Sermon Title: Spiritual Drought

Passages: Jeremiah 14:1-10, 19-22; Psalm 84 Key verse: My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Key Insight: Our soul is always longing for God’s presence, and He is already dwelling within us. His standing invitation is to enjoy his presence. Sermon Notes: 1. Our soul longs for God, even thought we may not recognize the longing

2. We don’t have to “find” God – his is in the midst of us, within us (the indwelling Holy Spirit).

3. Obstacles to experiencing the presence of God Home Group Questions Connecting with Each Other: What are some things (actual things, relationships, future experiences, etc.) you have hungered or thirsted for (it can be something as simple as really wanting a bicycle for Christmas)? Tell a story of one of those hungers or thirsts that was satisfied, and how it felt when that happened.

Connecting with God’s Word: What do you think of when you hear the term, “courts of the Lord?” Do you think of God as “over there” or “out there somewhere?” How do you respond to the idea that God is in the midst of us/dwells with us? Have you ever spent time in complete silence with God? What was it like? What might prevent you from spending time in God’s presence as you are and just listening? What do you think when you read in Ps. 37:4 that God will give us the desires of our hearts? What are the desires of our hearts?

Connecting with the Week Ahead: Are you aware of your thirst for God? How might you find satisfaction of that thirst? Sermon Title: Spiritual Drought

Passages: Jeremiah 14:1-10, 19-22; Psalm 84 Key verse: My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God. Key Insight: Our soul is always longing for God’s presence, and He is already dwelling within us. His standing invitation is to enjoy his presence. Sermon Notes: 1. Our soul longs for God, even thought we may not recognize the longing

2. We don’t have to “find” God – his is in the midst of us, within us (the indwelling Holy Spirit).

3. Obstacles to experiencing the presence of God Home Group Questions Connecting with Each Other: What are some things (actual things, relationships, future experiences, etc.) you have hungered or thirsted for (it can be something as simple as really wanting a bicycle for Christmas)? Tell a story of one of those hungers or thirsts that was satisfied, and how it felt when that happened.

Connecting with God’s Word: What do you think of when you hear the term, “courts of the Lord?” Do you think of God as “over there” or “out there somewhere?” How do you respond to the idea that God is in the midst of us/dwells with us? Have you ever spent time in complete silence with God? What was it like? What might prevent you from spending time in God’s presence as you are and just listening? What do you think when you read in Ps. 37:4 that God will give us the desires of our hearts? What are the desires of our hearts?

Connecting with the Week Ahead: Are you aware of your thirst for God? How might you find satisfaction of that thirst?