ALARM General Meeting

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ALARM General Meeting

ALARM general meeting Lisbon, Portugal

Mon 6th – Fri 10th February 2006

Programme (version: 23/Nov/2005) This programme serves as an orientation; we will always be flexible to adjust the programme to actual developments in the course of the meeting. All participants should be prepared to present their work in a short ppt-presentation, although it is hard to predict when and if at all this will be needed!

Hotel booking: Annette will send you specific booking keywords within the next days/hours (special arrangements with the hotel). Hotel „Lutécia“

Saturday 4th Feb 2006:

(if you have plans for meetings for this day already, please get in touch with [email protected] and [email protected] and provide us with an agenda – if available)

All members of Pollinator Loss module: Please note module meeting on Sunday. This means ARRIVAL in Lisbon on Saturday evening or Sunday morning (hotel already booked from 5th to 10th ; so you might have to book a further night from Sat to Sun; later bookings after Friday are also possible). Please be at the meeting by no later than 10:00 h on Sunday. Thanks! Sunday 5th Feb 2006:

(if you have further plans for this day, please get in touch with [email protected] and [email protected]; please also provide an agenda at your earliest convenience)

10:00 – 12:30 Pollinator Loss -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned)

12:30 – 14: 00: LUNCH

14:00 – 17:30 Pollinator Loss -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned) Amots Dafni wants to present some of his results [Josef]

17:30 – 19:00: DINNER BREAK

(cont.) Pollinator Loss -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned)

All members of Environmental Chemicals module: Please note module meeting on Monday. This means ARRIVAL in Lisbon on Sunday evening or Monday morning (hotel already booked from 5th to 10th ; i.e. 5 nights; earlier or later bookings are possible). Please be at the meeting by no later than 14:00 h on Monday. Thanks!

All members of Socio-Economy module: Please note module meeting on Monday. This means ARRIVAL in Lisboa on Sunday evening or Monday morning (hotel already booked from 5th to 10th ; i.e. 5 nights; earlier or later bookings are possible). Please be at the meeting by no later than 10:00 h on Monday. Thanks! Monday 6th Feb 2006:

(if you have further plans for this day, please get in touch with [email protected] and [email protected]; please also provide an agenda at your earliest convenience)

10:00 – 12:30 Socio-Economy -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned) SE-part: Scenario Results and the deliberation Matrix: 10:00 – 12:30 ??? Biological Invasions -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned) 10:00 – 12:30 Pollinator Loss -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned) 10:00 – 12:30 ??? Climate Change -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned)

12:30 – 14: 00: LUNCH

14:00 – 17:30 Environmental Chemicals -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned) 14:00 – 17:30 Socio-Economy -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned) 14:00 – 17:30 Pollinator Loss -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned) 14:00 – 17:30 ??? Biological Invasions -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned) 14:00 – 17:30 ??? Climate Change -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned)

17:30 – 19:00: DINNER BREAK

19:00 – 21:30 Environmental Chemicals -- Modular meeting (Room to be assigned) 19:00 – 21:30 ??? others ??? Tuesday 7th Feb 2006:

09:00 – 13:00: Plenary

09:00 – 09:30: Josef Settele & Ingolf Kühn: Welcome and general overview on the state of ALARM (last year, reporting, future planning; annual activity report and other material for Brussels; New structure; dissolving former structure)

09:30 – 09:45: Karin Zaunberger (EC): The EC expectations (continuation from 2004)

09:45 – 10:00: Sabine Kleemann-Stoll & Dov Sax (evaluators): The evaluators’ view, mission(s) and expectations

10:00 – 11:00: 1) State of the art and 2) Visions for the overall ALARM outputs in 2008/2009 from a modular/WP perspective (15 minutes each, without discussion):

a) Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter & Simon Potts: Pollinator Loss b) Phil Hulme & Petr Pysek: Biological Invasions c) Ulrich Karlson & Marco Vighi: Environmental chemicals d) Martin Sykes & Gian-Reto Walther: climate change

11:00 – 11:30: COFFEE BREAK

11:30 – 12:10: (Cont; 15 minutes each, without discussion)

e) Mark Rounsevell / Joachim Spangenberg / Bernd Meyer??: land use, socio- economy & scenarios f) Koos Biesmeijer & Bill Kunin: The field site network g) Martin Zobel & Ingolf Kühn: Multiple Pressures across landscapes h) Glenn Marion & Martin O’Connor: Risk & Uncertainty / Risk Assessment (Toolkit)

12:10 – 12:30: general discussion

12:30 – 13:00: Josef Settele/Ingolf Kühn/Stefan Klotz: the coordinators’ view(s) (interpreting the DoW; incorporating evaluator’s comments; integrating with other projects, e.g. ALTER-Net, EuMon, Ensembles, NOMIRACLE …)

13:00 – 14:30 LUNCH 14:30 – 16:00: Plenary – Workshop: How do we construct a European Risk Assessment Toolkit? (DoW: WP 5.2 – month 25)

D 5.2.1: Report on the outcome of a workshop entitled: “How do we construct a European Risk Assessment Toolkit?” (month 26) D 5.2.2: Document outlining draft framework for European Risk Assessment Toolkit (month 30)

Workshop organiser(s): Glenn Marion (Martin O’Connor, NN??)

Invited speaker: Jeroen Van der Sluijs (will have to be contacted by co-ordinator) (Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation) Topic: Risk assessment (overview on state of the art; definitions, applications; applicability in ALARM/biodiversity research)

David Gee/Gordon McInnes EEA: Invitation….

Risk assessment and biodiversity: private companies’ perspectives: a) Diederick Schowanek: The Procter & Gamble view b) Mr. Winter (requested): The “Allianz” view c) Brigitte Engelhard (requested): The “Münchner Rück” (= Munich Re) view

Risk assessement from a modular view: a) Martin O’Connor: SE b) Ryszard Laskowski: chemicals c) Simon Potts: pollinators d) Phil Hulme: invasions e) NN: climate (does it make sense??)

Training of risk assessment: initiate training during the meeting (possibly using experienced companies?? Osnabrück???? Colleagues of Martin O’Connor

16:00 – 16:30: COFFEE BREAK

16:30 – 17:30: Risk assessment continued in plenary (Glenn Marion)

17:30 – 18:30: Dialogue and Communication (Volker Hammen, Martin O’Connor, Ralf Grabaum, Mladen Kotarac) Virtual Garden (results of quick and dirty questionnaires); Communication platform; GIS portal; data warehouse; webpages etc.; Infos on virtual garden (mention material distributed in delegates pack)

18:30 – 20:00: PCC meeting (17 members invited to attend) next meeting?? Final conference autumn 2008? Wednesday 8th Feb 2006:

9:00 – 10:30: Working group meetings for further integration (in parallel)

A) Scenario “module” (incl. nitrogen “sub-module”) (Mark Rounsevell) B) Risk Assessment Workshop (cont) (Glenn Marion)

10:30 – 11:00: COFFEE BREAK

11:00 – 13:30: Working group meetings for further integration (in parallel)

A) Modelling Workshop: Scenarios, SE. land-use, nitrogen, biodiversity modelling (Wilfried Thuiller, Joachim Spangenberg, Mark Rounsevell) B) FSN workshop (D 3.1.1: The establishment of the focal site network will provide the necessary testing ground for aspects of the four modules of the research programme) (Koos Biesmeijer, Bill Kunin) C) Risk Assessment Workshop (cont) (Glenn Marion)

13:30 – 14: 30 LUNCH BREAK

14:30 – 16:00: Working group meetings for further integration (in parallel)

A) Workshop in integration of FSN / case studies / natural scientists (D 3.1.2: Dissemination of site network results from first field season complete) (Martin O’Connor, Koos Biesmeijer, NN) B) Risk Assessment Workshop (cont) (Glenn Marion)

16:00 – 16:30 COFFEE BREAK

16:30 – 19:00: Working group meetings for further integration (in parallel)

A) From the virtual garden to the Indicator dialogue box (Deliberation Matrix; KerALARM) (Martin O’Connor) B) Risk Assessment Workshop (final session) (Glenn Marion) Thursday 9th Feb 2006:

Working groups until lunch-time

09:00 – 10:30 WP 3.2: Trilateral modular interactions (incl. some first bilateral case study results from tasks explicitly mentioned in the DoW)

Climate Change – Environmental Chemicals – Invasions (responsible: Martin Holmstrup NERI, Gian-Reto Walther GEOBOT, Luc de Meester KUL, Dan Minchin MOI, Ulrich Karlson NERI, Laura Maxim UVSQ) N.N. (task 1): The mass balance model (CC-Chem) N.N. (task 4): Combine emission and pollution load maps of chemicals with maps on the occurrence of invasive species – an organotin case study (Chem – Invas)

Biological Invasions – Pollinator Loss – SE (responsible: Montserrat Vila CREAF, Andrea Stöcker SERI, Joan Martinez-Allier UAB, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter GAUG, Petr Pysek IBOT) N.N. (task 6): Results of quantifications of impact of invasive plant species on pollinator communities and plant-pollinator interactions in collaborative field studies of partners from the respective modules (Inv – Poll) Andrea Stöcker (SE task): Modelling results: trade development and invasions (Inv – SE)

10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00 – 12:30 WP 3.2: Trilateral modular interactions (incl. some first bilateral case study results from tasks explicitly mentioned in the DoW)

Environmental Chemicals – Pollinator Loss - SE (responsible: Marco Vighi UNIMIB, Simon Potts READING, Kaja Peterson SEIT, Marianne Thomson ??) Ulrich Karlson?? (task 5): Coupling of GIS-based pesticide emission prediction with geographic distribution of pollinator loss (Chem. – Poll) Michal Woychiechowski & Ryszard Laskowski (task 5): Cracow case study on chemicals and pollinators (Chem. – Poll)

Climate change – Invasions - Pollinator Loss (responsible: Ralf Ohlemüller/Chris Thomas LEEDS, Theodora Petanidou AEGEAN, Ingolf Kühn UFZ, Petr Pysek IBOT, Ingolf Steffan- Dewenter GAUG, Koos Besmeijer LEEDS, Sergej Olenin KUCORPI) Ingolf Kühn (task 2): Using species traits to quantify interactions Wilfried Thuiller (task 2): modelling distributions of selected native and introduced invasive indicator species with four techniques implemented in BIOMOD (GLM; GAM; CTA; ANN). N.N. (task 3): Spatially explicit modelling of Colletes bees (current distribution and future scenarios) - case study to identify risk areas for pollinator loss under global change

12:30 – 14:00 LUNCH Plenary until dinner: Future Plans

Future plans (incl. summary of morning) to reach the overall ALARM targets in an integrated manner (from a WP oriented - but rather module independent - perspective [10 minutes each + 10 minutes discussion]

14:00 – 14:20: Bernd Mayer/Mark Rounsevell/Joachim Spangenberg: integrative scenario modelling 14:20 – 14:40: Simon Potts/Theodora Petanidou & Petr Pysek: Pollinator Loss & Invasions & beyond 14:40 – 15:00: Gian-Reto Walther & Martin Sykes: Climate & Biological Invasions & beyond 15:00 – 15:20: Marco Vighi & Simon Potts: Environmental chemicals & Pollinators & beyond 15:20 – 15:40: ?? Martin Sykes &: climate change 15:40 – 16:00: Koos Biesmeijer & Bill Kunin: The field site network (WP 3.1: Establishment of site network and development of field research team and protocol until month 48; 170 PMs until month 30; D 3.1.1- 3.1.2)

16:00 – 16:30: COFFEE BREAK

16:30 – 16:50: Martin Zobel & Ingolf Kühn: Multiple Pressures across landscapes (WP 3.2: Methods to assess multiple pressures across landscapes until month 54; 168 PMs until month 30; no D; incl. Task 7: Integrative task: State of analysis of multiple large-scale biodiversity drivers across landscapes) 16:50 – 17:10: Glenn Marion: WP 5.2: Methods to develop & test a European risk assessment toolkit (WP until month 60; 15 PMs until month 30; D 5.2.1- 5.2.2) 17:10 – 17:30: Joachim Spangenberg: Policy impact assessment & Policy benchmarks (WP SE 3: Regional case studies for policy impact analysis and indicator validation, incl. one illustrative monetisation case study; WP until month 48; 27 PMs until month 30; no D; WP SE 4: Strategy analysis, identifying best practice and defining policy benchmarks; WP until month 48; 11 PMs until month 30; no D) 17:30 – 17:50: Communication: Martin O’Connor: virtual garden results 17:50 -18:10: Dissemination and PR (WP 5.1: Scientific Dissemination; WP until month 60; 40 PMs until month 30; D 5.1.3) ask partners for overview…(also for activity report)

18:10 – 18:55: Film of Manfred Ladwig (“Bye, bye, butterfly”)

19:00 – 20:00: PCC meeting (17 members invited to attend) next meeting?? Final conference autumn 2008? Friday 10th Feb 2006:


09:00 – 09:30: General outlook Results of PCC; Next meeting; Deliverables due when?; Annual activity report, updated implementation plan (new DoW), all other parts of next 12-months- reporting incl. timeframe and deadlines Training (WP 6; month 60; 28 PM until month 30; D 6.1) Scientific Coordination and Project Office (WP 7; month 60; 74 PM until month 30; D 7.6)

09:30 – 10:00: General assembly (GA; 1 vote per partner); suggestions for agenda welcome

10:00 – 10:20: Final remarks and recommendations from the evaluators I (Dov Sax)

10:20 – 10:40: Final remarks and recommendations from the evaluators II (Sabine Kleemann- Stoll)

10:40 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00 – 13:00: Modular/WP meetings to sum up the results and evaluate the conference implications for the future work in ALARM


14:30 – 18:00: possibilities for further meetings of working groups

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