The Last Will And Testament Of Matthias Pleis

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The Last Will And Testament Of Matthias Pleis

The Last Will and Testament of Matthias Pleis

Will Book 16, Will No. 66 Philadelphia County Register of Wills

In the name of God, I, the subscriber, Matthias Pleis being in good sound sense and understanding declare the following to be my last will and testament and desire the same to be carried into execution by my executors or an administrator after my demise, namely, I desire that all my personal property, after the necessary expenses for my burying being therefrom defrayed, shall constitute a fund towards paying all loose and just debts, interest on bonds, on real estate, or and in general for the support of my family. My wife Catharine shall enjoy alike the benefits of the income of all my property paying therefrom taxes, wear and tear as long as she remains to be my widow. My Real property consisting of a three storied brick house and lot my present residence No. 461 North Second Street above Brown, a two storied brick house and lot on the West side of 2nd Street opposite Laurel Street, on these two properties there is an encumbrance of four thousand dollars, interest payable half yearly. A two storied brick house and lot on the west side of Second Street above Beaver and four brick tenements on the rear of the same lot running from Second Street to Pitt Street on which there is a mortgage debt of eighteen hundred dollars, interest payable half yearly. My personal properties are one hundred and twenty shares of stock in the Globe Insurance Company of the Northern Liberties at ten dollars per share par, also one hundred and eighty five shares of stock in the Philadelphia Savings Institution twenty five dollars a share par and my stock of dry goods, further I want my executors to sell and dispose of the stock in the above institution to the best advantage as soon as it brings the price of cost by watching the time for selling it to the best bidder and most propitious and to apply the proceeds thereof towards paying off the mortgage debts on the real estate. My real property shall not be sold for any purpose whatever until my youngest child shall have arrived to the age of eighteen years then it shall be sold to the highest bidder and to the best advantage and the proceeds thereof shall be equally divided among all my lawful children the number being ten, seven daughters and three sons. I desire that my youngest son as well as the girls being well educated in the English language and good care being had as to their morals and raising. Their portion allotted to them from my Estate shall be invested in a bond and mortgage such of them as that are yet single that the same may be to them secured, and finally I desire that a Christian unity and harmony may dwell and abide in them in love and friendship and may God caress and protect them forevermore Amen. I appoint as my executors John Seiser of the City of Philadelphia, tailor, and Samuel M. Pleis my son, druggist, to carry out my last will and testament as above written. In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seal this third day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty three 1843.

Witness present: Samuel M. Pleis, Frederick L. Pleis Signed: Matthias Pleis. SEAL.

Registers Office, March 26, 1844. Then personally appeared Jonathan Alden and Frederick Klett (the witnesses to this will being interested in the above estate) and on their solemn oath and affirmation did say that they were well acquainted with Matthias Pleis, deceased, the testator therein named and with his handwriting having seen him write his name as well as other matters, that they have received the signature “Matthias Pleis subscribed to said will and verily believe the same to be the proper handwriting and signature of him the said Matthias Pleis to the best of their knowledge and belief.

Sworn, affirmed, and subscribed before me the date above: Robert F. Christy, Deputy Register Signed: Jonathan Alden and Frederick Klett.

Philadelphia March 26, 1844. Having been named as one of the executors under the last will and testament of my late father, Matthias Pleis, deceased, I do hereby renounce said appointment and decline to take upon myself the burthen* of the executor thereof.

Witness: Hy A. Peirsol. Signed: Samuel M. Pleis.

City and County of Philadelphia, SS Registers Office, March 26, 1844, I do swear that as the executor of the foregoing last will and testament of Matthias Pleis deceased, I will well and truly administer the goods and chattels, rights and credits of said deceased agreeably to law and that I will comply with the provisions of the law relating to collateral inheritance. Sworn and subscribed before me the date above and letters testamentary granted unto him.

Signed Robert F. Christy, Deputy Register. Signed: John Seiser.

*burthen, n. Archaic. Variation of burden.

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