Nancy D. Bell, RN, LCSW
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Nancy D. Bell, RN, LCSW Licensed Registered Nurse Licensed Clinical Social Worker Licenses: RN #45958, LCSW #989718
Curriculum Vitae
Education and Trainings
6/87 – 8/88 Masters Degree in Social Work Smith College School for Social Work, Northampton, Massachusetts
9/67 – 6/71 Bachelor of Science and Nursing, Licensed Registered Nurse University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
09/09 - 10/09 Brainspotting Phase 1 and Phase 2 Training, with Pie Frey, PhD. and David Grand, PhD.
December 2006 Certificate of Completion of Part 1 and Part 2 Training for EMDR – Eye Movement,Desensitization and Reprocessing
09/04 – 05/06 Child and Adolescent Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Program, Certificate Program, Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis, Denver, CO.
History of Professional Positions:
10/88 – present Private Psychotherapy Practice for Children, Adolescents, and Adults Specialty Areas: Anxiety, Depression/Mood Disorders, Loss/Trauma, EMDR, Brainspotting Personal Growth, Relationship Issues, Divorce/Stepfamilies, Parenting Issues,
8/05 – present Field Liaison, Adjunct Faculty, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver
1/03 – present Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine 1999 – present Volunteer Clinical Faculty, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine
1999 – 2005 Child and Family Investigations for High Conflict Divorce for the Courts
7/95 – 6/99 Clinical Faculty Member, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado
Director of Clinical Services for the Child and Adult Outpatient Resident Training Clinics Teaching and supervision of Psychiatry Residents and Social Work Interns
1 Private Outpatient Psychotherapy practice
5/93 – 6/95 Assistant Director of the Adult Psychiatric Outpatient Resident Clinic, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine
10/88 – 4/93 Psychiatric Emergency Services Clinician, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine
10/88 I opened my Private Psychotherapy Practice with Children, Adolescents, and Adults.
9/84 – 4/85 Rehabilitation Consultant, Rehabilitation Resources; Denver, Colorado
9/80 – 8/84 Psychiatric Staff Nurse, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units, Bethesda Psychiatric Hospital, Denver, Colorado, part-time contract work
7/80 – 8/84 Arapahoe Mental Health Center, Littleton, Colorado
Outpatient psychotherapy for children, adolescents, and adults Emergency Psychiatric Services Coordinator Clinical Specialist; Crisis Care Coordinator and Partial Care Program
5/79 – 6/80 Evening Coordinator, Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Unit, Bethesda Psychiatric Hospital, Denver, Colorado
6/78 – 4/79 Psychiatric Staff Nurse, Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Unit, Bethesda Psychiatric Hospital, Denver, Colorado
9/76 – 12/76 Consultant, First Creek School, Avatrac East and Main, Denver, Colorado
8/74 – 5/78 Full-time mother of two children
9/73 – 7/74 Public Health Nurse, Visiting Nurse Association, City and County of Denver, Denver, Colorado
9/71 – 6/73 Psychiatric Staff Nurse on the Child Inpatient Unit, Fort Logan Mental Health Center, Denver, Colorado
6/71 – 8/71 Medical Staff Nurse, University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Professional Affiliations: Denver Psychoanalytic Society Metropolitan Denver Interdisciplinary Committee National Association of Social Workers Volunteer Clinical Faculty Committee, U of C School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Awards “Clinical Faculty Award for Outstanding Service to the Department of Psychiatry and the Profession in 2000”, Department of Psychiatry, University of Colorado School of Medicine,Denver, Colorado
2 Teaching – Formal Courses and Presentations
10/12 “The Neuroscience of Memory”, presented at the Golden History Museum as part of their lecture series.
05/12 “Guilt and Shame in Love and War: Clinical Implications”, Salon for the Denver Psychoanalytic Society with Mel Singer, LCSW
10/10 “Creating the Connection with Yourself; Finding Intimacy” presented at the Women’s Retreat for the Thrombosis and Hemophilia Clinic, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
10/04 “Emotional Isolation and Disconnection in Latency Age Boys” presented to the Colorado Society of Clinical Social Work
1999 “Identification and Prevention of Suicide”, a seminar presented to the Licensed Clinical Social Workers at the Jefferson County School District in response to the Columbine tragedy
1994 – 1999 “The Suicidal and Homicidal Patient”, an annual seminar for Social Work Interns
1994 – 1998 “Diagnosis and Treatment”, a weekly class with the psychiatric residents which included teaching interview techniques, differential diagnosis, assessment and evaluation for outpatient treatment, and development of treatment plans for the individual
1994 – 1998 “Adult Clinic Meeting”, a weekly class with the psychiatric residents including clinical reviews of residents’ case presentations, M & M’s for outpatient cases with an adverse outcome, documentation standards for the Medical Record, and Peer Review
1992 “Crisis and Emergency Intervention and Assessment for Referral”, Seminar, Counseling Center at Metropolitan State College of Denver
1990 “Assessment of the Depressed Patient in the Emergency Room”, and “Assessment and Care of the Manic Patient in the Emergency Room Setting”, presentations to the Emergency Room Nursing Staff at University Hospital, UCHSC, Den. CO Co-presenter: Ms. Jann Shire RN, CNS.
1990 “Strategies and Techniques for Working with the ‘Difficult Child’ “, Seminar, Department of Special Education, Aurora Public Schools
1989 “Child Development”, a semester class for students at Saint Thomas Seminary, Denver, Colorado
1980 “Seclusion and Restraint” Seminars for the clinical staff, Bethesda Psychiatric Hospital, Denver, Colorado
1979 “Seclusion and Restraint Techniques on Inpatient Psychiatric Units”, for the clinical staff at Bethesda Psychiatric Hospital, Denver, Colorado
1976 “Developmental Disabilities; Treatment Planning”, First Creek School, Avatrac, Den. CO ndb 10-13