Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc
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Present SELECT TOPICS IN FAMILY-BASED IMMIGRATION LAW ***Plus a unique opportunity to meet representatives from the National Visa Center***
Location: Diocese of Manchester 153 Ash Street Manchester, NH (603) 669-3100
Date: October 6-7, 2009
Cost: $230 per person for CLINIC affiliate staff (cap of $690 for first 3 staff attending) ($60 for materials and lunch per person for more than 3) $255 per person for non-profit agency staff (cap of $765 for first 3 staff attending) ($60 for materials and lunch per person for more than 3) $385 private attorney & staff Note: The registration fee includes a training manual, continental breakfast and lunch on both days.
This two-day training will include in-depth coverage of select topics in family-based immigration including establishing qualifying relationships for family-based petitions; updates and review of the Child Status Protection Act; conversion and retention of priority dates; affidavit of support regulations and inadmissibility issues; applying for residency through adjustment of status and consular processing and issues related to I-130 petitions and risk of enforcement. A summary agenda is available online when registering. Note that this is not an introductory training and is not intended for new immigration advocates.
The trainers for this program are CLINIC attorneys Susan Schreiber of Chicago and Kristina Karpinski of Boston. ***The training will also feature an appearance by representatives from the National Visa Center in Portsmouth, NH for a question and answer session on consular processing issues.***
The training is for the staff of Catholic Charities and other community-based organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) status, and attorneys and legal worker staff of private law offices. As a requirement of registration, if you are registering as staff of a community-based organization, fax a copy of your IRS 501(3) letter designating your agency as a nonprofit entity to CLINIC at 415-394-8696 to the attention of Chris Ozaki. Your registration will be confirmed upon receipt of this letter. Payment is by credit card only.
Space is limited. The deadline for registration is September 30th or sooner if registration is filled. For registration information call Chris Ozaki at 415-394-9371. For training agenda and location information call Kristina Karpinski at 508-306-4639. Select Topics in Family-Based Immigration Law Training Manchester, NH October 6-7, 2009
Summary Agenda
Tuesday, October 6
8:15 – 8:45: Registration, Continental Breakfast 8:45 – 9:30: Introductions, Review of Agenda 9:30- 10:45: Issues Related to Immigration of Children 10:45-11:00: Break 11:00-12:30: Issues Related to Immigrating through Marriage 12:30-1:30: Lunch 1:30-2:30: Petition Revocation Petition Reinstatement Priority Date Conversion 2:30-2:45: Break 2:45-4:00: Child Status Protection Act 4:00-4:15: Break 4:15 – 5:00: Small Group Problem
Wednesday, October 7
8:30-9:00: Continental Breakfast; Immigration Jeopardy – Recap of Legal Issues 9:00-10:30: Issues in Adjustment of Status: Law, Procedure, Advocacy 10:30-10:45: Break 10:45-12:15: Consular Processing: Question and Answer Session with National Visa Center 12:15-1:15: Lunch 1:15- 2:15: Inadmissibility Updates 2:15-2:30: Break 2:30-3:15: Affidavit of Support 3:15-3:30: Break 3:30-4:15: I-130 Petitions and Risk of Enforcement 4:15-4:30: Evaluations, Certificates of Completion Directions to the Training Site
From Points North: Take Rt. 93 to Hooksett tollbooth. After the tollbooth, keep straight ahead onto Rt. 293 (this goes to Everett Turnpike). Take the Amoskeag Bridge exit off Rt. 293. *Cross the bridge to the traffic lights at Elm Street. Go straight at lights to 4th stop sign- Beech Street. Beech Street is one-way to the right. As you make a right turn onto Beech Street, begin to count blocks. 7 blocks brings you to Orange St. Take a left onto Orange. The very next left is Ash St. The Diocesan Building is on the right. Parking is usually available either on Ash St. or Orange St. There is no parking available in the Diocesan Building parking lot.
From Points South: (Nashua, NH) Follow Everett Turnpike to Amoskeag Bridge. Then * same as above.
From Points West: Take Rt 101-E to traffic lights at Jct .of 101 to 114. Take right at lights and continue on Rt. 101-E to overhead sign: Manchester-Concord-Rt. 293. This takes you to the Everett Turnpike North. Follow this highway to Amoskeag exit. Then *, same as above.
From Points South: (Salem, NH; Boston) Take 93 North, following signs that say Concord-Portsmouth. Take Exit 8 (Wellington Road to Bridge Street). * Bearing right at end of ramp, you will come to 2 sets of traffic lights. Go to 2nd set. Bridge St. is directly in front of you. Take Bridge St. down the hill to next full set of traffic lights (Maple St.) Go one block beyond lights and take a right (Ash St.). The building takes up the whole 3rd block on the right.
From Points East: Take Rt 101-W and watch for sign that reads Concord-93 North. Follow to sign that says Wellington Road to Bridge Street. Then *, same as above from points South-Salem.
Lodging Information A block of rooms has been reserved at the following hotel under the name “Catholic Legal Immigration Network.” Make reservations early, the rate is only guaranteed until September 18th.
Holiday Inn Express 1298 South Porter Street Manchester, NH 603-669-6800 Conference rate of $99.00 plus tax Hotel can provide transportation to & from the airport and to the training site. Close to Shopping Mall and many restaurants.
Or search on-line through: or or or
Suggested Airline Southwest Airlines has low fares from many cities in the United States to Manchester Airport.