Chapter 11 Study Guide The Age of Imperialism I. Matching: Complete each sentence by writing the letter of the correct term in the blank provided. -There are 15 matching questions. Be familiar with all of the key terms in Chapter 11.

II. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer. -There are 14 multiple choice questions.

-What was the force above all others that drove imperialism in Southeast Asia? -Which of the following was a result of the Sepoy Rebellion? -What British action caused the sepoy’s refusal of the cartridges to escalate? -Who was the founder of Indian nationalism? - In the Boer War, the British fought -Why was India called the “jewel in the crown”? -Who is considered to be the “father of modern Egypt”? -The Sepoy Rebellion was caused by who - Why did westerners in the early 1800s call Africa the “dark continent”? - What controlled three fifths of India by the mid-1800s? -What was a major trade product of the French in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia? - Which of the following was used as a justification for imperialism? - The Indian National Congress wanted -How did the Industrial Revolution encourage imperialism?

III. Short Answer/Listing -What linked the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea?

-List two lands claimed by the Americas during imperialism in Southeast Asia.

-What are the 4 motives or causes of imperialism?

- What is nationalism?

-What are Sepoys?

IV. Essay - In at least 5 sentences, discuss the negative and positive results of European colonization of Southeast Asia.

- In at least 5 sentences, explain what were the causes of European imperialism in Africa? Think about: effects on India’s economy, the distribution of political power, the distribution of economic power.