Montgomery Independent School District

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Montgomery Independent School District



It is the policy of Lindsay ISD to not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in providing educational services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Lindsay ISD will take steps to ensure that the lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and vocational programs. For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact the Title IX Coordinator, Mrs. Nora Curry, at 495 6th Street (P.O. Box 145), Lindsay, TX 76250, 940-668-8923, and/or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mrs. Nora Curry, at 495 6th Street (P.O. Box 145), Lindsay, TX 76240, 940-668-8923. District Improvement Plan Lindsay ISD 2013 - 2014

District Site Based Decision Making Team

Amber Fuhrmann -Chair Elementary Principal Robert Haynes, Secondary Principal

Donna Rohmer, Teacher LES (12-13) Linus Fuhrmann, Teacher LHS

Jane Otto, Teacher LES (12-13) Chelsea Yosten, Teacher LHS

Marilyn Sebade, Parent LES (12-13) Cory Maydew, Parent LHS

Barbara Hunt, Community (12-13) Reita Miller, Community

Andy Popp, Business (12-13) Roger Deiter, Business

Nora Curry, Superintendent District Improvement Plan Lindsay ISD 2013-2014

Superintendent: ______Date:______

SBDM Chairperson: ______Date:______

School Board President:______Date:______Elementary and Secondary Education Act

Performance Goal 1: By 2013-2014 all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.

Performance Goal 2: All limited English proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics.

Performance Goal 3: All students will continue to be taught by highly qualified teachers.

Performance Goal 4: All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free, and conducive to learning.

Performance Goal 5: All students will graduate from high school. LINDSAY ISD VISION STATEMENT

Lindsay ISD will strive to be the best school district in the State of Texas. LISD Mission Statement

Lindsay Independent School District will provide learning opportunities for students such that:

1. the student will develop into a well-rounded, mature person, and productive member of society;

2. the student will gain knowledge and techniques fundamental to personal survival in a rapidly changing world;

3. the student will understand the ideals and systems of government that will allow them to make a maximum contribution as a citizen;

4. the student will develop the practices of sound personal and environmental health habits;

5. the student will acquire occupational and economic competence allowing him/her to be successful in work and in management of his/her personal affairs;

6. academic equity for all students will be provided

7. acceptance and support for the school’s goals and processes from members of the school community (community members, faculty, parents, and students) will be established.


The Texas Education Agency has issued Lindsay ISD a school rating for the 2012-2013 school year of “Met Standard”. This is the new rating system implemented by TEA. The passing scores for the 2012-2013 STAAR tests were reviewed. District and state assessment information for the 2012-2013 school year was also reviewed. The available scores and test performance information were analyzed by grades, teachers, gender, subjects, and special education. The junior class had 100% in all subjects of the TAKS tests. Areas of concern identified in evaluating the End of Course tests were the English I and II EOC in writing. At the elementary level the area of concern was math. All students are closely monitored to ensure their success in the classroom and on standardized tests. In this manner, any gaps in performance will be addressed by individual student. In addition, campuses identified areas of concern and developed strategies to improve student scores and grades. Student participation and success in various areas of extra-curricular and CATE were reviewed. Also reviewed were student attendance, graduation rate and student dropout rates. Review of discipline indicated LISD met the standards necessary for a safe school designation.

The data analyzed above were utilized to develop the district plan. The Superintendent and School Board have clearly articulated the vision for the District and support that vision in all their decisions and actions.

LISD continues to examine the performance of High School students on SAT and ACT scores. A large majority of our students are tested and scores increased compared to the 2010 test scores. LISD continues to investigate the National Merit Finalists distinction and strives to have more students attain this goal.

Lindsay ISD is strongly supported by the community, businesses, and parents. Every school activity brings out supporters of the district in huge numbers. LISD considers this support essential to the well being of the district.

Meaningful professional development and curriculum is a priority of the district. LISD believes in a focused, effective professional development that connects learning across all grade levels for students.

Finally, Lindsay High School Placed 3rd in UIL Lone Star Cup competition which includes both academic and athletic achievements for the 2012-2013 school year.

Information Reviewed:  District Plan 2012-2013  Student enrollment  Attendance  G/T Student participation  Discipline Report  Drug testing program  Student testing 1. TPRI (K-2) 2. ITBS (Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (K-2) 3. STAAR (3-8) 4. EOC 5. EXIT TAKS Test 6. PBMAS (Performance Based Monitoring Analysis System) Special Education 7. Federal Programs 8. Surveys (Staff, student, parents)

Identified Areas to address:  Provide instruction to the rigor necessary for student success on the new state assessments and K-2 assessments  Provide staff development and materials necessary for student success  Recruit and provide necessary training of highly qualified personnel  G/T certification of core subject teachers  Build trust and open communication with staff, parents and community  Provide consistent expectations of behavior in a safe drug free environment  Provide counseling services for both academic requirements and emotional needs of students focusing on respect of one another  Continue to encourage and support all students to participate in extracurricular activities while monitoring absences due to these activities  Provide facilities to meet the needs of all students Lindsay ISD District Goals

1.0 Prepare students for college and/or careers through an improved and enhanced academic program.

2.0 Provide students for the future through involvement in a variety of school supported extracurricular activities.

3.0 Promote parent participation in the education of their child.

4.0 Attract and retain a quality staff 5.0 Provide a structure environment, which is safe and orderly and enables students to learn at an optimum level.

6.0 Provide school facilities to accommodate current student and future student enrollment growth.

7.0 Provide communication within the LISD community that will lead to better understanding and trust. DISTRICT GOAL: 1.0 Prepare students for college and/or careers through an improved and enhanced academic program.

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 1. reading/language arts and mathematics; 3, highly qualified teachers; 5, graduate from high school

ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM INDICATOR: State mandated tests-STAAR(State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness), TPRI (Texas Primary Reading Inventory),EOC (End of Course) tests and ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE:  Ensure the effective integration of Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) into the district curriculum and classroom instruction so that 100% of the students meet satisfactory requirements on all state mandated tests and 99% National School Norm for ITBS. (K – 2)  Ensure that no District fifth or eighth grade student is denied promotion due to failure on the STAAR reading or math assessment.

ACTIVITIES (Title I Component) PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 1.1 Continue to develop and implement a Principals Meeting Time Oct. 2013 F - Campus staff curriculum that is vertically and Agenda Jan. 2014 development/faculty horizontally aligned to the TEKS May 2014 meeting S - Sign in sheets S- Student performance S-Recommendation report 1.2 Coordinate with principals and Superintendent Time December F - Meetings with appropriate campus staff to identify Principals State assessment 2013 Departments and/or instructional needs and Student progress May 2014 grade level teachers assessments based on data PBMAS reports S - Summary of findings feedback. AEIS reports document (TPA-Teacher Participation in Making PEIMS reports and Assessment Decisions) rosters (CNA- Comprehensive Needs Region XI Assessment) 1.3 Coordinate with Director of Special Campus Principals Time September F - Meeting agenda Education to assist in meeting the 2013 S - Agenda documents assessment needs of Special May 2014 Education students 1.4 Coordinate staff development to Superintendent, Region XI October 2013 F – Coordinate with Region address the instructional needs identified Principals May 2014 XI with staff from the review of data. development opportunities S-List of teachers who (PD- HQ and Ongoing Professional participated in trainings Development) S- Student test results 1.5 Review student progress to determine Elementary Participating staff September F - Progress forms will be the need for entry or dismissal from Principal Time 2013 kept for each student accelerated instruction and/or targeted High School Identified materials Jan. 2014 S - STAAR results instruction such as remediation or tutorials Principal May 2014

(SA-Assistance to Students have difficulty)

1.6 Ensure that all parents of K-8 Elementary Campus letters home August 2013 F - Development of students are properly notified of the Principal and district June 2014 notification materials promotion requirements in grades 5 High School information S - Samples of distributed and 8. Principal information and contact (PI- Parent Involvement) log if applicable 1.7 Parents of targeted students are Elementary Curriculum Materials January 2014 S - STAAR scores clearly notified and aware of their Principal child's progress toward success on High School the STAAR reading/math Principal (PI-Parent Involvement) DISTRICT GOAL: 1.2 Prepare students for the future through an improved and enhanced academic program.

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 1, reading/language arts and mathematics; 3, highly qualified teachers; 5, graduate from high school

ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM INDICATOR: High School Completion Rate and Drop-Out Prevention

DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE:  1.2 All students are informed of college admission requirements, funding assistance and career opportunities.  1.2 High School completion will be at least 95% and the Junior High Drop-Out rate will be 0% ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 1.2.1 Communicate the importance of High School Handouts and Sept. 2013 F – Meeting agendas and making informed course selection Principal, agendas May 2014 handout materials choices to 6th, 7th and 8th grade Counselor Local Funds S - Documentation of students and their parents communication efforts through student and parent surveys 1.2.2 Communicate the requirements for High School Time Oct. 2013 F – Meeting agendas college admission and funding Counselor April 2014 and/or handouts assistance including scholarships S – Written procedure and documentation of student conferences S- Student survey 1.2.3 Coordinate with North Central Texas High School Time Aug. 2013 F. Agreement with NCTC College (NCTC) to offer dual credit Principal Jan. 2014 S- Number of students courses for juniors and seniors May 2014 successfully completing dual credit classes 1.2.4 Support campus efforts for drop out Superintendent Staff time December F - Discussion at Principal reduction and high school completion High School Local funds 2013 meetings activities at the secondary campus Principal April 2014 S - Documentation of drop out activities S- High school completion rate as indicated on PEIMS report DISTRICT GOAL: revise1.3 Prepare students for the future through an improved and enhanced academic program.

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 1. reading/language arts and mathematics; 2, limited English proficient: 3, highly qualified teachers; 5, graduate from high school


DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: 1.3 Coordinate and implement a systematic process to improve student achievement of special populations such as ESL, CTE, Dyslexia, AAS/GT, Special Education, Section 504, At- risk/SCE, Title I, Pre-Kindergarten, and other Federal Title programs.

ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 1.3.1 Periodic meetings will be held Superintendent Local Funds Sept. 2013 F - Meeting agendas and between the superintendent, campus Campus Principals Jan. 2014 schedules principals and appropriate staff to June 2014 S - Annual evaluations assist in the coordination of all special programs and title programs

(CI-Coordination of federal, state, local programs and funds) 1.3.2 The campus principal will meet with Campus Principal Staff time, Sept. 2013 F - Periodic meetings held appropriate staff to coordinate and Campus Jan. 2014 between the principals integrate Title I programs with other Improvement Plans, May 2014 and appropriate staff equations services such as special Program regulations S - Annual program education, dyslexia and 504 Curriculum materials evaluation interventions. Title I funds S – Parent surveys

1.3.3 Provide a quality AAS/GT district- Superintendent Region XI Sept. 2013 F - Lesson plans indicating wide program by: Campus Principals G/T funds, May 2014 the implementation of  Coordinating the 30 hour initial Local funds strategies from training training and six hour update S - AAS/GT STAAR scores training for campus K-12 core S- Number of teachers teachers receiving GT training DISTRICT GOAL: revise1.3 Prepare students for the future through an improved and enhanced academic program.

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 1. reading/language arts and mathematics; 2, limited English proficient: 3, highly qualified teachers; 5, graduate from high school


DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: 1.3 Coordinate and implement a systematic process to improve student achievement of special populations such as ESL, CTE, Dyslexia, AAS/GT, Special Education, Section 504, At- risk/SCE, Title I, Pre-Kindergarten, and other Federal Title programs.


1.3.4 The Superintendent will coordinate Superintendent State Compensatory Jan. 2014 F – Identified students State Compensatory Education Education Funds May 2014 served Funds to support at-risk students who F - Lesson Plans are identified with the greatest need F - Grade reports in programs at the campus level (See S – State test results campus plans for details) S - Final report card 1.3.5 Parents of targeted students are Campus Principal State Compensatory Aug. 2013 S- Notification date and clearly notified and aware of their Counselor Education Funds Jan. 2014 information child's progress toward success on June 2014 S- Parent survey the End of Course tests and retesting dates (PI-Parent Involvement) 1.3.6 Provide necessary intervention and Campus Principal State Compensatory Sept. 2013 S- Schedule of tutorials and tutorials to prepare students to be Education Funds Jan. 2014 interventions successful on EOC tests June 2014 S- Student success on (SA- Student Assistance to master skills) July 2014 EOC tests and retests 1.3.7 Students will explore different career High School Career Education December F - Lesson Plans in courses paths Principal Curriculum 2013 S - Student registration Local Funds April 2014 counts S - Academic credits for courses DISTRICT GOAL: 2.0 Prepare students for the future through involvement in a variety of school supported extracurricular activities.

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 5, Graduate from high school


DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: 2 To maintain current programs and increasing involvement in extracurricular activities. ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 2.1.1 Maintain highly qualified staff to Athletic Director Staff time Aug. 2013 F – % of highly qualified coach athletic and academic programs UIL Director Local funds staff . Principals May 2014 S - % of student Superintendent participation S- Review of student & team performance at district and post district 2.1.2 Provide Athletic and UIL academic Superintendent Local funds September S- Review % of student leadership by keeping coordinators at Principals 2013 participation all levels. May 2014 S – Review of student performance at district and post district competition DISTRICT GOAL: 3.0 Promote parent participation in the education of their child

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 5, graduate from high school

ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM INDICATOR: High school graduation rate; Title I Parent Involvement

DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: 3 Support and coordinate efforts to promote parent and community participation in the school district activities.

ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 3.1 Distribute district information via the Superintendent Local funds Fall 2013 F – Distributions report district web site, student messenger, Staff time Spring 2014 cards report cards, and local news media. F- Newspaper articles F- Student messenger postings S- Parent and staff surveys 3.2 Coordinate efforts with the campus Staff time January 2014 F - Principal meeting improvement committees and Campus Principals Campus May 2014 agendas campus administration to ensure Improvement Plans S - Parental participation in maximum parental participation in events campus and school district activities (PI-Parent Involvement) 3.3 Have activities for Title I parent Elementary Title I funds, September F - parent conference days participation for ex. attending one of Principal Local funds 2013 and parent night sign-in two parent conferences and the May 2014 sheets parent/student family night and by S - Parent surveys completing the parent, student, and school compact, and parent survey DISTRICT GOAL: 4.0 Attract and retain quality staff

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 3, highly qualified staff


DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: 4 Offer competitive salary, benefits, and incentives and support to attract and retain quality staff.

ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 4.1 The School Board and Superintendent Salary schedule, February F - Reports at Board Superintendent will annually review School Board Staff time 2014 meetings the salary schedule, turnover rate, June 2014 F- Approved Salary and teacher experience to attract Schedule and retain quality staff S - Teacher turnover rate 4.2 Recruit teachers that meet the highly Superintendent ESC 11; University Sept. 2013 F- # applicants for posted qualified standards of state Principals job postings, LISD Feb. 2014 positions certification webpage S- 100% Highly qualified staff as reported for NCLB

4.3 Provide mentor training to include Superintendent Region XI August 2013 F - Program monitoring selected components of TxBESS (a state Campus Principals Local Funds S - Decreased teacher mentor training and induction year May 2014 turnover rate program) to first year teachers

(AHQ-Attract highlty qualified staff) DISTRICT GOAL: 5 Provide a structured environment, which is safe and orderly and enables students to learn at on optimum level

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 4, All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free and conducive to learning


DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: 5 The district has plans and procedures developed and implemented to support a positive learning environment for all students.

ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 5.1 Provide the counselor with the Superintendent Region XI materials December F – Periodic discipline necessary tools to address and Campus Principals Outside presenters 2013 reports support suicide prevention, violence Counselor March 2014 S – End of year discipline prevention, and conflict resolution, June 2014 report and harassment S-Surveys 5.2 Implement an education program that Counselor, Local funds July 2013 F - Meetings to review the focuses on character and leadership Campus Principals Aug. 2013 student code of conduct to teach tolerance and respect for June 2014 S - 2013-2014 Student others Code of Conduct disseminated to students S-Student Discipline S-Surveys 5.3 Instruct students on bullying issues Campus Principals Local Funds Sept. 2013 F- Summaries of such as identification of bullying, how Counselor Dec. 2013 presentation to students to report bullying, and how to stop March 2014 F - # of incidents reported bullying June 2014 and investigated S- Findings on investigation of reports for the year S-Student, parent, staff surveys DISTRICT GOAL: 5 Provide a structured environment, which is safe and orderly and enables students to learn at on optimum level

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 4, All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free and conducive to learning


DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: 5 The district has plans and procedures developed and implemented to support a positive learning environment for all students.

ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 5.4 Develop and consistently implement Superintendent Time Aug. 2013 F- Written plans discipline management plans at each Campus Principals Local funds Dec. 2013 F- Meeting agenda for campus June 2014 implementation S- Discipline reports PEIMS S- Surveys 5.5 Continue implementation of drug Superintendent Texas School Survey Aug. 2013 F - # of drug testing events testing at grades 9-12 and the use of Campus Principals of Substance Use December F – #of Canine searches an outside agency to provide drug 2013 S – Results of drug testing dog searches on the LISD campuses Local funds May 2014 and canine searches S- Student/Parent/Faculty surveys 5.6 Maintain and implement handbooks Athletic Local funds Summer F – Written guidelines and guidelines for all extra-curricular Director/sponsors/ 2013 F- Meeting of participants organizations. Ex athletic, FFA, High School June 2014 to review expectations FCCLA, Cheerleading Principal F – Report to School Board Superintendent S – Report of infractions S- Success of activities 5.7 Maintain and implement policy Superintendent TEA Fall 2013 F – Staff meeting addressing awareness of child sexual High School District Policy F – In service abuse and maltreatment Principal Employee Handbook May 2014 S – Programs implemented Elementary Local funds and reviewed Principal Counselor DISTRICT GOAL: 5 Provide a structured environment, which is safe and orderly and enables students to learn at on optimum level

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND PERFORMANCE GOAL: 4, All students will be educated in learning environments that are safe, drug free and conducive to learning


DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: 5 The district has plans and procedures developed and implemented to support a positive learning environment for all students.

ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 5.9 Review and update Emergency Superintendent Manual; Community Aug. 2013 F- Meeting agendas Operations Procedures members; TEA May 2014 S- Procedures manual presented to School Board 5.10 Drills and practices addressing Principals Local funds Jan. 2014 S- Documented drills (date, various scenarios of safety June 2014 time, type, etc.) 5.10 Use surveillance cameras to monitor Superintendent/ Local Funds Aug. 2013 F- Verification of operation school areas for safety Campus Principal Jan. 2014 of monitoring system June 2014 S- End of year report of findings

DISTRICT GOAL: 6.0 Provide school facilities to accommodate current student and student enrollment growth.



DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: 6 Analyze student growth to project future facility needs

ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 6.1 The School Board and Superintendent Staff time Sept. 2013 F - Student growth charts, Superintendent will review AEIS student reports Monthly graphs, and tables enrollment changes by grade level reports S - Board minutes for the current year and historical April 2014 reflecting any actions trends resulting from the review 6.2 Continue improvements to agricultural Superintendent Staff time Dec. 2013 F – Board meeting minutes department farm for student projects Ag teacher Local and CTE funds May 2014 S – Project completed and activities School Board 6.3 Review facility needs for technology, Superintendent Staff time May 2014 F – Review of facility needs and safety Principals, Site- Local and IMA funds S – Board minutes base team reflecting any actions resulting from assessment of needs DISTRICT GOAL: 7.0 Provide communication within the LISD community that will lead to better understanding and trust



DISTRICT TARGET OBJECTIVE: Establish acceptance and support for the school’s goals and processes from members of the school community (community members, faculty, parents and staff)

ACTIVITIES PERSON (S) RESOURCES TIMELINE FORMATIVE (F) & RESPONSIBLE SUMMATIVE(S) EVALUATION 7.1 Implementation of School Messenger Superintendent Local funds Sept. 2013 F – Documented use of to send out school wide and parent Principal June 2014 system notifications S - Surveys 7.2 Review and revise parental Superintendent Local funds August 2013 S – Completed document involvement policy Principal 7.3 Staff development training at each Superintendent Local funds August 2013 S- Agenda documenting campus addressing communication Principals January 2014 topic and accountability expectations 7.4 Feasibility study of a District newsletter Superintendent Local Funds October 2014 F- Findings of possibility of to all taxpayers May 2014 implementation S-Newsletters sent or not 7.5 Review and revise annual staff, Superintendent Local Funds March 2014 F- Revised surveys student and parent surveys Campus Principals April 2014 S – Survey participation and results

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