Kingstone and Thruxton Group Parish Council
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KINGSTONE AND THRUXTON GROUP PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk – Mrs R Craine, 48 Cottons Meadow, Kingstone, Hereford, HR2 9EW Telephone – 01981 250692 6 December 2016 To Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Kingstone and Thruxton Group Parish Council on Wednesday 14December 2016 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Kingstone, for the purpose of transacting the following business.
Rachel Craine R Craine, Clerk to the Council
AGENDA 1.0 To receive apologies for absence. 2.0 To approve and sign as correct the Minutes of the meeting of 9 November 2016. (Already circulated). 3.0 To Co-Opt a Parish Councillor. 4.0 Declarations of Interest & Dispensations. To receive declarations of interest & to consider any written applications for dispensation 5.0 Public Question Time. Designated period of 10 minutes to accommodate members of the public who may wish to either raise or ask the Parish Council questions 6.0 Local Police Report. 7.0 Report from Ward Councillor Mr Jon Johnson. 8.0 Village Hall Committee Report. 9.0 Sports Association Report. 10.0 Lengthsman/P3 Scheme Report. 11.0 Finance. To consider invoices: Clerk’s wages. Other: Letter of thanks from Dore Transport. Bank Balances. 12.0 Planning. Already considered: APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: 163394 - Derwent, Kingstone, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9HD DESCRIPTION: Proposed first floor extension and slight increase in existing ground floor area of garage and utility. APPLICATION NO & SITE ADDRESS: 163370 - Stoney Court Poultry Ltd, Stone Street, Madley, Hereford, Herefordshire HR2 9NH DESCRIPTION: Redevelopment of Existing Poultry Unit Involving the Decommissioning of 4 No. Existing Poultry Buildings and the Erection of 8 No. Replacement Poultry Units Together with Associated Infrastructure of Feed Bins, Site Office, Hard Standings and Drainage Attenuation Pond – Amended. 13.0 To consider letter re: Brightwell’s, Stoney Street. 14.0 To consider letter re: Treasurer for Village Hall. 15.0 Update on obtaining a defibrillator. 16.0 Update on Parish freight. 17.0 Bull Ring update. 18.0 To note information sheet. Sheet to include update on previous action points and a list of correspondence received 19.0 Matters notified to Clerk for agenda of next meeting. 20.0 Date and time of next meeting.
Members of the public and press are cordially invited to attend. INFORMATION SHEET
CORRESPONDENCE Broadband Survey Final bookings for 'Leading Lights' course this Thursday evening! Booking for HALC Conference & AGM 12-11-16 BTpayphones Consultation – Reminder Bin in Kingstone A couple of updates – J Johnson Postponement of SAM Allowances Scheme for Parish or Town Councillors Parish SIDs briefing note.pdf FREE Public Access Defibrillators on offer FREE Public Access Defibrillators on offer - A cautionary note Your Conversation - Healthwatch Survey Herefordshire Council Local Flood Risk Management Strategy: Public Consultation Refugee and Asylum Seeker update Annual Plan 2017/18 Informal Drop-In Session - Wednesday, 14 December 2016 between 2.00pm and 6.00pm Your chance to have your say on - The Marches Freight Strategy INVITATION TO WPD’S ANNUAL STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP Removal of 132 Public telephones in Herefordshire Last minute booking for planning course on Saturday! Neighbourhood Planning - Masters Dissertation Questionnaire Herefordshire Rural hub newsletter December 2016 more traffic – Stoney Street Kingstone lengthsman The Bull Ring Kingstone