Superfood Or Frankenfood?

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Superfood Or Frankenfood?

Superfood Or “[The fish] appear to be as long-term studies to be sure Frankenfood? safe to eat . . . as other these gene-altered animals Salmon on the menu Atlantic salmon,” stated the don’t cause allergic tonight? Sounds delicious! report from the U.S. reactions or other health But would you be as eager agency responsible for food concerns in people who eat to dig in if you knew that safety. If final approval is them. the fish – which looks and granted, Americans could Mixing Species tastes like a regular salmon find genetically modified Critics also fear the impact – had been partially created (GM) salmon on their of GM salmon on the in a laboratory? dinner plates in as little as environment. Introducing...Supersalmo two years. AquaBounty’s salmon are n! A Controversial Topic raised in fresh water tanks AquaAdvantage salmon are GM foods – sometimes on land. Ninety-nine Atlantic salmon that grow dubbed ‘Frankenfoods’ – percent of the fish are faster and larger than are nothing new. Farmers sterile. But what if the normal. Why? Because have been growing GM fertile salmon were to scientists have altered their plant crops since the 1990s. somehow escape and mix genes. These supersalmon Today, about 80 percent of with the wild salmon? are like their wild cousins processed foods sold in the “There are concerns...with in every way – except they U.S. and about 60 percent them passing their genes on can be big enough for in Canada – contain GM to wild fish,” said a market in 18 months ingredients. But if spokesman for a salmon instead of three years. AquaAdvantage salmon get conservation group. AquaBounty Technologies the green light, it will be GM salmon accidentally is the American company the first time that a released into the oceans that produces these salmon genetically modified could also compete with at its hatcheries on Prince animal has been approved wild fish for food. And Edward Island. The for sale. And that could they might transmit new company has been trying open the doors to other GM diseases to wild salmon. for 15 years to get approval animal foods in the The GM Advantage to sell this fish in the supermarket as well. Supporters of GM salmon United States. In a This possibility has critics say these fish offer far preliminary report, the worried. They say that more benefits than risks, U.S. government seemed to there’s no proof that GM however. World food indicate that the company salmon are safe to eat. shortages are becoming a might get its wish. They believe we need more big problem. Producing larger quantities of quality foods at a lower cost is a huge plus. “This is [an] important way to... make a high-quality source of protein available at lower prices,” said AquaBounty’s CEO. Why The Rush? Critics aren’t necessarily against all GM food. But they want the government to do its homework about safety and environmental concerns first. Said scientist Margaret Mellon,“[This] salmon has been a long time in the oven, but it’s still half- baked.” How To Make A Supersalmon The idea for creating AquaAdvantage salmon was first hatched by researchers at Memorial University in Newfoundland. The fish grow so big, so fast because genetic engineers have added a gene from a Chinook salmon. That gene allows the Atlantic species to produce growth hormone, a chemical that makes the fish grow, and grow. The hormone is helped by another added gene from a fish called an ocean pout. It acts like an ‘on’ switch for the hormone.

Did You Know? GM salmon won’t be for sale in Canada anytime soon. In this country, it typically takes seven years or more before a GM product is approved.

About GM Foods In simple terms, genetic engineering involves scientists cutting out the genes of one organism and pasting them into the genes of another organism. GM plant crops are grown in more than 20 countries around the world. The U.S. is the leading producer. Argentina, Brazil, Canada, and China also grow large amounts of gene-altered crops. In this country, GM foods are regulated by Health Canada. This agency has approved about 85 GM food products for sale since 1994. Examples include insect-resistant corn and herbicide-resistant canola. Supporters of GM foods say that genetic engineering can produce plants that require fewer pesticides. It can increase crop yields, and produce longer lasting fruits and vegetables. But critics worry about the impact of GM foods on human health and the environment. Several countries have banned GM crops. Others, including the European Union, Japan and Australia, insist that food products containing GM ingredients be labeled so that consumers can make their own choices.

fertile: capable of reproducing genes: hereditary units that determine a particular characteristic in an organism hatcheries: places where eggs, especially those of fish or poultry, are hatched hormone: a substance the body produces that affects functions such as growth and metabolism organism: any living creature, such as a plant or animal preliminary: something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows sterile: incapable of reproducing On the lines Answer the following in complete sentences: 1. Explain what genetically modified food is. 2. Which country produces the most genetically modified food? 3. Why do supporters approve of genetically modified food? 4. Why are opponents worried about genetically modified food? 5. Which company wants to sell ‘supersalmon’ in the United States? 6. Explain why these fish grow so fast.

Between the lines Making an inference: An inference is a conclusion drawn from evidence. A plausible inference is supported by evidence in the article and is consistent with known facts outside of the article. What inferences can you draw from the fact that about 60 percent of processed foods sold in Canada contain GM ingredients?

Just talk about it 1. a) For what reasons are some people in favour of the new GM salmon? For what reasons are some people against this gene-altered species? b) What advice would you give to Health Canada regarding AquaBounty’s application to sell its GM salmon in Canada? Support your position with reasons. 2. Imagine that Health Canada decided to require that all foods containing GM ingredients had to be labeled. Do you suppose each of the following might be for or against this new requirement? Give reasons to support your response: a) the parents of a new baby; b) food companies using GM ingredients in their products; c) a person with severe allergies; d) a healthy athlete; e) a farmer who grows GM crops.

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