Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0 Version No X.Xx
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Release Description
Cash Doctor 3.0
Team 12
Steven Helferich: Project Manager
Kenneth Anguka: IIV&V
Xichao Wang: Tester
Alisha Parvez: Developer
Ekasit Jarussinvichai: Developer
Le Zhuang: Developer
Shreya Sharma: Tester
Danny Lee: Tester Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no x.xx Version History Date Author Versio Changes made Rationale n 5/4/15 Steven 1.0 Original release description for Created as part of Helferich the product implementation set
2 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no x.xx Table of Contents
3 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no Table of Tables
4 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no Table of Figures
5 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no A.1. About This Release
This is the first release of the Cash Doctor 3.0 mobile application as part of the Implementation Set.
A.1.1 Physical Inventory of materials released
For this release we will be not be providing the code base through any physical media. The code base will be uploaded on the team website as a zip file. There will be no physical documents provided at the end of this release.
A.1.2 Inventory of software contents
The files that will make up the software version 1.0 will include:
1. The source code under the application folders. 2. The generated apk for Android. 3. Selenium Automation Test Suite
Table 1: List of files in Cash Doctor 3.0 mobile application No. Category Name Note 1 ./intelxdk.config.additions.xml Note that all others under root directory which is not folder Configuration "www" and not metioned here are auto generated by Intel XDK 2 ./AsBuilt.xdk 3 font-awesome-4.3.0 under ./www/css 4 bootstrap-min-3.3.2.css under ./www/css 5 backbone-min-1.1.2.js under ./www/js/library 6 backbone-validation-min- under ./www/js/library 0.9.1.js 7 Open source iscroll-4.js under ./www/js/library 8 libraries jquery-min-2.1.1.js under ./www/js/library 9 jquery-slide-menu-1.0.0.js under ./www/js/library 10 modal.js under ./www/js/library 11 spin-min-2.0.1.js under ./www/js/library 12 text-2.0.12.js under ./www/js/library 13 typeahead.js under ./www/js/library 14 underscore-min-1.7.0.js under ./www/js/library 15 Developed ./www/css/custom.css style 6 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no 16 Developed ./www/js/library/custom- library function.js 17 ./www/images/Lower-case- alphabet-letter-c-template.jpg 18 ./www/images/bg-home.jpg 19 ./www/images/cashdoctor-logo- small.png 20 ./www/images/cashdoctor- Images in app logo.png 21 ./www/images/defaultProviderI mage.jpg 22 ./www/images/favicon.ico 23 ./www/images/result.txt 24 ./www/images/show-rate-2.png 25 ./www/images/show-rate-3.png 26 ./www/images/show-rate.png 27 ./www/js/collections/Dashboard ElementCollection.js 28 ./www/js/collections/ProviderEl ementCollection.js 29 ./www/js/collections/ProviderR eviewCollection.js 30 ./www/js/collections/ProviderS pecialityCollection.js 31 ./www/js/collections/SearchEle mentCollection.js 32 ./www/js/global/AmericanState s.js 33 ./www/js/global/ErrorMessages .js 34 ./www/js/global/FeedbackMess Models ages.js 35 ./www/js/global/InitiateGlobal.j s 36 ./www/js/global/ServerReplyM essages.js 37 ./www/js/models/AddNetwork Model.js 38 ./www/js/models/AddProvider Model.js 39 ./www/js/models/ChangePassw ordModel.js 40 ./www/js/models/CheckSession Model.js
7 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no 41 ./www/js/models/CitiesModel.j s 42 ./www/js/models/DashboardEle mentModel.js 43 ./www/js/models/DashboardMo del.js 44 ./www/js/models/DeleteNetwor kModel.js 45 ./www/js/models/EditConsumer ProfileModel.js 46 ./www/js/models/EditProviderP rofileModel.js 47 ./www/js/models/EditProviderP rofileModel2.js 48 ./www/js/models/EditSpeciality Model.js 49 ./www/js/models/ForgetPasswo rdModel.js 50 ./www/js/models/GetProfileMo del.js 51 ./www/js/models/GetSpeciality Models CategoryModel.js 52 ./www/js/models/GetSpeciality DetailModel.js 53 ./www/js/models/LoginModel.j s 54 ./www/js/models/NetworkMod el.js 55 ./www/js/models/ProviderElem entModel.js 56 ./www/js/models/ProviderMode l.js 57 ./www/js/models/ProviderRatin gModel.js 58 ./www/js/models/ProviderRevie wModel.js 59 ./www/js/models/ProviderSpeci alityModel.js 60 ./www/js/models/RegisterCons umerModel.js 61 ./www/js/models/RegisterProvi derActivateModel.js 62 ./www/js/models/RegisterProvi derModel.js 63 ./www/js/models/ReviewModel
8 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no .js 64 ./www/js/models/RootModel.js 65 ./www/js/models/SearchElemen tModel.js 66 ./www/js/models/SearchModel. js 67 ./www/js/models/ShareModel.j s 68 ./www/js/models/UploadUserPr ofileImageModel.js 69 ./www/js/router/Router.js 70 ./www/js/views/AddProviderVi ew.js 71 ./www/js/views/DashboardVie w.js 72 ./www/js/views/EditConsumerP rofileView.js 73 ./www/js/views/EditProviderPr ofileView.js 74 ./www/js/views/ForgetPasswor dView.js 75 Views and ./www/js/views/LoginView.js Controllers 76 ./www/js/views/NetworkView.j s 77 ./www/js/views/ProviderProfile View.js 78 ./www/js/views/RegisterAccou ntView.js 79 ./www/js/views/RegisterConsu merView.js 80 ./www/js/views/RegisterProvid erView.js 81 ./www/js/views/SearchView.js 82 ./www/js/views/ShareView.js 83 ./www/js/main.js 84 ./www/templates/AddProvider ButtonTemplate.html 85 ./www/templates/AddProviderT emplate.html 86 ./www/templates/DashboardEle HTML mentTemplate.html 87 Templates ./www/templates/DashboardTe mplate.html 88 ./www/templates/DashboardZer
9 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no oTemplate.html 89 ./www/templates/EditConsumer ProfileTemplate.html 90 ./www/templates/EditProviderP rofileTemplate.html 91 ./www/templates/ForgetPasswo rdTemplate.html 92 ./www/templates/LoginTemplat e.html 93 ./www/templates/NetworkTem plate.html 94 ./www/templates/NetworkZero Template.html 95 ./www/templates/ProviderElem entTemplate.html 96 ./www/templates/ProviderProfil eHintAboveReviewsTemplate.h tml 97 ./www/templates/ProviderProfil eTemplate.html 98 ./www/templates/ProviderRevie wDetailTemplate.html 99 ./www/templates/ProviderRevie wTemplate.html 100 ./www/templates/ProviderSpeci alityOptionTemplate.html 101 ./www/templates/ProviderSpeci HTML alityTemplate.html Templates 102 ./www/templates/RegisterAcco untTemplate.html 103 ./www/templates/RegisterCons umerTemplate.html 104 ./www/templates/RegisterProvi derTemplate.html 105 ./www/templates/ReviewTempl ate.html 106 ./www/templates/SearchElemen tTemplate.html 107 ./www/templates/SearchTempla te.html 108 ./www/templates/ShareTemplat e.html 109 ./www/templates/SpecialityCat egoryElementTemplate.html 110 ./www/templates/SpecialityCat
10 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no egoryTemplate.html 111 App Icons ./www/cashdoc_logo_36.png 112 ./www/cashdoc_logo_48.png 113 ./www/cashdoc_logo_72.png 114 ./www/cashdoc_logo_96.png 115 Main Page ./www/index.html
The documentation uploaded will include: 1. Operational Concept Description: OCD_ASBUILT_F15b_T12_V2.0.pdf 2. System and Software Architecture Description: SSAD_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V4.0.pdf 3. Life Cycle Plan: LCP_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V4.0.pdf 4. Feasibility Evidence Description: FED_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V4.1.pdf 5. Test Plan and Cases: TPC_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V1.5.pdf 6. Test Procedure and Results: TPR_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V2.0.pdf 7. Transition Plan: TP_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V1.1.pdf 8. User Manual: UM_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V2.1.pdf 9. Support Plan: SP_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V1.0.pdf 10. Training materials: TM_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V2.0.pdf 11. Regression Test: RTP_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V2.0.pdf 12. Release Document: RD_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V1.0.pdf
11 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no A.2. Compatibility Notes
The software components that interact with the system are: • The main application files interact with the current APIs for the server-side of the Cash Doctor system. This includes all models and views for the application.
A.3. Upgrading
This is the first version of our software. No upgrades will be performed.
A.4. New Features and Important Changes A.4.1 New Features
The Cash Doctor 3.0 mobile application has a number of important features.
User profile: A user (either consumer or provider) can create an account and create a custom profile. Only a provider’s profile page is viewable by other users.
Dashboard: Users can receive updates from their network and directly access provider profile pages from here.
Search and Share: User can search for healthcare providers using the search features by supplying, mile-radius, location, provider name, and provider speciality. Users can then share invoices from the provider and post them to that provider’s profile by filling out a simple form.
Network: User can add providers to their network and follow their most recent updates.
Add a Provider: User can add a provider who is not already in the system in order to post an invoice to that provider’s profile.
A.4.2 Changes since previous release
This is the first release of the product. There have been no previous releases.
12 Release Description (RD) Template Version 1.0
Version no A.4.3 Upcoming Changes
This will be the only version released of the product. No further changes will be made to the product from our side.
A.5. Known Bugs and Limitations
There are no known bugs or limitations in the current release.