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Faculty Development & Society

Document Reference: Pro-forma: Annual Monitoring Report (Higher Education)

Reference Code: QAamr.

Version: 1.4

Date: April 2013

Date of Implementation: June 2013

Originator: Quality & Standards Committee

Approval by: Quality Improvement Committee

Date for Review: April 2014


All Higher Education programmes within the Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education must be reviewed annually. The Institute’s Annual Monitoring Report for Higher Education programmes (AMR), is a process through which programme teams carry out a critical review of key issues relating to a programme of study, taking into account academic quality and standards. The review is a holistic reflection based upon a diverse number of factors that influence the programme and the student experience. There is an expectation that feedback from the programme team, student representatives, external moderators and examiners and in some instances employers is captured and appropriately analysed within the report. The report is also a central resource for coherent action planning and future strategies for programme enhancement. The programme leader will take responsibility for the completion of the report which is subsequently submitted and moderated via the Institute’s Quality and Standards department. The Quality and Standards department utilise all Institute AMRs for the development of its annual Quality Enhancement Report, which serves as one mechanism through which Institutional oversight of programme level activity is maintained.

For further advice on the production and use of the AMR, you should contact the Quality and Standards Department.

Department Contacts: Quality and Standards (Higher Education) Rm: 3H06 (01472) 311222

Additional guidance can be obtained by visiting www.qaa.ac.uk and referring to UK Quality Code for Higher Education: Chapter B8: Programme Monitoring and Review

This document is available in alternative forms on request from the Quality and Standards Department

HE Quality and Standards Handbook Section 7: Programme Review and Evaluation 7.4 Annual Monitoring Report (GIFFHE (April 2013) 1 Programme Title:

Institute School:

Awarding Body: This AMR is only to be used for, Huddersfield and Edexcel programmes

Programme Leader:

University Academic Link: (if appropriate)

External Examiner:

Period of Review Insert academic year


Module Title Module Tutor

HE Quality and Standards Handbook Section 7: Programme Review and Evaluation 7.4 Annual Monitoring Report (GIFFHE (April 2013) 2 1. ACADEMIC STANDARDS 1.1a Student Achievement and Retention: all students (full and part time to be identified separately) 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 Number of new students recruited to the programme during 2012/13 (against mode of delivery and business plan target if applicable) Total number of students studying on the programme during 2012/13 (i.e. new and continuing against mode of delivery) Number of early leavers/withdrawals during 2012/13 ( against mode of delivery) Number of direct entrants to each level during 2012/13 against mode of delivery 2012/13 In-year Retention Rate (no of students completing the year/stage of programme as a % of all those who started on it, against mode of delivery) 1.1b Additional data for final year/stage students

2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 Achievement Rate (no of students achieving award/credit as % of those finishing the programme, against mode of delivery) Cohort Success Rate - if applicable (no of students achieving award/credit as % of all those in the original cohort starting the programme together, against mode of delivery) Achievement data (where applicable) for classification (number of students achieving 1st, 2:1, 2:2 or Pass, Merit etc, against mode of delivery) Progression Data 3 year programmes* delete as appropriate** 3 2 3

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HE Quality and Standards Handbook Section 7: Programme Review and Evaluation 7.4 Annual Monitoring Report (GIFFHE (April 2013) 3 2012/13 2011/12 2010/11 Example 20 2 (20-2)=18 18 4 1 (18+4) -1 =23 23 0 2 19 19 / (20+4+0) = 79% Progression Data 2 year programmes** 2 2

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HE Quality and Standards Handbook Section 7: Programme Review and Evaluation 7.4 Annual Monitoring Report (GIFFHE (April 2013) 4 YES NO PLEASE QUOTE EVIDENCE 1.2 Accreditation of Prior Learning e.g APL reports, Assessment Boards, External Examiners reports, internal and external reviews as relevant a) How many cases of APL were considered during the year and approved according to University procedures? YES NO PLEASE QUOTE EVIDENCE e.g. Awarding body criteria; admissions criteria in validation 1.3 Admissions Standards document; publicity information; evidence from student statistical data/ analysis of student entry profile a) Have the admissions requirements specified in the programme definitive/ validation document continued to apply during the year? (ie. How many students achieved entry with standard or non standard entry criteria?) PLEASE QUOTE EVIDENCE e.g. Awarding body criteria, External Examiner reports, 1.4 Assessment Standards YES NO Assessment Board minutes, data on student progression and employment, comparison with the framework for higher education qualifications (FHEQ) and other external benchmarks a) Do module learning outcomes continue to be appropriate to level and assessment strategy? b) Do assessment processes continue to be valid, reliable? Does the assessment strategy enable students to achieve to the appropriate level of the FHEQ? What has been the impact of any amendments? Are any amendments needed? c) Were assessment briefs moderated – internally and externally? How effective was the process? d) How are assessment deadlines coordinated across the team to ensure students work load is managed appropriately? Was the process effective? e) How is formative assessment utilised? Is it effective? f) Were student assessments internally second marked and externally moderated? Were there any issues arising? How effective was the process? g) How many cases of unfair means were formally proved? Were there any issues arising? PLEASE QUOTE EVIDENCE e.g. Awarding body criteria; validation reports, internal/ external 1.5 Programme Standards YES NO review and comparison with external benchmarks; FHEQ, HE Quality and Standards Handbook Student Performance, Student Feedback, Programme handbooks a) HaveSection the approved7: Programme programme Review and Evaluation standards7.4 Annual (programme Monitoring and Report module (GIFFHE (April 2013) learning outcomes) been 5 maintained? What has been the impact of any amendments? b) Do the standards (learning outcomes) set for students to achieve Quality Improvement Action Plan Programme Title: Year of Review: Update on last Outcome status Areas of good Areas for Action(s) Person responsible Deadline Mid year status End of year years actions practice improvement (there may be for action outcome status highlighted in the highlighted in the more than one AMR for the year AMR for the year within each area of 1. Complete of review of review improvement) 1. Complete 1. Complete 2. Incomplete 2. Incomplete 2. Incomplete 3. Ongoing (include Externals (include Externals 3. Ongoing 3. Ongoing comments) comments)

Signature of Programme Leader: Date:

Signature of Head of School: Date:

Signature of HE Manager for Audit, Review and Enhancement to confirm approval of AMR: Date:

HE Quality and Standards Handbook Section 7: Programme Review and Evaluation 7.4 Annual Monitoring Report (GIFFHE (April 2013) 6

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