Chapter 16: Respiration and Excretion

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Chapter 16: Respiration and Excretion

Answer Key CHAPTER 16: RESPIRATION AND 16-3 What happens to air before it EXCRETION reaches the lungs? 16-1 What is the respiratory system? Lesson Review Lesson Review 1. tiny hairlike structures 2. to push mucus and 1. d 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. g 6. b 7. f trapped particles toward the back of the throat 3. Cilia Skill Challenge are located in the lining of the windpipe and nose. 4. a 1. nasal cavity 2. nose 3. mouth 4. throat sticky liquid that traps dirt, dust, and bacteria in the 5. epiglottis 6. larynx 7. trachea 8. bronchus windpipe and nose 5. to trap dirt, dust, and bacteria 9. right lung 10. left lung (or alveoli) before such harmful particles enter the lungs, and to keep respiratory tissue moist 6. in the nose and 16-1 What is the respiratory system? windpipe 7. Air is filtered, moistened, and warmed before it reaches the lungs. 8. Moistened air helps to Enrichment Activity: Comparing the Pathways of Food and Air keep the respiratory tissues from drying out and helps PART A prevent damage to the lungs. 1. also called the throat; passageway for both food and Skill Challenge air 2. connects the mouth to the stomach; passageway 1. Hairs in the nose: to filter particles from the air for food located at the base of the pharynx 3. also 2. Cilia in the trachea: to filter air and push mucus called the windpipe; passageway that carries air from toward the back of the throat 3. Cells lining the nose: the throat to the bronchi 4. flap of tissue that covers to produce mucus the top of the trachea; passageway for air that closes off the top of the throat during swallowing to prevent 16-4 How does oxygen get into the food from entering 5. respiratory and digestive blood? 6. epiglottis 7. It is covering the top of the trachea. Lesson Review 8. Food can get past the epiglottis and into the 1. gases 2. nitrogen 3. cellular respiration 4. grapes windpipe, causing a person to choke. 5. alveoli 6. capillaries 7. red blood cells 8. carbon PART B dioxide 9. oxygen 10. carbon dioxide 1. esophagus 2. epiglottis 3. pharynx 4. trachea Skill Challenge Description: Oxygen is moving from the alveoli into 16-2 What are breathing and the capillaries. Capillaries carry the oxygen to all the respiration? cells of the body. Carbon dioxide is moving from the Lesson Review capillaries into the lungs. The carbon dioxide is 1. inhaling 2. exhaling 3. respiration 4. chemical released from the body when the lungs exhale. 5. mechanical 6. diaphragm 7. cellular 8. larger 9. smaller 10. external Skill Challenge 1. a. exhaling b. Possible answer: The diaphragm has moved upward, toward the lungs. The space inside the chest is smaller. 2. a. inhaling b. Possible answer: The diaphragm has moved downward, away from the lungs. The space inside the chest is larger.

Concepts and Challenges in Life Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM (c) by Pearson Education, Inc./Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group. All rights reserved. Respiration and Excretion: CHAPTER 16 Answer Key 16-5 How does tobacco affect the 16-6 What is the excretory system? body? Lesson Review Lesson Review 1. true 2. gets rid of 3. true 4. true 5. excretory 1. 100 2. stimulant 3. monoxide 4. cilia 5. heart 6. kidneys 7. true 8. large 9. true 10. liquid 6. narrower 7. emphysema 11. true 12. urethra Skill Challenge Skill Challenge Surgeon General's Warnings: Accept any three of 1. skin 2. lungs 3. kidneys 4. bladder the following: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and May Complicate Pregnancy. 16-7 How do the kidneys work? Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks Lesson Review to Your Health. Smoking By Pregnant Women May 1. to remove wastes from blood 2. urine 3. urea Result in Fetal Injury, Premature Birth, and Low Birth 4. water, salts, and urea 5. urethra 6. waste products Weight. Cigarette Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. of proteins 7. in the collecting tube 8. nutrients the Diseases: Accept any three of the following: lung body needs 9. the filtering structures of the kidneys cancer, emphysema, coronary heart disease, bronchitis, 10. After blood enters the nephrons, water, salts, and bladder cancer, periodontitis, mouth cancer, and throat urea are forced out of the capillaries and into cancer. Bowman’s capsule where they remain in the collecting tube. Nutrients pass back into the blood and the filtered 16-5 How does tobacco affect the blood returns to the heart. body? Skill Challenge Enrichment Activity: Health Trends 1. kidneys 2. ureter 3. bladder 4. urethra 5. to Check students’ graphs for accuracy. remove waste products from the blood 6. to carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder 7. to store urine until it is removed from the body 8. to carry urine to the outside of the body

16-8 How does the skin remove wastes? Lesson Review 1. dermis 2. epidermis 3. pores 4. dead 5. hair follicles 6. oil glands 7. dermis 8. capillaries 9. sweat glands 10. perspiration Skill Challenge 1. hair 2. pore 3. oil gland 4. sweat gland 5. hair 1. The number of male smokers has steadily decreased follicle 6. blood vessels since 1970. 2. The number of female smokers has steadily decreased since 1970. 3. Possible answers: 16-8 How does the skin remove the warnings issued by the surgeon general relating wastes? cigarette smoking and cancer, as well as increased Enrichment Activity: Comparing the Dermis public knowledge about the effect of cigarette smoking and the Epidermis on the body. 4. New anti-smoking campaigns may 1. Dermis 2. Dermis 3. Epidermis 4. Dermis help to decrease the number of smokers even more. 5. Epidermis 6. Epidermis 7. Epidermis 8. Epidermis Also, new legislation that bans cigarette advertising 9. Dermis 10. Dermis 11. Epidermis 12. Epidermis that is aimed towards teens may also help to lower the 13. Epidermis 14. Dermis 15. Dermis 16. Dermis number of people who start smoking. 17. Dermis 18. Dermis 19. Epidermis 20. Epidermis

Concepts and Challenges in Life Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM (c) by Pearson Education, Inc./Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group. All rights reserved. Respiration and Excretion: CHAPTER 16 Answer Key The Big Idea Lesson Review 1. a condition that occurs when the body is heated beyond the control of normal systems 2. Rapid breathing decreases carbon dioxide in the blood, increases oxygen in the blood, and slightly cools the body. 3. Heat stroke occurs when body systems cannot reverse overheating and the sweating system shuts down. Body temperature continues to rise and body systems shut down one at a time. Skill Challenge 1. Athletes are encourage to drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercise to prevent dehydration and overheating. 2. Dogs do not have sweat glands in their skin. They pant to get rid of carbon dioxide and to cool their bodies. 3. If it is not possible to go inside, sit down in the shade and drink water. Wet your skin with water or a wet cloth, and sit in a breeze or fan yourself.

CHAPTER 16: RESPIRATION AND EXCRETION Key Term Review Across 4. urine 5. perspiration 7. urea 8. evaporation 9. pores 11. excretion 12. inhale 13. alveoli Down 1. mucus 2. diaphragm 3. bronchi 6. respiration 10. cilia 11. exhale

Concepts and Challenges in Life Science, Teacher’s Resources CD-ROM (c) by Pearson Education, Inc./Globe Fearon/Pearson Learning Group. All rights reserved. Respiration and Excretion: CHAPTER 16

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