Seek Knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave
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Creating a Bright Future for the Next Generation!
Vision Statement: At Madrasah Darul Arqam, the central focus is the total development of the child as a human being. We are committed to delivering quality Islamic education to our present and future generation embedded with sound Islamic values in a challenging environment. At Madrasah Darul Arqam we endeavour to instil Islamic beliefs in the hearts of our students in the light of Quran and Sunnah. At Madrasah Darul Arqam we have high calibre education at our disposal to guide all students in their development to fulfil their potential. In this aspiration, our parents play an integral role as part of the educational team Mission Statement: Our teachers fully recognise the central role that Islamic education plays in the development of our children. Our mission statement therefore is to Teach our students the principles and practices of Islam. Provide quality education. Ensure a safe educational environment. Inculcate love for our Deen within our children.
1 Work towards an Islamic ethos in the general atmosphere of the Madrasah. Motto Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave 1. Why Madrasah Darul Arqam? Our Madrasah provides Islamic education for children between the ages of 4-15 in subjects including Qur’an, Fiqh, Akhlaaq, Aqaa’id, History, Duas, Urdu and Arabic. All our teachers are fully qualified, trained and experienced in the field of teaching. A new syllabus is being introduced especially for 4 year olds, comprising of learning the Arabic alphabet using the phonic method, memorizing surahs, kalimahs, Aqaaid, Aadaab, Tahaarah, Islamic Morals and stories of Prophets. We also operate a Hifz-e- Qur’an class at our Madrasah for those students who wish to memorise the Holy Qur’an. We are continuously trying to develop our Madrasah and syllabus in order to provide the best Islamic education possible for our children.
Syllabus Qur’an
The teaching of the Arabic alphabet, particularly the correct pronunciation (makharij) forms an essential
component of the foundational classes. It is absolutely essential for the children to be able to read and
recognize the Arabic alphabet. Unless they demonstrate absolute fluency with the Qaaidah, i.e. the stepping
stone to the Qur’an, they will not be allowed to proceed to the Qur’an. Our main aim is to enable the learner
to read the Qur’an fluently and correctly. It is important to note that the more time spent reading the Qur’an,
the greater will the fluency be. Perfection and success is not attained all at once, but comes with time. Ensure
that your child spends maximum possible time reading the Qur’an at home. Your growing child must develop
a longing and a lasting companionship with the Qur’an. Tajweed (Correct pronunciation of the Arabic letters)
The term "Tajweed" means to improve or to make better. We provide Tajweed lessons to our students so that
they can acquire the correct understanding and learn the tools for reciting the Qur’an which they can then
incorporate in their everyday recitation. Tajweed is essential for reading the Qur’an so that one can ensure
that the words and letters are being pronounced and said correctly in order to get the full reward of reciting.
2 Fiqh The fiqh syllabus varies from grade to grade. In grades one and two we introduce the students to basic fiqh terminology, and also concepts of cleanliness are emphasized. Their learning of fiqh at this stage largely includes practical demonstrations of wudhu, and salah. The detail and depth gradually increases as the child proceeds to the next grade. The senior grades are expected to learn rules and conditions of ibadat i.e., of salah,
Zakah, fasting (saum) and Hajj. Studies at this stage are fairly comprehensive. A number of issues affecting the youth are also dealt with where learners can engage the educator. Translation of the Holy Qur’aan After students have completed reciting the (Nazirah) Qur’aan, We give students the opportunity to understand the Qur’aan in more depth by means of translation and explanation of the Qur’an. As the Holy
Qur’an is such a beautiful miracle, for a person to understand the detail and meanings it should be taught by highly qualified teachers which Darul Arqam specifically provides. Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and his Companions (R.A.) The life of Muhammad (S.A.W.) is the history of Islam. Our children will find situations and incidences during their life. By relating to the life of the Prophet and his companions they will find solutions to all matters. It is important for our children to develop the love of our Prophet (S.A.W.) in their hearts. Loving him is a worship and part of our religion. By learning about the life, struggles and sacrifices of our beloved Prophet (S.A.W.) and his companions, the love of Nabi (S.A.W.) and the
Sahabah (R.A.) will come in the hearts of our children. Akhlaaq To have good Akhlaaq is very important but at the same time it is very difficult. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) has explained: “I have been sent to complete the nobility of your character.” This means that out of all the tasks which the Almighty sent the Prophet (S.A.W.) to us for, one of the most important was to teach us perfect
Akhlaaq. Our children can improve their Akhlaaq by reading books on Akhlaaq and by trying to implement what they read in their daily life, whether this is at home, or in the Masjid, at school or with our friends.
Parents also play an important role through installing good Akhlaaq in their children, especially by setting a good example themselves.
3 Aqaa’id Our faith is based on the unseen, as taught to us by Muhammad (S.A.W.). We can only be true Muslims if our beliefs are in accordance with the teachings of Muhammad (S.A.W.). Nabi (S.A.W.) has said: The Banoo Israeel broke up into seventy two sects, while my Ummah will break up into seventy three sects. All of them will be in the fire except one group. The companions asked “who will they be O Messenger of Allah”? He replied “The group whose beliefs are in accordance with my companions and me”. This belief system is known as “Aqaa’id”.
Our children can correct their Aqaa’id by reading books on Aqaa’id.
Duas are an essential part of a Muslim’s life as it stays with them forever. It is important to encourage and teach students to ask, praise and glorify Allah (SWT) through their supplications. This is included in the
Curriculum and students are taught that Islam has a part to play in all aspects of our lives and encompasses even day to day tasks. Through this learners are educated on ways in which they can remember Allah (SWT) at all times.
Attendance and Punctuality All Parents must ensure that your child arrives to Madrasah in good time. The Madrasah recognises the importance of secular education and after school activities. However absence from Madrasah will seriously hinder your child’s Islamic education. Therefore it is important that parents do not send their children for after school activities during Madrasah hours. Parents are also reminded that if your child is constantly late or absent from Madrasah, then you will be required to make an appointment with the Principal to resolve the issue. One absent child affects the education of the whole class, therefore please appreciate our concerns
Madrasah Fees Madrasah fees are £5.00 per week, which is paid in payments of £20.00 collected every four weeks in advance. We strongly request that all parents pay the fees on time. As late fees causes unwanted delays within
4 the Madrasah. All parents must understand that it is not possible to offer reduction for any absences, regardless of circumstance. Your child’s fee reserves their place at the Madrasah throughout the year which means we are unable to admit another student.
Uniform Boys Jubbah and trousers or Shalwaar and Kameez. Boys are also required to wear a topi.
Girls Black Jubbah (ankle length or below) and a scarf or burqa.
This is a strict Madrasah policy, please respect it. Your child will be suspended for constantly neglecting the uniform.
Qualified and Competent Teachers All the teachers we appoint are the best qualified teachers available. We ensure that they receive regular training and workshops in order for them to teach effectively, and help all students learn successfully. Parents Play an Integral Role as Part of the Educational Team Parents play a vital role in the education of their children. Early childhood education program emphasizes the role of parents. It declares that learning begins in the first days of life and continues for long. Parents should develop a habit to read with their children every night. Parents should provide an Islamic environment, an Islamic culture. It is hypocritical to expect the child to have Islamic values, whilst the parents do not practice these values. Parents set the best examples for their children to follow. It is the responsibility of a parent to make sure the child gets educated. From a young age parents should send the child to a Madrasah to give the child guidance to be a good Muslim. They should make sure the child knows how to read the Qur'an well and has good knowledge of Islam. A child should develop a thirst for knowledge through listening, observing, reading and interacting with others. Children should be taught how to read the holy Qur'an at an early age so
5 that they develop the love for it when they're older. They should be taught good morals, good characters, good Islamic knowledge and proper Islamic behaviour.
11. General Issues
If your child loses his/her Madrasah books, please purchase new ones from the Madrasah office, as failure to do so will hinder your child’s progress.
Parents are requested not to be on the premises during Madrasah hours, as that time is specifically allocated for teaching. If you wish to speak to the Principal than please make an appointment by telephone.
Please encourage your child to use the toilet and perform wudhu from home.
If you have any Madrasah related queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Madrasah on: 07729326722 between the hours of 4:45pm-7:40pm
Upon admission the parents are expected to sign a code of conduct that is binding on every student. All parents must read and
understand the code of conduct below:
1. Disclosure of all previous character and conduct is necessary. 2. All new applicants will have to pass the admission test. 3. All admissions will remain valid for one academic year only. 4. If you decide to terminate your child’s education at Darul Arqam and later you wish to readmit your child then you will have to start the application procedure once again, which includes paying the admission fee (£20.00). 6 5. All students must have all necessary stationary, exercise books and kitaabs required daily. 6. No student is permitted to leave the Madrasah until end time, unless permission has been previously obtained from the Principal to leave early. Madrasah timings will be from 5:00pm – 6:15pm and 6:30pm – 7:45pm. All students will have to be present in class by the starting time. Madrasah will be opened 10 minutes prior to starting time. 7. Students are not permitted to be absent from Madrasah except during fixed vacations. However in case of emergency or necessity, parents wishing to obtain leave for any student should primarily contact the Principal. At the end of all holidays every student must return to the Madrasah on the appointed day except when extra leave is granted. Fees must be paid in full during all holidays and absenteeism. 8. Punctuality is an important trait which needs to be inculcated in students. They must come to Madrasah on time. The Madrasah starts at 5:00pm or 6:30pm 9. According to the appointed class for each student. Students who are late will have to stay in for detention. 10. It will be the responsibility of parent or guardian to forward an explanatory note signed by a parent or guardian if any student has been absent. These notes should be handed to the Principal. 11. Regular lateness due to attendance of after school clubs will not be tolerated. 12. All homework should be completed daily whether in the form of writing or memorising. 13. Madrasah Darul Arqam reserves the right to expel any student when deemed necessary. Anyone expelled will have no legal remedy against the Madrasah. 14. If for any reason a student has to be sent home then the parents/guardians or relatives will be informed by phone and will have to without objection or delay make necessary arrangements for the student to return home. 15. Attendance of all tests and examinations for advancement into the proceeding academic year is compulsory. Any student not sitting exams will not advance to the next year except in special circumstances decided by the Madrasah. At the end of year all Parents/Guardians are encouraged to collect their child/children’s reports as this is an opportunity to sit and talk to the teacher/ teachers concerning your child’s education. 16. The Madrasah is for the moral and spiritual upbringing of students. With this in mind it will be required that all children; (a) Should dress Islaamically. For girls:
Black Jubbah and burqa/headscarf. For boys:
Kurta or Jubbah with Shalwaar or trousers above ankles. And Topi. I agree to and understand that tights, jeans, tops and any other non-Islamic clothing will not be allowed.
(b) Haircuts for all children should be according to the Shariah. Short back and sides and any other un-Islamic haircuts will not be tolerated. If a child has un-Islamic hair cut, than he will be given three days to cut his hair. Failure to do so will result in automatic suspension until the hair is cut.
17. If the occasion arises where any student requires discipline, the student will be: Reprimanded In cases where the student remains unchanged parents /guardians will be notified by a member of staff. Repetitive unexplained absences, disregarding Hijab and other misconduct will be liable for monitoring via “Report slips”. Given Detention. Suspended. Expelled. 18. Any insult to the trustees, teachers or staff of the Madrasah will be judged as inexcusable and any student or parent/guardian found guilty of such behaviour will be liable for dismissal.
7 19. If I withdraw my child during the course of the academic year, my child will not be readmitted to the Madrasah for the particular year except in special circumstances decided by the Madrasah, nor will any fees be refunded. 20. If I have any complaint whatsoever, I will ensure that it will be made in writing directly to the principal, or make an appointment to discuss it directly with the principal. 21. I agree not to approach or intimidate the Ustaad (Class Teacher) directly or at his/her residence in any way. 22. Fees will be collected on the 1st of every month. It is compulsory for every parent to send fees on time. Fees received after reminder letters have been sent will be liable for administration charge of 50 pence per letter. The following points should be noted: The annually student fee is £240 non refundable. The amount of £20.00 will be paid on the 1st of every month and it is to be paid even if the child is absent or when the Madrasah is closed for any holidays. Failure to pay Student Fees on time may affect the student’s continuation with the Madrasah. Fees received after reminder letters have been sent will be liable for administration charge of 50p per letter The facility to pay the Student Fees in Advance (e.g. Annually, Half yearly, or Quarterly) is available and extremely helpful for the Madrasah Administration. The facility to pay by cheque is available, provided that all cheques are made payable to: Darul Arqam
Please ensure that your Student Fee card is signed by the Recipient when you make the payment and keep it in a safe place for personal record/queries, replacement cards will cost £1.00
23. Parents and children must obey traffic rules pertaining to the areas outside the Madrasah entrance. 24. Any false information given will be liable for immediate dismissal. 25. I agree not to interfere with the conducting of any examinations. If I break any part of the agreement, I will take the full responsibility for the consequences that may lead to the suspension/expulsion of my child, I accept that in such circumstances my fees will not be refunded. 26. It is extremely necessary to abide by all the above and future rules and regulations. 27. Parents/Guardians coming to Madrasah to drop off or pickup children will be required to park cars in appropriate places. If Parents/Guardians who park cars incorrectly or stop in the middle of road are warned or fined by local authorities then the Madrasah will not be held responsible. 28. You are responsible for ensuring that arrangements are in place for your child to be collected at the end of their madrasah times. It is not acceptable for your child to be left in madrasah once their class time finishes. This is valuable time that the teaching staff use to plan and prepare lessons for the benefit of your child. Trustees of the madrasah have agreed that where children are not collected on time a £10 childcare fee can be charged. Please be advised that for repeat offences-invoices will be sent out at the end of each term. 29. Parents/ Guardians will be informed by letter of any future changes to be made regarding rules and regulations. 30. In the event of change of address or phone numbers it will be the responsibility of Parents/Guardians to inform the Madrasah. PROHIBITIONS
Students are not allowed to bring these items: Mobile phones. If children bring mobile phones for emergencies they will be required to hand it in to their relevant teacher/teachers. These will be handed back at end of class. MP3, CD players. Cameras, photographs. Magazines, fictional/non-fictional books that would be classified as un-Islamic. Games. Any foodstuff and drinks. Any item that would be deemed as prohibited. Note: Any items confiscated during lessons will not be returned until end of term. Madrasah reserves the right to check student’s bags, coats and all clothing without any warning. 8 All above rules and regulations and any future regulations will have to be adhered to fully.
PARENTAL SUPPORT To ensure that we achieve excellent tarbiyyah and high academic standards, we request the support of all parents/guardians to create an Islamic environment within the home. Students attending the Madrasah must follow Islamic laws with regards to Prayers, dress and social conduct.
The primary intention of the code of conduct is not to punish students but to instil in students the need for order and discipline and to facilitate constructive learning. It is hoped that this code of conduct will inform the students the way in which they should conduct themselves in Madrasah. It will set a standard of moral behaviour, promote self discipline and exemplary conduct. Parents must support the Madrasah and ensure that their child observes all Madrasah rules and regulations and accept the responsibility for any misbehaviour on their part. On the part of the Madrasah management every effort will be made to minimize disciplinary problems by embarking on pro-active advice and counselling
Please read through carefully the Code of Conduct before this Declaration.
The information I have given on the form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that my application will be disqualified if I have knowingly given false information.
I have read or had explained to me and understand all the questions and the code of conduct on the form and accept to follow the code of conduct of the Madrasah.
I have fully understood the above points (Code of Conduct) and agree to abide by this code. I also agree that Darul Arqam may at any time amend or change any points within the Code of Conduct subject to Madrasah needs. I also agree to any disciplinary action that may deem fit if I conflict with any of the above points mentioned in the Code of Conduct.
I ______(students name) hereby agree to abide by the Madrasah policies, code of conduct and instructions given by the
9 Principal
Student’s signature______Date______
Parents/Guardians Signature ______Date______
Principal Signature______Date______
This page must be handed to the person in charge after it has been signed by the parent. This document will be placed in the student file with his application form