Annual Parish Meeting s1

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Annual Parish Meeting s1



The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at 7.00pm on Monday 25th April 2016, at The Meridian Centre, 201 Queen Street, Withernsea.

Abbreviations: WTC = Withernsea Town Council ERYC = East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Present:- Mike Heseltine, David Howliston, Richard Williman, Cllr Keith Hardcastle, Cllr Patrick Spicer, Marian Mead, Joan Harris, Peter Millard, James Shaw, Courtney and Karen, Cllr Terry Dagnall, Peter Crawley, Wendy Spicer, Roger Bellamy, Cllr Patrick Wilkinson, Cllr Matthew Lloyd, Peter Ogle, Jim Hilton, Cllr Stewart Winters, Trevor Wright, Margret Read, Andrew Fielding, Mr and Mrs Oldfield, Mareth Fielding, Stephen Ellis, Tracey Ellis, Paul Pike, Cllr Dave Edwards, Cllr Silvia Lafleur, Cllr Gary Chambers, Godfrey Holmes, and John Earle. Photographer Mr Terry Bearpark.

The Mayor welcomed and thanked everyone for attending the meeting. All present were asked to sign in. Evacuation points in the event of a fire were identified. Agendas for the meeting and minutes from the 2015 Annual Parish Meeting were left on the table with a selection of accounts and literature from various groups and organisations.

Minute. 5883. Apologies. Apologies tendered by: Kevin and Win Hough, Maureen Yates - ERYC Neighbourhood Watch, Gordon Beastall - former Dragon Fest Group, Janet Murray - ERYC Regeneration Officer, Fiona Thompson - ERYC Play and Early years play Officer, Stuart Armstrong - Pavilion Leisure Centre, Mr Simpson - Withernsea Lighthouse, Caroline Wegrzyn - HART, Cllr Brian Cloke, Cllr John Tasker, Mr Gordon Hodgson, Mrs Anne Blake.

5884. Confirmation of the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 27 th April 2015. The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 27th April 2015 were APPROVED and signed.

5885. To receive the draft Annual Report of the Town Council and Chairman’s overview. The Mayor Patrick Spicer gave an overview of his annual report, which incorporated proposals for the Promenade, centre of Queen Street and new businesses, the Wesley Court development, public services, the forthcoming summer season and the success of the Meridian Centre, thanking all of those involved. The Town Clerk was congratulated for Project Managing the whole process of purchase through to the completion of the project. He concluded to thank everyone for their support and his undecided future on the Council. He wished the future Mayor well and also wished Gordon Hodgson (who is currently in hospital) a speedy recovery.

5886. Presentation of Town Award. a) The winners of the 2016 Town Award for voluntary contributions and outstanding service to the community was awarded to John and Sandra Mitchell, our local first responders as nominated by Felicity Walmsley. The Mayor presented them with a Town Council plaque and certificate.

b) Mr and Mrs Spicer presented the Mayor with a new wall clock for the Meridian Centre. Several photographs taken by Mr Terry Bearpark. c) The Mayor introduced Miss Courtney who is Miss Teen, who has raised £6,000 for charities and accompanied the Mayor on many civic events. Courtney will be climbing Mount Everest next year as she continues to fund raise.

1 5887. Representations/Reports by:

a. Humberside Police - PC Matthew Ainley gave a police report and stated that the Humberside Police over the past year has undergone two structural changes which have resulted in a number of issues which have been raised by the public and officers. The senior leaders have listened to these concerns and in February this year we saw a return of officers to Withernsea. They now have a team of 10 community patrol officers who respond to calls for service covering South Mid and West Holderness. He remains as the beat manager supported by a team of PCSO’S. This new model has been designed to support the community and effectively serve the public at a time when we continue to see reducing policing budgets. There will be a number of summer events taking place, local officers from Withernsea will be present and be a visible presence providing crime prevention advice and preventing disorder. The local team will continue to work hard serving the community.

b. East Riding Yorkshire Council Dog Warden Officers. David Howliston and Mike Hestletine from Dog Control and Enforcement confirmed that dog fouling complaints are in the top five of complaints for the country. Though there is an easy fix solution ‘Pick It Up’ 200 complaints have been made in the past two months. They have campaigns on the go to educate and involve people in an attempt to combat the problem. Dog Control Orders (DCO) and Public Spaces Protection Orders were addressed. A consultation is currently in progress on the ERYC website for all to have their say, for each Parish. Disposing of used dog foul bags is also a littering offence. Put used bags in any bin or take it home. Patrols can be targeted better if full information is reported to the Dog Warden. Residents can get involved and are welcome to ring the department. Cllr PS has purchased and distributed dog bags to several businesses in the town. A short question and answer session was held before the officer left.

c. Big Local – Mr P. Crawley. Mr Crawley spoke and said that last Year an unapproved plan was discussed. Shortly after in May 2015 the Big Locals plan was approved. They have a social investment fun and a technical assistant fund. Money has been spent at: a) the set up of the Shores Job Club. This is doing well with 7 people obtaining employment. b) The Millennium Play Park c) Rock Challenge – Withernsea Primary School d) Seaside Radio Media Hub e) WRCGS’s first firework display – which sustained itself for the following years display. Future expenditure will be part funding the Promenade pavement fountains and seating and a Big Local worker engaging with the community group. Anyone is welcome to join the steering group. Old and new members are welcome. An approval is awaited from the Big Local trust which will be beneficial to Withernsea.

d. The Hut – Maxine Wood and Jennifer Lount. The Hut is now into its 6th Successful year. Families and children are welcome. Highlights for 2015 are improved communication links with the Police, Schools, Children’s Centre, Tesco and the community. There have been a lot of big events, lots of support of which they hope continues. Other highlights are a free running sessions, 700 through the gates at the carnival event, Halloween and Christmas events. The play park is a big asset to Withernsea. ERYC PLC and The Hut link in and work together to keep it running.

e. Anglican Churches- Mr J Hilton. The Benefice appointment committee worked very hard and interviewed two candidates for the vacancy of rector, one of whom was Rev. Martin Faulkner. The support from the secular community of Withernsea and the various churches in South Holderness at his licensing and induction service was very encouraging. The then new bishop of Hull, Alison White officiated. The Arch Bishop stayed in Withernsea during his PILGRMAGE of PRAYER, WITNESS AND BLESSING through South Holderness (special thanks to the hostess for the week) He spent the Friday in our Benefice. On Palm Sunday was the walk of witness from Tesco to Valley Gardens where an open air service for a substantial congregation was held. The service pattern is still the same, Sunday and Wednesday 11am and Sunday school is held on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. There is a bi-

2 monthly Scout Parade, if any youth group would like to join, contact Martin on 01964 615060. We would like to publicly thank the Town Council for letting us have the redundant part of the notice board from outside Municipal Buildings.

f. Withernsea Meridian Centre – Mrs Blake/G Hodgson. No representation due to recent hospitalisation.

g. Friends of the Meridian Centre – Mrs M Mead. Friends of the Meridian Centre meet once a month on the 3rd Thursday at 7pm. Last December we hosted a pensioners Christmas party which was attended by over 100 pensioners. Many things are being discussed; in June we are having a coffee morning and a tombola to incorporate ‘volunteers week’ so we hope to get volunteers. In September there will be a Macmillan coffee morning and December 6th will be another pensioners Christmas Party.

h. Withernsea High School – Mr Williman and T. Nuttall. The last year has been a year of celebration for the old and new school, in the schools 60th year. The open day prior to the demolition brought in 3000 visitors, some being former students and staff, which was an amazing day for all. The £13.5 Million 3 Storey new school building project is nearing completion. 4g football pitches are in the making with landscaping to follow. The conduct and appearance of the students is a credit to them, their parents the school and the community. They make an impressive impression on visitors to the school. Residents are encouraged to sign up to the Withernsea High school Alumni.

i.Withernsea Hospital League of Friends – Mrs J Oldfield. This has been a very good year, the support from the public has been exceptional. The leagues committee consists of; President: Gordon Hodgson. Chairman: Mrs J Oldfield. Vice Chairman: Mrs Janet Noble. Secretary: Mr E Oldfield. Treasurer: Ann Blake. Committee members: Mrs S Peacock. Voluntary helpers: Tina and sue. This year we have provided toiletries at a cost of £80 each time we were requested. On Christmas Day we distributed a present to all patients. This year we are waiting to see what the nursing staffs think is needed, the suggestion is for a new bath and stand with a hoist. This year the hayracks will be filled with plants, the cost of the plants will be available at our next meeting on the 27th April. Joanne and the staff at the Hospital help with raffle prizes etc. It was a shock to us when the Gazette published an article that the Withernsea and Hornsea MIU may close. A petition for people to sign and Graham Stuart MP is going to take them to parliament on behalf of both hospitals.

j. Withernsea Branch, Royal British Legion – Mr E Oldfield. The RBL in Withernsea is continuing to function and meet its obligations and the current paid up membership is 70 with new members still being recruited. However a change in method in the method of payment of subscriptions has not gone smoothly resulting in the loss of several long term members. The branch committee is still finding it hard to get members. The latest poppy appeal in Withernsea showed a small decrease on last year, due to 2014 having several unexpected donations. The Remembrance Garden was again a success. The national poppy appeal is currently ahead of projections and is estimated to be another record. Whilst we do not know the detail, we are informed that several welfare cases have been dealt with in our area totalling over £2,000. The branch hopes to be able to take part in various activities in the town in the summer and would welcome any interest. Remembrance Sunday 13th November, place of service to be confirmed, and Friday 11th November, 11am at the Old War Memorial.

k. Withernsea and District Lions – President Mr Earle. July 2017, will be Withernsea Lions 50th year at the seaside. This year had been very busy thanks to the shop and fund raising on Valley Gardens. We have been able to support many projects and applications for funds. We have contributed to; RNLI, Coastguards, Scouts and Guides, Football Teams, Rugby Clubs, Dance Schools, Lifestyle, Sightfirst, Street Angels, Withernsea School Rock Challenge, Christmas lights, Christmas Parcels, Wheelchairs, Mini Bus, Dove House, St Andrews, Type 1 Diabetes Group.

3 l. Withernsea Carnival – Mr J Patchett. We managed to put on 45 events all for free in the Meridian Centre, the Hut, the beach, the lighthouse, The Children’s centre, and Valley Gardens. Thanks to the Carnival Committee member, the Withernsea Town Council, East Riding Yorkshire Council, the businesses in the town and voluntary organisations for their support.

m. Withernsea Bowling Club – Mr Bellamy. We have around 45 members including both men and women, although in recent years our numbers have gone down. We would be pleased to welcome any more people who would like to give it a try. There are a variety of teams, Men, Women and mixed. The league matches are played in the Hull area. We also play in cup matches which can be played with teams from the south bank. We also run internal club competitions.

n. Withernsea Organ Society – Mrs Read. The Society is now in its 42nd year and just had the second concert of 2016. Three new members joined making 94 members already, and last year we had 111 by the end of the year. Concerts are held at Northfield, Withernsea if possible on the second Tuesday of the month beginning in February or March through to Christmas. A list of dates was given for the concerts held at Northfield.

o. Withernsea and District Health Forum –. Mrs Mead highlighted they still meet every 3 months with representatives of Yorkshire Ambulance, Patient Transport Service, East Riding Clinical Commission Group, First Responders, Patient Reference Group and other professionals. The Minor Injuries Unit in Withernsea and Hornsea is threatened and that MP Graham Stuart is spearheading the campaign and there are petitions that can be signed

p. Hidden Holderness – Mrs Perkins stated that Hidden Holderness was set up in 2000 to research and promote the uniqueness of our part of the Holderness. There have been 8 leaflets produced and they have now published a book.

q. East Riding Yorkshire Council Neighbourhood Watch – Mr D. Edwards. It is hoped all the streets in Withernsea will be covered by the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.

r. Withernsea Scouts – Mr T. Wright advised they now have 102 young members and 16 adult leaders. They have 4 main camps organised for this year for between 2 or 6 nights. Four leaders with Air Rifle instructor certificates which can be offered for other groups to use. The Scout Hut is available for birthday parties etc on 10th July they are holding a joint fundraising day on Valley Gardens with RNLI. Thanks were expressed to the Withernsea Lions for a generous donation and use of their mini bus.

s. Tesco – Tesco are working in partnership with many groups in the town. They want to be involved in the community around them, to give something back. Everyone is encouraged to speak to them about involvement in future projects.

5888. Charity Accounts and/or Reports: The following accounts/reports were left on the table for perusal. Draft report and accounts for Memorial Gardens Trust report, Withernsea Millennium Green Trust Accounts and Friends of the Meridian Centre accounts.

5889. Parishioners question and answer session. Concern was raised re. the speed of mobility scooters on public footpaths. Parking out of town for residents was suggested to alleviate parking in the town. Parking on Pier Roads double yellow lines near traffic lights/crossroads/pedestrian crossing needs monitoring. The Mayor promoted two local books for sale in the Meridian Centre and Town Council office, A Guide to Holderness by Hidden Holderness, and a Visitors Guide to Withernsea by Mr J Forth. End.


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