World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty

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World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty

30 4 EA ST 45 T H S T R EE T, F F 6 T H F LO OR , N EW Y OR K , NY 100 17

T E L. : 1 2 12 90 6 67 79 • FA X : 1 2 12 90 6 60 57 E M A I L: a nan d . k an t a r ia@ u n dp . or g WE B : W WW.M I L L EN N IUM C AM PA I G N. O RG

Operational Note of the Counting Process for the Stand Up Challenge

The following acts as a guide to the specific considerations and undertakings, in addition to the general requirements as detailed, for any potential attempt for the STAND UP record.

They should be read and understood by all concerned – organisers, participants and witnesses – prior to the event. Please note that these guidelines in no way provide any kind of safety advice or can be construed as providing any comfort that the record is free from risk.

Guinness Guidelines & Requirements:

. All actions should take place between 10.00am (GMT) Sunday 15 October to 10.00am (GMT) Monday 16 October. . People should intentionally Stand Up from a seated / kneeling position (Disabled people will be counted as long as they are present at the Stand Up moment and can perform an appropriate action of their choice) . All Stand Up actions must be monitored, counted and registered according to the below process that have been verified by Guinness. There should be no duplications in the counting process. . Where possible images and video of the action should be captured and sent with submission. . Where non web forms are used i.e. fax to submit information one independent witness should sign and verify the number of event participants. . For participants who are unable to stand at an organized event an alternative virtual stand up can be arranged via text message or through a virtual life portal such as “Second Life” or “SIMS”. . A Guinness adjudicator will be present at the New York office of the Millennium Campaign to oversee the count.

How the counting should work:

1. All submissions should be with Millennium Campaign New York (HQ) latest by 9.00pm (GMT) on Monday 16th of October

2. Where possible, actions will be recorded via the completion of an online registration form, which will be found on the following Millennium Campaign web-sites:

Italy: Germany: Spain & Latin America: Portugal & Latin America: For all other regions: (form available in various languages)

Where possible partners should plan to link to the Millennium Campaign registration page from their sites so the counting is streamlined and centralized. If a partner is creating a registration on their own web-site, please ensure that the same registration fields (found below) are used and that this information is exported into excel and e-mailed to the Millennium Campaign address [email protected] by 9.00pm GMT on 16th October.

304 East 45th Street · FF 6th Floor · New York, NY · 10017 · Tel: 1 212 906 6324 · Fax: 1 212 906 6057 UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES PA G E 2

3. Where access to the web is not available, it will be possible for individual event organizers to complete a fax back form which can be sent to the Millennium Campaign office in New York or any of our regional offices. We are in the process of setting up dedicated e-fax numbers in all participating regions so that the fax traffic can be accommodated.

The fax back form will be available to download from the materials section of the Millennium Campaign web-site and the fax numbers will be up on our web site soon. If using a fax back form then at least one independent witness (i.e. not connected to the organization of the event) should sign the form and verify the authenticity of the number of people that were recorded as having stood up. The job or position of each witness must be clearly stated on the form and were possible they should be a public figure and have “standing” in the local community, meaning that they must be prominent and respected. The witness should also include their contact address underneath their signature and position.

If partner organizations who have web access chose to receive fax submissions from individual events please do not fax these to the Millennium Campaign but add this information to your excel spreadsheet in the same format as below before e-mailing it to the Millennium Campaign office.

4. Where possible organizations should try and submit one online form / fax per event, counting or estimating as accurately as possible the number of people that took part in the action. It is not necessary for every participating individual to submit the form; the organizer can do this on their behalf.

5. SMS submissions will be counted as a “virtual” Stand Up and included in the record attempt. For this, individuals will have to text a dedicated number with a message and name (organizations can chose their own message). A suggestion would be “I stood up against poverty” or “I stood up for the Millennium Goals”. The mobile phone provider would have to ensure that there were no duplications i.e. two messages sent from the same phone and provide a tally of the number of submissions received to that dedicated number. This tally will then be sent by the mobile phone provider to the Millennium Campaign via an online form or by fax.


1. All action globally will be complete by 10.00am (GMT) on Tuesday 16th October 2. Submission to Millennium Campaign NY by 9.00pm (GMT) on 16th October 3. Millennium Campaign will count / compile together with Guinness in New York and send to UK 4. Guinness UK to have final figures counted and returned by 1.00pm GMT on the Wednesday 17th 5. Official announcement scheduled to take place in New York at 4.00pm GMT (11:00am EST) on 17th October

Stand Up challenge recording recap (from left to right)

Event Location Recording Method Global Recording Method Guinness Italy United Nations Millennium Spain Campaign Global Office 304 East 45th Street, FF610 Germany New York, NY 10017 India Fax: 212 906 6057 Local fax number Nigeria [email protected] Local fax number

304 east 45th street · FF 6th Floor · New York, NY · 10017 · Tel: 1 212 906 6324 · Fax: 1 212 906 6057 UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES PA G E 3

Stand Up Registration form fields

The fields for the registration form after Stand Up should include:

> Title > First Name* > Last Name* > Name of organization if appropriate: > Address Line 1:* > Address Line 2: > City:* > State / Province:* > ZIP/Postal Code:* > Country (drop down):* > Region (Africa, Arab Region, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, North America, Oceania):* > E-mail address* > Telephone Nos: > Location of Stand Up moment:* > Date of Stand Up moment:* > Number of people that Stood Up:*

(Insert line “I confirm that the above information is accurate to the best of my knowledge) Type Name:* e.g. Anand Kantaria > Initial form:* e.g. AK > Tab inviting participants to write a brief overview of their event (including where it was, how many people stood up, Celebrity / high profile participation, atmosphere, notable highlights) >Tab inviting people to upload images (post event we will try and set up a service to consolidate all pictures) >Tab inviting people to upload video (post event we will try and set up a service to consolidate all video) >Option for people to select out of receiving further updates from Millennium Campaign or its partners:

* = required field

304 east 45th street · FF 6th Floor · New York, NY · 10017 · Tel: 1 212 906 6324 · Fax: 1 212 906 6057

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