Parish Lay Leadership s2

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Parish Lay Leadership s2

FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH LAY LEADERSHIP the parishioner would like to have a visit, or if they would like their name on the parish list of the sick at Mass. Finance Council Chair………………….…..Kimberly Schoolcraft Parish Pastoral Council ……..……………………..…Mary Regan Religious Education Advisory Committee …….Melissa Moriarty, PARISH STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION Suzanne Harlow Parish Office: 413-562- RCIA ………………………………….Joline Lambert, Bob Stack 3450 Bible Study………………………………………...Joline Lambert Adult Education………Mary Federici, Joline Lambert, Bob Stack Parish Fax: 413-562- 9875 Parish Organizations Mailing Address: P.O. Box 489, Westfield MA Rosary Sodality……………..………Nancy Garen/Ursula Tuohey 01086 Social Justice………………….…………….Andrea Cook-Hewitt St. Joseph’s Workers………………………………………Fr. Dan Website: Men’s Ministry Group………………………...Deacon Paul Briere Women’s Ministry Group…………………………..Mary Federici Sue Fratini, Parish Secretary Youth Group (JPII Crew)………………….………Lisa Laferriere [email protected] Affiliated Organizations Fr. Dan Pacholec Cursillo Movement ……………………….………...Karen Scahill [email protected] Schoenstatt Community……………..……….…Diane Czerwiecki Deacon Paul Briere Boy Scout Troop 821 …………………..………………..Joe Muto [email protected] Girl Scout Troops…………………….……..……....Pat O’Connor Mary Federici Knights of Columbus………………………………Greg Perreault [email protected] Parish Ministries Religious Education : Altar Servers………………………………..………….Sue Fratini Director of Faith Formation: Baptismal Prep……………………………..…… Lou Mastroianni Deacon Paul Federici Children’s Liturgy of the Word……………….……….Sue Fratini [email protected] Coordinator of Elementary Grades: Eucharistic Ministers, Readers……….………..……Beth Modlish Homebound/Pastoral Care Ministry…………...... Mary Federici Sheila Conroy Music Ministry – Adult & Youth Choir……………Melanie Peetz [email protected] Coordinator of Middle/High School: Contemporary Music Group (Psalm 33).………………Tom Fucci Lisa Laferriere Sacristy.…………………..……….Irene King, Phyllis Chlastawa [email protected] Melanie Peetz, Music Ministry ……………………….Jim O’Connor, Irene Breton, Karen Scahill 562-3450 Prayer Line………………..Pauline, 862-3885 or Diane, 568-9754 Bob Stack, Facilities Manager 562- Office Hours 3450 The Parish Office is located at the Parish Center. Entrance is across from the Mary Garden. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM- 2:00PM. Sue is available to greet and assist you.  New Parishioners Our Parish Family warmly welcomes new members to join our MASS SCHEDULE parish. Please register by a call to the Parish Office or fill out a registration card on the tables in the church and place in the Sat 1/31 3:15-3:45PM Confessions collection basket. Registration is necessary for Religious 4:00PM +Paul Gilberti Education and letters of eligibility for godparents and sponsors. Anniversary Remembrance Sacrament of Baptism r/b his wife Pat Gilberti The Sacrament is celebrated by appointment. Please call the Sun 2/1 7:00AM +James Yvon Office to arrange. At least one Godparent must be a Confirmed, r/b his Family active parishioner in their parish, attending Mass weekly. 8:30AM +Dick Harrelson Sacrament of Marriage The Sacrament of Marriage is planned by an initial meeting with a r/b the Adult Choir priest or deacon, at least one year in advance. 11:00AM +Alfonso Zecca r/b the Zecca Family Sacrament of the Sick 6:00PM +Lillian Tousignant The Sacrament of the Sick is administered by a priest, when r/b the Parish Community requested. Pastoral care to the hospitalized sick and homebound Mon 2/2 7:00AM Ben French, for healing is provided by the pastoral staff, and trained parishioners. r/b Family Hospital Visits Tue 2/3 7:00AM People of the Parish Due to the new privacy laws, we can no longer get names of Wed 2/4 7:00AM +Mitchell Chlastawa parishioners from the hospital. If anyone has a hospital stay, please have a family member call the parish and indicate whether Birthday Remembrance r/b Peter & Phyllis Chlastawa

0914 2 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Thu 2/5 7:00AM Communion Service 8:30AM +Special Intention Fri 2/6 7:00AM Communion Service 11:00AM +Gustino & Lena DiTrolio Sat 2/7 8:00AM +Doris Mucha r/b the Zecca Family r/b Marie Ann Forni 3:15-3:45PM Confessions SANCTUARY CANDLE 4:00PM +Margaret O’Neil 5th Anniversary Remembrance Is burning this week in loving memory of r/b her sister Shirley O’Neil +WILLIAM, SUSAN, PHILLIP & HELEN SARRO Sun 2/8 7:00AM +Louis Hodgdon requested by Maureen, Wayne & Stephanie r/b Angelo & Phyllis Furioni FROM FR. DAN’S DESK… Well we certainly got hit hard the last two weekends in the parish – the 11:00Am Mass was “wiped out” two weeks ago, and the 4:00Pm Mass was “light” last weekend – both due to snowstorms. Certainly everyone needs to always use their best judgment when going out in bad weather, but we certainly do take a “hit” in the parish “financially” when these storms fall on weekends. Though some of the losses in the Offertory Collection are made up the following week if people use their envelopes and bring them, but we never come close to replacing what we lost! As I mentioned before the holidays, a letter will be going out to everyone in the parish in the coming days, regarding our financial status and some efforts our Parish Finance Council is making to help us increase our “giving” in the Offertory Collection each week, as well as work on cutting parish expenses, and conducting some additional “parish fundraisers”. I called for a special meeting of the Finance Council the week before last, as there was a question about the letter that has now been resolved. Parish Finance Councils were instituted years ago to assist the Pastor in the financial Administration of the parish. Though Finance Councils do not always agree with the Pastor’s judgment on some issues, I believe that the Holy Spirit always guides our deliberations and I am always open to “getting out of the way” of the Holy Spirit and letting the Spirit work through others! I am very grateful that our Finance Council has decided to take a strong and active approach to helping us deal with some of our financial challenges in terms of parish income. Every Pastor feels a great responsibility when it come to the administration of a parish, and yet as ordained priests we know this is not, and should not be our primary focus. I want to thank our Parish Finance Council for taking their role very seriously and stepping up to the plate! They are all highly qualified individuals with strong financial backgrounds and experience in their line of work, and I believe the decisions they will make in the months ahead will be for everyone’s best interests. I want to thank our Finance Council Chair – Kim Schoolcraft – who has served the Council for years as our Chair and does a wonderful job of coordinating communication among the members. I also want to thank the other members of the Parish Finance Council – Bill Zumbruski, Donna Campbell, Kevin O’Connor, Dave Trotman, Bob Stack, Dick Dintzner and Deacon Paul Federici, as well as Council Members who also serve on a Sub-Committee - working on the Parish Budget, and who edited the letter to parishioners on behalf of the whole Council – Peter Spirko, Matt Barnes and Mary Federici. In the weeks or months ahead, if you have any questions regarding the finances of the parish or questions regarding the budget, or the letter when you receive it, you can feel free to contact any of the Finance Council Members. They may be reached through our Parish Secretary, Sue Fratini, who can give you individual contact information for them. Just a reminder that our “TASTE OF OLBS” is coming up fast - on Sunday February 15 from after the 11:00am Mass till 3:00pm. The ‘Taste” is intended as a fundraiser for our parish, but also to be a fun opportunity for people in the parish to share recipes, to try a taste of some good food, and to promote our Parish Cookbook – “A Taste of Heaven”, and a potential “new chapter” in the cookbook with some new recipes! I thank Kathy Harrington for coordinating this fundraising effort with the help of several people from the parish, including Andrea York and the Team of Ladies who edited and put the Cookbook together some years ago. Plan to make a double batch of your recipe in the cookbook or make something new – pick up a registration form near the bulletins this weekend! 50 cent tickets will be on sale at the Masses that weekend and at the door. Tickets can be used toward any food item available. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend on February 15! Also, coming up in March is another special event - the Youth Group’s annual “Family Irish Night”, to be held on Saturday March 21. Family Irish Night will once again feature good music, good food, and the successful “themed basket raffles” from last year. Proceeds will benefit the Parish Youth Group – the JPII Crew, in their effort to raise money for a trip to World Youth Day in Poland in 2016. Our Annual Men’s Retreat will be held at the Passionist Retreat Center in West Hartford from March 13 to 15. The ladies of the parish had a wonderful experience last weekend at our Annual Women’s Retreat at the Passionist Sisters Calvary Retreat Center also in West Hartford. Regarding the upcoming Men’s Retreat - a retreat makes a 0914 3 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME wonderful Valentine’s Day Gift to your spouse, son, grandson, brother or nephew. Gift certificates to give as a gift are available. For more information on the Retreat, please contact our parishioner – Paul Lussier at 523-2326. Finally, I did get approval from our Parish Finance Council, to hire a 10 hour per week, Cook/Laundry Person for the Rectory. For over 5 years now we have had no “services” at the Rectory, and going forward, I would like to be able to invite for dinner on occasion, people like Bishop, Fr. Gary Caster during the Lenten Series, or others. The person hired would also take care of changing beds and laundering of sheets and towels. Working times including grocery shopping, dinner and laundry, could be any two of the following days – Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, from 2-7PM. If interested, or for more information, please e-mail me at [email protected] or call 562-3450 Box 4. God Bless (The Pats!), Fr. Dan

SPECIAL INTENTION CANDLE Heaven Cookbook- or- submit a new recipe. Is burning this week in loving memory of Bring it ready to serve as samples on the day of the ROBERT LAFRENIERE Taste of OLBS- February 15 from 12 to 3 PM. Buy 3 RD ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE tickets at the door redeemable for a sample of requested by his aunt, Doris Dolat whichever stews, soups, casseroles, or deserts you choose. We'll create a new chapter of The Taste of Heaven with the new recipes. You can buy a MARY GARDEN CANDLE cookbook or an apron that day. Fill out the form on the Is burning this week in loving memory of tables near the bulletins. Or call the office for more +EMILY SZWENDZINSKI information: 562-3450. BIRTHDAY REMEMBRANCE POOR BOX FOR FEB/MAR: requested by the Cipriani’s HARMONY HOUSE OF WESTERN MASS What is Harmony House? It will be a Home and it will give Hope! It will be a unique approach for the ADORATION compassionate care of the terminally ill. How did this For February, Adoration is Thursday, February 5th. vision come to be? Ruth Willemain had been a Adoration commences after the 7AM service and ends hospice volunteer in a nursing home. She saw at 8PM. The month of February is dedicated to the firsthand the need for compassionate caregiver, Holy Family. peaceful and homelike surrounding for folks that were At the very outset of Christ’s work on earth, God nearing the end of their full-life journey. Harmony showed the world a family in which, as Pope Leo XIII House was born at that time. teaches, “All men might behold a perfect model of Going forward the vision for Harmony House will domestic life, and of all virtue and holiness.” The be a loving home-like setting, providing shelter and harmony, unity, and holiness which characterized this compassionate care for terminally ill individuals. It Holy Family make it the model for all Christian will be staffed with professional and compassionate families. caregivers. Their vision is to reflect on abiding sense of Grant unto us, Lord Jesus, ever to follow the Christian ministry by serving any who are terminally example of Thy Holy Family, that in the hour of our ill without regard to gender, creed, race or national death Thy glorious Virgin Mother together with origin. Harmony House will be for anyone who may blessed Joseph may come to meet us and we may be have limited or no resources and is in need for 24 hour worthily received by Thee into everlasting dwellings: special home care in the final stages of their life. By who livest and reignest world without end. Amen. providing a comfortable, home-like setting, Harmony Holy Father’s intentions for February are that House will not be a place for people to die rather, a prisoners, especially the young ones may be able to family, a home like atmosphere where people will rebuild lives of dignity. come to live out the final phase of their full-life Mother, with your blessed Son bless us each and journey. every one. Fundraising for this project began in 2007. Costs have increased over the years so additional money is CALLING ALL COOKS! needed to make the project come to fruition. Harmony We want you to take part in the Taste of OLBS! The House is a 501(c)(3), non-profit corporation funded Parish Center gym will be turned into a dining room as through the generosity of individuals, corporations parishioners enjoy a taste of the best your kitchen can and foundations. They do not received federal create. Make your favorite recipe from The Taste of funding, so your private support is essential to the

0914 4 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME mission of Harmony House. One of the recent bible study. On Thursday mornings from 10-noon, fundraisers you may remember, was the Trappistine adults gather for faith topics – our current series is Chocolate Sale held at our church, Our Lady of the Walking Toward Eternity: Making Choices for Today. Blessed Sacrament. HELP TO MAKE THIS VISION All are welcome! Please call the Parish office for A REALITY. PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY updates on topics and dates. DURING THE MONTH OF FEBUARY AND MARCH!!! For more information please see their LENTEN MEDITATION BOOK website and “Like” them Our Lenten Series speaker Fr. Gary Caster has supplied on Facebook and share with your friends. the office with his book The Little Way of Lent: Meditations in the Spirit of St. Therese of Lisieux. The books sell for $13. Fr. Caster has also written: The Powerful Presence of the Holy Spirit, Joseph, the PRAYER-LINE Man Who Raised Jesus and Mary, In Her Own The Parish Prayer-Line Team can be called upon to Words: The Mother of God in Scripture. Each can pray for anyone in need of prayers. If you or a loved be pre-ordered through the office for $15. one has a need for prayers, please call Pauline at All of the books written by Fr. Caster will be available 862- or Diane at 568-9754 to give the name to on Wednesday evenings before and after his series, our Prayer-Line Team. "Lent, A Short Course in Love."

VACATION BIBLE CAMP – DOMINICAN SISTERS BAKE SALE PARENT SURVEY -POSTPONED Dear Parents, The Dominican Sisters are not able to be here this The Religious Education Board has selected two weekend for their bake sale as planned. They will be possible weeks for Vacation Bible Camp to be held this here at some future date instead. coming summer: July 27-31 or August 3-7. Vacation Bible Camp is held Monday through Friday from 9AM to noon. Campers must be at least 4 years old up COFFEE HOUR AND CANDY SALE through 5th grade. If your child is interested in FOR FEBRUARY 8TH attending Vacation Bible Camp this Heads up parishioners! The next Social Justice Coffee summer, please email Sheila Hour will be February 8th after the 8:30 and 11:00 AM Conroy at [email protected] to Masses. We are proud to announce during our Coffee let her know which week you Hour we will be hosting a SPECIAL Valentine’s Day would prefer (or if you do not sale of Trappistine Chocolates, fundraiser for Harmony have a preference). Thank House. You will find their table in the lobby of the you for your help! Parish Center. After you have shopped, stop by for coffee and baked goods. You will find us in our usual place. The Social Justice Team selected Harmony CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS House for the Poor Box for February and March. Let’s 2014 Parish Contribution Statements have been mailed help out as a parish community as much as we can!!! to all parishioners. If you did not receive a statement and need one, please call Sue at the Parish Office - 562-3450. PARISH ADULT EDUCATION Our various adult education opportunities have, or will soon, resume. On Sunday evenings during CCD ANNUAL PARISH MEN’S RETREAT sessions, we offer parents and adults a Bible Study Our annual Parish Men's Retreat will be March 13-15 review. On Tuesday evenings, beginning February at the Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center in West 10 at 6 PM, we offer traditional Bible Study – we Hartford, CT. The retreat theme will be “Know will start Psalms: The School of Prayer during which Greater Joy” – how to find happiness in a rapidly we will study the many ways the Psalms foretell the changing world. Registration forms can be found on life and mission of Jesus and will experience the the tables near the bulletins. Valentine’s Day, February transforming power of the Responsorial Psalm in the 14, is just around the corner. A Holy Family Retreat Mass. Newcomers are welcome – it is not necessary to gift certificate may be the perfect way to show Dad have attended the fall bible study to join the Psalms that you support his attending our annual men’s retreat. 0914 5 FEBRUARY 1, 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME They can be obtained in any denomination by calling Do you want to do something more to emphasize to the Retreat House at 1-860-521-0440 or through their yourself and the world that you are a dedicated website, For questions Christian Grandparent? Come join The Gathering please call Paul Lussier at 413-529-2326. Grandparents - Where: St. Peter & St. Casimir Parish 22 State St, Westfield When: the first Tuesday of each month at 11AM FEBRUARY 7/8 during Eucharistic Adoration. The dates for 2015 are: February 3, March 3, April 7, READERS May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4, September 1, October 4:00PM Ryan Boisjolie 7:00AM Alex Trzasko III 6, November 3, and December 1. 8:30AM Kathy Sitler 11:00AM Rob Time Commitment: 30 min. (less time than a haircut) Stevenson Please join us in prayers of thanksgiving and petition to St. Anne and St. Joachim, the grandparents of Jesus, EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS for the protection of our grandchildren in the face of 4:00PM Darlene Fucci, Ken Malo, Beth Modlish 7:00AM Rita Hutchinson, Steve Murphy, Irene King present dangers. Our main aim is to help Grandparents 8:30AM Paul Lussier, Mary Regan, Bruce Campbell pass on the Faith to the next generation and to sustain 11:00AM Mikey Hebda, Diane Sullivan, Karen Scahill and support them in their own faith. Call Alicia for more information at 568-0123.

OUR STEWARDSHIP WARM CLOTHING NEEDED Providence Ministries, started 35 years ago by the January 18, 2015 Sisters of Providence in Holyoke, is in desperate need Regular and Development (Gold) $5,714 of warm clothing for the needy and homeless this Budget Requirement per Week 8,320 winter. Please contact Providence Ministries at 413- (deficit) 536-9109 to help. Monetary contributions are also (2,606) accepted in support of the Ministries efforts to feed, clothe, and house the poor. Providence Ministries is located at 51 High Street, Holyoke MA 01040. If you THANK YOU FROM ELMS COLLEGE have questions about this current need please feel free Your contributions to the annual diocesan Appeal for to contact me directly. We supplied the residents of the College of Our Lady of the Elms help us continue 390 High Street in Holyoke with winter clothing when to be true to our mission of educating reflective, they were displaced by the building collapse, they principled and creative learners in the tradition of the could not return for their belongings and our supply of Sisters of Saint Joseph. Working together, the Diocese winter clothing was greatly depleted. We receive calls of Springfield and the College of Our Lady of the Elms daily from local schools, when a child comes to school will continue to provide learners of all ages with an without a coat or warm clothes, we must continue to education rooted in the very best of the Catholic liberal meet that need. arts tradition. We thank each and every one of you for your gift and for helping us continue to build a future of excellence. If you were unable to make a HCHS PLACEMENT TEST contribution and still wish to do so, you may call the Holyoke Catholic High School, 134 Springfield Street, Advancement office at 413-265-2446 or visit Chicopee, will administer their Placement Test on Saturday, February 7 from 8AM to noon (snow date February 14). Prospective ninth grade students who are BETHLEHEM HOUSE THANKS YOU interested in attending Holyoke Catholic High School May God bless your special ways and generous heart in September 2015 are required to take the test and that make a beautiful difference. Thank you so much. should register as soon as possible. There is a $25 test Yours in Jesus, fee. To obtain a registration form, call Ann Rivers, Pam Hibbard Admissions Director at 413-331-2480, ext. 1132 or go Director of Bethlehem House to the admissions link at


A WINTER PRAYER We give thanks for the blessing of winter: Season to cherish the heart. To make warmth and quiet for the heart. To make soups and broths for the heart. To cook for the heart and read for the heart. To curl up softly and nestle with the heart. To sleep deeply and gently at one with the heart. To dream with the heart. To spend time with the heart. A long, long time of peace with the heart. We give thanks for the blessing of winter: Season to cherish the heart. Amen

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