English 11 Course Outline
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English 11 Course Outline
Teacher Email Classroom Website
Mrs. [email protected] www.healthsciencescharterschool.org Gallagher [email protected] Mrs. Nagle [email protected] Mr. Duringer
Course Description: English 11 is designed to provide an opportunity for students to improve upon competencies outlined in the Common Core Learning Standards including reading, writing, speaking, listening and language. Individual attention is given for continued acquisition of reading and writing skills. Emphasis will be placed on instruction and practice to help students achieve and maintain the skills necessary to function in school, as well as in life outside of school in college and careers.
Balancing Informational & Literary Text Knowledge of the Disciplines Staircase of Text Complexity Text-based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary
Interim #1: November 8-9 Interim #2: January 24-27 Interim #3: April 3-5 Regents Exam: June
REQUIRED READING Fiction Drama/ Poetry Nonfiction The Book Thief by Markus Zusak Othello by William Shakespeare Memoirs The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Includes the subgenres of o Night by Elie Wiesel Fitzgerald narrative poems, lyrical poems, free verse Scholarly Articles Independent reading book of their poems, sonnets, odes, ballads, and epics choice Short Stories
**Students at Health Sciences are provided with a personal copy of the text or a classroom copy to share with their peers. Students are encouraged to borrow independent reading books from the local library or they can purchase their books at discounted prices for personal use. Any books borrowed from HSCS must be returned in the same condition they were borrowed.
**If the course content in anyway conflicts with an individual’s belief system or makes one uncomfortable, the student is asked to speak privately with the teacher so that they can be excused from the conversation, text, or learning activity. From there, the teacher will contact the student’s parent/guardian to discuss and agree on alternative assignment. GRADING POLICY & SCALE
Formative Assessments Summative Assessments
√++ = Mastery 4=Highly Proficient √+ = Proficient 3=Proficient √ = Developing 2=Satisfactory 1=Developing √- = Unsatisfactory 0=Incomplete
**Rubric may change Examples: Examples:
Daily “Do Now” Unit tests (Multiple choice, short answer, and short response) Annotating Argumentative Essay Writing Prompts Collaborative Group project Digital discussions Skill and strategy practice in reading groups
Complete your BEST work the 1st time
Work must be submitted by the due date
Re-Submit or Re-Do work in order to master a skill
o Re-submitted work will be allowed ONLY when you have made an attempt at completing the assignment but have earned an unsatisfactory grade. o All re-submitted work is due prior to each 5 week period. o If you fail to re-submit an assignment, that grade will stay unsatisfactory after that 5 week mark.
Failing is not an option. I expect you to pass and more importantly feel successful! ABSENT POLICY
STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING UP MISSED WORK. All tests must be made up within a week of the absence and prior to the 5 week mark. Students should inform the teacher of an absence via email and look online at Mrs. Gallagher’s website. Students should meet with teachers after school to see what they missed.
**If the work is not completed by the teacher-issued due date because of a medically related extended absence, the student will still be required to complete and submit the work after meeting with the teacher and completing a new agreement for the missed assignment(s)**
***Grades are available to view 24/7 at https://studentportal.eschooldata.com/healthsciencecharter ***
Work Hard. Be Kind. Students are expected to follow the Health Sciences Charter School discipline matrix. Teachers will adhere to the following policies as outlined in the HSCS Student Handbook: Plagiarism, Dress Code and Uniforms, Cell Phones, Bathroom Passes, Food & Drink consumption, Student I.D.s, and Attendance
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY REQUIREMENTS FOR THE STUDENT: o To read and think critically about the text before coming to class. o To make effective use of class time by being an active participant by taking notes, asking questions, and participating in class discussions. o To hand in your own, best, written work and to credit your sources.
______PARENTS AND GUARDIANS Please, please, please do not hesitate to contact me regarding your son or daughter. Email is an excellent way to reach me. I can also be reached via telephone. I enjoy communicating with parents/guardians on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or as needed basis and believe that communication between parents, students, and teachers creates the best opportunities for student success!
"We must not see any person as an abstraction. Instead, we must see in every person a universe with its own secrets, with its own treasures, with its own source of anguish, and with some measure of triumph."
-Elie Wiesel
Please read, sign and return by Friday, September 9, 2016.
Parent Name: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Preferred mode of contact:
o Phone #: ______
o Email: ______
Additional Notes: