Equality Action Plan

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Equality Action Plan

09c081dd9baeec982001a793e3f0d88b.docx- 2018/02

Objectives St Joseph’s Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of provision throughout the school community. To achieve this, our equality objectives are as follows:  To increase the staff’s understanding of equality and its implications with regards to groups of children with protected characteristics.  To ensure that the appointment of new staff complies with the Equality Act 2010.  To ensure that all groups within school, including those with protected characteristics, feel valued, confident and achieve well in school.  To ensure that children with protected characteristics, especially those with SEND, have equal access to school activities, visits and clubs and achieve well in school.  To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond the school. 09c081dd9baeec982001a793e3f0d88b.docx- 2018/02

Policy and Practice To ensure that the appointment of new staff complies with the Equality Act 2010.

Objective Activity Time scale By whom Resources Impact Where next?

To review Equality, To review current policy Spring 2015 RW Policy Identify actions from Diversity and and associated equality statement to Cohesion policy. documents to ensure promote inclusion they comply with the across the whole school. Equality Act.

Equality opportunities for staff

To ensure that all Equality documents Ongoing as new School staff are able to staff have access to available on DLG/ staff staff are recruited identify the specific relevant equality area in school actions and behaviours documents as part of needed to promote Include in staff induction Sept 2015 their induction to St. equality in the context Joseph’s Primary of their role. School.

To ensure that Head To complete safer Ongoing dependent SLT On line course Recruitment procedures teacher /SLT know Recruitment Training on of recruitment ensure equality for all about their line. School and needs. candidates. responsibilities in the governors following LA recruitment and guide lines. Sept 2015 selection of staff. To be included as part of the recruitment process 09c081dd9baeec982001a793e3f0d88b.docx- 2018/02

Community Cohesion: To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experiences both in and beyond the school.

Objective Activity Time scale By whom Resources Impact Where next?

To arrange visits to a Celebrate cultural events Dec 2015 RE co-ordinator List of contact details Pupils’ awareness and variety of religious throughout the year to PHSE co- understanding of establishments. increase pupils awareness ordinator different communities and understanding of improved. To invite visitors into Class teacher school from different different communities. communities. Plan annual events.

To celebrate Different religious and Aug 2015 RW EMTAS As above diversity of children’s cultural events / holidays KE Polish parents and Polish children and heritages and celebrated in school. community families feel fully cultures in school. Dates set on school Polish TAs integrated into the E.g. Poland. calendar school community. Jan 2015 Polish clubs- Reading/ language club established. 09c081dd9baeec982001a793e3f0d88b.docx- 2018/02

Race , Gender and Socio- Economic Grouping: To ensure that all groups within school including those with protective characteristics feel valued and achieve well in school

Objective Activity Time scale By whom Resources Impact

Monitor and analyse Monitor racial incidents. Termly. HT or DHT Racial incident logged in Racial incident is dealt any incidents of Look for any recurring Autumn 2015 file. with appropriately. prejudice. patterns. Children and staff awareness heightened. (Race Equality Duty) Part of the HT report to governors.

To monitor and Analyse EAL pupil Half termly checks RW SIMS tracking data EAL children making analyse pupil progress using data using data: Feb 15, Assessment co- Notes and discussions good progress. attainment and identify and implement Mar15, May15, July ordinator with teachers or progress by ethnicity. any support/ 15. teaching assistants. interventions as Beginning of each KS1 and KS2 results required. term and RAISE Online report.

Monitor and analyse Act on any trends in data See above. RW SIMS tracking data Girls and boys making pupil attainment by that require intervention. Feb 15; Mar 15; May Assessment co- Notes and discussions good progress. gender See above 15; July 15; Oct 15; ordinator with teachers or No gender gaps (ratio of boy to girl (Girl under achievement / Dec 15; Feb 16; teaching assistants approximately 2:1). boys writing). Mar 16; KS1 and KS2 results and RAISE Online report.

Monitor and analyse Act on any trends in data See above RW SIMS tracking data Disadvantaged children pupil attainment by that require intervention. Assessment co- Notes and discussions making good progress in disadvantaged See above. ordinator with teachers or line with others. children. Pupil premium spent on teaching assistants 09c081dd9baeec982001a793e3f0d88b.docx- 2018/02

targeted intervention.

Ensure that all All staff through Dec 2015 Class teacher Curriculum audits. All resources, policies resources and the planning. Subject leader Feedback from and the curriculum curriculum promote Subject leaders within teachers. resources used in school equality and diversity their subjects. reflect and promote across the school and equality and diversity do not promote stereotypes but provide good role models. 09c081dd9baeec982001a793e3f0d88b.docx- 2018/02

Disability and SEND

Objective Activity Time scale By whom Resources Impact Where next?

To monitor and Compare SEND Raise on line data RW SIMS data Children with SEND analyse pupil pupils performance Termly data analysis Assessment co- RAISE Online tracked and attainment and at the end of KS1 interventions put in July 2015 ordinator data progress with SEND and 2 in with other place as necessary. SENCO IEP targets/SEN against national children. Dec 2015 Support Plans SEND pupils expectations. Compare with other progress in line with EHCP SEND pupils national nationally. expectations. Teacher awareness of expectations heightened. Gap between SEND and other school children closed.

To ensure school Monitor attendance April 2015 RW (SENCO) Activities All groups of pupils activities including of after school club. Dec 2015 After school clubs register are able to access after school clubs are clubs and school Ensure equality of June 2015 accessible to children provision for SEND. activities. with SEND. Jan 2016 To ensure the needs Specific details of Sept 2015 Class teacher/ Risk assessment SEND children have of SEND pupils are SEND pupils to be SENCO Pre visit notes full access to the met when planning an written on risk curriculum. SENCO advice out of classroom assessments. Class sought. activity, trip or a teachers to consult special event. with SENCO regarding trip and pre visit arranged 09c081dd9baeec982001a793e3f0d88b.docx- 2018/02 to ensure safety for SEND child.

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