Scripture Readings for the Week of the Trinity s11

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Scripture Readings for the Week of the Trinity s11


SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3 4:00p.m. Peter B. Bertucci 6:00p.m. Helene, Peter & Jacob Bertucci,David & Baby Bruce,For the Souls in Purgatory,Johnny Chenniliaro,Pete Ditta,Horace Metrujean,Madio,Mary Breaux &Deceased,Emily Sandras, Alton Hindelang III,Pepper Martin Sr.,Patricia Ledet,Eloise The readings today are eloquent reflections of God's love. The poetic Poche Theron,Fr. Stanley Klores STD(Living),Randolph reading from Wisdom gives us a picture of God and His relationship to us. Gros, Nothing exists that is not loved by God. As real and destructive as sin is, it Jackie Spera,Emily DiMarco,Loisel Bladsacker,Leatrice cannot undermine the ultimate goodness of God's creation. The trials and Boudreaux,Terri Barrilleaux,Iris Thibodeaux sufferings in our lives are somehow gifts that God allows, through which SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 we grow closer to Him and thus reap spiritual joy. It is beneficial if we 8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners make an offering to him of our trials and sufferings. These seemingly-hard 11:00a.m. Eula Orgeron lessons may keep us from eternal destruction. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5 St. Paul's message of the second reading is that only by God's 7:00a.m. Jack Montagino, Sr. transforming grace are we made worthy of His calling so that His name TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 and message may be glorified in us. 7:00a.m. Edward Melancon,Angela Montagnino,In Thanksgiving, Today's gospel is the story of Jesus; entering into the life of a wealthy Norman Breaux,Troy Dean Williams II,Steve Tassin,Buddy chief tax collector named Zacchaeus. Tax collectors worked for the Bower,Randy Gros Roman government and were usually dishonest and disliked by the WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 citizens who considered them sinners and social outcasts. This man was 7:00a.m. Tommy & Charles "Tee" Blanchard short of stature and unable to see Jesus, as the Messiah passed through 8:30a.m. Trudy Delaune Jerico, so he climbed a sycamore tree for a better view. Jesus happened to THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8 look up and see the man and told Zacchaeus that He was going to stay at 7:00a.m. Aubrey LeBlanc his house. When the residents grumbled that Jesus was going to eat with a FRIDAY NOVEMBER 9 sinner, Our Lord told his host, "Today salvation has come to this 7:00a.m. Hayes Trosclair house…..for the Son of Man has come to seek and save what was lost." SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Once the Messiah enters into a person's life, conversion cannot be far 7:00a.m. Troy Dean Williams II behind because one cannot remain untouched by an encounter with Jesus. 4:00p.m. Loupe-Theriot Families Deceased His mission was to save lost souls, and our need—as that of Zacchaeus--- 6:00p.m. Pete Ditta,Ernest P. Boudreaux,Saladino-LeBlanc Families is for inner renewal. We should never be satisfied with the status quo in Deceased,Babin-DiGiovanni Families Deceased,Paul & Betty our spiritual lives, but should always be aiming toward a closer Territo,Janet Farizo,Pete Taulli Sr., William Taulli Jr. & relationship with Jesus our Lord. Julian Taulli,Eola M. White,Doyce R. Hebert,Frances "Toni" Guthrie, Today's Scriptures: Wisdom 11:22-12:2' Psalm 145; 2 Thessalonians 1:11-2:2; Luke 19:1-10 Harold Thiaville,Eloise Poche Theron,Emily Sandras, Randolph Gros,Jackie Spera,Emily DiMarco,G. Bladsacker & BLESSED MOTHER'S LAMP will burn in memory of Walter G. Breaux Families Deceased,Peter B. Bertucci,John Paul Treadaway. Guillot,Frank Stagni,Bob Brazeal SUNDAY, NOVEMBER, 11 SANCTUARY LAMP will burn in memory of Josephine, Vincent 8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners Sr. & Jr. Distefano. 11:00a.m. William & Vivian Treadaway

ALTAR WINE is given in memory of Adams, Baye & Schouest ALTAR SERVERS families deceased. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 4:00p.m. Brandon G., Linest P., Philip F. FLOWERS: Today's Main Altar arrangement is given in memory 6:00p.m. Ashley D., Ashleu V., Sara H. of Fallon Sr. & Jr. & Elizabeth Martin requested by their family. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8:00a.m. Mason T., Collin T., Ryan D. SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: Liz Jones, Dot Saladino, Ruthie 11:00a.m. Claire J., Hunter D., Ronnie E. Tassin, Gail Brown. LITURGY OF THE WORD AND EUCHARIST DIED IN CHRIST: In your charity please pray for the repose of SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 the soul of Nick August Dipascal, Sr. who was buried from St. MASS COMMENTATOR LECTOR COMMUNION M. Rosalie recently. 4:00p.m. Ginger G. Marnie L. Harry S., Carolyn R. 6:00p.m. Gerald D. Bert L. Lisa G., Trisha C. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 FOLSE PHARMACY 8:00a.m. Murphy B. Janys C. Cindy R., Murphy B. 11:00a.m. Ann W. Belkys V. Jeannine T., Denna C., Don D., Kathleen L. Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time

hosts of this social, invites everyone to join them in the Parish Center.

YOUR OFFERING LAST WEEK WAS: $4,973.00 May the Lord bless your sacrifice.

1. Parish Meetings this Week: Monday, November 5th: Altar Dear Parishoners, Society/Women’s Club 7:00p.m. in the Parish Center In today’s Gospel we hear how Jesus is continuing on his Tuesday, November 6th: Men’s Club 7:00p.m. in the Parish journey to the city of Jerusalem. When he stops in the city of Center Jericho he comes across Zacchaeus who is a very wealthy man. He Wednesday, November 7th: Home School Association has made his living on the backs of many people, collecting taxes 7:00p.m. in the cafetorium for the Roman government and taking a nice chunk of the money Wednesday, November 7th: P.R.E.P. for himself. What does he have to worry about; he has the Roman 2. Confirmation Class: On Saturday, Nov. 10th at 5:00p.m. all army as his ‘strong arm’ in case people do not want to pay. students, parents and sponsors are required to attend a Surely Zacchaeus has heard of Jesus, the miracles that presentation on the Sacrament of Confirmation in the have been worked, and the parables that have spread all though the Parish Center following by your participation in the 6pm country side. He has heard that Jesus has brought conversion to Mass. This time will be part of your educational program many sinners and he recognizes that he is one of the biggest of in preparation for the reception of the Sacrament and the sinners. He may have been told by family and friends alike that he attendance is mandatory. should try to meet Jesus who just might instill in him a sense of 3. Congratulations!!! We did it!!! On behalf of Fr. Jon, Fr. Jim conscience. Maybe it is the conscience of Zacchaeus that is and the Fair Committee, we thank everyone who made the 87th bothering him more and more each day. So, he ventures out and St. Rosalie Fair the best ever. The Fair netted $151,710.56. their paths cross—the Christ and the sinner. But Zacchaeus is a This was accomplished with the help and support of everyone, small man and knows that he has to find a way to get the attention booth chairmen, sponsors, volunteers, students, faculty, of Jesus. He decides, instead of pushing his weight about and parents and everyone who attended. May God reward you getting the Roman army to direct Jesus to where Zacchaeus is that with many blessings for your very generous self sacrifice. he should climb a tree to get a glimpse of the Christ. 4. Hours St. Rosalie Church is Open: Beginning this Monday, It is Jesus who sees him and calls him to come down from November 5th, the church will open at 6:15a.m. Monday the tree! Jesus can read his heart and knows that he wants to be through Saturday. On Sundays the church will open at forgiven of his sins and, maybe, he just does not have the courage 7:00a.m. I am grateful to those who perform this service to ask or better, to publicly confess his sins! Jesus takes the everyday of the week. initiative and the response that is given is a dramatic one. Not only 5. Seminarian of the Week: Please remember Br. Sean does Zacchaeus profess faith in the Christ but he promises to give McEwan, S.D.B., this week’s seminarian, in your prayers. Br. back all that he has taken wrongfully and pay back people who are Sean is doing his practical training in South Africa. overtaxed in the past. 6. Divine Mercy Statues: Dolores Poche has statues of The In his pronouncement two things happen: first, Jesus Divine Mercy. They are 18”, 26” and 39”. The statues are forgives his sins by telling him that salvation is now given him made in Quito, Ecuador and are of the same quality as our because of his deeds of justice; second, he announces that he is a Don Bosco and Mama Margaret statues. For information true son of Abraham. Jesus again announces His mission on earth, please call Dolores at 601-799-0277. to bring back sinners into the fold and to save us from sin. 7. Joint Mass: The Altar Society/Women’s Club and the Men’s If the story would continue we might find out how true he Club will attend the 4:00p.m. Mass on Saturday, November lived up to his promise and how quickly people lined up to get 10th. If you are interested in joining either of these clubs, you what was owed them. In a sense Jesus gives to Zaccheaus what he can speak to any member after this Mass, or call Ann White, deserves, the gift of eternal life and the salvation that Jesus has President (366-1098) or Gerard DiMarco President (348-1542). come to bring. Jesus gives others the example of what we are to do 8. Happy Birthday: On Saturday, November 10th Fr. Emil with our lives as well—live simply, pray often, be just with others, Fardellone will celebrate his 91st birthday. We fondly and remember that God is there to bring us back whenever we remember and thank Fr. Emil for his many years of ministry to have sinned or transgressed against Him or our neighbor. us. You can send birthday greetings to Fr. Emil at: Salesian Jesus searches us out as well, calls us to repentance, and Residence, 1000 Salesian Lane, Marrero, LA 70072. Our to share the joy of His life here on earth and in the heavenly prayers and gratitude are offered for him on this great day. kingdom. We need to reach out to Jesus as well, sometimes on our Happy Birthday, Fr. Emil! knees, other times with arms outstretched to the heavens. In either 9. R.C.I.A.: You are invited to attend all or any of the following case, Jesus will be there and will bless us with His grace. May topics. Classes are held each Sunday on the second floor of Jesus reside always in our hearts and our homes as we continue to the Parish Center from 9:30-10:45a.m.: be people of peace and justice. November 4th: Heaven, Hell & Purgatory November 11th: Introduction to the Sacraments – Baptism Sincerely. November 18th: Confirmation November 25th: Eucharist Fr. Jon D. Parks, sdb 10. Coffee, Biscuits and Doughnuts will be served after the Pastor 8:00a.m. Mass on Sunday, November 4th. The Men’s Club, ST. ROSALIE CATHOLIC CHURCH HARVEY, LOUISIANA November 4, 2007

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