Minutes of Meeting s16
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Minutes of the Meeting of the San Fernando Valley Engineer’s Council Board of Directors The Valley Inn Sherman Oaks Tuesday, June 14, 2005
The meeting was attended by Ken Futernick, Paul Landry, Bob Tarn, Chas. Volk, George Ortega, Chuck Olsefsky, Mike Garland, and Bill Johnson, and Lisa Bergovoy.
The meeting was called to order by the President, Paul Landry, at 6:15 PM.
Minutes of Previous Board Meeting The minutes of the May 10, 2005, BOD meeting were approved as submitted by the Secretary, Bob Tarn.
Treasurers Report Treasurer’s Report for May was presented by the Treasurer, Mike Garland, and accepted for audit.
Correspondence A thank you card from Elenna Turner (El Camino High School College Counselor) for our scholarship grants to three students at El Camino. Memo from Dr. Mau that Assoc. Dean Mike Kabo is willing to serve as a delegate from CSUN (as long as the work is not too demanding). Bob Tarn took the action to invite Mike Kabo to our next board meeting. Memo from Explorer Post Advisor Bob Egermeier that after 5 years of leading the Canoga High Engineering Post, he will have to resign at the end of this school year. Chuck Olsefsky took the action to work with Larry Dalton on putting a “call for mentors” into the next IEEE newsletter, hoping to recruit a replacement for Bob Egermeier.
Charitable Giving Committee Six High School Scholarship grants of $250 each have been distributed. Two were presented at Antelope Valley High by Lisa Bergovoy, three at El Camino High by Bob Tarn & Chas. Volk, and one at Taft High by Bob Tarn & Chas. Volk. Awards programs listing the Engineers’ Council scholarship were shown to board members, noting that we are the only community organization giving an engineering scholarship at any of these schools. Bob suggested that we consider increasing the grant to $500 per scholarship for next year. Summary of schools that received our invitation to submit applications: School Contact Antelope Valley ??? Birmingham Jane Blitz 818-881-1580 x251 Taft Lisa McKeon 818-348-7171 x260 Canoga Park Suzette Rosso 818-3403221 x263 El Camino Elena C. Turner 818-888-8920 x2443 Van Nuys ???
Communications Committee Ken reported that a press release on our council scholarship program was distributed to a number of local news organizations. The Daily News seemed especially interested in publishing something.
Engineers Week Technical Symposium Bob Tarn reported that he has one paper abstract in hand, and discussed possible room requirements for a 3-day symposium for 100 attendees. The board wants to have a detailed business plan before making any financial commitment. This plan must define risk and profit sharing between the SFVEC, AIAA, and any other potential partners, and roles and responsibilities of partners. Further, it is important to have a well known keynote speaker before launching any major publicity. Bob Tarn has until the August meeting to submit a detailed business plan (Paul Landry offered to help with this).
Engineers Week Banquet Bob Tarn summarized the significant contributions made by The Boeing Company to the 2005 Engineers Week Banquet, which consisted of Graphics & Publications labor (souvenir program and award certificate artwork, stationery updates, and banquet welcome poster), souvenir program printing, and protective boxes for awards. Lisa Bergovoy took the action to send a thank you note from the board to Byron Wood. Discussed Keynote Speaker for 2006. Lt. Gen. Hough and Burt Rutan were two suggestions. Paul Landry asked board members to submit their ideas to him. Bill Johnson noted the importance of coordinating banquet dates with the other So. Cal. organizations (OCEC, LACES, and Ventura County Engineers Week Committee).
Good & Welfare Bob Tarn reported that he has joined the Chuck Yeager Foundation as Executive Vice-President (this is a non-paid volunteer position). This is a result of his efforts to forge an active relationship with the foundation since Gen. Yeager’s appearance at our 2003 banquet. The council has provided some web server space for the foundation’s official web site (www.chuckyeager.com), and Bob has been filling in as their Webmaster since early this year, while they search for a new webmaster and build their new site (to be hosted on their own server). Bob’s objective is to get Gen. Yeager to present the Yeager Award at the banquet again in 2006.
Constitution & Bylaws Attached is an update of Paul’s 2005-2006 Committee roster.
Meeting was adjourned by the President at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted by: Bob Tarn, Trustee & Secretary, AIAA/SFV, FIAE 6/20/2005 Standing Commitees
Honors & Awards Committee - Chair Lisa Bergovoy Committee C. Volk Committee B. Tarn Committee R. Ratcliffe
Audit Committee - Chair C. Olefsky Committee B. Tarn
Charitable Giving Committee - Chair B. Tarn Committee C. Volk
Communications Committee - Chair K Futernick Committee W. Korp Committee B. Johnson
Financial Secretary - Charles Volk
By-Law Committee - Chair P Berbon Committee Trustees
Banquet Committee - Chair P. Landry Committee P. Berbon Committee C. Olefsky Committee B. Tarn Committee K. Futernick
Symposium Committee - Chair B Tarn Committee P. Berbon Committee K. Futernick
Good & Welfare Committee - C. Olefsky M. Garland W. Korp
Budget Committee - Treasurer, Executive Committee
Webmaster B. Johnson