The Boy on the Wooden Box
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The Boy on the Wooden Box
1) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how long has it been since the narrator saw Mr. Schindler?
Answer: P.1—Two decades
2) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what is the name of the man responsible for saving the narrator’s life?
Answer: P. 2—Oskar Schindler
3) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did he and his friends do for fun in the summer?
Answer: P. 5—They went swimming in the river.
4) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who helped Leon to make ice skates?
Answer: P. 6—His older brother Tsalig.
5) In The Boy on the Wooden Box which of Leon’s brothers fell through the thin ice?
Answer: P. 6—David
6) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what is Leon’s full name?
Answer: P. 7--Leib Lezjon
7) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who is Leib Lezjon now known as?
Answer: P. 7--Leon Leyson
8) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where was Leon born?
Answer: P. 7--Narewka, Poland
9) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how long had Leon’s ancestors lived in Narewka, Poland?
Answer: P. 7—They lived there for more than 200 years.
10) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what is Leon’s mother’s name?
Answer: p—7 Her name is Chanah.
11) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what does Shaina mean in Yiddish?
Answer: P. 7—It means “beautiful.” 12) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how many children do Leon’s parents have.
Answer: P. 9: They have five children.
13) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Leon’s father’s job?
Answer: P. 10 He was a machinist in a glass factory.
14) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where was the glass factory move to?
Answer: P. 11—Krakow, Poland.
15) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what are Leon’s brothers’ names?
Answer: P. 12-- Hershel, Tsalig and David.
16) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what is Leon’s sister’s name?
Answer: P. 13--: Pesza.
17) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what gifts do Leon and his brothers get from their father?
Answer: P. 13—Briefcases.
18) In The Boy on the Wooden Box which of Leon’s brothers goes to Krakow to work with his father?
Answer: Hershel
19) In The Boy on the Wooden Box which of Leon’s brothers builds a radio?
Answer: P. 15—Tsalig.
20) In The Boy on the Wooden Box which of Leon’s brothers was his closest companion?
Answer: P. 16—David.
21) In The Boy on the Wooden Box In The Boy on the Wooden Box what time of year did the Christians mistreat Jews?
Answer: P. 17—During Holy Week
22) In The Boy on the Wooden Box when did Jews observe the Sabbath?
Answer: P. 18-19: From sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.
23) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name for the Jewish school Leon went to?
Answer: P. 19—Heder. 24) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the dominant religion in Poland?
Answer: P. 19—Roman Catholicism.
25) In The Boy on the Wooden Box when did Leon’s home get electricity?
Answer: P. 21—1935.
26) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how many bedrooms did Leon’s house have?
Answer: P. 22—One.
27) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what language did the Jewish people speak at home?
Answer: P. 23—Yiddish.
28) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who did Leon’s grandfather lease land from?
Answer: P. 24—The Eastern Orthodox Church.
29) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Leon’s grandfather’s name?
Answer: P. 24—Jacob Meyer,
30) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Jacob Meyer’s profession?
Answer: P. 25—Blacksmith.
31) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon’s family celebrate Passover?
Answer: P. 26—His mothers’ parents’ house.
32) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what were organized attacks on Jews called?
Answer: P. 27—Pogroms.
33) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did many Jews move to in the early 1900s?
Answer: P. 27—America.
34) In The Boy on the Wooden Box in what year did the Germans enter Poland?
Answer: P. 28—1939.
35) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the neighbor’s name Leon sang songs with?
Answer: P. 29 Lansman. 36) In The Boy on the Wooden Box when did the rest of Leon’s family move to Krakow?
Answer: P. 31—1938.
37) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how old was Leon when he moved to Krakow.
Answer: P. 31—Eight.
38) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how did Leon’s family get to Krakow?
Answer: By train.
39) In The Boy on the Wooden Box What is the name of the river that crosses Krakow?
Answer: The Vistula.
40) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the new address for Leon’s family in Krakow?
Answer: P. 33—Przemyslowa Street 13.
41) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the thing that excited Leon most about his new house?
Answer: P. 33—Indoor plumbing.
42) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was one of the favorite games of Leon and his friends?
Answer: P. 36—Riding the streetcars.
43) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how did Leon earn some money?
Answer: P. 37--By delivering notes between a man who worked in a cabaret and his next door neighbor.
44) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did Leon’s teacher call him?
Answer: p. 39—Mosiek.
45) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did the attacks of Jews on November 9-10, 1938 become known as?
Answer: Kristallnacht.
46) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Leon’s brother’s Tsalig’s profession?
Answer: P. 44—Electrician. 47) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the German air force that bombed Poland?
Answer: P. 46—The Luftwaffe.
48) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what countries declared war on Germany in 1939?
Answer: P. 47—England and France.
49) In The Boy on the Wooden Box why did Leon’s father and his brother Hershel return to Narweka?
Answer: P. 48—To avoid conscription in the German army as forced laborers.
50) In The Boy on the Wooden Box whose soldiers crossed the bridge into Krakow?
Answer: P. 49—Germany.
51) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what were some of the things Jews were no longer allowed to do?
Answer: P. 52—Sit on park benches, then they were banned from parks altogether, sit in the front part of streetcars and then banned from public transportation.
52) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what is the date of Leon’s 10th birthday?
Answer: P. 53—September 15, 1939.
53) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who were particular targets of German soldiers?
Answer: P. 53—Orthodox Jews.
54) In The Boy on the Wooden Box why was Leon’s father not fired from his job?
Answer: P. 54—Because he spoke German.
55) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the German secret police?
Answer: P. 55—the Gestapo.
56) In The Boy on the Wooden Box why did the Gestapo invade Leon’s family’s apartment?
Answer: P. 56—Because they thought he might be rich.
57) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what happens to Leon’s father when the Gestapo invade the apartment?
Answer: P. 57—They beat him and then they arrest him. 58) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did the Nazis decree in December 1939?
Answer: P. 60—That Jews could no longer go to school.
59) In The Boy on the Wooden Box in what prison was Leon’s father?
Answer: P. 61—St. Michael’s prison.
60) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what were Jews who were 12 and older required to do?
Answer: P. 63—A white arm band with a blue Star of David on it.
61) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what color hair and eyes does Leon have?
Answer: P. 64—dark hair and blue eyes.
62) In The Boy on the Wooden Box why did the Nazi who owned the enamelware company offer Leon’s father a job?
Answer: P. 65—Because he opened a safe for the Nazi.
63) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the Nazi who gave leon’s father a job?
Answer: P. 66—Oskar Schindler.
64) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of Schindler’s factory?
Answer: P. 68—German Enamel Works (Emailia).
65) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how was Leon’s father paid?
Answer: P. 68—With some pieces of bread or coal.
66) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the document Jews needed to keep from being put to work by German police or soldiers?
Answer: P. 69—Bescheingung.
67) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who was the friend of Leon’s father that sold his suits on the black market?
Answer: P. 69—Wojek.
68) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the blessing that the candles were lit for?
Answer: P. 75—Shabbat. 69) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what were the countries the German army rolled through in May and June of 1940?
Answer: P. 76—Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France.
70) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the ghetto jews were forced to live in?
Answer: P. 76—Podgorze.
71) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the address of the building Leon’s family moved into?
Answer: P. 78—Lwowska 18.
72) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the people Leon’s family moved in with?
Answer: P. 78—Mr. and Mrs. Luftig.
73) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what items did Mr. Luftig have that he was always cleaning?
Answer: P. 80—Pipes.
74) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Mr. Luftig’s son live?
Answer: P. 80—New York City.
75) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name used for pure-blood blue-eyed and blond hair Germans?
Answer: P. 82—Aryans.
76) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Tsalig’s girlfriend’s name?
Answer: P. 84—Miriam.
77) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was one activity Leon learned to do when his family lived in the ghetto?
Answer: P. 85—Ride a bike.
78) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did Leon spend most of his time doing when his family lived in the ghetto?
Answer: P. 86—Looking for food. 79) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the shoemaker who lived below Leon’s family in the ghetto?
Answer: P. 87—Mr. Bircz
80) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon’s brother sometimes work?
Answer: P. 88—In his girlfriend’s father’s brush factory.
81) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon’s sister worked?
Answer: P. 89—At the electrical company.
82) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon’s mom work?
Answer: P. 89—Cleaning the offices of the Jewish Council or of the Nazis who had offices inside the ghetto.
83) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who went to work in Schindler’s factory with with Leon’s father?
Answer: P. 89—His brother David.
84) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon begin to work?
Answer: P. 89—The brush factory?’
85) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what does Leon say was his family’s goal?
Answer: P. 90—Staying alive long enough for the Germans to los the war.
86) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who were the Allied forces fighting the Germans?
Answer: P. 91—Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States of America.
87) In The Boy on the Wooden Box to where were the Nazis transporting the Jews?
Answer: P. 91—The countryside.
88) In The Boy on the Wooden Box why was Leon’s family protected against being moved to the countryside?
Answer: P.92—Because of his father’s work papers.
89) In The Boy on the Wooden Box when Mr. Luftig gets moved from the ghetto what does he leave for Leon?
Answer: P. 93—An old fashioned glass-lined thermos bottle and his pipes. 90) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what were the Germans doing to the Jews who they said were moved to the countryside?
Answer: P. 94—Killing them.
91) In The Boy on the Wooden Box on what date did the German soldiers take his brother Tsalig away?
Answer: P. 94—June 8.
92) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how did Schindler protect his workers from being transported away?
Answer: P. 101—He kept them in the factory overnight.
93) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what were Bricz’s sons’ names?
Answer: P. 101—Yossel and Samuel.
94) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon, Yossel and Samuel hide from the Nazis?
Answer: P. 101—In the crawl space of a storage shed behind the building he lived in.
95) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what kind of dogs did the Nazis use to look for people?
Answer: P. 102—German Sherperds.
96) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the roundup of Jews in the ghetto?
Answer: P. 102—Aktion.
97) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what is Leon’s father’s name?
Answer: P. 105—Moshe
98) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what labor camp were Leon’s father, brother David and sister Pesza told to report to?
Answer: P. 106—The Plaszow labor camp.
99) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did Leon’s mom do with their furniture before they left the apartment?
Answer: P. 107—Throw it over the balcony.
100) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did Leon’s mother take with her before leaving the apartment? Answer: P. 107—A cooking pot.
101) In The Boy on the Wooden Box hoe did Leon describe his first impression of Plaszow?
Answer: P. 113—Hell on earth.
102) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Plaszow built on?
Answer: P. 113—Two Jewish cemeteries that the Nazis desecrated.
103) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what job did Leon have most days while at Plaszow?
Answer: P. 115—He hauled lumber, rocks, and dirt used to build more barracks.
104) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who does Leon search for and find first?
Answer: P. 116—His father and his brother David.
105) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what does Leon’s mother give him when he finds her?
Answer: P. 118—A walnut-size piece of dry bread.
106) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what happened to the patients in the infirmary shortly after Leon left there?
Answer: P. 119—They were all shot by the camp commander.
107) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what happened to Leon while he was shoveling snow?
Answer: P. 120—He was lashed 25 times with a whip for no reason.
108)In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did the prisoners typically get to eat?
Answer: P. 123—Hot water with a little salt and pepper, and if they were lucky, bits of potato skin and slivers of other vegetables.
109)In The Boy on the Wooden Box what job was Leon reassigned to?
Answer: P. 125—Working in the brush factory after it was moved to Plaszow.
110) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what happened when Amon Goeth visited the brush factory?
Answer: P. 126—He shot the foreman for no reason.
111) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how does Leon get out of Plaszow?
Answer: P. 131—He sneaks out with the group being reassigned to the sub-camp in Krakow. 112) In The Boy on the Wooden Box which family member was with Leon when he leaves Plaszow?
Answer: P. 131—His mother.
113) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who stood sentry at the gate to Emalia as the Jews arrived?
Answer: P. 134—Schindler.
114) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what happens to Leon’s family at Emalia?
Answer: P. 135—They are reunited.
115) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who does Leon share barracks with?
Answer: P. 136—His father and his brother David.
116) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the night shift at Emalia referred to?
Answer: P. 137—The Jewish shift.
117) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Schindler known for doing in his office late at night?
Answer: P. 137—Having wild parties.
118) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what could Leon smell before he could see Schindler?
Answer: P. 137—His cigarettes and cologne.
119) In The Boy on the Wooden Box why did Leon need the wooden box?
Answer: P. 138—To reach the controls of the machine.
120) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how did Schindler refer to Leon, his father and his brother?
Answer: P. 139—As a family of machinists.
121) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Schindler reassign Leon and David?
Answer: P. 140—To the tool making area.
122) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the German war strategy?
Answer: P. 142—Blitzkrieg. 123) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what battle turned the tide of the war against Germany?
Answer: P.—The Battle of Stalingrad.
124) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where had the Allies landed in the summer of 1944?
Answer: P. 143—Normandy.
125) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what where were Jews sent as Germany began to lose the war?
Answer: P. 144—Auschwitz.
126) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Schindler’s plan to save his Jewish workers?
Answer: P. 148—To move them to his new factory in Bruunlitz.
127) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did the Germans force the Jews to do as the Russian army was advancing?
Answer: P. 149—Dig up the graves of the Jews that they killed.
128) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the date Leon and his family left Plaszow for the last time?
Answer: P. 150—October 15, 1944.
129) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where was Leon’s family sent after leaving Plaszow?
Answer: P. 152—The Gross-Rosen Concentration Camp.
130) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the order the SS had for all the Jewish workers at the factory?
Answer: P. 162—To murder them.
131) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did Schindler bring back to the Jews at his factory?
Answer: P. 163—Bolts of navy-blue cloth and bottles of Vodka.
132) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what were the Jews able to do with the cloth and vodka that Schindler gave them?
Answer: P. 164—Barter for food, shelter and clothing. 133)In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did the prisoners give Schindler before leaving?
Answer: P. 164—A ring made from a prisoners gold tooth.
136) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the date the Jews were freed?
Answer: P. 164—May 8, 1945.
137) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what how many Jews was Schindler credited with saving?
Answer: P. 165—1,200.
138) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon’s family go after being freed.
Answer: P. 167—Back to Krakow.
139) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did Leon say he thought about over the past six years of the war?
Answer: P. 168—Surviving the next hour, finding the next scrap of food, escaping the next brush with death.
140) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Leon thinking about the future?
Answer: P. 168—Returning to school, having a home, adequate food and security.
141) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did the tailor make Leon form the bolt of cloth?
Answer: P. 170—A new pair of pants.
142) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what job did Leon’s father get back?
Answer: P. 170—His old job at the glass factory.
143) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did the family learn about Hershel?
Answer: P. 174—He was murdered along with all of the Jews in Narewka.
144) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did David and Pesza go to settle down?
Answer: P. 175—Czechoslovakia.
145) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon and his parent go after leaving Czechoslovakia?
Answer: P. 176—Salzburg, Austria and then Wetzlar, Germany. 146) In The Boy on the Wooden Box under whose protection were the Jews in Wetzlar, Germany?
Answer: P. 176—The Americans.
147) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what language does Leon learn so he talk to a girl?
Answer: P. 177—Hungarian.
148) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did Leon begin to wear to look stylish?
Answer: P. 177—A brown fedora/
149) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of teacher Leon’s parents hired for him?
Answer: P. 179—Dr. Neu.
150) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what subjects was Leon tutored in?
Answer: P. 179—Mathematics and drafting and then trigonometry.
151) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon’s mother’s sister live?
Answer: P. 180—Los Angeles.
152) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what were the name of the packages that Leon’s family received from his mother’s family in Los Angeles?
Answer: P. 181—CARE packages.
153) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where was Leon’s family allowed to go in 1949?
Answer: P. 181—America.
154) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where in America did Leon’s family first go?
Answer: P. 182—Boston, Massachusetts.
155) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what last name was Leon’s family’s name changed to?
Answer: P. 183—Leyson.
156) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who finds Leon’s family at the processing center?
Answer: P. 182—Uncle Morris’s son Dave.
157) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where does Leon’s family travel to?
Answer: P. 182—Los Angeles, California. 158) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did another passenger on the train to California teach Leon?
Answer: P. 184—The value of U.S. coins.
159) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the station in Los Angeles that Leon’s family arrived at?
Answer: P. 185—Union Station.
160) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Keon’s Aunt Shaina known as in Los Angeles?
Answer: P. 187—Aunt Jenny.
161) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the school Leon and his mother and father attended to learn to speak English?
Answer: P. 187—Manual Arts High School.
162) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what job did Leon’s father take in Los Angeles?
Answer: P. 187—He was a janitor at an elementary school.
163) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what job did Leon have in Los Angeles?
Answer: P. 188—He worked on an assembly line making shopping carts.
164) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the club Leon’s parents joined in Los Angeles?
Answer: P. 188—The Narewka Benevolent Club.
165) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what company did Leon eventually go to work for?
Answer: P. 189—US Electrical Motors.
166) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the fort Leon reported to when he was drafted into the US Army?
Answer: P. 190—Fort Ord in Monterey, California.
167) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did the bus driver in Atlanta tell Leon about riding in the back of the bus?
Answer: P. 191—He told him the back seats were for Negroes and that Leon had to sit in the front of the bus. 168) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what languages was Leon fluent in when tested by the US Army?
Answer: P. 191—German, Polish , and Russian.
169) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where was Leon stationed by the US Army?
Answer: P. 191—Okinawa, Japan.
170) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what rank did Leon achieve in the army?
Answer: P. 192—Corporal.
171) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what two schools did Leon attend when he got out of the army?
Answer: P. 192—Los Angeles Community College and Cal State Los Angeles.
172) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what In The Boy on the Wooden Box what college did Leon earn a master’s degree from?
Answer: P. 193—Pepperdine University.
173) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon start teaching?
Answer: P 193—Huntington Park High School.
174) In The Boy on the Wooden Box who did Leon meet while teaching at Huntington Park High School?
Answer: P. P. 193—His future wife Lis.
175) In The Boy on the Wooden Box where did Leon and his wife move to?
Answer: P. 194—Fullerton, California.
176) In The Boy on the Wooden Box how many children did Leon and his wife have?
Answer: P. 194—Two, a boy and a girl.
177) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what year did Leon’s father die?
Answer: P. 195—1971. 178) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what did Schindler refer to the Jews who worked for him as?
Answer: P. 196—The Schindler Jews (Schindlerjuden).
179) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what is the name of the organization of Holocaust survivors and their descendants?
Answer: P. 197—The 1939 Club.
180) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what film led to Leon changing his mind about writing about his time under Nazi rule?
Answer: P. 198—Schindler’s List.
181) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the Los Angeles Times reporter who convinced Leon to tell his story?
Answer: P. 198—Dennis McLellan.
182) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what school gave Leon an honorary doctorate of humane letters?
Answer: P. 200—Chapman University in Orange, California.
183) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was the name of the TV newsman who interviewed Leon at a Hanukkah candle-lighting ceremony?
Answer: P. 200—Fritz Coleman.
184) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what was Schindler’s accountant’s name?
Answer: P. 202—Itzhak Stern.
185) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what are Leon’s children’s names?
Answer: P. 205—Constance (Stacy) and Daniel.
186) In The Boy on the Wooden Box when did Leon Leyson die?
Answer: P. 216—january 12, 2013.
187) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what adjective did Stacy use to describe Leon?
Answer: P. 217—Generous. 188) In The Boy on the Wooden Box what date did Leon choose for his birthday?
Answer: P. 218—September 15.