 12 July 2007 23 Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Council Meeting – 26 June 2007 24 Leicestershire County Council Branchline 25 Leicestershire County Council Online Planning Service – Electronic Consultation 26 North West Leicestershire Local Development Framework 27 Hinckley & Bosworth Older Voices Over 50’s Day Friday 7th September 2007 Forum 28 CPRE – Countryside Voice Raffle Tickets 30 Rural Community Council Details of FLAG Grants The were two pieces of correspondence given to Mr Lay, which he presented to the Parish Council:

13.31 Cemetery Hedge adjacent to 6, 7 & 8 The Rushes- Carole Wood. A request to cut down the hedge to a low level. Resolved, the Parish Council agreed that the hedge should be maintained in accordance with the contractor’s maintenance contract and should not be cut to a lower level as the back gardens of the properties would be clearly visible to those attending the Cemetery and would therefore be visually intrusive to those cemetery users as well as the residents of these properties.

13.32 Highway Matters – Uneven footpath outside 21 Swithland Close to junction of Chitterman Way-Mrs Smith. Since the Department of Highways had resurfaced the footpath large puddles were accumulating after rain. The clerk would pass on the complaint to the relevant authority.



07/00393/CLU Certificate of Lawful existing Tomlinsons Patrick Godden use for Dog Training Upper Grange Farm Ratby Lane Markfield Leicester

07/00486/OUT Erection of 3 No dwellings with Land Adjacent Mr Martin Brown onsite covered parking to rear 8 Billa Barra Lane Markfield Leicestershire


07/00414/FUL Demolition of existing Coalbourne Cottage Mr Indi Johal swimming pool, garage and flat Whitwick Road roofed bay and erection of Copt Oak July 2007 30 extensions and alterations to Markfield dwelling Leicestershire

07/00454/FUL Extensions and alterations to Gattsbys Furniture Mr M Phillips business premises (revised 75 Ashby Road application) Markfield Leicestershire LE67 9UA

Mr Lay confirmed that the previous enforcement notices served on this company would remain in place until this development commenced. 07/00462/FUL Erection of Conservatory 61 Upland Drive Mr Peter Barrs Markfield Leicestershire LE67 9WF


2007/1550/02 Retrospective application to - Lawnwood Midland Quarry & defer the submission of - Bradgate Products Ltd 2007/0600/04 reserved matters and vary - Groby condition Nos. 5,6,7,8,9,and Quarries 10of Planning Permission Nos. 97/0615/02 and 97/0394/04

There were no objections to these applications.

15 Questions to the Chair Mr Browning reported that the drains on Main Street and Neville Drive appeared to be blocked by stone chippings and silt. The Deputy Clerk would contact the Highways Department to request that the drains be cleaned out. Mr Browning reported that the footway and steps adjacent to the property of 8 Dabey Close, had sunk and had become dangerously uneven. The Deputy Clerk would report the matter to the Highways Department. Mr Browning also stated that the steps from Dabey Close to Forest Road were in need of some maintenance, which was a matter for the Borough Council. Mrs Lay stated that she had received complaints about the weeds growing on the roadside of Park Avenue, it appeared that no weed control had been undertaken this year. The clerk would contact the Highways Department regarding this matter. Mr Gannon reported that the hedge adjacent to the footpath on the junction of Main Street and Ashby Road had again become overgrown and was causing an obstruction along the footpath. The clerk would contact the Borough Council and report the matter.


Resolved, the Income and Expenditure account was accepted.

July 2007 31 16.1 Approval of Annual Accounts and External Audit for Financial year ending 31.03.07 - UHY Hacker Young had given formal notification that the Annual Return should be completed by 29th June 2007. The clerk stated that The Notice of Appointment of Date for the Exercise of Elector’s Rights had been from the 18th May to 1st June 2007 inclusive. Copies of the Final Accounts, Bank Reconciliation to March 31st 2007 and Annual Return and other relevant documentation which were subject to audit, were circulated to each member of the Parish Council at the meeting.

Resolved unanimously, the accounts were approved and the Annual Return was signed by the chairman. The Annual governance statement was approved by the council and signed by the chairman.

Further Resolved, the Parish Council agreed the following funds should be allocated as Earmarked Expenditure, as stated on the Balance Sheet for 31st March 2007:  Pitch Drainage Project - £946.31  Community Centre Refurbishment/Extension Project - £25 000

16.2 Internal Audit to 31st March 2007 Mr I Fraser CIFA had undertaken the Internal Audit, on Wednesday 13th June 2007. A copy of his report and recommendations was circulated to each member at the meeting.

Resolved, the Report and Recommendations was accepted.

17. DATE OF THE NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday 4th September 2007 at 8 p.m. at the Methodist Chapel was agreed.

…………………… ……………………….. Signed, Chairman Date, 04.09.2007

July 2007 32

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