DS556.52 .A22T55 1973 Tolson, John J. Vietnam Studies: Airmobility 1961-1971. Washington
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DS556.52 .A22T55 1973 Tolson, John J. Vietnam Studies: Airmobility 1961-1971. Washington, D.C.: Dept. of the Army, 1973.
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Burbeck, James. Ia Drang 1965 and the Defense of Landing Zone X-Ray. Map. n.d. War Times Journal, The.
Ia Drang and Vicinity, 1965, Opening Moves. Map. United States Defense Printing Agency. n.d. United States Military Academy.
VERTICAL FILE For additional printed sources, check the vertical file at the MCoE HQ Donovan Research Library. Ask circulation and/or reference desks for assistance.
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