Verismo Opera Studio
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Verismo Opera Studio Introduction to the Project Fondazione Teatro Goldoni promotes a high-ranking Academy for young opera artists, directed to a detailed study of the operatic repertoire of Pietro Mascagni (Livorno, 1863 - Rome, 1945). He is considered with his first play, Cavalleria rusticana (first representation: Rome, Teatro Costanzi, 1890), the creator and founder of the current of verismo musical theater called "Young Italian School", together with other Italian and European musicians such as the italians Puccini, Leoncavallo, Giordano, Cilea, Zandonai, the french Massenet and Charpentier, and the composers of the Germanic area in Central Europe who collected the naturalist opera model, D'Albert, Schreker, Berg and Janacek.
Ojectives of the Project: 1) To discover and promote young artists in the Mascagnian and verismo repertoire. These young artists will be involved, after a careful work of vocal and interpretive refinement, in opera productions, concerts or in performing formats. Fondazione Goldoni will propose these events to spread and disseminate the music of Mascagni and the musicians of his time - also in collaboration with schools- to welcome thousands of cruise-ship passengers, travelers and tourists. 2) To cooperate with foreign theaters - European and non-European - and Italian Cultural Institutes abroad, with particular attention to the countries where Mascagni was known not only as a composer but also as a conductor, both in the symphonic repertoire and in the operatic (Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Romania, Russia, United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay). 3) To develop international relations and partnerships in the name of Mascagni – the renowned artist, representative of Italian culture- in Africa and Asia, especially in Japan, Korea, China, Oman and India. Livorno and his theater may collaborate with these important opera houses through exchanges of artists and co-productions.
Every year the project will consist of a three-six months workshop: two weeks a month - and a final master, to be held by a prestigious international teacher. The masterclass will be devoted to the preparation of an opera planned in December as part of Mascagni Festival. A maximum of thirty singers, selected through auditions will improve vocal technique and interpretation, performing arts, musical dramaturgy and the study of the historical and cultural period of verismo (from the last decade of the nineteenth century to the first half of the twentieth century). A section will also be dedicated to the medical and scientific field by an important phoniatric.
Regulations 2016 Art. 1 The Lyrical Workshop aims at perfecting musical and acting skills in the repertory of Verismo with a special focus on Lodoletta (P. Mascagni), Il Tabarro and Manon Lescaut (G. Puccini)
Art. 2 Contents of the Lyrical Workshop A maximum of 30 singers will be admitted (unless otherwise determined by the Fondazione Goldoni, whose decision is final.) to the workshop from September to December. Admission will be based on auditions (see Attachment 1). Will be admitted without audition singers deemed suitable by the artistic director Alberto Paloscia because of their participation to others events organised by the Fondazione Goldoni. The following subjects will be studied: History and drama music in verismo operas Study of the score Vocal technique in verismo Study of the character Diction Acting Scenic art and movement Musical interpretation Voice training and vocal apparatus operation
Fondazione Teatro della Città di Livorno “C.Goldoni” - via Goldoni 83 - 57125 Livorno Tel.0586 204237, fax 0586 899920 - The Workshop will also include a three- day master class led by the soprano Fiorenza Cedolins. At the end of the Masterclass, a maximum of 10 selected singers will take part to the production of Lodoletta (P. Mascagni) and Il Tabarro (G. Puccini) , to be held on 7th December 2016 at the Teatro Goldoni. At the end the Adjudicating Committee will select five singers who will be awarded a Scholarship, funded by Livorno's Rotary International club. Singers engaged in the performance will receive a remuneration according to specific professional contracts
Art. 3 Verismo Opera Studio will run if there are a minimum of 24 participants.
Art. 4 Participation is only open to: a) singers with the requirements as expressed in art. 2 and b) singers who have made written application as per the following articles.
Art. 5 Applications must be received by 31st August 2016, via email to :Segreteria Artistica Fondazione Teatro Goldoni Michela Citi: [email protected]; Applications may be made using the attached form (no.2) to be completed in all its parts and signed. All requested documents must be included. Applications received after the deadline may be admitted at the discretion of the Fondazione Teatro Goldoni.
Art. 6 Fondazione Teatro Goldoni will accept applications for the Workshop on a "first come, first served basis". A maximum of 10 singers, who have sent an application, in accordance with Art. 5 above may be admitted as observers. Participants will be informed of their admittance to the Workshop via email and sms.
Art. 7 All expenses relating to travel, board and lodging are to be borne by the participant.
Art. 8 Calendar and Contents a) Workshop dates September 12 -22 October 10-20 November 17-26 Workshop hours are from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm, for a total of 210 hours. b) Master Class and Scholarship The Master Class led by Fiorenza Cedolins is to be held on 28-29-30 November 2016.
At the end of the second day the Adjudicating Committee will select five singers who will be awarded a Scholarship, funded by Livorno's Rotary International club, for the sum of €500,00. c) Final Performance The candidates selected in accordance with point b) of the previous article, will take part to the production of Lodoletta P. Mascagni and Il Tabarro G. Puccini, to be held on 7th December 2016 at the Teatro Goldoni d) some participants the Verismo Opera Studio could be selected for the production of Manon Lescaut which will be staged on 10 and 12 March 2017 at the Teatro Goldoni.
Art. 9 Training Staff The Workshop will be held by a group of trainers consisting of artists and experts in the field of lyrical music: Fiorenza Cedolins soprano, Bruna Baglioni mezzosoprano, Gianluigi Gelmetti, conductor, Giancarlo Del Monaco, director, Lindsay Kemp director, Cristina Park soprano, Valerio Galli conductor, Marco Balderi conductor, Alessio Pizzech director, Daniele De Plano director, Franco Fussi, phoniatric, Alberto Paloscia artistic director, Anna Cognetta pianist, In case of need the Fondazione guarantees suitable replacements.
Art. 10 A Certificate of Participation will be issued to all those taking part.
Fondazione Teatro della Città di Livorno “C.Goldoni” - via Goldoni 83 - 57125 Livorno Tel.0586 204237, fax 0586 899920 - Art. 11 Enrolment fees: Registration €100.00. Course fees: €900.00 to be paid in two instalments:
The first instalment of €450.00 must be paid by 12/09/2016 The second instalment of €450.00 must be paid by 12/10/2016 Payments must be made by bank transfer to the Unicredit filiale di Livorno - Account holder: Fondazione Teatro Goldoni – IBAN 74W0200813909000101265125 BIC SWIFT UNCRITM1530
Art. 12 Course fees for observers are €200, payable in a one off instalment at the time of enrolment by bank transfer Unicredit filiale di Livorno - Account holder: Fondazione Teatro Goldoni – IBAN 74W0200813909000101265125 BIC SWIFT UNCRITM1530 Observers will be issued with a Certificate of Attendance
Art. 13 Participants must frequent at least 80% of the Workshop hours to be eligible for a certificate. For this reason they are required to sign an attendance register at the start and end of the day's course under the responsibility of the training staff. Absences must be justified.
Art. 14 Application implies complete acceptance of the present regulations.
Art. 15 Singers release the Fondazione of all liability arising from the former's non-observance of normally accepted standards of behaviour.
Fondazione Teatro della Città di Livorno “C.Goldoni” - via Goldoni 83 - 57125 Livorno Tel.0586 204237, fax 0586 899920 - Attachment 1 AUDITIONS
The Fondazione Teatro Goldoni is organising preliminary auditions for the study of of Lodoletta P. Mascagni and Il Tabarro and Manon Lescaut G. Puccini. Participants may be Italian or foreign, including citizens of non-EU member states, provided they have the necessary work permits for Italy.
Auditions may be recorded for archive purposes.
Candidates are required to send the following: Audition application, which must have a clear indication of the type of voice that the candidate is auditioning for. Full figure photograph. Personal details, brief professional curriculum vitae and repertory. Link audio e/o video. Disclaimer for the recording of their audition.
To be sent to the Artistic Office, email to Mrs Michela Citi, Segreteria Artistica - Fondazione Teatro [email protected]. Tel 0586/204201
The Artistic Director will draw up a short list on the basis of the curricula and links received.
Audition will be conducted as follows: 1) the entire part, per voice type, from Il Tabarro and Manon Lescaut G. Puccini; 2) the following arias of Lodoletta: - Atto I duetto finale “E qui” (soprano-tenore) - Atto II arioso di Giannotto “Lo vedi Lodoletta!” (baritono) - Atto III “Se Franz dicesse il vero (tenore) - Atto III “Ah il suo nome è qui!- Flammen perdonami” morte di Lodoletta e finale (soprano-tenore)
At the end of the auditions the Artistic Committee, at its sole discretion, will indicate those auditioners who have passed the selection phase and can participate in the Verismo Opera Studio up to a maximum of 30 participants.
It will be at the sole discretion of La Fondazione Teatro “Goldoni” – Città di Livorno, whether to proceed with the lyric workshop. Audition applications and choice of pieces to perform must be sent to the Segreteria Artistica, no later than 31/08/2016 The auditions are free and the theatre will make its Maestro available to candidates. Applicants may provide their own accompanist, if so desired, at their own expense. It is the responsibility of Candidates to supply pianists with lyrics-musical sheet music of the pieces they intend to perform.
The Chairman of the Artistic Committee is Maestro Alberto Paloscia, Artistic Director of Fondazione Goldoni. Audition will be held at Teatro Goldoni, on 07/09/2016.
Auditions will be arranged between candidates and the Segreteria. No one will be admitted without having presented the necessary documentation. The Management declines any responsibility for applications not received due to postal and/or computer problems.
Fondazione Teatro della Città di Livorno “C.Goldoni” - via Goldoni 83 - 57125 Livorno Tel.0586 204237, fax 0586 899920 - Attachment 2
Surname: Name: Voice type Place and date of Birth Address, Street City and Post Code Telephone Mobile Fax Email Tax Reference VAT
The undersigned ...... (name & surname) born in ...... ………… on ...... , residing in ...... (city or town) in ...... (street and number), telephone no...... I the undersigned wish to participate in the Verismo Opera Studio organised by Fondazione Teatro della Città di Livorno "C. Goldoni", at the Teatro Goldoni, and to take part in any public performance that the Fondazione may arrange at the Teatro Goldoni or other venues in or outside Livorno. Moreover, I agree and guarantee my availability for any photo shoots, filming, video-recording or other means of recording that the Fondazione may wish to carry out and to whom I transfer all rights.
Livorno, ______Signed
Documentation to attach for auditioning candidates: Audition application, which must have a clear indication of the type of voice that the candidate is auditioning for. Full figure photograph. Personal details, brief professional curriculum vitae and repertory. Link audio/video Disclaimer for the recording of their audition.
Documentation to attach for those NON auditioning candidates: Full figure photograph. Personal details, brief professional curriculum vitae and repertory.
Fondazione Teatro della Città di Livorno “C.Goldoni” - via Goldoni 83 - 57125 Livorno Tel.0586 204237, fax 0586 899920 - Disclaimer for the recording of their audition.
Fondazione Teatro della Città di Livorno “C.Goldoni” - via Goldoni 83 - 57125 Livorno Tel.0586 204237, fax 0586 899920 -