LOL Devo - Bearing the Burden

Luke 14:27 “And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.”

Bearing one’s cross means something quite different from bearing the ordinary burdens and troubles of life. These are common to all men, but the privilege of taking up and carrying the cross is the unique responsibility and privilege only of Christians, for it identifies them in a distinctive way with Christ.

The cross speaks of death by crucifixion, not just troubles, and not even any other type of death-only the death of the cross. Pretty radical huh?

That is, the Christian is to be willing, like his Lord, to give his life, if need be, for the sake of salvation of the lost. Would you be willing to do that? You don’t have to answer that but it is pretty heavy isn’t it? Fact is however, for most, bearing the cross means dying to self and one’s personal desires in order to live unreservedly for the Lord.

This is not a one-time act of dedication, but a daily walk. “If any man will come after me,” Jesus said, “let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me” (Luke 9:23).

There have been many Christian martyrs, of course, who have actually been slain— some even crucified—for the sake of Christ and the gospel.

The apostle Paul expressed it perfectly when he said: “I am crucified with Christ; nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God” Therefore, we should be able to say with St. Paul, that we live only because of Christ. So the challenge that goes out today is “let your old self die and now live a new life through Christ”……whenever your tempted to resurrect your old self…..fix your eyes on Jesus and what he would do.

Discussion Questions 1. What are some ways that we are live for ourselves? [selfish ways, spending more time on phone than in prayer, not going to God in prayer] 2. Why is it so hard to be unselfish? [we feel like it isn’t important or no one cares if we are unselfish – But the thing is God sees everything and He does care and he proves that to us every day by giving us incredible blessings.] 3. How do we deny self (or how do we life our life unashamed of using and sharing the name of Jesus)? [inviting others to faith groups, praying before lunch, setting an example of Christian behavior that goes against the norm, telling someone today God loves them]

Closing Prayer O God, grant us strength to live for you. May your light shine through us and our actions today. May we do one thing or say one word that brings you glory. Go before us now into the hallways and classrooms of our day to make yourself known. All praise and glory our yours now and forever, Amen!