University Career Services

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University Career Services



Email:______Student ID:______

ACADEMIC PREPARATION 1. What degree will you receive at graduation?

____Bachelor’s with single major ____Bachelor’s with 2 or more majors ____Double degree (receiving two separate Bachelors’ degrees) ____Master’s (terminal) (MFA, MPH, MA, MS) ____Master’s (completed on way to Doctorate) ____Dual Masters/Doctorate (JD/PhD, MD/PhD) ____Doctorate

2. Please list your current area of study.


3. Indicate the school of your degree program.

____Communication ____Education and Social Policy ____Feinberg School of Medicine (MD/MPH, MD/PhD) ____McCormick Engineering and Applied Sciences ____Medill School of Journalism ____Beinen School of Music ____School of Continuing Studies ____School of Law (JD/PhD) ____Weinberg Arts & Sciences ____Other

4. If you are enrolled in a dual degree program, please list your other schools:

____The Graduate School (MA, MS, Ph.D.) ____Communication ____Education and Social Policy ____Feinberg School of Medicine (MD/MA, MD/PhD, DPT/PhD) ____McCormick Engineering and Applied Sciences ____Medill School of Journalism ____Bienen School of Music ____School of Continuing Studies ____School of Law (JD/PhD) ____Weinberg Arts & Sciences

5. If you are enrolled in a graduate certificate program, please indicate which one.

African Studies Biotechnology Comparative and Historical Social Science Education Sciences Gender Studies Italian Studies Language, Music, and Communication

POST-GRADUATION PLANS 6. Which category best describes your PRIMARY career status immediately after graduation, beginning Summer, 2009 or Fall, 2009? (Choose only one)

____Full time employment ____Full time employment offer(s) pending ____Temporary or contract job ____Self-employed or freelance work ____Employed part time at one or more jobs ____Military service full time ____Post graduate Internship/Practica/Student Teaching ____Post graduate Fellowship ____Postdoctorate ____Will perform community/volunteer service full time ____Will continue my education next fall ____Unemployed & actively seeking work ____Voluntarily unemployed & not seeking work ____Other

7. Did you search for post-graduation employment while at NU?

Yes ___ No ___

IF YES, complete questions 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 IF NO, skip to question 13

8. How long did you search for post-graduation employment from the time you started your active search?

Enter the number of months you searched______

9. From the time you started your job search for post-graduation employment, how many offers did you receive?

____0 ____1 ____2 ____3 ____4

2 ____5 ____6 ____7 or more ____not applicable to me

10. With how many employers did you have job interviews during your search for post-graduation employment? Please enter the number of employers with whom you interviewed______

11. Please rate how extensively you used each job search method listed below to generate job leads, employer interest, or job interviews:

Please rate each one on degree of use: “1”=Not at All to “4” Always

A. NU Career Services on Lincoln St./UCS Career Lab 1 2 3 4

B. NU job listings on Internet 1 2 3 4

C. NU campus interviews 1 2 3 4

D. NU job/career fair 1 2 3 4

E. NU faculty 1 2 3 4

F. NU alumni 1 2 3 4

G. Professional contacts 1 2 3 4

H. Family/personal friends 1 2 3 4

I. Other job/career fair 1 2 3 4

J. Employment agency 1 2 3 4

K. Direct application to employers 1 2 3 4

L. Job ads in publications/print media 1 2 3 4

3 M. Prior experience with employer 1 2 3 4

N. Professional association(s) 1 2 3 4

O. Internet site(s) 1 2 3 4

P. Other method(s) 1 2 3 4

12. Of the job search methods listed above, which were the two most useful to you? Enter the letter of your two choices: ______

13. If you used University Career Services, when did you first make contact?

First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Fifth Year +

EMPLOYMENT PLANS 14. Will you be employed full-time after graduation?

Yes (include pending offers) No

IF YES, complete questions 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 IF NO, skip to question 22

15. When did you accept your job? (Please choose from list below) ____Prior to this academic year ____Summer before graduation ____Fall quarter before graduation ____Year of graduation, Winter quarter ____Year of graduation, Spring quarter

16. What will be your annual salary? (Example, $30,000)______

17. If you received a signing bonus, how much was it? (Example, $5,000)______

18. Please indicate your title/occupation


19. Please indicate your employer

4 ______20. Please indicate the type of position you obtained (job function) (place an “x” by your selection)

Finance Accounting Auditing Commercial Banking (Consumer) Commercial Banking (Lending) Financial Analysis Investment Banking (Corporate Finance) Investment Banking (Mergers & Acquisitions) Investment Banking (Real Estate) Sales & Trading Portfolio Management/Brokerage

Public Administration Executive, Legislative, & General Policy Law Enforcement Military National Security Urban/Regional Planning

Computer Science Computer Programming Computer Systems Analysis Network Administration Technical/Computer Support Other Computer Related (NEC)

Social Services Administrative (Social Services) Counseling Fundraising/Development Social Work

Healthcare Administrative (Healthcare) Dietician Medical Technology Occupational Therapy Paramedic Pharmacist Physical Therapy Radiation Therapy Registered Nurse Respiratory Therapy Speech Pathology/Audiology Other Health Related (NEC)

Engineering Bioengineering Design/Construction Environmental/Sanitation Field Engineering Hardware Design & Development Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Safety Manufacturing/Industrial Power Systems

5 Process Engineering (Chemical) Production Engineering Project Engineering Quality Control Research & Development Software Design & Development Systems/Programming Testing Other Engineering (NEC)

Marketing Advertising Brand/Product Management Buyer/Merchandising Customer Service Distribution Marketing Research Purchasing Sales

Communications Design/Graphic Arts Media Planning Production (Communications) Public Relations Reporting Writing/Editing

Other Functional Categories Actuarial Agricultural/Natural Resources Architecture Consulting Human Resources/Industrial Relations Insurance (Claims) Insurance (Underwriting) Management Trainee (Entry-Level Management) Management, General (Mid to Upper Level) Mathematician/Statistician Paralegal Performing Arts/Entertainment Religious Occupation Research (Nontechnical) Research (Technical/Scientific) Teaching

21. Please indicate the primary industry of your employer (Place an “x” by

your selection)

Business and related Banking – Investment Banking – Commercial Consulting Economics Financial Services Human Resources Insurance Organization Change/Development Management/Administration Pharmaceuticals

6 Real Estate Sales Securities/Trading

Communications Marketing and/or Media Advertising Arts Management Broadcasting TV and Radio Design – Fashion, Web Event Planning Fundraising Marketing Public Relations Writing/Journalism/Publishing Film Performing Arts – Drama, Music, Theater Visual Arts

Engineering and Sciences Biomedical/Biotechnical Chemical Engineering Civil/Transportation Services Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Engineering Management/Project Management Environmental Engineering Information Technology Industrial Engineering Life Sciences Material Sciences Mechanical Engineering

Non-Profit/Education/Government Education Government Healthcare/Public Health Higher Education International/Teaching Overseas Law Medical Politics Public Policy Social Services/Counseling/Community Development Teaching – Elementary, Secondary, Research



GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL PLANS 22. If you are not continuing your current program at NU (in a PhD and MD/PhD program), have you applied to graduate or professional school? Yes No

IF YES, please respond to Questions 23, 24, 25, 26 IF NO, go to Question 30

7 23. Number of schools you applied to 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

24. Number of schools that admitted you 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+

25. Names of the graduate or professional schools where you were admitted:


26. Do you plan to attend graduate or professional school within the next academic year? Yes No

IF YES, please respond to Questions 27, 28, 29 IF NO, go to Question 30

27. What degree will you be seeking?

_____MA/MS _____MBA _____Doctorate _____Law _____MD or equivalent _____DDS _____Other

28. Where will you be attending graduate/professional school next year?


29. What will be your major field of study next year?

Please enter field of study ______

CAREER PREPARATION AND DECISION MAKING 30. While attending NU, did you participate in any of the activities listed below?

Please indicate the number of quarters were you involved (from 1 to 9+; 0 = Did not participate)

Internships 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+

Coop Experience 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+

Practica/student teaching 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+

8 Research with faculty 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+

Summer jobs 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+

Part-time jobs during school year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+

Student activities/organizations 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+

Community/volunteer service 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+

Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant Positions 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9+

31. While earning your current NU degree, did you change your career direction? _____Yes _____No

IF YES, complete Question 32 IF NO, skip to Question 33

32. Why did you change your career direction? ______

33. When did you decide upon your current career direction?

_____ Prior to Undergraduate degree _____ During Undergraduate degree _____ After completing Bachelor’s degree, prior to Graduate degree _____ During graduate school years _____ Currently undecided about career direction

34. What is the highest degree you plan to earn during your lifetime?

_____MA or MS _____MBA or equivalent _____Doctorate _____Law _____Medical/Dental _____Uncertain

35. What is your primary long term career interest?

_____Arts, Performance, Music _____Business, Consulting, Finance, Management, Sales _____Communication, Journalism, Media

9 _____Community, Public or Social Service _____Education/Teaching _____Entrepreneur _____Government, Public Policy, Politics _____Law _____Medicine _____Research/Academia _____Technology or Engineering _____Other: ______Uncertain/undecided at this time

36. What is your ethnic/racial background?

_____Asian/ Asian American//Pacific Islander _____Black, African-American _____Latina/o, Mexican-American, Chicano _____Middle Eastern _____Native American, Alaskan American _____White, Caucasian _____Multiracial _____Other _____Prefer not to answer

37. What is your gender?

_____Male _____Female _____Transgender _____Prefer not to answer

38. What is your citizenship status?

_____U.S. Citizen _____Permanent Resident _____Student Visa _____Prefer not to answer

39. Where will you reside next fall?

City: ______

State or Country: ______

10 Future Contact Information (Optional) We hope you will be willing to give advice to NU students/alumni regarding your career field, employer or graduate/professional school. If so, please include your post graduation contact information below, this will be provided to Northwestern Alumni Association and NU Clubs:


Mailing Address:



Thank you for completing the graduation survey. Congratulations on earning your degree and best wishes in your future endeavors.


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