As of 7 AM on 9/3/2002, You Should Have Access to the SA Degree Progress Instance (Also

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As of 7 AM on 9/3/2002, You Should Have Access to the SA Degree Progress Instance (Also

Understanding the Student Administration System

There are three PeopleSoft information systems in use at JMU: Finance, Student Administration (SA) and Human Resources (HRMS).

This documentation references the SA system and the reporting tools made available to users: specifically PeopleSoft query and BI publisher reports. Reporting tools are used to extract data from the SA system in ad hoc yet predefined ways.

While several offices have access to write queries, the Manager of Reporting creates and maintains hundreds of reporting objects for various offices. Use this document as the primary source for these reporting objects. For additional information related to extracting data out of your SA system, contact:

Pete DeSmit [email protected] phone: 8-3605

Page 1 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Table of Contents Logging into the SA System to run reports...... 4 Tips/rules which apply to all query objects...... 4 Introduction to reporting in your Student Administration System...... 5 Academic Affairs...... 5 Advisors...... 6 Art and Art History...... 9 Biology...... 10 Card Services...... 11 Career and Academic Planning...... 11 Chemistry...... 14 CIT (Center for Instructional Technology)...... 14 Clusters...... 16 College of Business...... 20 Engineering...... 25 Finance...... 26 General Education...... 26 Geology...... 27 Graduate School...... 27 Greek Life...... 29 History...... 30 Honors College...... 30 IDLS...... 31 Institutional Research...... 31 Intercollegiate Athletics...... 31 ISAT...... 34 International Student Success...... 35 International Programs...... 36 Leadership program...... 42 Learning Resource Center...... 42 Learning Technology & Leadership Education...... 42 Library and Educational Technology...... 43 Major Advising...... 43 Math...... 44 MBA...... 45 Music...... 45 Nursing...... 47 Online and Blended Learning...... 48 Outreach and Engagement...... 49 Parking Services...... 50 Philosophy and Religion...... 51 Police Department...... 51 Pre-professional Health...... 52 Psychology (Undergraduate )...... 55 Psychology (Graduate)...... 55 Student Records...... 55 Teacher Education...... 64 University Advancement...... 64 Department Head...... 64 Department Secretary...... 73 Working with scheduled queries...... 97 Running an BI PUBLISHER report with bursting the first time...... 102 Page 2 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Level 1 create query access...... 103 Level 2 create query access...... 104 Reporting Guidelines when a member of IS performs research/work...... 105 Troubleshooting queries...... 106 Advanced query techniques...... 108

Page 3 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Logging into the SA System to run reports

 Log into the Student Administration system by following this URL:  Log in using your userid and password. Navigate as follows to begin using the queries: Reporting Tools, Query Viewer.  Navigate as follows to begin using BI publisher reports: Reporting Tools, BI publisher. BI publisher reports can be viewed or scheduled, follow the appropriate path.

Tips/rules which apply to all query objects

 To search for a prompted value (if there is a magnifying glass icon to the right of a field), place your cursor in the field and press ALT-5 TWICE. This will allow you to search by various values.  If prompted for the academic institution, always use a value of JMDSN.  Once you’ve entered prompted values, press the View Results button. When the results appear, you can send the results to an Excel spreadsheet, or CSV text file by following the appropriate hyperlink. Once your results are in Excel, you may sort, subtotal, save the results using various formats etc.  If a query has fewer prompts than you need (for example, you need to obtain data for 7 academic plans and the query only allows four) you may run the query multiple times and combine the results in Excel using cut/paste. If this activity is performed on a regular basis, contact the manager of reporting to request a customized query.  If ever prompted for a combination of subject and catalog number (for example MATH220) always enter the data without any embedded spaces.  When prompted for an academic plan number, the query will return data for all TYPES of plans including majors, minors, pre-plans and concentrations. When plan data is present in the query results, the plan type (MAJ, MIN, PRP, CON) should always be included in addition to the ten digit plan number.  Dates can be entered in several formats; all of the following are acceptable formats for November 7, 2012: 11/07/2012 OR 11072012 OR 110712  If prompts include the word OR in their description, unless otherwise noted, it means you should enter data into one or the other prompt, but not both.  If prompted for an academic level; valid values include 10 (freshman), 20 (sophomore), 30 (junior), 40 (senior) GR (graduate) DR (doctoral) and either 00 or 50 for continuing education (CE) career students.  If prompted for an advisor number; entering a value of 1 will return the primary (aka the major) advisor, likewise a value of 2 or 3 etc. will return additional (aka minor) advisors. If you do not need academic advisor data returned, you may leave the default value of zero.  When prompted for term, you can determine the values according to the following details. The first digit indicates the century (0 prior to the year 2000, 1 for the year 2000 and beyond). Digits two and three are the last two digits of the year; 17 would be for 2017, 18 for 2018, etc. The fourth/last digit is the month of the year in which the term begins; 1 for Spring term, 5 for any/all Summer terms and 8 for the Fall term. A term of 1178 is the Fall of 2017.  Queries have the results sorted in a specific order, which varies by query. If you desire results in a different order, send the results to Excel and use the sorting features available within Excel.  Several of the queries will only return data for students currently taking courses @ JMU. If such a query is run for terms other than the current term, it will NOT include data for students no longer active in their respective academic career. This includes students who have graduated and /or left the University for any reason. One simple example: It’s the Spring of 2009 (term=1091) and you run the query jusds002 using a term=1058 (Fall of 2005) for accounting majors. The query returns 135 rows of data. Although this may be useful information, it may not be the data you desired. The 135 returned rows represents those accounting major students who WERE Page 4 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 here taking courses in the Fall of 2005, and are STILL here. In an attempt to differentiate Time Sensitive (TS) queries, all jus queries include one of the following designations in the documentation. The letters TS after the name indicates the query returns time sensitive data. In short, TS labeled queries should only be run for the current (or future) term. A NTS label indicates the query is Not Time Sensitive, and can be run for as far back as we maintain data (normally 1995).  Queries contain data which need to be handled in accordance with university policies and procedures, including (but not limited to) FERPA. If a query contains any data that could identify a specific student, a field labeled FERPA should be included. IF you plan to "publish" results of the query or share the data with anyone other than a JMU employee bound by the data stewardship policies, you MUST take action on the results. Specifically, you MUST delete any row of data with a value of "Y" in the column labeled FERPA. A "Y" indicates the student has asked that their information be protected under FERPA guidelines as defined below.  The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (also sometimes referred to as the Buckley Amendment), is a federal law regarding the privacy of student records and the obligations of the institution, primarily regarding the release of information from the records and the access provided to these records. Generally the law provides that, with some exceptions, no information, applications, forms, letters, records, transcripts, etc. may be released, whether orally or in writing, without prior written consent, dated and signed by the student, specifying the records to be released, the reasons for release and the person to whom the records are to be released.  The University's policy on the confidentiality of educational records may be found at The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Policy 2112) and a tutorial is also available. For more information, please visit or contact the Office of the Registrar at [email protected] or 568-6281. In this context, the definition of PUBLISH means to make the data from the query available in any format (electronic, hard copy, etc.) where it may be viewed by anyone other than a JMU employee bound by data stewardship policies

Introduction to reporting in your Student Administration System

One could describe your SA system as robust, meaning it has a lot of features. One of the side affects of such a robust system is the challenge to get meaningful/useful data out in an easy (very relative term, like user friendly) fashion. Two of the general purpose tools which come bundled in all PeopleSoft applications are the PeopleSoft Query and BI publisher reporting tools. All of the data in the SA system is stored in objects referred to as “records”, which can be thought of as a filing cabinet with lots of folders of information. In your SA system, there are literally thousands (45,687 as of the last count) of these records where data is stored in fields (514,275 of them). Using the query and BI publisher reporting tools, we’ve predefined some of the more common questions asked of the data and stored them in query and BI publisher definitions.

I am always eager to find/develop new ways to make JMU faculty/staff’s lives easier as it relates to the SA data. Before embarking on a labor intensive task related to SA data, why not drop me an email ([email protected]) or give me a call (8-3605) as I might just be able to make your data analysis chore a lot easier!

Academic Affairs Queries whose name begins with jacadaffairs. Primary contacts are Jason McClain, Joy McBride and Christina Myers. Unlike most other queries found in this document, these queries were written specifically in a manner which (generally) do not require the user provide values for prompts. Most of the queries in this series have hard coded terms, academic years, etc. These queries also make heavy use of the drilling query feature. Due to the fact that only a few characters can be used in the hyperlinks which can be followed to “drill down” into details, it is suggested that users new to this series of queries read the following documentation which will allow them to better understand the scope of the data they will be accessing. There is also, no security attached to any of these queries, please abide by the data stewardship policy

Page 5 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 when working with the results. To run the queries, navigate: Reporting Tools, Query, Query Viewer. In the field labeled “begins with” enter the letters “jacadaffairs” and press Enter or search. Locate the desired query, press the HTML hyperlink. The query results will always open in a new window, IF this is the first time you’ve run a query, you may receive a pop up blocker error which you’ll need to address. With the results displayed, locate the desired College row and follow the hyperlink from the desired results. Each drill down will appear in a new browser window. Section last updated 6/13/2017.

General notes:  Although all of the queries respond when run interactively, there are some which will take “a few minutes” to return results. Bear in mind; such queries are oftentimes processing millions of rows of data.  When a field named “capacity ” is present, it uses a field named enrollment capacity set for each section of a course. For any given term, approximately 30% of the courses have had their enrollment capacity set to zero by the administrative users who perform the data entry. These courses cannot be included in calculations because division by zero is undefined and would cause an error. IF you are interested in finding which courses have their enrollment capacity set to zero, follow the hyperlink labeled “Outlying data” for a given college. Ideally, no course should ever have it’s enrollment capacity set to zero. There are setup and configuration options to limit a course’s enrollment to specific majors, etc. vs. setting the enrollment capacity to zero and requiring course override permissions.  When prompted for term, you can determine the values according to the following details. The first digit indicates the century (0 prior to the year 2000, 1 for the year 2000 and beyond). Digits two and three are the last two digits of the year; 17 would be for 2017, 18 for 2018, etc. The fourth/last digit is the month of the year in which the term begins; 1 for Spring term, 5 for any/all Summer terms and 8 for the Fall term. A term of 1178 is the Fall of 2017.  Credit Hour Production (CHP) is derived by multiplying the total number of enrolled students by the number of credit hours. Where applicable, courses offered for variable credits are taken into account.  When ethnicity is present, they are self reported values. A person can self report that they are any/all ethnicities. An attempt to reconcile the percentages should never be made to equal 100% for a given row returned by any query.  A special note about “College”. Whenever present, this field is a result of setup/configuration data at one of the following three levels. o A course subject (NOT each individual course) belongs to one and only one College. This value is set and maintained by the office of the registrar. o An academic plan. Each of the 349 majors/minors are tracked internally via a ten digit number known as an academic plan number. Associated with each major/minor is a single value commonly referred to as College although internally it is known as the field of study. o An instructor. When present, this is a collective term which includes all academic ranks. Each instructor is assigned to a single College. It is clearly understood that this single College does not represent how course assignments actually occur. There are instructors assigned to courses across multiple colleges. For this very reason, unless otherwise documented, whenever you drill down into the various query results following a single college, the results are being returned based upon either the course subject or the academic plan.  Department is assigned by the Office of the Registrar. Internally, this field is known as the academic organization and is considered a child of the College. To view a list of department and course subjects associated with a given college, follow the drill down labeled “List of Departments” found in the jacadaffairs01 query.  Unless otherwise noted, this series does not include Summer terms.  Unless otherwise noted, the label “instructor” includes all 5 academic ranks.  Whenever just the most recent academic year is present, it is due to the fact the data being used by the query is not available historically, only for the current academic year. 1. JACADAFFAIRS01 Personnel metrics: a. 5 year FTE (JAA02). Returns one row for each of the past 5 academic years for the given college. FTE is defined by the office of Academic Affairs. It is calculated by taking the total number of units divided by (12* the number of terms). Page 6 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 i. Select a displayed academic year (JAA02A). Returns one row for each combination of college, and course department for each of the past 5 academic years. See previous definition of FTE. ii. Select a displayed FTE (JAA02B). Returns one row for each combination of college, department and instructor. An instructor is returned if they taught one/more courses whose subject is assigned by the Office of the Registrar to the returned college/department. The following fields are returned. 1. Fall units; the total number of units the instructor was assigned for the given academic year and Fall term. ONLY courses associated with the selected College are included in this field. IF an instructor taught courses in another college, those units will not be represented. 2. Spring units; the total number of units the instructor was assigned for the given academic year and Fall term. ONLY courses associated with the selected College are included in this field. IF an instructor taught courses in another college, those units will not be represented. 3. AY units. Is simply a total of the Fall and Spring terms for the given academic year. 4. Inside the department units. Each instructor is assigned a single department by the Office of the Registrar. IF this assigned department matches the selected course department, this field represents those total units. 5. Outside the department units. Represents the total units when the home department of the instructor is not the same as the course department. 6. Home department. Represents the home department assigned to the given instructor by the Office of the Registrar. b. 5 year # sections (JAA04). Returns one row for each of the past 5 academic years. Includes a distinct count of the number of instructors and their average number of course sections. i. Select a displayed academic year (JAA04A). Returns one row for each combination of academic year selected and all departments within the selected college. ii. Select a displayed department. Returns one row for each instructor. c. FT/PT% (JAA06). Returns one row for the current academic year. Aggregate values are present for the number and percentages of course sections and CHP taught by FT (Full Time) and PT (Part Time) instructors. i. Select a displayed academic year (JAA06A). Returns one row for each department for the selected college. d. CHP by rank (JAA19). Returns one row for the current academic year. Contains three fields for each of the 5 academic ranks. i. Select a displayed academic year (JAA19A). Returns one row for each department for the selected college. e. Average salary (JAA21). *** work in progress. The current data is for ALL colleges combined for all active instructors. i. Select a displayed college (JAA21A). Returns one row for each department associated with the selected college. f. List of Departments (JAA02C). Returns one row for each combination of department and subject area associated with courses for the given college. g. Current Instructors (JAA02D). Returns one row for each instructor teaching 1/more courses assigned to the selected college for the current academic year. i. Select a displayed Home Department (JAA02E) Returns a list of active instructors assigned to the selected department. h. Any/All instructor schedules (JUSDS010): Can be used to return instructor teaching schedules by a series of 5 prompts. Enter as many or as few values into the prompts as desired. The term prompt is required, all other prompts are optional. Results are sorted by course subject, course catalog number and course section. i. Missing Grades (JAA23): Returns one row of data for each instructor for which grades are “missing” for the most recent grading period. The office of the Registrar breaks missing grades into two categories: Page 7 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 i. Missing B4 deadline: Each grading period has a date/time when final grades are due. This date/time is clearly communicated to instructors and department heads in advance as well as published on the Registrars web page. Grades missing B4 deadline is a very time related category. ii. Missing AFTER deadline. Once the stated deadline has passed, any student who is missing an official course grade receives a grade of “NR” which stands for “Not Reviewed”. This grade will be visible to the student (and all others with access to view grades) within My Madison. iii. Select a displayed number in the “Missing AFTER deadline” column (JAA23A) to drill into the course details of the missing grades. iv. Late history ** NOT official. As of 6/26/2017 this results of the query associated with this drill down have not been validated by the Office of the Registrar. 2. JACADAFFAIRS02 Academic quality metrics. a. Course grade analysis (JAA05). Returns one row for the past 5 academic years. All numbers indicate the number of students who received the respective grade who were enrolled in a course whose subject is associated with the college you selected. The only drill down option is for a given academic year. i. Select a displayed academic year (JAA05A). Returns one row for each term of the drilled to academic year. The only drill down option is for a given term of the selected academic year. ii. Select a displayed academic term (JAA05B). Returns one row for each course for the selected college and academic year. The only drill down option is for a given course. iii. Select a displayed course (JAA05C). Returns one row for each combination of course and instructor. The only drill down option is for a given instructor. iv. Select a displayed instructor (JAA05D). Returns one row for each course ever assigned for the given instructor, sorted in descending order by academic year. There are no further drill down options. b. Bottleneck courses (JAA01). Returns one row for each course whose subject is associated with the given college. The definition of bottleneck is any course whose enrollment total/enrollment capacity is > 90%. All sections for a single course are collapsed into one row. Sorts in descending order by the filled capacity percentage field. Includes both overall CHP as well as the CHP attributed to general education. c. 5 year course histogram (JAA01A). Was modeled after a similar report used at Christopher Newport University and adopted as a metric by the office of Academic Affairs. There are no drill downs, and the same results appear regardless of college. The results are for Undergraduate courses only. The first row will always be the results for all undergraduate courses for the given academic year. Subsequent rows follow for each given college. The query returns 5 years worth of data. Each number represents the total number of course sections which were offered with the given enrollment total range. d. Course consumption (JAA11). Returns one row for each academic year. Is hard coded to the students first major. The series follows the college code of the primary major as the first two fields in all queries in the series. The 9 college codes are hard coded and represent the college of the courses being taken (consumed) by the student. Each college has a CHP number along with its’ respective percentage. Due to some courses not being associated with one of the 9 colleges, the overall percentages may not add up to exactly 100%; this is normal. The only drill down option is for a given academic year. i. Select a displayed academic year (JAA11A). Returns the same data as course consumption for the terms of the selected academic year. There are no further drill down options. e. Enrollment Errors (JAA22). Returns one row for each of the past 5 academic years for each course associated with the selected college. During the enrollment process, each request for enrollment into a course will end with one of two baseline values; success or error. The results of this query return aggregate values of the percentages for each of these statuses. Additionally, each of the over 200 errors can “loosely” be attributed to having been “caused” by JMU, or the student. An example of a JMU error is if the course is full. An example of a student error is if the student has a hold on their record which prevents them from enrolling in any course. The “cause” of JMU/Student for these results have been validated by the Office of the Registrar. Apologies for the negative sounding verbiage. i. Select a displayed row of data to drill into either the JMU (JAA22A) or student percentage (JAA22B). This will return aggregate values of the respective population. Page 8 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 f. Primary major completion (JAA09). Returns one row for each academic year (via the admit term) for the given college. Follows just the primary major of the undergraduates student population as of the beginning date of their admit term. Includes both true freshman and transfer students. The completion, active and did not complete categories are all calculated as of the date the query is being run. Completed is a term assigned to the students academic program, it is synonymous with graduated or conferred a degree. None of the students represented in the “did not complete” field are still active. For a break down of the reasons they are no longer active, follow the drill down for a given year. i. Select a displayed number in the “Did not complete” column (JAA09A). returns one row of data for each combination of status and reasons along with a total number of students. Not all status actions have action reasons. g. Degrees Conferred (JAA25). Returns one row for each of the past 5 academic years of data related to degrees conferred which are associated with the given college. h. 5 year CHP (JAA03B). Returns one row for each of the last 5 academic years. The only drill down option is for a given academic year. FTE is defined by the office of Academic Affairs. It is calculated by taking the total number of units divided by (12* the number of terms). i. Select a displayed academic year (JAA03A). Returns one row for each course subject area associated with the given college. The only drill down option is for a given course subject. . ii. Select a displayed course subject (JAA03C). Returns one row for each course. i. 1st year @ risk (JAA17). Returns student identifiable data, please adhere to the data stewardship policy. At risk is defined as a true first year Freshman (not a transfer student) whose calculated GPA from all of their mid-term grades is < 2.0. Data returned for their primary major only. j. Outlying data (JAA18). Returns one row of data for each section of a course which meet any of the following reasons: i. No enrollment capacity set. This prevents several data analytic calculations from being valid, and such courses are eliminated from those queries whose population depends upon this value being > 0 ii. No instructor assigned. This prevents the course from being present in any instructor assignment or CHP data analytics. iii. No room assigned. This prevents the course from being present in any room capacity planning data analytics. iv. No room capacity set. This prevents the course from being present in any room capacity planning data analytics. k. Plan Diversity (JAA07). Due to the nature of how users may want data returned, this query includes multiple prompts which allow it to be run in various ways. The college value will appear as the first prompt and be present. You must enter a from and to term value. To select a single term, enter the same value in both the from and to term. If you want data returned for just majors or minors, enter MAJ or MIN, leaving this prompt blank will return both. You must provide at least one academic level; valid values are 10, 20, 30 and 40 which represent Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors and Seniors respectively. Press “View Results”. One row of data is returned for each academic plan (aka majors, minors) for the given college and term rage you provided. You may change the values used for the prompts, and press the “View Results” to refresh the results. Providing a wide range of terms can of course return a large set of data. l. Course diversity by major (JAA20). Includes a prompt for a single course term. Enter a valid value and press “View Results”. One row of data is returned for each course subject area associated with the given college and the primary major (as of the course begin date) of the student. Is meant to be used to determine the diversity of the students consuming your courses. m. Course diversity by college (JAA20A). Contains the same prompts as the previous query. This version replaces the major of the consuming student with the college associated with their primary major. n. Course Planner (JAA24). Returns summary data for all future terms of the number of active students who are “planning” to need the given course for the selected college. At this time, the course planner feature for students has not been advertised. The only data present is from students who have found or

Page 9 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 wandered into the feature. As the office of the Registrar, major advising and other offices begin the embrace and advertise this feature, the results returned by this query will become more valuable. 3. JACADAFFAIRS03 Space utilization metrics a. Scheduling policy (JAA14). Returns one row of data for each of the 5 most recent academic years. The Office of the Registrar has a scheduling policy whose logic was used to create the results of this query. Refer to their website for details: schedule.shtml . For a break down of a specific academic year, follow the drill down for a given year. i. Select a displayed academic year (JAA14A). Returns one row of data per course subject associated with the selected college. b. Possible consolidations (JAA16). Returns one row of data for each course associated with the selected college whose enrollment capacity is < 80% filled. This value was set by the office of Academic Affairs as a benchmark. The definition of a possible consolidation are two or more courses whose course id match for the same term and are meeting at the same times and have a matching meeting pattern. c. Room Utilization (JAA15). Returns one row of data for each room used in classroom instruction whose course end date is > the date the query is being run. The weekday fields indicate the total number of units the course is being offered on the given day. Total contact hours is defined as the # of contact hours for the course meeting in the given room (from the course catalog) times the number of weeks in the given academic term session. The theory of the data being returned by this query is, the higher the numbers in the columns C-L are, the more the room is being utilized for the given term. Due to the nature of how course data is keyed, it would not be of value to attempt to return contact or course duration hours for the given meeting pattern. This due to those courses who meeting patterns are TBD, TBA, etc. etc. Although there are many ways in which room utilization could be calculated, the method used to key data for courses prevent many such calculations. These query results are not broken out by any value; following the drill down returns the same results regardless of which college is selected. 4. List of queries which need to be edited once a term to ensure the hard coded academic year/terms are accurate: JAA01A, JAA02, JAA02A, JAA03B, JAA03Y, JAA03Z, JAA04, JAA05, JAA05Z, JAA09, JAA11, JAA14, JAA14Z, JAA17, JAA18, JAA19, JAA22, JAA23,JAA25.

Advisors Queries whose name begins with jadvisor. Primary contact is Mary Morsch [email protected]. This series created for use by advisors. All queries in this series make use of row level security via the psopralias record being added to the base query which will only return data based upon the oprid running the query. In other words, jadvisor01, jadvisor02 and jadvisor03 will only return data for users who have been assigned advisees as they are meant to be run by the advisors themselves. Section last updated 6/29/2017.

Steps to request run only query access in the Student Administration System with the role specific to advisors

1. Navigate to the system used to track requests and authenticate using your e-ID and password.

2. Most of employee information should default to values in the HRMS system. Enter all required fields in the employee section. The employee ID # is from the HRMS system. It can be found on your JAC card or within MyMadison (employee tab, View Payslip). The MSC and title, although required fields, do not have to match data in the HRMS system.

3. Enter the employee supervisor data. The e-ID is the important part as it drives required authorization.

4. Unless you already have some form of core access in the SA system, leave the default radio button selected as New for question #3.

Page 10 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 5. Question #4, select Student Administration from the drop down list. Several new fields should appear.

a. Select the radio button which reads Academic under the Access Type field.

b. Select the radio button Other

c. In the Please Specify field enter the following value: Request run only query access with the role named jsaadvisrqryaccgrp

6. In the dialogue box whose description begins with Please provide specific duties or responsibilities. Enter the following value: I am an advisor and desire the ability to run the ad-hoc queries designed for the stated role listed above.

7. Press the Continue button. On the confirmation page, read the verbiage at the bottom of the page related to policies and procedures. If you agree, press the I agree button. You should be taken to a page which states your request has been submitted. You may close your browser.

Running the queries

1. Log into the Student Administration production system: cmd=login&languageCd=ENG& authenticating using your e-ID and password 2. Navigate to the query viewer via the path: Reporting tools, Query Viewer. On the query viewer dialogue screen, enter the letters “jadvisor” in the parameter labeled “begins with” and press enter or search. The three queries named jadvisor03, jadvisor02 and jadvisor03 should appear in the results. 3. To obtain results, follow the hyperlink for one of the three queries labeled “run to HTML”. A new window will open requesting that you enter a term. When prompted for term, you can determine the values according to the following details. The first digit indicates the century (0 prior to the year 2000, 1 for the year 2000 and beyond). Digits two and three are the last two digits of the year; 14 would be for 2014, 10 for 2010, 11 for 2011 etc. The fourth/last digit is the month of the year in which the term begins; 1 for Spring term, 5 for any/all Summer terms and 8 for the Fall term. So a term of 1148 is the Fall of 2014.

List of advisor specific queries

1. jadvisor01 (TS): List of advisees by advisor. Academic Term. The academic term prompt drives which term will be used when the query returns academic related results for your advisees. The second prompt labeled: This admit term (blank 4 all) can be left blank, and all assigned advisees will be returned. For advisors with upper class advisees, entering a value in this prompt will restrict the data returned to only those advisees with the provided admit term. For those with only Freshman advisees, you can leave this prompt blank. Entering 1148 for the academic term prompt, and 1128 for the admit term prompt, will return academic data for your assigned advisees for the Fall 2014 term, but only for those whose admit term was the Fall 2012 (assumable referred to as Juniors now). Apologies for the cryptic prompt label, but they are restricted to 24 characters Returns one row of data for each advisee assigned to the advisor running the query. Data is sorted by the student’s admit term then by student name. In addition to the academic data returned, the following drill downs are available. Following the hyperlink underneath the respective field will open a new window with the given data. This new window should be closed when you’ve finished reviewing the data. a. Current schedule. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees current schedule of classes. In this context, current is defined as courses for the current term which has been hard coded. b. All courses. . Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees courses ever taken @ JMU as well as all transfer courses. c. Acad standing. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees academic standing for all terms @ JMU. d. Mid-term grades. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees mid-term grades. Page 11 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 e. Holds. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees holds. f. Requirements. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees requirements as of the last degree progress run. Each requirement has a status of either “Complete” or “Fail” which are the words used by the degree progress process. g. Major/minor history. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees history of all changes to their majors and minors since the begin of their academic career. Sub-plan (AKA concentrations) data is not included. h. Test scores. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees test scores. i. Gened courses. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees history of all their general education courses. The courses are broken out and sorted by the cluster then group and track data.

2. jadvisor02 (TS): Advisor term based data. Returns one row of data with multiple drill downs described below. a. On prob/suspension. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees who are (or had been) on academic probation or suspension for the most recent term for which grades have been posted. Academic action data such as probation and suspension as well as academic honors such as Dean’s and President’s list are time sensitive actions which do not occur until after grades are posted for a given term. b. Holds. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees holds which specifically prevent them from registering for any courses. In your SA system, what are referred to as holds are actually known as service indicators which can be either positive or negative. Negative service indicators contain flags which dictate whether or not a student is allowed to register for courses. This query only returns these negative service indicators. c. Zero hours. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees who are enrolled in zero credit hours for the current term. d. Not full time. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees whose enrollment credits for the current term fall between 1 and 11 hours. e. Shopping cart courses. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees who have courses left in their shopping cart for the current term. Courses which they ultimately were enrolled in are omitted. f. Incomplete MREST/IIST. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees who are missing the ISST (aka MREST) milestone. g. Requirements. Follow tis hyperlink to open a new window which will display aggregate data for all advisees currently assigned to the advisor running the query. Data is aggregated for each degree progress requirement (such as cluster requirements) and how many advisees have failed and completed the specific requirement. h. International. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will display the advisees who have a positive service indicator assigned flagging them as international temporary VISA holders. i. Course balance. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window with one row for each currently assigned advisee and the percent of classes in two categories: MWF, and TT. j. Waitlisted courses. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window with one row for each currently assigned advisee and any courses for which they are waitlisted for the term entered in the prompt. k. Time conflicts. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window with one row for each currently assigned advisee and any course for which there MAY be a time conflict. In this case, a conflict is defined as any course whose begin/end times overlaps or for any course whose end time equals the begin time of the next course. l. Majors. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window with one row for each currently assigned advisees and an aggregate of the number of students with the given major. m. Ever taken this course. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will prompt you to enter a course (subject and catalog number, no spaces, such as MATH220). The query will then return one row of data for each of your advisees who have ever taken the given course, whether it was transferred or taken at JMU, and the grade. Page 12 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 n. Never taken this course. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will prompt you to enter a course (subject and catalog number, no spaces, such as MATH220). The query will then return one row of data for each of your advisees who have never taken the given course (transferred or taken at JMU). o. Needs C1 writing. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will return your advisees who are missing the cluster one writing requirement. p. Needs C1 critical thinking. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will return your advisees who are missing the cluster one critical thinking requirement. q. Needs C1 human communication. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will return your advisees who are missing the cluster one human communication requirement. r. FYR grades. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will allow either midterm (MID) or final (FIN) grades to be returned for your advisees for the given term. s. BIO Course analysis. Returns a specific list of courses which have or have not been taken specifically written for Freshman Biology advisors. t. Current schedules. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will return the class schedules for all of your advisees. Results can then be downloaded to Excel for further sorting and/or analysis. u. ALL test scores. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will return ALL test scores for ALL of your advisees (may be a lot of data  ) Results can then be downloaded to Excel for further sorting and/or analysis. v. ALL Transfer/test credit. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will return ALL transfer and test credit for ALL of your advisees (may be a lot of data  ) Results can then be downloaded to Excel for further sorting and/or analysis. w. Study Group. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will return one row of data for each of your advisees if they have ever been associated with the international study group. A student may have more than one row in the results. There are fields present for both the academic program status as well as the status of the international study group. x. Course Summary. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will return one row of data for each course to which you are assigned as an instructor for the term provided in the prompt. To view data from other terms, simply change the value entered in the term prompt. y. Course Detail. Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will return one row of data for each student enrolled in a course to which you are assigned as an instructor for the term provided in the prompt. To view data from other terms, simply change the value entered in the term prompt. z. Course add/drops: Follow this hyperlink to open a new window which will prompt for a date range. Enter an appropriate date range (it can be entered in many different formats, the easiest is MMDDYY such as 072317). The query will then return a list of your advisees who have either added or dropped a course during that date range. You can then select their hyperlinked name to drill into their current schedule.

3. jadvisor03 (NTS): Advisor lifetime aggregates. Returns one row of data with multiple drill downs described below. a. Credit hour prod. Follow this hyperlink to return aggregate data for each term the advisor was ever an instructor and their credit hour production (CHP) for each course. CHP is defined as the number of enrolled students x course credit hours. b. Advisees by term. Follow this hyperlink to return aggregate data for each term advisees have been assigned to the advisor. Returns on row for each term and specific aggregate data about the advisees. c. Historical list of advisees. Follow this hyperlink to return ALL ADVISEES EVER ASSIGNED TO YOU IN THE HISTORY OF YOUR EMPLOYMENT. The default sort is by the student ID#. And yes, if you’ve been here many years and had hundreds of advisees ever assigned, these results may not be of value to you. 4. jcompscixx. This series of queries was cloned from the jadvisor01 query specifically for Chris Mayfield, a Freshman advisor in Computer Science. Although they are named for computer science, they can be run by anyone with advisees assigned.

Page 13 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 a. jcompsci01: 1 row per advisee test scores. Returns one row of data for each advisee and the following test scores: JMU Math placement calc, JMU Math placement statistics, SAT math, SAT verbal, ACT math, ACT English. The query also returns the advisees orientation date, timeslot and number of guests. b. jcompsci02: All test scores for advisees. As the name implies; one row for each advisee and each of their test scores. ALL test scores. c. jcompsci03: Transfer credit. Returns a row of data for each advisee and their test and transfer course credit accepted by the office of the registrar. d. jcompsci04: Advisee schedules. Returns one row of data for each assigned advisee and each of the courses for which they are enrolled for the prompted term. e. jcompsci05: Advisee schedules V2. Returns one row of data for each assigned advisee and each of the courses for which they are enrolled for the prompted term. This version includes additional fields, such as meeting pattern and meeting location. Was designed to be used for the creation of a advisee calendar. 5. Jadvr series. a. Most of the jadvrxx series were written to support drill down features from the jadvisor01-03 queries. Exceptions to that logic follow. b. jadvr24a: Advisee changes, drops. This query and it’s BIP report were cloned from the jcap08a/b series as a result of non freshman advisors requesting the same process for their advisees. As is the case with jcap08a/b, this query has the eids of the advisors hard coded. The date of the advisor change is hard coded to send emails to advisors of advisees added for the date the BIP report is run. Use a recurrence named JCAP4AM. The recurrence is defined to run 7 days a week at 4 AM, and reschedule itself daily. WHEN the user desires the report no longer run, the scheduled process must be cancelled by the user. As of 5/12/2016, desmitpa is scheduling this BIP report to run daily. As of 6/1/2017, both the jadvr24a/b and jcap08a/b BIP reports have been replaced by jadvr31a/b. The jadvr24a/b and jcap08a/b BIP reports have been inactivated as of this date. c. jadvr24b: Similar logic as jadvr24a, except for adds vs. drops. d. Jadvr31a/b. Were cloned from jcap08a/b and merged with jadvr24a/b on 6/1/2017. See also documentation in the recurrence section of this document. 6. Running the advising records report as an advisor. The office of Career and Academic Planning (CAP) run a report referenced by two names; yellow sheets and the advising records report. The results are received by advisors just before their orientation sessions. Advisors with access to run queries can run this report themselves by following the steps below. The steps to run this report the first time are, rather involved, subsequent runs are much fewer steps. a. Running the advising records report the first time i. You will need to be logged into the SA core application, which is the same system from which you run “the advisor queries”, this is NOT MyMadison ii. Navigate: Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Query Report Scheduler. iii. Click the hyperlink labeled “Add a New Value”. You will be need to enter what is known as a run control ID. As I share with folks, a run control can be named anything you desire (zippity-do- dah). Since I run so many reports, I always name my run control the exact same name of the underlying reporting object. In this case, the report is named JCAP14. For this documentation, I will name my run control JCAP14, and press the Add button. You will advance to the Query Report Scheduler page. iv. Use the drop down of the Data Source Type, and select “Connected Query” v. In the Report Name field, type “JAP14” and press the lookup/magnifying glass. Do not key any other data on the query report scheduler page, press the Save button in the bottom left, then the Run button in the top right. You will advance to the Process Scheduler Request page. vi. Use the Server Name drop down list to select the server named PSUNX. vii. Use the Type drop down list to select Email, leave the format as PDF. viii. Press the Distribution hyperlink. You will be advanced to the Distribution Detail page.

Page 14 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 ix. In the email subject line field, enter whatever text is meaningful TO YOU. The results will be coming via an email from the SA system, so whatever you enter in the Email Subject line is what you will see when the email is sent, to just you. x. IF you so desire, you can also enter “something meaningful” in the Message Text” field. Leave all other fields blank, and press OK. *** A warning; IF you enter a valid email address in the Email Address Text box, IT WILL EMAIL YOUR ADVSEEE RECORDS TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS. Apologies for the shouting. b. Running the advising records report subsequent times i. Navigate: Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Query Report Scheduler ii. IF you have scheduled more than one report ever, you will need to press the Search button and select the named run control you entered above in step 1, otherwise the contents of your run control will appear. iii. Click the Run button to advance to the Process Scheduler Request page, then OK to submit the report request. The report will run and arrive shortly via email

Art and Art History Queries whose name begins with jart. Primary contact is Lyndi Carr and Karen Gerard. This series created primarily due to the fact that art and art history is comprised of 17 different academic plan numbers. The only alternatives for them to receive data for their entire student population is to run queries by academic org (which is too large) or several runs by plan number. Section last updated 4/27/2017.

1. jart001 (NTS): Graduates by date. Returns art and art history majors by a date range provided. 2. jart002 (NTS): Bio summary for art with plan. Returns aggregate data for the 17 plans in the art and art history area. 3. jart002a (NTS): Similar to jart002, but this version does not include plan data, so returns one row for all art and art history plans at a time. 4. jart003 (TS): Graphic design mailing. 5. jart004 (TS): Art and art history plans. This area is not identifiable via an academic org, so the query has hard coded references to several plans. Users did not need stdnt_car_term data, so no prompts. Returns all active in their program. Jart004b/c are variations based upon the different plan numbers for art and art history academic plans. 6. jart005 (TS): Returns academic data for 10 specific academic plans in art and art history. 7. jart006 (NTS): Returns art major student data in the courses ('COB191','COB218','MKTG380') between the terms of 1081-1141. 8. jart007 (NTS): Art course enrollment data. Prompts for a range of terms, returns all courses whose subject is any of the following: ('ART','ARTH','GRPH','INDU','ARED','ARCD'). 9. Jart008 (TS): SADAH apps by term. Prompts for an admit term. Returns applicants for the given admit term whose plan is considered Art, Art History or Art Design: ('0000006600','0000063150','0000005000','0000005180','0000005150','0000000700','0000001000','000005120 0','0000051500','0000051800') 10. jart009 (TS): Course anal 4 graphic design. Written for Carli Toliver. Prompts for the current academic term, returns graphic design majors and their status in a series of courses. Original design included just two courses grph208/410 but others may be added in the future.


Page 15 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Queries whose name begins with jbio. Primary contact is Shelia Shantee [email protected]. Section last updated 2/20/2015.

11. jbio001 (NTS): Course analysis by term. Includes a hard coded term range for the course bio114 and bio214. Analyzes the primary major of the student who has taken both courses. 12. jbio001a (NTS): Course analysis by term. Differs from jbio001 in that the query returns students who have taken bio214 but have never taken bio114. 13. jbio001b (NTS): bio214 course analysis. Analysis of those who took bio214 the past 5 years to include the grade, and whether or not the student also ever took chem131 or chem132, but not the grade of the chem courses. 14. jbio002 (NTS): Bio summary by academic plan. Allows analysis of aggregate data for a given term range for up to 4 academic plans. 15. jbio003 (NTS): Course anal for BIO49x. Includes prompts for academic year range and hard coded references to any course beginning with BIO49. Returns aggregate data only. 16. jbio003a (NTS): Course anal for BIO49x. Includes prompts for academic year range and hard coded references to the following courses: bio494, 495, 496, 497 and 499. Returns aggregate data only. 17. jbio003b (NTS): Provides detail data whereas jbio003a provides aggregate. 18. jbio004 (NTS): Bio/SEED populations. created for Kathie Damico in bio. Needed to know bio grads who graduated with a seed minor and those who dropped the same minor before they graduated. 19. jbio008 (TS): Advisor term based data. Cloned from jadvisor02 and use the jadvrbio series of queries cloned from the jadvr series specifically for Julia Stutzman who advises all Biology and Biotech majors regardless of who their advisor is. Modified the series to require they be in the 5 plans vs. the advisor logic present in the original cloned from jadvr series. Some of the jadvrbio queries do not include the admit type field as the query went non-responsive when it was added. 20. jbio005 (NTS): Bio/Seed majors. cloned from jusds002b for Kathie Damico in biology. Needed historical list of bio majors who were also seed minors at the time for the past x years. 21. jbio010 (TS): Cloned from jusds010 for Shelia. Needed a version which returned instructors other than the PI role due to the way BIO keys their labs. They key their labs as separate classes with only a SI to prevent evaluations from being created for these courses. 22. jbio011 (TS): Grade analysis for bio124. cloned from jusdh017 and tweaked working with Martha Ringwald. Original request from whitemm: This data is being requested for a 4VA survey. Look at bio majors who received transfer credit for BIO 114, then get the grade they received in BIO 124 here at JMU (BIO 124 taken in Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010, Spring 2011). Just need grade distribution for each term. For example, 10 bio majors who received transfer credit for BIO 114 took BIO 124 Fall 2008 a. earned an A, 5 earned B¿s, 3 earned C¿s and 1 earned an F. b. Get the overall grade distribution for BIO 124 for Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010 and Spring 2011. c. By the grade distribution in b above, how many of those students had to repeat BIO 114 before taking BIO 124? For example of the 100 students who earned a B in Fall 2008, 6 of them had to repeat BIO 114 at least once. How many students had to repeat BIO 124 by grade like in c above. The three suffixed letter versions of this query are responses to the original request which was for four different populations. 23. jbio012 (NTS): Allows a term range and 1-2 plan numbers. Return aggregate data of which other plans the students are active in as of the term end date. 24. Jbio013 (TS): Prompts for a single term. Returns Biology majors and their math placement calculus score. Because user desired a true median, the query returns raw data which they can export to Excel for further analysis.

Card Services

Page 16 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Queries whose name begins with jcs. Primary contact is Diane Nash [email protected] . Section last updated 2/14/2012.

1. jcs001 (NTS): Change of status report. Returns basic data about a student who has had a change in their meal plan status for a prompted for date range. 2. jcs002 (NTS): Change of status incompletes. Defined as those students with a meal plan change of status which has not been sent to the student financials office nor been marked completed. 3. jcs003 (NTS): Change of status Summer. No real difference from jcs001 except it does not include a date range prompt, just a term. 4. jcs004 (NTS): Resident/commuter 4 card svcs. Used to return students who are either residents or commuters. See query properties for further definition and need to change the criteria to get proper population. 5. jcs004a (NTS): Commuters 4 dining srvcs. Commuter defined as anyone who is not a true Freshman (admit type=FYR) and does not have a housing contract for the given term (make sure to sue the Fall term). 6. Jcs005 (NTS): FYR for given term for card sv. Prompts for a term. Returns home mailing information for first year students admitted for the given term. Eliminates transfer students, includes students in the study group.

Career and Academic Planning Reporting objects whose name begins with jcap. Primary contact is Jennifer Litwiller [email protected] Section last updated 12/13/2016.

1. jcap01 (TS): Green sheet 1787. Description assigned by the CAP staff as the destination of this BIP report was once upon a time physically printed on green paper for the 1787 program used during the freshman orientation process. This is meant to be run as a BIP report with bursting with the results emailed to the assigned advisor as an attached PDF file with one page per advisee. IF you desire to see the raw data which will be used by the BIP report, you can run the underlying query by the same name using appropriate values for the prompts. To run the actual BIP report, navigate: Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Query Report Scheduler. If this is the first time the user has run this BIP report, a new run control will need to be added. If the report had been run before by this user, you may search for an existing run control. Run controls can be named anything as assigned by the user at creation time. My suggestion is to name them the exact same thing as the underlying query/report. If the user is unfamiliar with running a BIP report with bursting, you may want to refer to the documentation labeled Running an BI PUBLISHER report with bursting the first time in this document. Most of the jcap BIP reports which use bursting have been designed to be run in what is known as a test mode. To run in a test mode, you must enter YOUR EID in the second prompt, else leave that prompt blank to run normally. The report is hard coded to never return transfer students and requires the student be assigned an orientation session. 2. jcap02 (TS): Green sheet session changes. Similar to jcap01 in that this is meant to be run as a BIP report with results sent as a PDF attachment to the advisors. It includes the ability to be run for a specific orientation session number, or left blank to be run for all sessions. Jcap01 is normally run prior to orientation and includes one page per advisee. Jcap02 is normally run as part of the orientation advising session and contains one ROW of data per advisee. 3. jcap03 (TS): Yellow sheet early test scores. Similar to jcap01 and jcap02 in that it is designed to be run as a BIP report with bursting with data being emailed to the advisors. The “early” refers to the student test score data. The underlying BIP report uses a connected query as it’s data source due to the complex nature of the report which needed parent and several child data present. When run, it will prompt for a term range, an orientation session and a test date range. An “appropriate” date range should be entered to ensure test scores for the students are returned in the report. The results are one page per student for the given advisor. Can be run for a single advisor, or left blank to run for all advisors. The child queries named jcap03a,b,c,d should NOT be run by themselves; they were designed specifically to be part of the connected query named jcap03. 4. jcap03e (TS): Yellow sheet: ADDS only. Similar in all ways to jcap03 in terms of how it should be run/scheduled, but also modeled after jcap08b. Returns only those advisees who were added as of the system date. Like jcap08a and jcap08b, this BIP report with bursting (to the advisors) is meant to be scheduled to recur daily at 4

Page 17 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 AM via a recurrence definition named JCAP4AM. As of 6/14/2016, the jcap08b query and BIP are NO LONGER being scheduled by Cheryl Buel, being replaced by this BIP report. As of 6/1/2017, both the jadvr24a/b and jcap08a/b BIP reports have been replaced by jadvr31a/b. The jadvr24a/b and jcap08a/b BIP reports have been inactivated as of this date. 5. jcap04 (TS): Yellow sheet test scores complete. Similar to other jcap reports in that this is also meant to be run as a BIP report with the bursted data emailed as an attachment to the advisor. This version was meant to be run to only include those students who has test scores received LATE (defined by the user who runs the report). If the student has no test scores in the given date range, they will NOT be returned in this report. 6. jcap06 (TS): For use with VZ matching. Designed to be run as a simple query to allow matching of data to the Visual Zen orientation system. Prompts for just a term range. 7. jcap07 (TS): Advisor roster for BIP burst. Prompts for an academic term which is used to retrieve the term and total units earned fields present in the report. This is meant to be run as a BIP report whose ultimate destination are bursted emails sent to the Freshman advisors whose E-ids are hard coded within the query. The eids must be updated each term and are provided by a CAP staff member. The report may be temporarily modified to allow it to send to a single advisor, but the logic to allow it to be run in test mode and making the advisor eid optional as a prompt caused the report to not respond, and had to be removed. For instructions on how to run a BIP report with bursting, see those instructions within this document. 8. jcap08a (TS): Advisee changes, drops. Contains a prompt for academic term. The date of the advisor change is hard coded to send emails to advisors of advisees added for the date the BIP report is run. The list of Freshman advisor eids are hard coded within the underlying query and need to be updated each term as mentioned above. Use a recurrence named JCAP10PM. The recurrence is defined to run 7 days a week at 10 PM, and reschedule itself daily. WHEN the user desires the report no longer run, the scheduled process must be cancelled by the user. Cancelling a process, navigate: Main Menu/PeopleTools/Process Scheduler/Process Monitor. Locate the queued status process, follow the details hyperlink, select the cancel radio button and click OK. This report must be rescheduled to recur at the beginning of each term as determined by the CAP staff responsible for running the process. As of 6/1/2017, both the jadvr24a/b and jcap08a/b BIP reports have been replaced by jadvr31a/b. The jadvr24a/b and jcap08a/b BIP reports have been inactivated as of this date. 9. jcap08b (TS): Similar in all ways to jcap08a above, but this version returns those advisees added vs. dropped. As of 6/1/2017, both the jadvr24a/b and jcap08a/b BIP reports have been replaced by jadvr31a/b. The jadvr24a/b and jcap08a/b BIP reports have been inactivated as of this date. 10. jcap08c (TS): Mid-term grades for advisors. Designed as a BIP report with bursting which means, when run with appropriate configured values, the end result will be emails sent to each Freshman advisor who has entered mid-term grades for their advisees. IF you desire to see the data which the report will use when sending these emails, run a query by the same name. 11. jcap08d (TS): Final grades for advisors. Designed as a BIP report with bursting which means, when run with appropriate configured values, the end result will be emails sent to each Freshman advisor who has entered final grades for their advisees. IF you desire to see the data which the report will use when sending these emails, run a query by the same name. 12. jcap09 (TS): Mass change of advisor data. There is both a query and a BIP report by this name. As is the case with all BIP reports, the data sent BY the BIP report via bursting is provided by the underlying query with this name. IF you desire to see the raw data which will be consumed and emailed by the BIP report when run, it is highly recommended that you run the query first, validate the data is appropriate, THEN run the BIP report using the bursting feature. The query includes three admit term prompts; depending upon the time of year run, you may need to provide all three for the Summer, Fall and Spring admit terms. Embedded within the query are hard coded values which cross references the 10 digit academic plan numbers (aka majors) to a single EID of the person responsible in a department to reassign the advisor ID#’s from the freshman advisor to the major advisor. The overall purpose of this BIP report is to get the raw data into the hands of the proper person in the department to reassign the advisor. Once the data in the query has been validated, schedule the BIP report using the following steps. a. These steps ASSUMES the user running the report has already added an initial run control named jcap09. Navigate: Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Query Report Scheduler. In the “Run Control ID begins with” field enter the value=jcap and press enter or search. A run control ID named jcap09 should be Page 18 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 returned, select it. IF the values in the three prompts is correct, press OK to advance, else press the “Update Parameters” hyperlink, enter the proper admit terms and select OK, and Save. Press the “Run” button in the upper right portion on the Query Report Scheduler page. b. On the Process Scheduler Request page. i. Set the Server name to PSUNX ii. IF you want the underlying data EMAILED to the actual department users, select “Email” in the type drown box. Selecting anything other than Email in the Type field will NOT email the results. IF you want to test the report results, select a Type=Web and a format=XLS. iii. Select XLS as the Format iv. Press the Distribution hyperlink v. Enter appropriate verbiage in both the email subject and message text fields. This is the actual email subject and text the departments will receive when their data is emailed to them as an attached spreadsheet. It is suggested at a minimum that the email text field contain verbiage which refers to the attached spreadsheet which the users will see as being named “BIP Attachment.xlsx” vi. Press OK, and OK, the report will be queued to run. c. Steps to follow when a spreadsheet is sent back from a department. i. Open the spreadsheet, make sure the department contact did not modify the column headings, they should read: Current Freshman advisor, Student, EMPLID, Current Advisor ID#, NEW Advisor ID#1st Major Plan #, 1st major description, Career, Prog. ii. Verify the New Advisor ID# column has been entered for all rows. iii. Save the spreadsheet to your network drive overwriting the existing jcap09.xlsx file. iv. Open the MS Access database, run a query named “Validate new emplids”. The query should return NO data. IF any data is returned by the query, cut/paste those rows into an email, return it to the department contact and request they enter valid data. v. Once the MS Access database query returns no rows, open the jcap09.xlsx file on the network drive, and save it as a CSV file format. Use that file as input for the mass advisor change process within the SA system. Use whatever naming and business process convention works for you to NOT lose track of which departments have been processed. 13. jcap09a (NTS): List of all advisor EMPLIDS. This query contains no prompts. It should be run once, just prior to you processing the results sent back to you from the various departments. It contains the SA EMPLIDS for all instructors/advisors. The results are used for a validation process query within the MS Access database on your shared network drive. Save the results of the query to the file named jcap09a.xlsx and overwrite the existing file. Make sure the file has been edited to remove any header rows which should leave a single field present named JCAP09A. 14. jcap10 (TS): Students by admit term. Prompts for a single admit term. Returns a list of currently active undergraduate students with all assigned advisors and their primary major. Eliminates the student if thety are an active study group student. 15. jcap11 (TS): Freshmen Undeclared >=28 hrs. Prompts for an admit term. Returns a list of students whose primary major is undeclared. Although the query description says “>= 28 hrs”, the query actually does not apply this logic to the selection. Rather, it returns ALL undeclared students and their total number of credit hours (including the term it was run for) and the user can select which they desire to keep. 16. jcap12 (NTS): FYR incoming transfer hours. Prompts for a range of admit terms. Returns true freshman (admit type=FYR) and aggregate counts of those whose transfer credit totals classify the students as first year (1-27 transfer credit), Sophomores (28-59 transfer credits), Juniors (60-89 transfer credits) or Seniors (90+ transfer credits).

Chemistry Queries whose name begins with jchem. Primary contact is Tammy Candido [email protected] Section last updated 2/14/2012.

Page 19 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 1. jchem001 (NTS): Used to compare grades in chem courses: 131, 132, 221, 222, 341, 342, 361 with SAT test scores. Allows a term range. Returns just the primary major for the given student. 2. jchem002 (NTS): Chem crses by acad data. Only difference from jchem001 is this version returns ALL majors and minors for the student. 3. jchem003 (TS): Unlike jchem001/2 which has hard coded chem courses, this version returns all courses whose subject is chem. 4. jchem004 (NTS): Math before chem grades. Returns admit type=FYR students for the given admit term who were enrolled in chem131 and the math courses they took prior to being enrolled in chem131. 5. jchem004a (NTS): Math after chem grades. Inverse of jchem004; returns the math courses the student took after chem131. 6. jchem005 (NTS): Best grade pts in two courses. Prompts for a term range and up to two courses. Returns true Freshmen who have taken either/both of the two courses and the best grade points they received in each course. Wanted the ability to compare the highest grade achieved @ JMU for any two given courses and the sat1 math score. 7. jchem005a (NTS): Wanted a version that contained the term and the grade, so could not return the highest grade. 8. jchem006 (NTS): Chemistry acad data. Has hard coded references to chemistry plans, similar results to jusds002 with fewer fields and sub-plan transcript description. 9. jchem007 (NTS): Primary difference from jchem006 is this version has a yes/no flag for whether the student has a sub-plan attached to the plan.

CIT (Center for Instructional Technology) Queries whose name begins with jcit and jblue. Primary contact is Donna Davis [email protected] Queries whose name begins with jblue were developed for use by CIT staff to extract data from the SA system into the course evaluation system known as “Blue”. Section last updated 5/8/2017.

1. jcit01 (NTS) On line courses offered. Prompts for a term and returns course data for courses defined as being available online. In this context, online is defined as the course having an instruction mode of a value of WW or LI OR with a location of a value of ONLINE or OP ONLINE. Returns just the primary instructor. 2. jblue01 (TS): Student data for blue. Prompts for a term. Returns basic student biographical information if the student is enrolled in hours for the given term. Student must also be enrolled in one or more of the following courses as defined by CIT. The following criteria is present in all jblue queries. a. A course whose subject is one of the following values: b. ('ADSU','AFST','AHRD','AMST','ASTR','BIO','BIOT','ECED','EDUC','ELED','ENGR','EXED','HIST','HON','HR D','HUM','IDLS','IECE','ISCI','LTLE','MAED','MBA','MIED','MSCI','MSSE','NSG','PHIL','PHYS','READ','REL', 'SOWK','STDY','TESL','VOED','WRTC','GEOL','ARAB','CHIN','CLAS','FL','FR','GER','GRK','ITAL','JAPN','KO R','LAT','PERS','PORT','RUS','SPAN','SWA',’PSYC’) c. OR the LOCATION=ONLINE or OUTREACH d. OR the first two characters of the course section=OP (these are outreach and engagement courses) e. OR the crse_id is one of these values: 009039,005505, 001889, 003085, 002621, 000334, 006996, 005382, 011578, 011579, 011580, 006416, 007548, 008514, 009708, 003791,001891 f. OR the course catalog number has the capital letter H present (indicating it is an honors course)

3. jblue02 (NTS): Instructor data for blue. Prompts for a term. Return instructor biographical information if they are teaching a non cancelled section of a course for the given term for courses defined in 2 a-d above. Instructors whose role is TA (teaching Assistant) are not returned. 4. jblue03 (NTS): Course data for blue. Prompts for a term, session (can be left blank to be ignored) and department (which is actually the academic org value for the given course and can be left blank to be

Page 20 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 ignored). Returns course specific data for all courses for the given term for courses defined in 2 a-d above. Of special note; this is a union query because the blue system needs to know if a given course has multiple instructors or not. The first selection returns only those courses with multiple instructors, the second selection only single instructor courses. A single Y/N field is used to distinguish the different selections. 5. jblue04 (NTS): Enrollment data for blue. Prompts for a term. Basically, returns the intersection of the jblue01 and jblue03 queries. Returns just two fields. A concatenated field labeled courseid (crse_id, class_nbr, strm, and session_code) and the SA Emplid. The given student must be enrolled in a course defined in 2 a-d above. 6. jblue05 (NTS): Course instructor data for blue. Prompts for a term. Basically, returns the intersection of the jblue01 and jblue02 queries. Returns just two fields. A concatenated field labeled courseid (crse_id, class_nbr, strm, and session_code) and the SA Emplid of the instructor labeled InstructorID. The given instructor must be teaching a course defined in 2 a-d above. The query does not return instructors whose role is TA (Teaching Assistant). 7. jblue05a (NTS): Only difference in this version from jblue05 is that it returns18 fields related to the instructor and the course being taught by them vs. the two fields returned by jblue05. 8. jblue05a_onlineonly (NTS): Similar to jblue05, but only returns data if the course is taught online defined as the instruction mode=WW. The onlineonly suffixed jblue queries do NOT contain the criteria listed in 2 a-d above. 9. jblue06 (NTS): Course Administrator data. Prompts for a term. Returns 15 columns of data about courses for the given term which meet the criteria in 2 a-d above along with the respective course administrator. In this course, the course administrator is labeled as the “supervisor”. Also noteworthy is the fact this query does not return course administrator defined in the jsr_crse_admin record defined just for the blue system because of courses taught across multiple “departments”. The only key to the jsr_crse_admin record is subject, which then yields a single course administrator for all courses with the given subject. In some cases, there are multiple course administrators for a given subject and course, and even to the course section level. This is accounted for by entering the SA emplid at the course level which is what this query returns. The courses returned by this query msut meet the criteria defined in 2 a-d above. This query does not return courses whose class status is cancelled. 10. jMy Madison jblue queries. There are three queries in My Madison (aka pprd) which allow three different populations of students, instructors and course administrators access to the Blue evaluation system via a link in My Madison. These queries are all built over the psoprdefn record and return a single field, the oprid of the person allowed to access the blue application. Each query has logic designed by CIT to only allow access when a very specific window of time is open. This window of time is based upon the course begin and end dates and uses the system date for its calculations. These queries include the logic defined in 2 a-c above. The timelines used for when access opens and closes (aka the window) is defined in a spreadsheet attached to the issue and op ITI08671 defined by CIT. a. Jblue06 (TS): Instructor data for portal. If the session is a value of 1 or 8W2, the instructor is allowed access to blue within 60 days of the course end date. If the course session is 8W1, the instructor is allowed access to blue within 30 days of the course end date. For all summer term courses, the logic states the instructor is allowed access the day the course starts. b. Jblue07 (TS): Student data for portal. For summer term courses, a student is allowed access to blue for a given course 5 days prior to the course end date until the actual end date. For all terms other than summer, the window opens 18 days prior to the course end date, and closes 7 days prior to the course end date. c. Jblue08 (TS): Supervisor data for portal. The window for a course administrator opens the day they are assigned as the course administrator, and never closes.


Page 21 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Queries whose name begins with jc1-5 indicating they belong to the respective cluster areas. Primary contact for cluster one is Gretchen Hazard [email protected] . Primary contact for cluster one is Scott Paulson [email protected] primary contact for cluster 2 is Dennis Beck ([email protected]). See also the jgenedxxx series of queries which, although originally written for Gretchen Hazard, were designed so they may return data for all cluster areas. Section last updated 5/9/2016.

1. JC1001 – List of Cluster One courses by term, listing the number of students enrolled, and the seat cap per session. Results include: Term, Class#, Subject, Catalog#, Section#, Total Enrollment, and Cap Enrollment. Prompts include the term and a subject/catalog#. If the second prompt is left blank, all cluster one course data is returned.

2. JC1002 – List of Cluster 1 courses by Time of Day, Instructor, Building, Room, # Enrolled, and Seats Available. Results include: Term, Subject, Catalog#, Section#, Instructor, Location, Days, Start Time, End Time, Total Enrollment, Cap Enrollment. There are two prompts: Term Subject and Catalog# (i.e. BUS160, PHIL120, etc.) Note that if you only specify the term, all cluster one courses will be listed. Note that in some cases, a course is listed twice. For example, all 5 sections of MAD150, in term 1078, meet in two different locations. Because of this, they are each listed twice. The query returns data even if there is no instructor assigned and/or room assigned.

3. JC1003 series serves as a list of admitted students who are coming to JMU and have not met the cluster one requirements in each of three areas (hence the reason for the A, B and C queries). Of special note is the fact we can NOT use the degree progress records for this series due to the fact these students are brand new to JMU (having just matriculated for the given term) and hence will not have had their degree progress report run for them. 3/30/2009 note added: It should be noted that these three queries will return LOW numbers (relative to the incoming Freshmen class) if run a long time (relative term) before the beginning of a Fall term. They will return the most accurate information if run AFTER Summer orientation has completed. a. JC1003A .students who have not met the cluster one requirement for writing. Query includes all of the “normal” exclusions for BIS, 2nd degree seeking etc. Also includes exclusions for having transferred in a course which meets the criteria. 9/21/2009: Gretchen needed to run the queries, and said that the registrar’s office changed the course for WRIT103 to WRTC103. I added this to the 5th and 6th does not exist sub query so it checks for both courses. b. JC1003B . Students who have not met the cluster one requirement for critical thinking. Query includes all of the “normal” exclusions for BIS, 2nd degree seeking etc. Also includes exclusions for having transferred in a course which meets the criteria. Does NOT look at test results. c. JC1003C . Students who have not met the cluster one requirement for human communications. Query includes all of the “normal” exclusions for BIS, 2nd degree seeking etc. Also includes exclusions for having transferred in a course which meets the criteria.

4. JC1004 – Summary count of students enrolled in each of the nine cluster one courses per term and count of sections offered per cluster one course. Query has two prompts for a term range.

5. JC1005: Grade analysis by type for C1. Includes hard coded references to all cluster 1 courses, and returns aggregate data based upon the student’s admit type.

6. JC1005A: Grade analysis by major for C1. Includes hard coded references to all cluster 1 courses, and returns aggregate data based upon the student’s primary major.

7. JC1006 List of freshman who have not taken the ISST or TECH1 test. Assumes all of the standard exclusions. Note that JC1007 was deleted/consolidated with JC1006 which now includes a prompt for the testid.

8. JC1007: WRTC103 analysis. 11/11/2011: cloned from jusds039 for Gretchen Hazard. Second request is a little more complicated: WRTC would like some research done to evaluate whether or not placement in WRTC 103 is Page 22 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 appropriate or needs to be changed. What they would like to know is this the intersections of the following information: identify all students (from the last 5 years) who scored 680 or above on the SAT VERBAL portion. The score they made on the SAT WRITING portion An indication if they earned AP/IB/dual enrollment (transfer) CREDIT or exemption for WRTC 103 If they took WRTC and the grade earned Their overall GPA (as an indication of their success in downstream coursework) with the number of credit hours earned (I think) They do not need any identifying information for individual students there will be no need to contact the students. 1/26/2012: removed dependence on hard coded rpt_date since the degree progress feature run by the registrar’s office is the only feature which inserts data in the "R" tables.

9. JC1008. MANDU test data results. List of freshman who are eligible to take the MANDU test, whether they have, and their score. Assumes all of the standard exclusions. Note, several queries were combined into one, so the old suffixed A, B and C versions no longer exist. ALL returned rows are eligible for the MANDU test based upon their SAT1/VERB score being > 679. If the score is blank; the student has never taken the test; otherwise their score is returned. JC1008A does NOT take into account if the student has an associate’s degree or is seeking a 2nd degree. JC1008_revised is owned by Catherine Crummett.

10. JC1008A: MANDU test results by term. Needed mandu test results by term regardless of other details.

11. JC1009 Cluster 1 data. Identify which Cluster One classes transfer students (no BIS, AA or second degree students) typically take in their first semester at JMU. All TRN since 2005 Cluster One classes taken at JMU: WRIT103, BUS160, HIST150, ISAT160, SMAD150, PHIL120, COM121, COM122, COM123.

12. JC1010 Cluster 1 failure series. This series has been rewritten based upon new specs; original series was named jc1005 which no longer exist because they are no longer valid. Results returned by these queries are dependent upon the Office of the Registrar running the degree progress report for all Undergraduates active in their program. Something they do twice a year. Please contact Pete DeSmit approximately 1 week prior to running this query so he can ensure none of the specs have changed. On/about 3/30/2009, these queries were run and returned inaccurate results. Inaccurate because the Office of the Registrar had changed the actual requirement line numbers used for the cluster one requirements. 9/21/2009, Gretchen emailed asking if the two series (jc1003 and jc1010) were ready to run. Had to tweak jc1003a (see below) and thought the jc1010 series was WRONG because it was returning true freshmen and transfers for the current term. Gretchen says she knew this, and simply deletes them out of her results, looking only at upper classmen (aka continuing students). Pete was going to change the jc0101 series of queries to eliminate the rows whose admit term=current term, but Gretchen says she was fine deleting them herself, and preferred that method.

a. ALL four jc1010 queries share the following logic for which students are NOT included even though their degree progress report may indicate they have not met one/more of the cluster one requirements:

i. 1st exists makes sure they are either a TRN/FYR student. To return only TRN students, enter TRN in the prompt. To return only FYR students, enter FYR in the prompt. To return all students regardless of admit type, leave the prompt blank. ii. 1st does not exist eliminates them if they are a BIS (formerly known as BGS but uses the same plan number 000005950) major. Also eliminates them if they are a transfer student seeking a BSN degree (plan # 6400). Also eliminates them if they are part of the study group folks (plan # 0009999999) iii. 2nd does not exist eliminates them if they ever received a degree from JMU. iv. 3rd does not exists eliminates them if they ever received a degree (UG or AA) from an institution other than JMU. v. 4th does not exist eliminates them if a transcript note has been added stated they have begun a second degree. May appear like a strange way to check on this logic, but office of the Registrar validates that they indeed key data in the TSCRPT_TEXT record for students who may not have data in the acad_degree or ext_degree records. ** 3/30/2009, according to the office of the Page 23 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 registrar, they no longer key such data onto a student’s transcript, so this does not exist portion of the query was deleted. Instead, Kelly Downey says they enter the actual degree into the external degree table in PS, and this series of queries is already checking for that data. vi. 5th exists ensures they have failed one/more cluster one requirements as of the last time the degree progress report was run by the Office of the Registrar. vii. 6th does not exist eliminates them if the student and their career was ever in the study group via data in the STDNT_ATTR_DTL record. May seem redundant to the previous logic based upon the plan number, but leave this logic. viii. Pete verified (and tested) with Kelly Downey in the office of the registrar that logic exists in the degree progress report to allow a requirement to be passed IF the student is registered for a course which satisfies that requirement in a future term. Pete tested registering a student for one and two terms in the future, and verified the requirement was set to COMP when a degree progress report was run. This means that none of the queries need to look at specific stdnt_enrl data, ever! ix. This series of queries can be run for transfer only students (admit type=TRN), true freshmen (admit type=FYR) or both (leave admit type blank). x. Update on 4/2/2012: the base query jc1010 has been rewritten as a BI publisher report which uses a connected query named jc1010. The connected query uses a parent query named jc1010 and a child named jc1010_missingc1data which returns the rows of which cluster one requirements are missing. To run this report in test mode, enter your userid in the last parameter. To run the report for real, leave the last parameter blank. Doing so will cause one email to be sent to each student who is missing one/more of the cluster one requirements. To view which students will receive the emails, run the query named jc1010 by itself to view the results.

b. jc1010 returns students who have not completed their cluster one requirements, regardless of area. Cluster one=requirement 000001012.

c. jc1010A returns students who have not completed their cluster one writing area (requirement 1012, requirement line 0030). Has special logic per Gretchen to eliminate the few (there were 16 as of 4/3/2008) students who should be eliminated based upon the following test scores even if their degree progress report states they have failed the writing area: i. Testid=AP, with a test component of ENGLG or ENGLI and a test score >3 ii. Testid=INTBA, with a component of ENGAH and a test score >4 iii. Original jc1010 query returned data for all three areas where any of the three areas were failed. Had to abandon that query due to the test score logic stated above. Ended up breaking the cluster one failure queries into four separate queries in the JC1010 series.

d. jc1010B returns students who have not completed their cluster one Critical Thinking area (requirement line=0040) which includes these classes: BUS160, HIST150, ISAT160, MAD150, PHIL120, PHIL150.

e. jc1010C returns students who have not completed their cluster one Human Communications area (requirement line=0050) which includes these classes: COM121, COM122, COM123.

f. jc1010d C1 fail by area summary. Returns aggregate/summary data of those students who have not completed (aka failed) any of the specific cluster one requirement areas with the stated above populations removed.

g. jc1010e. C1 fail information literacy. Returns student identifiable data for those who have not met the cluster 1 literacy requirement.

Page 24 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 h. jc1010f Information literacy aggregate. Same as jc1010e, but returns aggregate data vs. student identifiable data.

i. jc1010g. Need any gened by cluster. Prompts for an optional admit type (FYR/TRN) and the current academic term. Has the 5 requirement numbers for the 5 clusters hard coded. C1: 000001012, C2: 000001013, C3: 000002489, C4: 000001025 and C5: 000001026. Returns aggregate data of all active students who are missing one/more of all general education cluster requirements. Includes the list of standard exclusions as defined by Gretchen Hazard.

13. jc1011: Come to JMU with WRIT103 cred. Cloned from jus0010, then tweaked to meet Gretchen Hazard's needs. Wants a count of students (by admit type) who come to JMU with credit for WRIT103, in three categories. 1) test scores, 2) transferred the course in, 3) previously taken the course @ JMU prior to their admit term 14. jc1012: Crit thinking invite. cloned from jc1004 for Gretchen Hazard. I have an experimental class, UNST 390, that will be running in Spring 2016. We are trying to increase enrollment. I would LOVE to be able to reach out to students who are at the sophomore and above level already registered for a critical thinking class for Spring 2016 to ask if they might be willing to move to this new version of the course. Would it be possible to do a query that could accomplish that?Desired information : admit term, email, name, level, hours enrolled this semester admit type, major and REGISTERED IN A CRITICAL THINKING class for SPRING 2016. Separated by course?

15. jc302 (TS): Cluster 3 fail by area. Prompts for a term. Returns aggregate data of all active students who have not completed a cluster three requirement by each of the respective areas. 16. jc303 (TS): Fail C3: mass email. Prompts for a term and e-ID value. This query is used with a BI publisher report by the same name. This version is run each term to send students who have not completed specific cluster three requirements, and who have courses which meet the stated requirements which will fit within their current schedules. The BI PUBLISHER report uses bursting to send each student an attached PDF file which contains a list of courses by cluster three area which fit within their current schedule. This report is built over degree progress data. Prior to running the report, check with the office of the registrar to make sure the “R” tables have recently been refreshed. 17. jc303A (TS): The only difference from jc303 is this report includes prompts for 1-20 SA emplids. It is meant to be run as part of a business process by the cluster three coordinator. 18. jc304 (TS): Cluster 3: not enough credits. This query is used with a BI publisher report by the same name. This version is run each term to send students who have requested an override via a qualtrics survey, but who do NOT have enough credits to qualify per the business process of the cluster three coordinator. This version is very different than jc303 and jc303a and jc305 in that it is NOT based upon looking at failed requirement data. 19. jc305 (TS): Fail C3: no courses available. The first select returns a row of data if there are courses that fit in the students schedule for a given failed requirement. I label this as status "Good". The union selects everyone who lacks a C3 requirement, I label those rows as "Fail". Obviously, by how the union is written, everyone will have a fail row returned. Because I sort by the status, the fail row appears first. So a FAIL row NOT followed by a GOOD row means that student, for that requirement/line has NO courses that meet their schedule. 20. jc5001: Was cloned on 10/19/2009 from jc1001a at the request of Jeanne McAllister who sent Pete the following email:

a. Hello Pete, I am Cluster Five Coordinator for GenEd. Catherine Crummet referred me to you for a query on students who have not yet taken their Cluster Five Wellness requirement. My goal is to contact these students with some course information. I am not well-versed in this, so let me know if I'm using the right language. She indicated that you should have all the basic information from queries written for Cluster 1, such as eliminating the second degree students, students with associate degrees, etc. The course IDs for the C5 Wellness courses are: Geic101 – 007925, Ghth100 – 003133, Gkin100 – 008686 Please let me know if I have submitted this request properly and if anything else is necessary. b. The only change made to this query from jc1010a was to change the hard coded values for the requirement number (cluster 5=000001026) and requirement line number (0010=wellness). Also Page 25 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 suggested she look at jusds0039 which returns data from the degree progress report on which courses were used to complete specific degree requirements. Requirement group=001001 c. Jeanne did not have access to run queries in SA, so sent the following email to her department secretary, Amanda Tusing: i. Amanda, The data Jeanne describes below can be found in a query in the srpt instance named jc5001. She does not have access to the query tool, and needs for you to run the query and provide her the results. The only prompt is the current term, which=1098. Also, I've attached results from a query named jusds039. It requires three prompts, as follows: Requirement group=001001 Requirement #=000001026 (this is the requirement # for cluster 5) Requirement line#=0010 (this is the requirement line # for wellness) Jusds039 returns aggregate data of the courses used to complete a specific degree requirement; in this case the cluster 5 wellness requirement. It returns data for all students active in their respective career (Undergraduate in this case). If you ever have a need to run it in the future, you'll need to weed out/ignore/delete some extraneous data returned by the query. In short, the degree progress process is extremely complex and this query "does the best it can" to return aggregate course data. If/when you run the query, you'll see what I mean. Jeanne, the reason I can send this data to you w/o you having access is because it is aggregate data and contains no student identifiable field. If you ever desire access to the query tool in the SA system, feel free to contact me; the training takes less than an hour. If you're ever having trouble sleeping, you can read all about the "department queries" in the following document I maintain: Let me know if there are any questions, and thanks for the opportunity, Pete DeSmit, Information Systems

21. 10/23/2011 email request from Gretchen Hazard. I have no idea if it is possible, but we would like to know the AVERAGE number of credits taken in GENERAL EDUCATION courses for our NATIVE (not transfer) graduates since fall 2002. If possible, it would be wonderful to get the average for each cluster, for each area within a cluster, and (I know this is asking a lot) each course. (Difficulties arise in course changes, I know.) If you could provide the averages for the whole time period AND for each year so we can see growth/change, we would be most appreciative. We would love to have the data as soon as possible, but this is not an emergency. a. Created a series of queries and an Access database to fulfill this request b. Jgened002 series. Related to gened courses taken @ JMU by true freshmen between 2002 and 2011 c. Jgened003 series. Related to gened courses transferred into JMU by true freshmen between 2002 and 2011 d. Jgened004 series. Is a different approach to analyze the same data as jgened002/3. This data can be used to determine which majors/minors are consuming the most gened credits. Similar data for those majors/minors and the gened courses being transferred into JMU (jgened004a) e. Email sent to Gretchen Hazard on 10/24/2011: Gretchen, Attached is the data requested. JMU sheets refer to data related to courses taken by true freshmen @ JMU. The TRN worksheets contain the same data for courses transferred into JMU by true freshmen. Transfer student data is omitted from all worksheets. The course worksheets contain the counts of the number of students who took the respective course. The other worksheets contain the average number of hours for the respective gened cluster or area. If you need additional fields in the result set, I’d prefer they all be requested at once  Each of the worksheets are a result of running 1-10 queries and importing the data into MS Access, where another query must be run to obtain the final results. Let me know if there are questions, or if you desire additional data. Thanks for the opportunity, Pete

College of Business Queries whose name begins with jcob. Primary contact is Michelle Duncan [email protected] Section last updated 12/1/2015.

Page 26 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 1. Jcob001 (TS): Marketing course analysis. 1/25/2011: cloned from jcob004 for Marsha Shenk. Returns course data for students in the marketing plan. Has hard coded references to 15 different courses. Basically let’s all of the course data filter thru for these students and sets values in expressions based upon if/when they have taken the course. Used to determine which students have taken which of the 15 courses.

2. Jcob002 (NTS): grade dist by plan. Has a hard coded term range that needs to be changed. Returns aggregate academic data for students who have ever taken COB300, and are in one of seven plans and the average grade points they’ve received in eight different courses.

3. Jcob003 (TS): Aggregate D/F for COB courses. Appears to have been cloned from jcob002, returns aggregate data for students in one of seven plans, who received a D, F or WF grade in a series of courses. Returns the total number (a count of) the failing grades received for each emplid

4. Jcob004 (TS): Management course analysis. For students in plan #7600 only, includes basic acad data, plus an indication of whether the student has NOT taken fourteen different “management” courses which they then use for course planning purposes.

5. Jcob005 (NTS): Preregistration data for COB. For students active in one of seven plans, returns numeric aggregates of 9 different courses, indicating the number of times they have taken the specific course. Prompts for term.

6. Jcob006 (NTS): COB never taken a course. Returns an aggregate value of the number of COB students (in one of 7 plans) (by acad level) who have never taken a prompted for course regardless of term.

7. Jcob007 (TS): COB majors; need to repeat crs. Cloned from a jusds series query for Phil Dubois on 12/1/2008. Looking for COB as a first major who received a d, f or wf grade in four specific COB courses. Do not want to include four specific COB majors.

8. Jcob008 (TS): Coreq check for COB291. Created for Earl Jones, COB, to check if students registered for COB291 have passed courses to remain in the course.

9. Jcob009 (TS): Taking crs1, never crs2&3. Classic query, active COB students who are taking the prompted for course, have never taken the other two prompted for courses.

10. Jcob010 (TS): COB d's in core courses. Returns grades for COB majors who received failing grades in “core” courses.

11. Jcob011 (NTS): Courses for HTM grads. Returns a list of courses and grades for hotel management (4 plan numbers) graduates. Cloned from jusdh017b for analysis by Brett Horton in the COB. See ITR04763

12. Jcob012 (TS): Acctg majors taken COB300. Cloned from jusds011 for Michelle Duncan. Needed a list of accounting majors who have taken the COB300 series of courses. COB300A, B, C and D

13. Jcob012a (TS): rewritten from scratch after attempts to tweak jcob012 failed to return results. Active students who have taken the "series" of COB300 courses defined as cob300A, B, C and D per Michelle Duncan, COB

14. Jcob013 (TS): List of grads by date/course. Hard coded date range, graduates in one of four plans who failed one/more of three econ courses.

Page 27 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 15. Jcob014 (TS): List of grads by date/course. Similar to jcob013, but returns the grade for the three econ courses if they ever failed the course.

16. Jcob015: (NTS) test data for COB. 7/20/2010: Created for Michele Duncan. Needed a query to return eight different test scores for COB students taking the COB300 series of courses along with their high school GPA. Used for analysis of course placement. See ITR05635.

17. Jcob016 (NTS): COB300/487 term range. Returned rows allow user to determine how many terms between two courses. Written for Michelle Duncan. Needed to know how many students are taking cob487 less than a term before having taken cob300. "Requirement" that they wait at least one term.

18. Jcob016a (NTS): CO487 prereq check. Prompts for a term the student is enrolled in COB487. Returns a list of students who have not met the prerequisite for COB487 defined as having passed COB300A-D.

19. Jcob017 (TS): COB ttl hrs. earned. Identifies pre-COB 300 students and their total cumulative hours. Used as another gauge to determine who is NOT eligible to remain in the COB program.

20. Jcob018 (NTS): COB students in summer crses. Returns COB students and the summer mini terms (aka sessions) they are enrolled in.

21. Jcob019 (TS): Acad data by acad org. Cloned from jusds014, added citizenship data.

22. Jcob020 (TS): used to calculate the GPA of the lower level BBA courses to determine if the student has taken all of the required courses AND their calculated GPA meets the criteria. Has a lot of sub queries per logic dictated by Michelle Duncan in the COB.

a. First exists: makes sure the student is in one of 16 different academic plans

b. Second does not exist: Includes the logic for the COB repeat grade process. Is the same as the university except for one case. If a student is taking a course repeat forgive, we do NOT throw out the old grade until the course being taken repeat forgive has been graded. The rest of JMU removes the previous course grades for students taking repeat forgive if they are simply enrolled in a course repeat forgive.

c. In order to cut down on records, made use of a record named class_tbl_se_vw and the crse_id field rather than joining to class_tbl for every instance of stdnt_enrl. Confusing to look at as have to refer to the courses by their crse_id values, and some course have as many as 5 such values as confirmed by Kelly Downey. This because of honors courses and various other reasons across the University. Cross reference table follows:

course crse_id1 crse_id2 crse_id3 crse_id4 crse_id5 cob191 001986 006772 cob202 007864 008045 010430 cob204 002186 008182 cob218 000505 002271 002373 cob241 001044 010648 cob242 007744 cob291 001220 econ201 003421 004999 gecon200 000667 002456 005280 gisat151 011502 Page 28 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 math205 000143 000442 005895 010305 010722 math220 005056 006242 007052 010912 math231 010879 math235 000991 005580 006244 006571 006620

BBA students are required to complete 10 lower-level BBA core courses. They are: COB 191 or MATH 220 COB 202 COB 204 COB 218 COB 241 COB 242 COB 291 ECON 201 GECON 200 MATH 205 or MATH 235 or MATH 231 or GISAT 151*

We use 9 core courses to calculate the BBA Core GPA. All of the courses above are used except calculus* because calculus is not taught or controlled by COB. We calculate repeat-credits and repeat-forgives just like the university. And we consider transfer credit in the BBA Core GPA just like the university – meaning transfer credit is not used in the GPA calculation. Note added on 12/16/2011 after researching how the query determined the requirement had been met: No need to hard code the date of the requirement being met in the DP "R" table because that table is cleared by Kelly Downey whenever she runs the DP process to populate the "R" tables, so will only contain data from the most recent run.

23. Jcob021 (NTS): COB300-MATH220-COB191. 2/28/2011: cloned from jcob016 for Michele Duncan. Needed a list of students who took COB300 and their grades for math200 or cob191

24. Jcob022 (TS): COB students with holds. 6/27/2011: written for Michelle Duncan, needed a query to determine how many COB students had holds preventing registration

25. Jcob023 (NTS): Basic course data for 100/200. 7/28/2011: Created for Phil Heap who needed a list of all 100 and 200 level COB courses and their enrollment information.

26. Jcob024 (TS): Prereq data for COB291. 10/10/2011: see ITI06129 for details. 1st sub query: is a COB major 2nd sub query: passed cob191 or math220 @ JMU 3rd sub query: OR transferred cob191/math220 4th sub query: never taken cob291 5th sub query: passed math205 or math 231 or math235 @ JMU 6th sub query: OR transferred math205, math231 or math325

27. Jcob025 (NTS): Transferred cob291 took cob300. 1/19/2012: created for Michelle Duncan per email request. Do you know if there’s an existing query that will identify all students who received transfer credit for COB 291? One of our department heads asked us to do an analysis of how well students perform in COB 300C when they have transfer credit for COB 291. There wouldn’t be many. But we do need some assistance identifying them as far back as say.2007.

28. Jcob026 (NTS): cloned from jusds014 for Michelle Duncan in the COB. Wanted to know how many fyr/trn students for a term range were trn to the COB. Decided to limit it by fall terms only and only selected their first major owned 100% by the org to eliminate partial plan ownership and 2nd majors, etc.

Page 29 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 29. Jcob027 (TS): Ever took a, never passed B/C. Allows the user to enter a course the student is currently enrolled in (such as ACTG343) and two courses (COB242, COB242) the student has not passed with a B or better nor did they transfer the courses to JMU

30. Jcob028 (TS): COB300/218 analysis. Written for Pam Drake in COB. Desired analysis of students enrolled in the COB300 series of courses, what grade they had received in COB218, when COB218 was taken, and what their 1 st and 2nd major was when COB218 was taken.

31. Jcob029 (NTS). COB MBA program analysis. Written for Tisha McCoy in COB. Returns a course analysis data set for students in the three academic programs GR120, GR125 or GR130.

32. Jcob030 (TS): COB 300 repeaters. 1st sub-query ensures they are a COB major. 2nd sub-query ensures they have never received a passing grade in COB300A (have never taken the series). 3rd sub-query states they have never been accepted before as indicated by their being active in a specific series of student groups.

33. Jcob031 (TS): Course anal for finance. Written for Pam Drake for the three plans which comprise finance. Returns analysis of the enrollment of such students in 6 different finance tracked courses.

34. Jcob032 (NTS): Math205/220 transfer anal. Returns data for students who have ever transferred in math205/220 and the grades received in cob191/291.

35. Jcob033 (NTS): Credit hour prod for COB. Returns course based (vs. enrollment based) credit hour production data for all courses defined in the 10 academic orgs considered part of the COB.

36. Jcob034a (TS): 1st prereq check for COB291. Cloned from jcob024, this version is for Marsha Shenk. They use a qualtrics survey to allow students to request an override to get into a section of cob291. She needs this query to return a list of students who do NOT meet the prereqs defined by the subqueries so she can email them and tell them WHY she is not going to give them an override. Decided to split this into two queries vs. a union query so we could tell them WHY they will not be granted an override, since there are two reasons. 1st subquery: is a COB major 2nd subquery: never passed nor registered for cob191,math220, math318 @ JMU 3rd subquery: never transferred cob191/math220/math318 4th subquery: never taken cob291

37. Jcob034b (TS): 2nd prereq check for COB291. Cloned from jcob024, this version is for Marsha Shenk. They use a qualtrics survey to allow students to request an override to get into a section of cob291. She needs this query to return a list of students who do NOT meet the prereqs defined by the subqueries so she can email them and tell them WHY she is not going to give them an override. Decided to split this into two queries vs. a union query so we could tell them WHY they will not be granted an override, since there are two reasons. 1st subquery: is a COB major 2nd subquery: never passed nor registered for math205, 231, 235, 236 GISAT151 @ JMU 3rd subquery: never transferred math205, 231, 235, 236 GISAT151 4th subquery: never taken cob291. 3/25/2015: updates made as part of removing G from subjects of gened courses

38. Jcob035 (NTS): Fin/Qfin not active. Written to return students no longer active in either the finance or quantitative finance majors who are no longer active in the program whose admit term > 1038. Users wanted to reach out to this population.

39. Jcob036 (TS): TRN students from VA CC grades. ONLY select those students who have exactly ONE row of data in acad_history with an extorgid OTHER than the VA ccs ID#. The logic of joining to acad_history twice and the subquery logic comes from Martha Ringwald who says this is necessary due to the way they key grades for VA CCS. The GRADES are always and forever keyed against the single orgid which is the overall VA CCS org vs. the Page 30 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 real org which they attended, which could be one of any of the VA CC's. The hard coded logic is a little wonky, but whitemm said to use it to get them the best data we can. Basically, it says give credit to the VA CC if and only if the student attended just ONE VA CC OTHER than the hard coded orgid which represents the VA CCS. Weird, but it seems to work. User desired data to enable them to analyze grades for COB transfer students from VA community colleges

40. Jcob037 (TS): Study group students. Created for Michelle Duncan who desired a list of active study group students as defined by having data in the student attribute detail record.

41. Jcob038 (TS) Acad plan changes by org. cloned from jusds025e for Mary Morsch per email: I am looking for data and wondered if the Registrar has a query designed to provide it, or if I need to talk to Pete about requesting one. I am trying to determine which freshman (based on admit term 1158) have declared or changed their major to something in the COB since Mid-August when we stopped adjusting advisor assignments. There will be students out there who are now declared a business major but have a freshman advisor based on their original major choice. The COB would like me to identify these students so they can set up a special meeting with them before spring class enrollment. Is there a way to get a list of freshman based on admit term for this fall, and include the following information: Student Name, ID#, email, major, advisor name If I can get a report like that in excel, I will be able to sort it to find the information I need. Unless there is some other way to find students who have processed a change/declaration of major form?

42. Jcob039 (TS): COB204 analysis. cloned from jcob023 for Reyesyd in the COB. Needed to know IF a student was in a COB maj/min when a course was taken, and what they are today.

Engineering Queries whose name begins with jengr. Primary contact is Jamie Claytor [email protected] Section last updated 6/5/2014.

1. Jengr001 (TS): Coreq check for ENGR112. Returns students enrolled in ENGR112 who never passed nor transferred in PHYS240 nor MATH235. 2. Jengr002 (TS): Test scores for engineering. Returns engineering students and two test scores. JMU math placement and SAT1 math. 3. Jengr003 (TS). Test scores for engr courses. Union query; first select returns all courses an engineering major is enrolled in for a given term. Second select returns test scores for all AP tests. 4. Jengr004 (TS): Progression data for engr. Progression data for engineering students as defined by Tiffany Newbold. 5/17/2011, modified to not return original course now being repeated. Basically, returns any course an engineering major received a D/F in or if their cumulative GPA for the prompted term is LT 2.5 5. Jengr005 (TS): cloned from jusds024b for Tiffany Newbold in school of engineering. Wanted a version of all courses (at JMU or transferred) for JMU students and their grades. 6. Jengr006 (TS): Calculated GPA for engr. cloned from jengr004 for Tiffany Newbold. Needed a version of major GPA that used just engr subject courses, and did not want to include repeats (reason for the does not exist logic). 7. Jengr007 (TS): similar to jengr006, but contains hard coded course list whereas jengr006 uses all courses. 8. Jengr008 (NTS): Engr plan changes: summary. Cloned from jusds025d for Tiffany Newbold in engineering. Needed some other counter fields added and engineering has 2 plan numbers to be treated as one. 9. Jengr009 (NTS) Similar to jengr008, but this version returns student identifiable data vs. aggregate data returned by jengr008. 10. Jengr010 (NTS): Engr prog data test scores. Defines progression data. Need two queries. This version returns the "master" data such as test scores, race and gender. The A version returns course data.

Page 31 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 11. Jengr010a (NTS): Returns all active engineering students and all courses they have taken in the STEM subjects or transfer courses. 12. Jengr011 (NTS): Bio summary for ENGR. Prompts for a term range. Returns one row of biographical and demographic aggregate data for engineering students active for the given FALL ONLY term(s). 13. Jengr012 (NTS): Retention data for ENGR. Prompts for two terms. Returns one row of data for the first term entered for two different populations as follows. a. 10-Freshman retained for term xxxx. This row of data is defined as the student being active in the engineering academic plan as of the census date for the first prompted term. b. 10-Freshman NOT retained for term xxxx. Is the inverse of a; these are students who were active as engineering students as of the census date of the first prompted term, but were NOT an active engineering student as of the census date of the second prompted for term. Refer to column d for an explanation of the various returned columns. c. Similar rows are returned for the three remaining academic levels; sophomores, juniors and seniors. d. Counts are provided for the number of students who meet specific criteria. i. The total students, female and male columns are obvious. ii. Underprep contains the total number of students whose ethnicity is Black, Hispanic or American Indian. iii. The last three columns of data are really only meaningful for the row of data returned for NOT retained. The number in the active column is the total number of students who are active in their program as of the second prompted for term census date. Likewise for completed. The “other” column contains ALL program statuses other than active and complete, which include: Leave of Absence, Suspended, Discontinued, Dismissed and Deceased. Of special note again for the row of data which contains the word NOT. Pay special attention to the values in these three fields, as they indicate WHAT has happened to your students who you’ve NOT retained. The active column students are still @ JMU active in SOMEONE ELSES MAJOR, they left your major. The completed count can only include those who have completed their program of study, aka they graduated. And the other count was previously explained to mean all other program statuses.

Finance Queries whose name begins with jfin. Primary contact is Mary Williams [email protected] Section last updated 3/13/2012.

1. Jfin001 (TS): Short term inter program data. Written for Mary Williams in finance. Don't worry about using the student groups, rely on the data in the course requirement which we really want so students cannot register for an abroad class unless they are in the student group. Also, removed the criteria row: B.LOCATION - Location Code equal to ABRD because not everyone was keying that data in and the data about the requirement was more reliable. 2/15/2011: per Brandon Cline and a discussion at a meeting of folks, the line of criteria where the last 21 characters of the requirement description must match the first 21 characters of the ref1_descr field on item_sf resolves the issue when the same student attends more than one short term sessions. Agnes Choi is responsible for sending the proper location descriptions to Brandon Cline so these values will match. Another note to self: if the query returns what appears to be dup rows, or more than one row per location, it can mean the program fees are slightly different which causes this issue. The data is still accurate, just need to perform manual aggregation to sum the rows. 2. Jfin001b (TS): returns detail data whereas jfin001 returns aggregated data. 3. Jfin002 (TS): Summer abroad forfeits. created for Mary Williams to return summer abroad students who have had their deposit forfeited per definition from Brandon Cline in UBO

General Education Page 32 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Queries whose name begins with jgened. Primary contact is Catherine Crummet [email protected] and the cluster coordinators such as Gretchen Hazard. Section last updated 3/13/2012.

1. jgened001 (NTS): D,F,W in MATH205 data. Returns all students who have ever taken math205 and received a D/F/W and what their major was before and after the failed course. 2. jgened002 (NTS):. GNED course anal by cluster. Would like to know the AVERAGE number of credits taken in GENERAL EDUCATION courses for our NATIVE (not transfer) graduates since fall 2002. If possible, it would be wonderful to get the average for each cluster, for each area within a cluster, and (I know this is asking a lot) each course. (Difficulties arise in course changes, I know.) If you could provide the averages for the whole time period AND for each year so we can see growth/change, we would be most appreciative. 3. jgened002a (NTS): GNED course anal by area. Similar to jgened002, but aggregated by cluster area vs. cluster. 4. jgened003 (NTS): Returns the total number of gned attribute credits being transferred by a given student. 5. jgened003a (NTS): Similar to jgened003, but aggregated by general education cluster area. 6. jgened003b (NTS): Similar to jgened003, but aggregated by general education course. 7. jgened004 (NTS): Gened consumption by plan. Cloned from jusds007m for Gretchen Hazard. Interested in seeing which majors were consuming the most gened units. 8. jgened005 (NTS): Gened course analysis. Prompts for a term range. Returns course based aggregate data for courses with a GNED course attribute. Course attributes in general education are further identified by a “program area” which equates to our cluster and program areas (cluster 1, critical thinking, etc.). Course attributes are setup and maintained by the office of the registrar. 9. jgened006 (NTS): Invalid package data by term. Has a single prompt for a term. Returns course related data for courses with course attributes in the GNED area. Designed to return course data for GNED courses which have not been properly entered defined as the course is missing a GNED program (aka package) area designation. It is “normal” for this query to return zero rows indicating no such issues exists for the given term. 10. jgened007 (TS): # years when cluster crses tak. Due to the large volume of data, includes four required prompts. A nine digit requirement number. A 4 digit requirement line number. A course attribute (for general education, enter the letters=GNED). A course attribute value (use the magnifying glass to perform a search). The query returns aggregate data related to the course and the student when the course was taken. Includes all active undergraduate students. The “# of acad years” is defined as the numerical difference between the academic year the course was taken, and the academic year the student was admitted. As a reminder; the registrars defines an academic year as beginning with a Fall term and ending with the next calendar years Summer term. Contact the office of the registrar (or use the magnifying glass) if you need requirement number values. Of special note for these results. Although the query includes logic which validates the student HAS completed the given general education requirement, it does NOT mean the returned course was USED to satisfy that requirement.

Geology Queries whose name begins with jgeol. Primary contact is Sandra Delawder [email protected] Section last updated 3/13/2012.

1. Jgeol001 (TS): Course anal for geology. Returns data of whether or not a Geology major has taken a series of 27 different courses.

Graduate School Queries whose name begins with jgs. Primary contact is Lynette Michael [email protected] and Liz Rose [email protected] both of which have create query access and make changes to queries in this series. Also, some of the jgs queries may have originated as jad queries since the graduate school follows a similar data path as undergraduate admissions. Section last updated 12/1/2015

Page 33 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 1. Jgs0004 (TS): GR/DR data for merged ltrs. Used daily to select data to merge with MS Word documents for those applying to the graduate school. Prompts on effective date and up to four different program actions. 2. Jgs0004a (TS): Used to return declining graduate school applications for a prompted for effective date. 3. Jgs0005 (TS): GR/DR used to place holds. Returns conditional admits with a program reason=TRAN who also have an active undergraduate career. 4. Jgs0006 (TS): GR/DR graduation data. Used to extract data from SA system and import in to a MS Access database which includes additional fields not found in SA for tracking graduation data about a student. The MS Access database has macros to import/update the fields and can break once in a while. 5. Jgs0007 (TS): GR427 apps by term. Returns graduate students who applied to the GR427 program for a given term. 6. Jgs0007a (TS): cloned from jgs0007 for Terri Roberts in the graduate OT program. All she ever needs are students active in this program, and wanted their GRE test scores. 7. Jgs0009 (TS): Discontinued by date for GR/DR. cloned from jhs_5006_discountinued for Sherry Wills in GR school. Needed a list of GR/DR students who have discontinued in the GR/DR career by action date range. 8. Jgs0010 (TS): 60 day to dept. email. Used with a BI PUBLISHER report by the same name. Uses bursting to send email to program coordinators about their student. See RTF template doc with same name. 9. Jgs0011 (TS): Email merge missing checklists. Cloned from jus0053 which should no longer be used when SA 9.0 goes live. Used as the data source for three different BI publisher docs: jgs0011, jgs0011a, jgs0011b. As of 3/14/2012, the BI publisher bursting cannot be used due to the fact the student population returned by the query will not have a JMU email address because they are not yet active in their academic program. The bursting needs the email address on the psrolexlatopr record to send email, no email, no bursting. Using a crystal report in the interim. 10. Jgs0012 (TS): Admissions approval form. Cloned from jgsadmissions_approval. Used this as a more standard naming convention as part of replacing crystal reports (and their underlying queries) with BI PUBLISHER reports during SA 9 upgrade. See also jgs0012a for test data and connected query named jgs0012 and rtf doc with same name. The BI publisher report with bursting IS in production for this query/process. The jgs0012 BI publisher report uses a connected query as its data source. That connected query is built over jgs0012 and jgs0012a which returns test scores. 11. Jgs0013 (TS): Applicant check list. replaces the two queries named jgsjoemanning and jgsapplicant_checklist and the crystal report named jgsapplicantstatus and checklist.rpt. There is also an BI publisher report with the same name which does not use bursting. Output is hard copy and placed in student file which constitutes their “application checklist”. 12. Jgs0014 (TS): GR/DR term activation data. cloned from jgs0004 for Lynette Michael. Needed a list of GR/DR students getting close to graduation so they can email the program coordinators to see if the student is going to graduate. This so the student is not incorrectly term activated under the wrong career_number the next term when term activation is run. 13. Jgs0015 (TS): Ready for review. cloned from jgs0010This query feeds an BI publisher report by the same name. Uses BI publisher bursting to send email to program coordinators that their students have completed the application process and are ready to review. 14. Jgs0016 (TS): GR/DR chklist cleanup. Created for Lynette Michael for her to be able to clean up inactive checklists. 15. Jgs0017 (TS): gr/dr queries with OTHR email. cloned from jgs001 for Lynette Bible. Needed a query to return all jgs queries using the othr email addresses 16. Jgs0018 (TS): GR/DR with no HOME email. cloned from jgs0001 for Lynette Bible. Needed a list of active gr/dr applicants who have a OTHR email address but no HOME email address. See also issue and op ITI06398 17. Jgs0019 (TS) Accepted email to coordinators. Query used by an BI PUBLISHER report by the same name. Built for Lynette Michael and scheduled to recur daily @ 4 AM via a scheduled BI PUBLISHER report. No prompts as there is hard coded reference to the program action date = system date -1 to return yesterdays GR/DR students who have accepted or declined admissions to the graduate school. Bursting active used to email the “recruiter” that a student assigned to them has accepted or declined our offer of admissions. Translation values on the recruiter eid provided by Lynette as some recruiters wanted this correspondence sent to their administrative assistant vs. directly to them. This BIP report is scheduled by Tracie Esmaili using a recurrence definition name Page 34 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 18. Jgs0020 (TS): GR/DR student responses. Prompts for an admit term. Returns the responses provided by GR/DR students regarding why the declined our offer of admissions. Grad schools runs the query periodically and emails data to the appropriate graduate director of the results. First use of the stdnt_response record. 19. Jgs0021 (TS): GL Transactions For Grad Schl. Includes no prompts. Cloned from jgs0019 per specs from Lynette Michael. The item types and logic came from Brandon Cline who says this is how you can tell if someone has paid the deposit the grad school is looking for. Needs to be a scheduled BI PUBLISHER report with bursting by the same name because grad school does not have access to the records where deposits are tracked. Scheduled report recurs daily after midnight selecting data with the accounting date=sysdate per Brandon Cline. 20. Jgs0023 (TS): GR/DR applied to graduate. We need a query that we can run on a regular basis to give us the names and local addresses of graduate students who have applied to graduate. You could pull the information from Checklist Management for those students with a status of Completed for Item GRAD05. The query would need to provide us with an option to enter a date range for the students for whom that checklist item was Completed from xx to xx. 21. Jgs0024 (NTS): GR/DR <> DENY. Returns GR/DR who took TOEFL or IELTS and program action does not equal deny. 22. Jgs0025 (TS): All GR/DR students. Prompts for a term, return all students active in their respective academic program whose career is either GR or DR. 23. Jgs0026 (TS): GR/DR bad grades by date. Includes no prompts as there is a hard coded date which must be changed manually each term. Query was created for a very specific purpose. The registrars office changes grades all the time, sometimes for previous terms. The grad school has an existing query which they run once a term after grades are posted which returns the three populations of GR/DR students who have received a grade of U or F OR who have received a total of three C grades in their career. This query was designed to be scheduled and run daily to catch changes made to grades AFTER the grading period is over, hence the reason for the hard coded date based upon the grade date on the enrollment records for the student. Grad school needs to know about these students as it violates their program policy, and the registrar cannot always remember to call the grad school to let them know a recent grade change may affect the given student. 24. Jgs0027 (TS) GR429/555 email to Directors. Query used by a BI PUBLISHER report by the same name. Built for Lynette Michael and scheduled to recur daily @ 4 AM via a scheduled BI PUBLISHER report. No prompts as there is hard coded reference to the program action date = system date -1 to return yesterdays GR/DR students who have paid their deposit for these two programs to the graduate school. Bursting active used to email the “director” logic provided by Lynette Michael. This BIP report is scheduled by Tracie Esmaili using a recurrence definition named jgs0027 25.

Greek Life Queries whose name begins with jicgc (Inter-Cultural Greek Council). Primary contact is Tenea Lowery [email protected] Section last updated 3/15/2012. There was also a series of queries whose name began with JSA which, although I may not have authored, I am asked from time to time to modify. Paul Whatley [email protected] is the user who calls about these queries. The JSA naming series seems to be used by more than “Greek Life”, and the SA appears to stand for Student Activities, although the naming convention did not originate with me. One modification made to this series was the changing of the in list operator. Users would call each year stating new Greek organization had been added, and would like for the new value to be added to the queries. To lessen maintenance, changed to using the not in list operator after the user of the queries shared which extra-curricular activities they did NOT want included in the results. 2/4/2013: After speaking with Paul Whatley’s replacement, Adam Lingberg ([email protected]) decided to rename the JSA queries which belonged to this group. They are now named JFASL (Fraternity And Sorority Life).

1. Jicgc001 (TS): Greek Student's GPAs. cloned from JSA0001_GREEK_STDNT_GPA for Tenea Lowery. Returns academic data based upon a student being associated with one/ore extracurricular activity codes defined by the user.

Page 35 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 2. Jicgc002 (TS): Greek Roster. cloned from JSA0005_GREEK_ROSTER for Tenea Lowery.

History Queries whose name begins with jhist. Primary contact is Judith Hollowood [email protected] Section last updated 3/15/2012.

1. Jhist001 (NTS): Enroll summ by major range. cloned from jusdh013a for Judith Hollowood. Needed specific rows so hard coded vs. having them run a query and ignore specific rows. User wanted to know which academic plans were consuming their 200 and 300 level history courses. 2. Jhist001a (NTS): Has hard coded reference to course range hist300-499. 3. Jhist001b (NTS): Breaks out all history courses to the four levels as consumed by academic plans, but this version built over academic degree data (graduated with the plan vs. plan they were in at time of course enrollment).

Honors College Queries whose name begins with jhc. Primary contact is Tammy Steele [email protected] Section last updated 4/25/2017.

1. jhc001 (TS): Basic student group data. Prompts for a single student group value, returns academic data for all students active in the respective group. 2. jhc002 (NTS): Student groups no longer active: Prompts for three student groups and an action date range. Returns student specific data and why the student is no longer active in their program of study. 3. jhc003 (NTS): Final honors list. Prompts for an admit term. Originally written by Claire Rooney for Karen Allison to return student data for those students eligible to be reviewed for entrance into the honors program. 4. jhc004 (TS) Honor Orient Assignments. Prompts for an admit term and an admit type (Freshman or Transfer). Has the student groups which are for the honors program hard coded. 5. jhc005 (TS) Students eligible for honors. Prompts for a term and a GPA > the prompted value for students active in their career who are NOT in any of the honor program student groups. 6. jhc006 (TS) Honors study abroad. Needed to know which honors program students were studying abroad. New logic seems to be a studies abroad student is indicated by EITHER a study_agreement value OR enrolled in a course SA 001. 7. jhc007 (TS) Honor class enrollees in 499. Returns students active for the prompted term in a course whose course number is 499. Students must also be active in one of the student groups for honors program. 8. jhc007a (NTS) Honor class enrollees by term. Prompts for a term. Returns class roster style data for all students who are active in one of the student groups for honors program as of the beginning of the term for which the query was run. Course logic states the 4th digit of the course number is the letter H, or the subject is HON or GHON. 9. jhc007b (NTS): Students NOT in honors course. Prompts for a term, returns students who are active in one of the honors student groups as of the beginning of the prompted for term who are NOT in at least one honors course for the term. Honors courses are defined as the course subject=HON or GHON or the 5th digit of the catalog number=H. 10. jhc007c (NTS): Honor aggregate course enroll. Prompts for a single term. Returns aggregate data for students active in one of the honors student groups as of the beginning of the prompted for term and the number of honors students enrolled in the given course. 11. jhc008 (TS) Honors decision status. Prompts for an admit term, returns UG Admissions decision status for true Freshman for the given admit term. Built over the custom record JAD_APP_HNR_DTA - JMU Honors Application Data. 12. jhc009 (TS) Honors housing. Prompts for an admit term, returns UG Admissions housing data for the given admit term. Built over the custom record JAD_APP_HNR_DTA - JMU Honors Application Data. Page 36 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 13. jhc010 (TS) Honors T shirts. Prompts for an admit term, returns aggregate counts of the number of each sized T shirt. Built over the custom record JAD_APP_HNR_DTA - JMU Honors Application Data. 14. jhc011 (TS) Honors scholarships. Prompts for an admit term, returns UG Admissions scholarship data for the given admit term. Built over the custom record JAD_APP_HNR_DTA - JMU Honors Application Data. 15. jhc012 (TS) Honors: different notification. Prompts for an admit term, returns UG Admissions data for the given admit term only when the normal notification plan is different than the honors notification plan. Built over the custom record JAD_APP_HNR_DTA - JMU Honors Application Data. 16. jhc013 (NTS): Honor scholar/distinction stdn. Prompts for a term range. Returns a list of students conferred degrees for the given term range who were awarded a degree whose transcript text includes the words “Honors Scholar” or “Distinction”. 17. jhc014 (NTS): Honors by college aggregate. Prompts for a term range. Returns aggregate data for those students active in one of the honors student groups as of the END of the prompted for term. For this query, College is defined as the college to which the students 1st major belongs. 18. jhc014a (NTS): Honors by college details. Similar to jhc014, except details of the students are returned. 19. jhc015 (TS): Returns all active honors students as of the running of the query and whether or not they are an athlete. 20. jhc016 (TS): Honors requirements. Prompts for the current academic term. Includes hard coded logic to return all active honors college students who have applied to graduate and the status of the degree requirements specific to honors college students only. The requirement data was provided by Meghan Donnely of the registrars office. 21. jhc016a (TS): Honors; all RQ complete. Contains much of the same logic as jhc016, this version only returns active honors college students if they have completed all requirements associated with the requirements specific to the honors college. 22. jhc017 (TS): Applied to graduate. Returns active honors college students who have applied to graduate as of the term end date of the prompted for term.

IDLS Queries whose name begins with jidls. Primary contact is Donna Garber [email protected] Section last updated 10/7/2013. This series consists of queries cloned from various jusds queries for IDLS (defined by two academic plan numbers 0000006500 and 0000064000).

Institutional Research Queries whose name begins with jir. Primary contacts are Tina Grace and Lou Hedrick; although a number of the queries were written for Chuck Dehart. Section last updated 3/15/2012. This series cloned from various jusds queries for Institutional Research who has access to create/modify their own queries. Most of the series were either created or modified by IR staff who call occasionally for a tweak or advice.

Intercollegiate Athletics Queries whose name begins with jia. Primary contact is Scott Arbogast [email protected] Section last updated 3/17/2017.

1. JCC5025_OR_ATHLT_STDNTS (TS): Athletes Orient Assignments. Includes prompts for admit term and admit type (transfer or regular Freshmen). Returns orientation data (which session, etc.).

Page 37 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 2. JHS_0001KHS (TS): Active Athletes by date for HS. Includes a prompt for as of date. Date applies to those who are student athletes as of the given date. Apparently used by the housing office to determine if a student athlete is eligible for housing.

3. JIA0001_ATHLETES (TS): Active athlete listing. Includes no prompts; returns all active athletes as of current date. Sorted by sport, then athlete name. Apparently the NCAA compliance person @ JMU (Jenn Philips) is responsible for activating and deactivating athletes.

4. JIA0002_NON_FULL_TIME (NTS): Non-Full Load Athlete Query. Includes a prompt for a given term; returns active student athletes who are enrolled in less than 12 hours for the given term. Includes a union in case there are students who do not have a single record in stdnt_enrl (i.e. never enrolled in a single course for the term)

5. JIA0003 (NTS): Active Athletes as of date. Almost identical to JHS_0001KHS. Includes an as of date, and returns all student athletes active as of that date.

6. JIA0003A (NTS): Active Athletes date range. Almost identical to JIA0003; except it includes a date range. Whereas JIA0003 and other queries have only a single date as a prompt, this query includes a range. So it will return a list of student athletes who were EVER active during the given date range. In this case, active is defined as active in their given academic program and active as an athlete in a given sport. Might be most useful to find student athletes who either withdrew from JMU during the time period, or became inactive as an athlete during the given time period.

7. JIA0003B (TS) replaces sqr jia003 and used with an rtf by the same name for BI publisher report. Four field labels in the RTF shell document need to be changed each term: EARNED=TOT_PASSD_GPA, ATTEMPTED=TOT_TAKEN_GPA, TOTAL=TOT_CUMULATIVE and CUM_GPA. Change the hard coded values for the three terms in this query. Make sure to check with Scott Arbogast in athletics BEFORE making the changes.

8. JIA0004 (NTS). Athlete term report. Includes a prompt for term. Returns academic information about student athletes active for the given term; such as their term and cumulative gpa, number of hours taken, etc. Note: includes students enrolled in zero hours for the term, so you’ll need to watch the column labeled term taken progress to determine if you really want to include students with zero hours.

9. JIA0004B (TS): Student Athlete grade records. used with rtf by same name and BI publisher report to replace sqr named jia0004.sqr

10. JIA0005 (TS): FA data for athletes. Includes a prompt for the financial aid year (enter four digits). Returns financial aid award information for active athletes. Note: does NOT include any awards related to summer awards; it is hard coded against the word summer appearing in the description of the award.

11. JIA0006 (TS): Active athletes; passed requirements. Includes no prompts. For all active athletes, returns the total number of degree requirements they have completed, and not completed based upon the latest degree progress report. This would be similar to running a degree progress report on all athletes, and summarizing the total number of complete/incomplete degree requirements.

12. JIA006A (TS): Active athletes; gened rqrmnts. Prompts for the current term. Returns all active athletes and whether or not they have completed the general education cluster one requirements. A few notes about this query.

Page 38 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 a. An athlete will NOT appear if they are brand new freshmen. That is because the query is based upon the degree progress report, which will NOT have been run for incoming Freshmen.

b. The three columns for the cluster areas return a value of 1 if the student has completed the requirement, a value of zero if not. It may take a little getting used to looking at the numeric data, but is pretty straight forward. It also has a side effect of allowing you to run numeric totals for the columns which if placed at the end of the results, will equal the number of athletes who have completed the specific requirement. You could also count the zeros to report the number who have not yet completed. IF it makes more sense to reverse that logic, I can do so. A value of 1 would then mean they have NOT completed the requirement, and you could total those values.

c. The degree progress report which the query is based upon is only run once a term. So the query results will lag behind that process by a few weeks. For example, IF you ran the query AFTER December 2010 grades were posted and BEORE the degree progress report was run for all undergrads, the results would not reflect their most recent grades. The running of degree progress for all undergrads normally lags about 2 weeks behind the posting of final grades.

13. JIA0007 (TS): Student Athletes Class Adjust. Includes prompts for a date range of when student athletes made courses changes (adds, drops, etc.) Returns appropriate data regarding who made what class change, and when they made it.

14. JSR_ATHL_DEPT_ATHLETES_W_HOLDS (TS): List of athletes with holds. Includes no prompts; returns a list of active athletes and the holds.

15. JIA0008 (TS). Student Athlete Honors. Includes a prompt for term; returns those active student athletes who have received academic honors for the given term.

16. JIA0009 (NTS): Student Athletes w/incompletes. Prompts for a term, returns a list of students and the courses they received an official grade of incomplete in.

17. JIA0010 (NTS) Athletes acad standing by term: includes a prompt for a term range. Returns active athletes AS OF THE TERM END DATE for the given term. Returns the student’s academic standing for each term included. Sorted by athlete name and term.

18. JIA0010A (NTS) Avg GPA by term and sport. Run it for any term range you desire. It returns one row of data for each sport and term. Includes the average term GPA, average cumulative GPA and an athlete head count.

19. JIA0010B (NTS): Avg GPA by term. Includes a term range. Different from others in this series as it returns data based upon three different populations. It aggregates the average GPA by term for all athletes, all non athletes and then everyone together. Allows IA to see how athlete GPA’s stack up against the other populations.

20. JIA0011 (NTS) Class schedules 4 athletes dtl. Prompts for a term, returns the class schedules for all student athletes for the given term. Within excel, you can sort and select specific sports, courses etc. to view actual enrollment information.

21. JIA0011A (NTS) Class schedules 4 athletes sum. Similar to jia0011, includes only summary data by course (includes ALL sections) with a percentage of a course that is athletes.

22. JIA0011B (NTS): Courses taken by athletes sum. cloned from jia0011a for Scott Arbogast, wanted to know which courses were being taken by athletes for specific terms, need to know which sport. Page 39 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 23. JIA0011C (NTS): Class schedules 4 athletes dtl. Cloned from jia0003 for Scott Arbogast. Needed to know athletes in specific courses. Need a detail and summary version. 8/29/2011: needed a version which allowed users to determine which courses were scheduled after 6 PM

24. JIA0012 (NTS): Athlete graduates by date. cloned from jusds007b for Scott Arbogast. I think the current design of the jia0012 query will meet your needs. This may be more information than you need to know, but the query is designed to return everything except inactive athletes as of the day BEFORE the degree conferred date. What this really means to you, is you can use the query to find student athlete graduates from anytime in the past and the results will be accurate as of the date the athlete graduated.

25. JIA0013 (TS). Query originated a jus150 which Rick Deloney use to run for Elaine Buthe. Pete took over sending her the data on 2/15/2011, so renamed the query jia0013 to be part of the jia series of queries.

26. JIA0014 (TS): Athlete plan changes. Cloned from jusds025 and logic added for athletes. Returns a list of athletes and the plan changes made by them for the given date range.

27. JIA0015 (TS): Athlete appointment times. Prompts for a term and a sport (optional) and returns enrollment appointment times for student athletes.

28. JIA0020 (TS): GPA for athletes, all plans. Built over the degree progress “R” tables. Returns major GPA for athletes for a given term.

29. Running the two Athletics Admissions Reports. These two reports use to be crystal reports run from a local PC and viewed by the various coaches. As of 11/22/2010, the reports were rewritten using the BI PUBLISHER reporting tool. The reports may be run interactively or scheduled and the results viewed via report manager.

a. To run the individual student report, press the hyperlink next to the JAD_ATHLETE2 report labeled View Report. Enter a students emplid and press OK. The report results will appear in a new window. To view a different student’s data, repeat the process.

b. If you are logged out of the system due to inactivity, click the hyperlink to log in, then follow the steps to run the reports.

c. To view the long report, find the PDF file on the desktop and double click it. The file should be deleted at the end of the day and the report rerun to ensure the most recent results are available.

d. The athlete list report is a BI Publisher report scheduled to recur M-F at 7 AM and email the results to Suzann Meyerhoffer and Steve Henderson meyerhsl and hendersw. The recurring job is scheduled by Pete DeSmit. On 3/17/2017, the original report named jad_athlete1 was inactivated and rewritten as jad_athlete3. This was required due to the report being rewritten using a connected query as the data source per Suzanne’s desire to include a new field indicating which checklist items were missing for a given applicant.

ISAT Queries whose name begins with jisat. Many in this series are written with a series of hard coded academic plan numbers to make it easier for the users to get their data. ISAT plans do NOT follow a single academic org like other areas. Primary contacts are Kristen Snowden [email protected] Fasha Strang [email protected] and the ISAT department head Section last updated 12/1/2015. Page 40 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 1. jisat003 (TS): All ISAT students. Contains student identifiable data for all 16 ISAT plans which are hard coded within the criteria of this query. 2. jisat004 (NTS): Biographical and plan summary for all 16 ISAT plans. 3. jisat005 (TS): Class sched by term/crs/org. Written specifically for Fasha Strang who need a class schedule in a precise format for import into another system. Please do not modify the fields as she relies on the given format. 4. jisat006 (TS): Course anal for Geog Science cloned from jlead001 for Zach Bortolot in ISAT. 5. jisat007 (TS): Academic data by plan. cloned from jusds002a for Fasha Strang, but she does not have access to the record citizenship, so Martha Ringwald will run the query and provide her results. 6. jisat008 (TS): Course analysis by plan. cloned from jusdh017b for Fasha Strang in ISAT. 7. jisat009 (TS): Course anal for ISAT320. cloned from jisat008 for Fasha Strang 8. jisat010 (TS): ISAT taking ISAT320/321. cloned from jisat009 for Fasha Strang. 9. jisat011 (TS): IA200,261,280 analysis. Cloned from jisat010 for Kristin Sowden, advisor for ISAT. Needed to know which students were enrolled in the three courses IA200, 261 and 280 as they are supposed to be enrolled in all three at the same time, else they need to contact them. 10. jisat011a (TS): Child courses. created to be used with a connected query and BIP report named jisat011 for Sowden, Kristin A -Do you remember the query we put together to see if students are taking IA 200, 261, and 280 together? JISAT11 I think it is. We now need to see if those students have taken statistics (either math 220, ISAT 251, or transfer credit for one of those courses, and the grade they made.) Would you happen to know the magical way to do this? It’s hard to describe how thankful I am for you ¿ I have no idea how I would do my job without all these shortcuts. 11. jisat012 (TS): Geog Science catalog data. Cloned from jisat006 for Kristen Snowden. I have a query question I am hoping you can help with related to our Geographic Science students. The curriculum in GS has changed every year since 2007, and so students in each year require different classes. Is there a query or would you be able to look to see of our students in Geographic Science, what calendar year they came in during, and then what catalog year they declared in? Hopefully the numbers can help us figure out course offerings. 12. jisat013 (TS): Geog230 course analysis. Cloned from jnurse005 for Kristin Sowden. My faculty want to know if the attached list of students have completed GEOG 215, GEOG 216, and a Stats classes (Math 220, ISAT 251 or COB 191) with at least a C. Any magical query ways to get them this data?

International Student Success Queries whose name begins with jiss. Primary contacts are Jon Kratz [email protected] and JoAnn Benjamin [email protected] who deals ONLY with TRN transfer international students. If a query below is suffixed with _TRN it is defined the same as the un-prefixed version, but has a hard coded value to only return transfer (admit type=TRN) students. In this context, international students are defined as those who have a visa permit type which begins with the letter J or F. According to Gina Kudrav, this is the real definition of an international student, not their citizenship status which are used by many other queries. Section last updated 7/20/2015.

13. jiss001 (TS): International students w/holds. Prompts for a term. Returns a list of international students and the negative service indicators currently active. 14. jiss002 (TS): International student grades. Prompts for a term and a grade type. Returns either mid term or final grades for international students. 15. jiss003 (TS): International student courses. Prompts for a term and returns course enrollment data (aka schedules) for international students. 16. jiss004 (TS): International student bio/demo. Prompts for a term and returns basic bio/demo data and program/plan data for international students. 17. jiss005 (TS): International student courses. Has hard coded references to specific courses: ('IS202','WRIT100','WRIT103')

Page 41 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 18. jiss006 (TS): International student tests. Includes a term range, returns the following tests for international students: ('SAT1','SAT2','TOEFL') 19. jiss007 (NTS): Historical intl stu test score. Wanted a list of test scores for international students. Needed the ability to look back in history so eliminated all references to stdnt_car_term. 20. jiss008 (TS): Intl wrtc100 and wrtc103 anal. Wanted a list of international students who had completed BOTH wrtc100 and wrtc103 and the grades they received. 21. jiss009 (TS): Intl took wrtc103 not wrtc100. Wanted a list of international students who had completed wrtc103 but not wrtc100 22. jiss010 (TS): Intl compare mid term/final gr. Allows comparison of mid term to final grades for international students. 23. jiss011 (TS): Intl stdnts not in good standing. Prompts for a term the international student was NOT in good standing (probation or suspension). This needs to be a term in the past due to the design of the query. It looks for the fact the student was not in good standing for the prompted term, and returns ALL terms in the future as well. 24. jiss011a (TS): Intl stdnts PRO/SUS this term. Different that jiss011 in that it does not return future term data, only those international students not in good standing for the prompted for term. 25. jiss012 (TS) : International address changes. Prompts for a term and a date range when the addresses of international students were changed. 26. jiss012 (NTS): Historical Intl students. Should rarely if ever run. Contains no prompts. Returns basic bio/demo data for ALL students who ever attended JMU and are considered an international student. Was created to allow the office of international student success to collaborate data from University Advancement. 27. jiss014 (TS): Intl student bio/demo retention. Prompts for a term range and literally turns the academic calendar clock back to the end date of the given term, then returns appropriate academic data for the given international students. All specs provided by Jonathan Kratz. 28. jiss015 (NTS): SG Completers. Contains no prompts. Returns a list of students who have a stdnt_attr_dtl record which indicates they have completed the study group, and what their current program status is. 29. jiss016 (TS): IS missing service indicators. The returned fields are identical to jiss004. Written for Jessica Hazlewood. F-1 and J-1 international students only who are missing a prompted for service indicator and service indicator reason. Their office places specific service indicators when an international student HAS paid an admin fee, secured proper insurance, etc. 30. jiss017 (TS): status listing of int apps. Prompts for an admit type and admit term. Although a majority of the data returned by this query is considered “admissions data”, it also includes the students current academic program data so the user running the query can determine if the student is active in their career. 31. jiss018 (NTS): International Student Report. Was specifically written to NOT be time sensitive, so user can run using any term and data is turned back to the term end date for all effective dated logic.

International Programs Queries whose name begins with joip. Primary contacts are Jackie Ciccone [email protected] , Agnes Choi [email protected]. Section last updated 4/19/2017.

General Comments

1. There are several (sometimes conflicting) business processes in use related to “abroad courses”. Generally speaking, these fall into three categories:

a. Semester/term abroad. Is defined as a student taking ALL of their coursework @ JMU at a location other than the main campus, normally outside the USA. Term based abroad students are identified by two pieces of data keyed by Agnes Choi. Both fields are located on the stdnt_car_term record. First, the Page 42 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 form_of_study field will be set to a value=ABRD. Second, the study_agreement field will contain a value with the first two characters=SA for Study Abroad followed by letters indicating the location. For example, a value=SALONDON indicates the student is studying abroad for the given term in London.

b. Spring Break Abroad. Defined by the student group description and course requirement description beginning with the 9 characters=”SB Abroad”.

c. Short term Summer Abroad programs.

i. The life cycle of a Summer abroad course 1. Faculty member submits a form to the finance folks about a program, once accepted, the OIP is contacted and works with the admin person to create the course. Admin folks have a doc about entering course data which has specific steps for study abroad courses. Although the doc covers how to enter a requirement which would prevent students you do not want to register for a given course (such as a studies abroad course) there is no specific mention that a requirement must be created for a Summer abroad course and it’s description must begin with the 9 letters=Summer SA 2. OIP receives info that a student is interested in one/more Summer programs, they send a spreadsheet with emplids to UBO who enters data into Item_sf indicating a deposit is required for official reservation in the Summer program(s). Brandon Cline says two different item_type values are used: ('010000050201','010000050200'). ALSO, in the ref1_descr field on the item_sf record, Brandon loads the name of the abroad location provided him by Agnes Choi when she asks that the program fee be applied to a students account. This is a crucial piece of data as it is used for those few people who participate in more than one Summer abroad session else there would be no way to distinguish the program fee of one location vs. another. Unfortunately, as of 5/20/2011, data is not consistent in this field, and queries such as jfin001 and jfin001b cannot be changed to use this field as the official program because the values are blank, different case, different spelling, etc. 3. OIP runs a series of joip001 queries to check who has paid their deposits and communicates with the students 4. Once a deposit is paid for a Summer program, OIP adds the student to a specific student group whose description begins with the 9 letters=Summer SA 5. Student registers for the Summer course; only students in the specific student group are eligible (via a group requirement attached to the course) to register for the course 6. OIP runs rosters (via query) of students enrolled in Summer programs. They currently keep manual track of the courses being taught and run rosters one by one based upon this data. They could be using a query such as joip002 which returns all students in a specific students group whose description begins with Summer SA by a specific effective date. 7. Queries joip004 and joip005 were developed to return Summer abroad courses and students enrolled in same. 3/10/2016: added logic to both queries after Lauren Franson shared that they needed to begin tracking the course requirements in a new record in addition to the original record. The new record is named class_rsrv_cap. 8. A query could be developed to find students who are active in a student group but are not enrolled in a course whose associated group requirement does not=Summer SA d. One confusing point is for the few term based programs which run in the Summer. Unfortunately, the term based programs for the Summer are NOT keyed the same s for Spring and Fall. Specifically, the data entered for Fall and Spring on the stdnt_car_term record (into two fields, see point 1a above) is not entered for the term based Summer programs. As a result, these few programs appear in query results which are supposed to represent just short term Summer abroad programs. Although there are ways to

Page 43 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 fix this issue, it is being deemed OK for now for folks like Mary Williams to simply ignore such data returned by the query. e. 3/23/2016: modified the entire query series after Lauren Franson shared that they are now using two different methods to track course requirements. The old location is in class_association, the new location is in class_rsrv_cap. This change was necessary due to issues being caused using the class_association method.

Query details 2. The joip001 queries used to be named jus0040 and were used primarily by Jackie (as far as I know anyway) a. joip001 Study abroad data. The base population of this query is financial data. Specifically, the query selects from those students who have one/more of three specific item types as placed by the UBO. The three items types are for when a student will be spending an entire TERM abroad. You will not necessarily find Summer abroad students returned by this query, unless there is an entire Summer semester being taught abroad. The query contains a LOT of data as requested by Jackie Ciccone over the years. It was written for Jackie to be able to look at all semester abroad students to determine their overall status of eligibility. b. joip001a Study abroad data no residency. Almost identical to joip001, except without the official residency data. The design of residency data can cause multiple rows of data to be returned per student. c. joip001b Study abroad data history. Was specifically written to allow you to look BACK in time as defined by the fact the students may not still be an active student @ JMU. The two previous queries REQUIRE that the student still be taking courses @ JMU d. joip001c Student Health Insurance. A simple query which returns a list of students enrolled in a prompted for term and the status of their health insurance as defined by two specific item type numbers. 3. Joip002 Summer abroad sdtnts by date returns a list of students in a student group whose name begins with the 9 letters=”Summer SA” and who were added to that student group between the two prompted for dates. Agnes Choi keys the student group data and should know the proper date range to use when running this query. The query is written to return data as far back in history as you’ve keyed data. Want to know who was in a Summer abroad group in 2001? Enter a range of 3/1/2001 thru 6/1/2001 as an example. 4. Joip002a SA by date aggregate. Same logic as joip002, this version returns aggregate results to allow Agnes Choi to validate the mass upload of student group data she performs each summer for all of the summer abroad locations. 5. joip003 Students studying abroad/term. This query returns data for TERM BASED studies abroad students, NOT Summer abroad students. To find those not registered for any courses for the given term, look for a value of zero in the last column of this query. Again, this query should NOT be used for Summer abroad programs. 6. joip004: List of Summer abroad courses. A summer abroad course is defined as any course with an active attached requirement group (see Kelly Downey in the office of the registrar if questions) whose first nine characters=”Summer SA”. These requirement groups are meant to be used by departments via the class_assoc record tied to the appropriate requirement group number. If used in this manner, it prevents students who should NOT be allowed to register for a course being taught abroad from registering for the given course. The other piece of data which ties this all together is the student group entered by Agnes Choi. When a student indicates they are going to take a summer abroad course, Agnes adds them to the appropriate student group by adding and activating a stdnt_grps_hist record. 3/23/2016 update. This logic has changed as a result of the registrars office (Vanessa Breeden) and OIP decision that there HAD to be an option to allow one requirement to be used by more than one course and study group. So, this query was modified to use the instruction_mode=AB logic after verifying same with Lauren Franson. 7. Joip004a: NON Summer Abrd courses. Is the opposite of the data returned by joip004. Prompts for a term and returns all courses which do NOT have a requirement associated with the course (via the class_assoc record) whose description begins with the 9 letters=”Summer SA”. OIP used to use data from this query via a linked MS Access database on their N drive to determine which of the courses they THINK are being taught for Summer abroad but are not coded with a requirement group. As of 5/20/2011, this list is obtained by running a query (named query1) in the MS Access database named CourseDatabase. Since the data is linked (referenced) to the Page 44 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 MS Access database, neither of the spreadsheets that contain the data have to be imported into the MS Access database, but the link should always be verified to ensure the query is pulling data from the proper location. Also, the contents of the query joip004a needs to be exported to excel and saved to a spreadsheet named joip004a.xls prior to running the query from within the MS Access database. Make sure the column/field name for the first column is not changed as it is referenced by the query in the MS Access database. As of 2/1/2017; OIP says they have not used this query for the MS Access database since going live with their system known as Terra Data. Leaving the query as is in case it may ever be used. 8. Joip004b: TERM abroad courses. It prompts for term and returns TERM based study abroad courses defined IF their location=ABRD OR the instruction mode=AB. I believe there may be a few courses coded this way which are NOT your courses. All I can say is you might contact the “offending” department and ask them to remove the value causing the row to be returned by the query. 9. joip005: Summer abroad enrollment. Is really an extension of joip004 with students added. Same logic used regarding what constitutes a Summer abroad course. IF the student is not enrolled in any courses for the Summer, they will not appear in the query results. 10. joip006: Matched and mismatched short term data. Written for Kelly Downey, Agnes Choi and Lauren Franson to determine if there are matches and mismatches between student groups and course requirements. This data is required to match in order to run the jfin001 query for Mary Williams in student accounting who does reconciliation of the short term (aka summer study abroad) program data. Pay special attention to the first field. A value=Missing Student Group, indicates there is a course requirement group setup but no associated student group with the same name. Likewise, a value=Missing requirement group is an indication there is a student group but no matching course requirement. On 9/23/2011 a new population was added to the query to meet a new business need. Lauren needed to be able to email the department secretaries of which course requirement they should enter for the courses being taught abroad for a given term. As of 9/23/2011, OIP has decided to treat all of the term based studies abroad data (student groups and requirements) the same as they do for Summer abroad courses. Rows may appear if a specific program is not being run at the current time. You can remove such data my inactivating the offending student group or course requirement. All three joip006 queries have a prompt. To return all groups/requirements, leave the prompt blank. Enter “A” if you only want active data, “I” for inactive data 11. Joip006a and joip006b. As the query description implies, the A suffixed query is meant to be run by Kelly Downey. It returns all courses for a given term with a course requirement whose description begins with the nine letters=”Summer SA” or “Studies A”. The B suffixed query returns active student groups whose description begins with the nine letters=”Summer SA” or “Studies A”. 12. joip007 Term abroad students. Is mostly a repeat of joip003, with fewer fields. The query will only return TERM BASED study abroad students, NOT Summer abroad students. 13. joip008 SA students with credits. In this case, the SA stands for Summer Abroad. This query should ONLY be run for Summer abroad students. If the last field is blank, it means the student has been entered into the student group by Agnes Choi, BUT they have not yet enrolled in any courses being taught abroad for the given Summer term. You should only run this query for Summer terms (last digit=5). The date range is the same as in query joip002. It indicates the date Agnes Choi keyed the student into the respective Summer abroad student group. 14. Joip008a: SA students with crd details. Only difference from joip008 is an additional prompt for a single emplid. Allows the user to view the query results and determine WHICH of the courses the student is registered for are NOT tied to a course requirement (the RQ group field will be blank) which needs to be corrected. It indicates either the student registered for the wrong section of a course, or the course needs to have a requirement associated with it. 15. Joip009: Avg term to graduate OIP. 8/3/2012: cloned from jusdh008 for Lauren Faulson in office of international programs. Wanted stats on graduation rates for specific populations of students studying abroad. The populations could not easily be defined, so student groups were created and records added to represent the various groups. 8/13/2012: Lauren called and wanted the average number of years added as a field. For accuracy, used the academic years for the admit term and the grad term 16. Joip009a: Avg term to graduate OIP only. Similar to joip009, but this version does NOT include anyone other than students who studied abroad whereas joip009 returns that population in addition to the population who did NOT study abroad for comparison purposes. Page 45 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 17. Joip012: Service indicator data. Prompts for a specific service indicator code and reason and term. Returns a list of students who meet this criteria. Original intention was to allow user to return those students who have received study abroad health insurance. Originally created for Jessica Hazlewood who has the values for the prompts. 18. Joip013: study abroad by acad year. Selects study abroad (both term and summer) students and returns aggregate data for ALL abroad locations. Written for Jackie Ciccone. 19. Joip013a: study abroad by acad year. Selects study abroad (both term and summer) students and returns aggregate data for ALL abroad locations vs. those who did not study abroad. This version includes an average Cum GPA value. Written for Jackie Ciccone. 20. Joip013b: This version cloned and modified for Lee Sternberger. Wanted aggregate data to determine the percentage of UG graduates who have studied abroad for a given academic year range. Removed stdnt_car_term and used the count distinct aggregate function to ensure the most accurate results. Verified with registrars office they do NOT delete old student group descriptions nor change their first nine characters from “Summer SA” which the query relies on for Summer study abroad results. 21. Joip014: Graduation rates. Selects 3 baseline populations via unions and allows comparison of the aggregates. Allows one to infer whether or not studying abroad is a cause for higher/lower graduations rates vs. the baseline entire UG population. 22. Joip015: terms to graduate ABRD. Prompts for an academic year range. Selects detail data which can be taken into excel to determine the average number of terms for the two populations to graduate from JMU. 23. Joip016: Never studied abroad. Prompts for a single term, returns student identifiable data of students who did NOT study abroad ever nor did they ever attend a summer abroad session. 24. Joip016a: This version is used to return a baseline population of all seniors for the prompted for term. Results to be used in conjunction with joip016. 25. Joip017: Term abroad locations 4ever. No prompts, returns aggregate data to identify those students who have term studied abroad from forever @ JMU. 26. joip019 Spring Break Abroad students. This query is similar to joip008 with the baseline population being those students who are active in a student group whose description begins with “SB Abroad”. The date range is the same as in query joip002. It indicates the date Agnes Choi keyed the student into the respective SB Abroad student group. 27. joip020 Applied to graduate (TS): Prompts for an expected graduation term. Returns those students studying abroad (Summer or term) whose expected graduation term matches the value entered in the prompt and who have officially completed the necessary paperwork with the office of the registrar to graduate.

International Student Fee Charge Process (as a result of a meeting in OIP on 10/24/2012)

General comments

International students are currently being charged a $75 per semester administrative fee. One purpose of the meeting was to streamline the process of placing (and removal) of this fee. A new fee is being implemented for the Spring 2013 semester. The purpose of this fee is related to health care insurance. The base population is anyone with a visa permit type which begins with an F or a J who are active in their academic program, are not in the study group.

One time tasks

1. Jessica will ask the office of the registrar to create two new service indicator codes and service indicator reasons. For the purpose of this documentation, I will refer to these as service indicator=010 and the reasons=00301 for the admin charge, and 00302 for the health insurance charge.

2. Pete will create a query named joip010 with the results to be used to create service indicators per the following specifications.

Page 46 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 a. Include students active in their program whose highest effective dated visa permit type begins with F or J b. Eliminate students in the study group c. Eliminate students if they already have a charge on the item_sf record for the prompted term and item type provided: 000049000 – Health Insurance Fee and 010000050620 – IA Administrative Fee d. Eliminate students if they already have a service indicator code=010, reason=00301 (admin fee) or 00302 (health insurance) prompted for e. Allow elimination if the country of citizenship is a prompted for value, such as SAU to eliminate Saudi Arabia students for the run of this query when creating service indicators for the health insurance charge

2. Pete will create a query named joip011 with the results to be used to place and remove charges per the following specifications. a. No need to repeat logic in step 2 a-e above, because we know the service indicator data will only be present for the given populations. Therefore, drive this query off of the service indicator raw data. b. It will be based upon students active in their academic program, who have either of the service indicators 00301 or 00302. Contrary to original specs, the query will NOT include a prompt for a date range. It will include logic to ensure the specific charge or refund does not already exist in item_sf. Logic gained after a conversation with Brandon Cline. This will be a union query. The first selection will include charges to be placed on a students record. The second selection will be for charges to be removed from a students record. c. Brandon provided the item types to be used for placing and/or removing these two charges: 010000049000 – Health Insurance Fee and 010000050620 – IA Administrative Fee

Ongoing tasks

1. At least once a semester for both Fall and Spring a. Jessica will run the joip010 query twice: i. once using a service indicator reason=00301 entering an appropriate value for the term, leaving the country prompt blank and a value of 010000050620 for the service indicator reason prompt. ii. a second time using a service indicator reason=00302 entering an appropriate value for the term and entering the value=SAUD in the country prompt. Doing so will ensure a service indicator is NOT created for the Saudi Arabia students. If there is no service indicator row, the charge will not be created later. For this run, use a value of 010000049000 for the service indicator reason prompt. iii. Send the results to a spreadsheet named 00301.xls and 00302.xls respectively. b. Use the service indicator mass assign process to assign the respective service indicators to students using the two files created. i. Enter an appropriate value in the amount column corresponding to the fee to be charged for each of the two charges. ii. Leave the reference field empty/blank. iii. Enter the proper value in the active term field. iv. Repeat these steps as often as you want to ensure all students have the appropriate service indicators. c. Due to the design of the joip010 query, it will not allow you to add a service indicator which is already present for a given student. In other words, you are not going to hurt anything by following this step every day, or once a week, or however often you choose.

2. Whenever it is determined a student should have either/both charges waived, Jessica will delete the respective service indicator from the individual student. A service indicator should never be deleted in a given term after step 4 has been executed else the resulting charge will not be removed from the student’s record.

Page 47 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 3. Whenever it is determined a student should have the charge amount changed, Gina Kudrav will contact Jessica with the SA Emplid of the student, which of the two charges to adjust, and the adjusted amount. Jessica will edit the appropriate service indicator record with this adjusted amount. This step should not be executed in a given term after step 4 has been executed. Instead, Gina Kudrav will email the UBO with the following information and ask the UBO to adjust the charge: SA Emplid, term, item type, adjusted charge amount.

4. Create initial charges. a. Timing for executing this step is crucial. Once executed, steps 2-3 above must not be performed for a given term. Choose the date to execute this step with this in mind. b. Run query joip011 twice, once using a combination of 00301/010000050620 for the service indicator reason and item type and a second time using a combination of 00302/010000049000 for the service indicator reason and item type. c. Send the results to an excel spreadsheet on the shared drive accessible by UBO. Use a naming convention agreed upon with the UBO. d. Follow your business process to notify the UBO charges and refunds are ready to be created.

5. Adjust charges. a. When it is determined a charge should be removed, edit the appropriate service indicator record for the student. In the assignment details section, in a field labeled “Reference:” enter the word “REMOVE” to indicate the respective charge should be removed for the given student. You must also enter today’s date in the field labeled “End Date” b. Under no circumstances should the amounts on the individual service indicator records be adjusted once step 4 has been executed. If a charge needs to be adjusted, refer to the logic is step 3 above. Editing an individual charge amount on the service indicator record after the charge has been placed on a students record will have no affect on the actual charge. c. Repeat step 4 above; this step can be repeated as often as desired. It will create new charges as well as charges to be removed. If neither step 1 nor 5a have been executed, repeating step 4 should not produce any results. A file with no results should not be created, and the UBO should not be contacted. d. If preferred, charges for new students can be created by manually adding the appropriate service indicators. This bypasses step #1. Such charges will still be picked up by executing step #4 as that step has no logic to determine if a service indicator was created in mass or one at a time via manual entry.

Leadership program Queries whose name begins with jlead. Primary contact is MaryLou Glick [email protected] Section last updated 3/15/2012.

1. Jlead001 (TS): Course anal for K-12leadership. cloned from jcob005 for Mary Lou Glick in school of leadership. 1/1/2012, added several courses per email from Mary Lou Glick. Returns whether or not students in the leadership program (specific program) have taken a series of approx. 20 courses. Used for course planning purposes. 2. Jlead002 (TS): Course anal for higher ed. Similar to jlead001, but different hard coded sub-plan for the higher education concentration of the program. 3. Jlead003 (TS): Course anal for non-profit. Similar to jlead001, but different hard coded sub-plan for the non profit concentration of the program. 4. Jlead004 (TS): Courses ever taken @ JMU/TRN. cloned from jusds024b for Mary Lou Glick in leadership programs. Returns all JMU and transfer courses taken by students active in the leadership program.

Page 48 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Learning Resource Center Queries whose name begins with jlrc. Primary contact is Joan Fahrney [email protected] Section last updated 3/15/2012.

1. Jlrc001 (TS): Count of W, D and F by course. Returns ALL courses for a term range with aggregated data related to the total number of D’ F and W grades given by instructor and course.

Learning Technology & Leadership Education Queries whose name begins with jltle. Primary contact is Sandra Gilchrist [email protected] Section last updated 2/19/2014.

1. jltle01 (TS): List of active LTLE students. Prompts for a term. Returns all students active in the underlying academic program for five different academic plans (loosely defined as LTLE students). Sorted by academic plan number, then student name. Includes hyperlinks to drill down into a students current schedule or all courses ever taken/transferred. 2. jltle02 (NTS): LTLE students by prog status. Same five plans as jltle01. Prompts by academic program status. Use any of the following values, or leave the prompt blank to return all students regardless of their program status. Enter this value: a. AC=Students active in their program b. CM=Students who have completed their program (aka graduated) c. DC=Students who have discontinued their program (left JMU) d. LA=Students on a leave of absence e. CN=Students who have cancelled their program work f. SP=Students suspended g. DM=Students dismissed 3. jltle03 (NTS): LTLE Grads by date. Same five plans as jltle01. Prompts for a degree conferred date range (date the student graduated). 4. jltle04 (NTS): LTLE summary data. Same five plans as jltle01. Prompts for a term range. Returns aggregate data for the five plans for each term in the prompted for term range. 5. jltle06 (TS): A series of queries named jltle06a-g written to return students in specific LTLE programs of study. Each query has hard coded references to a series of courses which are required for each program. The single character returned for each course are as follows: a. E=Enrolled in current term b. F=Failed course, previous term c. I=Incomplete, previous term d. N=Never enrolled/taken e. P=Passed course, previous term f. R=Enrolled in future term

Library and Educational Technology Queries whose name begins with jlet. Primary contact is Kathy Clarke [email protected] Section last updated 6/29/2017.

1. jlet001 (NTS): Enrollment summary by mode. Prompts for a term, returns all course information aggregated by instruction mode (world wide web, in person, etc.) Page 49 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 2. jlet01a (NTS): Online; not OP, Grad. Similar to the JLET001 query, excludes online courses from Outreach & Engagement and online courses in the Master’s programs for CS Infosec, MBA Infosec and iMBA programs. 3. jlet002 (NTS): Instructors by term/mode. Prompts for term and instruction mode. Returns detail data about the course and the instructor (all roles, not just primary instructor).

Major Advising Queries whose name begins with jma. Primary contact is Anna Lynn Bell [email protected] Section last updated 3/19/2012.

1. Jma002 (NTS): Probation/suspension by term. Prompts for a term range. Return aggregated data of students NOT in good standing. 2. Jma002a (NTS): Similar to jma002, admit type (TRN or FYR) added to the aggregate data returned by the query. 3. Jma003 (NTS): permissions used by term. Prompts for a term, returns aggregate data for all courses which had permissions used. 4. Jma004 (NTS): Prompts for a term, returns all course data with a calculation for capacity. 5. Jma005 (NTS): classes with enrollment reqs. Prompts for a term, returns all course data which contain class notes and have requirements attached to the course. 6. Jma006 (TS): UG's without an advisor. Prompts for a term, returns all UG students active in their career who do not have an academic advisor assigned. 7. Jma007 (NTS): Aggregate major data by level. Prompts for a term and a single academic plan (which can be left blank to run for all plans). Returns aggregate data of how many students, by academic level, have this as their first major, 2nd major, 3rd major, etc. Hard coded to only return major data, not minor, etc. 8. Jma007a (NTS): Includes a term range, and returns a single row of data for each plan with a total count of the number of students in that plan as of the term end date of the given term. 9. Jma007b (NTS): Like jma007a, but returns minor data. 10. Jma008 (NTS): Aggregate plan change data. Prompts for a date range. Returns aggregate counts of plan changes for the given date range by plan type. 11. Jma011 (NTS): Acad plan change analysis. Returns aggregate data of the number and type of students for a given date range and term changed their academic plan (added or dropped). 12. Jma012 (NTS): Count of W, D and F by course. Prompts for a term range. Returns aggregate counts of the number of D, F and W grades for all courses. 13. Jma015 (NTS): Advisee count by advisor. Prompts for a term. Returns the total number of advisees assigned to a specific advisor in the academic org. 14. Jma015a (TS): Only difference is the ability to enter an as of date for when the advisor was assigned to the advisee. 15. Jma015b (NTS): performs aggregation by the students academic level; so can see how many Freshman, Sophomore, etc. students are assigned to each advisor.

Math Queries whose name begins with jmath. Primary contact is Lee Ann Bowles [email protected] section last updated 3/29/2015.

1. Jmath003 (NTS): Dual enrollment in math crses. Returns students who have entered as freshman and received credit for a transfer course by "dual enrollment" from a community college. For the following courses: MATH 220, 205, 235 and/or 236 Want to know their placement score on entering JMU and the grades in any mathematics courses taken at JMU.

2. Jmath004 (NTS): MATH231/232 analysis. Returns students enrolled in MATH 232 for the prompted for term and the grades they received for MATH 231 Page 50 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 3. Jmath005 (NTS): MATH236/237 analysis. Returns students enrolled in MATH 237 for the prompted for term and the grades they received for MATH 236.

4. Jmath006 (NTS): Math 108 analysis. Returns students enrolled in MATH 108 and when they took math107 and their grade.

5. Jmath007 (NTS): Math 207 analysis. Returns students enrolled in MATH 207 and when they took math107 and 108 and their grade.

6. Jmath008 (NTS): MATH205 course analysis. Returns students who satisfy ALL of the following: Have taken Math205 at JMU Have not taken Math155 or Math156 at JMU (nor had transfer credit for these) Scored 23 or above on the math placement test Took Math205 2 years or more after taking the math placement test.

7. Jmath009 (NTS): Math PME data JR/SR. Returns a list of students who qualify for PME membership as defined by the math department.

8. Jma009a (NTS): Similar to jmath009, but the logic is for Sophomores as defined by the math department.

9. Jmath010 (NTS): Freshman w/AP credit. Returns a list of incoming freshmen with MATH AP Credit and their grade for their first math course @ JMU.

10. Jmath011 (NTS): Math107 course analysis. Returns the following information for Math 107: Current students enrolled, shown by name. Year first enrolled at JMU. Current academic level. Math AND Stat Placement Scores. Ever took 107 previously. If took 107 previously, show term, instructor, and grade received

11. Jmath012 (NTS): Math108 course analysis. Similar to jmath011, but using math108 as the required course.

12. Jmath013 (NTS): Math207 course analysis. Similar to jmath011, but using math207 as the required course.

13. Jmath014 (TS): Major GPA w/test data. Prompts for a term. Returns major GPA for 23 different majors as desired. Includes 5 specific test scores and the grades for psyc101 and hist225.

14. Jmath015 (NTS): Course and test comparison. Prompts for a term range and up to four courses. Returns a list of students who have taken the course and specific test scores.

MBA Queries whose name begins with jmba. Primary contact is Tisha McCoy [email protected] and Mollie Randa [email protected] section last updated 4/7/2016.

1. jmba01 (NTS): MBA students. Contains no prompts because the query is designed to return a student in the three academic programs: GR120, GR125 and GR130 and the LAST effective dated row for the given academic program. Person running this query is reminded to pay particular attention to the “CURRENT Status” and “Last term attended” fields. 2. jmba02 (NTS): COB MBA program analysis. Contains no prompts because the query is designed to return two distinct populations from “forever”. a. Population A: a list of students and courses in the three programs GR120, GR125 and GR130 who took any one of 34 different MBA courses. The course list was provided to me by the users. AND the students were in one of 34 different student groups, again, the list of which were provided to me by the users. The values for the student groups are referred to by the MBA office as the cohort.

Page 51 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 b. Population B: a list of students and courses (regardless of their career/program) who were NOT in one of the 34 student groups provided. This population is returned by the query as belonging to a student group whose description= *** NOT in a cohort group 3. jmba03 (NTS): Basic student group data. Prompts for a single student group name (required) and returns a list of students (NON UG careers) who have been assigned this student group. User running this query should pay particular attention to the values returned in the fields Group Status and Program Status. 4. jmba04 (TS) Active MBA NOT in cohort. Returns a list of students currently active in one of the three programs: GR120, GR125 or GR130 who are NOT in one of the 34 students groups provided to me by the users. Ultimately this query should return zero rows meaning all MBA students have been properly assigned to a student group (aka a MBA cohort).

Music Queries whose name begins with jmusic. Primary contact is Donna Wampler [email protected] Some also used by Mary Jean Speare for completing the annual HEADS survey and Jeanette Zyko. Section last updated 10/26/2016.

1. Jmusic001 (NTS): List of all music students. Returns all students who are active in a music academic plan which spans undergraduate and graduate plan numbers. Designed to be run for any given term.

2. Jmusic002 (NTS): Music majors and MUS195. Returns a list of UG music students and the number of terms of MUS195 they have completed. A student is required to take 6 terms of MUS197 to graduate.

3. Jmusic003 (NTS): Music students sub-plans. Similar to jmusic001 with sub-plan data included.

4. Jmusic004 (NTS): Prompts for a term range. Returns all courses for music graduate and doctoral students in the two academic programs GR420 or DR250.

5. Jmusic005 (NTS): Music grads by plan. Prompts for a degree conferred date range. Has the five music majors hard coded. Returns aggregate data for the annual HEADS survey. Detail data can be returned from the query this was cloned from; jusdh009.

6. Jmusic005a (NTS): Similar to jmusic005, but includes detail student data vs jmusic005 which returns aggregate data.

7. Jmusic006 (NTS): Music grads by plan, other major. Prompts for a degree conferred date range. Has the five music majors hard coded. Returns detail data for the annual HEADS survey. Used to report those music majors who graduated with a major OTHER than music. Need the original music major data as well as the survey asks which area (concentration). Was cloned from jusds007g.

8. Jmusic007 (NTS): Music UG by gender and ethnicity. Prompts for a single term. Aggregate results returned per annual HEADS survey format. Was cloned from jusdh001. Important note: this query returns data based upon students active in a music major whereas the two previous queries are based upon music graduates.

9. Jmusic008 (NTS): Credit hour production by term. Prompts for a single term. Returns credit hour production for two populations as defined in the annual HEADS survey. Specifications provided by Mary Jean Speare.

10. Jmusic008a (NTS). Similar to jmusic008, but this version aggregates data by academic year and returns distinct counts.

Page 52 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 11. Jmusic009 (NTS): Music majors by plan summary. Returns aggregate counts for all 7 music related plans for a given term range.

12. Jmusic010 (NTS): Music students on pro/sus. Has the same 7 hard coded academic plan numbers as others in the jmusic series. Prompts for a current academic term and the term to use for determining academic probation and suspension.

13. Jmusic011 (NTS): Music students by subject. Prompts for an academic term, returns aggregate data for all of the course subjects being taken by music students.

14. Jmusic012 (NTS): MUAP course analysis. Prompts for an academic term range, returns aggregate data on 42 different MUAP subject courses on the number who have passed and failed the returned course.

15. Jmusic012a (NTS): Similar to jmusic012, but this version selects all MUAP subject courses vs. just the 42 hard coded in jmusic012.

16. Jmusic013 (NTS): Jazz course enrollment. Contains a hard coded term range for any course with the word “jazz” in the description of the course.

17. Jmusic017 (NTS): Music application data. Written specifically for music instructor Jeanette Zyko as part of the new CVPA application additional information project. Prompts for an admit term. Has a hard coded list of 23 music specialties the applicant can select from which are part of the school of music.

18. Jmusic017a (NTS): Drill down all tests. Used by jmusic017 as a drill down into a students tests.

19. Jmusic018 (NTS): Music app test scores. Prompts for an academic term, contains the same 23 hard coded values present in jmusic017. Returns all test scores for the given population.

Nursing Queries whose name begins with jnurse. Primary contacts are Christy Comer [email protected] Kelly Schuhmann [email protected] and Tori Martineau [email protected] Section last updated 12/1/2015.

1. jnurse001 (TS): Acad data for non UGEN nursing. Cloned from jusds002 query to jnurse001 for Christy Comer (nursing graduate programs). Needed a version of the query for the 5 Nursing academic plans. Other jusds002 queries include acad_prog which varies for their program, so needed a separate version of the query.

2. jnurse002 (TS): Whitehead stat report. Created for Becky Meadows in nursing who says this is an annual report they need to submit the data to this foundation. She get's the FA data from Vivian Ferris. Email to user: Becky, The data below came from a query named jnurse002 in the SA production system. These notes are more for me than you ¿ I used the singe query, but due to the nature of the request, had to modify it a few times to obtain the desired results, which are as follows: Total Full time Enrollment (Declared BSN Nursing Majors ¿ Soph, Jr. Sr.) : 912 Full time Female Enrollment (of above #) : 847 Total full time FEMALE enrollment from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia (of above #) : 643 Alabama: 2 Florida: 4 Georgia: 0 Louisiana: 0 Mississippi: 0 North Carolina: 5 South Carolina:0 Tennessee: 0 Virginia: 632.

3. jnurse003 (TS): Chronic illness crs progressio. Created for Lam, Christina Karen - russelck . Hello Pete, I am hoping you can assist in mining some data on students who are

Page 53 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 declared chronic illness minor students. I am looking to see of our declarees who has not taken NSG 390 and NSG 391. I am hoping this information will help inform decisions about expanding the course

4. jnurse004 (TS): AACN Data for Nursing. How many students were offered admission into the RN/BSN Program for the terms 1151 and 1158 2) How many students enrolled and registered for these terms

5. jnurse005 (TS): Nursing course analysis Cloned from jlad001 for Schuhmann, Kelly - schuhmkf [email protected] Here’s what I need to know: Any declared Nursing major who has completed CHEM 120, MATH 220 and at least 2 of the following 3 BIO courses: BIO 270, BIO 280, BIO 290 with a grade of C- or better and who has a GPA of 3.0 or above. Any chance you can help me get this info? added the logic of checking the section number 1st digit after calling Shelia in BIO to verify all labs begin with a digit other than 0, and letting labs thru was causing the returned numbers to be overinflated and we are not trying to test that they passed the lab, just the lecture whose section 1st digit=0. 11/3/2015: modified to use saa_adb_courses so can get transfer credit courses, etc.

6. jnurse006 (TS): Diversity data for nursing. Cloned from jnurse005 for Martineau, Tori - martinvl [email protected] We are in the process of writing a grant that asks for specific numbers of diverse students and enrollment data and you are the one person I know who can help me with this! I am looking for a few specific things for this project: For ALL nursing programs traditional undergraduate BSN, sub-plan of RN/BSN and graduate MSN and DNP for academic years 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015: 1) Total enrollment numbers for all programs 2) Total White 3) Total Black 4) Total Asian 5) Total Hispanic 6) Total more than 1 ethnicity row 7) Total Not Specified

7. jnurse007 (TS): Nursing double major grads. Cloned from jnurse006 per email from Meadows, Rebecca A - [email protected] I am working on a survey for the VA Board of Nursing that asks how many graduates have a degree in a discipline other than nursing. Is there a query that will return this data for a specific term?

8. jnurse008 (TS): Summary data for RN/BSN. Cloned from jnurse006 for Martineau, Tori Is it possible to get another query for some more data? It seems like it’s survey time here in the Nursing Department and this time I need GPA and age for RN/BSN students from terms 1148 and 1151. This is exactly what I need: Average GPA for students admitted in 1148 and 1151 Average age of students admitted in 1148 and 1151

9. jnurse009 (TS): Fully admitted, missing mrest. Contains no prompts, all logic is hard coded within the query. Returns all active nursing majors who are fully admitted and have not completed the MREST which is tracked as any of these student milestones: ('ISST','ISST ADV','MRSTA','MRSTP').

10. jnurse009a (TS): Fully admitted, has finaid. Contains no prompts, all logic is hard coded within the query. Returns all active nursing majors who are fully admitted and who were awarded any type of financial aid in the prompted for academic year.

11. jnurse010 (NTS): BON data graduates. Prompts for a range of degree conferred terms. Returns data to be sent to the VA Board Of Nursing as defined by Rebecca Meadows. Query must be run by someone with access to highly confidential data as the query contains the last 4 digits of the SSN as required by the BON for student identification.

Online and Blended Learning Queries whose name begins with jobl. Primary contact is Doug Hearrington [email protected] Section last updated 2/9/2017.

Page 54 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 1. jobl00 (NTS): Grade anal by deliver mode. Contains a prompt for academic term and an optional prompt for course delivery modes listed below. The primary major degree field is from the students primary major as of the census date of the term entered. In the event multiple instructors are returned for the same course, it is because the department responsible for keying the course data entered multiple primary instructors which the query cannot resolve. Delivery modes to use: a. ID will return those courses tracked as 100% Internet Delivered. . b. HY will return those courses tracked as 51% or more online, aka hybrid courses c. IP will return those courses tracked as 100% in person d. MP will return those courses tracked as 51% or more in person 2. jobl01 (NTS): Grade anal for matches. Similar to joe100. In this case a “match” is defined as a course (defined as the crse_id value) being offered for the prompted for term as BOTH a hybrid or internet delivered course AND the same course also being offered with a delivery mode-IP (100% in person). 3. jobl02 (NTS): Not in online degrees. Prompts for a single term. Returns enrollment information for students enrolled in a 100% Internet Delivered (delivery mode=ID) course for the given term who is NOT active as of the census date in one of the x academic plan/programs considered to be online degree only. After research and confirmation from the office of the registrar, the plans included are below. a. ('9999992000','9999992125','9999999400','0007000050','0007000075','0007000110','0007000150','000 7000210','0007000215','0007000220','0007000260','0007000500','0007000051','9999999600','9999999 700','999999999','9999999999','9999991000','9999991100','9999991200','0054005000') b. OR these two acad_prog’s: GR125, GR130 c. OR one of these subplans: ('00002260500','00002260600','00077000227') 4. jobl02a (NTS): In online degrees. Is the inverse of joe102; these students ARE active as of the given census date in one of the listed academic plans/programs. 5. Jobl02b (NTS) Baseline online population. contains no prompts built for the sole purpose of knowing a baseline population of those students active in the list of academic program, plans and sub-plans provided by the office of the registrar 6. jobl03 (NTS): Online student demo. Prompts for a single term, returns basic student demographics for those enrolled in a course who delivery mode=ID (100% Internet Delivered). The address fields returned are for the addr_type=HOME. 7. jobl04 (NTS): Learning activities data. Returns course enrollment details for the prompted for term whose instruction mode is any of the following hard coded values. *** note, the SA system does NOT track the locations of these various instruction modes. a. IN Independent Study b. IS Internship c. RA Research Abroad d. ST Special Training or Fieldwork e. SU Student Teaching 8. jobl05 (TS): JMH contract data. Prompts for a single course term. The logic present includes: a. The baseline of this query is dependent upon each student being active as of the date the query is run in a student group=JMH. b. The student had to have matriculated in the given program stack of data on/after 6/1/2016. Because of this hard coded date, the query may need to be adjusted when run after the Spring 2017 term. c. The student is currently active in one of the following academic plan numbers: ('0000005950','0007000050','0007000051','0007000052','0007000210','0007000226','0007000176','000 7000201','0007000225','0031500000','0007000215','0007000220','0007000260') OR active in the academic plan number 0039005000 and either sub-plan numbers ('0002260500','0002260600') d. Enrollment data is left outer joined to allow students to be returned even if they are not enrolled in any courses for the given term. e. This version of the query does not include data related to the employee tuition waivers as that data is on the item_sf record to which some users who need the results do not have access.

Page 55 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 9. jobl05b (TS): JMH contract AA only. The only difference from jobl05 is that this version contains the item_sf record which is used to return a Y/N if the student has a current employee tuition waiver defined by these three item type values: ('720000001600','720000001730','060000000000') 10. jobl05c (TS): Not in proper plans. Contains no prompts, and should not return any rows. IF a row of data is returned, it is because the student is active in the student group=JMH, but their current program stack of data is not in line with the logic used in the jobl05 query.

Outreach and Engagement Queries whose name begins with joe. Primary contact is Sarah MacDonald [email protected] Section last updated 10/18/2016.

1. Joe001 (TS): selects anyone whose academic program status is <> CM for those in the program CE125. This means it returns active, both also those who have discontinued. NORMALLY, when folks want to return program data, they want active students only, but I know CE careers can be an interesting career. So, there are no time related specs in the selection. 2. Joe002 (TS): selects all CE career students for a prompted term who are taking >11 hours for the given term. 3. Joe003 (TS): selects CE career students in the program=CE050 whose total hours for that career/program are greater than the number of hours entered in the prompt. 4. Joe004 (NTS): selects students in a prompted for term and career who received a prompted for grade. 5. Joe005 (TS): selects CE career students whose last program action is MATR (matriculated) and are active in their program. 6. Joe006 (TS): selects students in the CE125 program. 7. Joe007 (TS): selects students in the academic plan=0000005950 (Individualized Study – BIS major) prompts for a term range and returns a count of the number of these type students in each of the courses they took. 8. Joe008 (TS): selects ce125 students who have not completed their program, and have one or more terms with zero enrolled hours. 9. Joe009 (TS): selects students in a plan=9999999600 (High School Special) who were admitted between the terms 1001 and 1108 (hard coded values). Returns their HOME email address. ** If you want to keep using for other terms, suggest adding a term range. 10. Joe009a (TS): only difference from joe009 is the hard coded term range in this query is 1001 thru 1111. 11. Joe0010 (NTS): Returns instructors for a given term who are teaching a course whose section is between OP01 AND OP14. 12. JOE011 (NTS): All students who took any course in the past semester with a section that begins with the letters OP. Return their JMU and secondary email addresses, name, emplid#. 13. JOE012 (NTS): similar to JOE011, but prompt for the actual course subject, catalog number, term and section. Return the specific course information and their JMU and secondary email addresses, name, emplid#. 14. JOE013 (TS): All students active in a CE academic program (except CE175 and CE250) Return their JMU and secondary email addresses, name, emplid#, academic program and program description. 15. JOE014 (NTS): Similar to JOE013, but add their HOME address and ALL of the stdnt_enrl courses taken under the CE academic (not course) career. Return the specific course information and their JMU and secondary email addresses, name, emplid#, HOME address, academic program and program description. Prompt for a term and add effective dated logic to allow the query to be run for any given term. 16. JOE015 (NTS): All students whose academic plan is BIS (Bachelor of Individualized Study, 0000005950), with a list of their stdnt_enrl data from the current semester. Return the specific course information and their JMU and secondary email addresses, name, emplid#, academic program and program description. 17. JOE016 (NTS): Any student who was active in a CE program (except CE175 and CE250) between a prompted for term range who were not part of the BIS academic plan (number 0000005950). Return their JMU and secondary email addresses, name, emplid# and which of the following date ranges their age falls within: 23-30, 31-40, 41- 50, 51-60, 61-70, 71 and over. For the age range, return a value of Yes or No if their age falls within the given

Page 56 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 range. We do not want their actual age returned by the query, nor do we want the birth date returned by the query. 18. Joe0017 (NTS): returns summary data (counts of students in specific age ranges) for active CE career students (NOT for the two programs ('CE175','CE250')) as of a specific date (should really be using today’s date) who are NOT a BIS major student. 19. Joe0018 (NTS): returns courses for a prompted term whose instruction mode=WW (aka online or the world wide web) which have not been cancelled. 20. Joe0019 (NTS): returns a list of enrolled courses for students in the CE150 program for a prompted for term range. 21. Joe0020 (NTS): BIS not enroll after this term. BIS students who have not enrolled in courses in the two previous semesters 22. Joe021 (NTS): CE150 students from Clarke. No prompts. Returns aggregate information of students who had ever been in the CE150 program and if they applied, were accepted and ever attended JMU in the UGEN program. 23. Joe022 (NTS): Online program zip codes. Prompts for a range of admit terms, returns a count of the number of students who were active in a list of hard coded plan numbers by their zip codes. 24. Joe023 (NTS): Experiential Learning credits. Returns a list of students who have forever in the history of JMU received experiential learning credits defined by the name of the organization found in the transfer course school record. The values used to determine the criteria are hard coded. 25. Joe024 (NTS): OP courses by term. Prompts for a single term value. Returns a list of courses who have the letters OP in the section. 26. Joe025 (NTS): BIS last term data. were ever a BIS major in the history of JMU, and never graduated and not active in their career. Criteria provided by Sarah MacDonald. 27. Joe026 (TS): Course anal for Ed Leadership. Prompts for a single term, use the current term. Returns a list of students in specific plans designated educational leadership ad their progress in series of courses defined by Sarah MacDonald. 28. Joe026a (TS): Course anal for Ed Technology. Similar to joe026, but for the educational technology plan. 29. Joe027 (NTS): no prompts. Returns a list of BIS graduates who also have GR/DR graduate information. 30. Joe028 (NTS): Active BIS majors for drilling. Prompts for the current term. Includes drilling URL’s for additional data.

Parking Services Queries whose name begins with jps. Primary contact is Lisa Aydn [email protected] Section last updated 3/20/2012.

1. Jps0029 (NTS): Inactive students for parking. To be used by parking to determine which students in powerpark flex need to be inactivated. 2. Jps0030 (TS): active students for parking. This query selects all active students for any one or two terms. 3. Jps0031 (TS): Find # classes by Instructor. Finds the # of classes taught by an instructor by term. 4. Jps0032 (TS): Find # classes by term. Find # of classes taught by all instructors by term. 5. Jps0033 (TS): Student Housing Buildings. Student Housing Building Codes and Descriptions that are active. 6. Jps0034 (TS): Parking housing assignments. This query selects all students who have a housing assignment by term. 7. Jps0035 (TS): Deceased students for Parking. This query selects students who have deceased since a date given in the criteria tab. The records in PowerPark are then updated to a "NOML" status so they never receive any mailings. 8. Jps0036 (TS): students studying abroad/term. This query selects all students that are studying abroad by a specific term which is prompted for the user to input. 9. Jps0037 (TS): Hall Directors for term. This query selects Hall Directors by term. 10. Jps0038 (TS): all parking holds by emplid. This query selects all parking holds by emplid.

Page 57 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 11. Jps0039 (TS): all students w parking holds. This query selects all students with parking holds. 12. Jps0040 (TS): Parking address search. Used by Parking Services to search by address using the "like" search. 13. Jps0041 (TS): search for JMU mailbox #. This query searches for a mailbox number by emplid. 14. Jps0042 (TS): all holds by emplid. This query searches for all holds by emplid. Needed to search for UBO holds after Parking releases the parking hold. 15. Jps0043 (TS): Parking--ALL HOLDS. ALL PARKING HOLDS IN SA 16. Jps0044 (TS): Assign parking srvc ind. see ITR06239. Use for mass assignment of negative service indicators. 17. Jps0045 (TS): Remove parking srvc ind. see ITR06239, returns students who should have their negative service indicator removed. 18. Jps0046 (TS): Parking-early arrivals. This query searches for early arrival students for Parking to aid in mailing permits during the summer.

Philosophy and Religion Queries whose name begins with jpar. Primary contact is Anita Brown [email protected] Section last updated 4/11/2017.

1. jpar001 (TS): Grade analysis by term. Returns aggregate grade data for a prompted term range. Restricted to courses with the following subject areas: PHIL, REL, PHIL, REL or specific courses ('GHUM102','GHUM252','HUM102','HUM252'). a. jpar001a: is hard coded to only return PAR courses if they have a general education designation via the course attributes. Returns aggregate data for ALL courses in a single row of data. b. jpar001b: is hard coded to the two subjects PHIL and GPHIL. c. jpar001c: is hard coded to two subjects REL/PHIL or the two courses HUM102/HM252 d. jpar001d: similar to jpar001a, but this version includes instructor data, one row for all sections of the PAR courses taught for the given term. e. jpar001e: Includes the hard coded subject areas: ('PHIL','REL','GPHIL','GREL','HUM','GHUM'). Returns instructor grade summary for each section of the courses they taught for the given term. 2. jpar004 (TS): Calc GPA by subj and plan. Includes the two academic plans for PAR. Prompts for the most recent academic term. Includes a calculated GPA based upon courses with the following subject areas: ('PHIL','REL','BL'). Hard coded terms for those who have applied to graduate. Original use intended for selection of students for various academic achievement. 3. jpar005 (TS): PHI SIGMA TAU criteria. Includes logic provided to determine eligibility as follows: a. Must be active in one of the following academic plan numbers: ('0000071000','0000010000','0000108100','0000108900') b. Must have attended 3 or more terms @ JMU c. Must have taken 6 or more credit hours in courses whose subjects are PHIL/GPHIL and their calculated GPA for all such courses must be >= 3.30 d. Freshman must have a CUM GPA >= 3.175, Sophomores >=3.191, Juniors >= 3.200 and Seniors >= 3.307 4. jpar006 (TS): THETA ALPHA KAPPA criteria. Includes logic provided to determine eligibility as follows: a. Must be active in one of the following academic plan numbers: ('0000071000','0000010000','0000108100','0000108900') b. Must have taken 12 or more credit hours in courses whose subjects are REL/GREL and their calculated GPA for all such courses must be >= 3.500 c. Must have a CUM GPA >= 3.000 regardless of their academic level 5. jpar008 (TS): PAR data w/prim major. Student must be active in any of the academic plan numbers ('0000010000','0000071000' '0000104150','0000108100','0000108900','0000105825','0000101568','0000010100'), the query then returns what the students primary major is along with their PAR concentration. 6. jpar008a (TS): PAR aggr data, no pri maj. The same in all ways as jar008 except this version does not include the students primary major.

Page 58 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 7. jpar009 (TS): PHIL101, 120, 150 A/A-. Students who are active in the academic plans ('0000108100','0000071000','0000010000','0000108900') who received an A or A- in any of these courses for the given term: ('GPHIL101','GPHIL120','GPHIL150','PHIL101','PHIL120','PHIL150') 8. jpar010 (TS): TAK/PST Honors. Logic includes: a. Are active in any of these academic plan numbers: ('0000010100','0000010000','0000071000','0000108100') b. Have earned credit for more than 1 PHIL/GPHIL course regardless of how it was earned OR are enrolled in more than 1 PHIL/GPHIL course @ JMU. c. Have a CUM GPA >= 3.200 d. Have a major GPA >= 3.099 9. jpar011 (TS): Be active in either of the academic plans ('0000010000','0000010100','0000071000') and have NO concentration. 10. jpar012 (NTS): Prompts for an academic term. Returns students active as of the end of the given term in any of the following academic plan numbers: ('0000010000','0000010100','0000071000','0000101568','0000104150','0000108100','0000108900','000010342 5'). Since this query is NTS (Not Time Sensitive), the term entered will return students active as of the end date of the term entered between 1995 and today.

Police Department Queries whose name begins with jpd. Primary contact is Courtney Workman [email protected] Section last updated 3/6/2014. The query named jpd01 was created for the JMU public safety office dispatchers to allow them to locate students. The query contains 21 prompts. The first prompt is the term and is required. The second prompt is the housing period and is also required. The value entered in the housing period prompt must be the 4 digits representing the most recent Fall term followed by the two capital letters AY. For Fall 2014 this value would be 1148AY. The housing period for Spring and Summer are the same as the most recent Fall term. The housing period value is used to return on-campus housing information. The remaining 19 prompts are all optional. If a prompt is left blank, it is not used in the search. IF a value is entered, the entire value MUST be present in the respective field. The query uses what is known as an “in string” operator for each of these 19 prompts. ALL search values MUST be entered in lowercase, NEVER enter a search value using uppercase letters. When performing a search, enter only as many characters or digits as you are POSITIVE must exist in the corresponding field. For example, if you are unsure if the student’s last name is spelled “arbogast” or “arboghast” it would be better to enter the characters “arbog” in the name prompt. Most phone numbers are in the format: ###/###-#### but are self reported and may be in a different format. The jpd02 version (historical safety report) returns similar data, but for all students whose program status <> AC (no longer active). Use this query when searching for students who are no longer active.

Pre-professional Health Queries whose name begins with jpph. Primary contact is Barbara Morris [email protected] Section last updated 1/7/2016. IF a query does not prompt for an academic plan number, it probably means it has the nine PPH plan numbers (see below) hard coded. ('0000030600','0000030700','0000031200','0000031500','0000031800','0000032100','0000032400','0000032700','0000 033300') 1. jpph001 (NTS): Preprof health taken a course. Prompts for a term and a course (such as MATH220). Returns a list of students who were active in one of the PPH plans as of the end of the prompted for term. The course taken does not distinguish WHEN it was taken, only that it were taken @ JMU (not transferred or test credit) and includes the term it was taken.

Page 59 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 2. jpph001a (TS): PPH NEVER taken a course. Prompts for a term and a course (such as MATH220). Returns a list of students who ARE active in one of the PPH plans. Does not return Freshman. The query returns aggregate data based upon the plans the student is active in. The rows which begin with the words: Total count. Indicate the total population for the respective academic level for all PPH students. If the student has never taken (nor transferred) the prompted for course, they are included in the count. The bio/bio tech counts look at students in the two plans 1600 or 1700.

3. jpph001b (TS). Same results as those returned in jpph001a, except it returns student detail data vs. aggregate data.

4. Jpph002 (NTS): Percentage UG in pph. Prompts for a term. Returns one row of data which allows you to calculate the percentage of UG students active in their programs at the end of the term who were PPH students vs. those who were not. Ignores Freshman.

5. jpph002a (NTS) PPH counts by acad level. Prompts for a term, returns aggregate data by academic level of how many students are active or not in a PPH program as of the end date of the given term.

6. jpph003 (TS) Preprof health students. Prompts for a term. Returns academic data for all PPH students who are currently active. Ignores Freshman.

7. jpph003a (NTS). Similar to jpph003, but can be run for any term ever vs. jpph003 which will only return students active today. Still ignores Freshman.

8. jpph004 (TS) Preprof health students ALL. Only difference from jpph003 is this version includes Freshman.

9. jpph004c (TS) PPH students in specific plans. Starts with all PPH students, then narrows the list to those also in one of four academic plans. Can be used to find PPH students who are also accounting (0000000100) majors.

10. Jpph004d (TS): PPH students graduating. Prompts for a term, returns all PPH students who have applied to graduate greater than or equal to the prompted term.

11. jpph005 (NTS): Course analysis for PPH. Prompts for a term range and a single course. Returns aggregate data for five different populations (numbered 1-5) of PPH students who took the course (at JMU, not transfer or test scores) for the given term.

a. 1 Total population in COURSE. Is a count of all students for the given course regardless of their academic data

b. 2 Biology/Biotechnology majors in COURSE. The number of students in plan numbers 1600 or 1700 who were enrolled in the course.

c. 3 PPH students in COURSE. The number of students in any of the nine PPH plans who were enrolled in the course.

d. 4 PPH also bio/biotech majors in COURSE. The number of students in any of the nine PPH plans who were also in either of the plans 1600/1700 and enrolled in the course.

e. 5 PPH students NOT bio/biotech majors in COURSE. The number of students in any of the nine PPH plans who were also NOT in either of the plans 1600/1700 and enrolled in the course.

Page 60 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 12. jpph006 (TS) PPH eligible for AED. Prompts for a term, returns all students active in a PPH plan who have been completed 3 or more semesters @ JMU.

13. jpph007 (TS) prompts for a term. Returns students active in one of the nine PPH plans who also:

a. are not in one of the following plans: ('0000001600','0000053300','0000053800','0000001700')

b. are not active in a student group whose number is 2045

c. never taken BIO114 @ JMU

d. never transferred BIO114

14. jpph008 (TS) Calc GPA by subj and plan. Very complicated and potentially confusing query. Returns all PPH students active in one of the nine plans, who have taken any course with the following subjects for the career @ JMU: ('BIO','CHEM','PHYS','MATH'). The grades from these course form the basis for calculating their BCPM GPA. The query allows you to select those students who have a specific BCPM GPA range in addition to a cumulative GPA range. Note, if a PPH student has never taken any of the courses in the given subjects, they cannot be returned by the query because there will be no basis for a BCPM calculated GPA.

15. jpph008a (TS) Transfer units by GPA. Returns any student active in a PPH plan if the ever transferred any course whose subject =BIO, CHEM, PHYS or MATH. Allows a Cumulative GPA range to be used for selection, returns the total number of courses and hours.

16. Jpph008b (TS): Calc GPA NON PPH students. Returns students whoare NOT a PPH student so they can determine what their calculated GPA would be IF they wanted to be a PPH major.

17. Jpph009 (TS) Senior premed physics data. Returns active seniors in the academic plan 31200 and whether they have taken (or transferred) specific courses. The query uses a series of letters to indicate if they:

a. Are enrolled in the course for the current term (E)

b. Have never taken the course (N)

c. Passed the course in a previous term (P)

d. Failed the course in a previous term (F)

e. Not sure what is going on with the course (*). Seriously, the above calcs count on specific numeric values to indicate the letter. When a student does something really strange (pass the course one term, fails it twice, and is enrolled again) the logic is too much for the query, so it simply places an asterisk in the column for the given course.

18. Jpph010 (NTS) Preprof health count terms. Prompts for an academic plan number (leave this prompt blank to run for all nine PPH plan numbers) and a term. The query looks for students who have declared PPH as a plan, and the total number of terms since they declared.

19. Jpph011 (TS): Preprof honor students. Returns all PPH students who are also in the honors program as defined by them being a member of a list of student groups.

Page 61 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 20. Jpph012 (NTS): Preprof health other plans. Prompts for a single term. Returns aggregate counts of students active in any of the PPH majors and ALL other majors they are also active in as of the term end date for the prompted term.

21. Jpph012a (NTS): PPH other plans aggregate. Similar to jpph012, but returns just one row for each major other than PPH majors the student is also active in as of the prompted for term end date.

22. Jpph013 (TS): Although there is a series of queries for the JMU preparation plan students (JPPH), user requested a series be cloned according to specs below. This user will run the queries for the part time pre-PT advisor Louise Gilchrist who works with the seniors who have begun applying to PT grad schools. This data is needed to allow her to properly advise these students thru the application process. She will be manually reconciling the data from the central PT application system herself. Baseline population is all senior pre-PT students acad_plan=0000032400 active in their acad_prog.

a. Jpph013 returns ttl credits earned in these subjects: BIO, PHYS, CHEM and MATH. Specific details if ever enrolled in the following courses: BIO270, BIO290 BIO114, BIO214, PHYS140, PHYS150, CHEM131, CHEM132, MATH220 and MATH205

b. Jpph013a returns ttl # of semesters @ JMU

c. Jpph013b returns details of all JMU Summer courses they have ever taken

d. Jpph013c returns total transfer credit for the subjects: BIO, PHYS, CHEM and MATH

e. Jpph013d returns a list of ALL transfer credit courses in the above course subject areas, to include the school from which they transferred. Do not want test credit.

23. Jpph014 (NTS): PPH TRN not bio/biotech. Prompts for an admit term. Returns detail data of students who were active in one of the PPH majors as of the term end date and all of the other majors which they were also active in as of the term end date. Eliminates true freshman (admit type=FYR) and if the student was active in one of the biology or biotechnology majors as of the term end date.

24. Jpph015 (NTS): Plan changes by date ALL PPH. Allows user to enter a date range, returns any/all PPH plan changes within the given date range.

25. Jpph016: (NTS): Pre-PT progressive standards. Returns one row of data for all pre-physical therapy students. The logic for all of the expressions/fields was provided by Sharon Babcock and Louise Gilchrist. They use the data to determine proper progression of the student population in given course areas.

Psychology (Undergraduate ) Queries whose name begins with jpsyc. Primary contact is Colleen Moynihan [email protected] Section last updated 3/20/2012.

1. Jpsyc001 (TS): cloned from jusds001f for Colleen Moynihan in psych. She loads the data from the query into qualtrics for course evaluations and needs the data in a specific format.

Page 62 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Psychology (Graduate) Queries whose name begins with jgradpsyc. Primary contact is Carl Guerin [email protected] Section last updated 3/20/2012.

1. Jgradpsyc001 (TS): List of grad psych students. Returns a list of students active in 9 different academic programs which comprise the graduate psychology program. 2. Jgradpsyc002 (TS): List of grad psych applicants. Similar to jgradpsyc001, but deals with applicants vs. matriculated students. 3. Jgradpsyc003 (NTS): Schedule of classes GRPsyc. Returns a course list of all grad psych courses for a given term. 4. Jgradpsyc004 (TS): List of grad psych schedules. Returns course schedule information for students active in any of the 9 grad psyc programs.

Student Records Office of the registrar. Documentation related to objects written specifically for the office of the registrar. Many of these queries have BI PUBLISHER reports built over them, some involve bursting. Primary contact is Martha Ringwald [email protected] Section last updated 2/13/2015.

1. History (more for Pete than anyone else) All of the RTF documents originated from the Office of the Registrar as did the original queries the reports are built over. Changes to the underlying RTF documents can be made by anyone with what is known as level 2 query write access. Martha Ringwald, Meghan Donley and Vanessa Breeden all have this level of access.

2. Special instructions when running jsr BI PUBLISHER reports which contain bursting

a. PRIOR to running any report which utilizes bursting, please send a courtesy email to [email protected] with some form of verbiage about the report you are about to run and the approximate number of emails expected. This email address receives ALL replies if the person who receives the email presses the reply button. Auto replies are received as well (the fact that an instructor is out of the office).

b. Each report utilizes a MS Word document of file type .rtf (Rich Text Format). Make sure the appropriate RTF document BODY has been updated to reflect the most recent dates, directions, etc. If you fail to check the contents of the MS Word template document ahead of time, the merged data may be in an old format and reference old dates, etc.

c. Once you’ve verified the body of the appropriate RTF document is accurate, proceed with the next step. Better to check twice than use a shell document with OLD dates. All BI PUBLISHER reports which include bursting have been modified to allow them to be run in a TEST mode. To test any such reports, run the report and enter your EID in the last prompt. Running a report using your eid as the last prompt will cause the report to send all email to the eid entered rather than the actual person (student and/or instructor). To run the report for real, run the report again and blank out the last prompt.

d. Verify the data to be used as part of the burst process. Navigate to the Reporting Tools and run the underlying query with the appropriate values for the prompts. ALL data used by the BI PUBLISHER report comes from these underlying queries. If the data returned by the query is WRONG, the bursted reports will be using this inaccurate data. The following BI PUBLISHER reports include bursting (send email as a result of the report being run vs. producing a hard copy output:

Page 63 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 i. jsr_xml101: grade roster release; email is sent to the instructor of record reminding them that grade rosters are now available to enter. Includes a list of all courses they are teaching. Notifies faculty that the grade roster has been released and is ready for them to enter grades. Prompted by term, grade roster type, sessions and status. Also has userid option to test or leave blank to run. Notes: 2/1/2011: cloned from jsr5029, see rtf doc with same name. Per Martha Ringwald, is used to email (via bursting) the list of courses that have grades missing from the grade roster. 2/21/2011 is also used for Mid-term grade reminder emails to faculty with freshmen in the class. 7/22/2011: modified to allow user to run in test mode by entering their eid as last parm. Run by Lindsey Mitchell

ii. jsr_xml01a: mid term grade reminder. Same population as jsr_xml101, but verbiage is related to mid term grades. Run by Lindsey Mitchell

iii. jsr_xml02: instructor confirmation. Similar to jsr_xml101 in that it is sent to the instructor of record, this version tells them when final grades must be entered. Identifies the primary instructor who is responsible for entering grades uses query JSR_INSTR_ENROLLED to select by term and session code. 2/1/2011: cloned from JSR_INSTR_ENROLLED, see rtf doc with same name. 7/22/2011: modified to allow user to run in test mode by entering their eid as last parm. See issue and op ITI05347 for additional details. Run by Lindsey Mitchell

iv. jsr_xml03: incomplete grades reminder to instructors. Sends a list of student names and courses to the instructor for those with incomplete grades. Notifies faculty that they have students with outstanding “I” grades prompted by term. 2/1/2011: cloned from JSR_INC_GRADES_ALL_INSTR_EMAIL, see rtf with same name. 7/22/2011: modified to allow user to run in test mode by entering their eid as last parm. See issue and op ITI05347 for additional details Run by Lindsey Mitchell

v. jsr_xml05: UG grad apps and total possible. Email is sent to the student based upon the fact they have applied to graduate, but are lacking requirements such as total hours, etc. Identifies UG students that have applied to graduate but do not have a COMP row on program action. Prompts by term and expected grad term excludes students that have transcript text=”Began Second Degree”. 9/2/2011: Cloned from JSR_DFD_UG_APP_TO_GRAD for Vanessa Breeden to send emails to students who need additional courses in order to graduate. Run by Vanessa Breeden

vi. jsr_xml06: Emails students who have a pending associates degree. Identifies students with a pending Associate degree from VCCS and to send an official transcript that lists the approved Associate Degree conferral to the Office of Admissions. Need to update admit term at each run and enter term prompt. 9/5/2011: created for Martha Ringwald in office of the registrar. Used to email students who have a pending associate’s degree. Learned after sending initial email that UG admissions does NOT mark the 803 (pending associates degree) as complete, rather, they enter a NEW external degree record. So changed the query to perform a does not exist subquery looking for this second record in the same table. The subquery SHOULD be set to state DOES NOT EXIST. For a one time run, set it just the opposite so we could email a retraction to 155 students who received the email in error because we did not know to check for the 2nd external degree record. Run by Kaitlyn Quinley

Page 64 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 vii. jsr_xml07: Unused permission, time ovrd=N. Emails the student they have an override for a course which has not yet been used. Identifies unused departmental over-ride permissons and prompts by term and expire date. 9/2/2011: cloned from jusds003 for Martha Ringwald. On class_prmsn is a field named SSR_OVRD_TIME_PERD. Y in this field indicates the student has been granted a time period override. A N in this field indicates it is a normal add override. There are students who have both types of overrides, so if we follow Kurts initial wishes, students like 105795322 will receive two separate emails. One for the unused overrides they have with NOs in the time field, and another email for the unused overrides with a YES in the time field. If you want to combine them into one email, we could add the field to the email so the students would know which courses had time overrides. 1/15/15: Updated query so that all students are selected that have any override. Run by Arin Hawse

viii. jsr_xml08: Unused permission, time ovrd=Y; same as above, except for the time override value. Identifies unused departmental permission during the late add period but have yet to do so. 9/2/2011: cloned from jusds003 for Martha Ringwald. On class_prmsn is a field named SSR_OVRD_TIME_PERD. A Y in this field indicates the student has been granted a time period override. A N in this field indicates it is a normal add override. There are students who have both types of overrides, so if we follow Kurts initial wishes, students like 105795322 will receive two separate emails. One for the unused overrides they have with NO¿s in the time field, and another email for the unused overrides with a YES in the time field. If you want to combine them into one email, we could add the field to the email so the students would know which courses had time overrides. Run by Arin Hawse

ix. JSR_XML09/09a VA Veteran Benefit Data: VA benefit debits/credits created by desmitpa 9/16/2011: originally cloned from the query JSR_VA_FINAID so could maintain the item type list. 9/16/2011 cloned from jsr_va_hours for use with xml version of report. 12/9/2013: changed sort back to be by group descry, then name after receiving email from Kelly Burch the sort had changed although I do not know why, it had been changed to be group descry then emplids. Run by Kelly Burch

x. JSR_XML10 VA Hours Changes: 10/3/2011: part of a connected query by same name which also reuses another query named jsr_xml09. This version written for Trudy Ham to return VA students who have had changes between prompted for date range. In this case, a change is defined as one of two things ocurred. Either they changed their primary major OR their enrollment changed which MAY affect the 10 columns of data being returned by the query which are all keyed into th eVA tracking system. Trudy understands thsi is the best the query tool can do. Cannot tell her which of the 10 columns of data MAY have changed, just that their enrollment ahs changed and she needs to research further. Run by Kelly Burch

xi. JSR_XML11/A/B Request for Vet Educ Benefits: 3/16/2012: driving query to the connected query with same name. See also children with A and B suffix. Used for the xml report using bursting to email the student their request for veterans educational benefits data. 3/15/2012: child of connected query jsr_xml11. Returns course data for the request for veterans educational benefits xml bursted report named jsr_xml11. 3/15/2012: used with connected query jsr_xml11. This query returns student group data. Run by Kelly Burch

Page 65 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 xii. JSR_XML14: Applied to graduate email. Identifies students that have applied to graduate with a program action of DATA and Program Reason of GRAD. It sends them information regarding their name, address, graduation term and currently declared majors/minors. Run by Martha Ringwald (scheduled on recurrence every day)

xiii. JSR_XML14a: Applied to graduate email to advisor. Sends email to the advisor notifying them of their advisees that have applied to graduate. Run by Martha Ringwald (scheduled on recurrence every day)

xiv. JSR_XML15: Class permissions bursting report. Aggregate data regarding permissions generated for classes for which you are a course administrator. # of total permission for class section, # of permissions granted to students and stay in class, # of permissions granted to students and drop out of class, # of permissions generated but not used, # of permissions granted during the Add with Permission time period, enrollment capacity set by dept., # of students enrolled in class. Run by Arin Hawse

xv. JSR_XML17: Go Army ed bill master. 6/24/2013: cloned from jsr_xml11. Refer to ITR07399 for additional details. Emplids to use for testing: 100542255.

xvi. JSR_XML18: DISC and LEAV Not returning. Identifies students that have a DISC or LEAV row on acad prog and is not returning. Run by Arin Hawse

xvii. JSR_XML19: Adjust probation sched memo. Identifies students on PRO that are enrolled in more than 12 hours and do not have permission (max units). Run by Lindsey Mitchell

xviii. JSR_XML20: PRO Stdents GT 13 Assoc. Dean. Sends notification to Associate Dean regarding students in their college that are on academic probation and enrolled in thirteen or more credits. Run by Lindsey Mitchell xix. JSR_XML22: RLOA ACTV RADM entered. Identifies students that have been RADM, RLOA or ACTV in the last 24 hours and sends email to [email protected] Run by Martha Ringwald (scheduled on recurrence to run every evening)

xx. JSR_XML25: Holds preventing registration. Notifies students that have a hold on their record that prevents registration. Run by Arin Hawse

xxi. JSR_XML26/A/JSR_XML26_DATE/JSR_XML26ADATE: Summer Enrl for Degree studnts. Notifies students based on the sessions they are enrolled in what the enrollment dates and deadlines. See notes in XML folder regarding differences between four queries. Run by Martha Ringwald/Arin Hawse

xxii. JSR_XML_DUP: Duplicate Transfer Test Credit. Notifies students that are enrolled in a class in which they have already earned test credit. Run by Kaitlyn Quinley

xxiii. JUSDS005F/A: Instructor Schedule w/rosters BIP. 9/5/2014: this version for use with the BIP report. See ITI14762 for additional details. Strange header row in RTF due to how customer desired layout of data and desire for course and instructor data to be "repeated" when data spanned multiple pages. Looks funky, but works and customer says OK. Connected query by same name required due to those courses with multiple meeting patterns, locations, etc. Added psroleuser as a subquery for the sole purpose of security. The dept heads and dept secretaries

Page 66 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 do NOT have access to this record, so they cannot wander into this BIP report or query and run it by accident.

xxiv. JSR5918_GRADE_AUDIT_XML: Grade audit query for XML rpt. 10/21/2010: cloned from jsr5918_grade_audit. Replaces crystal report by same name. use xml so can use bursting by instructor. 9/13/2011: modified criteria to only join from a to b using the 10 characters of the change date not the time as it was causing records to be left off. 1/4/2013: added criteria to eliminate rows where the before and after grade data was exactly the same as this was causing confusion for instructors. Run by Lindsey Mitchell

3. Registrar BI PUBLISHER reports which do NOT use bursting

a. jsr_xml09: VA veteran benefit data. Uses a connected query by the same name which is built over the two queries jsr_xml09a and jsr_xml09. Includes data about veterans based upon the student groups provided Pete DeSmit. Report can be run to either PDF or Excel. Report was designed for Trudy Ham.

b. jsr_xml10: VA benefit data changes only. Exact same LOOKING report as jsr_xml09 with the exception of the footer which includes the word “** CHANGES **” To be run by Judy Ham as she desires based upon a term and a date range of when changes may have taken place to a VA students records. In this case, there are two possible reasons that a student will appear on the report, and the report CANNOT indicate which reason. First, if the student changed their primary major during the date range. Second, if the student enrolled and/or dropped courses during the date range which MAY have caused one of the 10 reported columns in the report to change. The report CANNOT indicate which of the 10 columns may have changed. Trudy knows this and understands she must take the results of jsr_xml10 and manually compare them to that has been keyed into the VA system to see what has changed and if the student is still VA eligible.

4. Running BI PUBLISHER reports. Navigate to the BI publisher Query Report Scheduler:

Page 67 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Like any other object which runs thru the process scheduler, BI PUBLISHER reports require a run control. If you have already created a run control for a specific report, enter the name and press search. If this is the first time you’ve run the report, press the Add a New Value hyperlink. Run control value names can be anything that makes sense to YOU. As long as you can remember the names, use whatever naming convention you desire. In the following screen print, a run control named grade_audit was selected. Since all BI PUBLISHER reports use a PS query (or connected query) as the data source, and all of these queries contain prompts (aka parameters), you may need to update the values used to run the report by pressing the Update Parameters hyperlink and entering new values, then saving the new values. Failure to update the parameters will cause the report to use OLD data and may not create the desired results. Pleae double check the parameters being used before you continue.

Page 68 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Update Parameters to use the date range Updateyou are Parametersrunning the tograde use theaudit date report.range Iyou keep are a runningnotebook the that grade record audit the lastreport. date I Iran keep this. a notebook Make sure that you record save the afterlast updating date I ran the this. date Make parameters. sure you save after updating the date parameters.

Pressing Run will advance you to the process scheduler request screen. IF this is the first time you’ve run the report, you’ll need to make a few changes before the report can be run.

Update the text with new date parameters by clickingUpdate on the the distribution text with date parameters by clickingThe Type on the should distribution be Email link. and Format should be PDF.The Use Type PSUNX should as bethe Email server. and Use Format should format=Excelbe PDF. Use for PSUNX the jsr_xml04 as the server. report. Use format=Excel for the jsr_xml04 report.

a. When you are done updating the distribution (make sure to check the email subject line and email body text as well) click OK and OK. Once it is completed, you will receive a copy of the email that was sent to each instructor to [email protected] which you can then save in a mail folder for future reference.

5. Other notes about the jsr BI PUBLISHER reports

a. Two of the reports (jsr_xml01 and jsr_xml01a) use the same query and the same data source.

Page 69 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 b. Prior to running jsr_xml04 each Spring, which uses bursting to send a spreadsheet to the 6 main contacts at the different colleges, make sure to edit the query named jsr_xml04 and EDIT the expression used to resolve the eids. You need to make sure that the main contact for each of the colleges has not changed. If it has, all you need do is make a change to the expression or contact Pete DeSmit with the information and he will change the query prior to it being run.

6. List of where transfer credits are stored in SA system. Notes validated by the transfer credit team in registrars office, originally Liz Hash

a. Dual Enrollment credit. There will be a row for each course in trns_crse_dtl. To determine if it is a dual enrollment credit, join to trns_crse_sch and look at the next to the last 2 characters of the field SRC_ORG_NAME. if it equals DE, then it’s dual enrollment credit. OR, if you do not care about the courses they were provided credit FOR, use TRNS_CRSE_SCH where UNT_TRNSFR >0 which is the total number of credits transferred from that school. Unfortunately, trns_crse_sch does not contain data IF the student received their transfer credits from either IB or AP test scores. Because of the way data has been keyed, you will need to add two separate numeric expressions: instr(A.SRC_ORG_NAME,'(DE)') and instr(A.SRC_ORG_NAME,'( DE )') and select the record if either of these >0 which is the indication it is a dual enrollment credit course. See also point #5 below regarding the grade.

b. IB credit is on TRNS_TEST_DTL where testid=INTBA OR tst_eqvlncy=INTBA and UNT_TRNSFR >0 and EARN_CREDIT=Y

c. AP credit is on TRNS_TEST_DTL where testid=AP OR tst_eqvlncy=AP and UNT_TRNSFR >0 and EARN_CREDIT=Y

d. CIE credit is on TRNS_TEST_DTL where testid=CIE and UNT_TRNSFR >0 and EARN_CREDIT=Y (as of 5/15/2013, only 9 rows of this data)

e. Checked all of the JIR records; they do NOT consistently agree with the raw data in the above records regarding transfer credits for a student. I looked at all fields in the JIR series whose field names included the word transfer (on campus, off campus, total, taken for progress, etc.) and they did not match the transfer credits in the trns_test_dtl and trns_crse_sch records.

f. When transfer course data comes from a VCCS, registrar does NOT key the course data in trns_crse_dtl, they key the grade into ext_course and use one of the following org_id values: 000003594,000003663, 000003721, 000003757, 000003807, 000003836, 000003919, 000003923, 000003924, 000003959, 000003984, 000004045, 000004050, 000004061, 000004089, 000004090, 000004093, 000004097, 000004127, 000004147, 000006723, 102405419

g. Might also be able to use the record r_description such as how it was used in the query jusds039. In that query, data from DP is used, and an expression is created to determine HOW the student received credit (transfer, test, JMU taken). This option might work instead of three separate queries for this data or a triple union query. This logic requires that the DP have been run for the student population which may or may not be true. Also, if you need to know where (the name of the organization) where the transfer credit came from, that info Is not available via the DP method.

h. See BI publisher report named jsr008 in sprd for example of a connected query and report which will include 4 types of course data. The baseline or parent query named jsr008 can be cloned, or ne created to return a baseline population. Then use a connected query to add your four children via jsr008a-d as Page 70 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 appropriate. This method will require use of a BIP report, and note that IF the child query returns no data for the given baseline population, you will not have an opportunity to insert that type of transfer credit into the RTF document, since the XML data simply will not exist in the XML file.

i. 10/2/2015: discovered possible replacement for needing to check how a course was credited without having to look at stdnt_enrl and trns_test_dtl and trns_crse_dtl. Use a record named SAA_ADB_COURSES AFTER you know the registrar has refreshed those series of records using the trunc feature first (currently performed by Vanessa Breeden). The field which indicates how they received credit is CLASS_ENRL_TYPE with these values: S = test credit, O = other transfer credit, I = internal transfer, T = course transfer credit, E = JMU enrollment. One reason to NOT use this record is IF you HAVE to know about dual enrollment credit, then use previous logic above. Also, do not use this record for anything other than active students. See jbio015 for example of this record. Remember to hard code the field named SAA_CRSE_TYPE=N else you will get courses which the student has added to their planner and to their what-if analysis.

7. Data anomalies by record name. This section intended for users who create data analysis objects.

a. stdnt_enrl and class_tbl.

i. When looking for “lab” related courses, most departments key the 4th character with an uppercase “L” to designate a course is a lab. Some departments (such as BIO courses) do not follow this standard. Instead of using the 4th character of the course number to determine if a course is a lab, use the class_tbl.instruction_mode field=LB.

ii. Class_tbl.enrl_cap field is left as zero for approximately 25% of courses. Departments who key course data leave the value set to zero to force all students who wish to enroll to receive an override. This can cause an issue IF attempting to perform calculations on course data; specifically enrollment capacity planning. When the value is zero, you cannot accurately determine what the remaining capacity of a given course COULD have been which is defined as the enrollment capacity minus the enrollment total. One must therefore exclude such courses from analysis.

b. trns_crse_dtl.

i. Oftentimes, when users ask for transfer credit, they desire the data be broken out by those courses which transferred in as dual enrollment vs. those which were not dual enrollment. The data has been keyed by the transfer team in five ways. To determine if it is dual enrollment credit, join to trns_crse_sch and add numeric expressions: instr(A.SRC_ORG_NAME,'(DE)') and instr(A.SRC_ORG_NAME,'( DE )') and select the record if either of these >0 which is the indication it is a dual enrollment credit course. These are the two most prevalent ways the data is keyed, all five values: (DE), ( DE), ( DE ), (DE ) and (DUAL).

ii. IF you need the grade for a transfer course, the query must be built as a union like jusds040a. This because when transfer course data comes from a VCCS, the registrar transfer team does NOT key the course grade in the field trns_crse_dtl.crse_grade_input. They key the grade into ext_course.crse_grade_input but only if the course is from a VACCS.

Page 71 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Teacher Education Queries whose name begins with jte. Primary contact is John Vaughan [email protected]. Section last updated 3/29/2012. Although SOME of the 250+ queries in this series were written by Pete DeSmit, a majority were written and or modified by John Vaughan. These 250+ queries are not documented here.

University Advancement Queries whose name begins with jua. Primary contact is Barry King [email protected] Section last updated 1/30/2013.

1. Jua001 (TS): SA scholarships data for UA. see ITR06290 for further details. To be run by Pete DeSmit when asked for by Linda Elliott in University Advancement. 2. Jua002 thru jua002I (TS): See ITR06562 for specs. This series of queries was written to have the results emailed each Sunday to UA employees. The data is used to research and troubleshoot the imports written which push data from the SA system to the University Advancement system named Advance.

Department Head To view all of the queries written for department heads, enter the five letters JUSDH after the begins with parameter on the query viewer page and either press the search button or press Enter. If your access is correct, you should see several queries as described below. If you do not see any queries, send email to [email protected] with an explanation of your specific issue. Users must be granted permission and trained prior to receiving access to the department queries. Section last updated 2/7/2017.

To date, there are more than 250 of the more common queries we’ve labeled as belonging to two groups referred to as the department queries. Queries whose name begins with the letters JUSDS are referred to as the department secretary queries. Queries whose name begins with the letters JUSDH are referred to as the department head queries. One does not have to be a department secretary/head to run or be granted access to the set of queries. The name is one of history; the first queries were developed for one department secretary/head, and the name stuck.

1. jusdh001 Bio summary by acad plan (NTS): Includes three prompts. A term range and one academic plan. Returns one row per academic term with basic bio/demo counts for the following values: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, Females, Males, Asian, Black, White and all other ethnicity values. Basic percentages for these columns could also be calculated within excel since a total count for the academic term is also included. a. jusdh001a (NTS): acad plan summary data. Similar to jusdh001, minus the ethnicity data which is self- reported by students and subject to data anomalies. b. jusdh001b (NTS): Similar to jusdh001, includes average term and cumulative GPA values for the given populations. c. jusdh001b1 (NTS): Plan summary by declared date. This version uses a date range to return data when the student declared the respective academic plan vs. using a term range. d. jusdh001b2 (NTS): Similar to jusdh001b1 in that it uses a declare date range. This version aggregates the data by the term the plan was declared in vs. the calendar year. e. jusdh001c (NTS): Bio summary by plan/sub-plan. Similar aggregate data, but is broken out by academic sub-plan values for the respective academic plans. f. jusdh001d (NTS): Bio summ by plan/sub range. Similar to jusdh001c, but allows a range of terms vs. a single term value.

Page 72 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 g. jusdh001d1 (NTS): Bio summ by plan/sub milestone. This version includes milestone data which is used by some colleges to indicate whether the student has simply declared the plan or has been fully admitted. For use by areas such as psychology and SMAD. h. jusdh001d2 (NTS): Bio summ by plan census date. Most of the queries in this series use the term end date to determine whether or not to include a student in the count. This version uses the term census date which is also used by areas such as Institutional Research and SCHEV. Intended for users who desire to have census date counts. i. jusdh001e (NTS) Bio summary by subplan. This version prompts for the actual subplan numbers and ignores the parent plan number. j. Jusdh001f (NTS) Bio sum by plan, fewer fields. As the name implies, is identical to jusdh001, but contains fewer fields. k. jusdh001g (NTS) Bio sum by plan, HOME state. Includes aggregate counts based upon the students home state. l. jusdh001_bot (NTS). acad plan summary data, as the name implies, uses the term begin date to determine a students inclusion in the results. Others in this series use the term end date or the census date as documented.

2. jusdh002 Bio summary by academic org (NTS): Returns the exact same columns as jusdh001. Whereas jusdh001 counts by a single academic plan, this version includes the person in the count if they were active in an academic plan belonging to the academic organization code at the end of the given term. a. jusdh002a (NTS): Similar to jusdh002, minus the ethnicity data. b. jusdh002b (NTS): Bio summary by org and sub-plan. Similar data as jusdh002, this version includes all sub-plans. c. jusdh002c (NTS): Prompts for a term range. Returns one row of data for each term with the average cumulative and term GPA’s for each gender. d. Jusdh002d (NTS): Bio summary by org/plan. Allows for results by academic org and/or academic plan. e. Jusdh002e (NTS): Bio by plan and year distinct. Needed a version which counted people distinctly by the academic year. Originally asked for by Carole Ritchie in computer science. The eff date calc was also their idea as they wanted to make sure the counts were "official" so wanted them taken on the census date. Called Lou Hedrick who says the official census date is taken 3 weeks AFTER the beginning of each semester. The query essentially returns data as of the census date for the given term. f. Jusdh002e_trn (NTS): Same as jusdh002e, but only selects TRN admit type students.

3. jusdh003 Aggregate major data by level (NTS): Includes one prompt, term. Returns one row of data for every academic plan which is a major. Values returned allow you to see how many of each level of student has/had the respective major as a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or other major.

4. jusdh004 Aggregate major data by term (NTS): Includes two prompts for a term range. Returns one row per academic plan providing a simple count of the number of student active in the given plan at the end of the given term.

a. jusdh004a Aggr Major/sub-plan data by trm (NTS): Same results as jusdh004, but includes sub-plan information (aka concentrations)

5. jusdh005 Summary program data by term (NTS): Includes one prompt for a term. Returns one row for each academic program and a simple count of the number of students active in the program and enrolled at the end of the term.

6. jusdh006 Historical course enroll by yr (NTS): Includes prompts for an academic year range. Returns one row for each unique combination of subject/catalog #. Includes a count of the number of section and total students enrolled as well as course capacity. Can either be run for one course at a time, or leave the last prompt blank to run for all courses. Page 73 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 a. jusdh006a Hist course enroll by subject (NTS): Includes prompts for an academic year range. And s single subject area. Returns one row for each unique combination of subject/catalog # for all courses with the given subject entered. Includes a count of the number of section and total students enrolled as well as course capacity. Can either be run for one subject at a time, or leave the last prompt blank to run for all courses (very long list will return). b. jusdh006b (NTS): Hist course enroll by term. Returns aggregate course data for a range of terms and a single subject area. c. jusdh006c (NTS): Course enroll by acad org. Prompts for a single course academic org, and a range of academic years. Returns aggregate course data by subject.

7. jusdh007 Grade analysis by subject (NTS): Includes four prompts. A term range, and the ability to enter either a specific subject area or a specific academic org. Returns one row of data per combination of admit type (true Freshmen or Transfers) and subject with counts and percentages for each official grade. The jusdh007a and jusdh007c versions return similar results with different prompts.

a. jusdh007a (NTS) Similar to jusdh007, but returns data based upon a course vs. simply a subject. b. jusdh007b (NTS) Similar to jusdh007, replaces subject with the actual course (subject and catalog number) and admit type is not present in the results. c. jusdh007c (NTS):Similar to jusdh007, admit type is not present. d. jusdh007d (NTS): includes withdrawals whereas other queries in the series do not. e. jusdh007e (NTS): Grade analysis by sub/instr. Prompts for a term range, subject area and academic org code (of the COURSE, not the academic org of the instructor who taught the course). Includes W, WP and WF grades as well as an average grade points per course/instructor. f. Jusdh007f (NTS): Grade analysis by attribute. Returns aggregate grade data for a term range, subject areas, academic org and course attribute. Selecting by attribute allows data to be returned for all of GNED, for example. g. Jusdh007f1 (NTS): Includes instructor and course section aggregated data for grades. h. Jusdh007g (NTS): Grade analysis by course lvl. This version allows for course catalog range, such as all 100 or 200 level courses

8. jusdh008 Avg term to graduate DUPS (NTS) Prompts for an academic year range. Returns one row of data per JMU graduate (does not include transfer students) with values for their gender, ethnicity and a number of terms they took to graduate. Of special note for this query; a term is included in the count if the student was enrolled in one or more hours for the given term, which could include Summer terms. Only major plans are included in the results. In this case, DUPS is defined by the fact we include academic plan information for the graduates, so this data will contain duplicates for those students graduating with more than one major/degree. To determine actual averages, send the results to Excel and use summary functions or a pivot table to further manipulate the data.

a. jusdh008a (NTS) Avg term to graduate NODUPS: Data returned similar to jusdh008. In this case, NODUPS is defined by the fact we do not display major information for the graduates, so this data is a more accurate reflection of the avg # of terms to graduate from JMU, minus the TRN students. b. jusdh008b (NTS) Avg term to grad by plan: Similar data to jusdh008, separated by different populations. In this case, the population field is defined by whether or not a student graduated with one/more of the academic plans entered at run time. This allows one to compare average number of terms to graduate for their majors as compared to those in all other majors. c. Jusdh008c (NTS): Avg term to grad by org. Similar results to others in this series, allows the results to be returned by academic org. The population field allows comparison of the terms to graduate for students IN the academic org vs. those NOT in the academic org. d. Jusdh008d (NTS): Does not include the multiple populations like jusdh008c. jusdh008d1 is used in an BI publisher report for a graph.

Page 74 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 9. Jusdh009 (NTS): Graduates by plan summary. Whereas the jusdh001 series is both term and academic plan based, this series is based upon actual degree conferred data. a. Jusdh009a (NTS): Similar to jusdh009, but no citizenship data is returned.

10. jusdh010 List of enrollment messages (NTS): Prompts for a term and course. Returns one row of data with a count of the number of student’s who received a specific “message” during the registration process. Original purpose for this query was to determine how many students attempting to enroll in a specific course were receiving the message that the course was full. Course full is one of dozens of message a student may receive during the registration process.

11. jusdh011 Comparing tests to courses (NTS): Includes four prompts. Testid and test component, as well as a term (optional) and a course subject/catalog #. Original purpose was to determine any possible correlation between a student’s JMU math placement test score and their grade in MATH200.

12. jusdh012 Class enroll sum by facility (NTS): Includes a prompt for term and a building code. Returns aggregated data by enrolled status. Original purpose was to determine if there were more courses being dropped/withdrew from as a result of a particular academic department moving to Memorial hall

13. jusdh012a Class enroll sum by reason (NTS): Prompts for a range of terms and up to 5 courses (subject and catalog number, no spaces). Returns a row of data per course with aggregates of the various enrollment reasons. Enrolled, dropped, withdrew and (left on the) waitlist.

14. jusdh013 Enroll summ by major NODUPS (NTS) : Includes three prompts. A term, and either a subject/catalog # or a subject area. Returns one row of data for each major taking a particular course with a count of the number of students from that major. Original purpose was to analyze which majors were taking courses predominately targeted as major only courses

a. jusdh013a (NTS): Enroll summ by plan DUPS. Created for Margot Zahner in IDLS to show counts (by academic MAJ) of who is in a specific course. Note added on 4/23/2008: cloned this query from the jusds037 and overwrote the older version of jusds037A which was usding jsr_acad_plans record. Users needed to run for older courses, so data was not appearing, hard coded the plan sequence number. b. jusdh013b (NTS): Enroll summ by major range. Allows a range of terms vs. a single term value. c. jusdh013c (NTS): Enroll summ by acad org. Allows for data to be returned by the academic org of the student taking the course. d. jusdh013d (NTS): Enroll summ by lvl/type. Needed a version to return which academic levels and admit types were taking a course for a term range. e. jusdh013e (TS): Course anal by plan. Prompts for a term and a single academic plan number. Returns aggregate data for courses being consumed by graduating seniors for a specific academic plan. Query written to allow all subjects thru, and provide a count and distinct count.

15. jusdh014 Requirements by student (TS): Includes two prompts. A term and an (optional) academic level. One row returned for each academic level (Freshmen, Sophomores, etc.) with stats on the number (and percentage) of degree requirements complete and incomplete.

16. jusdh015 Credit hour prod by org (NTS): Credit hour production is defined @ JMU by the Office of the Registrar as the total number of student enrolled in a course, multiplied by the # of credit hours for the course. This query returns such data by term and subject area for the academic organization provided at runtime. In this series, the academic org on the production rows is that of the course, on the consumption side it is of the major of the student taking the course.

a. Jusdh015a (NTS): Cr hour prod/consump by org. In this context, production is defined by the academic org of the course being taught. Consumption is defined by the academic org of major of the student Page 75 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 taking the course. Of special note, these do not always align as expected, but the data returned by the query IS accurate. One should not necessarily expect that all courses “belonging” to ISAT, for example, will be consumed by ISAT majors. This due to the way the data has been configured across various academic orgs, colleges and departments. This version returns aggregated data by course subject area. b. Jusdh015b (NTS): This version omits subject area, returns aggregated data by academic org only. c. Jusdh015c (NTS): Credit hour production by location. Returns aggregated data by the location of the course.

17. jusdh016 Credit hour prod by org/instructor (NTS): Results similar to jusdh015, but by instructor.

a. jusdh016a Credit hour prod by subject (NTS): Results similar to jusdh015, but by subject

18. jusdh017 Grade analysis by plan (NTS): Prompts for a term, a course and up to four academic plan numbers. Returns counts and percentages of students receiving the standard ABCDF grades in the respective course. Pay special attention to the last column of data. It indicates whether the row returned is for the student population who are IN one of the academic plans entered or are NOT in. This allows one to compare grades for their majors as compared to those in the course who are not in their majors.

a. jusdh017a (NTS) similar to jusdh017; prompts for a term and either a subject/catalog number OR a subject. Since this query does NOT include academic plan information, the categories of in plan and not in plan are not present in this query. b. jusdh017b (NTS) although this query does not return grade analysis data, it is similar in behavior to jusdh017, so is documented here. Query returns data related to courses taken by students IN and NOT IN prompted for academic plans and academic years. If you’re interested in seeing aggregate data about how many students in your major took a specific course, this is the query to run. c. jusdh017c (NTS) is similar to jusdh017b, but adds the instructor and course section as result fields. d. jusdh017d (NTS) Grade analysis by plan, ALL plans. Returns one row of data for each combination of course (for a given term range) and the academic plan of the student who took the course. Standard counts and percentages for each letter grade are returned. Note, due to the nature of academic data, some would consider the results as returning duplicate information. IF a student, who took a course, was double majoring, their data will be present in two rows, one for each of their majors. The same logic applies for the other academic plan types of minors, concentrations and pre-professional plans. e. Jusdh017e Grade analysis by plan DROPPED (TS): Quite different from the other queries in this series. Prompts for an optional subject and course information, up to four academic plans, and a plan dropped date range. Returns one row of data per course with aggregate grade data for all students who have ever taken the course @ JMU who are active in the given plan(s). The second row of data returned is for all those students who dropped the given academic plan during the prompted for date range. Originally created for a faculty member who desired statistics on those students who dropped their major and how they had done on specific courses. This query is labeled as time sensitive (TS) due to the first row of data being returned; those students must be active in their academic program in order to be returned. You can use any date range desired. So if you want to look back over five years worth of data for those who have dropped your major, use an appropriate date range. f. Jusdh017f (NTS): Grade analysis by degree. Returns grade analysis data by a degree value (BS, MS, BA, BFA, etc.) g. Jusdh017g (NTS): Grade anal by course x 10. Allows for up to 10 courses to be run at one time. h. Jusdh017h (NTS): Course analysis by plan. Allows a year range and course to be analyzed who from that major took the course as well as all students outside that major who took the course. Can be used to analyze who is consuming credit hours for a given set of values. 19. Jusdh018 Program completion by term (NTS): Prompts for a term range, returns aggregated results of the number of students who completed their UGEN(undergraduate) program of study. Term range defined over the students admit term. Students still active in their UGEN program are not included. Completed column defined as the program status=completed. Not completed column as all other values (excluding active). Page 76 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 a. Jusdh018a Program compl by term and plan (NTS): Allows a term range, a single academic plan number (leave blank to return all plans) and a plan type (MAJ, MIN, etc.) which can be left blank to return all plan types. b. Jusdh018b Program compl by term/org (NTS): Allows a term range and an academic organization (leave blank for all) 20. jusdh019 (NTS): Retention data by plan. Prompts for two terms (use ONLY Fall term values) and up to four academic plan numbers. Returns one row of data for the first term entered for two different populations as follows. a. 10-Freshman retained for term xxxx. This row of data is defined as the student being active in the prompted for academic plan as of the census date for the first prompted term. b. 10-Freshman NOT retained for term xxxx. Is the inverse of a; these are students who were active in the prompted for academic plan as of the census date of the first prompted term, but were NOT in the prompted for academic plan as of the census date of the second prompted for term. Refer to column d for an explanation of the various returned columns. c. Similar rows are returned for the three remaining academic levels; sophomores, juniors and seniors. d. Counts are provided for the number of students who meet specific criteria. i. The total students, female and male columns are obvious. ii. Underrep contains the total number of students whose ethnicity is Black, Hispanic or American Indian, defined for the purposes of this field as under represented. e. The last three columns of data are really only meaningful for the row of data returned for NOT retained. The number in the active column is the total number of students who are active in their program as of the second prompted for term census date. Likewise for completed. The “other” column contains ALL program status’s other than active and complete, which include: Leave of Absence, Suspended, Discontinued, Dismissed and Deceased. Of special note again for the row of data which contains the word NOT. Pay special attention to the values in these three fields, as they indicate WHAT has happened to your students who you’ve NOT retained. The active column students are still @ JMU active in SOMEONE ELSES MAJOR, they left your major. The completed count can only include those who have completed their program of study, aka they graduated. And the other count was previously explained to mean all other program status’s. f. The following table contains results for this query run for the accounting majors between the two Fall terms of 2012 ad 2013. The following details are an explanation of the eight rows of data returned by the query, by row number. i. of the 20 freshman NOT retained, 10 were female, 10 male. 2 of these were underrepresented students. The 15 still active are the ones who dropped accounting as a major, and the 5 others are no longer active in their academic program; they are on a leave of absence, were suspended, etc. ii. 86 freshman who were accounting majors the Fall of 2012 were still accounting majors the Fall of 2013; an 81% retention rate for that freshman class for that term. iii. This row returns data similar to row 1, but for sophomores iv. This row returns data similar to row 2, but for sophomores v. This row returns data similar to row 1, but for juniors vi. This row returns data similar to row 2, but for juniors vii. This row returns data similar to row 1, but for seniors. Of special note, the completed column count indicates the number of seniors who completed their program of study; aka they graduated. viii. This row returns data similar to row 2, but for seniors.

Total Femal Population students e Male Underrep Active Completed Others 10-Freshman NOT retained for term 1138 20 10 10 2 15 0 5 10-Freshman retained for term 1138 86 39 47 11 86 0 0 20-Sophomores NOT retained for term 1138 29 15 14 2 22 0 7 Page 77 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 20-Sophomores retained for term 1138 106 39 67 14 106 0 0 30-Juniors NOT retained for term 1138 39 12 27 4 26 0 13 30-Juniors retained for term 1138 103 45 58 7 103 0 0 40-Seniors NOT retained for term 1138 134 40 94 11 10 123 1 40-Seniors retained for term 1138 69 25 44 5 69 0 0

21. jusdh019a (NTS) Retention data by College. Results similar to jusdh019, but the academic plan has been replaced with the “College” of the major. 22. jusdh020 (NTS) Median CUM GPA: Prompts for a single academic year and an optional academic org value. The academic org is used to select which academic plans (majors only) are returned in the results. Uses a connected query and BIP report so the underlying queries should NOT be run. Needs to be scheduled as a BIP report. Used to compare the median CUM GPA for graduates in four distinct populations as follows: 1: TRN with an associates degree 2: TRN w/o an associates degree 3: FYR with an associates degree 4: FYR w/o an associates degree. Allows user to compare “success” of the four specific populations. 23. jusdh021 (NTS): Median CUM GPA: Cloned from jusdh020 for UG Admissions who is more interested in comparing graduate populations by the graduating term and the specific community college from which they transferred. In this case, user must run BOTH queries jusdh021 and jusdh021a using the same graduation term and merge the results manually. 24. jusdh022 (TS): Comparing two courses (AKA Course Success Indicator). Do you think there may be a correlation between two courses and their source? Or whether course A taken AFTER course B equates to a more successful grade? This query provides the raw data to “prove your point”. Please bear with me as this query requires a bit of documentation to enable you to properly interpret the results. ONE indicator of a students success in a course is their official course grade. Grades are assigned a numeric value known as grade points per unit (GPPU). The GPPU range from a high of 4.0 for an “A” to 0 points for grades such as F, WP and WF. The basic scale is A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0 and D=1.0, with the + and – values in between. Many transfer and test credit courses receive 2.0 GPPU. In the degree progress world, each course also has what is known as a source. The values for course source are: E=course enrolled at JMU, I=Internal transfer course, S=Test credit and T=Transfer credit. This query contains 5 prompts as follows: a. 1st course: enter as you would any course subject and catalog number when running any of the jus queries; such as MATH220 b. 1st course type: Enter a single character in the list E, I, S or T, or leave the prompt blank to allow all sources for a given course. c. 2nd course: similar to the first prompt, enter the course you want to compare to the first course. d. 2nd course type: again, either enter a single value from the list above, or leave it blank to allow all sources for a given course. e. Current academic term: IF the current term has NOT had grades posted yet, enter the current term. IF grades have been posted, use the next term to allow the current term grades to be used. f. An example: for the table below, I ran this query using the following values: i. 1st course: MATH205 ii. 1st course source: left blank iii. 2nd course: MATH220 iv. 2nd course source: left blank v. Current academic term: 1158

1st 2nd 2nd course cours course 1st 1st course avg 2nd 2nd course e avg course source GPPU course source taken GPPU # students in this population MATH205 JMU course 2.491 MATH220 JMU course After 2.414 622 MATH205 JMU course 2.727 MATH220 Transfer After 2.127 29 MATH205 Transfer 1.953 MATH220 JMU course After 2.643 108

Page 78 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 MATH205 Transfer 2.000 MATH220 Transfer After 2.000 2 MATH205 JMU course 2.667 MATH220 JMU course Before 2.691 629 MATH205 JMU course 2.763 MATH220 Test credit Before 2.000 41 MATH205 JMU course 2.165 MATH220 Transfer Before 2.000 70 MATH205 Transfer 2.456 MATH220 JMU course Before 2.543 30 MATH205 Transfer 2.000 MATH220 Test credit Before 2.000 1 MATH205 Transfer 2.000 MATH220 Transfer Before 2.000 4 MATH205 JMU course 2.258 MATH220 JMU course Same 2.348 80 MATH205 JMU course 3.292 MATH220 Test credit Same 2.000 42 MATH205 JMU course 2.120 MATH220 Transfer Same 2.000 73 MATH205 Transfer 2.010 MATH220 JMU course Same 2.641 58 MATH205 Transfer 2.000 MATH220 Test credit Same 2.000 2 MATH205 Transfer 2.082 MATH220 Transfer Same 2.022 166

25. jusdh025 FYR transfer credits by plan (TS): Is NOT a query, to run this report navigate: Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Query Report Scheduler. The FIRST time you run this report, you will need to add a run control, follow these steps: a. Steps to add a new run control the first time you schedule a BI Publisher report. i. From the Query Report Scheduler page, press the “Add a New Value” hyperlink. ii. In the “Run Control ID” field, enter the value “JUSDH025”then click the Add button iii. Use the drop down selection box to select “Connected Query” iv. In the “Report Name” field, enter the value “JUSDH025” and press Tab v. The first of three prompt screens will appear. Enter a valid admit term and 1-4 ten digit academic plan numbers to be used in your report run, click OK to continue vi. The second of three prompt screens will appear. Enter the same values for the admit term and the 1-4 plan numbers. In the “Academic description for rpt” type OVER the default description which reads “PLEASE ENTER A DESCRIPTION FOR THE REPORT”. Enter a meaningful value to appear on the report, such as “Biology Majors”. Click OK to continue vii. The third of three prompt screens will appear. Enter the same admit term as previously entered, press OK to continue viii. You will be returned to the query report scheduler page, with all of the prompt values present. Press the Save button to save your values, then press the Run button. You will be advanced to the Process Scheduler Request Page. ix. On the Process Scheduler Request Page, use the drop down selection box for Server, select PSUNX. x. In the Process List area, use the drop down in the “Type” field to select Email. Leave the default values, PDF in the “Format” field. xi. Press the Distribution hyperlink to advance to the Distribution Detail page. xii. On the Distribution Detail page, enter something meaningful (to you) in the “Email Subject” field. When the SA system emails you the report results, the text you enter in this field will appear in the email subject line. I suggest the following text “Data from the BI Publisher report in the SA system named jusdh025”. xiii. Enter something meaningful in the Message Text field. I suggest the following text “is attached to this email” xiv. Press OK, then OK again. The BI Publisher report has now been scheduled to run. You will be returned to the Query Report Scheduler page where you may enter new values for subsequent report runs. If you are finished running this report, simply navigate to another page. b. Steps to use an existing run control; in other words, this is not the first time you’ve scheduled this report i. Navigate: Reporting Tools, BI Publisher, Query Report Scheduler. IF you followed the first time instructions above, enter the text “JUSDH025” in the “begins with” field and press the Search

Page 79 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 button. If you’ve only entered one run control, it will be selected and you will advance to the Query Report Scheduler page. IF the values in the prompt fields are what you desire, press the Run button, then OK, the report will be scheduled and results emailed to you. IF you want to run the report using new values for the admit term and academic plans, press the “Update parameters” hyperlink located just above the “Query Parameters” text. Then follow steps from above to enter new prompt values and schedule your report. c. Reading the results of the report i. In the header of the report, there are two rows of data. The first row begins with the “Term” field. This row represents numbers for the admit term and academic plan numbers you entered, as follows: 1. # Admits: represents the total number of Freshman (NOT transfer students) admitted for the given admit term for all of the academic plan number you entered. 2. # w/trans credits: represents a distinct count of the number of your admitted Freshman who had any type of transfer credits accepted by the Office of the Registrar’s transfer credit team. 3. % w/trans credits: represents the percentage of your admitted Freshman who had any type of transfer credits accepted by the Office of the Registrar’s transfer credit team. 4. Transfer credit ranges: Represents the total number of your admitted students who had the total number of transfer credits in the given 4 ranges. ii. Also in the header row is a 2nd table with these fields present which represent the entire Freshman class for the given admit term: 1. Total FYR for term: Represents the total number of Freshman (not transfer students) for the entire University for the given admit term. 2. # Students w/zero transfer credits: Represents the total number of Freshman for the given admit term who were admitted with no transfer credits. After the number in the cell is a percentage. 3. Freshman-Senior ranges: Each cell represents a number and percentage of each given population defined as a range of incoming transfer credit hours. iii. Course detail data 1. Course: A row of data will appear in the results for each course your Freshman transferred for the given admit term. 2. Students w/Test/AP Credit: Represents the number of your students who had Advanced Placement (aka AP, or test credit) accepted for the given course 3. Students w/Dual Enrollment Credit: Represents the number of your students who had Dual Enrollment transfer credit accepted for the given course. iv. Total number of transfer courses. This row represents the total number of each category of transfer courses accepted. Do not attempt to reconcile these numbers with the number of students as these numbers represent COURSES not students. 26. jusdh026 Academic standing by college (NTS). Prompts for an academic term. Returns one row of data for each College. Returns aggregate data based upon the primary major of the Undergraduate student and their academic standing for the given term. To “drill down” to summary data for the given majors, follow the hyperlink labeled “Summary by major”. The Summary by major query returns one row for the given term for each primary major associated with the given College.

Department Secretary To view all of the queries written for department secretaries, enter the five letters JUSDS after the begins with parameter on the query viewer page and either press the search button or press Enter. If your access is correct, you should see several queries as described below. If you do not see any queries, send email to [email protected] with an explanation of your specific issue. Users must be granted permission and trained prior to receiving access to the department queries. This section last updated 1/11/2016.

Page 80 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 1. jusds001 Class roster by course (TS): To obtain a list of addresses (and other student related data) by class, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds001. This query prompts for the term and either a single subject and catalog number OR between 1-10 class numbers. The section and academic level prompts are optional. If left blank, all sections and all student academic levels will be returned.

a. jusds001b (NTS) contains JUST the student’s ID, name and email address.

b. jusds001c (TS) allows for up to 5 classes to be included. It also prompts for a four character address code which will dictate which address type is returned. Entering a value of MAIL will return the student’s local or mailing address. A value of HOME will return their home address.

c. jusds001d (NTS) is described as historical class rosters. Prompts for a term range, and up to four combinations of subject and catalog numbers.

d. Jusds001d1 (NTS): Similar to jusds001d, but with far fewer fields returned. A bare bones class roster for any course and term range.

e. jusds001e (TS) prompts for a term and course subject area. It returns a list of students who have indicated they are taking the course as a repeat (either repeat forgive, or repeat for credit). The query is very similar to the other class roster type queries in the jusds001 series.

f. jusds001f (NTS) Class roster by subject area. Prompts for a term and two course subject areas. Returns ALL class rosters for the given subject areas.

g. jusds001g (TS) Class roster by enrl reason. Prompts for a term, course subject and catalog number and an optional value for the enrollment reason. If left blank, all enrollment reasons will be returned.

h. jusds001g1 (NTS) Class roster by enrl reason. Prompts for a term, class number OR course subject and catalog number and a value for the enrollment reason. A partial list of the most common enrollment reasons is below. The field labeled “waitlist position” will only contain a numeric value for those students whose enrollment reason is currently=FULL indicating the course section is full and they are on a waitlist. Not all courses are configured to allow a student to be waitlist.

i. DROP: Dropped (was enrolled) ii. DRWL: Dropped (was wait listed) iii. ENRL: Enrolled iv. EWAT: Enrolled from Wait List v. FULL: Section is full vi. WDRW: Withdrawn from Class

i. jusds001i (TS) Class Roster with Email.

j. jusds001j (TS) Class roster by sub few fields. Includes fewer few than other class roster queries.

k. jusds001k (TS) Repeats for major requirements. Needed a list of courses being repeated, but only if it were for a major requirement.

l. jusds001l (TS) Class roster by mode. Returns courses for a prompted for instruction mode, such as WW for online courses.

Page 81 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 m. jusds001m (NTS) Class roster by term and career. Prompts for a term range and two careers. Returns all enrolled students that meet the criteria. Suggest this query never be run using a career=UG as it would return tens of thousands of rows of data.

n. jusds001o(NTS): Roster by bld & add date. Prompts for a single term, a building and optional room number and a date range used to determine when a student added the course.

o. Jusds001p (NTS): Prompts for a single term and 1-8 course subject areas. Returns just the email address of the student enrolled in any course with the associated subjects.

2. jusds002 Academic data by plan (TS): To obtain a list of email (and other student related data) by academic plan (aka major), press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds002. Enter an appropriate value for the term. The academic institution will ALWAYS be JMDSN. Enter an appropriate value for the academic program field; UGEN may be used for all undergraduate plans. If you desire continuing education or graduate program results, you may use the search box and select the appropriate value. Enter up to four values in the next four fields, these must be entered as ten digit plan numbers. You may enter one, two, three or four values. Contact the Registrars office to request the plan numbers used within your area. Enter appropriate values in the four academic level prompts. To obtain results that contain multiple advisors, simply run the query multiple times changing (and then cut and paste) the advisor information. If you only want those students who have applied to graduate, enter the two letter AG in the final prompt, else leave it blank.

a. jusds002a (TS) has two distinct differences in the data retrieved. According to the Office of the Registrar, a student is loosely defined as a person active in their academic program and enrolled in one or more courses for the given term. From time to time, you may desire to include students outside this definition. The jusds002a query includes students regardless of their academic program status (normally checked to be AC for active) and regardless of the number of hours they are enrolled in for the term (normally >0). Appropriate fields have been added so you can distinguish student academic program status as well as the number of hours enrolled for the term.

b. jusds002b Historical acad plan data (NTS): To obtain a list of historical academic plan data, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds002b. This query prompts for the term, institution, program and a list of up to four different academic plan numbers. ** Very important note; this query returns data based upon the term end date. This means data returned by the query represents historical data, as the data “was” based upon the term end date for the term entered as the first prompt. An example; you’ve been asked to research how many students were in the Accounting Major in the Fall of 1998 vs. the Fall of 2000. This will require the query be run twice. For the first run, enter 0988, JMDSN, UGEN and 0000000100 (this is the academic plan number for the Accounting major) for the four prompts. The query returns 457 rows of data. For the second run, enter 1008, JMDSN, UGEN and 0000000100 for the four prompts. The query returns 373 rows of data. You can now report that there were 19% fewer students in the Accounting major in the Fall of 2000 compared to the Fall of 1998. Running the query for subsequent terms, one can build an analysis of how academic plan participation is changing over time. c. jusds002c (NTS) Prompts for a term and up to four academic plan numbers. Returns basic academic data for students in the plans and all of their sub plans. A student does not have to be in any sub plans for the given plan for their data to be returned.

d. jusds002d (NTS): Includes prompts for a term range as well as a GPA range for both cumulative GPA as well as current (aka term) GPA. To use only the CUM GPA prompts, enter a CUM GPA range of zero to 4.0, and vice versa. Returns only undergraduates active in their career as of the end of the respective term. Ignores Summer terms.

Page 82 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 e. jusds002e (TS) query has one difference from jusds002, it does NOT include prompts for academic level; it returns students in all academic levels (Freshmen thru Seniors).

f. jusds002f (TS): Acad plan graduating this term. Although you CAN receive a list of students graduating for a given term via several other queries in this series, it requires manually sorting the results and knowing which fields to look at to delete rows of data. This version takes the guess work out. Enter a term and up to four plans and the query returns just those students who have completed the necessary paperwork to graduate, and are indeed set to graduate for the prompted term.

g. jusds002g (TS) query was specifically formatted for the department of Psychology; there are no differences in fields from jusds002.

h. jusds002h (NTS) query returns summarized results based upon one prompted for field; the academic plan number. Results include a head count of the number of males and females of all active students in the given academic plan (and sub plans).

i. jusds002i (TS) query was cloned from the jusds002 series, so it is based upon academic plan data (aka majors). The biggest difference with the jusds002i results are it returns one row of data for each student in a specific (prompted for) major and their first three advisors. The other jusds002 queries allow for one advisor at a time.

j. jusds002j (TS) query includes just two prompts; term and academic plan type. When run for a specific term and plan type (MAJ for majors, MIN for minors or PRP for pre-professional plans) will return ALL students with the respective plan type. If run using a value of MAJ or MIN, this query will return tens of thousands of rows of data.

k. jusds002k (NTS) query returns summarized results based upon an academic year range and from 1 to 4 academic plans. Results include a head count of the number of students by term and academic level who ADDED the prompted for academic plan in the given academic year range. Results can be used to determine when various student levels are adding specific plans, perhaps to be used for course planning purposes.

l. jusds002l (NTS) similar to jusds002a, but includes all sub-plan data for the prompted for academic plans. Uses an as of prompted date to allow the query to be run for any given term.

m. jusds002m (TS). Academic data by sub plan prompt. Replaces the four academic plan prompts with sub plan prompts. Student must be in one/more of the sub plans.

n. jusds002n (TS) returns academic data for students who are active in multiple academic plans at the same time; aka double majors, double minors, etc. Prompts for current term and two sets of up to four academic plan numbers. Students returned by this query will be active in both sets of plans entered in the prompts.

o. jusds002q (NTS) historical acad plan data. Returns data similar to jusds002b, but includes only those students with sub-plan data for the given academic plan.

p. jusds002r (NTS) historical plan data NO DUPS. Returns data similar to jusds002b, with the elimination of duplicates. In this case, duplicates are defined by a student being active in a given academic plan (aka major) for more than one term met by the term range prompted for. In other words; if the query is run for a 12 term range (4 years when Summer the term is included) and a student was part of that major for all fours years; their data will be returned in just one row. Note: this query includes all sub-plans for a given plan, which does NOT constitute a duplicate. If a student is in multiple sub-plans (aka Page 83 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 concentrations) one row of data will be returned for each sub-plan they are active in for the given term range.

q. jusds002s (TS) returns data similar to jusds002, but allows you to enter a ten digit sub-plan number in addition to the other prompts. IF you desire ALL sub plans for student’s in a specific major, leave the sub plan field blank. Else, enter a specific sub plan number, and the query will only return those student’s who meet that criteria.

r. jusds002t (NTS) Acad data by honor/award. Various honors and awards are tracked in the SA system. This query originally written to allow users to return a list of students who had received the Phi Beta Kappa award for a given term. Award codes used: PBK=Phi Beta Kappa, PRES=Presidents list, DEAN=Deans list).

s. jusds002u (TS): Double maj/min all advisors. For finding students who are active in two different majors/minors at the same time, and who have never taken, nor transferred a course.

t. jusds002v (TS) In plan, not in sub-plan (TS): Prompts for up to 4 different academic plan numbers, and up to two sub-plan numbers. Can be used to return those students who are active in a given plan, but not a specific sub-plan, such as fully declared.

u. Juds002v1 (TS) In plan, missing sub-plan: Returns a list of students who are active in a given academic plan, but have NO sub-plan assigned.

v. jusds002w (TS) Acad plan data with admit type: Prompts for a term and up to four different plan numbers. Returns students active in the plans and their admit type (FYR=true freshman, TRN=transfer student).

w. jusds02x (TS) Acad data with holds (TS). Prompts for a term and up to 4 different academic plan numbers. Returns students active in such plans who have service indicators (AKA holds) which prevent them from registering for courses.

x. jusds002y Acad data for double maj/min (TS): Returns students who are in the provided plan ONLY if they are also in a 2nd major. Used for people who want double majors or minors, who know the one plan number the student is in, but not the 2nd.

y. Jusds002z Academic data by org (TS): Returns all students whose plan is owned by a specific academic organization code.

3. jusds003 Permissions by Class (NTS): To obtain a list of list of permissions by class, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds003. This query prompts for the term and either a specific class number (from the catalog) or you can enter a combination of subject and catalog# in the second field. Note this is an OR condition; enter either the five digit class# OR the subject/catalog # (without any spaces) but not both. Check the regular course catalog if you do not know the five digit class number values.

a. jusds003a (NTS) provides the same data as jusds003. The difference being the prompts. Jusds003a prompts by term and a subject area which allows a wildcard. This query will be of use if you want to retrieve permission data for all PSYC courses, for example. Rather than having to run jusds003 37 times for all 37 PSYCH courses, run the jusds003a query and enter the subject area PSYC. The subject area allows a wildcard to be entered. In the event you want to retrieve data for all courses whose subject begins with similar characters, you can enter the characters and end the string with the percent symbol %.

Page 84 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 b. jusds003b Permissions by Class, summary (NTS): Provides summary permission by class data. One row of data per course and the permission status (used, not used and used and dropped). c. jusds003c Permissions by student/subject (NTS): Prompts for a single SA emplid and an optional course subject. Return permission related data for that student regardless of term.

4. jusds004 Course Enrollment Limits (NTS): To obtain a list of course enrollment limits, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds004. This query prompts for the term and a combination of subject and catalog# in the second field. The Tot Enrl field INCLUDES students who have withdrawn from the course IF you are running the query AFTER the drop/add period for the term. a. jusds004a (NTS) returns same data as jusds004, but for ALL courses with a particular subject area. b. jusds004b (NTS): Simply has different fields than jusds004 c. jusds004c (NTS): Returns data for honors courses as defined by the subject=HON OR the last character of the course number=H d. jusds004d (NTS): Hist course enroll by term. Prompts for a term range and a single course subject. Returns course enrollment data for the prompted for values. e. jusds004e (NTS): Courses you have access to. Prompts for a term range, and an optional course subject and course (subject and catalog #, no spaces). Returns a list of courses your userid has been granted access to by the Office of the Registrar. Any of the jusds queries which returns student identifiable data AND the official course grade, will only return data IF you have been granted access to the underlying course. This query returns data to let you know IF you have been granted such access. If a course is not returned, it means you have not been granted access to view the official course grade. Contact the Office of the Registrar [email protected] if there are questions. f. jusds004f (NTS): Identical to jsuds004a, except with fewer fields.

5. jusds005 Instructor Schedule (NTS): To obtain an instructors teaching schedule, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds005. This query prompts for the term and up to 10 instructor emplids.. a. jusds005a (NTS) returns one row of data for each instructor and the subject area they are/were teaching for a given term. b. jusds005b (NTS) Historical instructor schedule. Prompts for a term range and a single combination of subject and catalog number. Returns a list of instructors who have ever taught the given course for the given term range. c. jusds005c (NTS) Courses ever taught by instructor. Prompts for a term range and a single emplid. Returns all courses taught by the given instructor for the given term range. d. jusds005d (NTS): Instructor schedules with rosters. Prompts for a term and up to 10 instructor emplids. Returns the teaching schedule for the instructor along with all of the students in the given courses. e. jusds005e (NTS): Subject last taught by instructor. Prompts for an (optional) academic org code, returns instructors and the last term they taught the returned subject area.

6. jusds006 List of Advisees by Advisor (TS): To obtain a list of advisees by advisor, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds006. This query prompts for the term and up to forty advisor emplids. The query can also be run by leaving the advisor prompts blank and entering up to 2 academic plan numbers. You may need to scroll to the end of the prompt section to see the prompted for plan numbers. When you desire results for specific academic plans, enter the term as normal, leave all 40 advisor prompts BLANK, and enter up to two 10 digit plan numbers in the appropriate prompts. I’ve also added two prompts which can be used to select students by their cumulative GPA. IF you want all students, use a GPA range of 0.000 thru 4.000. IF you want those whose cumulative GPA < 2.5, use a range of 0.000 thru 2.499. Please note; due to this change, you will need to enter a valid cumulative GPA range in the last two prompts for all runs of this query. a. jusds006a (TS) query returns all advisors and their advisees for a specific academic organization code. The two fields to the right of the student name are known as drilling URL fields. Follow the first hyperlink

Page 85 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 to display (in a new window) the current schedule for the given student. Follow the next hyperlink to display a list of all courses ever taken (at JMU and transferred) for the given student. b. jusds006b (TS) query returns all advisor information for a specific student/advisee (up to 10 emplids can be entered). c. jusds006c (TS): Aggregate advisor data by org. Returns summary or aggregate data for each term and advisor in the prompted for academic organization. d. jusds006d (TS): List of advisees by plan#. Prompts for a single term and four plan numbers. Returns all advisor and advisee data. e. jusds006e (NTS): similar to jusds006c, but can be run for any term in the past. f. jusds006f (TS): Rather different than the others in the jusds006 series. This version includes four prompts. A term and a single emplid for a single advisor. The third prompt allows you to select a single academic level of the student (10, 20, 30 or 40 for Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior) which allows the query to be run for, example, only senior advisees for a specific advisor. Leave this prompt blank to return students regardless of their current academic level. The fourth prompt is also optional. It accepts a single ten digit plan number. If entered, the returned advisees have to be active in the given academic plan. Left blank, the query will return all advisees regardless of their plan. The other major difference with this queries results, is that it includes the entire advisee schedules for the given term. g. jusds006g (TS): Advisor swaps by academic org. Prompts for a single academic org value. Returns aggregate data related to advisor swaps (change from one advisor to another) for all active students. h. jusds006h (TS): Advisees by advisor, honors students only. Prompts for a term and advisor SA emplids. Returns a list of advisees (who are in an honors program) for each advisor. i. All of the jusds006 suffixed queries (jusds006_gened, etc.) are used by other jusds006 queries for drill down and should not be run.

7. jusds007 Graduates by plan and date (NTS): To obtain a list of JMU graduates by plan and date, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds007. This query prompts for the academic program (UGEN etc.) and up to four different academic plan numbers. It also prompts for a date range of when the degree was conferred upon the student. Make sure you check the degree status field as some students have their degree revoked (the status will be awarded or revoked).

a. jusds007a (NTS) query allows you to further refine your search to include students who were in a specific academic sub-plan as well as the prompted for academic plan.

b. jusds007b (NTS) query removes the requirement that the user enter an academic plan. Allows users to find graduates regardless of what their major/minor was at the time of graduation. Prompts only for the degree conferred date range and an academic program (such as UGEN to obtain a list of all undergraduate degrees conferred)

c. jusds007c (NTS) query will only return graduates in specific academic plans if they also have academic sub plan data (aka concentrations).

d. jusds007d (NTS) Aggregate or summary data. Returns raw number of graduates by year and degree conferred.

e. Jusds007e (NTS): Aggregate grad count by range. Prompts for a graduation term, returns aggregate data by career of the number of students conferred degrees for the given graduation term.

f. jusds007f (NTS) Returns JMU graduates by plan number with two additional changes. First, the number of columns has been reduced. Second, it includes three new fields. A date for when the "major" was first declared by the student. A cumulative GPA representing the Cum GPA for the student when they graduated. And a field labeled "Years in plan" which represents the number of years between the degree conferred date, and the date when the student declared the plan (aka major/minor). "Typically", Page 86 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 a value in this field less than 1 would indicate the student was a senior when they declared the major. A value between 1-2 would indicate they were a Junior when they declared the major. A value between 2- 3 would indicate they were a Sophomore when they declared the major. And a value greater than 3 would indicate they were a Freshman when they declared the major.

g. jusds007g (NTS) query has one distinct difference from the others in this series. The four academic plans prompted for are part of what is known as an “exists” sub query. This means the query results returned will include ALL major, minors, and pre professional plans for a given student IF they graduated with one of the given plans. In addition to a date range, the last prompt allows you to determine if the query returns only majors (MAJ), minors (MIN), pre professional (PRP) or all (leave it blank) for a given student. An example: you’ve been asked to determine the majors for the past five years of those who graduated with a minor in Biology. Run the query, using an academic plan number=0000101100 (the number indicating a minor in Biology) an appropriate date range, and a value=MAJ in the last prompt.

h. jusds007h (NTS) query allows you to further refine your search to include students who were in a specific academic sub-plan REGARDLESS of which academic plan.

i. jusds007i (NTS) query is hard coded to return all graduates in any of the pre-professional programs in the given date range.

j. jusds007j (NTS) query allows you to further refine your search to include graduates in specific academic plans who took at least one course in a specific subject area. Query returns aggregate data for the number of courses taken in the respective subject area as well as the total number of credit hours. If the query is run with a blank subject area, it will return aggregate data for all subject areas. Need to know which subject areas graduates in your area took to graduate? This query returns such data.

k. jusds007j1 (NTS): Returns a calculated GPA for a specific subject area for graduates by academic plan. Useful if you are looking for the calculated GPA for all accounting majors for the MATH courses they took during their career vs. their overall cumulative GPA.

l. jusds007j2 (NTS): Similar to jusds007j1, this version simply returns the courses taken by the graduate in the prompted for subject area vs. calculating the GPA.

m. jusds007k (NTS) Grads by date/plan and course taken. Includes prompts for up to two courses taken by the graduate.

n. jusds007k1 (NTS) Grads by date course taken. Prompts for a date range for the degree conferred upon a student. Allows for a course to be specified as well as the number of times the student took the courses during their career @ JMU.

o. jusds007k2 (NTS): Similar to jusds007k1, this version returns ALL courses taken by the respective graduate.

p. jusds007k3 (NTS): Similar to jusds007k1, this versions allows a partial course to be searched for and returned, such as MATH2% which would return all students who took math220, math231, etc.

q. jusds007l (NTS) Graduates by sub-plan. Replaces the four academic plan prompts with sub plan prompts.

r. jusds007m (NTS) Grads by date/plan aggregate. Returns a list of graduates for a given academic plan and date range, and the total number of courses and credit for a given course subject area. If the subject area is left blank, the query returns one row of data for each graduate and each subject area for which Page 87 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 they had taken at least one course. The results can be further analyzed in MS Excel to determine the average number of courses/credits a student had taken for a given subject area during the course of their career @ JMU.

s. jusds007n (NTS) Graduates by academic org. Prompts for a degree conferred date range and a single academic org value.

t. jusds007o (NTS) Graduates by career. Prompts for a degree conferred date range and a single academic career value. u. jusds007p (NTS) Graduates by plan and date. Prompts identical to jusds007. This version originally cloned for use by plans such as Bachelors of Individualized Studies (BIS) for two reasons. First, BIS students may not have advisors assigned like a typical UG student, so advisor information has been removed from the query. Second, BIS grads do not always attend the term they graduate, which is a logical requirement of jusds007. This version has the stdnt_car_term record removed for this reason.

8. jusds008 Class Time Conflicts (NTS): To obtain a list of class time conflicts, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds008. This query prompts for the term. This query takes several minutes to respond as it checks ALL courses for the given term to determine if there are two or more courses scheduled in the same building/room at the same (or overlapping) time. Note: there are currently no checks within the PeopleSoft SA application that prevent double use of a room. This query is intended to be run after scheduling is complete as a check after the fact.

a. jusds008a (NTS) query allows the time conflict process to be run for a specific term and building. b. jusds008b (NTS) query returns room capacity issues defined as the number of students enrolled in the course is greater than the room capacity where the course meets. c. jusds008c (NTS) query returns one row of data for a given term when the capacity of the facility for the given day is being exceeded. d. jusds008d (NTS): Student time conflicts. Prompts for a single term. Returns all students for that term enrolled in courses whose time overlap.

9. jusds009 Actual class enrollments (NTS) : To obtain a list of actual class enrollments, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds009. This query prompts for the term and a combination of subject and catalog# in the second field OR you may enter a subject area in the third prompt to obtain all courses for the given subject. In this context, the word actual refers to the fact that the #enrolled field DOES NOT include students who have dropped or withdrawn from the course.

a. jusds009a (NTS) query contains similar course enrollment data, but also includes instructor and teaching location data. If a course has multiple meeting days or locations, it may appear that duplicate data is being returned by this query. b. jusds009b (NTS) query contains instructor data, but does not include room assignment data. c. jusds009c (NTS) Actual enroll as of date. Rather different than the other queries in this series. Prompts for a term and course and optional subject. The as of date prompt allows the user running the query to look back in history to determine what the enrollment was for the given course as of this date. Of special note, this query allows ALL enrollment reasons to be returned vs. the traditional query built over enrollment data which only returns truly enrolled students. This query allows the user to see how many students have dropped, enrolled, withdrawn, etc. for the given course as of a specific date. All sections of the course for the given term are returned as one row of data. Intent is for the results to be used for predictive purposes.

10. jusds010 Class sched by term/crs/org (NTS): To obtain a schedule of classes by term, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds010. This query prompts for a required term and optional

Page 88 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 prompts for course subject, academic org or college. This query is not meant to replace your normal JMU schedule of classes report; it augments it as you can send the results to Excel and further analyze the data.

a. jusds010a (NTS) query replaces the subject area prompt with an academic org prompt, to allow you to return all classes for say, GNED rather than have to run the query multiple times for the 8 subject areas used within General Education. Jusds010a also includes class attribute data. For the gened area, this is defined as the cluster information. For a definition of other class attributes, contact the Office of the Registrar for clarification of how the class attribute is used. b. jusds010b (NTS): Similar to jusds010a, but does not include course meeting or instructor data. c. jusds010c (NTS): Course enrollments by # units. Allows you to return data based upon the number of units (credit hours) the course is being offered. d. jusds010d (NTS) query allows analysis by a range of terms and academic org. e. jusds010e (NTS) query was added to allow analysis of course enrollment data given a term range and subject/catalog number. If you need to know enrollment numbers spanning multiple terms for a specific course, jusds010e is the query to use. f. jusds010f (NTS)query includes prompts for a range of terms and a single subject area. The results of this query are summarized data meant to be used for course historical analysis and possible future course planning. g. jusds010g (NTS) query returns data for a prompted term range and academic organization(s). It returns a column labeled “Credit hour production” which is defined @ JMU by the Office of the Registrar as the total number of student enrolled in a course, divided by the # of credit hours for the course. h. jusds010g1 (NTS) includes details of the course (subject, catalog #, section, # enrolled) assigned to each instructor returned. i. jusds010h (NTS) query returns all scheduled classes in a particular building for a given term. With the included expression which calculates a field labeled remaining capacity, results can be used to increase a classes capacity if the room has remaining seats. j. jusds010i (NTS) historical course enrollment by year. Results allow comparison of the total number of sections and actual enrollments for a given course over a period of academic years. Can be used for course planning purposes. k. jusds010j (NTS) Results of this version are rather different than others in this series. This query returns one row of data for each combination of day of the week, start/end time. It returns the total capacity of all courses taught for the given period, total number enrolled and what the utilization percentage is of the given period. This would allow a person to look across the institution and determine when the great or fewest students were in class. l. jusds010k (NTS) query returns all courses taught (with all known/types of instructors) for a prompted for term range and academic organization. m. jusds010l (NTS) similar to jusds010, different field order and an additional field at the end of the query to track comments about the course. n. jusds010m (NTS) query returns course schedule data for those courses with prerequisites. o. jusds010n (NTS) query returns course schedule data for those courses with the prompted for attributes. p. jusds010o (NTS): Prompts for a term and returns all courses whose location or instruction mode is marked as online. q. jusds010p (NTS): Course schd by time category. Prompts for a term and a (optional) subject area. Returns all course data for the given term with aggregate counts and percentages in five time categories as follows. C1: Mon or Wed or Fri 10:10am-2:15pm OR Tues or Thurs 9:30am-1:45pm (aka primetime) C2: meet anytime Tues or Thurs C3: NOT C1, not primetime C4: overlaps INTO the C1 or C2 C5: NOT C2, does not meet Tues/Thursday. Contact the office of the registrar for additional details of these time categories. A detail version of this query is also available (jusds010p_detail). It returns the same data as jusds010p, but without the aggregate values. r. jusds010q (NTS): Course schd outliers. Contact the office of the registrar for additional details of the definition of a course schedule outlier. See also the “Class scheduling Policy” document maintained by the office of the registrar. Page 89 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 s. jusds010r (NTS): Class sched by term/crs/org. Returns a list of scheduled classes for a given term, allowing selection for a single course, an entire subject area or the academic org code for the course or the instructor teaching the course.

11. jusds011 Missing course by acad plan (TS) To obtain a list of students who have never taken (nor are they currently enrolled in) a specific course by academic plan, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds011. The first twelve prompts are identical to the jusds002 query. The last two prompts allow you to enter one or two sets of subject and catalog numbers. These values are then used to determine which students have not taken the specified course. Note the two values represent an OR condition not an AND condition. The only reason for entering values in both subject and catalog number fields is IF a course has two different values; such as PSYC210 which is the same as GPSYC210 (just an example). The query takes transfer course data into account. In other words, it checks transfer course data in addition to courses taken @ JMU.

a. jusds011a Acad data/ever taken a course (TS): To obtain a list of students who have ever taken (regardless of term) a specific course by academic plan, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds011a. The first twelve prompts are identical to the jusds002 query. The last two prompts allow you to enter one or two sets of subject and catalog numbers. These values are then used to determine which students have taken the specified course. Note the two values represent an OR condition not an AND condition. The only reason for entering values in both subject and catalog number fields is IF a course has two different values; such as PSYC210 which is the same as GPSYC210 (just an example).

b. jusds011b Acad data taking this course (TS): To obtain a list of students who are taking a specific course in the prompted for term by academic plan, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds011b. The first twelve prompts are identical to the jusds002 query. The last two prompts allow you to enter one or two sets of subject and catalog numbers. These values are then used to determine which students are currently taking the specified course in the term specified. Note the two values represent an OR condition not an AND condition. The only reason for entering values in both subject and catalog number fields is IF a course has two different values; such as PSYC210 which is the same as GPSYC210 (just an example). The jusds011b1 version prompts for two courses which the student MUST be enrolled in for the prompted for term. Whereas jusds011b is an OR for the two prompted for curses, this version is an AND.

c. jusds011b1 (TS): Acad data taking 2 courses. As the name implies, prompts for an academic plan and two course values which the student must be enrolled in at the same time.

d. jusds011c (NTS) query prompts for a term and up to four course subject/catalog numbers and a Cumulative GPA. Note the design of the query will return one row of data for each term the student took the prompted for class(es).

e. jusds011d Transfer and local crs data (TS): To obtain a list of students who have ever taken (regardless of term and location) a specific course by academic plan, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds011d. The ONLY difference between this query and jusds011b is the fact this query includes transfer course data. The first column will contain the letters JMU if the course were taken @ JMU. If the course was a transfer course, the first field will contain the letters TRN.

f. jusds011e Ever took, never took course (TS): To obtain a list of students who have ever taken (regardless of term and location) a specific course, and never taken another course, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds011e. Note this query does NOT take into account a student’s major/minor information as do other queries in the jusds011x series. The query contains three prompts. 1st, the current term in 4 digit format. 2nd, enter a value for the course the Page 90 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 student ever took (subject and catalog #, no spaces). The 3rd and final prompt is for a subject and catalog # the student has never taken. The never taken course prompt looks at JMU and transfer course data. An example; you need to know which students are enrolled in PHYS240 who are not enrolled (and never have been) nor have they ever taken PHYS140. Run the query, enter 1088 (Fall 2008) for the current term, PHYS240 in the enrolled in subj/cat# prompt, and PHYS140 in the never taken subj/cat# prompt.

g. jusds011f (TS) Identical to jusds011e, but allows for two courses to be entered.

h. jusds011g (TS) Transfer and local course data. Prompts for a term and up to 10 student emplids. Returns course data taken @ JMU as well as course data transferred into JMU.

i. jussd011h (TS) Missing/Taken crses by planX20. This query prompts for a term, a single academic plan, and up to 20 different courses (entered as subject and catalog number, no spaces). For each student active in the given academic plan (aka major, minor, etc.) the query returns one row of data. In addition to normal academic data found in many queries, this query returns one of four values in each of twenty new fields. A value=MISS indicates the student is missing the course. A value=TJMU indicates the student has either taken or is taking the course @ JMU. A value=TTRN indicates the student transferred the course in to JMU. A value=blank indicates no value was provided in the respective course prompt. These values will allow you the most versatility once the results are sent to an Excel spreadsheet. You can then insert various summary expressions; to determine how many of a particular type of student (Freshman, Sophomore, a particular minor/concentration etc.) is missing a course, etc. Due to a limitation of the query tool, the courses appear in the results labeled as "Crse 01" thru "Crse 20" rather than an actual value, such as MATH220.

j. jusds011i (TS) Ever took course A, never PASSED course B and C.

k. jusds011j (TS) Ever took course A, never PASSED course B.

l. jusds011k (NTS) # of years between two courses. The query prompts for two sets of course data (subject and catalog #, no spaces between) and a term range. It returns a count of the number of students who have taken BOTH courses, and the number of years between their having taken the courses. A negative value indicates they took the second course the stated number of years before the first course. Likewise, a positive value indicates they took the second course the stated number of years after the first course. An example: if you run the query using math220 and cob300, 12 rows of data are returned indicating that for all students who have ever taken both courses, there were 12 different number of years. A majority of the students (4,931) took cob300 2 years after math220. To return aggregate data from the beginning of time to the current term, use a term range of 0000 to 9999.

m. jusds011l Missing courses by acad org (NTS): Similar to other queries in the series, prompts by academic org instead of academic plan.

n. jusds011m Crses by acad plan & grade pts (TS) Prompts for a term and up to 6 academic plans, four courses and a grade point range. Returns a list of students who are active in any of the plans entered, have taken any of the courses entered and received a grade within the grade point range entered. An example: you’d like to see how many accounting majors received a C- or less in MATH220. Run the query using the appropriate values for academic plans. In the grade point range prompts enter 0.0 for the first parm and 1.7 for the second. Every student who received a C- (or less) will be returned. Of special note; WF grades (withdrew failing) are not returned. The Undergraduate graded grade point scale is as follows: A=4.0, A-=3.7, B+=3.3, B=3.0, B-=2.7, C+=2.3, C=2.0, C-=1.7, D+=1.3, D=1.0, D-=.7 and F=0

Page 91 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 o. jusds011m1 (NTS): Similar to jusds011m, but allows for historical data (i.e. allows you to return data from 1995 to present).

p. jusds011n (NTS) Never Taken a course: As the name applies, returns a list of students who have never taken a specific course. Prompts provided for the current term, academic level, one course and an optional admit term. Depending upon the parameters entered, the returned data can be quite large (number of rows)

q. jusds011n1 (TS): Never taken a course by plan. Similar to jusds011n, but focuses on students in a particular plan.

r. Jusds011n2 (NTS) Never taken by plan; summary. Similar to jusds011n1, but returns just a single row of data for the given course summarized by the students academic level.

s. jusds011o Tran and local crs data by sub: Returns a list of all courses taken at JMU and transferred to JMU for a given subject area. Also includes prompts for academic plans.

t. Jusds011p Missing courses by sub-plan. Similar to other queries in this series, this version uses academic sub-plan instead of academic plan prompts.

u. Jusds011p1 Taken courses by sub-plan. Is the inverse of jusds011p. Prompts for a term, two course values, a single academic sub-plan number and an optional academic level. Returns a list of students active in the sub-plan who have taken either of the prompted for courses.

v. jusds011q (TS): Course taken by plan range. Needed a version of jusds011m which would only return graded courses for a given term and plan provided. The term in jusds011m is attached to the stdnt_car_term record, not the student enrollment record. Cloned for Christy Comer in SMAD who needed a list of SMAD majors (two plan numbers) who had failed SMAD101 for a given term.

w. jusds011r (TS): Failed course A, enrolled in B. Prompts for a term and course which was failed (less than a grade of C-) and a term and course the student is enrolled in.

x. jusds011s (TS): Course ever taken by grade pts. Prompts for a term the student is enrolled in and up to four different combinations of courses. Allows a range of grade points so the query will only return specific grades. Also includes a prompt if you desire ungraded courses returned. C- is normally considered passing for a course. So if you want only passed courses returned, run the query using a grade point range of 1.7 to 4.0.

y. jusds011t (TS): Taking A, have credit for B. Returns students enrolled in course A, who already have credit for course B regardless of the source. Specific issue: students who are enrolled in math105 and already have credit for math220.

z. jusds011u (NTS): Course ever taken @ JMU Note, if you use a common course (such as MATH220) the list of returned rows may be very large.

aa. jusds011v (TS): Course taken > x times. Prompts for a single course and a number indicating the total number of times grater than the prompted for number has been taken by an active student. Includes only the courses taken at JMU, NOT transfer courses.

12. jusds012 List of enrollment errors (NTS): To obtain a list of enrollment errors, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds012. This query prompts for the term and either a five digit specific class number OR you may enter a more generic subject and catalog number (no spaces). The last prompt asks for a Page 92 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 message number. There are 146 possible errors which may prevent a student from enrolling in a course. With help from your Registrars office, the error messages of interest are listed below. If you want to prompt for a different message number other than those listed, press the magnifying glass to the right of the message number field. You will need to know the message set number, which is 14640. To search for a specific message number, enter the value 14640 in the message set number field and then press the search button. The appropriate messages will appear in message number order. An example; to display a list of students who were not able to enroll in BIO114 for the Spring 2004 term, enter the following data. Term=1081, leave the Class Nbr zero, subj and cat#=BIO114, Message Number=7 and press View Results. Due to the large amount of data present in the enrollment request tables, the query may take up to 2 minutes to respond. For this example, the query returns 53 rows of data indicating which student, the specific section they attempted to enroll in etc. Special attention to detail may be in order; in this case 21 of the 53 failed attempts to enroll in BIO114 were from the same student who attempted to enroll in the same section 21 times over a period of two hours.

a. jusds012a enrollment errors by emplid (NTS): During the enrollment process, students can receive one of almost 150 "errors" based upon many factors. The jusds012a query prompts for a term and an emplid. It returns one row of data for each "error" received by the student for the given term. The request for this query was made to allow users (like yourself) to determine all of the errors a student received during the registration process for a given term. It was "suggested" during the training session that some students may "forget" how many times they tried to get into a specific course, and could not because it was full (or any number of other reasons). The results of this query will provide (in chronological order) all errors encountered during the registration process for the given term and student.

1 Not Eligible to Enroll for Term. 5 Already Enrolled in Class, Add Not Processed. 7 Not enrolled, class is full 17 Time Scheduling Conflict for class, not enrolled. 18 Requisites not met for Class, not enrolled. 19 Co-requisites Not Met For Class, Not Enrolled. 30 Maximum term Unit Load exceeded. 32 Enrollment is not allowed for this class: It is outside the Career of Study. 50 Class Number %1 Not in Active Status. Cannot Enroll. 69 Invalid Access to Enrollment Transaction. 79 No Valid Appointment Found And Open Enrollment Period Has Not Begun. 86 Swap not processed, Hold on record. 87 Hold on record, Add not processed. 88 A Required Related Class (component ) must also be Selected. 117 Requirement Designation not found. 134 Repeat Code not found. 135 Requirement Designation Option not specified. 140 Indicate if Requirement Designation is being chosen. 145 Duplicate Add Transaction, transaction not processed. 146 Multiple Enrollment not allowed for course, add not processed. 175 Course previously taken. Enrollment not allowed. 190 Invalid enrollment request action.

b. jusds012b Enroll errors by term/course (NTS): Prompts for a term range and a single course (subject and catalog number, enter with no spaces such as MATH220). Returns one row for each combination of term, course and error message received by the student(s) during the enrollment process. The field labeled “Distinct students w/error” was designed specifically to prevent an unduplicated (aka distinct) count. IF a student attempted to get into the same or multiple sections of a given course, and received the “class is full” message, they are counted just once,

Page 93 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 not the 2-20 times they actually attempted to enroll in the course. Suggested use; try running for a term range for a single course to determine if a course is receiving more/less errors and determine if action for the course may be appropriate. c. jusds012c Error/success rate by course (NTS): Prompts for a single course, a single academic YEAR (NOT term) and a course subject. If you want results for a single course and academic year, enter values in the first two prompts and leave the subject blank. If you want results for all courses with a given subject, leave the first prompt blank and enter the 2nd and 3rd. DO NOT leave the course AND subject blank as the results will be very large. Returns one row for each combination of academic year and course. The fields labeled “Error %” and “Success %” represent the overall respective percentages indicating when the students did not get into the course (Error %) vs. when they did get into the course (Success %). During the enrollment process, each request for enrollment into a course will end with one of two baseline values; success or error. The results of this query return aggregate values of the percentages for each of these statuses. Additionally, each of the over 200 errors can “loosely” be attributed to having been “caused” by JMU, or the student. An example of a JMU error is if the course is full. An example of a student error is if the student has a hold on their record which prevents them from enrolling in any course. The “cause” of JMU/Student for these results have been validated by the Office of the Registrar. Apologies for the negative sounding verbiage. Refer to the table below which says: i. For the academic year 2016, there were a total of 12,325 enrollment requests made by 3,401 students to enroll or swap into math220. ii. 34.90% of the time, the student successfully enrolled in math220. iii. 65.09% of the time, the student failed to enroll in math220. iv. 33.51% of the enrollment errors were “JMU caused”. An example is if the course was full. v. 66.48% of the enrollment errors were “Student caused”. An example is if the student had a hold on their academic record which prevented them from any enrollment (think parking ticket). vi. Following either of the hyperlinks present for the error % fields will launch a new window with a summary of the respective errors which will indicate what exactly prevented the student from enrolling in the respective course. .

Acad Distinct Ttl enrollment Year Course Success % Error % JMU error % Student Error % students requests 2016 MATH220 34.90 65.09 33.51 66.48 3401 12325

13. jusds013 Instructor Schedule by org/sub (NTS): To obtain a list of instructor schedules by organization or subject area, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds013 This query prompts for the term, academic institution (JMDSN) and EITHER an academic organization code (use the magnifying glass to lookup values) OR a subject area (but not both). This query was designed to enable you to find a suitable meeting time when all instructors from a given org/subject area can meet. An example. The ART department (actually, within the SA system, it is referred to as an academic organization vs. a department) needs to schedule a meeting on a day/time when all 38 instructors can attend. Run the query with the following values: term=1081, institution=JMDSN, Academic Organization=ART. When the data is returned, send the data to Excel as normal. Once in Excel, press Ctrl-A to select all data cells. From the top tool bar select Data, Sort, select the field named Mtg Start and click OK. Again from the top tool bar select Data, Filter, AutoFilter. A drop down data window should now appear to the right of each column of data. When pressed, this allows you to select a specific value for the column. For our example, in column Q labeled Mon to indicate the course meets on Monday, press the drop down data window and select the value Y for YES the course meets on Monday. Now look at columns O and P. They indicate the begin and end times for the given course and instructor. As you san down columns O and P, look for a break in the begin and end times. If you locate such a break, that’s the day and time for your meeting when all instructors can attend! If Monday does not work, simply change the auto select back to ALL for Monday and look at Tuesday, etc. Although it may be of limited use, the last prompt in the query should be used if you desire schedules for all instructors who are teaching a given subject area regardless of their academic organization.

a. jusds013a (NTS) query returns the same data as jusds013, but has prompts for multiple subject areas. b. jusds013b (NTS) query returns same data as jusds013, but for courses whose section is in the list 0201, 0301 and 0401 (definition of a block). c. Jusds013c (NTS) query returns a list of instructors who have ever taught a course in the term range provided. d. Jusds013d (NTS) query returns a list of instructors who have ever taught a course in 1-20 subject areas for a given term range.

Page 94 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 14. jusds014 Email Addr by Academic Org (TS): To obtain a list of email (and other student related data) by academic organization (aka College), press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds014 The first seven prompts are the same as the jusds002 query described above. The last prompt in this query is the academic organization code; use the magnifying glass to lookup valid values (such as COB for all academic plans in the College Of Business). Two special notes about this query; first, the query may take more than two minutes to return results. Second, unlike the jusds002 query which is “blind” regarding whether the academic plan number entered is a major, minor, concentration or sub-plan, this query only returns those students who have a major plan in the given academic organization.

a. jusds014a (TS) returns the same data as jusds014, with the same prompts, but includes a student’s test score. (their highest such score). b. jusds014b (NTS) Adds an as of date prompt which allows you to return data based upon a specific date within a term, such as the census date.

15. jusds015 Plan and specific course data (NTS): To obtain a list of academic plan and specific course data, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds015. This query prompts for a term (student must be taking 1 or more hours in the given term), academic plan and up to three combinations of subject area and catalog numbers. The query is designed to return multiple rows of data for each of the (up to) three subject/catalog numbers entered. An example; you need to know which students enrolled in the pre-professional secondary education minor (0000109200), have taken a series of courses. This information will be used to contact the students in the plan and let them know which of three courses they still need to take. The courses we need to know if they’ve taken are: MSSE101, GPSYC160 and EDUC360. When the query results are returned, you note that one student has the EDUC360 course listed three times. Upon review, you note this is because the student dropped the course two semesters in a row, followed by the fact they are currently enrolled in the course. In other words, the query is designed to show ALL details of the specified course, regardless of term or enrollment status. One final note; a student MUST have taken at least one of the courses specified (regardless of term) in order to be included in the query results.

a. jusds015a (TS) query was written specifically for the Chemistry department. It returns all students active in the Chemistry major and all of the CHEM subject courses they have either taken or are taking.

16. jusds017 Students in specific courses (TS): To obtain a list of students in a specific course, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds017.This query prompts for a term (student must be taking 1 or more hours in the given term), and up to four combinations of subject area and catalog number (no spaces, of course). The query is designed to return multiple rows of data for each of the four subject/catalog numbers entered. An example; you need to know which students enrolled in CS139 or CS350 for the Fall of 2004. Run the query, enter 1048 for the term, CS139 in the first subject catalog number prompt and CS350 in the second subject catalog number prompt. It’s OK to leave the remaining prompts for subject catalog number blank.

17. jusds018 Looking for prereq data (TS): To obtain a list of students who do not meet specific pre-requisite criteria, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds018. This query prompts for a term (student must be taking 1 or more hours in the given term), and up to five academic plan numbers that the student IS NOT active in. Note the difference; in this case we’re looking for those students who are not in a specific major (plan number) and ARE taking the prompted for course in the given term. An example; you need to know which students enrolled in CS139 for the Fall of 2004 who are not Computer Science majors. Run the query, enter 1048 for the term, the following values for the five prompted plan numbers: 0000055700, 0000102100, 0000003100, 000030400 and 0000055710. Enter CS139 in the first subject catalog number prompt. The results will be a list of students who are enrolled in CS139 for the given term and who do not belong to any of the five Computer Science plan numbers (aka CS majors).

Page 95 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 18. jusds019 Took/not taking specific class (TS): To obtain a list of students who have taken a specific class and have NOT taken one/two other classes, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds019. The first three prompts refer to a term and one/two courses the student HAS taken. The third and fourth prompts refer to a term/class the student has not taken. The last two prompts are another set of term/class information which the student has NOT taken. Unlike other queries, the criteria present in this query looks only at the single term for the class, not for any/all terms. This means that a student may not appear in the results if the user does not enter the exact term for the given class. An example; to find students who took CS139 in the Spring 2004 and are not enrolled in CS140 for the Fall of 2004: Enter 1081 and CS139 in the first and second prompts, leave the third prompt blank unless there is another subject/catalog sequence which CS139 is also know by. Enter 1048 and CS140 in the fourth and fifth prompts.

a. jusds019a (TS) query allows further analysis of prerequisite data requiring that the student have received an A or B in the courses taken. b. Jusds019b (TS) query returns a list of student who took one of two course, and has never taken the 3rd prompted for course. This query only deals with courses taken at JMU, not transferred course data.

19. jusds020 Comparing tests to courses (TS): To obtain a comparison list of student course grades to test scores, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds020. If you know the term in which the student took the course you want to use for comparison, enter the term as the first prompt. If you do not know the term, you may leave it blank, but be aware the query may return many rows of data. In the second and last prompt, enter a combination of subject and catalog number. Example; you want to see how grades in CS139 compare to the scores students received on the JMU Math Placement test. Enter a value of CS139 for the second prompt and press Enter.

a. jusds020a (NTS) query removes the term as criteria, contact user services for use of this query. b. jusds020b (TS) allows for comparison of a specific course taken @ JMU to a specific test. Allows the ability to compare the grade a student received to a specific test score received. c. jusds020c (NTS) query returns two different test scores; JMU math placement and the SAT math scores. d. Jusds020d (NTS) query returns the SAT math test score, as well as ALL math placement tests, which means there could be multiple rows of data for each student. Also includes prompts for an admit type (FYR or TRN) and an academic level of the student at the time they took the prompted for course.

20. jusds021 List of instructors by org (NTS): To obtain a list of instructor emplid’s by organization, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds021. This query prompts for the institution (JMDSN) and an academic organization code (use the magnifying glass to lookup values). This query was designed to enable you to find the emplid of an instructor as opposed to using the general emplid lookup which includes tens of thousands of students. An example; the ART department (actually, within the SA system, it is referred to as an academic organization vs. a department) has a new instructor named Bill Davis who has asked to have his schedule printed for him. The dept. secretary runs the instructor schedule query (jusds005) but cannot locate the proper emplid for Bill, due to the fact there are 12 Bill Davis’ listed in the database. Run the jusds021 query, enter a value of JMDSN for the institution and a value of ART for the Academic Organization. All instructors who have been associated (by the registrar’s office) with the ART department appear in the results (in this case, 69 rows of data). Bill Davis is the seventh person on the list, and his emplid is listed next to his name. Special note; all instructors have two different emplid’s associated with them @ JMU. The first within the PeopleSoft HRMS system (for payroll, etc.) and a second within the PeopleSoft Student Administration system. The two emplids are not the same, nor are they interchangeable. In other words, the emplid from HR, can not be used to retrieve data about a person in the SA system. All three prompts are optional. The third prompt allows you to search using any portion of a name. Simply key the letters you KNOW are contained in the persons name to retrieve the results. a. jusds021a (NTS) Returns a list of academic plans by academic org; contains no student data. Allows a user to return all of the 10 digit academic plan numbers if they know the academic org to which it belongs. Includes optional prompts for the type of plan (MIN, MAJ, PRP) and an optional prompt to return all academic plan or subplans whose description contains the text entered in the 3rd prompt. Need to find your plan numbers, but not sure what academic organization it is associated with but know it contains the word “logic”? Leave the first two prompts blank, and enter the text to search for in the last prompt.

Page 96 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 b. jusds021b (NTS) Instructors by org who taught. Similar to jusds021, but includes term range prompts. Only returns the instructor information for the given academic org IF they taught at least one course in the given term range. c. Jusds021c (NTS) Contains no prompts, returns a list of all course subjects and the academic org which they have been assigned to. A subject can be assigned to a single academic org

21. jusds023 Calculated GPA by subject area (NTS): To obtain a calculated GPA by subject area, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds023. This query prompts for the Emplid of a student, a subject area and a career. You may use the search buttons next to a field if you do not know the values. An example; you’ve been asked to determine the GPA for a list of students, but to only include Chemistry courses in the calculation (note, this would not represent their major GPA). Run the query, enter 102468922 for the Emplid (the first Emplid of the list of students you need the GPA for), enter CHEM in the subject area and UG for the career. The query returns one row of data which includes the emplid, name subject area and calculated GPA. The query selects only courses in which the student was enrolled (did not drop or withdraw) and only for courses that have been graded and the grade (according to the Registrars office) counts towards the GPA.

a. jusds023a (NTS) query allows you to obtain similar results (calculated GPA by subject area) but prompts for the term, 1-4 academic plans and 1-4 subject areas. Although this will allow you to obtain a calculated GPA for all history majors, taking into account all of their history (subject-HIST) this is NOT meant to represent their major GPA. In most cases, calculating a major GPA is not this straight forward. The Registrars office strongly cautions anyone using these two queries to not consider them official major GPA results.

22. jusds024 Student schedule w/GPA (NTS): To obtain a student schedule with their cumulative GPA, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds024. This query prompts for a term and Emplid of a student. If you desire a list of ALL courses ever taken by the student, leave the term blank. Results include instructor data where present which allows you to view the names of all instructors for the given student in addition to their course data. a. jusds024a (NTS) Student schedule by plan. Prompts for a single academic term and 1-4 academic plan numbers. Returns the student’s schedule for the given term and plans. b. jusds024b (NTS) returns a list of courses (taken @ JMU and transferred) for a single student emplid. c. jusds024c (NTS) has hard coded emplids for educational learning area d. jusds024d (NTS) has hard coded values for the CIS academic plans e. jusds024e (NTS) has hard coded values for the accounting academic plans f. jusds024f (NTS) returns basic academic data for a given term and list of 1-20 student ids. Can be used for times when student populations have nothing in common, like student groups, plans, etc. g. jusds024g (NTS) Student acad data w/midterm. Includes mid term grade information. h. jusds024h (NTS) Class schedule conflicts. Prompts for a term and a class number. Returns aggregate data about the students in the given course and the meeting patterns they are in class. Meant to be used by instructors to determine the best time for students in one of their courses to meet. Aggregate data can be viewed to determine when the fewest number of students would have a time conflict. i. jusds024i (NTS) Ever taken @ JMU/TRN by plan. Prompts for a term and a single academic plan number. Returns a list of students active in that plan, and the courses they have both taken @ JMU (ever) as well as all transfer course data. LOTS of data returned by this query. j. jusds024j (NTS) This query is used by other queries to drill into data and should not be run by itself.

23. jusds025 Acad plan changes; details (NTS): To obtain a list of academic plan changes based upon a date range and the plan, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds025. This query prompts for a date range based upon when a student changed their academic plan. The third prompt is the 10 digit academic plan number. Although it may seem like quite a bit of work, actually interpreting the data can be of great reward. Rather than list examples which might confuse folks, it is suggested you contact Pete DeSmit for further information related to this query. In short, the results from this query will allow you to determine which academic plans a student is coming from and going to based upon a specific plan number. If you want to know from which

Page 97 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 other majors students changing into your major are coming from OR if you want to know which majors student leaving your majors are going to, this query is for you! a. jusds025a (NTS): Similar to jusds025, except this version contains no prompts for an academic plan, so it will return data for ALL plan changes. b. jusds025b (NTS): Plan analysis-other plans. Includes three prompts; term, a single academic plan number, and plan type. Query returns summary data with counts of those students who are active in the academic plan prompted for. The summary results return one row for each academic plan IN ADDITION TO that supplied in the prompt, and how many students are active in the additional plan as either their primary plan (aka their first/primary major) or as a plan other than their primary plan. An example: You desire to know what academic plans Justice Studies Majors are in other than your plan. Run the query, providing the current term, the plan #=0000007100 and a value of MAJ in the last prompt, plan type. The query returns summarized data of the number of students who are in majors OTHER than 0000007100, and how many are in each of the other plans. c. jusds025c (TS) Returns plan change data by advisor rather than academic plan number. Date range and plan type prompts are the same as jusds025. Additional prompt for the emplid number of the advisor. d. jusds025d (NTS) Is different from jusds025 in two ways. First, it returns summary data, vs. detail. Second, it only returns data for those students who dropped the academic plan entered at run time. This query returns a count of the number of students who dropped the specific academic plan number, and which plan they replaced it with. jusds025d1 is the same except I removed the students academic level. Jusds025d2 is similar except I added sub-plan aka concentration data. e. jusds025e (NTS) returns data similar to jusds025, but by academic org vs. academic plan.

24. jusds027 Student contact information (TS): To obtain a list of Student contact information, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds027. This query prompts for up to ten student emplids. It returns student names, addresses, phones and JMU email address. The query will return data regardless of when the student attended JMU (they do not need to be current students) The query was created to list contact information for students who may not have class or academic information in common. Whereas it is true that all of the information returned by the query can be obtained via other panels within the PeopleSoft system, the query brings all of the data together without the need to visit multiple panels and cut/paste the data into a spreadsheet.

25. jusds028 Freshman orientation data (TS): To obtain a list of Freshman orientation information, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds028. This query prompts for a term range, and an orientation type. In the orientation type field, enter a value of FYR if you desire results for non-transfer Freshman. A value of TRN will return transfer orientation data. Leaving the prompt blank will return both FYR and TRN type data in the results. The query was created so that department secretaries could provide results to advisors and others.

26. jusds029 Enrl stats by subject/level (NTS): To obtain a list of course enrollment statistics by term and course subject, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds029. This query prompts for a term range and a subject area. The term range is inclusive of both values.. The results of the query indicate how many students by academic level were enrolled in a course for a given term. This allows you to analyze what level of student (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.) have taken specific courses over the past several terms. For example; run the query using 1001 and 1085 as the terms and ART as the subject area. The query returns data indicating how many of each level of student enrolled in each of the ART classes for the given terms 1001 (Spring 2001) thru 1058 (Fall 2005).

a. Jusds029a Enrl stats by plan/subj/crs lv (NTS): Similar to jusds029, this version returns aggregate data for a given term range, subject and plan type. Allows the user to determine which major/minor/preparation (the three different plan types) are consuming their specific courses. Calculations have been added to this version which allow a user to see, in one row of data, all of the different combinations of both course levels (100, 200, 300, 400) as well as student academic level (FR, SO, JR, SR). There is a row of data for each plan representing the student who took the course, as their Page 98 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 plan data appeared when the course was taken. The distinct aggregate value may be of value in that it returns a distinct count of the number of students from the given academic plan who took the given course subject. Note the counts within each combination of course and academic level are NOT distinct. In other words, a value of 12 in a given column may mean 12 distinct students took the course, or 6 students each took 2 of the given subject, etc. etc. b. Jusds029b Enrl stats by plan/subj/attrib (NTS): Similar data as jusds029a, but the course subject has been replaced by the course attribute. Designed specifically for areas such as those with course attributes, such as gned. c. Jusds029c (NTS): Grad stats by plan course subject and level. Needed a version that allowed aggregate results to count course participation by various fields. Query allows the user to see a count of the number of students taking specific levels of courses. In this case, course level is defined as the 1st digit of the actual course number. Focus on student’s who had graduated and be able to look at all of their course data across it's entirety.

27. jusds030 Historical advisee data (NTS): To obtain a list of historical advisee data, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds030. This query prompts for an effective date range and a student emplid. The primary purpose of this query is to list all advisor information by student for the prompted for date range. A student need not be active in their academic program (attending JMU) to appear in the results.

a. jusds030a (NTS) query returns data based upon the advisor. Jusds030a will return a list of advisee data by a prompted for advisor emplid and a date range. b. jusds030b (NTS) query returns historical academic plan information by student emplid. If run, jusds030b will prompt for up to 10 student emplids. It returns a list of academic plan changes made over the career of the student. Use 104235939 for an example.

28. jusds031 Room schedule by term/course (NTS): To obtain a schedule of which courses are being taught in a particular building and room, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds031. This query prompts for a term as well as a building and room number. If the building is left blank, data is returned for all buildings. If the room number is left blank, data is returned for all room numbers.

a. jusds031a (NTS) query returns the same data as jusds031, but prompts by academic organization. b. jusds031b (NTS) query returns the same data as jusds031, but prompts by building and/or room. c. jusds031c (NTS) query returns the same data as jusds031b, but eliminates duplicates (defined as the same student taking more than one course in the same building for a given term). d. Jusds031d (NTS): Class list by building and faculty. Prompts for a term, building and room values. Returns classes for the given term, building and room and the instructors who taught the class. e. Jusds031e (NTS): Room utilization. Prompts for a term, building and room values. Returns data which allows you to determine the utilization of the building and rooms for the given term. Leaving the building and/or room values blank returns all values for these fields.

29. jusds032 Plan and sub-plan by term (NTS): To obtain a list of students in a specific academic plan by term, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds032. This query prompts for a term and up to four different academic plan numbers. Note the only real difference between this query and the jusds002 series of queries is two fold. First, jusds032 returns the full description of the academic sub plan data, whereas jusds002 returns only a ten character short description. Second, you’ll need to watch the data returned by jusds032 in that it will return one row of data for each sub plan a student has for the given plan whereas jusds002 will not return multiple rows of data. a. jusds032a (NTS) query returns data similar to jusds032, but allows for historical analysis of plan and sub- plan data. b. jusds032b (NTS) query returns data similar to jusds032, but only includes sub-plan counts.

Page 99 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 30. jusds033 Credits by subject and plan (TS): To obtain a summary of course credits by subject and academic plan, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds033. This query prompts for up to four academic plans and up to four course subject areas. The query was written to allow a department to analyze data related to which subject areas students in their major were taking. The design of the query returns aggregated data by academic level. a. jusds033a (NTS): similar to jusds033, subject is removed. Returns the number of course hours taken for a given academic plan for the given term range.

31. jusds034 Student groups by academic plan (TS): To obtain a list of students who are in a specific academic plan and student group, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds034. This query prompts for up to four academic plans and up to four student group numbers.

a. jusds034a (TS) student groups by academic level. Results similar to jusds034, but prompts by up to four academic levels. b. jusds034b (TS) student groups by academic level, who have never taken a specific prompted for course. c. jusds034c (TS)student groups academic data. Results similar to jusds034, returns data of students in a specific group regardless of their academic data (which major they are in). jusds034c1 includes ALL advisors whereas jusds034c contains no academic advising information. d. jusds034d (TS) inactive student groups. Returns a list of students in a specific student group who are no longer active in that group. e. jusds034e (TS)student groups for honors. Is hard coded to return all students in any of the nine student groups associated with the honors program. f. jusds034f (NTS) student groups by plan type (MAJ, MIN CON, etc.) g. jusds034g (NTS) student group data for those who have ever taken a given course. h. jusds034h (NTS) Returns a list of student who are NOT in a given list of student groups. i. Jusds034i (TS): Basic student group data. Prompts for a single student group, returns all students active in that group effective as of the run date. j. Jusds034j (TS): returns basic data for all students active in the honors program.

32. jusds035 class enroll reason details (NTS): To obtain a list of students and their enrollment reasons for a specific class, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds035. This query prompts for a term and either a specific subject/catalog number OR you can enter just a subject and all courses for that subject are returned. Enrollment status values returned should be one of the followed: a) Dropped (was enrolled), b) Enrolled and c) Withdrawn from class. The jusds035a query returns similar data, but in summary format. Jusds035 includes the actual names of the students and the date the course was added/dropped.

a. jusds035a (NTS) query removes the student detail and summarizes the data by term, subject and/or course number. b. jusds035b (NTS) query returns enrollment reasons by building with totals by the day of the week in addition to an overall total. This allows you to see how many students have enrolled (and dropped) courses for a particular building and see total counts by each day of the week. Need to know how many students are attending classes in Memorial Hall on Wednesday (or any day of the week)? This query provides such results. c. Jusds035c (NTS): Returns aggregate counts of the number of students in a specific course for a term range and their HOME address state.

33. jusds036 Major GPA by acad plan (TS): To obtain a list of students and their major GPA for a specific academic plan (aka Major, minor), press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds036. The query prompts for two values, a term and an academic plan number. Your office of the Registrar is committed to refreshing this data twice a term, after the drop/add period and again after all grades have been posted. a. jusds036a (TS): Major GPA by course. Returns the major GPA for all students who took a particular course in any given term. Page 100 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 34. jusds037 Enroll summ by major DUPS (NTS): To obtain a list of course enrollment summary by major, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds037. This query prompts for a term and either a specific subject/catalog number OR you can enter just a subject and all courses for that subject are returned. The query returns a count of the number of students enrolled in the course(s) by academic majors. An example. You want to know which majors are taking SCI161 in the Spring of 2008. Run the query, entering 1081 for the term, SCI161 for the course/subject prompt. The query will return one row of data for each major enrolled in the course (does not include drops, withdrawals, etc.). *** In this context, the title includes the word DUPS. IF a student taking SCI161 is a Math, IDLS and a Chemistry major, that student will be counted on three different rows of data returned by the query. See description for jusds037a if you desire an unduplicated count.

a. jusds037a (NTS) query returns data similar to jusds037, but ONLY the primary (aka the first) major is used in calculating the counts. This in essence eliminates duplicates (double/triple majors) from the results. b. jusds037b (NTS) results similar to jusds037, but includes raw un-aggregated data which can be used in Excel for further data analysis. 35. jusds038 Acad plan: # part/full time (NTS): To obtain a summary of part and full time students (as defined by the office of the registrar) by academic plan, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds038. This query prompts for a term and from 1 to 4 academic plan numbers. The query returns a count of the number of students enrolled in the prompted for academic plans who are taking part time and full time course loads. One row of data is returned for each academic plan entered. a. jusds038a (NTS): Similar to jusds038, but includes sub-plan data.

36. jusds039 Requirements met by courses (TS): To obtain a list of courses used to meet specific academic requirements, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds039. This query prompts for a requirement group (optional), a requirement number (required, these are 9 digit numbers) and a requirement line number (optional, these are normally 4 digit numbers). The query returns summary data of the number of students who have met the respective requirement with a given course. Due to the nature of the degree requirements data used in this query, you may ignore returned data that does not appear in typical course format (subject and catalog number). If you need assistance in determining the numeric values for these three fields, contact either a member of the Office of the Registrar, or Pete DeSmit. A few of the more common requirement numbers are listed below. You may also consider running a query named jusds039b which allows returns requirement setup data based upon prompted for text present in the requirement description. a. Cluster one: 000001012 b. Cluster two: 000001013 c. Cluster three: 000002210 d. Cluster four: 000001025 e. Cluster five: 000001026 f. jusds039a Requirements by course/plan # (NTS): Need to know which academic plan number (aka majors) have a given course tied to it via a requirement? Or, do you need to know which courses are tied as a requirement to a given plan number? This query returns either result set. If you leave the academic plan number blank, the query returns all academic plans that are tied to the prompted for course. If a plan number is entered, the query returns all courses tied to the given academic plan number via requirements. It is suggested you schedule this query when run using just an academic plan number, else it may time out if run interactively. g. jusds039b Search for requirement #'s (NTS): This query was designed to return requirement setup data based upon the prompted for text being present in either the requirement or requirement line 30 character description. The query uses an operator known as “in string” which means the query will return data IF the exact characters you enter in the prompt are anywhere in the 30 character description of the requirement or requirement line. With almost 3,000 advising related requirements, finding the proper 9 digit requirement number can be a challenge. An example: you work with the criminal justice minor, and have been asked to obtain degree progress report data on the number of these students who have completed specific requirements for the minor. In order to run such queries, you need the 9 digit requirement numbers. Run this query, enter the text “criminal” and press search or enter. The Page 101 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 requirement number=000002301 will be returned by the query which can then be used in other queries. You can also use the advanced search function available whenever a requirement number is prompted for and you see the magnifying glass to the right of the prompt. h. jusds039c and jusds039c_detail. Were written specifically for the office of the registrar for SACS survey results. i. jusds039d (TS): RQ met by courses/acad plans. In addition to the requirement prompts, this version also includes the ability to prompt for 1-4 academic plan numbers. Results are returned for how active students in those plans have met specific requirements. This query is really a subset of the data returned by jusds039. j. Jusds039e (TS): Incomplete requirements. Prompts for a requirement group (optional), requirement (required), requirement line number (optional) current term (required), academic level (optional, values for undergraduate are 10, 20, 30 & 40) and admit term (optional). Returns aggregate results of all active undergraduate students based upon degree progress report data. The numeric values in the last four fields represent the total number of freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors who have NOT completed the returned requirement. Use the magnifying glass, then advanced search to look up the 9 digit requirement numbers for your area, OR contact the Office of the Registrar or Pete DeSmit ([email protected]) who will gladly provide you with your requirement numbers to run this query. k. Jusds039f (TS): Incomplete RQ, details: All logic similar to jusds039e above. This version returns detailed data vs. aggregate data returned by jusds039e. l. Jusds039g (NTS): Enrollment requirements by crs: Prompts for a single course and a term the course is being offered. Returns three types of course requirements based upon the field labeled “source”: i. Crse_catalog: These catalog level requirements are only applied once approved by the C&I Committee. A requirement at the catalog level is permanent and applies to every section of a course in any term in which and in any location (abroad sections, etc.) where the course may be offered. Changes to a requirement at the catalog level may only be made with C&I Committee approval. Generally, these requirements are placed to insure a student’s success in a class, not merely to control enrollment. Appropriate requirements at the catalog level are pre-requisite and co-requisite courses that also may be coupled with GPA requirements. For example, to ensure a student’s success in Math 237, as a prerequisite a student must have completed MATH 236 with a grade of C- or better. This requirement is not designed to control MATH 237 enrollment; it is designed to ensure a student is adequately prepared for the rigor of MATH 237. Never should a department “uncheck” this requirement when scheduling classes as this pre- requisite should apply to every student, in any term, who wishes to enroll in MATH 237. If an exception is to be made to allow a student to enroll in MATH 237 without having met the prerequisite, it should be made through the departmental permission process. ii. Class-assoc: These requirements can be applied by departments on a class section and/or term basis. Such requirements are generally placed to permit certain populations of students to secure enrollment in a class section(s). These requirements do not need C&I approval and are placed at the discretion of the department. Appropriate requirements at the class association level include major, student groups (i.e. Honors), or academic level (i.e. Seniors). For example, in order to ensure that all of the Nursing majors secure enrollment in CHEM 120 (a required course for Nurses but also a General Education option in Cluster Three), section four of a total of seven sections of CHEM 120 may have the enrollment requirement of “Nursing Majors Only” applied by the department. Success in CHEM 120 is not predicated by a student being a Nursing Major, but because it is a major requirement for Nurses it is important that they have an opportunity to enroll in it to continue to progress toward graduation. iii. Class_reserve: These requirements can be applied by departments on a class section. Such requirements are generally placed to permit certain populations of students to secure enrollment in a group of class seat(s). These requirements do not need C&I approval and are placed at the discretion of the department. Appropriate requirements at the reserve capacity level is the separation of class association level requirements. For example, in order to ensure that all of the Dietetics & Health Sciences majors secure enrollment in CHEM 131 (a required Page 102 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 course for these majors but also a General Education option in Cluster Three), each section has an the enrollment requirement of “Health Science & Dietetics Majors Only” applied at the class association level. The department can then place reserve capacities on the section that include “Health Sciences Majors Only” for 25 seats, and “Dietetics Majors Only” for 20 seats. The seat capacity has to be maintained throughout the enrollment process. If the enrollment capacity is lowered, the reserve capacities have to be lowered to match.

37. jusds040 Transfer course equivalents (NTS): To obtain a list of courses that have been allowed in the past as course equivalents, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds040. This query has a single prompt; enter a course and subject number (no spaces). The query returns the name of the institution from which the equivalent course was allowed, along with the “incoming” and JMU course information. Note; rows of data may appear to be similar, and may be a result of how transfer course data was keyed into the SA system. a. Jusds040a (NTS). This query returns student specific transfer courses and their JMU equivalent. Prompts for 1-10 emplids

38. jusds041 Course need by requirement (TS): To obtain a list of course need by requirement and academic level, press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds041. This query includes prompts for the current term and a course and subject number (no spaces). The query returns the number and description of the requirement along with the number of students by academic level who COULD NEED the course. Consult with the office of the Registrar for a more robust explanation of requirements, course lists and how they are related. In this case, COULD NEED is defined by taking all of the requirements and course lists that have specified the course, and returning a count of all students who COULD use that course to satisfy the given requirement. Note, in some cases, there are many courses that COULD be taken to satisfy a requirement. IF you desire a list of students from a particular major/minor who have not taken a course, query jusds011 returns such data.

39. jusds042 Rank by acad level (NTS): To obtain data from which a student class rank can be calculated (note, this query does not return the class rank), press the Run to HTML or Run to Excel hyperlink to the right of the query named jusds042. This query includes prompts for a term and a single academic level. Send the results to excel, open the excel file and note the record count in the first row before deleting the first row. Next, determine what percentage of the class you need to select. For example, if the query returned 4,876 rows of data (the number of Seniors for a given term) and you want the top 7 percent. Multiply 4,876 (the number of rows returned) by .07 (indicating your desire to select the top 7% of the senior class. That number is 341. This means that the first 341 students returned by the query are in the top 7% of the given class. Delete all rows greater than 342, and you have the proper results.

40. Jusds042a Average GPA by gender and term (NTS): Prompts for a single term, returns the overall average cumulative GPA for all undergraduates.

41. Jusds043 Dropped courses by date/course (NTS): Allows for a date range and a single course value. Returns the names of students who have dropped the given course in the given date range.

42. Jusds044 Class scheduling policy (NTS). Allows a department to obtain results for their scheduled courses to determine how they adhere to the scheduling policies of the registrars office. Users should refer to the registrars web site for the latest class scheduling policy guidelines. The primary indicators returned by the query are the number and percentage of classes scheduled for the given term in two categories. The first is TT indicating those courses scheduled on Tuesday or Thursday. The second is what is referred to as primetime. This query returns only aggregate data. If departments have questions about the specific courses returned in the aggregate values, they should run jusds044_detail. Refer also to the jusds010p series of queries written specifically for the office of the registrar. This query contains many prompts to allow the user to fine tune their results. A term of course. The EID of the course administrator allows those departments who are responsible for several subject areas to enter a single eid to return all of their data. A range of meetings patterns (00-99 to use all) so the user can include or eliminate courses with multiple meeting patterns. Course components to not include, and a course catalog number series so Page 103 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 they may eliminate or include a specific series of courses. The jusds044_detail query can be used to return non aggregated values to determine which specific courses are present in jusds044 results. Make sure to use the exact same values in the prompts if trying to research results. a. Jusds044a (NTS): Unpaired courses. Defined by the office of the registrar who states that once-per- week classes that start prior to 3:30 pm must be paired according to one of the two-day per week patterns (MW, WF, MF, TT). For example, a TU class starting at 9:30 am must be balanced by another TH class starting at the same time in the same room. We really just want to make sure the room is being used. b. Jusds044b (NTS): Unbalanced 8 week data. Defined by the office of the registrar who states that the 8 week block courses must be equally balanced.

43. Jusds045 Waitlist detail by course (TS): Includes four prompts; term is required. Optional prompts for course subject, course subject and catalog number and course section. Not entering a value in a prompt will return all values for that field. Example; you desire a list of all students on the waitlist for any MATH course for the Fall 2013. Enter a term=1138, a subject=MATH and leave the last two prompts blank. A reminder that waitlist data can be very fluid. You should not run this query and expect the results to be accurate hours or days later. The office of the registrar purges waitlist data after the add with permissions deadline of the class. Contact the office of the registrar if you need aggregate data for past term waitlist data.

44. jusds045a Waitlist summary by course. (NTS): Includes the same four prompts as jusds045. Returns aggregate data with no student identifiable data present.

45. jusds045b Wlist; enrolled in another sec (TS): Will only return a student if they are both on a waitlist AND enrolled in another section of the same course for the given term.

46. jusds046 Informational hold by career (NTS): Prompts for a term, returns the total number of students (by career) who have an informational hold on their records.

47. jusds047 List of grades and grade points (NTS): Prompts for an academic career. Returns setup data related to all grades and the number of grade points for each value. There are some queries which can be run by a grade point range; this query returns the data necessary for such queries.

48. jusds048 Dual enrollment by course (NTS): Prompts for a range of admit terms and a single course. Returns aggregated data by admit type of the number of students who transferred dual enrollment for the given course.

49. jusds049 Enrolled in A, credit for B (TS): Prompts for term and a course the student is enrolled in for that term. Third prompt determines the course for which the student has received credit, regardless of the source (test, transfer, taken at JMU, waived, etc.).

50. jusds049a Credit for course by org/plan (TS): Prompts for a single course and an optional academic org and single academic plan number. Returns student identifiable data of the students who either took the course at JMU, transferred the course to JMU or received test credit for the course.

51. jusds049b (TS): Credit by subj/plan. Prompts for a single course and 1-4 required academic plan numbers. Returns student identifiable data of the students who either took the course at JMU, transferred the course to JMU or received test credit for the course.

52. jusds049c (TS): How courses are taken. Contains a prompt for a single course. Returns aggregate counts and percentages of the number (and percent) of currently active students who have taken the course via the three methods: received test credit, received transfer credit, enrolled in course @ JMU. These results are useful when you desire to know IF a given course has ever been received for test/transfer credit and what percentage of the time.

Page 104 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 53. jusds050 Plan data for fully admitted (TS): Prior to January 2014, whether a student was declared or fully admitted was tracked via academic subplans. As of January 2014, the process has switched to the use of milestones. This query returns academic plan data based upon the specific values used for the milestones. The values maintained by the office of the registrar are: scomfuladm, smadfuladm and psycfuladm.

54. jusds051 Grade by subject and plan (NTS): Prompts for a term range, up to four academic plan numbers and a single course subject. Returns student identifiable data, including the grade for all courses whose subject was prompted for the given plans.

55. jusds051a (NTS): Similar to jusds051, but includes instructor data.

56. jusds052 (NTS): Dropped major after taking course. Prompts for a plan drop date range and an optional course and single academic plan number. Was designed to return “speculation data” for lack of a better term. Do you suspect students are dropping your major after taking CHEM131? Run this query using an appropriate date range and CHEM131 in the course prompt, leave the academic plan # prompt blank. The results are an aggregate of all of the students in the returned majors who dropped that major after having taken CHEM131. Aggregate values are provided for the grade distribution and gender. Do you want to know which courses accounting majors took just before they dropped the major? Run the query for an appropriate date range, leave the course prompt empty, and enter the ten digit plan number 0000000100 in the last prompt (this is the plan number for accounting).

57. jusds052a (NTS): Added major after taking crs. Is the inverse of jusds052. Similar prompts as present in jusds052 but the academic plan numbers are required. Do you suspect accounting majors are “switching” to the accounting major after taking a specific course? Run the query for an appropriate date range, leave the course prompt blank, enter 0000000100 in the academic plan #1 prompt.

58. jusds052b (NTS): Added after taking crs by org. created for Lee Ann Bowles in math whose department head wanted to know how many of which majors were adding after having taken a specific math course. 11/11/2015: cloned from jusds052a for Spickler, Katrina Malnar - spicklkm who needed a version by acad org vs. having to run by individual plan numbers.

59. jusds053 (TS): Subject progression by plan. Includes prompts for 1-5 academic plan numbers, 1-4 course subject areas and 1-5 four digit academic years. Returns one row of data for each student currently active in their academic program/plan. Includes a summary of the number of courses they were/are enrolled in for the given academic year. In this case, the word “progression” is defined as the number of courses in the given subject area the student is/was enrolled in for the given academic years. An example. You desire to see which of your 250+ math and statistic majors are NOT progressing as you believe they should be. Run the query using the various plan numbers which make up the math and statistics majors, for the subject=math and the 5 academic years 2012-2016. Review the results and make the determination yourself of which students are not properly progressing. Of special note; this query uses academic years, not terms. A given academic year includes three separate terms; Fall, Spring and Summer. The academic year=2015 includes the three terms 1158, 1161 and 1165. The 2016 academic year includes the three terms 1168, 1171 and 1175, and so on. Also note, the AY course counts returned by the query include ALL 4 course subject areas combined. It may be of value for you to run this query as a scheduled query which allows the values entered to be saved for future runs via the run control definition. Contact Pete DeSmit ([email protected], 8-3605) or read the section “working with scheduled queries” section of this document if you need assistance scheduling a query the first time. 60. jusds054 (NTS): Military/veteran data by prog. Prompts for an academic term and an academic program. Returns one row of data for students active in the prompted for academic program as of the end date of the prompted for term. Returns their military status. 61. jusds055 (NTS): FYR by admit term. This is a very specific query, please read the details. Prompts for a single admit term and 1-4 academic plan numbers. Returns a list of true Freshman (aka admit type=FYR) students who were active in one/more of the prompted for plan numbers (aka majors) as of the beginning of the Page 105 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 prompted for admit term. The results then “fast forward” to include the most recent (as of the run date) academic program information including whether or not the student has graduated. Primary purpose of the query is to allow the tracking of cohorts (students who were admitted for a specific term) and with which major that same student graduated from JMU. 62. jusds055a(NTS): Only difference from jusds055 is the fact these students are transfer (admit type=TRN) students. All other results and logic are the same as jusds055.

Working with scheduled queries

Query Manager interacts with PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to enable you to schedule queries as opposed to running them interactively. Recurrences can be created for almost any combination; once per week, daily @ a specified time, once a term, etc. The four steps to working with scheduled queries are as follows. Submit process requests, Select process requests, Use Process Monitor and View output in Report Manager.

Page 106 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Submit process requests 1. A process request enables you to submit a job or process to run. The Schedule Query page submits a process request and brings up the Process Request page, which enables you to specify such variables as where to run the process and in what format to generate the output based on a run control ID.

2. With the schedule query screen present (see above) you’ll need to either search for and select from an existing run control, or add a new one. In this case, a run control will be used to hold the values of the prompts to be used in your scheduled query. If the query you want to schedule has no prompts, you still need a run control. If you previously created a run control, type the name of the run control and press search. If you do not know the name of the run control, simply press search and all of your run controls will be returned.

3. To add a Query Name click Add a new value, Enter the name of a run control, and press Add

Page 107 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 4. The schedule query screen (see above) appears. Type the name of the query you wish to schedule in the query name field, and press search. If the query contains prompts, the prompt screen appears. Enter appropriate values for the prompts and press OK

5. You will return to the schedule query screen (see above) with the first six prompts present. Pressing the SAVE button at this time will save your run control with all of the prompt values just entered. Press the RUN button to continue and schedule the query.

6. IF you want the scheduled query results to be sent to a user (one or more) follow the steps below, else ignore these steps.

a. Set the Server Name to PSUNX, the Type to Email and the format to which ever format you desire . b. Click the distribution hyperlink. Leave the folder name blank. Enter an appropriate value in the email subject field. Enter an appropriate value in the message text field. The actual query results will be sent as a file attached to the email, NOT in the body of the email. For this reason, it is highly suggested the message text include some verbiage of the form: Please see attached for xyz and do this that or the other thing with the contents. c. UNLESS you need the results emailed to a department mailbox or a user who does not use the SA system, leave the Email Address List blank (default). Entering one or more valid email addresses in this field is the equivalent of adding the email address to a normal email message. PLEASE BE CAREFUL ENTERING EMAIL ADDRESSES IN THIS FIELD. Sending JMU data to an email address outside JMU should be carefully considered prior to use. d. Leave the defaults (your eid) in the Distribute To field. Like the email address list box described above, you may add rows and enter valid eids into this field. Same warning applies to the use of this field as noted above. PLEASE BE CAREFUL ENTERING DATA IN THIS FIELD! The eids you enter will receive the query results. e. Leave the email with log and email web report check boxes OFF f. Click OK, then OK. The query should now be scheduled. The results should appear in the inbox of the person running the report with a copy sent to the intended recipient. g. All scheduled query results will be sent from an email address named “IS – Student Administration” Although this email address is monitored by the Information Systems product team, your email body should ask the recipients to NOT use the reply or reply-all feature.

Page 108 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Select process requests 1. The Process Scheduler Request page enables you to set the server, run date and time, how often the process runs (the recurrence of the process), output type, and format. The Process Monitor can be used to view the status of your process requests. You can access the Process Monitor by clicking the Process Monitor link on the Schedule Query page or by navigating to PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor. Process Monitor consists of two pages: the Process List page and the Server List page. a. The Process List page enables you to monitor the process requests that you have submitted. b. You can select filtering options—for example, process type and run status—to view only selected process requests. And you can click the Details link to view details that are associated with particular process requests. c. To cancel or place a specific process request on hold, navigate to the Process Scheduler Request page (PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Monitor). If a process is currently running via a recurrence, it’s Run Status will display as “Queued”. You may want to use the Run Status drop down selector to select Queued only, then press Refresh. With your queued processes displayed, you will want to follow the hyperlink labeled “Details”. IF you named your run control the same as your query or BIP report, this should be reflected in the “Run Control ID” field. Under the Update Process section, choose your desired access: i. Hold Request; will place your job on hold, and remain held until you return to this same page and select the Restart option ii. Cancel request; selecting this option will cancel the recurring job and it will no longer be run. It would need to be rescheduled to resume. iii. Delete request; normally this applies to a successful job run and you desire to clear this specific job from your list of results. iv. Restart request; takes a job off of it’s held status and resumes it’s normal recurrence. d. There are two methods to stop a recurring scheduled job. i. Add a reminder to yourself on your calendar to cancel the job on a particular date. See previous directions on cancelling a process request. ii. Change the recurrence definition. Navigate: PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Recurrences. Type the name of your recurrence, press search. Select the recurrence definition from the list. Navigate to the “End Request” fields, enter the date you desire the last recurrence to run, press the Save button in the bottom left of the page. IF you plan to use this same recurrence definition for future jobs, you will need to return to this page and select an appropriate date range else any scheduled tasks will not run. e. The Server List page enables you to monitor the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler server agents within your system.

Page 109 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 2. Press the RUN button (upper right corner), the process scheduler request screen appears (see above). If this is a new process definition, use the drop down box on the Server Name field, and select PSUNX. Unless you desire output other than a MS Excel spreadsheet, make sure the TYPE and FORMAT values read WEB and XLS.

3. Recurrence. If you simply desire the query to run once as a submitted job, press the OK button and continue with the next section regarding Report Manager. Else, select a recurrence theme. There are many recurrence themes available. Choose the recurrence theme that meets your needs and press OK. PRIOR to scheduling your reporting tools run control, you may follow these steps to define/edit a recurrence definition.

a. Navigate: PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Recurrences. To edit an existing recurrence, enter a partial name and press search. There are over 250 recurrence definitions, and with ALL users having the ability to add/edit recurrences, there is no single naming convention followed. Please do not edit a recurrence definition if you did not author it. Edit the recurrence definition, press Save. b. To ADD a new recurrence definition, click the “Add a new Value” button, provide a recurrence name and press Add. Since there are no set recurrence naming conventions, you may consider naming your recurrences beginning with your initials OR the name of the reporting object. IF you are creating a recurrence to be used with a query named JGS0027, consider naming the recurrence JGS0027. c. Provide a description. d. Schedule next recurrence when. This radio button/toggle is important. IF you leave the default value (Prior recurrence has completed) and your process ends in error for whatever reason, the NEXT recurrence will NOT queue up to run. Queries which select NO DATA have a run status of Error, and such will not queue up the next scheduled run. It is suggested you ALWAYS change this radio button to “Current request is initiated”. e. Recurrence pattern. Use the series of radio buttons, check boxes etc. to define your recurrence. If you know the specific date range you want the process to recur, enter appropriate values in the start and end request date/time fields. IF you leave the end request blank, your queued requests will never end. f. Recurrence Exceptions. You can add specific dates to indicate you do NOT want your recurrence to run. By default, you need not enter any data on this panel. g. When you are satisfied with your recurrence definition, press Save. You can always return to edit a recurrence later.

View output in report manager 1. Report Manager is like your own personal inbox of reports and process output. It provides a secure way to view report content, check the posting status of your output, and see content detail messages. View all of your reports by opening your Report List in your browser. Select Reporting Tools, Report Manager, or click the Report Manager link on the Schedule Query page.

Page 110 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 2. Once a query is scheduled to run, you’ll return to the schedule query screen (see above). You can access your query results by following either of the hyperlinks labeled Report Manager or Process Monitor. If you have taken the SA overview class, you should already be familiar with navigation within the Report Manager screen.

3. With the report manager screen present (see above) click on the description name hyperlink on the row representing the scheduled query you desire. If you’re unsure of which row of data represents the results you are looking for, perhaps the report date/time column can help.

4. With the report detail screen present (see above), follow the hyperlink for the query results.

Running an BI PUBLISHER report with bursting the first time

A BI PUBLISHER report which contains bursting must be run thru the process scheduler. This means that each user who desires to run a report must add a new run control for the first run. Special details follow:

Page 111 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 1. WARNING: The normal end result of a “report” is an object (spreadsheet, pdf, etc.) which the user who runs the report can interpret prior to distribution. In other words, if something is WRONG with the report, the user has an opportunity to make changes and rerun the report. When a BI PUBLISHER report includes bursting, the end result are emails sent from the system to the intended recipient. It is highly suggested you run the query underlying the BI PUBLISHER report BEFORE you allow the bursting feature to send emails. This will allow you to review the data and determine if it is indeed the data you desire to email. Under normal circumstances, the name of the BI PUBLISHER report is the same name as the query or connected query. You might also consider reviewing the shell RTF document which is part of the BI PUBLISHER report; especially if the merge document is prone to frequent changes. Better to review the doc before sending it vs. being sorry you sent an incorrect shell document. 2. Adding a run control. Navigate: Reporting Tools/BI publisher/Query Report Scheduler. Suggest you name the new run control the same as the underlying BI PUBLISHER report, press Add. 3. The data source will be query unless you were told the source is a connected query. Type the name of the BI PUBLISHER report (again, probably the same as the process scheduler request) and press the magnifying glass. IF you are scheduling an BI PUBLISHER report for which the underlying definition has changed since the last time it was run, the field named template id MAY need to be updated to reflect this change. The template id, by default is the name of the query and BI PUBLISHER report suffixed with a single digit which increments (_1, _2, _3, etc.) 4. IF the underlying query has prompts, they should appear. Enter appropriate values in the prompts, then press OK. IF you are scheduling the report subsequent times, you may need to update the underlying values which are saved in the run control. Press the update parameters button and make sure to save the values for future runs. 5. On the query report scheduler screen, make sure the values entered for the prompts appear. If not, or if running the report subsequent times, press the Update Parameters hyperlink to change the prompted values to use for the report run. You may wish to save the run control at this time, then press the Run button. 6. Set the Server Name to PSUNX, the Type to Email and the format to PDF . IF you desire a format other than PDF, let Pete DeSmit know so the report definition can be changed. IF you have been told to select a different format (such as XLS so the user receives a MS Office Excel file) select the proper value. IF you desire to review the results prior to having them bursted and emailed, select a type=WEB and an appropriate format. If run using type=WEB, the results will be bursted and appear in your reporting tools and either reporting console or report manager tab. 7. Click the distribution hyperlink. Leave the folder name blank. Enter an appropriate value in the email subject field. Enter an appropriate value in the message text field. The actual report contents will be sent as a file attached to the email, NOT in the body of the email. For this reason, it is highly suggested the message text include some verbiage of the form: Please see attached for xyz and do this that or the other thing with the contents. 8. UNLESS you want each and every bursted value to be sent to someone OTHER than the intended person, leave the Email Address List blank (default). Entering one or more valid email addresses in this field is the equivalent of adding the email address to a normal email message. PLEASE BE CAREFUL ENTERING EMAIL ADDRESSES IN THIS FIELD. Remember, the email addresses you enter will receive one email for each intended user, which may be hundreds, sometimes thousands. Also remember you are bound by University data stewardship policies and procedures. Sending JMU data to an email address outside JMU should be carefully considered prior to use. 9. Leave the defaults (your eid) in the Distribute To field. Like the email address list box described above, you may add rows and enter valid eids into this field. Same warning applies to the use of this field as noted above. PLEASE BE CAREFUL ENTERING DATA IN THIS FIELD! The eids you enter will receive ALL bursted results. 10. Leave the email with log and email web report check boxes OFF 11. Click OK, then OK. The report should now be scheduled. The bursted results should appear in the inbox of the person running the report with a copy sent to the intended recipient. 12. All bursted emails will be sent from an email address named “IS – Student Administration” Although this email address is monitored by the Information Systems product team, your email body should ask the recipients to NOT use the reply or reply-all feature. As a courtesy, you are asked to send an email message to [email protected] prior to running an BI PUBLISHER report which utilizes bursting stating when the report will be run, and approximate number of emails being sent and to whom to forward any replies they receive. Again, if a recipient uses the reply or reply all button, emails are returned to the address [email protected] monitored by the SA team. They would appreciate knowing who to forward such emails to.

Page 112 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Run, locate, and view BI publisher reports. BI PUBLISHER reports which do NOT include bursting, can also be run without being scheduled. Navigate: Reporting Tools/ BI publisher/Query Report Viewer. Search for the report, then press the hyperlink labeled “view report” after selecting which format you desire. After the report runs, output will appear in a new window.

Level 1 create query access

The following describes features (and tasks required for certification) of what is known as level one query access. A user must complete an IS access request form to request access to the query tool.

1. Will still be able to create/modify queries (no limit on the number of record joins). 2. Will require the user pass a certification test after attending a required 2 hour training session. Create a public query (one for each branch of the query security tree granted to you) named their eidxx (xx=sequence number) with the following specifications: a. Includes at least one outer join, explain when outer joining is desired/required. Use either old or new outer join syntax. File=tpsq/htm/tpsq06.htm#H4011 b. Includes at least one prompt and explain when/why prompts are useful. File=tpsq/htm/tpsq04.htm#H4021 c. Includes at least one effective dated record with appropriate criteria to either look into the future or returns data as of a specific date (versus the default effective dated logic which returns data as of the system date) or returns future dated data. Explain the logic behind effective dating and how it may apply to their specific records. Waive this requirement if NONE of the records the user has access to includes effective dated fields. File=tpsq/htm/tpsq04.htm#H4016 d. Includes at least one aggregate function (feel free to use a different query name). File=tpsq/htm/tpsq06.htm#H4003 e. Includes at least one translate value with either the short or long description vs. the field value. File=tpsq/htm/tpsq06.htm#H4003 f. Includes at least one exists or does not exist sub query OR the ability to explain in writing why such criteria may be desired/required/useful. File=tpsq/htm/tpsq06.htm#H3005 g. Includes at least one of the three types of drilling URL’s File=tpsq/htm/tpsq04.htm#H3029

Level 2 create query access The following describes features (and tasks required for certification) of what is known as level two create query access. A user must complete an IS access request form to request access to the query tool.

Page 113 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 1. Nothing will prevent a user from seeking level 2 access if their job duties, and their skills/abilities allow them to become certified. 2. Will require user pass a certification test on their own time after attending a required 4+ hour 1:1 training session. Will let users seeking this role know they are looking at least a 16 hour time commitment to attend the training session and create the objects for the certification process. In addition to passing the level 1 certification, additional tasks include those below. Embedded hyperlinks can be used to research features. i. Query manager task. Create/save a public query named eid01 (replace the three letters eid with your eid). The query should include the following specifications. Note: if all of the following specs are placed in the same query, it may not necessarily return data. The query writer needs to be prepared to answer why the query does not return data. 1. At least one expression making use of the following SQL commands: DECODE, SUBSTR, CASE, concatenation. 2. 3. 4. 5. http://download- ii. Query viewer task. Demonstrate use of the advanced search functions and explain when each might be used. File=tpsq/htm/tpsq03.htm%23g037ee99c9453fb39_ef90c_10c791ddc07_518 iii. Scheduled query task. Schedule your eid01 query with a recurrence of your choosing. File=tgbl/htm/tgbl12.htm#H4003 iv. Connected query task. Create/save a public connected query named eid01 (replace the three letters eid with your eid). The query should include the following specifications. 1. At least one child query with at least one related field mapped to the parent. Use any query naming convention you desire for the parent/child queries. 2. At least one child query with no related fields mapped to the parent, and an explanation of how the connected query results will differ from those connected to the parent v. BI publisher tasks. publisher/book.htm 1. Add a data source, whose source is the connected query previously created. Name the data source your eid. Generate the BI PUBLISHER file. a. Create an RTF document which makes use of the data elements present in the connected query previously created. Name the document your eid01. The document should include one table for each of the parent and child queries present in the connected query. Do NOT group the parent and child data. b. Create an RTF document which makes use of the data elements present in the connected query previously created. Name the document your eid02. The document should include one table for each of the parent and child queries present in the connected query. Group the parent and child data and be prepared to explain how/why the results may be different than the version of the document without grouping. 2. Add appropriate report definitions for each of the RTF documents created above. Name them the same as the RTF document and include the RTF document as the only active template. If you care to change any of the default settings in any of the report definitions, be prepared to explain why and what affect the change may have on the output.

Page 114 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 Reporting Guidelines when a member of IS performs research/work. 1. A PIQ is required for the following scenarios a. If new access (to one/more records) is required of a user who can already create and/or run queries/reports b. Anytime a reporting object includes one/more highly confidential (defined in data stewardship policy) fields c. A new query is created, and not cloned as defined below d. Data analysis results are to be sent to/saved for a user that does not have access to obtain the results themselves. Note, there are a few of these scenarios already in place which were previously authorized. They include: i. employee appreciation day data is provided to IS web (John Sewall now) once a year ii. credit hour and graduation expectations are provided to Debby Boyle twice a year for emplids she provides to determine if her employees are graduating e. An BI PUBLISHER report includes bursting f. If a query is being modified for a purpose other than was originally intended. Examples: i. The series of queries built to feed the TK20 system are modified in a manner to allow the query results to feed a system other than TK20 ii. ANY query is modified in ANY manner whose data is to be used outside of JMU where before it had not been. In other words, take a regular old day to day query used for internal use only, and modify it to feed data to an agency outside of JMU. 2. A issue and op is required for anything not covered in the PIQ section above. This includes, but is not limited to the following scenarios a. A data analysis object is cloned. Cloning is defined as taking an existing object (query, crystal, BI publisher report, connected query, etc.) saving it as a different name, then altering the new object in any manner at all. Cloning cannot be used if the intent and/or purpose of the data analysis object is not the same as the original object. b. Adding/changing/deleting any of the following query attributes c. Title, name, long description, folder, owner, distinct parameter d. Expressions and prompts e. Criteria, and having criteria f. Anything on the fields tab (aggregation, translations, adding, deleting, changing the order of a field, etc.) g. One or more records h. One or more unions 3. An issue and op is NOT required for the following scenarios a. Research for a user which results in less than 15 minutes time on task b. Assisting a user who can create their own data analysis objects which results in less than 15 minutes time on task c. One time use objects with aggregate data (no student identifiable data) which results in less than 15 minutes time on task. 4. Special considerations for auditors (if it matters, state the level of auditor the practice applies to; JMU, state, etc.)

Troubleshooting queries This section was added as a result of frequently asked questions. If you have any questions about these or any queries within your PeopleSoft SA system, feel free to contact Pete DeSmit ([email protected] or 83605). You are also welcome to contact Pete if you have suggestions for new queries or proposed changes to an existing query.

1. It appears I do not have access to students who major in our five languages: French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. Our major is listed as Modern Foreign Language with the five languages being concentrations. Can Page 115 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 I use the query jusds002 to locate students in these respective concentrations? Answer: Run the email addresses by academic plan query using the following values (the two values for plan #1 and #2 were provided by the registrars office):term: 1081, academic institution: JMDSN, academic program: UGEN, plan #1: 0000008800 plan #2: 0000068900 leave plans 3-4 blank, academic level #1: 10, academic level #2: 20, academic level #3: 30, academic level #4: 40. With the results displayed, look at column I, if it contains the value "CON" it means the next two columns refer to the student's first concentration. Column K contains a short description of this concentration. I believe if you sort by column I, and then column K, you will have the data you desire; a list of foreign language majors, sorted by their primary sub-plan (concentration) which in this case is the language.

2. We have had several questions about second majors not being included in the queries you now have access to run. The reason for this is that second majors use a different plan number. There is also a different plan number for each different degree a student can select for each major. For example, a student majoring in economics can choose between a BS, BA or BBA degree. There is a different plan number for each degree: Plan Number. 0000001234 - Economics BS, 0000001235 - Economics BA, 0000001236 - Economics BBA... and yet another plan number if economics is the second, third, fourth... major (note that this one does not have a degree attached to it): 0000001237 - Economics (second major) When you run the query, in order to get a complete list of majors you must include all plan numbers (in the case of economics you would have to enter all four). I realize this is complicated, so if you have any questions, please feel free to call me at x86279. Michelle White, assistant registrar.

3. How can I obtain a list of students with a specific minor? The query labeled "Email by academic program" prompts for 1-4 academic plan numbers. There are 476 active plan numbers; a breakdown indicates that 302 of these plans are majors, 148 are minors, 15 are preparation plans and the rest belong to certificates and honors. The point; if you want to retrieve a list of students who have a specific minor, all you need do is find the plan number which indicates the minor and run the query using this value. Art, as a minor, belongs to plan # 0000100500. If you run the query using this plan number for term 1031, the 75 students who have an active art minor will be returned. Listed along with their minor data will be their major, along with other sub plan and concentration data. If you prompt in any of the plan number fields, the search dialog window contains a column labeled "Plan Type". This column of data will indicate whether the plan is a major, minor, etc.

4. Why do duplicate rows of data appear in the permissions by class query results. There are two reasons. First, because of the fact the results include the location of the class in question. When a class meets in more than one location, a seemingly duplicate row of data appears in the results. If you look closer at the results, what you will see is that the meeting days, time and/or location are actually different for the second, and subsequent rows of data.

5. How am I suppose to handle data present in the query results when the FERPA flag is set to “Y” for a student. According to the office of the Registrar, a value of “Y” indicates the student has requested that no data about them be shared with anyone OUTSIDE of the JMU community. This includes any possible acknowledgement that they are actually attending JMU to anyone not employed by JMU. It is suggested you email [email protected] if you have specific FERPA questions.

6. Preventing “duplicate” rows of data in the addresses by class query results. Although the query tool rarely “makes a mistake”, the way in which data is entered has a direct affect on how data can be retrieved. For example; you may run the addresses by class query for a given single class number and notice that each student is listed in the results twice. One possible explanation is how the data for the course was entered (and yes, you have a choice during the setup of a course). Let’s use BIO 114 as an example as it has a lab component which is the cause of the “duplicate” rows of data being returned. When sections of BIO 114 were setup, the same course information was entered for the course (lecture) and the lab, essentially two rows of data for the course. When the database is asked to return a list of students in BIO 114, it responds that each student is in the course twice; once for the lecture, and once for the lab. If the fact that a student appears on a class list twice is causing

Page 116 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 a problem with your data analysis, feel free to contact a member of the registrars office and they can assist in showing you how to setup the course so it has a lecture and a lab component.

7. I am using the results of a query in a mail merge process, but the leading zeros for the zip code disappear, why? Pete spent time trying to get MS Excel to behave itself when working with zip codes with leading zeros. All attempts which should have worked, did not. A work around follows. Open the spreadsheet which contains the zip code field. Right click on the column and select format cells. On the number tab, select custom as the category. Below the “type:” field enter five zeros and press OK. Now save the spreadsheet using file-save-as and select the format named “text (tab delimited) (*.txt)” in the save as type prompt. Use this .txt file as your data source for the merge process. The leading zeros for the zip will appear.

8. If you've run a number of the department secretary queries, you may have found yourself in need of an Excel function to perform an un-duplicated count of students. The scenario would be something like this: You have been asked to analyze academic plan related data in your department to determine how many students were active in a specific major for one calendar year vs. another. There are several queries built over academic plan data, you pick the query named jusds002b and run the query for the three terms 1048, 1051 and 1055 which constitutes the 2004-2005 academic calendar. You paste all three result sets into one Excel spreadsheet. There are 287 rows of data, with row1 containing the heading information, and row 288 containing the last row of actual data. The formula below assumes that column a contains the emplid of which you desire an unduplicated count. Place your cursor in column a289 and enter the following formula: =SUM((A2:A288<>OFFSET(A2:A288,1,))+0) After typing the formula, press the following three keys at the same time: Shift, Ctrl and Enter. This set of key sequences is required because the formula makes use of a data structure known as an array. If entered correctly, cell a289 will contain an un-duplicated count of the emplids. In this case, unduplicated count means you will only count a student once regardless if he was associated with your major more than one term.

9. I try to send results to Excel from query viewer, and the results magically disappear, try following these steps to correct the issue. On Windows XP, if the setting for the file type=xls is changed for the new action, the field labeled “confirm open after download” is checked OFF, all works fine

10. On Windows 7, you cannot change the file type settings With IE open, navigate: Tools, Internet Options, Click the security tab. Click trusted sites, click customer level. Scroll down to the Downloads section. Make sure the radio buttons for Automatic Prompting for File Download AND File Download are set to Enabled.

11. PeopleSoft queries and the proxy error. First, why the error. In non-technical terms, the system serving interactive requests is too busy. The system which serves interactive users is optimized for what that system does most; serving up pages to SA core users. Second, possible solutions.

a. Once you receive a proxy error, you will have no choice but to close your web browser, launch a new session and log back into the SA system. You then have a choice of how to receive your query results. You COULD attempt to run the query interactively again. And yes, IF the system serving interactive users is still too busy, you will once again receive the same proxy error, and need to repeat the steps to close the browser session, re-launch, log back in, and repeat. OR you could ….. b. Schedule the query. It is a fact there are more resources for SA processes which are scheduled, including scheduled queries. It is also a fact that scheduling a query and obtaining the results takes more time navigating the panels. Scheduling queries is a much better use of system resources, and the servers which run the scheduled queries are optimized for such tasks. The first time you schedule a query, there are a few extra steps required, but subsequent runs are far fewer steps. Documentation related to scheduled queries can be found on page 81 of this very document.

Advanced query techniques Page 117 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 This section is for query writers; it contains sample expressions and how they may be used.

1. Sql to turn a time formatted field into a 12 hour format field as in query jusds010c.


b. Working with a query in which a date/time stamp field needed to be part of the selection criteria. Specifically, needed the scheduled query to run twice a day and pull data which had occurred within the past 12 hours. This calc works. TO_TIMESTAMP (TO_CHAR (SYSTIMESTAMP - 24/24, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24'), 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24')

2. Calculating age and other date expressions First of all, all dates in query are turned into character fields. So any manipulation of them as dates, requires that they be turned BACK into a date. Sounds strange, and looks even more strange.

a. Expression to return a date in the format: December 12, 2012: TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(A.TERM_BEGIN_DT),'MonthDD, YYYY') as a 20 character expression

b. Find the difference between a date and the system date: ROUND(MONTHS_BETWEEN(SYSDATE,TO_DATE(A.CMPNY_SENIORITY_DT,'YYYY-MM-DD'))/12,1)

c. A case statement which looks at the term field, and if the term is a summer term (last digit is a 5) sets the expression equal to the number of days between the current system date and the course end date. case when substr(D.STRM,4,1) = '5' then TO_DATE(C.END_DT) - SYSDATE else 999 end

d. Expression to return the number of days from the current system date and a specific database field of type date: TO_DATE(field_name) – SYSDATE. Make sure to accommodate negative values in the returned expression

e. Round(months_between(sysdate,to_date(A.BIRTHDATE,'YYYY-MM-DD'))/12,1


g. or this syntax works to determine the # of years between a date and todays date: (SYSDATE- TO_DATE(A.HIRE_DT,'YYYY-MM-DD'))/365

h. to add a number of days to a date field: %dateadd (A.hire_dt,90)

i. to subtract two dates: (TO_DATE(A.ACTION_DT,'YYYY-MM-DD')-TO_DATE(A.ORIG_HIRE_DT,'YYYY-MM- DD')) BUT Oracle ends in error if you then try to use this on the criteria tab, best to include the field and delete rows you do not want, if that is feasible

j. I was looking to determine who would turn 65 within the next 3 months. So I simply took today's date and subtracted the number of days that it would take for them to be 65 years old. AND B.BIRTHDATE BETWEEN SYSDATE - 23742 AND SYSDATE – 23648

Page 118 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 k. Needed to find the number of days between sysdate and a field of type datetime. Expression needs to be a number, syntax like this: TRUNC(SYSDATE)-TO_DATE(SUBSTR(A.ACTION_DTTM,1,16),'YYYY-MM-DD- HH24.MI') Which is basically taking the 16 characters of the date/time field, reformatting it to be a true date in 24 hour format, and subtracting it from todays date. The TRUNC function against sysdate causes it to use midnight as the time instead of the actual current time.

l. Extracting time from a date/time field:

i. Getting the time portion of a date/time field: If you create a character expression of length 10 with Expression Text: SUBSTR(A.LASTUPDDTTM,9,2) || '/' || SUBSTR(A.LASTUPDDTTM,6,2) || '/'|| SUBSTR(A.LASTUPDDTTM,1,4) You can strip the Date part out as 07/12/2016 A second Expression using a character expression of length 11 with Expression Text: TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(SUBSTR (A.LASTUPDDTTM,12,11),'HH24.MI .SS.FF'),'HH12:MI:SSAM') You can strip the time part out as 02:37:49PM If the leading zero is an issue extending the expression into a case expression where if the first character is a 0 then return the string after the zero instead as: CASE WHEN SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(SUBSTR (A.LASTUPDDTTM,12,11),'HH24.MI .SS.FF'),'HH12:MI:SSAM'),1,1) = 0 THEN SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(SUBSTR (A.LASTUPDDTTM,12,11),'HH24.MI .SS.FF'),'HH12:MI:SSAM'),2,10) ELSE TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(SUBSTR (A.LASTUPDDTTM,12,11),'HH24.MI .SS.FF'),'HH12:MI:SSAM') END.

ii. Another option is to use a 15 character expression: %TimeOut(A.LASTUPDDTTM).

iii. TO_CHAR(TO_TIMESTAMP(A.DTTM_STAMP_SEC,'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24.MI.SS.FF'),'HH12:MIam') In your expression, the type must be character set to a length of 26. The result rendered should be this  03:10pm

m. How to get extract only Month from a date field. The Query tool automatically converts date fields into character fields, so you'll need to turn it back to a date first, then convert it back to a character field. This is an expression I've used that works: TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(A.GIFT_DT,'YYYY-MM-DD'),'fmMONTH')

n. Used to extract the number of weeks (1-52) the system date is so can use in an expression: to_number(to_char(to_date(SYSDATE), 'WW'))

o. Needed an aggregate expression to sum fiscal year $ amount field in fprd, could not find the proper syntax, so adding it here for future reference. 25 digit signed numeric aggregate function: SUM(case when B.PYMNT_DT BETWEEN '2012-07-01' and '2013-06-30' then B.PYMNT_AMT else 0 end). In this query the date used in the expression was NOT selected as a field, so no date conversion was necessary. Actual work included a total of 4 expressions (one for each of three FY and a 4th for the overall total) and having criteria.

3. References for SQL commands and other query references



c. Page 119 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 d.



4. Numeric expressions

a. Need to write a numeric field without decimals to a seven digit number with leading zeros: lpad((ded_bal * 100),7,’0’)

5. Will the order of the table-names in the FROM clause, influence the execution speed of the query? This rule is for when the oracle optimizer is stuck for a good idea. The Oracle optimizer works in the following manner. It looks at each of the WHERE clauses and assigns the tables concerned a number based on the type of predicate e.g. field = 'const' or field(+) = field. It then chooses the table with the lowest score as the driving table. But, and its a big one, if more than one table has the same lowest score then it chooses the last table in the FROM list to be the driving table.

6. Case

a. The technical syntax for this expression is (CASE WHEN criteria1 THEN return value1 WHEN criteria2 THEN return value2….. THEN default value)

b. CASE WHEN A.DEPTID = '100113' THEN 'A' WHEN A.DEPTID = '100211' THEN 'B' WHEN A.DEPTID = '300159' THEN 'C' ELSE 'D' END

c. Case statement to change an @dukes email address in email_addresses to jmu: CASE WHEN instr(B.EMAIL_ADDR,'dukes',1)>0 THEN SUBSTR(B.EMAIL_ADDR,1,instr(B.EMAIL_ADDR,'dukes',1)-2) || '' ELSE B.EMAIL_ADDR END

d. Case statement to convert the 4 character term field to the FA aid year. (CASE WHEN (substr(G.STRM,4,1) IN ('5','8')) THEN '20' || TO_CHAR(TO_NUMBER(substr(G.STRM,2,2)+1))

ELSE '20' || substr(G.STRM,2,2)END)

e. Query does NOT like a case statement to be in this format: when A.deptid=’100211’ it likes the format: a.deptid = ‘100211’ complains if the spaces are missing.

f. Case statements can be very complex, using nested if then else logic, a series of decode and other statements, etc.

g. Case expression to return a Y/N if the student is considered a first generation college student. You must outer join to the RELATIONSHIPS record twice, once using the PEOPLE_RELATION IN F/SF and HIGHEST_EDUC_LVL IN C,D then again for people_relation IN M/SM then either of these expressions will work:

i. case when D.HIGHEST_EDUC_LVL IN ('C','D') and E.HIGHEST_EDUC_LVL IS NULL then 'Y' when D.HIGHEST_EDUC_LVL IN ('C','D') and E.HIGHEST_EDUC_LVL IN ('C','D') then 'Y' when E.HIGHEST_EDUC_LVL IN ('C','D') and D.HIGHEST_EDUC_LVL IS NULL then 'Y' else 'N' end


7. If you want to do an outer join from table A to table B and table B is effective dated, create the following in the query criteria AND (B.EFFDT Effdt <= Current Dt OR B.EFFDT IsNull )It's not as easy to read as the (+) syntax but it gives the same results and it allows you to use subqueries in your outer join.

8. Used the following expression in a query when I needed to look for “bad” characters in an email address field. The command transforms all of the characters that are “bad” into a tilde character. instr(translate(B.EMAIL_ADDR,'!?#$%;;<>|\[]','~~~~~~~~~~~~~'),'~'). I then added a row to the criteria tab stating the instring operator to locate a tilde character >0, meaning, if any of the translated characters became a tilde, then there was at least one “bad” character in the email address

9. Substring

a. The technical syntax for this formula is SUBSTR (character, starting point, length to return)

b. The most basic form of this expression creates a field named “course” from the subject and catalog number fields. The syntax takes into account the fact that the 1st character of the catalog number is actually blank/null. SUBSTR(A.SUBJECT,1,5) || SUBSTR(A.CATALOG_NBR,2,4). It would appear that the delivered format of the catalog_nbr field allows the format: nnnnxxxxxx where the first 4 places have to be numeric. IF a course is entered with alpha characters at the beginning of the catalog_nbr field, it appears to shift the values to the right. In these cases, when using the substr function, you must also use the TRIM function to remove the leading spaces.

10. In string. Returns a number equal to the position in the text field where a string is located. A value of zero indicates the absence of the string. The in string command is sometimes used in conjunction with other commands as in the case of the above example whereby the JMU email address is checked for the string=”dukes” and that portion of the email address is removed for instructors. The syntax is instr(FIELDNAME,'String_To_Search_For',starting_position). So if the expression: instr(B.EMAIL_ADDR,'dukes',1) returned a value greater than 0, it indicates the email address contains the letters “dukes” and a substr expression could be used to remove same.

11. Count distinct. Set the expression field type to numeric, and the expression to something like this: COUNT(DISTINCT A.ACAD_CAREER || A.ACAD_YEAR). The distinct operator will be applied to whatever is within the parenthesis. Very useful when attempting to get distinct counts when the query results return multiple rows of data by, say, emplid.

12. Concatenation

a. This action can be achieved by using a special operator or symbol of ||. On your keyboard the | key is the capital of the \ key which is located above the Enter key.

13. Decode. In Oracle/PLSQL, the decode function has the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement. Page 121 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 a. The syntax for the decode function is: decode( expression , search , result [, search , result]... [, default] )

i. expression is the value to compare.

ii. search is the value that is compared against expression.

iii. result is the value returned, if expression is equal to search.

iv. default is optional. If no matches are found, the decode will return default. If default is omitted, then the decode statement will return null (if no matches are found).

b. How to create expressions that will allow a user to prompt for a particular value or get all values

i. Create a DECODE expression for the right hand side of a criteria. Such as AND K.ITEM_TYPE = DECODE(:25, ' ', K.ITEM_TYPE, :25)

ii. In the above sample a user has the choice of entering a specific value for item type. If the user leaves the prompt blank the criteria will logically be read as AND K.ITEM_TYPE = K.ITEM_TYPE and will pick up all values of this field. If the user enters a specific value the criteria will logically be read as AND K.ITEM_TYPE = :25 (prompted value).

c. How to create expressions that will allow a user to prompt for a particular value or get all values of a date field

i. Create a NVL expression for the right hand side of a criteria.AND A.ADM_CREATION_DT = NVL(TO_DATE(:1,'YYYY-MM-DD'),( A.ADM_CREATION_DT)

ii. In the above sample a user has the choice of entering a specific value for the Admission Data Creation Date. If the user leaves the prompt blank the criteria will logically be read as AND A.ADM_CREATION_DT = A.ADM_CREATION_DT and will pick up all values of this field. If the user enters a specific value the criteria will logically be read as AND A.ADM_CREATION_DT = TO_DATE(:1,'YYYY-MM-DD') (prompted value).

14. Queries used for drilling purposes. The following queries are defined in a manner to allow them to be used by other queries to be drilled TO. In all cases, the queries being drilled TO have prompts which must be configured in the expression being used to drill FROM. The fields used to drill from must be selected as a field in the from query.

a. Jusds001: class roster. Prompts for term, subject and catalog number (in a single field) and an optional course section number. Returns all students enrolled in the prompted for course.

b. All courses ever taken or transferred. Jusds024b: prompts for a single emplid, returns all courses ever taken at JMU as well as those transferred into JMU for credit.

c. Current schedule. Jusds024j: prompts for a term and a single emplid. Returns the students schedule for the given term.

d. Academic standing. JUSDS006_ACADSTAND. Prompts for a single emplid, returns all academic standing data for all terms; probation, suspension, good standing.

Page 122 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 e. Mid-term grades. JUSDS006_MIDTERMGRADES. Prompts for a single emplid, returns any/all mid term grades for the given student.

f. Holds. JUSDS006_HOLDS. Prompts for a single emplid, returns all holds for the given student.

g. Requirements. JUSDS006_REQUIREMENTS. Prompts for a single emplid, returns all requirements from the last degree progress run and whether each requirement is completed or failed.

h. Major/minor history. JUSDS006_PLANHISTORY. Prompts for a single emplid, returns all plan changes in descending order by effective date.

i. Test scores: JUSDS006_TESTSCORES. Prompts for a single emplid, returns ALL test scores for the given student.

j. Gened courses. JUSDS006_GENED. Prompts for a single emplid, returns all courses with an attribute=GNED for the given student.

15. SYS_CONTEXT returns the value of parameter associated with the context namespace. You can use this function in both SQL and PL/SQL statements.

a. For a list of values see: or

b. The article was asking if there was a way for the query tool to return a report header. The response uses an expression and Oracle syntax to create such a field which contains the userid, database name and system date as the header for the report. I tested this in hprd and it worked fine. See URL’s above for other parameters for the command.


16. Scheduled recurring objects.

a. JUA002 series. Notes embedded in ITR06634. Each of the eight queries in sprd (jua002,a,b,d,e,f,g,h) are scheduled to run each Sunday at 7 AM emailing the results of the query in an xls file as an attachment. Five of the eight queries include prompts since the data is term/year specific. When the term changes, need to cancel these five scheduled queries (jua002a,e,f,g,h), and reschedule them with the new term values. Jua002g (MRD data) uses a term range due to the fact that 95% of the students taking the MUAP class indicating they are a member of the MRD's take the course in the Fall, the remaining 5% in the Spring. Values used to schedule the queries:

i. A separate run control exists for each query named the same as the query

ii. The recurrence value must be set to UAWeeklyQuery

iii. Type and format must be changed to email/xls

Page 123 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 iv. Follow the distribution link, set appropriate values for subject (JUA002 query weekly results) and text (Attached find the results from the query in sprd named jua002, contact [email protected] if there are questions)

v. Remove all eids from the distribution; entering eids would require the users log into sprd and navigate to the report manager panel to retrieve the results

vi. Enter the following in the email address list: [email protected];[email protected]

b. Facilities Management (lock shop). There are two queries in sprd and two in hprd as follows

i. Jfm02 in sprd; run control by same name. Type and format need to be set to Email/Text (they prefer csv file format). On the distribution tab, set the subject= New students from Peoplesoft SA and the email body text= The atatched file contains a list of new students from the PepleSoft SA system. The results are from a query named jfm02. Contact Pete DeSmit if questions. Set the email address list= [email protected]. Leave the distribute to default if you desire results of the daily run. Uses recurrence definition=10PM RUN_JCC0028 as it was already defined as a 7 day a week run at 10 PM.

ii. Jfm02_terms in sprd, run control by same name. Type and format need to be set to Email/Text (they prefer csv file format). On the distribution tab, set the subject= Withdrawn students from Peoplesoft SA and the email body text= The atatched file contains a list of withdrawn students from the PepleSoft SA system. The results are from a query named jfm02_terms. Contact Pete DeSmit if questions. Set the email address list= [email protected]. Leave the distribute to default if you desire results of the daily run. Uses recurrence definition=10PM RUN_JCC0028 as it was already defined as a 7 day a week run at 10 PM.

iii. Jfm01 in hprd. All employe data for lock shop. Run control by same name. Type and format must be Email/Text. Distribution email subject= New hires from PeopleSoft HRMS system. Email body= The attached file contains new hires for today from the PeopleSoft HRMS system. The results are from a query named jfm01 in HRMS. Please contact Pete DeSmit if there are questions. Email address list= [email protected]. Scheduled to recur daily via a recurrence definition=JFM01

iv. Jfm01_terms in hprd. Terms for lock shop. Run control by same name. Type and format must be Email/Text. Distribution email subject= Terminations from PeopleSoft HRMS. Email body= The attached employees were termianted effective today. These results are from a query named jfm01_term in the HRMS system. Contact Pete DeSmit for further details. Email address list= [email protected]. Scheduled to recur daily via a recurrence definition=JFM01

v. BIP reports used for building coordinators list serv. Cindy Leake (FM lock shop) maintains a list serv with approx. 100 email addresses of the building coordinators. There are two BIP reports used to send email with a PDF attached to this list daily. In hprd, the BIP report is named jfm01_terms. In sprd, the BIP report is named jfm02_terms. Both use a recurrence named BLDCOORD which recurs daily at 10 PM. See the respective run controls for the scheduled BIP reports for the email subject and email body.

c. Housing. There are two queries in sprd scheduled by Dee Nilsen to run and recur daily.

Page 124 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 i. JHS_EREZLIFE_DATA. Includes a prompt for the current term and current housing period. Housing refers to this as programming and student data. Although desmitpa has run controls by the same name as the queries, not sure what values Dee uses as run controls are userid based and cannot be viewed by other users. Type and format must be set to File/Text and the output destination= /udata/sa90/ as there are CRON scripts which expect to find the files on the server for import into the erezlife application.

ii. JHS_EREZLIFE_DATA1. Includes a prompt for the current term and current housing period. Housing refers to this as staff select and applicant data. Although desmitpa has run controls by the same name as the queries, not sure what values Dee uses as run controls are userid based and cannot be viewed by other users. Type and format must be set to File/Text and the output destination= /udata/sa90/ as there are CRON scripts which expect to find the files on the server for import into the erezlife application.

d. Affiliates. Query and BI PUBLISHER report named jhr_BI publisher014 in hprd. Uses bursting to send email to the sponsor of an affiliate whose JOB row is terminating 14 days in the future from the run date so they can take action so affiliate does not lose any services. Meant to be run/recur daily by Chris Jones in payroll due to fact payroll is the office which receives and processes affiliate renewal paperwork to key new future dated JOB row for terminations. Logic in expression follows the affiliate policy which states how long each affiliate company can receive services. Scheduled to recur daily via a recurrence definition=JFM01.

e. Student athletes. Scheduled to recur daily M-F at7 AM via a recurrence named jad_athlete. Sends data to Suzann Meyerhoffer and Steve Henderson meyerhsl and hendersw. Underlying BI publisher report named jad_athlete3. Jad_athlete2 cannot be scheduled because it prompts for emplids of the athletes. Decided to schedule the report after Suzann called to say the report would no longer run interactively as it was timing out.

f. Cancelled housing contracts: as of 7/3/2014, created a query in sprd named jcs007, selects cancelled housing contracts for today, run daily via a recurrence named 10PM RUN_JCC0028 as it was already defined as a 7 day a week run at 10 PM. Spreadsheet is emailed to Diane Nash. 3/14/2016: spoke with Diane Nash after a tools upgrade, this scheduled recurring query is no longer required. They run the query ad hoc, so no need for a scheduled query.

g. Mymadison (aka pprd) recurring queries:

i. 5 AM: jidm01 sent to Mamata and Steve Kozup. Contains a hard coded list of admit terms, used by IDM to determine if the proper roles exist in pprd/sprd to allow recent matriculated students to log into the systems.

ii. 8 AM:

1. jus003 sent to bryanra, rabieta, kiracola, barstora and kozupsj uses a run control named jus003.

2. Jus001 sent to desmitpa, kozupsj and bryanra uses a run control named jus001.

3. Jus002 sent to bryanra and kozupsj uses a run control named jus00028AM

Page 125 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 4. Jus005 sent to bryanra and kozupsj uses a run control named jus0005AM

iii. Noon:

1. Jus002 sent to bryanra and kozupsj uses a run control named jus0002

2. Jus005 sent to bryanra and kozupsj uses a run control named jus0005

iv. Midnight:

1. Jus001 sent to desmitpa, kozupsj and bryanra uses a run control named jus001.

2. Jus002 sent to bryanra and kozupsj uses a run control named jus00028AM

3. Jus005 sent to bryanra and kozupsj uses a run control named jus0005AM

h. Advisors

i. jadvr31a and jadvr31b. Uses recurrence named jcap4am. As of 5/12/2016, desmitpa is the user who is running and rescheduling these two BIP reports. The list of advisor eids is provided by CAP each year. There are a few major advisors who also need to be added back each year, see note embedded within each of the queries for the list.

i. College of Visual and Performing Arts (CVPA)

i. Weekly, Monday @ 6 AM using a recurrence definition named CVPAMon6AM

1. Jmusic017 and jmusic019: Contains a prompt for term which needs to be modified as appropriate. Results are emailed to Jeanette Zyko zykojm who is responsible for music application data.

2. Cvpa002 and cvpa004. Contains a prompt for term which needs to be modified as appropriate. Results are emailed to Sheena Ramirez ramiresn who is responsible for application data for all of CVPA.

17. When using record residency_off, the record design may cause multiple rows of data to be returned for those students who switch between IS and OS. More specifically, if you do not code special logic, you will get duplicates in your query results and may not be aware. This due to poor record design by PS which includes a field they call effective term, but there is no eff dated logic present. To get the proper residency_off record, do this: a. add the effective_term as a 4 char expression. b. Use this expression via an inlist operator. In the sub query, select the residency_off record again. Select just the effective_term field, perform a max aggregate on it. c. Add criteria to match the emplids, careers and institution fields

Page 126 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 d. DO NOT add fields to the primary query which use the effective term field OR the residency field. Add expressions instead.

18. When working with the record JSR_PLN_CHG_TBL need to add not in list logic as a result of a user finding an issue. False drops are being returned when a student does something like adding a 2nd major. In specific cases, such as when the student already had a minor as plan sequence=20, the 2nd major is added as this plan sequence, and their minor is moved from plan sequence=20 to plan sequence=30. The app engine SQL which populates this record thinks this is a plan drop and shows it as the minor being dropped when in reality the minor is still active, just under a different plan sequence number. Specific SA emplid 108763193 and plan 0000103050 is a case in point between the dates 6/30/2013 and 6/30/2014. As of 7/3/2014, all queries using this record had the not in list logic added.

19. Common query writing tips:

a. When joining from class_tbl to class_instr, auto join will include the criteria EMPLID from class_tbl. Do not use this field as part of the join. It represents the emplid of the “course administrator” used for the blue course admin system, NOT the emplid of an instructor. Leaving this as part of the join will cause zero records to be returned.

b. When joining from acad_plan to acad_plan_tbl, do not include the acad_career field as it is not keyed by the Registrars office and will cause zero rows to be returned.

c. Class_tbl acad_org vs. study_field logic. The field of study is the actual college the subject falls under. Acad_org is security driven. So it is possible that the acad_org for ENG is ENG because they only want the people in the English Department to schedule courses for English. They don’t want them to be able to schedule all classes for the College of Arts and Letters. That is why we had to set up the field of study to show which college each subject “lives” in. study_field has been populated by the registrars office on two records: acad_plan_tbl and subject_tbl. This relationship allows you to perform data analysis for a “college” given any course or academic plan.

d. DBA’s say using a subquery with an inlist (or not inlist) operator on a single field performs better than using the exists subquery.

20. Formatting header data via the XSL language in an RTF template document. Spent hours trying to find a way to change the format of a date field in the header section of an RTF document being used by BIP, so including here for future reference.

21. Formatting data in an RTF file used for BI Publisher. Context: jadbip14 had two areas from a connected query which needed specific formatting, and inserting a normal conditional region was causing new lines to appear in the results between the fields no matter what I did (and I tried a LOT of options). Ended up using a suggestion from Rick Gardner. For each field within the RTF that you do NOT want to appear if it is blank or zero, use this XSL code embedded with a begin condition XSL variable. In other words, insert a conditional region and get the tag for the end of the condition, then edit the begin condition and set the code to either one of these values:

a. If the field is numeric: 0?>

b. If the field is alpha: " "?>

Page 127 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017 22. This note meant for users who schedule queries and BI Publisher reports with the results emailed to users. There are business process reasons when you may NOT want users to receive the results of a query or BI Publisher report IF there is no data selected for the given run. There are several processes in both the SA and HRMS systems which use recurring process definitions which recur daily, weekly, etc. when we do NOT want the users to receive email from the respective system if there are no results. Unfortunately, IF you use a query or BI Publisher report without bursting, the results are sent and there is nothing that you can do to prevent the empty results from being sent. A work around is available which will NOT send the results, details follow.

a. Edit the data source (query or connected query) and however you need to, have the results include an oprid to be used for bursting. The oprid can be real (as in the intended recipients) OR if that logic does not apply to your report, you can force a single oprid be returned via an expression or a hard coded join to a record such as psoprdefn. Anyway, the data source MUST render an oprid as a field.

b. Edit the BI Publisher report, go to the bursting tab and use the drop down box to select your oprid you created above to use for bursting. All of the other security can also be added as a normal bursted report. Save the report.

c. In your process definition, as usual with any burted report, change the type to Email and whatever format you desire. As usual with bursted reports, edit the distribution hyperlink and enter appropriate verbiage for the email subject and body. You can now use either the email address list box to include additional email addresses to receive the bursted results (such as department email addresses) OR rows in the distribute to section.

d. Allow the BI Publisher report to run (including recurrence) as normal. On days when results ARE produced, your recipients will receive the attached results as expected. On days when results are NOT produced, they will not receive results. If all of this is too confusing, call Pete DeSmit for clarification.

Page 128 of 128 Last updated by Pete DeSmit on 6/12/2017

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