City of Central
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CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission for the City of Central was called to order at 6:00 p.m., on June 10, 2105, in City Hall, 141 Nevada Street, Central City, Colorado by Chair Thome.
ROLL CALL Present: Chair Alex Thome Margaret Grant Richard Willett David Forsyth Mary Bell (Alternate)
Absent: Vice-Chair Deborah Wray
Staff Present: Secretary/City Clerk Bechtel
ADDITIONS and/or AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA No additions or amendments to the agenda.
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Chair Thome disclosed a conflict with any items c) Lot 22 Eureka – New Home Construction as he is acting as City staff for this project.
CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Commissioner Forsyth moved to approve the minutes of April 8, 2015. Commissioner Bell seconded and, without discussion, the motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
PUBLIC FORUM/AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION No one requested to address the Commission.
GENERAL BUSINESS: Temporary Vice-Chair Commissioner Willett nominated Commissioner Grant to act as the Vice-Chair for the action item regarding Lot 22 Eureka due to Chair Thome acting as staff. Commissioner Bell seconded and, without discussion, the motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
ACTION ITEMS Unfinished Business: None
New Business: Chair Thome recused himself to become the Interim Planner/HPO for the proposed new home construction at Block 28, Lot 19, 20 Eureka.
1 HPC Minutes 6/10/15 Lot 22 Eureka – New Home Construction for Steven Shores Interim Planner/HPO Thome explained that the applicant is proposing to build a new home on the north side of Eureka Street, Lot 20 which is currently vacant. The size of the home is approximately 20’-8” x 50’-0” with a small courtyard and each end and a covered 6’ deep porch across the full length of the front. Staff has met with the applicant and reviewed the applicable codes and guidelines.
Staff has reviewed the application and offers the following information: The topography of the site slopes steeply from the north to the south towards the street. The site contains several existing rock walls and the proposed structure integrates one of the existing rock walls into the back wall of the structure The proposed design minimizes the impact to the existing site walls and topography. The proposed roof form creates a monolithic look from Eureka Street. The proposed front porch canopy, encroaches into the 25’ front yard setback by approximately 18’-6”. The proposed off street parking encroaches into the 10’ minimum parking setback by approximately 10’. Per Municipal Code Section 16-1-130, Definitions, “. . . Variance means a legal modification of applicable zoning district provisions, such as yard, lot width, yard depth, sign, setback and off-street parking and loading regulations, granted due to the peculiar conditions existing within a single piece of property.” Municipal Code Section 16-8-110 states “ . . . The Board may grant a variance only if it makes findings that all of the following requirements, insofar as applicable, have been satisfied: a. That there are unique physical circumstances or conditions such as irregularity, narrowness or shallowness of lot, or exceptional topographical or other physical conditions peculiar to the affected property; . . . “.
Interim Planner/HPO Thome added that this is a transition zone from Victorian towards downtown to more mining moving out from town. The proposed design is in character of the city in the Period of Significance.
Geoff Harris, Architect, explained that the design is intended to be as low profile as possible while using the contours of the site. He referenced the historic photo showing the site and setbacks which were close to the street. There will be double hung wood windows with traditional details and sliding glass doors which open onto the front porch which runs the length of the house. Any stone removed to create stairs for access to the home will be reused as facing for the stairs.
Commissioner Forsyth commented that they applicant has done a good job of capturing that area of town.
Commissioner Forsyth moved to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for new home construction as presented with the following: Findings 1. The application for Certificate of Appropriateness meets the Purpose and Intent of Chapter 16, Article XI, Historic Preservation of the City’s Municipal Code; and
2 HPC Minutes 6/10/15 2. The application for Certificate of Appropriateness meets the intent of the applicable City Design Guidelines; and 3. The request will not have a negative impact to the historic and architectural features of the District; and 4. That existing historic and architectural features are maintained and enhanced. Conditions 1. A variance to be granted allowing a 6’-6” minimum front yard setback in lieu of the 25’ minimum front yard setback required by Municipal Code Section 16-2-60. 2. A variance to be granted allowing a 0’ minimum parking setback from streets in lieu of the 10’ minimum parking setback required by Municipal Code Section 16-2-60. 3. A building permit is required prior to commencement of work. Commissioner Willett seconded, and without discussion, the motion carried unanimously by roll call vote.
Chair Thome resumed his seat at the Commission table.
STAFF REPORT City Clerk Bechtel explained the Main Street Commission that has been approved by a Resolution of City Council to have 5 Commissioners and 1 Alternate. Barbara Thielemann is working on an application to receive designation as a Main Street Community. The Steering Committee has headed up a City Clean-up Day, lighting and planters on Main Street, and organizing First Friday events.
Knights of Pythias building owners have moved forward with a building permit for stabilization and shoring of the building.
The Belvidere Theatre building is now owned by Gilpin County. Ray Rears, County Planner, is working on getting an assessment grant which will be used to determine the next steps.
COMMISSION BUSINESS No additional business was discussed.
ADJOURN Hearing no further business, Chair Thome adjourned the meeting at 6:47 p.m.
______Alexander Thome, Chair Reba Bechtel, City Clerk/Recording Secretary
3 HPC Minutes 6/10/15