In Attendance: Cllr. T. Reilly, J. Holloway, P. O Neill, J. Mangan, J. Reilly

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In Attendance: Cllr. T. Reilly, J. Holloway, P. O Neill, J. Mangan, J. Reilly


In attendance: Cllr. T. Reilly, J. Holloway, P. O’Neill, J. Mangan, J. Reilly,

Officials: E.Cummins, Navan Area Manager S. Donnelly, Navan Area Administrator F. Fallon, A/Navan Area Engineer M. Rogers, Senior Executive Officer, J.White, Administrative Officer, J. Caulwell, Senior Executive Engineer. M. Finnegan, Road Safety Officer

Apologies: Cllr J D’Arcy, Cllr S Cassells.

1.0 Confirmation of Minutes

Confirmation of Minutes of June Monthly Meeting of Navan Electoral Area Committee which took place at 9.30am on the 16th June 2007 in the Town Council Chamber, Townhall, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath.

On the proposal of Cllr T Reilly, seconded by Cllr J Reilly, the Minutes of the June Monthly Meeting of Navan Electoral Area Committee held at 9.30pm on the 16th June 2007 in the Town Council Chamber, Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath were adopted by the Members.

2.0 Election of chairman for year to 30th June, 2008

The outgoing Chairman, Cllr. P O’Neill thanked his colleagues and the officials for all their help and support over the past year.

Each of the Members expressed their gratitude to the outgoing Chairman for all his hard work and dedication during the year and stated that he was a very fair and courteous Chairman and one that facilitated everyone at the Meetings.

The Area Manager, Eugene Cummins and Area Administrator, Shane Donnelly, also thanked the outgoing Chairman Cllr. P O’Neill and stated that the Area Committee had been extremely productive over the last year.

On the proposal of Cllr T Reilly, seconded by Cllr P O’Neill, Cllr J Mangan was elected as Chairman of the Navan Electoral Area Committee for year 30th June, 2008.

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Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web: Toghcheantar An Uaimh - Navan Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes 3.0 Correspondence

Ramparts Car Park/Picnic Area

The Members received and noted correspondence from a resident near the Ramparts Car Park and Picnic Area in relation to antisocial behaviour being carried out at the location.

Each of the Members expressed the view that the area needed some type of regulation and the provision of an automatic lockable gate system with specified opening and closing times may solve the problems currently being experienced.

The Area Administrator informed the Members that it was important to take into consideration the effect that the erection of such a system may have on the Community who use the Ramparts.

On the proposal of Cllr T Reilly, seconded by Cllr J Holloway it was agreed by the Members that the Area Administrator would write to the Navan Anglers Association and request there views and opinions in relation to the Council’s proposal to erect an automatic gate system at the location and also to provide an information display area outlining the opening and closing times in a bid to curb this anti- social behaviour.

4.0 To consider preliminary “Draft” Road Traffic (Speed Limits) (County of Meath) Bye- Laws 2007.

The Members received a presentation from Mr Martin Rogers SEO, Mr Jim White, AO, M Finnegan RSO and Jim Caulwell SEE in relation to the preliminary “Draft” Road Traffic (SpeedLimits) (County of Meath) Bye-Laws 2007. The Members also received and noted details of the procedure pertaining to same.

Following this presentation the Members made some alterations/additions to the proposal (see below)

1. Cannistown All 50km/h

2. Kilberry Extend on Kingscourt side 60km/h

3. Kentstown 50km/h speed limit on L5054

4. Navan/Johnstown (a) R153 Kentstown Road (not Duleek)

(b) R161 Trim Road 50km/h(Balreask side of bad bend)

(c) Commons Road 50km/h should include bad bend. 60km/h should pick up from this point

(d) Boyne Road – need to look at

5. Rathfeigh 50km/h extend on L1002 (TR) Remain as proposed by officials. Do not extend.

6. Robinstown (a) L4008 Dunderry –Robinstown (Rataine) (not Kilmessan) Extend 50km/h beyond new housing development. (b) L4007 Robinstown – Navan Road (not Commons)

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Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web: Toghcheantar An Uaimh - Navan Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes 7. Wilkinstown Look at shortening section of 50km/h

8. Lismullen School 50km/h

9. UDC Boundary Identify on Navan map and any changes to 50km/h (built up area) need to be included in bye-laws

The Officials present noted the amendments and stated that they would be taken into consideration when finalising the Draft Road Traffic (Speed Limits) (County of Meath) Bye-Laws 2007.

5.0 Notice of Questions

Question to the Manager – Cllr T Reilly “That the Manager provides an update on when bollards will be installed and safety measures put in place at Blackcastle Estate?”.

The Members noted and received the following response from the Area Manager in relation to the above question from Cllr T Reilly

It is the Council’s intention that:

 The installation of the ramps will be carried out during the month of August

 Tree Pruning will be carried out during the month of September

6.0 Notices of Motion

Notice of Motion -- Cllr J Holloway “That Meath Council proceed immediately to eliminate the public right of way at Abbeygrove estate, between house No’s. 6 and 7, and 78 and 79, as already notified to this council”

On the proposal of Cllr J Holloway, seconded by Cllr T Reilly it was agreed to defer the discussion of this Notice of Motion until the September Meeting of Navan Electoral Area


Notice of Motion – Cllr T Reilly

“I call on a regeneration scheme to be put in place for Clusker Park and furthermore that Meath Co Council makes an application to the D.O.E.L.G. for same”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr T Reilly and seconded by Cllr J Reilly.

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Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web: Toghcheantar An Uaimh - Navan Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes Each of the Members agreed with the spirit of the Motion as Clusker Park is an old well established Local Authority Estate.

The Area Administrator advised that as the estate was well established, his understanding was that the majority of houses would have been bought out over the years.

On the proposal of Cllr T Reilly, seconded by Cllr J Reilly it was agreed by the Members that the Area Administrator would forward the Motion to the Housing Construction Section of Meath Co Council for appropriate action .

Notice of Motion – Cllr T Reilly

“That Navan Electoral Area Councillors be notified of the person in charge of all contract works being carried out in the Navan Area”.

This Notice of Motion was proposed by Cllr T Reilly and seconded by Cllr J Reilly

The Area Administrator agreed to furnish the Members with the information as requested.

7.0 Any Other Business

 Section of road beside railway gates at Wilkinstown requires attention

 Update on the NIRR2B

 Update on footpath from Village to Kentstown School

 Update on DTO funding for pedestrian crossing etc Johnstown

 Requested Planning Enforcement Report for the Navan Electoral Area.

 Illegal encampment Bohermeen bog requires attention

 Section of road at Rathkenny at Peter Crosbies requires attention

 Unauthorised Caravan on Hill of Tara.

 Suitable public lighting required at Hill of Tara.

 Hill of Tara requires investment from the various stakeholders

 Tymoole graveyard – section of road requires attention

 Section of road on CR401 to Gilliamstown requires attention


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Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web: Toghcheantar An Uaimh - Navan Area Miontuairiscí / Meeting Minutes

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Navan Town Council and Area Office, Town Hall, Watergate Street, Navan, County Meath Telephone: 046 9029078, Fax: 046 9028497, Email: [email protected], web:

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