Training & Development


EF is committed to the professional development of its academic staff throughout China. As part of this commitment, EF provides access to a distance learning based Trinity LCTL Diploma TESOL for teachers in China. Interested candidates to this Programme should fulfil the desired Trinity Diploma applicant criteria and adhere to the scholarship terms and conditions as noted below.

The programme consists of the following: 1. A 26-week online phase. This is theory based and involves weekly online tasks, regular discussion forums, tutorials and a research project. This element of the course requires up to 10 hours per week study on average. 2. A two week practical block including phonology tuition and an observed classroom practice element. This practical block is delivered in China. 3. Examination and assessment by Trinity College London, leading to the Trinity DipTESOL qualification.

EF Sponsorship EF will provide a financing option to eligible staff selected for the programme. This option is outlined as follows: 1. The cost of the course is RMB 12,500). 2. For the first year, all monies paid on behalf of the candidate by EF are on a loan basis and are owed to EF. The candidate will repay to EF the amount of RMB1042 per month over 12 months unless otherwise agreed, until the full amount of the loan has been repaid. This will be deducted from the candidate’s monthly payroll. 3. EF will not pay additional fees for candidates who defer or delay some or all parts of the examinations. EF expects staff members taking the course to complete it within the required period of time and cannot guarantee a place on following practical blocks to complete exam units.

Eligibility As well as meeting the minimum requirements for the course as defined by Trinity College London, candidates for the sponsorship must also: 1. Have at least two-years teaching experience. 2. Be accepted onto the course by the course director after undergoing an application interview and submitting an application task.

Application Terms and Conditions Should the employee terminate their contract/have their contract terminated prior to completing the full payment of the course fees, EF will deduct the outstanding balance from the employee’s salary.

Non-completion of the course In the event of a candidate starting but not completing the course, deferral to a future course may be possible but is subject to the following conditions: 1. Deferral to future course will incur an RMB1500 administration fee 2. Candidates will be able to rejoin a future course only at the same stage as they exit their initial course. Should a candidate wish to rejoin at an earlier stage, a pro rata fee will be payable. 3. Practical block and examination fees are non-deferrable and non-refundable. Candidates wishing to defer a practical block or an examination will lose any fees paid and will be required to pay again. 4. Deferral to a future course will be subject to availability of places and to the running of future courses. 5. In the event of course cancellation by the provider all fees will be refunded. 6. If a candidate fails and needs to re-sit all or part of the examinations re-sit fees apply.

EF China Trinity Diploma Sponsorship Programme Policy and Election Form February 2014 Training & Development Procedure 1. Candidate visit to download the relevant application forms 2. Candidate get line manager and regional manager approval 3. Candidate forwards application form and manager’s approval to [email protected] 4. Candidate is approved or rejected for the course 5. Candidate will sign the payment agreement form to schedule RMB 1042 deduction from monthly salary for 12 months 6. Candidate forwards payment agreement form to [email protected] for approval and confirmation 7. Course fees are paid upfront by EF. Thereafter, the course fees are deducted at RMB 1042 per month from the employee’s monthly salary spread out over 12 months.

Policy Validity This policy overrides all previous policies and is subject to change in accordance with the company’s development. Any modifications will be updated and communicated.


Name: Position held:


Manager: Manager’s position:

Work location:

Course start (MM/YYYY):

Candidate’s Financial Agreement:

1st year: Monthly repayment amount 1042 RMB per month/ over 12 months


I confirm my acceptance in the EF Trinity Diploma Sponsorship Program. In signing this document, I agree to the terms and conditions of the sponsorship package.

Signed ………………………………………… Date…………………………………….

EF China Trinity Diploma Sponsorship Programme Policy and Election Form February 2014