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ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 65103 712 Road Falls City NE 68355 [email protected] October 2011 Newsletter Altar Guild………………………….. 01 Coupons for Our Servicemen...... 03 Dorcas Circle………………………. ..01 Stewardship Minute...... 03 LWML...... 01 Pray for Us Calendar...... 04-05 Thrivent Choice Meeting…………... 02 Nebr. Lutheran Reporter...... Insert Life Quotes...... 02 Good News for Families...... Insert Lutheran Hour...... 03 Calendar – October 2011...... Insert Sheets Needed… …………………….03 Stewardship Newsletter...... Insert Orphan Grain Train...... 03 called our meeting to order. Roll chase purple and gold or yellow Dorcas Circle call included 11 members and 2 flowers for the Altar. Seconded St. Paul’s Dorcas Circle met guests, Leona Damman and and carried. Sandy will bring on August 9th, 2011, with 11 Pastor Gifford. LWML pencils for the church members plus guests, to enjoy a The minutes were read and pews. hamburger cookout on the deck there were no corrections. The The F. C. Zone Rally will be at the Noala Fritz home. Neal treasurer’s report was read and held on October 8th in Weeping Parsons did an excellent job of placed on file for audit. Thank Water, NE at St. Paul Lutheran running the bbq grill. you’s were read. with registration beginning at There was a short business Committee reports included 8:30 a.m. Ladies are encouraged meeting called to order by Pres- a report on items purchased for to bring a side dish to share. The ident Marie Parsons. Charlene flood victims along the Spring Workshop will be held Schuetz contacted Falls City Missouri River, the sewing on April 14th, 2012 at Faith LC Care Center and discussion was committee, and the LWML in Humboldt. had on when we want to play Sunday committee. The Sunday school Rally bingo there with the residents Sandy Eickhoff listed a few Potluck will be held on Sunday, and that we each bring two things we could do on LWML September 18th and the ladies dozen cookies to be served to Sunday and we agreed to serve will all try to help. the residents. Charlene Schuetz coffee and rolls first thing that The Dorcas Circle/LWML will find a date that works for morning, lay out quilts on the Annual Auction and Soup all concerned. pews, set up quilts to be tied by Luncheon will be held on either Everyone expressed their the congregation if they wish, November 6th or the 13th. We’ll appreciation for this enjoyable use the big mite box for LWML vote next month. evening and the meeting was offerings, sponsor flowers on Norma Roland made a mo- adjourned. the Altar, wear purple and file in tion to pay the expenses of the Diann J. Schawang, Secretary together, have two LWML Sew ‘n Sews. Seconded and ladies usher and two Dorcas carried. LWML Circle ladies usher, have two Jan Huebner made a motion The St. Paul’s Lutheran readers, one from each group, to give $50 to the Lutheran Church LWML met on and hand out a small gift after Braille Workers. Seconded and th Wednesday, September 7 for a church. carried. 2 p.m. meeting. Norma Roland Sandy made a motion that Jean Niedfeldt made a mo- led the Bible study titled Who we use the LWML posters on tion to place Sandy Eickhoff on am I to Be a Leader? from our display. Seconded and carried. the ballot for vice-president. Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly. She also made a motion to pur- Seconded and carried. Ramona Ebel, President We closed our meeting with generally the first Sunday of Titus and his congregation used the Lord’s Prayer. that month. Dorothy Vollmer this model to affect the lives of We sang the birthday song made a motion to accept the others—one man, one woman, for Janice Boden and Jan regular meeting dates. Seconded one child, one family, one Huebner. and carried. neighbor, one community at a Jan Huebner and Joann We needed to spend some of time. They mentored genera- Niedfeldt served a delicious the Thrivent Choice monies: tions of hope.” Linda D. Bart- dessert and coffee. Max Roland motion – lett, – A Kathy Niedfeldt, Secretary Lutheran Hour Ministries ~ “Life Quote” from Lutherans $300 For Life – www.lutherans- St. Paul’s Lutheran 6N Michelle Strecker motion – Youth Gathering ~ $250 October 16 “We no longer wait Thrivent Choice Norma Roland motion – for the Messiah like Ruth, and Congregational Meeting Float banner ~ $170 there will never again be a con- Sixteen Thrivent for Kathy Niedfeldt motion – ception like Mary’s. But, we Lutherans congregational Adult Choir ~ $120 live in the time where we have members met on Sunday, All four motions seconded proof that there is a plan for September 4th, 2011 after our and carried. each life at the moment of con- church service for a Thrivent We will discuss the ception … It’s God’s plan of Choice meeting. Christmas Youth Candy Fund salvation for all of His children On the Agenda was: and the Falls City Food Pantry … carried out for all of us by Four or more advocates next month. Christ on the cross. Let’s wit- needed ~ Mara Dungan, Kathy Niedfeldt, Acting ness to that plan by treasuring Michelle Strecker, Glenn Secretary God’s gift of conception.” Kar- Godemann, Judy Fritz, and en Frohwein, president of LFL Ramona Ebel accepted the Life Quotes of Iowa – A “Life Quote” from advocate call. Ramona October 2 “The desired out- Lutherans For Life – Godemann asked to be removed come of God’s adoption plan for as an advocate. Motion made to us is heaven. That is the ulti- October 23 “The Church is accept new advocates and to mate concern for the Christian called to stand up for the ALL remove Ramona. Seconded and as well. When a child is con- of God’s children, from the un- carried. ceived, whatever the circum- born to the underprivileged … This gives us Kathy stances, a Christian’s first con- The sanctity of human life is in- Niedfeldt (lead coordinator), cern is for that child’s salvation. trinsically possessed for it is Dorothy Vollmer, Kay Subsequent decisions and plans God’s creation.” Rev. Kevin Niedfeldt, Mara Dungan, need always to bear this in mind Kritzer, Bethany Lutheran Michelle Strecker, Glenn … an adoption plan gives op- Church, Long Beach, California Godemann, Judy Fritz, and portunity to place a child in an – A “Life Quote” from Luther- Ramona Ebel as advocates. environment that will nurture ans For Life – www.lutherans- Secretary for our group ~ and uphold that child’s eternal Michelle Strecker welfare.” Rev. Dr. James I. October 30 “Luther … stated Treasurer for our group ~ Lamb, executive director of his position forcefully: ‘For Mara Dungan Lutherans For Life – A “Life those who have no regard for President for our group ~ Quote” from Lutherans For Life pregnant women and who do Kathy Niedfeldt – not spare the tender fruit are Glenn Godemann made a October 9 “God gives us a murderers and infanticides.’ motion to accept the new model for affecting the lives of And John Calvin was just as officers of Thrivent Choice of others. It follows the order of clear … No wonder Orthodox St. Paul’s Lutheran 6N. creation and is gender-specific. scholar Alexander Webster Seconded and carried. You can find that model in Titus wrote that abortion ‘is one of Regular meeting dates will 2:1-8. A young pastor named only several moral issues on be every other month and most which not one dissenting opin- ion has ever been expressed by world a better place. He wanted the Church Fathers.’” Col. John to store up treasures in heaven. Eidsmoe, Lutherans For Life They would be everlasting and board of directors – A “Life no one could remove them from Quote” from Lutherans For Life him. – That young fellow was trying to have a Christian attitude toward life. He realized "The Lutheran Don’t Throw Away that making a life is far more Hour" Those Coupons important than making a living. In fact, those who use their life Listen to KTNC on Manufacturer’s coupons to glorify God on earth find that Sundays at 8:30 a.m. for "The are needed to send to our troops. somehow they have enough, Lutheran Hour" or catch these They really appreciate receiving other times: KFAB 1110am at these coupons and use them quite often more than enough, to 6:30 a.m. KFEQ 680am at 8:30 often. The coupons can be satisfy their worldly needs. This a.m. or WIBW 580am at 7:30 expired by three months and still idea is summed up in the 23rd a.m. and at KNZA 103.9fm at be used by the military. Don’t Psalm: throw away coupons, please put 7:30 a.m. The Lord is my shep- them in Charlene’s mailbox. herd, I lack nothing. Take what you need from your Used Sheets or Drapes He makes me lie are needed for LWR Sunday morning paper and give the rest to our troops. They down in green pas- The Sew ‘n Sew ladies appreciate you helping them! tures, he leads me be- would really appreciate your side quiet waters, he donation of any used sheets or refreshes my soul. He drapes. The ladies use these for guides me along the the quilts that are sent to LWR. Stewardship Minute right paths for his Please contact Dorothy Vollmer. OCTOBER 2011 name’s sake. Even In the October issue of though I walk through Stewardship there is a story the darkest valley, I about two young men will fear no evil, for discussing their personal goals you are with me; your in life. One fellow’s attitude rod and your staff, was to get everything he could they comfort me. You get for himself: money, prepare a table before property, automobiles, stocks, me in the presence of bonds and so forth. One might my enemies. You say he focused on reaping and anoint my head with gathering. He wanted to store oil; my cup overflows. up as many treasures on earth as Surely your goodness Orphan Grain Train possible. All he wanted was and love will follow There is a basket in the everything! me all the days of my Narthex filled with empty film The other young man said life, and I will dwell canisters. We would like you to in the house of the take a few canisters home and that he believed God had given Lord forever. fill them with quarters. him a good life. He had a decent This money will be given body, a fair mind, and some Prayer: Dear Lord, make our to the Orphan Grain Train to talent. Therefore, he said that minds and hearts restless until help with the costs of shipping. since he was a Christian he we strive first for the kingdom With our thanks, the LWML thought that he should use of God on earth as it is in whatever gifts he had to glorify heaven. In Jesus’ name. Amen God and to try to make this OCTOBER NEWSLETTER St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church LCMS 65103 712 Road Falls City NE 68355 402-245-4643
"To serve the needs of all members so as to grow in the true Word and Sacraments, so that we share God's blessing among ourselves and reach out with them to those who need Jesus Christ's love."