This release was graded "A" Format is right Contact: , Publicity Director Phone: 312-555-5555 Nightline: 312-555-5555 January 14, 2017 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Headline & lead are clear, compelling, newsworthy


Turtle Bay’s chief executive, Mayor Jimmy Cline, today

took off his hat to the Westland College Student Association – and traded it for a chef’s

cap and apron. The mayor announced the city will support a program of free meals for

the homeless launched by Westland College students, beginning with a month-long

food drive now in progress.

The students plan to serve free meals every Tuesday

night to needy families of Turtle Bay. The program, which they are calling “From the

Heart,” will begin on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, at the Anodyne Shelter downtown.

“The symbolism of ‘From the Heart’ is no accident,” says

Westland College Student Association president Sue Jennings. “Valentine’s Day is

supposed to be all about love and caring. We want to put actions to words, and practice

what we preach. We'll be there with our hot meals, not just for one day but every week,

until there are no more children going hungry in Turtle Bay.”

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Mayor Cline plans to roll up his sleeves and pitch in to make “From the Heart” a success. He will take part in the first evening of free meals next month – wearing his new apron and chef’s cap, he will be on hand to serve hot meals to the first guests at the Anodyne Shelter. The food service will begin at 4 p.m. and continue till 7 p.m., at the Shelter, 450 Eastlake Drive.

The students are calling on Turtle Bay citizens to help with their food drive, and to make money donations to enable them to buy perishables and cover other costs of the project.

"We are also calling on other Turtle Bay civic organizations to play a key role," says Sue Jennings. “We will be serving hot dinners every Tuesday. That leaves six other days of the week, for churches, clubs, and other associations to fill the gap.”

Those making donations of food should deliver non- perishable items to the Westland College Student Association, Building B, at the

Woodstock Complex, 4250 Main Street. Money donations should be made payable to

"WCSA," at the same address. For more information, call 309-555-5555.

“The Westland College Student Association believes that our education must be connected to the community in which we live,” says Jennings.

“We are a student-led, action-oriented organization, and we believe that students can make a difference. We are also committed to the idea that unless the entire community works together, none of our social problems will be solved. We hope our effort will galvanize others to action – and that we can all set a national example.”

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